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==For years, these were though to be lost media.==
A little story:
>In the uncensored version of the anime, all the sexual scenes involving the little ninja guy, Nin-nin, were deleted for some retarded reason, (apparently back then censors thought that any short character could be considered underage) and people thought for years that these scene were lost forever.
>Alongside these, there's also a bonus scene that wasn't even present in the original Japanese version, where Miko Mido gets teleported to a classroom where a bunch of punks molest her, right before teleported to the S&M club for the dominatrix scene.
It would be cool if someone with the right skills could put these forgotten scenes back in and make an uncut version of the hentai anime.
Unfortunately, the classroom scene is lower in resolution, only 320x240, so if someone has the right AI upscale software, it would be better to first upscale this one to 640x480 to match the rest of the anime before putting it back in.
Also, all these scenes, since they never left Japan, are sadly still censored, i have no idea if a drawfag with the right skills could also edit the censored frames so that the final release could be uncut AND uncensored.

There you go:
Damn dude, I thought you were kidding. These are good, (or maybe nostalgia kicking up).

Hopefully someone can add the scenes but I doubt it.
>Damn dude, I thought you were kidding. These are good, (or maybe nostalgia kicking up).
I mean right? I don't think that's just nostalgia, La Blue Girl is a classic for a reason, it has that 90's anime quality to it that many hentai nowadays don't have.
Same for Twin Dolls/Twin Angels that was done by the same dude (the anime i mean)
I read somewhere that another reason these scenes were lost is because La Blue Girl was a sleeper hit, and became known mostly during the age of the internet, and these scene were in the Japanese VHS release that got lost in time.
The classroom scene is even more rare as it was a bonus of some special edition in Japan.
>Hopefully someone can add the scenes but I doubt it.
If i had right software, and a PC that wasn't a toaster, i would do it myself, but i would prefer if some skilled dude could also upscale the classroom scene and maybe even edit the censored frames.
I also posted these in other boards in the hope they spread around and some willing and skilled dude will some day give us the DEFINITIVE version of this anime.
This and TwinDolls/TwinAngels have a certain charm to them that is 90's as fuck.
I wonder if it would be possible to edit these scene to remove that shitty watermark and the censorship as well.
Oh shit. Blast from the past.
I ain’t clicking that link. But damn that hentai is god tier still.
It's a zip with a bunch of mp4s
It's safe nigger.
But now i also want to find the deleted scenes of Lady Blue, La Blue Girl's sequel, like pic related for instance.
Does anyone have the original censored Japanese DVDrip?
Those should be there.
If La Blue Girl deleted scenes finally came to light, i think Lady Blue's should be somewhere too.
I wish I still had the VHS of lady blue, was uncensored too. Big sad
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>first greentext
The lost media bit with Nin-nin comes from the fact that any of his lewd scenes, uncut/dubbed, were excluded from the series in all VHS/DVD re-releases in the US, and copies/clips of the original VHS release that had them are rare. I found a post linking to a clip ripped from that OG VHS here https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/9560112/ and a longer version of that here https://www.xvideos.com/video.kokofdvf7fe/whats_the_name_of_this_hentai_. They correspond to the "5729" video from your catbox. As far as I'm aware, the original Japanese version wasn't missing. I found a subbed clip of "5739" here https://nezyda.com/videos/10067/my-all-time-favorite/ from 3 years ago, so it's been floating around. Folks (seemingly) just haven't bothered splicing the cut content back into any existing English version. At least none that I've come across.

>second greentext
Based on the end of that classroom clip, "5737", it appears to be a scene from some La Blue Girl Video CD game for PC 95. I found two YouTube videos showing a bit of gameplay here https://youtu.be/ylfClY1qYLo and here https://youtu.be/QLUNhEXBKF0. Looks like it's a blend of visual novel-styled interactions and basic RPG combat, with animated cutscenes that are windowboxed to hell, which explains why the resolution of your classroom clip is so small.
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Also found a picture of a cel for classroom clip.
>(apparently back then censors thought that any short character could be considered underage)
To be fair they weren't wrong, in fact its truer than ever.
Never underestimate the twitter troons ability to be offended by everything.
Holy shit, i just found this one too, no kidding.
Before posting an updated link, i want to make sure there's nothing left still.
Does anybody know if the scene with Nin-nin groping the green haired girl (Yuka) is the only missing one from Lady Blue?
>I wish I still had the VHS of lady blue, was uncensored too. Big
If it was uncensored, it means it was the american (?) version therefore those scenes would be still missing.
I think the Italian version was both uncensored and uncut, i know for a fact that Twin Angels was the same, if you look for the "uncut" version, that comes straight from the Italian version.
Censoring porn is something i will never understand.
>The lost media bit with Nin-nin comes from the fact that any of his lewd scenes, uncut/dubbed, were excluded from the series in all VHS/DVD re-releases in the US, and copies/clips of the original VHS release that had them are rare. I found a post linking to a clip ripped from that OG VHS and a longer version of that here
>They correspond to the "5729" video from your catbox. As far as I'm aware, the original Japanese version wasn't missing. I found a subbed clip of "5739" here
>so it's been floating around. Folks (seemingly) just haven't bothered splicing the cut content back into any existing English version. At least none that I've come across.
Nice find
>Based on the end of that classroom clip,"5737, it appears to be a scene from some La Blue Girl Video CD game for PC 95.
>Looks like it's a blend of visual novel-styled interactions and basic RPG combat, with animated cutscenes that are windowboxed to hell, which explains why the resolution of your classroom clip is so small
It's clear that the clip i found was part of the game you mentioned, considering the last screen after the scene ends, but i read that the classroom scene was put into a special edition of the VHS or something like that, in fact as you can see, it ties with the dominatrix scene.
>Also found a picture of a cel for classroom clip
Nice catch, that could useful for an eventual restoration of the scene.
>Never underestimate the twitter troons ability to be offended by everything.
Anon, this shit was way before twatter was even a thing, hell the fucking internet was barely a thing.
I miss when there were more shows that blended the line between porn and actual fantasy adventure. So many unique scenarios you don't see in today's hentai
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>therefore those scenes would be still missing
Not if it was one of the original American VHS', the ones before they started making cuts.

>but i read that the classroom scene was put into a special edition of the VHS or something like that
Off the top of my head, I know Keio Flying Squadron 2 released a VHS containing all of its anime cutscenes after its release on the Saturn. It's probably a case like that, where they took all the new scenes animated for the game (I wouldn't be surprised if the game reused old ones too, just with fresh scenarios) and put them on a compilation tape.
Twin Angels and Urotsukidoji gave me a snuff fetish.
I fucking knew as a teenager that that scene where Miko is masturbating in front of Nin nin was cut. To think I would be validated in that belief decades later is surreal.
Sure, but even back then they had their morally righteous types.
Don't forget that back then jack thompson wasn't seen as the clown he is.

That said they absolutely could have gotten away with it back then, a big reason kids back in the vhs days were able to see shit like la blue girl is because in the west they were being put on the same store and rental shelves as regular cartoons because adults couldn't fathom cartoons meant for adults.
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>adults couldn't fathom cartoons meant for adults
That reminds me of this fucking pic. Either his parents were based or they really saw the testicle wrapped around the chick's tits and thought "it's a cartoon. How bad can it be?".
>Not if it was one of the original American VHS', the ones before they started making cuts.
>I fucking knew as a teenager that that scene where Miko is masturbating in front of Nin nin was cut. To think I would be validated in that belief decades later is surreal.
I mean, right?
Those cuts were so obvious that i always wondered what was supposed to actually happen in between them.
These days i was trying to find the original Japanese censored release to no avail, even the Jap websites are now streaming the "uncensored" butchered version.
I just want to know if Lady Blue has any other deleted scenes.
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Oh, wow, it even says "absolutely not for children".
>even the Jap websites are now streaming the "uncensored" butchered version
No one hates pixelation more than the Japanese. As soon as H-games and anime release uncut in the west, fans reverse import them back to Japan so they can watch it without all the blurring.
Sure, but at least make sure that the new "uncensored" version isn't missing anything befored throwing the original release away.
The Japanese pixellation is as stupid as the western cuts, i would understand if the government wanted to censor what's being exposed on the shelves, but the content?
Once an adult watches that shit privately in his home that's his own business and nobody else's
Blame Burgers for that. We all know the origin of Japanese censorship.
Seems you didn't.
Well, google it, newfag.
So, i found the 1995 PC game on the archive and looked all the video files hoping to find a better version of the classroom scene, but nothing, it just wasn't there.
What i found is another version of the scene where Nin-nin falls on top of Miko with his face between her legs, that seems to look better and has no watermark.
>the origin of Japanese censorship
Who gives a fuck about its origin, the fact that said law still is a thing to this day is fucking retarded no matter what.
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>Either his parents were based or they really saw the testicle wrapped around the chick's tits and thought "it's a cartoon. How bad can it be?".
>Oh, wow, it even says "absolutely not for children".
The cover is already self-explanatory with a half naked girl being held by tentacles, then the subtitles say "DEMON SEED & SHIKIMA LUST" what could that be other than hentai?
So yeah, either his parents knew and were cool with that, or they were extremely dumb and naive.
I think that La Blue Girl Returns wasn't as good as the original La Blue Girl and Lady Blue, maybe it's the art style that felt like a downgrade from the original.
But i heard that one was left uncut, can anybody confirm?
They brought the guy who made La Blue Girl to a local convention once. He's a chill dude. Loves talking to people, very humble about his English.
>what could that be other than hentai?

Parents back then honestly had no idea hentai existed, hell anime itself was this exotic new thing in the west for the most part. Most parent would have at best thought it was violent and mature but probably not pornography since it was a cartoon.
>These are good, (or maybe nostalgia kicking up).
>But damn that hentai is god tier still.
It's not nostalgia, sometimes things are just so good that stand the test of time.
I mean, it's not like i watched it when it came out, as i was too little, i only watched it for the first time in like 2014-15 and it's still one of my favorite ones alongside Himekishi Lilia, Twin Angels, Twin Dolls and Mahou Shoujo Ai.
>I miss when there were more shows that blended the line between porn and actual fantasy adventure. So many unique scenarios you don't see in today's hentai
I think that having a good build up can make the sex scenes hotter, rather than just having them being there, same thing when the characters involved are well developed and interesting.
But it's a matter of quality anime, if La Blue Girl wasn't hentai and was just about Miko hunting demons it would probably be still good.
OP Here, as promised,
Now containing the scene where Nin-nin is groping Yuka, the green haired girl, and the clips this >>7933000
Anon mentioned.

A few things:
>Reading the (almost empty) La Blue Girl dedicated wikia, it says that in the EP2 there's another cut, where Miko is masturbating and Nin-nin gets a boner, but i found nothing about that one, maybe it was just a quick shot of his crotch and was so short (the cut i mean) that it got truly lost.
>I think i know why the classroom clip got cut from the final release, at the minute 01:01 you can see that Miko's drawing is unfinished, her ass was supposed to be resting on the desk, alongside her left arm and hand, but the drawing finishes in her lower back. The guy on her left was probably supposed to touch her arm but his hand is resting of nothing instead.
>The scene where Miko rewards Nin-nin and opens her legs for him, where the hell is that supposed to go? It seems to be the end of some episode but i have no idea which one it might be, if you guys know, let me know.
If somebody manages to find a better version of any of the clips i found, please post them.
I just found something in bakabt.

>Nope this is the only release where Nin-Nin get a boner, the girls have sex with him...
This why I posted that stuff, why else I would use a 320px release here ? When you can get already a nice release everywhere else.
And look on the first picture this is the scene where Nin-Nin is watching the girls in the looker room, in every othere release you see only Nin-Nin watching and you lissten the sound that he get a hard one, but here you can see that the scene was cut away, and I have it.

Ofc it looks like the resolution sucks but I wonder if this version contains those cuts already merged.

OP, any idea?

I will download them later in the week as I am not home right now and I don't want to risk downloading in another country.
Looks like the quote died because of multi lines so this is the bakabt post:

>Nope this is the only release where Nin-Nin get a boner, the girls have sex with him...
>This why I posted that stuff, why else I would use a 320px release here ? When you can get already a nice release everywhere else.
>And look on the first picture this is the scene where Nin-Nin is watching the girls in the looker room, in every othere release you see only Nin-Nin watching and you lissten the sound that he get a hard one, but here you can see that the scene was cut away, and I have it.
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>OP, any idea?
No idea, personally i started my search when i stumbled upon an art book of La Blue Girl in which the story was being told through screenshots (pic related), and i noticed that some of those scenes weren't present in any version of the anime i saw, in particular one showed Nin-nin removing his pants in front of Miko masturbating and another one where he groped Yuka's boobs, and so i started my research, as this is one of my favorite anime.
Then i saw an article that called the deleted scenes "lost media" and said how those scene were supposedly lost forever, so i almost gave up until i found some screenshots of those supposed "lost scenes" here:
And so i thought that if someone posted a screenshot, then those scenes must have been there somewhere, but so far those are the best (and only ones i could find).
Years ago i did the same thing for Twin Angels but luckily someone already uploaded the uncut version.
I think the missing scene is when Nin-nin and Miko's sister are peeping through the door crack as she masturbates, and then her sister somehow bursts into the room, probably the deleted scene is what caused Miko's sister to burst in.
Anyway, if you find anything, feel free to post it.
Bible Black supplanted La Blue Girl and Urotsukidouji for horror hentai. The latter having unresolved cliffhangers didn't help either.
Who/how was this even found? Did someone break into an abandoned Right Stuf warehouse or something?
Thanks for posting such rare material but after actually seeing the scenes, all these are massive cockblocks. The one scene where Nin-nin is going to eat good and get a double reward they decide to zoom out the scene, goddammit.
>back then
In the VHS era, sure. But it's surprising they didn't know during the DVD era.
>Thanks for posting such rare material but after actually seeing the scenes, all these are massive cockblocks.
I can see your point, but the real cockblock were all the cuts those cunts in the west made, except for Italy, that apparently never gave a single fuck, it seems they even kept Miko's real age (16) in the back cover.
>The one scene where Nin-nin is going to eat good and get a double reward they decide to zoom out the scene, goddammit.
Hard to disagree with that one, i was trying to understand wtf happened there myself, like were Miko and Yuka having sex with Nin-nin or they just gave him a handjob or something like that?
Was Miko active as well or she was just watching closely as Yuka "rewarded" him?
Hard to get from that zoom out, now that was a cockblock.
By the was here's >>7938625
The updated link, the one in the OP is now obsolete.
It's down for me
works for me.
Make sure you typed in the address bar correctly.
If you still have issues, i'll make another one.
Ah, it's because I used Quad9, don't worry.
Interesting thread but there is a 14 year old (well seeded) torrent on pornolab that has all of these scenes. They are higher quality and have timestamps for where they fit into the uncensored cut too. I do agree that it would be nice to get a fully uncensored version with no cuts though.
Do you have a link for that?
Well if you could download that and upload it on catbox it would be appreciated.
>jack thompson
man I've not thought about his name in a good decade, lol. He went out of fashion hard.
also OP, you are based and beautiful
>14 year old torrent on pornolab that has all of these scenes
lmao the absolute state of 4chin. It's like that tard Judgment making a remaster of Ghost in the shell using compressed as fuck source not knowing there's a high quality one available
Fuck off, nobody from the civilized world knew that piece of trash russian forum even existed, don't act like this is common knowledge.
>piece of trash russian forum
it's one of the biggest porn focused torrent trackers, dum dum
Is there place where you can see a full list of hentai with all the tags and what not.

H-anime fucking nuked a ton of shit.
Rumor has it that the ultimate list of all hentai sources, including all tags, from the past, present, and future is written on the unholy pages of a forbidden book named T̸̙̱̪̘̳̗̏̽̑͂͐h̶̢̠̙͇͇̹̟̠̦͓̘̒͗́͋͘͘͜ȇ̵̢͍̰̪̪̘̜̬̱̬̼͛͑̐̌̚͜͝͝ ̵̪̬̬̪̙̦̻̯̪̿͌̾̓̈́́̌̕G̴̡̧̛͚̤͔̬̳͉͍̔̌̏͒̊͐̊́̓́̓r̵̬̈̽͐̀̊̈́̈͂̀͝͠͝͝͝i̴͕̐̊́̓͐͂̋͑͝͝ḿ̶̨̳͖̦͉̺̥͕͇̩͚͙̫̘̱ọ̸̧̹͔̫̀̇̊̐͗̈́̈́̊̄̐i̵̤͉̣̫͇̼̗͐͊̓̀̆r̶͇̼̯͔̫̺̦̝̽̋̓̈́̍̈́͊̈́̾͗͋́̓́̒ę̸̡̞͔̟̰̖̰̈́̈̽́̊͗̀͒͆̂̈́̓͘.
It's just a legend though, there's no way you can find on this board by using ctrl f. That would be crazy.
>Fuck off, nobody from the civilized world knew that piece of trash russian forum even existed, don't act like this is common knowledge.
>it's one of the biggest porn focused torrent trackers, dum dum
In Russia maybe, but who ever would find a site written in fucking Cyrillic outside of it?
I swear to you, i used numerous different keywords, search engines and got NOTHING.
Not even Japanese sites (where the anime originates from) had these.
Apparently, just like with Twin Angels, it seems like once again it was Italians who had the full uncut and uncensored version and uploaded it first.
If anybody here is kind enough to post a magnet or even better, upload that stuff on archive.org it would be very appreciated.
Hopefully someone skilled enough will finally make an uncut version of this, as every hentai site is STILL streaming the butchered American version to this day.
Can anybody confirm if this is legit?


However, i think a scene is still missing though, and that is when Nin-nin an Miko's sister are watching her masturbating through the door crack outside of her room, then her sister burts in for apparently no reason.
So most likely the missing scene was supposed to show us why she suddenly bursts in.
The La Blue Girl wikia in the deleted scene section of La Blue Girl 2 says:
>Nin-nin having an erection while watching Miko masturbating
So that's probably what startled her sister causing her to burst in Miko's room.

Anyway, i hope these scenes will start spreading around and some person with good editing will make an uncut version of this classic anime, if only for preservation purpose.
Thanks OP. been waiting for these scenes to surface for a long ass time.

I'm curious how much deleted scenes were actually dubbed. the only one I saw was a clip on some furry site where nin nin was eating out yaku i think.
>Thanks OP. been waiting for these scenes to surface for a long ass time.
You are welcome
>I'm curious how much deleted scenes were actually dubbed. the only one I saw was a clip on some furry site where nin nin was eating out yaku i think.
According to some anons in this very thread, all the scenes were dubbed before they started releasing the version with all the cuts.
Personally, i would be happy enough with somebody just adding subtitles after editing them back.
I just hope they'll start to spread around this time, so they are not going to become "lost media" for real.
>i used numerous different keywords, search engines and got NOTHING
Anon, this (or jackett) is how you search:
Well, thanks for the heads up
They'll never make anime like this again...sigh.
The style, the music, everything.
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A literal gem
Wait what about italians?
Legendary pic, look at that face, he absolutely knew what’s up
Must've been around 2003 when I first watched La Blue Girl and yeah, it was in the rental area with all the regular anime stuff. Old people were really fucking stupid.
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I am surely not the only one owning it for the psp.
I remember when this, Urotsukidoji and a box set of Pink Pineapple's "Darkness" works were released in the UK around the mid-2000s. I made the mistake of buying the Darkness box set and learning that all of the tentacle scenes (the main appeal) had been cut, and read that the same thing happened with La Blue Girl.
>that all of the tentacle scenes (the main appeal) had been cut, and read that the same thing happened with La Blue Girl.
Wait, was that just in that specific box set?
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I think so. I don't think the DVDs got individual release in the UK. Another funny thing I'd forgotten until now is that the box cover was from Spy of Darkness, which wasn't actually included in the set.
These being sold in vidya shops will never stop being funny to me.
Back then I remember that the solution to the problem was to put the Anime section next to the porno section in the middle of the store and slap anywhere from 5-20 +18 Stickers all over the box. I remember going to BlockBuster and VideoAvenue back in 2000-2001 and they had Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon next to hental titles and everything had the stickers.

Did anyone manage to edit the scenes together? Learned about this topic late and the Catbox links seem to be down.
its not that easy to put some of those scenes together and in the right place because of the language either being Japanese or English.

Some of the people are able to do it in two seconds.. but at the end of the day.. we have to think about:

1) The position were to put some of those scenes back

2) some are censored so if you mix censored and uncensored its not going to look right.

3) some people will be ungrateful of you even trying to & you will get some backlash if you don't do it there way heheh.

4) some of the quality are low and pixelated so it can be a pain to mix some of the 360p scenes with 480p. even if you use enhancement software it might look odd.

its just a matter of time before someone does it there way.. and just end it with.. this is how I have done it.. don't like it.. get lost then. and leave it as that.
I was able to buy a lot of hentai DVDs from F.Y.E in the late 2000s before I turned 18, never carded. Then gamestop cards me for trying to buy Nurse Witch Komugi and Gundam Wing, what a joke.
I'm curious if you were to go to japan right now and buy la blue girl in some porn shop that its going to be the international version. any version i see online has english credits. and will that version be cut?
Nice to see a classic hentai thread, especially about La Blue Girl. I actually posted rips of the Japanese LDs around 2 years ago. Didn't really advertise them, but for the fellow retro lovers here, I'm sure this will be the biggest upgrade. Quality even beats out the old crappy DVDs the US got. And if you snoop around my account, you can find uncut/censored Laserdisc rips of Injuu Seisen XX (The second half of Twin Angels).


I want to mention that the La Blue Girl deleted scenes that OP posted are probably the old ones from pornolab that floated around for years. I know a user above mentioned just that, however, I also want to say that those deleted scenes were sourced from the La Blue Girl compilation DVDs that were released in Japan. A user from the old akiba-online forums posted them and pornolab reuploaded them. Those DVDs cut out scenes that were in the individual releases, so what was posted was not all of them.

In regards to the classroom scene, it was only included in the Japanese Memorial LD Box Set and I believe a cd-rom as well. Since my release is from the LD box, it includes the classroom scene in way better quality. What was shared here is probably from that old cd-rom.


Also, I think there is some misunderstanding with the original release of La Blue Girl in the US. The original release was indeed uncut and uncensored, however, that release came in cd-roms by Software Sculptors. The company belonged to Central Park Media, who later released the series through their Anime18 line on VHS/DVD with scenes cut. The user I posted here is a massive CD archiver and uploaded 2 of the 4 CDs. The quality should match any of the uncut/uncensored files that were posted on bakabt.

I also own the Lady Blue (La Blue Girl EX) Laserdiscs and plan to get them ripped for a fully uncut/censored release.

TLDR; Click link for uncut release in good quality
Thanks for uploading it on the archive anon!
I knew the scene where Miko's sister burst into her room in Ep.2 was missing something.
>Nice to see a classic hentai thread, especially about La Blue Girl
Old but gold
People shouldn't be quick throwing the original censored version away before making sure the "uncensored" version has nothing missing from the original version.
>Click link for uncut release in good quality
Man this is GREAT quality, not "good".
Even the classroom bonus scene looks just as good as the rest of the anime unlike that pixellated crap i posted.
Thanks for posting and preserving this, maybe we'll finally get an uncensored and uncut version when the right person will put his hands on these.
Thanks again anon.
t. OP
Bible Black is normalfag as shit to be considered horror hentai
Never thought I'd see Domesday Duplicator stuff on /h/. You guys doing these rips are unsung heroes
I really like cel-animated hentai, so seeing how there were a bunch of them only released on Laserdisc or have better quality/exclusive scenes on them, I started buying them. I don't know if anyone else is using domesday for hentai, but I'm glad to archive them before the discs and tapes start rotting. Its not like Japanese licensors are gonna rerelease all this old stuff.

Also, getting a set of the La Blue Girl LDs costs way less (Under $100) than the JP DVDs. Sellers over there are charging hundreds for them because of the series' legacy and its OOP.
Bible Black is overrated in my opinion
If we have to talk about horror hentai, Twin Dolls/Angel, Mahou Shoujo Ai, the same La Blue Girl/Lady Blue, and especially Himekishi Lilia are much better.
>You guys doing these rips are unsung heroes
For real
Having all those scenes lost forever would have been a tragedy, especially since we are talking about an absolute classic that is still better that the 90% of the low effort crap that gets released nowadays.
What are the prices on LDs generally?
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ohfuck yes, I could use more delicious Yaku molestation
Generally only a couple of bucks. Usually floating around the 500 yen range a disc. Since the yen is down, it's actually been a good time to bulk buy. However, certain series will fetch higher prices such as Lolita Anime, Cream Lemon, and La Blue Girl.

This is mainly in regards to hentai, but the pricing can usually be applied the same to anime. Though, if a show was only released on laserdisc, then sellers will rip you off.

I use Suruga-ya, Yahoo Auctions, and Mercari.jp
I forgot to mention in my previous post, but I suggest checking out the video files from the La Blue Girl EX game that's on archive. The game had newly animated scenes made for it sprinkled in between clips from the OVA. Too bad that they are stuck at such a low resolution.

Thanks. I've always been wanting to get into preservation but I think everything that isn't incredibly obscure has already been done. I wonder if there's other LD quality hentai not online yet.
I still post stuff to my account every now and then, which includes domesday rips for old hentai like this. Actually, I plan to upload an LD rip for Mail Order Maiden 28 since the US DVD is complete garbage compared to the Japanese laserdisc. Here's a comparison:


I've yet to find a DVD for cel-animated hentai that beats out the laserdiscs in quality. Though, most early DVDs were made poorly. I'm glad the few retro hentai lovers still out there can enjoy these new releases.
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>Now containing the scene where Nin-nin is groping Yuka
you utter legend!
>I've yet to find a DVD for cel-animated hentai that beats out the laserdiscs in quality. Though, most early DVDs were made poorly.

That is usually because the laserdiscs were made from the film masters while the DVDs were done by using a capture card to record a VHS. So Laserdics were copies of a copy while DVDs tended to be copies of a copy of a copy of a copy.
Based OP thank you
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People like OP are the reason such a board as awful even exists in the first place. Were it not for him we would be free of this blight
Tsun translation: Thanks OP, we owe our hobby to archivists and those who spread material, besides the original creators of course.
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OP here
First of all, you are welcome.
Second, this is the link with the deleted scenes in better quality:


Last but not least, this anon >>7975230 should be thanked as well for posting and archiving such a high quality version of the original (censored) version that includes some scenes i haven't posted myself, plus the bonus classroom scene in high quality.


>People like OP are the reason such a board as awful even exists in the first place. Were it not for him we would be free of this blight
I also think this board (and 4chan as a whole) is utter garbage, but i came here only to post these.
Since the Laserdisc version is such good quality, i'd say that at this point the best course of action here would be keeping these as the base, and only adding the uncensored frames from the western version on top of the censored scenes.
Then it would be cool to add the new subtitles for the extended scenes and with Miko's real age (16)
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Does Nin-Nin ever get to fuck anybody or is it all just teasing and groping?
I wonder if an uncensored version of the lolisho scene in Chikan Monogatari 2 exists
>Does Nin-Nin ever get to fuck anybody or is it all just teasing and groping?
It is mostly teasing and groping, but he also performs oral sex on Yuka and twice on the evil woman who summons the kappa/water demon, gets jerked off by Fubuki and humps Miko's mother's leg until he cums.
Speaking of these scenes in the laserdisc version this >>7975230 anon posted, there are way more scenes cut that imagined.

Now i am curious about Lady Blue too.
Anon do you also have the laserdisc or even the japanese dvd version of Injuu Gakuen EX/Lady Blue by any chance?
Thank you for the summary Anon. That saved me some time.
I did buy a complete set of Lady Blue laserdiscs. I just have to get them encoded from their raw ldf format that domesday uses. Someone else does the encoding for me, so whenever they have free time I'll get them done. They'll be uploaded to the same account.
OP Here.
I think people here should start thanking YOU from now on, not me anymore.
You are a hero for preserving this stuff that most people thought to be lost media.
Much appreciated and thank you so much.
The La Blue Girl LD you posted are in EXCELLLENT quality, not good, even the DVD rips didn't look as good.
Speaking of Lady Blue, since La Blue Girl had many scenes that weren't even listed in the wikia nor present in the torrent i posted, i wonder if that's the same for Lady Blue, so i am definitely curious to check them out.
Thanks again anon.
There are scenes missing, however it's not as numerous as the first series. There's one scene in the first episode where Nin-nin gets startled and falls back but he has a comically large boner.
I only know cause of some old blog someone posted some pics on years ago.
p sure that's an edit, i can tell by the pixels and ive seen many shoops in my time
i think the original pic was 50 cent blood in the sand
>There are scenes missing, however it's not as numerous as the first series. There's one scene in the first episode where Nin-nin gets startled and falls back but he has a comically large boner.
>I only know cause of some old blog someone posted some pics on years ago.
In the first series i noticed the scene where Nin-nin humps Miko's mother's leg or when the evil woman "forces" him to give her oral until he passes out and a few more that weren't present in the "extended scenes" torrent.
In Lady Blue there's a scene where Miko and her sister are masturbating together to reach the Shikima demon world and Nin-nin offers to "help" so i wonder if something got cut there as well.

>p sure that's an edit, i can tell by the pixels and ive seen many shoops in my time
>i think the original pic was 50 cent blood in the sand
That would make sense.
Other anime missing scenes? I know Nikuyome/Mistreated bride has some.
There's actually a bunch, mainly from old productions. I've uploaded these series with missing scenes to my archive account linked above:

Wake Up Aria (JP Domesday)
Seems Kitty Media couldn't get an uncensored master so they made their own by butchering the original OVA and cutting out scenes. Compare the retail release to my rip and it's very noticeable.

Dragon Rider (JP DVDISO)
Episode 2 the US release cut out a scene where the female villain sexually attacks the catgirl. It was only released uncut & uncensored in an old Spanish VHS release. There's an ancient emule file of the release on the net somewhere, otherwise I probably have the file on one of my drives.

Angel (JP Domesday)
The Japanese DVD actually cut out some of the sexually explicit scenes to make it look more softcore. I think it was because of the censorship laws that were taking greater effect.

Age-man to Fuku-chin
The Japanese DVD cuts out the promo for episode 2 since it never got made. Its a couple of minutes of new animation, so keep the old VHSrips you might have.

Hooligan (JP DVDISO)
Episode 2 has deleted scenes in the US release because the green loli has somewhat sexual scenes. In reality, there was no reason to cut anything as the scenes are all just comedy if you check the ISO.

Weather Report Girl (2001 DVD)
The original US release by Critical Mass is the only uncut & uncensored release while the later 2 rereleases were shifted to the Rightstuf brand. The difference is the 1 scene on each episode is truncated due to showing a penis and vagina during oral sex.

La Blue Girl & Twin Angels
Both have lots of cuts. Too many to list between both. I have LD rips of the first 4 episodes as well, so I'll probably upload those too. There's also an Italian VHSrip of the first 4 you can find that is uncut & uncensored.

That's only the ones I can remember at the moment using my account, but I hope that helps.
Legendary discovery?
>It was only released uncut & uncensored in an old Spanish VHS release.
It seems that the countries where these anime were released uncut and uncensored are usually Spain but especially Italy.
>Legendary discovery?
Pretty much, considering how many years have passed since the anime came out.
But the link in the OP is already obsolete, check the newer posts for the updates.
I gotta say that La Blue girl only started getting good from episode 3 onward.
The first two episode were kind of lame, due to the use of still images being passed as "animations" (during the first monster rape, but especially noticeable when Miko's sister gets fucked the monster boss) the inconsistent look of characters' faces, and the weird deformed poses Miko and the other characters take at times.
Also there's lots recycled animations all over them, like the penetration animation for Miko that is still the same, showing a pink smooth cock that penetrates her pussy, even when the monster fucking her is shown to have a different shaped and colored cock.
I wouldn't say they were complete shit, but definitely disappointing, and makes me wish the far better team behind Lady Blue would have fixed that in a newer edition.
>The first two episode were kind of lame
First two episodes had animation production by MTV, and then starting with episode 3 was moved to Studio Kikan. At least according to the ANN credits.
I think its easy to see the quality increase as Rin-Sin started becoming involved with the production. She's a legendary animator in the hentai scene since she was involved in amazing classics like La Blue Girl, Twin Angels, Midnight Panther, Doukyuusei 2, and many others.
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>First two episodes had animation production by MTV, and then starting with episode 3 was moved to Studio Kikan. At least according to the ANN credits.
That explains it.
That's probably because they saw what a shit job they did.
Still, it would have been cool if Studio Kikan would have fixed the first two episodes, later on.
Those still images and the other issues i mentioned were actually painful to look at.
In the first episode, during the first monster rape, right before Nin-nin wakes up to save her, there's also a part when they show a scrolling still picture of Miko where she's naked by herself when she was still supposed to be getting fucked by the monster.
That shit was amateurish to say the least.

>its not that easy to put some of those scenes together and in the right place because of the language either being Japanese or English.
Well, since this >>7975230 anon posted a high quality laserdisc rip, the best course of action would be use those as the base and only swap the censored frames with the uncensored ones.
I don't think that would be too difficult or time consuming to do, with the right software.
Editing the censored frames of the scenes that were cut would probably be more tedious though.
(But not impossible, if you are good at photoshop and can draw)

Awesome find, thanks a ton. Brings back a lot of memories from those early days.

>Teen anon in the 90s
>Remember buying LA Blue Girl on VHS from some shady site
>Mom intercepts package
>Gets sent back

I ended up getting a first print DVD set a few years later and still have those but I wish I could have kept those tapes. I have some other hentai on VHS that I bought in the 90s from Suncoast.
Dragon Pink is the only one that comes to mind.
>buying LA Blue Girl on VHS from some shady site
>in the 90s
Such a shame your mom sent it back, because that might have been one of the early VHS that were released both uncensored and uncut, unlike the DVDs.
>Dragon Pink
Is that the one with the pink haired cat girl?
I remember that one being quite good too, if i am not mistaken.
But i think that the sex scenes were not enough or cut short, i think i remember not being fully satisfied with that one, for some reason.
(been a while since i saw that one, need to refresh my memory)

>Dragon Pink
Is that the one with the pink haired cat girl?
Yes. If I remember, it was a 3 episode tape that involved a dungeon crawl scene in at least one episode.
Any other good classics like this?
>Any other good classics like this?
There's Twin Dolls/Twin Angels, but someone already uploaded the Italian VHS rip that is both uncut and uncensored.
>Italian VHS rip
>Tha WAT
The only true "uncut and uncensored" version of Twin Angels that you can find online (i think archive.org has it) comes from the Italian version of the VHS.
You just can't make that up.
I remember watching some of these deleted scenes back on Megaupload. Didn't know they were removed in uncensored version.
The fuck is going on here...?
You people realize there's original JP versions without the edits right...?
can you point to me to any original JP episode that has been uploaded on the net uncut? so far (and it seems is just not me) that people are seeing the dual audio cut version for last two decades
>so far (and it seems is just not me) that people are seeing the dual audio cut version for last two decades
For Years i tried finding the original Japanese version to no avail.
If the original version was so easy to find people wouldn't have called the deleted scenes "lost media" for years and this thread wouldn't be a thing.
What account should I keep an eye on?
Someone stole the DVDs I got off the internet way back when. Part of me wonders if I got them off amazon, but that was so many years ago. I had the whole set, plus Cool Devices and a few others.
The one I posted in my above comment here
La blue girl was the first h thing I had ever seen.
Specifically the scene where she masturbates in the middle of the street.
I think I must have been like 13
>Specifically the scene where she masturbates in the middle of the street.
Man i saw that clip before the full anime in some hentai cd i had for win98.
I had no idea what the full anime was called until i saw it years later.
i remember seeing an ad in local game mags for a CD-rom release of La Blue Girl back in the mid 90s, before getting a hold of a VHS copy. probably from one of those.
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>It is mostly teasing and groping
Are you sure? It looks like he was being ridden and had sex off camera.
To be fair i can't even make up what is supposed to be happening in that scene, as the camera is way too far from the action.
Is Yuka having sex with Nin-nin?
Is Miko having sex with Nin-nin?
Or they are just giving him a handjob or something like that?
No idea.
>It's a zip with a bunch of mp4s
Not him, but can you guys just upload them to some video host or do webms? Downloading random rars just feels risky in these threads.
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this is what I understand is happening
He's on his belly. Miko is massaging him.
nah ninin is too small mico's pussy is on his dick
Thank you.
What is Domesday? I tried searching around but maybe the keywords user were not really the correct ones. Is it a Studio ? Or a distributor ?
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To me, THIS is what it looks like.
Also, Miko wouldn't play "hard to get" with Nin-nin all the time if she had sex with him randomly.

That scene is still weird though, it's like they are doing sexual stuff and a few second later they are just standing there as if nothing happened.
based. ty for the work
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>Miko wouldn't play "hard to get" with Nin-nin all the time
that makes more sense, another theory of mine is that it was a unique opportunity for ninnin, fucking the mini ninja can't be worse than with literal demons and super lesbian ninjas right?
>fucking the mini ninja can't be worse than with literal demons and super lesbian ninjas right?
Right, but Miko doesn't make sense, just think about the fact that she considers herself a virgin and wants to "preserve" herself for the right guy despite the fact that she got fucked by demons and monster countless times already.
If we had a translation of what they say right before that scene maybe we could get what they were up to.

I am now curious about Lady Blue's deleted scenes.
We might as well post La Blue Girl content at this point. Thanks for the massive contributions OP
back when i watched la blue girl for the first time, it was fully uncensored and i feel like a lot of these scenes were in it o.o maybe it was edited, censored and re released.... i shoulda kept the original copies i had from long ago.
>La Blue girl only started getting good from episode 3 onward.
I think the characters got a slightly different flavor in terms of their drawn appearances, which definitely would have been due to the animators. I think it distincts from those after EP3, especially comparing to EP5 and 6, and I personally like it.

Aside from that, Maria was walking around completely naked throughout EP2, so good..
What ep is this from?
Is the green/blue haired demon and his blue haired milf lover Miko Mido's parents?
Are the MP4s working for anyone else?
nvm downloaded the updated link
I randomly came on 4chan for the first time in years to ask about a doujin artist I forgot the name of from the early 90s, and my god what a shock to see this!

My partner in my yoot and would import these over; back when spunky knight and bondage fairies were in Forbidden Planet in London.

La Blue Girl, Angel of Darkness, Viper stuff, obviously Urotisukidoji, Alien from Darkness, Dragon Pink... I mean technically Dragon Half just for an echi moment at the end... memories flooding back even without Manga Entertainment's other contributions. Lots of stuff I'd have no idea the name of.

Feels like you'd never see something like Street Fighter II the animation's casual chun-li shower these days. Borrowed the VHS from a guy in scouts as a teen.

Fuck I wish we had the internet as it was now. Even the ironmouse cg shrines weren't captured fully by the wayback machine.

Was hilarious what you could get at Blockbuster when it came to hentai.
Also Magic Woman M always stood out to me even though it wasn't as overarching a story as la blue girl. The whole instant loss 2koma thing always makes me think of that fighter woman and the magic woman getting railed by the ogre.

Pretty sure that was the first hentai I saw where you have one of the other women just vogueing it up instead of helping.
if only we had this much effort for all uncensored hentai
>Feels like you'd never see something like Street Fighter II the animation's casual chun-li shower these days
Definitely not. When Masami Obari came back to animate the KOFXV animated opening Mai was lacking so much compared to how he handled her in those Fatal Fury movies.
>Feels like you'd never see something like Street Fighter II the animation's casual chun-li shower these days.
Man, i've found that Chun-li shower and her fight scene against Vega to be more erotic than many hentai.

Hopefully one day with the help of AI we could get a fully hentai version of that anime with the same quality.
This reminds me that I wish we could get a la blue girl and Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend jumpchain. Awesome worlds, lot of potential perks. If I had the time and skills, I would do it myself.
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Hey, nice thread. Old LBG fag here, if you still need a copy of that classroom scene tell me ! (I own the Laserdisc Memorial Box version and a LD player, but I don't have the hardware to extract it on my computer. I have a LQ version available tho)
>Hard to disagree with that one, i was trying to understand wtf happened there myself, like were Miko and Yuka having sex with Nin-nin or they just gave him a handjob or something like that?
It's left ambiguous. I went as far as buying the storyboard for this episode on mandarake, but they don't give any details about it.
But according to the novelization of the series, Miko is giving him a handjob.
Italians were OP back in the 90s. Their version of La Blue Girl is uncensored AND feature Miko's real age (16).
Production was a mess. First Kinji Yoshimoto was tasked with making it, he did the original chara design but had to fight hard for his 'anime' version of the designs vs Toshio Maeda more 'realistic' designs in the manga and the production was stalled for several months - when production resumed, he had to go work on some other anime and Rin Shin (who was originally an animator) was promoted as chara designer starting from ep3.

Production of LBG was plagued with this sort of problems. Several scenes of ep3-4 were outsourced in Korea, quality was abyssal and several scenes had to be redraw (and some of the botched scenes had to be kept).
For ep6, planning was severly late and the episode had to be released in two parts (and scenes like the classroom one weren't finished on time and had to be excluded from the original release - only to resurface again years later in the Memorial LD Box)
Where did you learn all this info? Not doubting you, it's just interesting to know where people get hentai OVA development lore
Correction, Yoshimoto quitting had more to do with the production going bankrupt tham timing. But the bit about the conflict between him wanting to do something more 'anime' vs the producers wanting something closer to the manga is still true.
Staff interviews from the artbooks.
Copies of Kinji Yoshimoto production material that resurface from time to time on YAJ.
Cells for scenes that don't exist anymore in the finished OVAs on YAJ.
>Their version of La Blue Girl is uncensored AND feature Miko's real age (16).
Hopefully with the uncut original version this anon >>7975230 posted and with the western "uncensored" version, we will get a cut that is similar to that, is someone also changes the subs to be more faithful.
I wish they released a version with all the issues fixed, especially on episode 1 and 2, that were awful.
>Kinji Yoshimoto was tasked with making it, he did the original chara design but had to fight hard for his 'anime' version of the designs vs Toshio Maeda more 'realistic' designs in the manga and the production was stalled for several months
Gotta say, that the anime design is far better than the manga design, as it looks kinda bland and many female characters look the same.
Also i am glad they got rid of that nerdy friend of Miko that she was supposed to blew in order to reach the demon world.
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What do you guys think about these La Blue Girl doujins?
After seeing these, i wish the scenes in it (or something close to that anyway) made it into the anime.
Miko being forced to have sex with her parents, her human mother and demon father would have been pretty hot to see, if drawn and animated with the quality of Lady Blue, imho.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
It's something I'm trying to fix using koikatsu.
(pixiv is a pain the ass with mandatory censorship tho, and sadpanda is toxic, I wish there was a more convenient way to publish stuff)
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I wish Miko having a threesome with her own parents made it into the anime somehow.
They should have thought of that.
>if you still need a copy of that classroom scene tell me ! (I own the Laserdisc Memorial Box version and a LD player, but I don't have the hardware to extract it on my computer. I have a LQ version available tho)
The Laserdisc version was already posted by this anon: ---> >>7975230
I would like to see the Laserdisc version of Lady Blue to see if we missed any more scenes from that one.
>I went as far as buying the storyboard for this episode on mandarake, but they don't give any details about it.
>But according to the novelization of the series, Miko is giving him a handjob.
Does that storyboard have any other interesting details?
>The blue hair girl just starts sassing Nin Nin after getting assaulted while still bent over and naked

I think that's one thing I really miss the most from this series compared to so much modern Hentai. So much newer hentai puts such a massive emphasis on the virginity of the heroines that they have to make every sex scene basically non-canon to preserve it for sequels and headcanon despite non-con to be the core of the premise. I like how the girls in LaBlueGirl can get fucked and just... bounce back and be silly and sassy. Makes the super pervy premise so much more fun to take in.
See this is the most frustrating part for me. This 90's stuff like Youjuu Kyoushitsu and Inma Seiden is the best tentacle porn by orders of magnitude (only XX of the Dead has closed the gap) but it's like the studios were under some corporate mandate to always either have boner killing snuff and gore, or have the sex end before anyone climax's. And there are never any creampies. Like I just want to see girls get ejaculated into by tentacle monsters is that so much to ask?
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>The original release was indeed uncut and uncensored, however, that release came in cd-roms by Software Sculptors. The company belonged to Central Park Media, who later released the series through their Anime18 line on VHS/DVD with scenes cut.
Not sure if maybe there was a different cut but the VHS version of LBG Ep2 I have has the Nin-nin scene that was supposedly cut out of later releases
>Not sure if maybe there was a different cut but the VHS version of LBG Ep2 I have has the Nin-nin scene that was supposedly cut out of later releases
IIRC there are two (very short) cut shots in ep2 : Nin-nin getting a boner while Miko is masturbating, and him masturbating in front of the naked kidnapped volley girls.
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>I would like to see the Laserdisc version of Lady Blue to see if we missed any more scenes from that one.
IIRC there are 3 edited shots in Ex, and they are far more... interesting than the ones in LBG. No, those missing shots won't be enough to save Lady Blue :p
(picrel has been quickly edited from the artbook because I won't bother taking my Jp DVD out from storage)
Does that storyboard have any other interesting details?
Nope, the storyboards are quite spartian - no interesting details. In the future I will rather focus more on trying to get production materials, like designs.
The girls being debauched sluttly ninja warriors oozing sex and who turn each battle into a fuck orgy, while also being cute goofballs the rest of the time, is a big reason why I like the series so much.
La Blue Girl, Twin Angels, Youjuu Kyoushitsu, Inma Seiden. How didn't I discover these hentais before this thread? They are so good, despite being so old they knock 90℅ of modern hentai out of the park. I need to find more retro hentais for my collection. Any good recommendations ?

My collection so far includes:

Taboo Charming Mother
Taimanin Asagi 1
Kangoku Senkan
Dark Love
Night Shift Nurses + OVAs
Angel Blade
Mizugi Kanojo
Nee Summer
Eroge H Mo Game
Genkaku Cool Na Sensei Ga
Tentacles and Witches
Hell Knight Ingrid
Imouto Paradise
Zettai Junshu Kyousei
Bible Black
Sex Demon Queen
Princess 69
Mashou No Nie 3
Space Pirate Sara
Immoral Sisters
Soreyuke Marine-chan
Viper GTS
Resort Boin
Honō no Haramase Tenkōsei
Himekishi Lilia (THE GOAT)
Mahou Shoujo Ai
Twin Dolls (Twin Angels' prequel)
Soukou Kijo Iris (only the first 2 episodes are good, skip the rest as it turns to shit)
>either have boner killing snuff and gore
This is because, narratively, they were mainly horror/peril themed
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I really miss the "cute goofball" era of hentai. Scenes in stuff like Kuroinu and Taimanin are hot, but always ends in mindbreak. Let my hentai heroines bounce back from getting gangbanged and getting coated with gallons of cum.
>La Blue Girl Uncensored VHS
Is Ep.2 the only one you have?
Very good suggestions

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