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Guys fucking women older than them. Teacher, senpai, friend's mom, co-worker... Preferably no incest though. Manga and manwa both fine. Bonus points for doujins with artist name.

I'll start with the manwa "Don't tell mom" by Noah
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"F nerd" by Saigado
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"After school" by Tsukino Jogi
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*a few moments later*
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"Hot teacher" by Abe Morioka
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"Let me bark for you" by Ishigaki Takashi
nice work anon.
Best Girl
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I liked the mom better personally.
Any recommendations for similar manwas ?
Any recomendations of Mothers doing it with their daughter's boyfriend?
Hametomo Onna Tomodachi ga SeFri-ka shita Hi

"Lucky Guy", another manwa by Noah
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>Lets show those youngsters how grown-ups have sex!
There's something alluring about a mature woman so confident in her bedroom skills.
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Saigado really is the best
must be protected
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We need someone to make a compilation of all her scene, too lazy to download her chapter one by one...
I know you said no incest but does anyone have a TL of this that isn't a shitty machine translation?
She is, and she sure knows how to spice things up
Eu vi isso em um jogo do Flamengo
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This must be the most tragic tale in all of hentai bros. How dare those fat titted high school girls rape that poor shota and steal his virginity from his onee san
Should've wore a chastity belt.
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Busty Laundry Lady From The Urban Legend
[Makigai Ikko]
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Hagmaxxers will inherit the earth.
Sauce please
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Sauce on this?
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[Edo Shigezu (eromafia)] Hoshuu Senryaku ~Nishi Ayako Sensei no Baai~ (Bishoujo Kakumei KIWAME 2011-10 Vol.16)
Are there any doujins about saving a mature woman from menopause?
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Normally like shota and loli but my favorite doujin are just these morons fucking each other in a silly and sweet way
Young girls are made to be NTRd by older women
Looks more like he's showing her desu.

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