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Previous thread:

Next BISHOP game: Kyousei Shihai (2024-05-31)
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New update from BISHOP's twitter account. You can see several new images.
Cast announced

Blonde -> Tezuka Ryouko (Anna from SNK)
Brown -> Yomogi Kasumi (Mayu from HKG3)
Green -> Shipuu Haru (one of side chara in RJKT)
Purple -> Haori (never in Bishop before)
Pink -> Fuyumine Kosuzu (also never in Bishop before)
>Ryouko Tezuka as Miyuri

Interest peaked.
From the images, seems like all the the girls can lactate (except the pink-hair ones, but to be fair, she has the least amount of promotional CG sample as of now, and I doubt she will be different). So I assume lactation is gonna be a thing for this game, despite the fact it's not currently mentioned in the game synopsis/description. Or perhaps it's gonna be a thing for all future BISHOP games, just like the "heart-eyes". I noticed in the last 3 games, BISHOP put all the heroines in the game cover and put at least 1 Masochistic Heroine. I guess for this game Miyuri is gonna be the M one.
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More images (low res unfortunately)
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Heart eyes at the very first scene of both heroines (look at the blood). Will this MC be even more broken than the Ingoku no Houkago one?
If you look the better resolution of frist picture OP posted, Miyuri is slightly smiling on the
scene and that might indicate she will have an "happy" break rather than just be afraid of mc abilities (like Rikka was).For exemple Hisui as a pazuri scene where she is even a little "sadistic" toward mc, if she could end up like that it be grand.

Ill repost the BugBug page that got lost at the end of last post for you guys, but nothing much aside a bunch of CGs.
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Surely you can already tell it's going to be a "happy" break for Miyuri from the picture of the drama CD Cover? This is more than "slightly smiling". If anything, this dogeza kinda remind me of Mafuyu, so she's probably going to be the M of the game.
I genuinely don't get people that are so obsessed with the heroines being happy. You're playing a visual novel about raping girls until they like it. If anything it's less them being "happy" and more stockholmed into being ok with being your cum socks.
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I usually dont, but KJK2 happened (Rikka, even if she is a bitch, and Noeru ends are horriblly well written i litterlay felt pity for both) and since them i wish heroine to get an "happy break" ending, last game worked especially well in that regard.

Drama CD arent always cannon, but there it clearly seems the case.

Ill attach some IA work of Hisui cause this is bishop thread and wjy not?
Do us all a favor and crop that pussy out of the image. It looks like the "before" pic of a nicaraguan child that's about to get operated on by that doctor charity that fixes mouth deformities.
thank you for that comment, i cant delete so everybody is bound to see my failure, guess i still need to step up to avoid such monstruosities, witch is sad cause the rest of the pic looked really cool so i tough i could share.Guess ill need to watch trice before posting anything IA related.
I think because corruption and "happy break" is considered to be BISHOP's niche in the genre. But BISHOP tried something new with "cruel break" with their first kutsujoku title and many people get upset about it, which is why even kutsujoku becoming less cruel as the series goes on because peope don't expect this from BISHOP's title. Many developers dabble with this "choukyou/rape" genre and many don't have "happy break". Another BISHOP's main niche in the genre is that the heroines are exclusive use of the MC, so no gangbang, etc. Other brands of course have different niche in the genre, for example some focus on NTR (mainly married heroines), others like Guilty focus more on gangbang and less on corruption, etc.
Just went back to Kazoku. Man, I miss Rio.
I just enjoy how some heroines fully embrace their inner perversion once they're tamed in Choukyou games. BISHOP does it best since most heroines in their games have entertaining personalities at best or a few MCs actually took serious responsibility once they knocked them up.
Is she doing any h-games? Her art with other companies isn't as good imo.
I just want more Otohas or Mahos. That's the right level of thicc to drive me up a fucking wall with lust. Anju form Kutsujoku is also another example.
In her VNDB pages she is not involved in any H-games since Dec 2022.
Honestly, I want to see BISHOP make another 'Raising Simulation' games, like another Tokubetsu Jugyou 3 SLG. Especially if the heroines can have several endings based on your choice of training method. I wonder why BISHOP has not made any such games ever since Tokubetsu Jugyou 3 SLG?
Most likely because it hadn't sold well.

Which is the same reason why Bishop hasn't released any new titles in their Royal brand after Yakata.
I see, that's too bad. Personally, I'm itching for raising simulation game again. While Tokubetsu has its flaws, it's not that bad either. I know Escude generally fill this niche but the corruption there is relatively weak (in my personal opinion anyway).
Her last one is the last Milf Factory game. She did great in it imo.
Otoha is her best character. Though I really liked Shuri in SNK2 and Anju in the first one.
For those who wanna know, BISHOP released the intro song for the upcoming game.
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Incidentally, do you guys know any artists who draw hentai of this type of pose? Panties down and flashing her pubes at the viewer. I always loved this pose in BISHOP games, and I recently got the desire to get more of it.
Feature page is out: https://www.bishop.gr.jp/products/kss/feature.html
>Sensibility manipulation.
>Forcing tits to lactate.
>Heart eyes before the fall.
>Cum inflation.

They are going all out with the MC, lol.
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What do you think about the stockings + panties dress option?

Personally I will probably never use it - like some other options that Bishop puts into their games.
I really never use any of the special outfit options. I'd prefer they go back to something like MK4 and their bra flashing. Or even back to the standard issue panty flashing like what >>7956645 posted.

Specially with how dumb some of the outfit options are, like I remember one of the Kutsujokus just has tanned and topless as a special outfit, and that's a bit... Really? Tanned and topless? I guess someone in the staff was nostalgic for OLE M games.
Kinda weird that the feature page doesn't spoil all the dress that the heroine will got. Either they really want to make it a surprise or the dress choice will be very few
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Voice samples and leaflet are out: https://www.bishop.gr.jp/products/kss/character.html
Actually, BISHOP usually update the feature page several time. Since the game is more than 1 month away, they usually give content little by little, just like how they release the OP song without the video just yet. So just wait and you will see it in due time.
"Sensitivity Manipulation" is more accurate. Also causing the heroine to be uncontrollably horny with his power. BISHOP just put several fetishes at the same time with this MC LOL.
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Well, the chance of it returning is unlikely, since Bishop changed how the pregnant endings are selected compared to their older releases, but is there anyone else misses the cum options from the older Bishop titles ?
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So do you think that we will have even more adult MC with special abilities in the future, who are definitely physically stronger compared to their schoolgirl targets instead of the older type of adult MC's, who used their natural abilities and sometimes the help of a competent assistant to conquer their targets ?

I'm aware that there is a reason why Bishop went in that direction but still... I can't help having a mixed opinion about an adult MC needing a supernatural ability to conquer a few teenage schoolgirls
Might as well go with more rapey franchises instead of sticking to Bishop if it's not rapey enough for you. The Guilty Games thread is somewhere around /h.

The problem is not that Bishop wouldn't want to do a normal protagonist with standard issue vanilla rape, it's that standard issue vanilla rape is cliche now. Almost every single way to blackmail a schoolgirl into being rapebait has been overdone for ages now, by other VNs, games, doujins, light novels, etc. You need something else to mix it up. Even more so with Bishop, where the vast majority of games are either teacher or schoolgirl rape, they need something else to mix it up and make it interesting again.
Can you give me some rapey franchises
Not really. I like Bishop, but it's less about the rape for me and more about the teachers. I enjoy a woman in power being brought down to being a slut, and a teacher is a position of power over the student protag in most Bishop titles.

The one thing I could recommend you that is rapey, is Silky games. Specifically these two:
BISHOP is mostly school girls though. But I agree the reason why BISHOP dabbles in creating many unique powers for the MC as of late, it's to help differentiate their games. Since BISHOP can't really "escape" their school setting and the rapey genre itself has been done many times by different studios in various H-games for decades, this is the only way for BISHOP to differentiate their games, ensuring it's not similar/repetitive to other games in the genre or even to their own older titles. But I have to say, they are packing different fetishes for the MC for this game.

Honestly, BISHOP can try different formula at least. I like games where the heroines can have many different endings depending on how you train them for example, giving some choices for the player.
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There is a 5th episode adaption for Kazoku, although I doubt anyone cares since the Poro Adaptation has been lackluster.


Another thing is if people are interested in the preorder bonus for the newest Bishop game, they finish the art for people buying it from Trader.
I wonder if Bishop will finally make a game that isn't a school setting now, given all these e-shops are not allowing them to sell their games on their fronts anymore if they feature girls in school uniforms.
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Miyuri as maid. I guess fitting for her character's fall as the strong queen-like character.
Demo Movie: https://video.fc2.com/a/content/202404245bBtShVZ
It's not that they don't want to, it's that the fanbase doesn't buy anything that isn't just teachers or schoolgirls. They've already done games that are out of the school setting, CS and CS2 for example, but they don't sell like the schoolgirl and teacher rape. Hell, even when they take a risk they have to involve schoolgirls, like Chikando having 2 schoolgirls (one of them the main girl) and the newest game, Shinshoku still being about students, just college students instead of the usual vanilla sailor fuku rape bait.

And Bishop, just like every other xenophobic japanese company, sells only to the proud yamato master race, if they sold internationally they could more than likely get more money. And hey, I get it. Rape game. It's not like they can just put it on Steam or shit, but all they would have to do is start accepting money from overseas, and give away download links. And maybe, just maybe those other games outside of high school could sell more and Bishop could do more outside of school.
>it's that the fanbase doesn't buy anything that isn't just teachers or schoolgirls
Well, thanks to these card companies, soon that fanbase won't be capable of buying those games at all on any shop hosting their games digitally.
The digital sites will probably find out an alternative that works for their Japanese customers, but will make it more difficult for the western fans to legally buy and import the H games from Japan.

Basically I doubt the credit card issue will have a huge effect on how the eroge companies operate, since it's not the first time that an incident related to them has occurred.

Well, I suspected it, but the demo movie pretty much confirmed that Rumi (pink haired) is the secondary character this time around and probably will have a lesser amount of cg scenes compared to the other 4 girls.
From my understanding, rape games is illegal by law in most countries. So it's not just steam, but you simply can't sell these games legally through official channels, so it's just going to cause more problems than it's worth. There are many VN/Eroges that have English Localization, and of course none of them are rape games. So the genre is the problem.

For the second topic, BISHOP can technically move to college students, since they don't need to wear uniform (just like Shinshoku) and hot female professors is still an option for such games,
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Wrong you can easily release rape games on steam, although it's a bit of gray area.

You simply release a censored version on steam with no H content, but also provide a free / paid patch on the official website.

Example is Liquid's Saint Dorei Gakuen which got released in the west and on the steam as well, despite being a rape game, that features schoolgirls - https://vndb.org/v4414

It's just that Bishop has never been approached by those companies, that use the tactics I described above, to release rape content through official channels - probably due to the amount of text that a typical Bishop game has.
New cg scenes: http://www.bishop.gr.jp/products/kss/cg.html
Well, with all the new released samples. Who's your favorite heroine so far?
I'd say Iori>Sarasa>Miyuri>Yuuhi>Rumi for now.

Iori because Keiko Yoshino's heroines all had great routes, Sarasa's CGs are really lewd, then Miyuri because she is voiced by Ryouko Tanaka and Yuuhi has an okay design even if she doesn't wow me much for now.

Rumi is a side character, so I just hope she has an okay route or a certain presence in the game like Kirie had in Ingoku no Houkago.
*Tezuka, stupid autocorrect.
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Personally I'm interested in how Miyuri's character is going to develop.

After all this is probably the first game where the hostile to the protagonist, prideful girl is the protagonists first target.

In the actual game naturally, since chronically Runi is the first victim, but that will be portrayed in a flashback like with Yumeka from Shinshoku.

So considering that, the order for me is Miyuri -> Sarasa -> Iori -> Yuhhi -> Rumi
The art style in these games always looks kinda generic to me, but I guess that's part of the draw for the people who play 'em.
I mean. Yes? Like, I dunno what you expected, but art style is one of the reasons why people like these things. If the art and the way it was drawn wasn't of importance, we would just read smut at bedtime like 40 year old single women.
Wow, your order is the same as mine. Queen-prideful girls are almost always my favorite in BISHOP games, so Miyuri is number 1 by default for me. Sarasa is quite interesting, since I think this is the first time we get cock-tease/little hot devil as one of the heroine. As for Yuhhi, emotionless girl is just not my cup of tea so she ranks lower on the list.
Every eroge company has their unique art style. Personally, I don't think BISHOP has the best art out there but certainly on the better side, especially if you consider smaller/cheaper/indie eroge games. So you can look around and see which company is best suited for your taste
The hourglass figure is generic. Doesn't mean it's not attractive.
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Updated poster images (hope the outfits that aren't uniforms are also going to be in the game)
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They're not against the law itself (no legislation on something that specific), just against the rules of most platforms that are looking to avoid controversy.
Yuuhi. Her body type is just great and I like sporty girls.
But everyone is looking good this time around.
Their previous game (Shinshoku) wasn't school setting.
Yep this one. This is the one I'm looking forward to.

YO wait is this Oonari? Is this one of Oonari's girls? BRO
When did this cat get into unorthodox angles again? I'm telling you the guest artists force our boy to step up his game. That is one of the most top tier anime asses I've ever seen.

Also hoddam Bishop returning to the darker shading and better colorists was the best move they ever made.
Like a heroine from an ero jrpg where you slay the demon king before slaying your heal slut's puss. I like it but I'm not into stuff that's not actually in the CGs
Sarasa is drawn by Kinmedai Pink who previously did Kaya (Ingoku no Houkago) and Tsukasa (Shinshoku).
oh. well that explains that. I still like Oonari bro but...man, these guest artists are the tits.
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Features page has been updated https://www.bishop.gr.jp/products/kss/feature.html

Includes all the outfits as well.
I like Iori and Miyuri's pregnant ending outfit. I think this is the first time we have a pregnant maid ending, cementing her character's fall from a 'queen' to 'maid' in servitude. Sarasa's pregnant ending outfit kinda confused me though, it's just a normal looking dress to me? I wonder if there's more to is as she is originally the 'cock-tease' character.
Well, this confirms that Rumi is a sub-heroine.
>Sarasa's pregnant ending outfit kinda confused me
There's nothing to be confused about. The outfit implies that instead of being a cocktease, she's become a more traditional woman. I'm gonna guess her ending is gonna be at your home going on and one about her otto-sama.
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Maybe Sarasa gets broken into some kind of doting, loyal slave - wife mentality and that's what her pregnant outfit represents.

The demo version is going to be released soon (probably next week, if we take the previous releases into consideration), so we will get more hints about Sarasa's and the rest of the targets personalities soon, along with Miyuri's defloration rape scene...
Ah, good point there. But I have to say, this is quite a surprise seeing a 'fallen heroine' actually wear modest clothes for once. Doesn't happen too often in BISHOP games.
Genuinely surprising that Miyuri has two maid-themed outfits, which means that her route will be truly about destroying her queen-like image to a pure slave maid…

Otherwise, I'd say that Sarasa has unironically my favorite pregnant outfit due to how intriguing it looks.
Both Myuri and Iori costum set are great, Sasara is disapointing but judging for her CGs he route will be great regardless.Yuuhi is boring sadly.
Rumi has two interesting outfit, the bandage and the succubus, even if she is the "helper" with a shorter route i like those. Order of play should be Sasara > Iori / Rumi > Miyuri > Yuuhi (might skip her). Man id wish Sasara would have the succubi costume due to her being alittle devil type but it seems she is more breaking as a traditional/wife rather than that. Looking forward the game next month!!
Exactly, I fully expect Sasara as the cock-tease character to wear the succubi outfit, but I guess her character development will have a twist instead. To be honest, it's a shame Rumi is a side character, I really like her character design. It's funny to think that in older titles, pink-hair is almost always the 'main heroine' of the game.

Speaking of tradition, I wonder why BISHOP still keeping the tradition for having the fifth heroine as the sub character. Is it for cost saving or just to keep the tradition alive? I understand that in BISHOP games, traditionally if the games focus on student heroines, they will have a teacher as a sub-character, and of course if the game is about older heroines (such as a teacher), then they will have a student heroine as the sub instead. But Rumi is also a student heroine just like the rest of the cast, so there's no need to have her as the sub character. The same with the last game.
Do any of you guys have the CD Dramas of the previous games?
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>the tradition for having the fifth heroine as the sub character.
Well, we had a period of time (KTJK3, CS2 where we had only 4 character's and still one of them had a lesser amount of cg scenes due to being a secondary character.

Personally I think that while it definitely falls into the cost saving category the reason is, efficient personal management, since Bishop Visual novels have multiple scenario writer's (the latest one has 5 of them) - meaning, that one of those writer's has less time to do his own route work, since he has to also check through the other scenario writer's work to verify if there aren't any inconsistencies between them that could affect the final, overall plot of the story.

Naturally that's something that could be avoided if the visual novel's only had a single scenario writer, but that would also lengthen the production time ... so I guess it's something unavoidable.
I honestly wish they would focus more on content for the main heroines instead and just get rid of the helper character. Just imagine, for example, the extra scenes we could've gotten in Kazoku if we didn't have to deal with Otoha's assistant and whatever the collection of anime cliches that the sister's friend is called.

But no, we're stuck with the half-route of the already broken character, which sucks for everyone because it's a waste of resources to the people who don't like them, and nothing more than a cosktease to the people who do like the character in that position.

Being fair, there's some games where they do get rid of the helper, Both Kutsujoku 1 and 2, as well as Gakuen 3 don't have a helper, at least that I remember.
Gakuen 3 does have a helper, which is the protagonist's maid. Although that game is focused heavily on the main heroines and have a huge amount of scenes compared to other Bishop titles.
Expect that Gakuen 3 was created about 14 years ago.

Obviously, the production costs of an eroge game have been different at that time, compared to now.
Even though production cost was different back then, I do think sales for Bishop titles were usually consistent.

The amount of scenes are usually dependant on how many artist they got, and IMO, I feel Gakuen 3 is similar to Reijou Kanritou in that there are only 3 main heroines and they are each drawn by a different artist which was the reason it had more scenes than other games. In games like Kuro no Kyoushitsu where it was just Oonari, the game got scenes heavily cut, where everyone only has about half of the post-corruption scenes. Which is a huge shame, since those are usually the best scenes.
Two of Reijou Kanritou's main heroines were drawn by Oonari (Inori and Miharu) while Rio did Nanao.
While the convo you guys had is interesting, I'm here to admit I'm a retard. I meant Houkago 3. Not Gakuen 3
The sub-heroines in Kazoku is mainly there to create many threesome scenes. You have to admit, there are many such scenes and combination for threesomes in Kazoku. Curiously, threesome scenes (outside the harem route) is pretty much gone in recent titles if the game has 5 heroines. It's been a while so I might be wrong, but I don't think there's any threesome scenes in Shinshoku or Ingoku.
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I hope the protagonist of KSS won't reveal his ability too quickly even to Miyuri.

Since personally I prefer the targets to realize the protagonist's abilities or at least the fact that he is responsible for what has been happening to her - starting from losing her virginity to the MC.
I always find the reveal to be a bit anti climatic. He's got the girl in thr crushing grip of her doubts and then the protag is like actually you're not a turbo slut my powers just made you this way and the girl somehow always comes away thinking ",yup I am a slut"
It's all about the execution. the MC from InH for example, revealed his addictive semen properties to Tsumugi mid-scene, and it led her to hate fuck him since she was so into heat that the hate just added fuel to the fire and it was super hot.

On the other hand, if they just straight up tell a girl or something, just mater of factly, "I got the superpower to turn you into a slut, you cannot escape" like a fucking edgelord, and the girls just go "Eeeeh!" then it's fucking garbage. It's all about how you do it and show it.
>Poro Adaptation has been lackluster
I thought the H scenes in the Poro adaption was done amazingly.
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So what's your honest opinion on the girls having heart pupils in their defloration rape scenes?

Personally I have a mixed opinion on this, on one hand in proves that the MC ability is really messing up the girls and they might have the highest orgasm counter when it comes to recent Bishop target's on the other hand I still want the girls to try and resist the protagonist in some way - at least in the beginning stages of their routes, even if he has an unfair advantage against them due to his supernatural power.
More BugBug magazine pages.

The only new thing that I see is how Iori is taken in doggy style during her 'first time'..
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Master up image.

I hope that this means that the trial version is going to be released soon.
Not just heart eyes but also lactate since the pleasure is too overwhelming for the girls. But you don't need to worry, the girls will resist just the same as usual. Generally, they will try their best too resist/deny the pleasure (but ultimately fail) and trying to fight the MC in some way like having him expelled (like Miyuri), using traps, etc. That part it's not going to change. With this premise, you are most probably just getting scenes of the girls trying their hardest to fight the ecstasy but then failing horribly and then she came messily as a result, deepening her humiliation (I just described one of the scenes for Miyuri at least)

Poro has been shit almost since its inception. You could save maybe a couple of very specific scenes from some of their works around 2010-2013.
Green hair best girl.
Well, from her character description, Iori (Green hair) is a girl with a single-minded focus on things that she wants to do (even reckless about it) at the cost of ignoring everything else. So I think we can have a very good guess on how her route and endings would be, especially the slave outfit for her pregnant ending.

As for Sarasa, it was written that this cock-tease girl has a very devoted side. So judging from her modest pregnant ending costume, we can guess she is going to be a very devoted 'wife' for the MC.

I think Miyuri (Blonde Main Girl) route is pretty clear, it's about turning a prideful queen girl to a lewd slave maid for the MC. Classic for the genre.

The sporty girl is about turning an emotionless girl to a lewd girl I guess. So, whose route do you guys think will be the most interesting?
When will the trial version be released?
I care less about routes and more about scenes. So we'll see.

The last BISHOP game I've played was InH and in that one my dick told me it's Tsumugi. Judging from that I'm guessing my dick will favor Iori due to the whole serious thing they both got going on, but who knows. Maybe her scenes are ass and I'll like another girl.
Personally, I'm banking the most in Iori and Sarasa as far scenes/first impressions go while I'm only attracted to Miyuri because of her VA alongside the premise of her route.
Interesting, Tsumugi is the most 'broken' heroine in Ingoku. In the final pregnant scene, the MC even said that he doesn't think she will be a good mother because she is too 'broken ' for it, that she will 100% spread her leg begging for sex in front of her future child shamelessly. So do you prefer if the heroine is more 'broken'?
My preference is always 'still same personality, but will open her legs whenever for her master'
Once again, I care about scenes, not routes. Tsumugi does end up being the most broken like you stated, she reminds me of Shuri from SnK2, who swears to make any future daughter your sex slave as well.

But I don't really care all that much about what happens to the girl, before or after. It's all the same anime cliches, Hell, most of you have already figured out what the routes are gonna be like just based on single blurbs of text from the official site. I care about how hot the scenes are. I'm here to jerk off because women are fucked hard. what happens to the girls story-wise is just an extra. Which I know. It's weird being here just for the fucking on a game series that has novela-sized plots per girl, but I'm a weird fuck.
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So considering that the KSS has overwhelming advantage against the girls, how long do you think it will take for them to start mentally breaking down?

I think we will see signs of that in 3 - 5 scenes, after the defloration rape, depending on the girl.
Out of curiosity, if the heroines is an evil misandrist bitch, do you want her to keep that personality after her 'break'. I mean, this kind of heroine personality is not unheard of in the Choukyou genre.
Not that gaylord, but I like that trait. I love it when the evil misandrist remains an evil misandrist, but she's ok with being you sex toy. I guess you could classify it as a form of gap moe, the idea that with everyone else she's the kind of woman to metaphorically and literally stomp on men's ballsacks for shits and giggles, but with you she's all "Gochujin-Sama!!!"
Pretty much what the guy above said. Like something similar happen to Miria in Shiha No Kyoudan. She's still a domineering bitch to the rest of the students, but she's the slutty cow to the MC
The trial is up:

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Well, I guess we are back to the Kazoku style were more then one girl is raped in the prologue.

Honestly I hadn't expected that.

Miyuri is still the first victim with Rumi being the second one.

Attached are the girls 'pleasure zones' that are unlocked after the demo ends, I wonder how often the MC is going to unlock another one, considering each girl apart from Rumi has only 4 of them.
Huh? Interesting gimmick......
Btw I wanted to ask, in the trial, is it already clear if the MC power is 'permanent' in nature (like in Ingoku) or simply temporary that can be turned on/off at any time.
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Well he needs to send qi (energy) first for a place to become a erogenous zone.

But based on the fact that in Miyuri's case he caressed her pussy in her first cg scene and she only became really sensitive - and started getting heart eyes, in her second defloration rape scene that occurred, some time latter, I think that the effects are permanent, but require some contact between the protagonist's body and the place he wants to 'develop'.

So most likely, a few scenes are going to be needed, to develop another spot on the girls body after the first one is created.
Well, great, GDrive blocked the link for now due to being too popular...
I managed to avoid that issue, by trying to download while being logged into a google account
So the demo was nice. It's rare when BISHOP actually has a somewhat focuses story. Sure the main meat will always be training the girls, but still, its an actual mystery to find the owner of the blackmail letter.

Going by all the girls, the culprit who sent the blackmail letter is probably Iori. It's not Rumi and its not Miyuri. And of the remaining 3 girls she's definitely the most likely to find out the MC's past.
Sorry, I think I'm not being clear with my question. By 'permanent', I was asking if the MC's power also affect the girls outside the sex scenes, like ingoku where the girls are perpetually horny in their everyday lives. Or the MC's power only activates during the sex scenes only and then turned-off/have no effect on the girls outside the sex scenes. For some real-world reasons, it's going to be a while for me to play the trial
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It works by increasing the girls body sensitivity.

So the power doesn't stay on the entire time, but the the sensitivity of the girls body is permanently increased with each session, meaning that with time it's easier to make the MC 'convince' the target that she is actually a lewd girl.

Of course the target's are going to realize that it's the MC fault, but at that point their bodies would probably have enough sensitivity development that they won't be able to function without the MC's dick.
There is one inconsistency with this. If Iori was aware of the MC past would she risk sleeping in the same room as the protagonist?

Knowing that she might be attacked if she let's her guard down.
Like the guy above me said, Iori is too defenseless if she already knows MC's past. This is all just speculation, but if I am the scenario writer, I would make Miyuri's parent to be the one who sent the blackmail letter. The game already established that it is in their interest as the donor/investor of the school (not sure about the translation) for the MC to resign quietly and without causing any scandal. So they would do this to protect their daughter and the school reputation.

So it would be a sweet irony that their action caused her daughter to be raped and fully corrupted by the MC instead. Since the MC is already planning to obey the blackmail letter and quit by the end of the semester since he has no choice, I think it would also be sweet for the MC to use Miyuri's post-corruption(their daughter) to blackmail her parents back, either to keep his job or to extort some money for losing his job, or even to marry Miyuri and obtain the family wealth as compensation (it is already established that they are very rich).Considering Miyuri is the main heroine of the game, I think this is very possible.
New BugBug article about the game https://www.bugbug.news/b_game/160858/
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Ethier this, or one of the heroine has an hidden evil side like Tsumugi in ingoku, would be waay better than just Muyuri, parents (honestly that hatefuck scene was great i hope there is one again).

Also saw on getchu that we will get a fifth (and probably a (sixth since they come two by two) episode of Kazoku featuring contiuation of the Otoha route (Bunny costume scene). If they go to her ending we would have the most complete animation version of an heroine route even if its still sadly being done by Poro.
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Well imo the blackmail letter is just a plot point used to motivate the MC to start using his ability again.

While it's probably going to be mentioned a few times - probably near the ending of the girls routes - I doubt it's going to have as much focus as the progress in training the 4 girls + Rumi.

So basically I think the writer's are going to go with the simplest solution and Miyuri's parents fit that, considering she is the main girl.

The other possibility I see is, that Rumi is the one who has written the blackmail letter - she didn't seem too surprised that the MC has raped her and she definitely has some closet pervert tendencies so she might have a secret desire for the MC to rape her and she put the blackmail letter to motivate him into doing that...
Your Rumi theory is actually very good. The script writer can use Miyuri's parent as bait and then pull a plot twist that it's Rumi all along.

That said, this blackmail letter is quite a strong plot point though, since the MC is already determined to leave school because of it. This is a unique situation and it's going to be a major problem for the heroines since the MC would probably move far away to avoid the scandal as well. So this game is probably a repeat of Houkago 3, where the heroines have to abandon both school and their family altogether to live with the MC as his slave (kinda explain Sarasa's wife outfit). The MC is an adult after all, so this kind of ending is very suitable.

The reason I chose Miyuri's parent as the culprit however, it's because in the world of VN (including BISHOP), usually the main plot is only relevant with the main heroine's route. So just like you said, in other girls routes, the MC would probably just resign and live with his chosen slave and the blackmail letter as a plot point is abandoned or not even mentioned anymore. But Miyuri's route would probably reveal much more of the plot to differentiate her as the main heroine.
>Ethier this, or one of the heroine has an hidden evil side like Tsumugi in ingoku
I think you meant Mafuyu. Tsumugi does do shady shit, but it's pretty meh compared to what Mafuyu really is.
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Thanks, that article revealed several new CGs. Like this one, this image is Miyuri's normal ending. With her wearing a lewd babydoll lingerie and a collar, and judging from the background and MC's casual clothes, this is done either in his room or her room. This can mean several things but I'm not going to speculate much.

Honestly, I prefer if they swap Yuuhi's dog outfit and turn it as her normal ending outfit, because not only it's much sexier, I just don't get her normal ending's outfit at all. It's not particularly sexy (especially compared to other heroines) and what is that supposed to represent anyway? It's just too normal.
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>Yuuhi's normal ending's outfit

I think it means that she evolved from a normal sports focused girl into a perverted sports focused girl.

It's for the same reason why Yuuhi has a swimsuit for her pregnancy ending, which is also sports related.

Bishoip also won't be making any changes to the game, except for some patches if the game has any small issues, since it has already been mastered up - meaning they finished the development and sent the end product to another department that focuses on the physical and digital distribution of their products
I also like that theory since all side heroines drawn by Oonari since Ingoku no Houkago had already known the protagonist before the plot began (Kirie has been already enslaved by Souji while Yumeka is Masaya's cousin), so Rumi being the blackmailer would also make up for her lack of H-scenes as well.

To be fair, they're both sly vixens at their core.
>they're both sly vixens at their core.
Look, anyone who played InH can agree they're both shitty, but I don't think the usual, run of the mill "I will get you kicked out of school" subplot that is usually the domain of student council presidents and discipline committees can compare to the one who ruined your life just cause you weren't all that enthusiastic about her choice of future work and was trying to kill you mid-coitus. The killing part alone is something that we haven't seen in decades by now. That's some Fate Stay Night bad end shit.
Don't worry, I understand that of course. My complaint is that it's not sexy enough. Heck, even her normal runner outfit (you can see in the trial) is much sexier than her normal ending outfit. As for the generic school swimsuit for the pregnant ending, I guess some people like that but there are certainly much sexier and lewder swimsuits out there. So again, my complaint is that the outfits are too boring for the ending scenes, because the ending scenes should be one of the lewdest scenes out there for the heroines. But I understand this this is up to personal taste, some of you might even really like it. To me personally though, the other heroine's outfit is generally better than Yuuhi's ending.
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So based on the info that the KSS protagonist is going to leave the school at the end of the semester ... do you think it's quite likely that only about 60 days is left until the semester ends?

Leaving us with the usual time limit that the recent Bishop games have.

On another topic the 10 days left video has been released: https://video.fc2.com/content/202404245bBtShVZ/&tk=TmpjeE9EYzBNakU9
Pretty much. Like I said, this premise of the MC leaving the school at the end of the game is already done in Houkagou 3, where the adult MC finding out that he is about to get fired from the school due to complaints from the students. So he has to 'break' the heroine before his eventual dismissal. In the endings, the MC got fired and the the chosen heroine abandon the school and everything else to live with the protagonist as his full live-in sex slave (though in the student council president ending, she managed to save his job). Since the MC is an adult, he can provide for heroine.

I'm sure this game will have this similar concept as well for the endings. This game is also about adult MC vs Schoolgirls combination after all. Though I'm not sure whether the heroines will be disowned by her family for it or perhaps the family agrees for their marriage/cohabitation. Perhaps it will be 50/50 mix.
I know that I said I don't want to speculate much, but I guess I will. Since I'm wondering if BISHOP is permanently erasing the heroine's epilogue endings. Because usually, both the normal and pregnant ending has their own epilogue scene (for example, the epilogue for the pregnant ending usually about the child being safely born and now the heroines is trying to get pregnant again). However, these epilogue scenes for some reason have been removed ever since CnS2, which I think translates into two fewer scenes for each heroine (since they have epilogue scenes for both endings). So I'm wondering if they will be back since the ending scenes is not as satisfying without the epilogues.
I doubt they'll make it longer than that. We are way past the days of them making games with restrictive requirements in the gameplay.

>squirting from behind during belly-down doggy
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Probably, most likely most of the buyer's that provide Bishop with statistics on how their games are received have been going for the pregnant or harem endings and ignoring the normal endings, so in order to save costs Bishop has started to incorporate the 'normal ending' scenes into the pregnant ending.

If Bishop receives enough input to change that again, I think they might think about it, since they already done that when it comes to the topic of the aspect ratio that Bishop games have.
I'm perfectly fine with BISHOP combining both endings. They're usually the same thematically anyways.
If they did different endings, like preggo ending is the acceptance of the girl being your fucktoy, and the non-preggo being her still struggling to be free of your slavery then that would be one thing, but in practice they're both the same fucktoy ending, just that one of them is the girl being your incubator on top of your sex toy.
Well, at least get us 1 epilogue scenes after the pregnancy ending. I mean, we used to have that so I feel removing it just reduce the amount of scenes we got.

Btw, I know this is just nukige and all, but do you guys actually got turned-on by the "I'm going to breed dozens of babies out of you" in the pregnant ending? Personally, it's a bit cringe for me because it's just going to ruin the heroine's body and reduce the amount of times you can have sex with her, during the pregnancy and afterwards for the time-consuming childcare, especially if you have that many children it's going to be extra expensive as well . Realistically forcing the MC to have more jobs and reduce the amount of sex he can have. I honestly prefer if they remove those lines or many people actually got turned on by that. Am I the strange one?
We all get turned on by what we like. Personally I do find the idea of impregnating a woman hot, but I'm also not doing it IRL, at least not with a lot of planning with a woman of decent morals at the bare minimum.

It's not like I'm some Utah LDS trad fucker just filling some basic white bitch full of semen as soon as she pumps out her 6th child. So guess where I find my fix? If you guesed on Glorious Nippon sex games that may or may not get translated to english, then you'd be right.
Since they usually do two different endings (though those had stopped for a while) I imagine the hope is that the hardcore breeder crowd will be satisfied with the impregnate her infinitely angle that the pregnancy endings have gone for recently and the people who just want a girl who is down all day everyday get the non pregnant ending.

I imagine the idea with the "turbo pregnancy" angle is to imply that even being a mother (usually a position of honor in society) can't stop these girls from performing there most sacred duty. Really the angle I find less appealing that they do fairly often these days is the "I'll teach our daughter in the ways of slavery". Just not my bag (though on the other hand Saki is probably my favourite girl from 3slg so....).

I think it might be interesting to see some changes brought about by pregnancy in the epilogue scenes but I think some subtle visual changes to mark the slavery would be cool as well (and I suspect I'm in the minority since they have never done that).
8 days left video: https://video.fc2.com/a/content/202405233qLNYFL5
I hope we get to see Otoha knocked up. I am obsessed with Otoha and her massive rack, and if her husband won't give her (and her massive rack) the attention she (and her massive rack) deserve then his son may as well claim her (and her massive rack). Akagi Rio did such godly work designing this milf, I swear to God.
Only 7 days left: https://video.fc2.com/a/content/20240524CheDA39d
Online game manual is released https://www.bishop.gr.jp/products/kss/manual/index.html
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Looking at the images - seems like Sarasa has her nipples become her first 'sensitive spot'.

And Yuuhi has a part of her vagina (too low resolution for me to tell the difference between her and Miyuri or Rumi), followed by her nipples.

So the parts that becomes the girls weak spot seem to be similar but they get them in a different order - at least, based on the current info hopefully, the girls will have more differences in their sensitive spots latter in the game...
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Too bad that Miyuri doesn't seem to have this outfit in the game ... at least I haven't seen it in the feature page...
With the game is less than one week away, who's your most anticipated heroines and your planned play order. Btw, are you saving the best girl for last or the opposite usually?
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Depends on what are going to be the requirements for the harem ending.

I usually play the events so that I can unlock the harem ending as quickly as possible and then go for each heroine's single ending in the order based on my initial impressions of them + the interest that I gained about each girl from the events that I read.

At the moment my initial impressions are Miyuri -> Sarasa -> Iori -> Rumi -> Yuuhi and I leave the harem ending as the last one.

That way I can complete the entire game in more or less a single playthorugh
Seems like Bishop has some delays in providing the day countdown video's - was waiting to see if more video countdown video's are going to appear but so far the only new ones that have been unlocked is the

9 days left: https://video.fc2.com/a/content/20240522gEFfP3UL
6 days left: https://video.fc2.com/a/content/20240525KLkTANLA
Looks like they are having problems with fc2. In Twitter they are all uploaded.
Having gone through some Japanese eroge site, seems like Ingoku is doing considerably better than Shinshoku. Not sure if it's because Ingoku has school girls setting , but I guess it make sense why this game have close similarities with Ingoku in terms of MC Power.

I think having 'hostile' heroines also help, not sure why BISHOP titles do not have more hostile heroines while operating within the choukyou genre. Considering 'hostile' heroines is usually the more popular heroines in the past BISHOP titles, compared to the usual 'nice' girls.

Also, I find it amusing that there are quite a few complaints about NTR in Shinshoku by the Japanese fans, saying this does not belong to the BISHOP titles. Having married heroines means they are technically non-virgin heroines and some BISHOP's Japanese fans seems to have an issue with that.
>Having married heroines means they are technically non-virgin heroines and some BISHOP's Japanese fans seems to have an issue with that.
oh lol So it's not the NTR they hate but the lack of hymen. I mean I do appreciate the virgin buster moment too but come on, Sarina was top tier in every way and even her NTR plot was a good one.
The one time I didn't like the NTR plot was in that other cumflation title with Akemi, but she was so hot and the situation grew on me.

Good to see Japanese fans as finicky and tarded as the rest of us. Still really annoyed that they only show love to titles with school setting though. Between the virgin preference and the school setting preference you'd think they only want teens or something as heroines, and yet Anju from KTJK was the most popular character in that game so....huh
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That preg CG is amazing and I am hyped out the tits for this game

>Well, at least get us 1 epilogue scenes after the pregnancy ending. I mean, we used to have that so I feel removing it just reduce the amount of scenes we got.
Psh You think that sucks? How about the time we used to get non-H CGs of the girls in their introduction. The last time we had that was in the family game with Otoha.

Or how about my favorite, where you get to choose whether to creampie or not? It sucks we don't have alt CGs for not even half the H scenes anymore. I really liked getting the choice and then that being the decider of whether or not you get a preg end or non-preg end.
>Really the angle I find less appealing that they do fairly often these days is the "I'll teach our daughter in the ways of slavery".
Thankfully I don't remember BISHOP games having this much at all. Certainly not recently, except for maybe KTJK which is basically just a horror H game where the protag is Jason and his machete is his dick. But yeah who the hell gets off to the idea of dicking down your own daughter in a game where that's not once teased as a theme?

It's like if they just suddenly had the protag fucking his girl but there's a puppy in the background of the H scene and he says "You'll be trained by my dick next!"
Totally out of left field and kills the moment
Not surprised in the least, Glorious Nipponese people are the gayest people to have ever gayed in the history of gaying.

>I think having 'hostile' heroines also help, not sure why BISHOP titles do not have more hostile heroines while operating within the choukyou genre. Considering 'hostile' heroines is usually the more popular heroines in the past BISHOP titles, compared to the usual 'nice' girls.

I'm guessing that by "hostile" they mean conniving cunts. Cause thing is you don't have to BE hostile in order to be a confrontational heroine. So they probably mean the kind of evil bitch that will use or manipulate the protagonist before he blows a gasket and says "fuck it, I'll rape all these girls for the next 60 days and 60 days only"
Isn't NTR one of the most popular genres in hentai there?

Besides, BISHOP's NTRs are somewhat tame since it's the protagonist doing it while aside of Akemi, Miyako and Mifuyu's husbands, the cucked ones in the games who had a NTR plot were just as douchey as the protagonists when they weren't complete hetare like Sarina's husband.
I mistook Miyako (KTJK3) with Mikako (Tokubetsu Jugyou 3)
Which one has the biggest role in the story? I assume they don't show up much in any of them.
Popularity doesn't mean that you should enjoy it anon.
Starbucks hot milkshakes are popular, does that mean you should run over to the nearest one and get yourself a machiatto?
The Kardashians are popular, do you watch their show? follow them on Isntagram to see and like their slut pics?
Akemi and Mikako's husbands have sprites and do play some key roles in their wives' routes.

Seiji (CnS) is kinda rude towards the MC while Kouji was a cool dude who didn't deserved to be cucked.

To be honest, I never understood the appeal of NTR since the genre is stale as hell.

I guess BISHOP putting the player in the shoes of a MC doing the NTR is somewhat novel, but it's understandable that's not everyone's cup of tea although Sarina was a very enjoyable heroine in Shinshoku.
Akemi was amazing brother.
Not sure about NTR being the most popular genre, but I know that not everyone enjoys it. Sure, there are games if not studios fully dedicated to this genre but BISHOP is not one of them .

Generally speaking, companies/brands usually have their niches, and for BISHOP, it's mainly school setting, virgin heroines (thus virgin school girls/teacher), 'happy mind-break' and monopoly of the heroines. Hence why you don't see gangbang in BISHOP games, it will break the 'monopoly niche' and I'm sure some fans will get upset if BISHOP goes into that route, just like fans were upset with KTJK 1 when it's not doing the usual 'happy mind-break' but crueler and BISHOP has never done it again ever since, even in the other two KTJK games.

So if you want to see other genres like gangbangs, it's best if you go into other brands like Guilty who specialized on it. Even within the Choukyou genre other companies also have their niches, be it mind control, NTR, magical girl rape, or even the non-rape training ones.
I wish Bishop branched out. They have some of the best designs in all of hentai in my opinion (Kaho. Yuuri, Otoha, Nanao, etc.).
At least try Isekai. Or do something vanilla again.
Yeah, sure, let BISHOP do again a game in the most overused genre...
And even if they are not.goong to do a vanilla game again, branching out would mean having smaller games no matter what, and that is a pretty lame thing considering one of their biggest strengths is the sheer amount of content present on each game.
I can still understand someone getting tired of these samey scenarios over and over, but I will say to look out on some dogital storefronts and on exh, you can discover some old gems you may not even know about them.
It's all money. There's no one stopping them from doing anything else, saimin, monster girls, go full into NTR territory, go full into vamilla and make a Xcation visual novel where you spend 30 hours talking to a girl before getting to the sex, etc. the problem is trying to get those people to buy the game, because BISHOP players are not gonna buy them. Japanese like tried and true, they don't like anything new.

Speaking of tried and true, that's also a cultural element, this is still a nation where you're expected to take over the family business just as your father did, just like his father before him, and his father before him. It doesn't matter if the business is a global conglomerate or a ramen stall on the street. So I would not be surprised if the kind of "Imma go of on my own and do something new!" idea is frowned upon. It could be that there's people at BISHOP working right now who want to do something weird and exciting, but they probably get told to shut the fuck up and go back to work with the crusader-like fervour of an asian parent telling their child that chasing their dreams is stupid and they should go into being a doctor or a lawyer.
Well, it's about willingness to take risk by trying something new. If BISHOP can't change the overall setting, they can change the game itself. For example, raising simulations like Tokubetsu is a nice change, but I guess it didn't do well since they don't do this again. I also like the game if you can choose your training method for the heroines and have several endings depending on your choices (such as what kind of sex slave will she be).

Or you can just be creative with the genre itself, for example you can have the MC and the schoolgirls stuck in a deserted island due to an accident during the school trip and you need to break the heroines before the rescue (which will be used as the deadline). You can also some fantasy element to it, such as the girls are secretly a demon/angel/youkaI/succubus with different factions, etc and you have to tame them into your slave.
>Or you can just be creative with the genre itself, for example you can have the MC and the schoolgirls stuck in a deserted island due to an accident during the school trip and you need to break the heroines before the rescue (which will be used as the deadline). You can also some fantasy element to it, such as the girls are secretly a demon/angel/youkaI/succubus with different factions, etc and you have to tame them into your slave.

I like that.

From my understanding the eroge market is a terrible market to be in (oversaturated as hell). Once you have a customer base you have to stick to it.
The eroge INDIE market is oversaturated, there are almost a hundred of mediocre games released monthly on DLsite, and they just flood the market and make finding the good products from big companies harder to find for the customers.
Also, I think that a lot of customers are simply not willing to pay triple A prices for an eroge, they'd rather buy a lot of games but those being cheaper.
It's not just that the eroge market is oversaturated, but also what is eroge used for? obviously masturbation, but that's the thing, people will go to the easiest point of access for masturbation, if you're an adult man, you're just gonna go to what gets you going, have a wank and go on with your day. It's not like you're a teenager in the early 2000s and your only choice was staying awake past midnight so you could watch Cinemax porn.

Likewise, in the eroge market, the people who are gonna go for a story with their porn are the minority, most want to have a wank and move on with their day, this is why Miel and other indie garbage is popular, and why stuff like BISHOP games have a harder time getting more people to buy in
I would like Bishop to return to item school as the game progresses. In MK1, MK2 and Kyouiku were very good. And it would be good if they added more Dark Skins or a plot in which the MC transformed a heroine into Gyaru, it would be incredible.
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Well transforming into a gyaru would require Bishop to create more character sprites, so while it's possible it would cost a little bit more money.

It depends on what the japanesse think about this kind of development.

As for item school, considering that the recent Bishop games are more simplified compared to the older ones, I doubt that it has a huge chance of occurring - after all we don't even have any types of bad ending's - other then the timeout one, were the girls / women actually succeeded in driving out the MC (or killing him) , after he reveals his true nature.

On another topic it seems that the countdown video's on FC2 have finally been updated.

5 days: https://video.fc2.com/a/content/202405304Axabs0y
4 days: https://video.fc2.com/a/content/20240530X97xFPu4
3 days: https://video.fc2.com/a/content/20240530qBzg6gXS
2 days: https://video.fc2.com/a/content/20240530RCCuLQ4U
1 day: https://video.fc2.com/a/content/20240530uUrJxFdX
I don't think that's exactly the problem. My take from this is just most consumers capitalistic consumer mindset, that they need something new no matter what constantly, and what is old must be thrown to the bin just because it is not new.
Otherwise, it does not make sense thar gacha games and effortless games have a great degree of success (and don't get me started with AI, people putting effort in recreating some janky ass shit when there are already hundreds of products well done out there).
What are the sales numbers for high effort eroge from companies like Omega Star? Is it 2-4x Bishops?
BISHOP is one of the biggest selling eroge companies (even including non-nukige ones), I don't think that there is much difference with Omega Star.
For example, Kyousei Shihai is first in sales ranking in Akiba Sofmap and second in Getchu, that are two of the most important online stores for eroge.


Sadly, they still need to get paid by DMM for the digital exclusive rights in order to help fund these games, kinda ironic considering that DMM's primary business model is almost the complete opposite.
Unfortunately, I have to disagree. Sure, BISHOP is one the biggest in the 'Nukige' genre, but it's hard to compare it to 'Serious VN' genre with high effort story like Yuzusoft, Omega-Star. etc. These legendary VN studios definitely sell more per title. To a mid-tier studio and their titles however, they probably sell a similar amount.

That said, we have to consider that BISHOP release a new game every 6-9 months, while legendary VN studios release their game every 2-5 years as they need more effort to create the story. So while they sell more per title, BISHOP releases more games.

Overall, Gacha generally ruin VN studios, even famous developer "Key" said that Gacha is where the real money is, which have ruin gaming in general. In fact, BISHOP was facing serious financial difficulty a few years ago that they have to downsize and cut cost (to be fair, the same happened to many VN studios since Japan economy is declining). This is why modern BISHOP game is smaller and simpler compared to older titles, since they want 'smaller' games so they can sell it cheaper since Japan economy is getting worse and people have lower income, especially since the pandemic.
So the sales for this title arent bad, was thinking that they are since bishop games usually get leaked pretty fast and this one hasnt so i was on the impression that it was doing badly.
Bishop games are rarely leaked on the day of the release.

It takes at least a day or more to leak it.
launch video: https://video.fc2.com/a/content/202405310y46TkFC
It's leaked https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4120493
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One thing that I managed to confirm is that the normal and pregnancy endings are separated in KSS.

So unlocking the pregnancy ending doesn't show the normal ending H scene.

It also might be me ... but I have the impression that KSS has less 'retraining' scenes - only 2 instead of 3 like in the other Bishop games, most likely because of the unlocking 'sensitive' spots mechanic - which has a few H cg's as well.

Rumi also has the least amount of H scenes and only a single pregnant ending - I also haven''t seen how she actually assists the MC.
So overall, which heroine you liked the best and/or has the best route?

Bummer about Rumi getting shafted though.
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Haven't actually read the routes, just skipped through them to get to the endings, but based on the cg scene's, I think Miyuri is my first route.

After all, we don't have a lot of girls from Bishop games, who got their asshole 'deflowered' in a maid outfit...
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At the second place I would put Sarasa's route, since I enjoy seeing innocent, inexperienced girls become lewd and from what I read from her route so far, Sarasa seems to fall into this character type... despite her mature body.
I have not played the game, but from the CG alone. I think it's clear that they 3 retraining scenes as well
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I've never seen BISHOP games (or any other Japanese eroge games) got leaked hours after it was released. Next time, just wait 1-3 days for it. If you are wondering about sales, it's no 1 selling titles for this week in getchu.
Ok played the game. Overall I liked it, and the heroines were mostly good...Rumi was just there as a form of expositon mainly, so nothing really worth commenting on.

Iori, Miyuri, and Yuuhi all have solid art and standard BISHOP route with girls learning pleasure. My favorite is Iori actually asking her student coucnil about sexual position and fetishes must to their embarassment.

My fav girl is definitely Sarasa, who has the most story heavy route, mainly because it turns out she was the one who wrote the letter. It turns out to be this whole, thing where her dad is a rich hospital director with quite a few skeletons in the closet. One of which is him framing a rando for running over the MC while drunk. So her dad actually tried to find a way to kick the MC out, and this is where Sarasa worry he would do something illegal, so she tried to scare the MC to prevent her dad from doing something drastic...well you know where that went.
Ultimately it ends with the MC using Sarasa to blackmail her dad so he can enslave her without worry.

My biggest gripe with the art is definitely the cumflation art, mainly for most of them, it barely inflated thier bellies. I missed the days of Ura Kyoushi and CNS where the girls actually look a few month pregnant (or nearly popping in Ura Kyoushi case)
How ironic we theorized that the sender would be either one of the girls designed by Oonari and it's one we expected the least.

That's a nice twist to say the least.
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I knew I wouldn't be the biggest fan of the game but yeah, I wasn't sold on it. This being said, I really liked Green's scene, which isn't really a surprise because I loved Sarina in KSS.
From what I have seen in Twitter and some reviews, Japanese players are liking the game.
love sarasa most not only because she is the best looking desgine girl also because her route
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Gonna have to wait until Sugoi VN makes an English patch because my moonrune is rusty, but that is a twist I'm into.

Just looking at the CGs and Sarasa and Iori were definitely my top picks. Iori's preg scene is unreal levels of hot.. Sarasa having a more story-important route is kinda funny too since she's voiced by pic related in KnS2.
Literal Master Class artist, like to the point where it makes you wonder why they don't also do a manga series or something instead of just sticking to hentai games. Also apparently she's a woman, which kinda makes sense because of the kind of details in her artwork. Female artists always have a thing for gorgeous hair on their characters. Same with Akagi Rio. I miss her...

Past two games have been bangers though
>BISHOP school-themed game
>Japanese fanbase

Ain't even surprised.

Hasumi is a cutie, but can't say that I cared about Chisa IMO
sarasa in this game and tsukasa in shinshoku have very good art love them
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While sales varied by website, in DLSOFT, KS is 5th weekly and 1st in Monthly sales.

By the way, is there a masochist transformation in this game, not necessarily a BDSM theme, just masochist heroines after the their break. I wonder why BISHOP very rarely has a BDSM theme for heroine training (I know BDSM CG/Scenes exist but not as the main theme for the training of any heroine). I think they only did it in Tokubetsu (though the entire game is BDSM in that one)
Masochism has been less of a theme and more of a spice with BISHOP games. They just do some black leather/latex outfits, they put them on a blonde bitch, and they call it a day. One heroine here or there might like spanking, but other than those two, I don't think I've seen any other BDSM stuff.
I wouldn't put her on the same level as Rio but man, as you said, she really nails the little details, especially the nipples, and I love her costume choices. The two body suits in this game are incredible.
When I installed the game and click startup , the game not open and just stay in startup window . How can I fix that , pls help.
First question, are you running the game in the japanese windows locale ?

Since the game won't run without it.

Try uninstalling the game and installing it into a different location (that isn't program files).

Check if you have access to the %localappdata% folder - since that's where Bishop stores it's registration / save files.

Check if there is a created Bishop\KSS folder in your %localappata% folder - if there is - delete it and try to run the startup program again.

Try running directly the boot.exe program instead of the startup progam.

Check if your downloaded files are correct and check if your antivirus hasn't disabled anything from the game files.

Does are the only advice that I can give to you at the moment....
go to a taskbar and find and try to check if have boots.exe end that task
The fact that Sarasa body doesn't respond to sexual stimulation so the MC is the only one can make her feel good and because of that he can enslave her is also very nice
So for those who have played the game. What is your ranking order for the heroines routes?
>>8047376 i do all the thing that u recommend and still cant . i have window 11 , directx12 , and the start up just stay there when i click start button . anything i can do now?
Shit. I remember skimming this thread before and being turned off but after actually reading it, harems, "happy" mind break, and sole males are my jam. I'm very intrigued. Although that could just be the Intriguenol I took earlier.

Regardless, two questions. Where do I start, and are there matures and MILFs in these games? If it's all school girls, that's fine. But I love me a good hag.
Lucky you since Sansha Mendan which is the only BISHOP game with an actual English translation has a MILF among the heroines, so you can try reading it.
Save the best for last (Kazoku). MK4 and Kazoku have some of the best designs in all hentai (including manga/doujins/eroge/webtoons/etc.)
Are the other Bishop games playing fine on your system ?

Try downloading the install files again, maybe something got corrupted during installation.

As a last resort you can try to install a virtual machine with an older windows installed (Windows 10, 8.1 or 7) on it and check if the vn is running fine on it.

Other then that I don't have anymore idea's that could help you.
We found already the issue, being idiot enough to install a brand new OS that is heavily prone to cause issues with existing software instead of waiting a couple of years to ensure that it works without so many issues.
Tks u anon , I downgrade to win10 and everything work well . Don't know why kutsujoku 3 work with w11 but the new one doesnt
Does anyone have the mtl script for this one (Kyousei shihai)?
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So I've been to some Japanese sites, and while this game is no1 sales in DLsite (see the picture), I see that a few Japanese fans really pissed of about the BISHOP replacing bloomers with spats (I just noticed it myself after they pointed it out). Although some fans admit that this change is also inevitable due to changes in regulation (which I don't understand, can someone help me?). Either way, some Japanese fans really love their bloomers man......
Honestly I find spats hotter since its easy to make them skintight like it is in multiple of the art.
Thank you so much anon!
do you know where to get the high quality?

where you get this? is there high quality without the wm?
From this link https://www.bugbug.news/b_game/162478/

As for the high quality - the only option is to buy the game from the melon shop, since from what I know the poster's haven't been leaked: https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=2323152&adult_view=1
Anyone know a website or a way to get this type of english patch translation for others games?
Many thanks anon!
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What do you think the theme of the next Bishop game going to be - which considering the previous releases, is most likely going to be released at the end of the first month of 2025?

Personally I think there is a chance of it being teacher focused, probably with a 'virgin' student MC that has another supernatural ability...

Well most of the teacher's are probably going to be virgins as well... since that is quite common in Bishop games.
To be fair, Miyuri's route in this game can be considered as Masochist transformation, even if it's not particularly a full blown BDSM theme
I'm into BISHOP for teachers, so I hope we go back to making sluts out of mature women in business casual sometime soon.

Now, as far as the MC goes, I hope they take a break from the supernatural abilities sometime soon. I got nothing against them, but it's beginning to get old. At the same time I dunno what they could replace it with. I would be fine with standard vanilla blackmail coming back, but that's also old and played out to most of the fanbase.
They could replace with MC being in a gang and start to command his squad to bang teachers, i dunno.
Nah. "Sole Male" is one of the best tags there is and it's great Bishop supports this. It's okay if he's some kind of gang leader making teachers his pet though.
Help BISHOP voting for Kyousei Shihai on https://moe-gameaward.com/vote/vote_check.html?id=10068
Maybe Kagami leaving Bishop was a good thing for our hard drives. I don't feel compelled to keep recent bishop games since a few years back, and I've still got like 100Gigs of Bishop Games, and another 100 of Lilith games. And another 100 of Honey select. Among other miscelaneous games
Honestly, one day i hope BISHOP make Reijou Karinto but with teacher. Basically taking the sexiest faculty members and making them into your sex pets, and one for each subject like the math teacher/gym teacher/nurse etc.
Since you want this, I assume you have some ideas who the main trio should be, and who's getting the side girl treatment. Expend upon your ideas anon.
>haughty bitch doesn't even get her comeuppance in the hentai ova
>gets like 10 secs of any service between both episodes
What the fuck were they thinking?
No, thank God they didn't touch her. They wouldn't do her justice in the sense that she will get treated softer than she deserves. Might as well leave her out so the fags who cannot take it anymore come back to the VN.
Akagi Rio designs the best looking Bishop characters though
Too bad for you that she doesn't seem to be working in the visual novel industry anymore.

At least she hasn't been involved in any projects for more then a year according to vndb.
Probably working on the next Milk Factory game
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So do you think that Sarasa deserves her 'fate' after she unintentionally, awakened the sleeping 'beast' ?

Well, she is definitely not the first Bishop female that got fooled by the MC 'acting' and ultimately lead herself to her 'doom' ... but I would like to here you're opinion on those kind of plot devices and if you would like to see them used again in the future Bishop titles...

Personally I don't mind them, as long as they are made, not too obvious...
That is a beautiful idea, a bishop game with only teachers. Although desu, I'm not sure they have the artists for that anymore tho. Their best games had teachers, but they also had different artists as well tho. Mesu Kyoushi, Ura Kyoushi and Sansha mendan. We've long strayed from those glorious games. Don't think we'll get them again. It's been about 5 years since we got a GOOOOD game, instead of just a good game.
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It's not an issue of having artists the issue is ... will the sells of a teacher only game exceed the sales that Bishop gets from their schoolgirl focused or mix of schoolgirls and teacher games.

After all, Bishop releases only 1 - 2 games per year so I don't think that they can afford to release something that could fall behind their 'predicted' sells
Interesting concept, I myself have always been super turned on by the teacher/beauty mark/milf concept over any schoolgirl. In fact, I rarely get turned on by a schoolg concept, and I very rarely visit the sc even in old bishop games. Still it was def one of the artists inspiration, won't argue with that if they release great games. Which they haven't done in a while. At very rare times, artists need to explore and experiment a bit to stop releasing the same monotony if it's not working for them or others. And I myself don't feel like they felt super inspired in the last few games. It's like, they don't know what characters to make, what seiyuus to make, what plot.

I think they should try new things at this point. I can't find sales numbers anywhere, but I can't imagine they're making the big bucks now with the recent games in comparison to the older games.

I guess the only proof I've got is 4 chan right here. Bishop general used to have tons of posts like lilith general, now we barely fill a page ever time a game comes out.
They could plan better for it for a new type of game as well. Simplify. Many developers end up wasting a bit too much time in the gameplay aspects of H games and sometimes they forget why we're here. It's not as if we're here on H visual novels for flashy scenarios, or smooth interface, or mechanics. And just get a couple women. And compare sales with that game. Or make two of those experiments. Kinda like ochiru hitozuma. God knows that game was a BOMB.
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To be fair, this is already the second or third 4chan page for this game (the earlier ones are already deleted). As you can see in the picture, this game is still number one in Fanza / DLSOFT. Judging from the numbers, Ingoku was actually a big success for BISHOP, hence why the MC Power for this game is quite similar with Ingoku if you think about it. Honestly, I prefer having 'hostile heroines' like in Ingoku, so not surprised why that game is more successful.

That said, eroge games industry has taken a huge downturn in general. I remember around 10 years ago, there are far more eroge games released every month. But Japan's economy is very bad now, especially after Covid and the eroge industry is no longer the same.

BISHOP themselves has taken a huge hit and was forced to downsized their company. Hence why older BISHOP games generally has more content and game mechanics with more staff working on the game. Now, they are forced to cut cost and generally speaking, many eroge developers do not survive the economic downturn. I don't think Lilith even made a new 'traditional' eroge games nowadays. Gatcha is the real money maker and that's why many developers has moved on to Gatcha and leaving the 'traditional' eroge games dry. So yeah, gatcha ruin the game industry as usual........
>provides a nuanced and thought out reply as to why H games nowadays are not as good as they used to be
>"But it's the fault of gatcha games guise!"
Lol, I guess for some people, it's better to die a heroic sacrifice rather than surviving to fight another day
Well, since Lilith was mentioned in this thread, I just wanted to point out that Lilith has largely abandoned traditional Eroge games in favor of Gatcha games instead (along with other famous Eroge developers as well). This is one of the reasons for the decline of the Eroge games industry in Japan other than the economy and Covid (or perhaps the fact that those companies went for Gacha instead was a sign of distress for the Eroge industry to begin with).

With the industry in distress like this, it's hard for BISHOP (or any other Eroge developers) to take more risk with their games. That said, since we have 3 games in a row with mainly schoolgirls, I'm fairly sure that the next game will have adult heroines.
They should have lesbian gangrape scenes. Like, a lot of gyarus torment the heroine with strap-ons because the protagonist called them to rape the heroine.
Going off of that, I noticed a reason that BISHOP harems nowadays don't hit as hard for me is that the girls barely play with each other.
Like in the olden days, they're using strapons, sucking each other nipples, playing with clit and ass...
Like c'mon half the fun of a harem, is seeing the girls lezzing it up with each other
Can anyone upload mtl from svn?
Nvm found it
Yes, and for some reason BISHOP also removed the threesome scenes as well. They still have it up until CnS 2. I don't know if they want to cut costs or there's just a low demand for such scenes. In any case, since the heroines are all handled by many different artist, I guess making such scenes together are harder. Old Bishop generally only have 1-2 artist working for each title.

Speaking of CnS2, I have a feeling we will get adult heroines for the next game.
personally i hate my woman have sex with another woman that is a NTR for me and a big turn off well may be that just each individual's own preferences
Man, the NTR thing has really done a number on you fuckers didn't it? is everything that isn't just sex in the missionary position for the purposes of procreation NTR now?
How seeing the heroines pleasuring each other NTR, Anon?
how missionary position relate to in this case,for me harem is all the girl only lust and want to have sex with him only,if the girl have lust or want to have sex with other(man or woman) then is not a harem is just Polyamory i don't see any difference between male and female,come on guy is 21 century and lesbian can marry each other now what is this double standard
so you like to see you girl get gangrape by some lesbian gyaru wear strapon is not NTR ?? i don't have any double standar like girl on girl is hot or is the woman then is not cheat here.
when i said NTR it also can be netorase too
Netorase represents a variation of NTR that
a genre of sharing or cuckoldry pornography where a protagonist's love interest has sex with others, which the protagonist enjoys, actively encourages or even causes.
In that case if you want you woman get gang rape,fuck by another woman and doesn't involves emotional betrayal like jealousy then is just netorase
Brother, all heroines in BISHOP games are fully devoted to the MC and his cock after being fully corrupted.

That's why I was confused by your statement.
Bro I'm just said my opinion about what this guy wants in the next game Like, a lot of gyarus torment the heroine with strap-ons because the protagonist called them to rape the heroine.If the next bishop game have that netorase cuck state i will drop it right away that not my cups of tea.But if that their hobbies then fine just keep playing it i just said my own opinion everyone have their own sexual preference.

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