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I found this work a while back and love the concept of a harem but it’s just one girl with D.I.D.


I started looking for anything with a similar concept but I don’t even know what tag I should be searching for assuming it even exists.

Anyone have any works that are similar or any tags that might be semi-relevant in looking for more?

Gonna storytime this while waiting for replies.
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sounds schizo
any moar like this?
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can confirm D.I.D. sex really does go hard. for one, knowing my partner trusts me enough to show this many sides of themselves to me makes me very happy. for another it’s just really fucking hot and is something i never knew i needed.

just know that IRL it’s extremely common for the other alters to be different genders so you would have to not be weird about that (or, just be extremely weird about it like i am)
Mein nigga.
I’m in the same boat.

My wife has 7 alters. Only 2 are male and only 1 of those 2 has any interest in sex. The one who is basically asks me to be very vocal about how it feels for me while fucking her.
So “He” is basically self inserting as me while getting fucked by me. Definitely weird but also hot.

The other 5 have healthy sex drives but of course have their preferences regarding roughness, dirty talk, etc.
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>My wife has 7 alters. Only 2 are male and only 1 of those 2 has any interest in sex. The one who is basically asks me to be very vocal about how it feels for me while fucking her.
>So “He” is basically self inserting as me while getting fucked by me. Definitely weird but also hot.
>The other 5 have healthy sex drives but of course have their preferences regarding roughness, dirty talk, etc.
this sounds hotter when read aloud
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Dude needs a spreadsheet to fuck his wife right.
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You joke but during for-play she gives me head and based on the quality of the head she gives and the way she talks (or doesn’t talk) after is my most reliable way of telling which one is in the driver’s seat. And from there I can figure out the way to proceed in terms of rough vs gentle, dirty talk vs. shutting the fuck up, and general positions.
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one of his best stories and its not in any of his tanks
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That is fascinating, I am in awe... do they sometimes switch unexpectedly too?
Oh it’s actually more uncommon for them not to switch at least once during sex. Most of the time when she cums there’s a switch unless that particular alter is REALLY horny that day in which case they stay in control until they’re satisfied.
I guess in that way it’s only unexpected in the sense I don’t know who’s taking the driver’s seat when the switch does happen.
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And it's unfinished too
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Why’s the board moving so fast today?
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I was trying to think of any well known anime characters that fit this theme.
First one that came to mind was Layla from Genshin Impact.
Unfortunately she’s not a popular character r34 wise so the best I could find was this Koikatsu work.
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Oh also this image from the same artist (assuming you count Koikatsu slop as art).
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One more bit I found.
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And that’s it.
This is all I could find that directly addresses the whole multiple personalities thing.

So can anyone else think of any anime/game characters that have multiple personalities?
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I appreciate that someone finally attempted to answer the original OP question after a full month.
Hot as fuck. Anyone know about sny other doujin with DID?
This fetish is rare to find anon
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There are 3 chapters, "M" part 1-3 in OVER FLOW by Inoue Kiyoshirou, the girl created a second personality while being raped and switch to it whenever it happened again until that second personality takes over and take revenge.
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Very fucked up but also very nice.
Thanks for the contribution.
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This is just mental illness
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And it’s hot as fuck.
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>suddenly, British Asuka comes in

You gotta be shitting me
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An absolute travesty.
Yeah the author seemed to be going for the Eva nods with the sister's "colder" personality being teh Rei, guy is Shinji and the half British cousin is Asuka

This is also one of his relatively few works that aren't milf, I like his style but it's too bad
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>Clicked the thread to see if there was something good to download and instead find such valuable information, life-changing even
Ok Um.
I am curious, perhaps too damn curious for my own sake, but I feel like I gotta spend this shot or else I'm going to stay wondering for a while about a few things that are now in my mind after reading your responses.
First, for the record, your wife is a particularly amazing living human because I can't imagine myself living with 6-7 other people in the same vessel without going insane, she/he/it?, is definitely, one of the many definitions of perseverance when it comes to humans. Wow.
I'm sorry in advance if one, two or all are hurtful questions but...
>Do the alters know which one is the "original one"?
I think it would be bothersome if the condition kicked in years later knowing you aren't the One. But maybe I am skipping something
>How do they uh, like, handle maintenance?
like, I'm pretty sure the 2 male alters had or have a thing or two to say when suddenly they are in control and they have a vagina (respectfully), girly painted nails and long hair and whatnot instead of a dick. Did they came to an agreement on fashion or they went full neutral no-gender?, I guess it is easier when it is just girl alters because well, same gender but when it doesn't align, like, what happened?, do the boys just say "is aight" and let the girls dress the body girly?
>Depending on the alter who wakes up in control, does he choose how to dress?, I will believe you if you say that the boys go as tomboyish as possible, I don't blame them.
Also, a very um... Existencial one.
When the alters take the control, do the others just "watch" or they like freeze in the void/passenger seat?, can they like, give advice to the current "driver", also, is it super hard to make a romantic evening or stuff like that if suddenly the one you are seducing switches with one of the boys?, also, do they all share senses at the same time?
Also, are they like, for real different people or is it more like the same person but with different train of thought all of a sudden?
Do they switch too often for it to be a problem like per minute or hour or too randomly or is it like, too uncommon for one to lose control in a day or a week?
You can, understandably, tell me to GTFO and that you aren't reading all of that.
Fuck, I am gonna ask it.
Did you have to romance or befriend all of them, or did they went like, "yeah, you can marry this guy number 5, we up for the ride, not like we can get off from it anyways".
Man, I might be romanticizing it but it sounds cool that your entire closest social circle is your wife, and they are down for SEX too save for one alter but it's understandable, odd situation . And you do not have to go "bros before hoes" because your bros are your wife (I am so sorry if you think I am trolling with those words, I am not, I am so fucking sorry anon, it's just that I am sperging over this)
This one is uncomfortable but final.
>Do you just stop with whatever physical bonding, be it kissing, touching or sex if the uninterested male alter takes control?, sounds like a bit of a problem for the others who are down for it. Or does he just go "starfish/still" until he loses the wheel because he ain't into it?, much blessings to all of them btw and you, you and your wife, or wives... And husbands?... You all are literally built different, kudos to you all.
And you are a fucking legend, I won't ever have the balls to ask someone with such a condition to marry me. I don't even want to think about how that entire process went from proposition to wedding and honeymoon. Goddamn anon. You are probably too based for this site.
You won at life.
Regardless of whether or not you reply, thanks for the original post, because it really made my night, and not in the "I am laughing at someone" way but "damn, this is actually really interesting to read about".
I appreciate your spergy curiosity, so I’m gonna try to answer as many of these questions as best I can while staying relatively vague so I don’t somehow accidentally dox myself or something.

>Do the alters know which one is the "original one"?
Kinda hard to explain but I’d say there is 1 personality I’d refer to as the “Host” and she has control more often than the rest on average. And for that reason I call her she as a whole.
>How do they uh, like, handle maintenance?
>Depending on the alter who wakes up in control, does he choose how to dress?
I’m gonna answer these two together because they’re semi-related.
So generally, whoever wakes up will dress however they want dress or t-shirt, make-up or no. The male one who is interested in sex (I’ll call him the Protector since that’s the role he serves in the system) likes sleeveless shirts and workout stuff, the other male one likes oversized T-shirts. But if a switch happens she might change throughout the day.
The Protector definitely has penis envy and experiences a sense of gender dysphoria similar to what I assume trannies experience (real trannies not tumblr trend-sexuals). The other one not so much. A product of being asexual I guess.

>When the alters take the control, do the others just "watch" or they like freeze in the void/passenger seat?, can they like, give advice to the current "driver",
She explained it to me that it’s like a plane more than a car.
The one “Driving” has more awareness than the rest of the passengers but the others more or less are able to know what’s going on. And maybe one or more are sitting in the co-pilot seat not controlling but watching more closely and maybe one will take over control if they want to.
There are rare situations where one alter in particular can completely shut the others out in both perception and memory storage sometimes in response to trauma, but other times because she’s doing something she doesn’t want the others knowing about.
You also have utterly bizarre but cool situations where she can read a book while listening to a different audio book because one is reading and one is listening and the two alters are processing the information independently.
>is it super hard to make a romantic evening or stuff like that if suddenly the one you are seducing switches with one of the boys?
Not really. At the end of the day I feel like it is the same person at the core of each of them, just a remixed version of them? Unexpected switches aren’t that common unless she experiences hightened emotions (like cumming which is why switches happen in bed so often), most of the time it’s a gentle transition so switches while on a date or something isn’t a big deal.
>Also, are they like, for real different people or is it more like the same person but with different train of thought all of a sudden?
Like I said it feels like deep down, it’s the same core personality but they are DEFINITELY different people, it’s not just a different train of thought.
They have different likes, dislikes, hobbies, ways of talking, temperament, etc.
>Did you have to romance or befriend all of them, or did they went like, "yeah, you can marry this guy number 5, we up for the ride, not like we can get off from it anyways".
So funny thing, for the longest time I kinda thought she was just bipolar and had a shit memory.
Between when I met her and when I started properly dating her she would have severe personality switches that had her kissing me out of nowhere one day, then acting distant or dismissive of me the next day.
And she didn’t think anything was wrong because she’d lived like that for years and her condition is a result of abuse during childhood.
But I found her fun to be around and interesting despite the “Mood swings” so I kept pursuing her. Which I guess means I was courting all of them without knowing.
It wasn’t until after we got married that she got properly diagnosed with DID and when that happened so much stuff that happened in the past made so much more sense.
>Do you just stop with whatever physical bonding, be it kissing, touching or sex if the uninterested male alter takes control?
Thankfully this has never happened. I think when sexy times start to happen he “goes to his room and locks the door” for lack of a better term.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask, honestly it feels good to share since I don’t talk to anyone but her about all this for the sake of her privacy and not wanting friends and family to treat her differently. It’s definitely weird at times (Protector recently bought a packer just to see how having a dick would feel) but I love all of her and never regret pursuing her back in the day.
I recall this story from one of the Lemon People authors, where the student council president switched from S to M when her hat was removed.

Mahoraba is the one mainstream work that I know of, but it's doujins are few.

Another genuinely curious anon here (wasn't even going to click on this thread but saw your post and I'm so interested in the dynamic). You sound awesome and said you're open to answering more questions so hope you're cool with me asking some more.

>it’s the same core personality but they are DEFINITELY different people.
How did you manage to get 6 different people interested in having sex with you? Some people cant even get one haha. Thats a huge feat. Are they really all equally DTF you despite having different sexual preferences or do some (like the protector for example) just want to get off with your help sometimes?

>It wasn’t until after we got married that she got properly diagnosed with DID and when that happened so much stuff that happened in the past made so much more sense.
Im shocked you didn't know until after marriage.
Did any of the alters ever try to break up with you or sabotage the relationship or did they all kind of just accept it?
What was it like meeting the protector? Was he a friend from the start or did he see you as a threat?
Was it really not obvious that part of her presented as/was male, or did you notice the occasional masculinity or gender dysphoria and it just didn't bother you?

>Unexpected switches aren’t that common unless she experiences hightened emotions
What was the proposal or wedding day like? Did the emotions cause switching?

>Oh it’s actually more uncommon for them not to switch at least once during sex. Most of the time when she cums there’s a switch
If the alters swap out when you have sex, and you didn't know about the alters at first, was the first time you had sex really strange?
When did you first notice the change in her personality during sex?
When a different alter switches in during sex is the new alter always into it and want to keep going or do they sometimes want to stop or do something else?
Based and Schizo-Pilled
>How did you manage to get 6 different people interested in having sex with you?
I mean at the end of the day a woman’s got needs, apparently even a woman with a bunch of people in her head. And since we’re married it’s either me or her fingers.
>Did any of the alters ever try to break up with you or sabotage the relationship
I’m not gonna go into details but the short answer is yes.
>What was it like meeting the protector?
He’s the “assertive” one of the bunch which by default means he’s the one I get into verbal fights with the most. It took a long time before the first time he was comfortable enough with me to have sex.
>Was it really not obvious that part of her presented as/was male, or did you notice the occasional masculinity or gender dysphoria and it just didn't bother you?
In retrospect it was pretty obvious. She was seemingly constantly at odds between wanting to dress androgynously and wanting to wear the prettiest pinkest dresses we could afford at the time.
>What was the proposal or wedding day like? Did the emotions cause switching?
During the wedding she was happy and smiling and crying during the ceremony but the planning and the aftermath of the wedding in retrospect you can tell some of her loved it and some of her hated it. Once we’re more stable financially, I wanted to do a remarriage ceremony done to the unsatisfied alters’ tastes.
>If the alters swap out when you have sex, and you didn't know about the alters at first, was the first time you had sex really strange?
Bold of you to assume I was good enough at sex my first time to even make her cum but I appreciate you think so highly of me.
I’m much better at sex now and can last a full hour if I wanted to which allows for the possibility of servicing multiple alters in one session.
>When did you first notice the change in her personality during sex?
One of her Alters is a mute so it didn’t take too long to notice something was amiss.
Like I said in retrospect this shit feels so obvious it’s embarrassing, but I guess suspecting DID wasn’t at the front of my mind.
>When a different alter switches in during sex is the new alter always into it and want to keep going or do they sometimes want to stop or do something else?
They’re typically into it. At the bare minimum if the alter isn’t interested in continuing, they’ll at least let me finish and not just abruptly end the sex.
That one was meh
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Different anon here

I have a hard time understanding these sorts of situations because to me (with my experiences) most of the time I ran into these sorts of women it usually was because they read and article or watched a tv show of someone with multiple personalities and thought it was cool so they mimmicked it.

When I was a kid we had a wave of "bipolar" roll through the school and ALL the girls thought it was the coolest thing. Made it tough for me (and prob a lot of other dudes) to accept any legit cases.

What sorts of things tell you that there's actual multiple personalities and that she is not acting?
I’m no psychologist so don’t take my word as law.

Other than the obvious, “Get a fucking diagnosis” there are 2 main ways I know it’s real from my personal experience.

First, from what I understand, DID is most commonly the result of childhood trauma and she has that in spades. Not gonna elaborate further.

Second, if she really didn’t have DID and still acted the same way, I’d probably suspect she had a different mental disorder of some kind. Like I said earlier, when I first met her I suspected at least a mild case of BPD or something like that. DID just makes more sense and retroactively explains interactions I’ve had with her going back 12+ years.
It's actually good, it may as well be a tag or genre.
Why isn’t Mental illness a tag?
Even something generic like Menhera?

Does it all just get conflated with Yandere?

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