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Kurashiki Reina's onee-chan, finally.
>The sisters get along quite well, or rather, the older sister is one-sidedly very protective of Reina, and Reina is slightly annoyed because she has a hard time with the older sister who is a genius.

>Design A
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>Design B
can someone translate the Japanese?
Natural beauty lady
Unconsciously makes men fall in love with her
>セックスにそんなに好きじゃないっ =>「傍にいるとか、手を握るとかハグでよくない?」
Really doesn't like sex that much => "Isn't it best when we are together, hold hands or hug?"
Wait, this is still going?
>Kurashiki Reina's onee-chan, finally.
I really hoped they would first finish the Reika and Reina oyakodon but it's yet another new project they wont finish in the next 5 years
>Design A
would prefer that way more than B but I could bet it's going to B regardless
Bitch, they're even making a saimin rape visual novel out of it.
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Compared to her mother and her sister she seems rather boring...
Surely this means we'll get a double oyakodon scene.
Yeah, in 8 years, lol
Bump with a stitch I just made.
why are all the loras of this hentai dogshit
I'm still mad that the scene with her mom cut off right before oyakodon could happen
post more of this
Such iconic GOAT designs
AiueOka does not draw FamiCon Ch.5. It's already been a year.
does someone have the full set of this
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english translation
Echizen say this

I saw the rip of yesterday's illustration and thought, "Oh, I haven't uploaded the setting of Reina Kurashiki's sister anywhere," so I'm going to leave it here I have the setting and plot, but even if I do get around to it, it will be after I've finished all the other manga work, for all intents and purposes. As I recall, I had a huge fight with Mr. Waon over whether to use A or B.
天然(系) is short for 天然ボケ "natural airhead"
>not a virgin
also interested
I wish we could bring the crew here to America so they can finish this series uncensored
Really nice, saved. She's so hot, perfect design
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Do we have any info about it? I mean, a chapter every year is quite slow.
Has it ever been explained how Tanaka got his powers and what their reach is?
Problem is the design is too similar to the mother and daughter duo. Seems redundant.
Likely low priority. Once the game for the Saimin Seishidou -Secret Lesson is out in 9/27, things should pick up for FamiCom hopefully.
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website has been updated
I have the hip ona of the Mom and daughter separately, the daughter isn't that great but the Mom is fucking incredible, they also released a 4 hole oyakodon hip ona so I'll be getting that soon
Did we ever get confirmed Reina pregnancy?
Too bad amazon fucked us over and now we can't buy +18 items in the japan store
Looking similar is like the whole point of family fetish stuff like oyakodon and shimaidon. It drives home the point that the girls are related.
I never used Amazon Japan, there's always some catch with shipping so that I have to jump through hoops to get anything, I just use J-list and Kanojo toys
How's their package and goods declaration?
I mean, is the package discreet? And how are the items described in the declaration form? As toys?
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The packaging is fine, I never read the paper though, just ripped it off and opened the box, but I'm sure it's fine, never got any funny looks myself
>mom has darker nipples
Not sure why but this is the cherry on top for me.
I wouldn't mind this if he had done the Mother and daughter combo first.

An airhead beauty onee-san
Makes men fall in love with her unconscious actions
>セックスにそんなに好きじゃないっ =>「傍にいるとか、手を握るとかハグでよくない?」
Really doesn't like sex that much => "isn't being together, holding hands or a hug good enough?"
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New update from the dudes. Tomboy teacher after episode.
Are these guys the Togashi of hentai manga?
They work at a snail pace

Jun, the amazing anthropomorphic focused artist, puts out a new story with god tier art every few months or so
>Togashi of hentai manga
That's yozo
the real problem is the (seemingly) bland personality
I mean, both the mom and Reina are turbo cunts. And the way you make a black sheep of a family that consists of both a Feminazii-tier mother and a rebellious bitch of a daughter, is to make the black sheep a standard-issue basic white bitch.
You say this as if any of the girls in these series have amazing standout unique personalities.
Shhhh. Let him believe there some personality to them

It's not like Saimin as a genre is all about using the hypnosis as an excuse to get to fucking as soon as possible, there's totally all of the time for us to get into the girls thoughts, opinions, dreams, and aspirations between the 2 or 3 pages where they set up that the main character is pathethic and a loser, but he found a magical iphone app that let's him turn all of the girls he knows into warm blooded fleshlights.
I find myself suddenly infatuated with this series, especially the two gyarus
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What does it say on the "product" page I want whatever those bonuses are
they will reveal that in later date
Ah... that's unfortunate, I wanna get all the tapestries too for the specific storefronts, but I don't wanna buy three copies of the game
Nobody talked about "amazing standout unique personalities", it's just that both her mother and her sister have a strong personality while she seems lacking.
I disagree, the real point of the saimin genre is not just to fuck the girls as soon as possible, but to make them do various erotic acts they normally wouldn't do and to people they don't know or even despise. They don't need to have a deep personality, just a good contrast between what they normally do and what they do under hypnosis.
I liked both pretty equally.
Now they are doing boob toys, kek
OH FUCK YEAH!!!! I'm buying this as soon as I can
Can you tell me where you found the listing for this? I tried buyee, yahoo and amazon but no luck, I even tried reverse image search
There will be 3
In Lune's website. So far I only saw them in Amiami. Maybe in a few days other stores will too.
I'm trying to search on both the english and jap amiami, do you need a VPN to get the adult items on there? or is there a NSFW switch?
I use the ENG one.
Main page > to the left in Age Restricted Products > Figures/Goods/etc. > Allow to see the NSFW section
And that's it.

No images on my amiami pages for the boobas, can you link to the Lune website?
Arigatou, nigga, the two milf boobies are looking extra nice!
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I did my own version, with puffy nipples
Someone on X have some of Mikage After Episode
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nice find, thanks

Reminder this artist/group is paying Fakku to send out copyright takedown notices

You're literally cancer if you give any money
>artists sending out copyright takedown notices
What's new?
Wait what?
I'd be fine with this if the face was the same
Reminder that we don't pay Fakku and we pirate all their shit already, whether it's via torrents or the super duper secrit elite websites where his works are posted for all to see. so you can take your proselytizing and fuck off someplace else.
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The Game Hypnotic Guidance-Secret Lesson
will have a bonus doujinshi (36 pages) It will be included with the packaged version of the game.
It's a story that takes place just before the game.
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still, they just can't help themselves from starting new projects without ever finishing one, at this point it's ridiculous how many things they have running simultaneously
>ends up being just another half-assed draft
Nice, its the 2 hottest JKs. Maybe 4some with their moms as well?
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A threesome with Sakura and Reina would be amazing
Threesome with Reina and her mom would probably be even better
Threesome with Reina's and Sakura's moms...I might never stop fapping
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for the missing pieces
>giving money
people pay for porn?
do you guys have a guide for which doujin are in this universe?
Bullied ~Revenge Hypnosis~
Family Control
Might be inappropriate place to ask, but I'm not sure where else should I ask. Does anyone know why Waon-sensei's twitter account is being withheld? It says it's being withheld in response to legal demand. What happened?
Bizarre, isn't it?
press x to doubt
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