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I need a sequel for this. https://nhentai.to/g/399324
because I like tits you dumb faggot. Next question.
>why do you like 2D hentai
I grew up with it
When I was a boy I rented what was supposed to be some Yu Yu Hakusho movie from blockbuster, it was not Yu Yu Hakusho, someone taped over it with some hentai. I still remember that the girl in it had small boobs and long hair that was light blue.
it is perfection
I like that you can basically see the same thing, but with a thousand different art styles
The 2D realm is much more rich, varied, and perverted than either 3D or regular porn.
the girls are cleaner than in 3D
3D porn actresses are the trashiest bitches possible with 10 tattoos and 30 piercings
3D fucks with your IRL tastes, 2D does not
unless you're talking photorealistic 3D (which isn't hentai) that's obviously bullshit

Uninfected (mostly) by the international trading community of merchants sharing certain nasal proportions
It's that little bit more abstract and leaves more to your brain to process resulting in hotness
Also the sheer variety of artstyles is unmatched which helps
Things like exaggerated perspective can be a huge turn on and is rarely done in 3D
plus you can never be sure its not a tranny. plastic surgery good so good and silicon pussies just look like real ones. forget the messed up op pics from pol. we cant tell without smelling.
>Favourite hobby as a kid was drawing
>Spent alot of time watching cartoon, flash cartoon and reading comics
Probably because I was so fascinated with 2D art as a kid it carried over into my tastes, plus not really enjoying being around other people probably contributed to my preference
There are a lot of good answers in this thread and I agree with them, but there is one more thing that needs to be said: western pornographers have no creativity. You it is incredibly hard to find any western porn that isn't just Chad or Tyrone fucking a hoe. That's all that the financiers of western pornography can really understand. Instead of trying to create a fun experience they just try to sell you on the features of their actresses or actors. Teen, ebony, BBW, BBC, Latina, big booba. It's all so boring and uncreative (and that's before you remember that 90% of all porn actresses are tatted up hoes that look like someone threw a nail bomb at their caked-up face). Hentai (and also JAV) is willing to do fun things. Hentai and JAV are willing to tell me a story. They are willing to do subject matter that western porn generally doesn't do (like non-con) and they can do it without showing me all of these disgusting western actresses. Part of this isn't even about 2D vs. 3D. Look at JAV right now. Many of the woman in these videos are actually attractive and not just cheap-looking hoes. Finally, hentai allows you to things that aren't possible with live action, like pregnancy and monsters.

You probably will not understand where I am coming from, but that is okay. You have your things and I have mine. As long nobody tries to take my things away from me, I don't really care.
Mai Valentine from Yu-Gi-Oh made my willy tingle as a 5 year old. Warped my mind
Oh I thought you guys meant like 2D and 3D hentai media and not RL porn. 2D is pretty dynamic in how they present sex scenes be it in animation or comic/manga. I especially like the expressive and exaggerated/simplified facial features, expressions, and body proportions they're drawn which is just pleasing to look at. 3D is nice but in an "anime" style can be nice to look at, but the physics and animation can be jarring if it is clunky or too smooth.
JAV has a lot of fun concepts in terms of scenarios like bukkake news, bus/train molestation, tentacles. Western porn also has unique scenarios like Fake taxi, massage parlor, Lost in the woods. Definitely a preference thing that the main western site (pornhub) pushes normie porn content mostly to the larger normie porn consumer. Only downsides of JAV is that it's fucking censored.
I'm pleasantly surprised by your comment (this comment makes you sound much more intelligent than your original post), but I respectfully disagree with much of what you have to say. Much of the scenarios in western porn (fake taxi, pizza man, massage parlor) are just Chad fucks a hoe, but with extra steps (I am not familiar with lost in the woods, so I will say it might be different). Everything feels phoned-in, unlike something like the female investigator genre of JAV or most of the hentai out there. As for Pornhub (which is owned by Aylo, the parent company of other western pornsites; it is just one hydra after all), I'd say that they are more nefarious than you describe them. My normie friend says that they are always pushing tranny porn on him (I believe that someone at PH even admitting to wanting to steer people towards that content) and then there is the matter of how they have minors and trafficked women on their site. I do not wish to support that. I'd rather just give my money to a Japanese man that likes to draw cartoons. Finally, I'm not really bothered by censorship. It's stupid, but I don't really care. I already know what dick and pussy look like.
I like the slight bit of exaggeration that hentai affords. Crazy hourglass figure chicks taking way too massive dicks.

I like some real porn too but some of the grosser aspects of real porn can be swept under the rug with fiction.
Same but with Raven from Teen Titans. It was over for me when I saw under her cloak and then stumbled upon the Zone parody a few years later.
it makes the penis the big penis
>Instead of trying to create a fun experience they just try to sell you on the features of their actresses or actors>
That's on me. None of the things I mentioned doesn't really focus on story more on the fun scenario. I can only really think of the porn parodies that put effort in the acting and screenplay. Lost in the woods is pretty self-explanatory, girl gets lost while hiking and find someone for help and they reward them or is put there and is being hunted down then banged.
Only normies like 3dpd, are you a normie?
I haven't fapped to a real human being since 2016.
Because its art. 3d isnt
It makes my dick hard. It's not that deep
then go touch some dumb faggot
Those are weak numbers, I haven't wanked to a real human being since 2012.
This and that most irl porn is mostly boring desu
When I was a wee 12yo lad I had just discovered erotica and masturbation and shit, and wanted to see girls my age nude, which I couldn't find (for obvious reasons), and to 12yo me, the naked ladies in the porn I had found looked ugly as shit. By sheer luck I found a princess peach porn animation and I realized that there could be cartoon porn that didn't involve the ugly real women.
I've been wanking it to 2D titties ever since. I recently in the last few years have found an interest for the 3D tits, but I'm still a 2D coomer at heart.
As you get older the chicks in porn that you lusted over also get older and with that their looks decline tits get saggy body less tight ect also when you are gonna fuck a woman she looks amazing with her clothes on when she takes her clothes off sometimes it can be the most disappointing sight with 2D woman those looks are eternal the ones you lusted for when you where discovering porn are just as hot when you get to be 40 and will never change meaning it is the fountain of youth of fapping so a fountain of coom fact is that it is just more appealing not seeing any of those imperfections us humans have with our bodies and 2d has a lil something for everyone.
lol that is ginormous cope
I mean there are perfect looking bitches on Istagram but they're all used up, drugged up, coalburners, potentially trannies etc.
Well I've always liked milfs since I was younger and there's 3d miles like danica collins that I'd rather fap to than ay 2d milf but for the most part 2d does every genre better
Well said, normies would shame us about wanting perfection but they're just hypocrites
why is she black
why add piercings
why add moles
go back faggot
Vascainos is faggots
pretty much these.

ty for sauce
2D can be drawn detailed or simple, pristine or filthy, realistic or exaggerated, down to earth or wild fantasy. Any colour you like.
its the only ethical visual porn
-Big, expressive eyes
-Clear, radiant skin
-Noses and other generally unattractive features are small/downplayed
-Little to no pubic hair or other body hair (why does JAV have to be the exact opposite?)
-Wide variety of hairstyles and colors
-Dicks are usually big and serviceable (again, opposite of JAV)
-Cumshots are almost always internal; no stupid facials
-Cumshots are big and dramatic enough that you can still see them even when they occur inside, meaning you get to have your cake and eat it too
-You aren't constrained by the need for a physical camera, meaning you can show otherwise impossible angles
-The girls are usually very expressive with a wide variety of facial expressions and emotions (once again, the opposite of JAV)
-The potential for fantastical elements like monsters, tentacles, futanari, all the way through, etc.
-If a guy is ugly, it's easier to avoid showing anymore of him than you have to
-Immoral sexual acts like rape, child molestation, bestiality, and necrophilia can be done without any real world harm
because the stuff I like isn't real, it literally doesn't exist outside fiction
Forgot one
-You can have all of the anal you want without needing to factor in prep-work, cleaning, risk of injury, etc.
And you even get to portray the anus as an erogenous zone for women
2d has elves. I rest my case.
All porn is bad. 2D doesn’t avoid the consequences.
speaking of cumshots, i can't stand western 3dpd creampies that are the dude leaving only the tip in
What in particular?
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Because 2D is much better at conveying emotions, not saying all 3D are stiff but most look "off" to me, even the Koikatsu stuff is like that, I instantly recognize them.
Good artwork
The sheer variety and expression of 2d is so underrated
Scenarios and expressions have way more scope to cover. Stuff like x-rays that can't be done.

Also rape and loli, not mutually exclusive
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2D girls dont smell bad.
With 2d I have the feeling of reading as if I were seeing an anime, that is, although the image is still it gives me the illusion of motion. Then as has already been said it better captures the emotions of the characters. However, I can also appreciate 3D, photorealistic 3D (these are usually Western productions) and especially in the field of animation. On the latter, hentai have dropped a lot in quality.
It's easier to find stuff that covers my fetishes (expecting real porn to tag stuff properly is a lost cause). It's also hot as hell to see characters you know get fucked or whatever in doujins and fanart. There's a sense of emotional attachment to it, which just gets my dick harder.
But real girls can smell good too. Its not one sided anon.
2D hentai is HOT
how come no sequel has dropped yet??
Because it's just better than real women.
You might say that's a vague answer and you'd be right.

Once you've played ambrosia, or violated princess, or depravity of a lewd vampire, there's nothing left for real women to offer in porn.
What scenario could be done in an irl porn shoot that that isn't done better and more convincingly in manga or games?

And let's be real here, most irl porn isn't trying to compete with 2d stuff, most of it is just stacy getting blasted by niggers.
One of the best things for me about hentai is that you get to know the characters thoughts during intercourse, which if well written can greatly enhance some scenes.
Besides since it's fiction the authors imagination is the only limit when it comes to setting up scenarios or fetishes.
You can do more exaggerated things with 2D.
3DPD porn is hurting real people in some way
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I am attracted to chibis and symbols that remind me of attractive women. Hentai activates my symbol right brain. You thought of hentai when you saw these pancakes.
i like the plot, and the tits.
i got some nasty tastes so i like how i can see them become real via 2d hentai, i can go to PH and watch video after video of gangbangs, but only in hentai can i see the slow descent to depravity in the mind of our femMC, how she hated it at first and then slowly but surely giving up more and more to the pleasure and depravity and turning into a nympho/succubus
Do you guys stick to purely 2D porn? I want to be 2D only but I'm still addicted to 3DPD. 2D just seems right but 3D you just feel gross afterwards.
A good story and characters can make the sex scenes hotter. Regular porn is terrible at any actual plot.
I don't think I ever consoomed 3D porn. Hentai got me early.
I jacked off to hentai instead of regular porn when I was a wee lad. I don't think I could get an erection looking at a normal woman most of the time anymore
I guess no one but the artist is getting exploited in this. which for adult whores is whatever but my tastes range a lot lower and I can suspend disbelief when an artist pretends raping a child will result in lovey do ey marriage after and just enjoy a stupid story that made me cum.
I still look at 3d but only solo, instagram has too many perfect looking 3d whores to completely give it up. B/g is what makes you feel gross not inherently looking at 3d itself
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True desu

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