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The Eternal Night.
A long time ago, the world was dominated by the forces of evil.
Valorous heroes stood up in the name of Justice, but they were hunted down until few remained.
Vowing to continue the fight, the survivors only escaped annihilation owing to the existence of the last of their refuges, a secret base, a place where they could regroup, recoup, heal and s. But the resistance's endeavor revealed itself to be increasingly futile. Decades passed, waging war had greatly weakened the rebellion, while evil was growing stronger by the day, regardless of what the heroes did. Victory was impossible. Hope was dying.


<Is evil meant to rule forever?>
<No one ever does.>

The Reckoning
It is said that evil contains the seeds of its own destruction. The saying spoke true.
With nobody left to challenge their power, the forces of evil turned against each other. The violence and chaos that followed erupted on such a catastrophic scale that the entire planet fell into lawlessness, an event that shaped the world into what it is today. Infested by crime, mired in corruption, and plunged into bouts of anarchy.

<Behind me stands the proud and tall Gate of Justice, the last rampart against evil. Now that the powers that be have fallen, it is time to show the world the way, it is time to build a true utopia. This very place was a refuge for heroes. Now it will be a refuge for the oppressed. This very place will be the fulcrum of an ideal society. a place of abundance, justice and fairness. A shinning city, a beacon of hope for all eyes to see. By opening the great gate i hereby declare the foundation of Justopian Ward>



Link Dump:
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Hope Reborn.
Heroes don't stay idle for long. They saw the world tearing itself apart, they saw it fall into darkness. So they strived to rebuild it from scratch, starting by establishing a futuristic city right in the middle of Scum City, the dangerous megalopolis. The new society prospered and flourished as its numbers grew by converting people from the outside its way of life. A peculiar one, inherited from back then, from a time when heroes were nothing more than a small group facing extinction.
So dire was the situation, and so great was the necessity to replenish numbers, that they developed a culture that prioritizes procreation over anything else. Hence, the Justopian society, born into a culture of promiscuity, was built from the ground up as a sex utopia, where all manners of fetishes and proclivities are tolerated or encouraged.


"Public Orgy Announcement: From noon to sunset at the Justice Park."
"Theme of the day: summer beach / water sports, bring swimsuits."

Life in the Justopian Ward.
Sex is accepted and celebrated as a part of life. So much in fact that public intercourse is a common occurrence, as are mass orgies, and that a person's social standing is often dependent on his fertility rate. All citizens are registered into a credit system specialized for procreation. Managed by artificial intelligence, this system logs, stocks, and analyzes the entire populace's biometric data until it is able to attribute the most compatible sexual partner to each individual.
Once pregnant, a woman's needs and her children's are cared for by the state, regardless of the father's identity, since siblings often don't descend from the same progenitor. In rare cases, they don't even share the same species, as cases of copulation with aliens from outer space, dimension crossing demons, or mythical beasts, have been observed.
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<Hello honey. Today, i made rape legal.>
Wife: "melting face emoji".

The Dark Side of the Living Dream.
For all the moral righteousness that Justopian Ward wraps itself into, the city doesn't shy away from using the oldest policy trick in the book. Bread and circuses.
And the inhabitants, be they heroes or not, aren't immune to it. Humanity's appetite for entertainment is limitless, thus captured villains and wrong doers are often forced to fight in the arena for the crowds' greatest pleasure. Violence, however, isn't the sole draw that keeps the stadium full; forced sex is on the menu too. The punishments befalling the losers are as popular as the matches themselves. Countless eyes can witness them being subjected to rape since the whole event is caught on camera to be instantly broadcast worldwide. BUT! The pinnacle of infamy. The height of deviousness. The final ignominy. The culmination of evilness is what comes at the end. Imagine yourself in the villain's shoes for a little bit. After having gone through the humiliation of being captured, then put up for show, being forced to fight, losing that fight, being raped in public for losing said fight, and just when the ordeal is finally about to be over ... you're footed with the bill for all the material damages caused by the fighting ... So not cool. More like Injustopia Ward.
>I guess he could.
>Having the protag be a food critic and visit different branches of Pooters for work would be the most natural way to go. Food and sex combo.
It could also be something like the first Pooter's chapter, where it's some lucky guy who visits the store for the first time and gets to do it with Marie. She could be the main girl after she gets attached to him, while still letting the player do it with others. It could also have multiple endings/routes. One where we get to impregnate Marie as the main girl. The slutty Marie ending where we still get to bang her but she remains a turbo slut who fucks everyone while we do the same. Or the bad ending where Marie gets knocked up by random guys or becomes too much of a slut to care about anything but dick.
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>Still no official translation
It feels wrong to see Bad Lotion getting fucked in her pussy.
>Or the bad ending where Marie gets knocked up by random guys or becomes too much of a slut to care about anything but dick.
Temporary dick drunk? Why not.
Going dick crazy for real, however? I don't see that happening. It would go against the feel good vibes the Pooters rely on. It needs to be as cherry as it is horny. Bringing down the mood would break the formula. For that reason, a Pooters game won't have any bad endings. It won't have anything dark or spooky u

Haha, it's a somewhat rare occurrence. Basically, each time you see her pussy getting stuffed, you're almost always looking at endings cgs.
It sure is a change of pace from all the anal acrobatics that she's known for.
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Too fast. Pic fell down.
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>Paizuri Day was the last Pooters episode tho.
I believe the Shibuya chapter is the last one story wise even if some chapters were released later because in the omnibus it was placed last, except for the fallout chapter but that was clearly a separate thing, and it ended with this picture of pregnant Mari.
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Yeah, Shibuya fits best as a the last chapter in the timeline since it has a sense of finality to it. It also helps that Paizuri Day is really light, narratively speaking.

However, it doesn't meant we can't make it fit he we want to. It would actually be easy.
Just place Paizuri Day one month after Shibuya, and voilà, it fits. She's still pregnant, but her belly doesn't show yet.
Or again, place it a year and a half after Shibuya. This time she already has given birth, recovered from it, and it would also allude to a better reason for why she went under breast surgery, instead of the usual <It's for customer-sama, chu chu, wink wink.>
Butcha-U anal jelly hentai erotic
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I'd post some but i think that's one of the things that got me banned last time. Exclusive to /d territory maybe?
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Nope, she has only one. If a sequel gets made, she'll certainly going to be back with a lot more scenes.
And yeah, she gives off Marie vibes, a little bit. But she's nowhere near Marie, hentai power level wise i mean.
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Yeah. If she comes back, Dickman will too, since they're related.
Also, i didn't think about it, but he could very well be the next protag, he has the profile for it. I'd prefer the next one to be a girl, but Dickman wouldn't be too bad.
He's discount Deadpool with semen Spiderman's powers, and i take discount Deadpool over regular hentai male protag anytime of the day.

I'm surprised it's not done more often. Sure, it makes a game goofier, but blending action and sex together at the same time is bound to produce more unique scenes. I suppose it isn't that easy to pull off, since it introduces more failure points. A shitty enough action scene could spoil a good sex situation, or the other way around..
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Why? Because he has black skin? I don't think Clockup cares about it. Some otaku fans might, but they have no standing.
Black people are part of the american comic aesthetic anyway, the same thing that inspires Sacrifice Villains and Butcha's art in general.
This is nothing new really, he occasionally draws a chummy looking black dude here or there, and don't see anyone either noticing or complaining.
Actually, there was a guy. A mentally unwell anon from the first SV thread. I heard he went to vndb to complain, but got banned for racism or something?

I'm not upset, i can wait. But i'm worried that it's becoming a trend for the company. SV was delayed too, two times, and it lacked several finishing touches on release day.
I hope Ojou won't suffer the same fate, or a worse one.
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Getting back the same protag is possible, but his narrative arc is completed and i not sure that people are going to be happy with getting Asylum 2 the game, again. I think they want to see more of the world.
Personally, i don't dislike the idea an Asylum 2 Electric Boogaloo. I like that stuff. Hell, if it involves Butcha's art, i'm up for anything at this point,.

I'm not into lolis, so i prefer sfw. That said, i'm also in the "let the artist express itself" camp, so i don't mind if she chooses to go for something else.
>Actually, there was a guy. A mentally unwell anon from the first SV thread. I heard he went to vndb to complain, but got banned for racism or something?

I remember quite a lot of people complaining about it to be completely honest.
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I remember it was only one guy being autistic and making all the fuss. By comparison, the rage about Madam Venom rage was bigger. But maybe my memory is playing tricks on me.
I'll check later, in the name of hentai historic accuracy .
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Still no preview from the next RE: FILE. Usually Butcha give us some sketches around this time of the month.

I checked, and you're actually right.
It seems that there's two more, in addition to raging refund hidden ban anon. Black cock matrix anon, and "blackness is overrepresented in media" debater anon. I wonder if they're still around.
Bros...what do you think of the chances of getting SACRIFICE VILLAINS uncensored + ENG translation like the other two Butcha-U games?
Is there a chance of shiravune or whoever holds its rights to pass it onto mangagamer and let it happen? I wouldnt even mind waiting for longer if i knew that there could be a chance...
100% not happening. They operate inside of Tokyo, so they must abide my Japanese laws. All of the visual novels they have translated use censored CGs.
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It would take a miracle.
For that that to happen, it requires whichever owns the right, DMM or Shiravune, to feel the need to sell them. Why would they do that?
For Shiravune it wouldn't be too difficult to imagine. Let's say that they already have their plate full with other translations, then selling the rights for quick cash wouldn't sound that bad of an idea.
DMM side however? It's not good for us. From what i can see, they're using SV (and other Clockup games) to push that cloud gaming Fanza thing. In addition, they also sell DVD-PG versions of SV. Unless i'm wrong, all of these products are aimed at the japanese market, so in a way, they don't directly benefit from SV getting uncensored, since they can't sell that version themselves. They don't seem to have any incentive to sell, right now at least. English and chinese translations are still wanted tho, so if for one reason or another Shiravune can't deliver, DMM might want to find another translation company to do the job. Mangagamer? I don't how likely it would be.
They don't translate to chinese, so they don't quite have what DMM is looking for. Plus, it's not even guarantied that Mangagamer wants the job in the first place. They aren't lacking games to translate at the moment, so unless the rights are sold to them for cheap, they might just consider chasing after SV a waste of time.

A lot of stars need to align for an uncensored SV to appear. But, business is business, sometimes it doesn't pan out and fans are left in the dirt. Then it's up to the hentai gods i guess. Or luck ... , if you're are an oil princess with a disproportionate amount of influence over the hentai industry, and you're in the thread, please hear our desperate plea: <<كس غير خاضعة للرقابة. لو سمحت>>
<<Uncensored buttholes. Please.>>
Goddamn I love this slut's butthole so much. It's a work of art.
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>>7958665 <--- Man of culture knowing what's good.
I would give up an arm to press my face against her ass and eat her asshole out like a starved man in a desert.
>I would give up an arm
Make sure you keep the other one. She takes those.
How can a girl be so far above the others? It's like they aren't even trying.
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Waiwaiwait. Hold on.

First, it's the ass. That dump truck of an ass, Obviously. also petite body plus big booty combination is very effective it makes the butt stand out that much more. Also, it's not that common of a combo, so the scarcity help her stand out in oppai land.

Second, yes she's above the others, no doubt, HOWEVER, it's because she was pulled of almost perfectly. On the other hand, Night Charger got scammed with the ugliest costumes, plot induced stupidity, used as cheap misdirection, no earned glory, and she still stands hot and proud.
Would perfect Bad Lotion beat perfect Night Charger? Mmh, i don't know for sure, buuuut, in the first brainwashing scene, the protag notices that, of the three heroines, Sam seem to have the best potential for anal. Just sayin'. It's canon. I rest my case.

>goes back to check the scene.
>"Of course, Natasha isn't as good as Kitty, who has fully developed her anus, but she may also have a inherently high aptitude for anal sex"
> ... Natasha ... alias Madam Venom ... not Samantha alias Night Charger.
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Suena bien. Fav SV scene?

>no official translation
Yep. Still nothing on the horizon.
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>hero academy.
Oh yeah. I didn't think of that. That could work pretty well, at least as a hub. Hentai fucking loves its school settings, and an academy is basically the same thing. I can see that happening actually.

Ayy, both based. I favor the same scenes as your gf, but probably not for the same reasons.
I don't care about the ntr itself, but i like that it forces Samantha to deal with a situation where she has to try her best to keep her composure as a way to stay loyal to her lover while being under heavy sexual stimulation. As months go by, she becomes so used to this that, despite all the mockeries and humiliations, she carry on anyway, performing one depraved act after the other like it's natural, degrading herself further and further until something breaks. Very hot. Buenissimo.
Once she gets brainwashed, i lose interest. Screw Charger isn't for me. I prefer freedom loving Sam.
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not to be a smart ass and not to shit on your parade for her marvelous shitter, however...

I wouldn't really call hers a dump truck ass, that's just what a lot of the close up camera angles make it look like. It's more like a nice, thick bubble butt that, as you said, contrasts nicely with her small stature and skinny body.
thanks anon. at least i know not to hope for a fruitless dream...but i'll still hold out a little bit of hope. they'll eventually have to release it in english at least...(either that or ill be able to read moonrunes eventually)
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Yeah, no prob. You're right anyway. I should have gone with plump instead.
Also, the thighs man, the thicc thighs do a lot too, but like you said, it depends on the angles.
Since i tend to prefer close ups, and i'm used to zoom in a lot, so all i see is thicc city. And i wouldn't have any other way.

Fav Bad Lotion's scene?

Who knows what the future holds. The fan translation might arrive before the official one at this point.
Bad Lotion anal impregnation
ok, but only if it results in anal birth
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It did. The baby slimes could have been cuter though .. and less microscopic?
She also gave birth to a faerie, so that it would bestow its magical girls powers upon her.
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>flipping off
How about making it an electric flip?
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Aah shit. Buddy got shot. He liked to live dangerously. QEPD.
Haz tu tiempo. No te arriesgues a permaban.
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It seems it's still selling well.
Ups, forgot the image
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Haha, bf anon got the fanart of his gf acknowledged by Butcha himself. Congratz to both of them. Making me proud. I hope you guys are doing good.
Also, bf anon, if you see this, can you put on your profile how much time you have left before being unbanned? I thought you'd get only 1 or 3 days of jail at most.

I don't know if it sells that well, but it's still pushed pretty hard, at least. SV was sold at reduced price since early marsh, i believe, now it's bundled with Kenzen 1 and 2 too.

Ok, interesting. I guess that's one of the illustrations for the next SV illustrated novel. The last episode ended a route, so the story might hop to another, maybe? Unless it's just some sort of bonus. Whatever it is, it was announced in the last page, in the box in the bottom left of the pic.

If you are a fan of this book, please read it!
Newly written episode
2D Dream Lesbian Digital Version
SACRIFICE VILLAINS is scheduled to be released in 2024.

Looking at >>7971545, the girls don't seem to be very happy. Either the brainwashing didn't work or they reverted back to their old selves. Bad news for the protag it seems. Maybe it's called the lesbian version because they kill him in revenge then make out on his corpse lol. I guess we'll see eventually. Not sure that the illustrations will be ready for the next issue of 2d dream mag tho.
>I thought you'd get only 1 or 3 days of jail at most.
Like 3 days yeah>>7971909
>If you are a fan of this book, please read it!
I don't read japanese xd
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Ok, so you weren't sent to the shadow realm. I was starting to have doubts. Good to see you back.

>I don't read japanese xd
It's written the box. You have to obey what's written on the box!
More seriously, for those interested, Capture2Text can help with that. It's a optical recognition tool for several languages, japanese included. It's a little bit finicky to use, but it does its job well, when you get the hang of it.
What are the biggnest changes in comparation with the VN?
/d/ is too pussy for jelly poopa, it's still not allowed. Yet fart and diaper and allowed because muh sfw fetish!!
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The protag is more a smirking heartless piece of shit, instead of a pro with a mission and a tight schedule.
Bad Lotion loses her virginity sooner, to a demon horse at that, and she gets pregnant from the beast.
Justopia captures Night Charger and gets raped by the protag soon after being sent to the Asylum. The novels are light on gangrape. Night Charger gets mind broken in public, during an arena fight with ex Madam Venom, now Captain Utopia. After being brainwashed, she's sent to capture her lover, and they fight.
For Madam Venom, nothing really comes to mind. She doesn't get that much special attention, since we follow Night Charger most of the time, and i also skipped parts of the few scenes she has, so i might have missed some changes. Overall, she's more of a lapdog, and often gets "rewarded" for her good behavior.

The final chapter is basically the "Justopia wins" ending where everybody is happy. The true reason why the main heroines were selected for the "New Flagship Hero Project" is revealed, and the protag is given a new project to work on: the "Hero Breeding Program."

Looks like it's allowed.There's a personality excretion thread in /d >>10941204
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Ok, so referencing /d directly doesn't work. Logical.
>the "New Flagship Hero Project" is revealed, and the protag is given a new project to work on: the "Hero Breeding Program."
This sounds like an idea for a sequel lel, sadly butcha-u didn't say anything about it but like the post at least, and seems he cares about the projects a lot.
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How do I deal with my insatiable lust for Kitty?
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It's more of a throwaway idea, i think.
If they were serious about it, it would have been explored in the game. Something more than the vague rumors and urban legends that we got. I don't see the protag being put in charge of a breeding program for the next SV. It sounds too evil.
If he ever plays an antagonistic role, then the idea would be more appropriate.

Not to mention that a game focused on breeding would leave less room for other fetishes. Actually, scratch that. TBy thinking about it for more than 2 sec, and i can already imagine the protag trying to optimize the fuck out of the reproductive process, and experiment on all sort of things. Anal birth included. I'd be up for that, for curiosity's sake.

Breed her, then breed her again. Once done, repeat the whole process.
>Breed her, then breed her again. Once done, repeat the whole process
How am I supposed to do that when she drains me dry with her asshole?
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She already got pregnant several times from anal sex. Granted, not by humans, buuuut ... have you considered bio-modifications, and make your big gun to shot slime bullets? Or finding your own faery to impregnate her? (Caution advised. While being partnered up with a faery grants magical powers, using said powers entails wearing magical girl clothes. Nothing can be done about it. It's in the contract.)

That or follow the good old adage:
"If buttsex hasn't knocked yo' girl up yet, it's 'cause ya didn't fill her bunghole 'nough."
So, this game it's like a super hero cómic, but with sex instead of fights, and that the gov idea of brainwasing is raping? I got it right?
No it's vilains getting rehibilated through the power of cocks.
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Mostly yeah. Sex doesn't replace all the fights, the game has both, but it would be fair to say that fighting is often followed by fucking.
Also, the dynamic between rape and brainwashing is not that direct. They're one step removed, sort of. Let's put it that way, forced sex is used to probe for rehabilitation subjects's mental weaknesses, once discovered, those can be exploited to render the mind vulnerable to the real brainwashing operation. That's what the in universe scientific theory is saying anyway.

This world is full of rape because, well ... crime everywhere outside of Justopian Ward, but also because the heroes use it as the form of crowd control and subjugation. Their logic is that submitting a villains through sex is a good way to ensure that nobody gets hurt. And apparently it works so well that when a bad guy is forced to orgasm against his will, he usually feel so humiliated/dejected that he doesn't resist capture anymore.
That attitude is so common that Bad Lotion and Creampie are completely taken aback when they realize that some old guy rapist they came across not only doesn't fear their punishment, but is actually into it. Said punishment being, at noone surprise, Bad Lotion assaulting the guy's dick with her asshole at the same time that his face is getting rubbed by Creampie's pussy. A truly frightening combo.
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Clockup add voices and locations for their new games, least than 33 days for the official release http://clockup.net/oju/
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Who's that guy? Oh, the hooded priest dude.

Yep, saw that. We should expect a demo in the following week, if nothing goes wrong.
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9 hours of punishment as outdoor semen toilet.
Open to the public. Cumming in pussy is obligatory.

The goal of the protag is to assess Night Charger's maximum sperm storage capacity.. So, before the event begins, he places a smart plug at the mouth of the female villain's uterus. This little bio-gadget-thingy allows fluids to penetrate inside, while preventing them from flowing back. That way, everything that goes inside her insides, stays in. And go go rolling trains. Many many trains rolled on her.

By the end of the party, Samantha's uterus is so full that her swollen belly has become bigger than her head. No way to know how many citizens have nutted inside, the crowd was so big that the count got lost. The experiment also lasted longer than expected because apparently her baby box hadn't reached its limits yet. It continued to expand and expand beyond normal human anatomical limits. Protag-kun was game to continue, for science, but the approaching night thinned out the crowd. The plug device would probably have failed first anyway, it was barely holding on, already leaking under the tremendous pressure.
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Japanese review of the game https://okazmanxxx.com/game-23-16504
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Cool, it's from 4 days ago. Pretty recent. The guy likes Night Charger. I'm starting to think that she's more popular than i thought.
Pretty decent review overall. He picked up on the lack of standing cgs during numerous parts of the game. They're all there, in the files, but a good chunk remains unused, He also had to undergo the classic nightmare that is unlocking all the endings of a Clockup game. Had he used my custom saves, he would have been spared from the torture.They're still in the link dump, along with the guide. Use'em.

He said one thing that i disagree over though. He thinks that the balance of sex scenes between the 3 main heroines and the others is good. I don't. Most of the one-off girls are forgettable. Squeezing 1 or 2 more rehab sessions of the main trio could have been cool. At least that what my dick is thinking.

Who remembers the peach ninja girl?
The oni girl hungry for shotas?
The suspicious big booby doc?
Meh. Gimme more of the baddest bitches instead. There could have been other scenes were all three heroines were rehabilitated at the same time, a scene where they interact with each other. It's not even obligated to be a rehab scene, i'd settle for a scene of Bad Lotion being charged with pimping the other two, that would have been funny.
is there actual scat? Or is it literal jelly being shat out?
>The guy likes Night Charger. I'm starting to think that she's more popular than i thought.
Half of Venom's content is futa on male stuff, so it was always going to be Night Charger or Lotion for the majority of people. NTR is pretty big, Charger has a more basic body type, and vaginal sex. Lotion is great, but her appeal is a bit more specific and not as mainstream. Venom should have had more females in her scenes. If you're not into futa on males, she's like 70% not to your appeal.
New opening opening of the clockup game https://x.com/clockupofficial/status/1784864258351661149
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No scat. It's all jelly/slime/Bad's Lotion's goo or cum. Butcha likes to make plenty stuff go in and out of assholes but actual shit isn't one of them. The only scat Butcha ever drew was that potty scene in Mother Kumiko, a commissioned work.


Interesting takes, but i don't quite agree with some. (Anon from the future here. I didn't intend to, but i dived too deep. So be warned and hold on to your butts.) (Also Spoilers.)

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>Half of Venom's content is futa on male stuff, so it was always going to be Night Charger or Lotion for the majority of people.
It's an exaggeration, if anything, she's more of a giant paizuri seaport for dick to dock on, but i'm being nitpicky because i agree with your assessment in spirit. First the dick growing surprise, then followed by futa on male content, it's one two combo that got to make her the most hated character. But, keep it mind that Futa lovers exist. Sure, futa is is niche, and the "avoiding the futa" crowd is mainstream, but SV isn't. This game is very niche, fully planted in fetishistic territory, the kind that make a vanilla crowd flee in disarray . Are futa lovers that much of a minority here? I suspect it isn't the case. As things currently are, Madam Venom might not be as unpopular as it first appears.

>Venom should have had more females in her scenes. If you're not into futa on males, she's like 70% not to your appeal.
Yeah. Futa on female? Okay, why not.
Male on futa? Her dick is the way, better be good.
Futa on male? Sorry. Next scene please.

>Charger has a more basic body type, and vaginal sex.
Disagree, She's on the athletic/toned side. Of the main girls, i consider Madam Venom, with less saggy tits, to be the closest to basic. But maybe we don't use the same definition for basic. For me, the standard hentai body is a big titied top model. Also, anal sex is so popular that i think that Bad Lotion hogging most of it is hurting the other two.
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>NTR is pretty big,
Yes, NTR is ultra big, but i don't know how much of its broader appeal is transmitted here. And i mean it, i truly don't know, because Night Charger's NTR is constructed ... weirdly? Let's take a step back first, otherwise it's going to be messy, i better clarify things first.

I see NTR as a crossroad of fetishes. A convergence of multiple affinities in the same situation. The base of said situation being, one guy stealing a girl from another guy. The pleasure of NTR is usually enjoyed in different ways, and NTR works tend to shape themselves to cater specific affinities. which are:
- the one most infamous and emblematic of NTR, Cuckholdery aka Netorare. This audience likes to focus on the experience of the cucked guy. (Boooring) The main appeal is catharsis, similar to horror stories.
- the other side of the coin being Netori. The audience prefers to follow the actions of the bull and bask in how dominant he is. (Most of the time, cringe af) The main appeal is emulation/power fantasy.
- and the last one focuses on what the stolen woman goes through, as a character. The audience wants to see how she react to the situation. (I dig. Patrician taste). The appeal is ... huuum, how do i put it? High definition sexual content, if that makes sense? Being aware of her state of mind she's getting plowed is very alluring, and how it can vary from one stage to the other is entertaining. There's got to be a simpler way to resume that, but i can't think of anything satisfactory. Interesting, i guess my perspective overloaded because it's where i eat, and i don't want to kill the nuance.

Fuuuck, i'm getting overboard. Quick, quick, NTR=cuck+bull+waifu with each perspective fighting over each other for the narrative spotlight, bla bla bla, now back to SV.
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>NTR is pretty big,
So, the thing with Night Charger's NTR, is that it goes in different directions depending of the game element.
First, the text is netori, because we follow the protag. His thoughts are the only ones we are privy to, we don't hear Sam's nor the cuck's. BUT the art itself is netorare, as it is framed from the POV of the cuck. BUT BUT again, that's almost all they have because, in practice, the spotlight is stays glued to miss waifu as soon as she enters the picture.
Art? Full on center stage, she's gobbling all the space. The cuck is reduced to hands, and the protag is just a cock that feels lucky when it gets to show off its suit and tie.
Text wise? The protag is the pilot, but 90% of his attention is focused on railing her and/or trying to get into her head in order to catch her off guard. The cuck is so ignorant/passive/pralysed that he might as well be a ghost. He's given only the bare minimum.
Not to mention that the protag isn't even the typical bull that does whatever for the trill of dominance. He's a rare type of cold mofo. A weird one that , on one side, treats girls as puzzles to solve, and will go to extreme length to do so, but on the other, he's doing his best avoid unnecessary hurt or disrespect to befall them.

All of that to say, i don't know. I'm not sure how much popularity points Night Charger owes to her NTR scenario since it looks like it's doing it's own thing.

>Charger has a more basic body type, and vaginal sex.
Disagree, She's on the athletic/toned side. Of the main girls, i consider Madam Venom, with less saggy tits, to be the closest to basic. But maybe we don't use the same definition for basic. For me, the standard hentai body is a big titied top model. Also, anal sex is so popular that i think that Bad Lotion hogging most of it is hurting the other two.
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>Lotion is great, but her appeal is a bit more specific and not as mainstream.
Yes, however she's the textbook blonde, twin tailed, petite, with attitude, aka the otaku darling. And, those guys are legions here, not to mention Japan. She's number 1 without contest.

Also, GAMEOVERS:RE_FILE17/PL is out on panda.
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More Ashley huh? The set is okayiish. I like the way her legs are open in the first pics, but that isn't new and the rest isn't either.
Butcha always falls back to Ashley when he has a hard time drawing. I hope that means that we'll get a real sexy Ada for next month. And/or other doujins are being worked hard in the background.

Checked it.
From what i can get, the game is about grudges and hate. The guro still doesn't shows his face, but i'm convinced that's it going to be there now. Could be sharp bursts to punctuate the story, like in Fraternite or a regular occurrence like in Maggot Baits. <But, sexy anon, the girls in MG are immortal beings that can get butchered one sec and walk it off the next.> You're right, hot granny anon that lives in my neighborhood, the Oujo girls don't seem to be the "get back to life" type. However, it's possible to subject them to guro, without killing them for real. Suppose for one instant that the curses, that the story seems to revolve around, don't hurt the body of their victim, but send them horrible visions of torture and death instead. The game would have just to tune us in those visions and her we go, guro at every other meal.
Also, the narrative seems to be too focused and serious to opt for an avalanche of bad endings as a mean to supply the guro.

Guro or not, the vibe of the game is teeeense. There's not going to be a lot of pure joy or happiness to be found inside.
I really hope it's tight and properly cooked. It would be a shame if it was a mess.
really love Butcha's take on the RE girls but this is tired man cmon. How many times do we need to see these girls get violated like this, I just don't get how this can get someone off and this is coming from someone who loved Soul Fertility. Fucking hell, I hope we get the next installment of Dragal or Pooters at some point this year.
>but this is tired man cmon
Thank you. I felt like I was alone in these htreads when I said I was fed up with this series. I'd take anything else at this point.
I guess nothing will ever come of this? Butcha had teased this work a few times years ago when he started is Fanbox. I guess he really just loves drawing hot chicks get fucked by worms and giant eyeballs
>I guess nothing will ever come of this? Butcha had teased this work a few times years ago when he started is Fanbox.
Dunno. Maybe that girl was supposed to be the heroine of Dragal 2. She has the fangs.
The next window for Dragal 3 is Comiket 104. Not that far, a little more than 2 months away. If Butcha plans to sell his doujin there, he'll start advertising it before that.

>I guess he really just loves drawing hot chicks get fucked by worms and giant eyeballs.
He sure does.
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Hmm you could be right, she looks a bit like a combo of both.

Hopefully he's sitting on that work for a future release. A CG collection or a game set in a Dragal / School scenario could be top notch. If it were released via Fanbox we could get some variety from the usual RE4 stuff
She's a gal. Check. Gives of cum vampire vibes. Check. Fucks a fat guy ---> the protag from Dragal is fat.
There's a good chance that she's indeed a dragal ... is what i thought about 5 min ago. She's 100% Dragal. Confirmed. For some reason i kept remembering that i saw her somewhere with a letter hairpin, so after a little bit of digging, i found her and the other Dragals, with their own hairpins. She has the letter A, i suppose.it makes her the first dragal to be created.
C gal and G gal are the ones that starred in the first doujin, apparently Butcha chose those two over the others. They all look good tho, aside from F gal maybe. She looks like the airhead type.
B gal.
C gal.
D gal.
E gal.
F gal.
G gal.
I don't know if that one is supposed to be H gal. She doesn't have hairpin. But she's supposed to be the heroine of Dragal 3, so she has to be one. I guess she was created after the first batch of portraits were drawn.
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The girls don't look angry like in the draft >>7971545 They look slightly annoyed instead. Good news for the protag i guess, since he isn't about to be murdered.

New character on the top left? I bet she's Butcha's Phoenix inspired character. Is she going to be the villain of the week and get defeated at the end of the chapter, or will she get more? Anyhow, our girls are in for another dicking, kinda ironic for a supposed lesbian bonus episode.
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Phoenix expy. I not sure how to translate her name. セクシオン. Sexion? She gives off final boss vibes.
I wonder if he's gonna use any of theses Characters for a sequel, the cowboy one was one of the best.
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I don't see why not. Half of the old cast of villains was featured in SV. Nothing is preventing Butcha-u from using the other half. At worse, he might tweak the designs here and there, if he feels like it.
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Oops, bad pic. Forgot the doctor.
For me
>The nun
>the cowboy
>the space baby for the sequel
>dropped the one-eyed and devil one
The pheonix one as some one escene enemy
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Space baby? I guess you meant space babe? The one next to Phoenix? I guess i could have given them a number.
I'll take the devil girl if you don't want it. Horns are ideal for face fucking. Better grip.

Mmh, i had to rank them, i'd say:
-1- Space babe, second to last position. Not sure that she comes from space tho. If i recall right, she's basically genderswap iron-man, so she's wearing a high tech armor. There's an AI called Pepper inside, and apparently the joke is that it always tries its best to get its owner fucked.
-2- Phoenix. last position. She's gonna be hit or miss. Big potential, because she looks so powerful and sexy, but if she doesn't get obliterated by cock by the end of her story, it might be disapointing.
-3- Squid policewoman, 10th pos. She's all about cum, so i'm in.
-4- Devil woman. 6th pos.
-5- Ninja nun. 3th pos.
-6- Cowgirl. 11th pos
-7- Ninja ... monk hybrid? 13th pos.
-8- Space pirate girl, 7th pos. She hunts men for sport and pleasure (rape), so i'm out. I'm more than out. I flee.
>still no official translation
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C'est sur qu'on l'a un peu dans l'os. C'est la mort lente.

Shiravune has translated Taimanin Yukikaze yesterday. Meanwhile, still no info about SV.
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>post the Brown girl
I like the philosophical depth and concept. But you should have made it smaller scale. Like a private organisation. I doubt even roman society would have tolerated the public raping. I think the only time they ever sacrificed women for entertainment was the Christian hunt.

There was public outrage when Caesar intended to publicly strangle the queen an her daughters after conquering the celts to the point he had to let them live.
I mean, the game says it's an hyper-sexual sociaty where everyones livid it's at high all the time, like the kenzen serie by Butch-a, but more violent.
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A pussy is a pussy. You're a picky eater? No problem, more for me.

Heh? It's not from me. It's the background of the Hero society from Sacrifice Villains.
I did fancied it up though. For fun. I tried to give it a mythological bend, and some gravitas. It didn't occur to me that by doing so, it would cause confusion. It makes sense though, it reads more like a fanfiction than a hentai game. Live and learn.

>There was public outrage when Caesar intended to publicly strangle the queen an her daughters after conquering the celts to the point he had to let them live.
Yeah, the sister of Cleopatra, right? Cleopasta or something? She was kept around for a while until Caesar had finished winning the gallic wars. A triumph was organized to celebrate his victories, i don't remember if his Egypt campaign was one of them or if it was latter. but she behaved so dignified during the parade that the roman public took a liking to her and they pleaded for her to be spared. Julius, in good politician, agreed sent her to a temple for women instead, and from there she disappeared from the records of history. The other prisoners of war, chieftains and king, didn't get the same luck and got sacrificed. A new temple of Jupiter was built over their final resting place, if i remember right.
Romans were always looking down on other people for practicing human sacrifices, claiming it was uncivilized. But, on rare occasions, they did it too. I've forgotten most of the story, but the i think that one time they were shitting themselves so much after losing one too many battle that they got desperate and made the biggest human sacrifice that they had ever done, and once it was over, they never talked about it out of shame. They won that war.

Take all that with a grain of salt tho. Might be pop history since it comes from old youtube videos.
Being honest I like rape in this game it feels like they all low key enjoy it and like everyone it's too sex addicted that feels normal to them
>I like the philosophical depth and concept. But you should have made it smaller scale. Like a private organisation. I doubt even roman society would have tolerated the public raping. I think the only time they ever sacrificed women for entertainment was the Christian hunt.
I agree, it's not a realistic setup. But that's the entire point, since the goal is to put the heroines in fresh hentai scenarios.
Is it working? Honestly, not so much. Most of the good stuff is happening in the Asylum, so the sex utopia setting isn't really taken advantage of. I think it has potential, but SV falls short in that aspect, imo.

Yeah, pretty much. The violence of Justopia Ward seems to be exclusively directed at criminals, and non-citizens. Heavy government involvement in the lives of their citizens too, Singapour style.

That's Butcha for you. It's difficult for his characters to wallow in tragedy and sadness when they get served a good dose of cumming their brains out for breakfast, lunch and diner, all day everyday. Add to that a sprinkle of goofiness, a sprinkle of camp, a fist full of tropes, and despite the straight tone and the, on their faces, horrible things that happen to the girls, the audience gets the feeling that it isn't to be taken too seriously.
Until a certain point of course. It's not recommended as baby's first hentai.
His RE stuff was easily my favourite since it hit all my tastes but i really wish he did a story/comic instead of endless loose cg sets
Did the protagonist fall in love with any of the girls or had a harem ending but loving them? I like the concept of hating them and then somehow end up in love with the Cumdumps you torture like kengan academia.
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We'll get there eventually. But i wonder what direction he's going to take. RE5 sequel? Jump to RE6 because yum yum new Ashley/corrupted Jill? Or back to RE3 to actually setup original Jill before showing how she got corrupted in the first place.

>Did the protagonist fall in love with any of the girls or had a harem ending but loving them?
Fall in love? As in classic romantic love? Not really, he's not the type to fall in love in a passionate way. The guy is a workaholic with basically no personal life.
Does the girls love him? Head over heels. Does he care for them? Enough to keep them happy, be it as pets, wombs, or pawns for his plans.
So, does he love them or not? I think he does. He just expresses it very little due to his personality and circumstances. At least, it's shown that he's capable of fatherly love, as he intends to let his progeny choose for themselves if they want to inherit his empire or not. In essence, the same freedom he denied their mothers, the freedom to choose one's own life, is given back to their children. So, he's isn't a complete idiot who doesn't know the value of what he took. I think he intends to make it back to them once he'll have achieved his goals. In a way that's love too.
This is Gremio
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I don't know know any Gremio.
Is it confirmed they are going to be boys? what if they are girls?
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Bad Lotion has a boy in her belly, Night Charger a girl, and Madam Venom a futa.
The tree women were bickering before the protag about who's going to be the main wife.
Bad Lotion felt like she has the better claim because her kid is going to be a boy. Night Charger is expecting a girl, but she was the first to be pregnant, so her child is certainly going to be the first born. And for Madam Venom, there's no contest at all. Since she's a futa, she thinks herself as the best of both worlds. Hence, because her baby is also a futa, to her, it's obvious that he's simply the best choice.
In the end, the protag did cut them all off by declaring that all three of them are his wives, in an equal amount, and so will be the children.

In practice, he just delayed the heir question to a later date. Not that bad of an idea for a ruler, if he wants to go for the meritocratic approach. Having a the stupidest retard as your heir doesn't feel good, especially when you have perfectly good spares sitting around . But it's high risk, high reward. Better not have an early unexpected death, or the empire that you past a lifetime build up might tear itself apart due to unclear rules of succession .
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I am gonna to use this every bad lotion escene, wish me luck
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That sure is one hell of a big dildo. You're a courageous man. Following on Bad Lotion's footsteps doesn't look easy at all. Good luck with the assploration.

Sorry, sorry, i couldn't help it with the joke. But the bulbous form of that fleshlight cracks me up. Enjoy yourself buddy.
I would use that one in madam venom escenes(?
What's the context for this scene? Why did she make a huge ass dildo to fuck herself with?
>Madam Venom will have a futa baby
Fuck me, so not only did they screw her up but also her baby? baka
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Haha, sure. She has some good scenes, so long as you didn't get brain broken from her transformation.

She was sent out of the asylum to perform hero duty. Basically, patrolling the streets of Scum City, looking for bad guys, beat the shit out of them, and give them to the police afterward. The protag wasn't sure that she would do exactly what she was told to do, but he was confident that at least she wouldn't try to escape.
So, our mini-pimp is let out in the city streets, and she's in a very good mood since she hasn't breathed fresh for a long time. It doesn't take long for her to pass next to a sex shop. She takes a glance at it, and explodes laughing at the sight of an enormous horse cock dildo on display. The ridiculousness of the thing brings tears to her eyes, but soon enough she doesn't laugh anymore, because by trying to imagine what it would feel to have it in her ass, she's starting to get horny.
So, she decides to forget about the patrol, starts to search for a secluded place to take care of her needs. The area is a dump, like most of the city, so there's plenty of abandoned buildings. She picks one of them and breaks in by using her goo power to make a key for the door, then she uses them again to make an exact copy of the dildo that she saw previously. And you can guess what happens next. Cue sex scene.
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She resumes her patrol after that, and comes across a woman being raped in ass. Her first reaction is to cheer for the victim by telling her to tighten her anus. She does nothing but clown around a bit before remembering that she's supposed to arrest bad guys. So she does beat the shit out of the rapist, and brings him to the police, finish the patrol and goes back to the Asylum all on her own.

For the protag, the experiment is a resounding success.
He was following her with drones, so he saw her little escapade and he whatched as she was riding her giant dildo. The patrol got interrupted, but he doesn't mind at all . For him, it's great, because means that Bad Lotion's brain is going to associate hero duty with pleasure, which will help a lot in the future. Despite goofing around a bit, she did all that was asked of her, and the protag wasn't really expecting that.
Bad Lotion's rehabilitation was progressing faster than anticipated.

As far as i know, no. Apparently he's a natural futa. Even tho she's artificial, she can birth the real deal without any help from science. Well, aside from the tube pump tool thin used for when she was self inseminated.
I repeat myself but it's funny how we can change the sex with any orther super hero trope and it's almost the same, it seems like just everyone in this universe it's only horny all the time
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>it's funny how we can change the sex with any other super hero trope and it's almost the same
Yeah, i didn't expect the sex change stuff, and all the the futa unabashedness. Some of that was already in Kenzen 2, but i didn't think it would make the jump to heroes vs villains genre. It's kind off ironical, that Madam Venom, the most feminine of the three heroine, is the one receiving the bonus futa dick. She's basically forced to go through an amplified version of a male's constant state of sexual arousal. She reject it at first, but eventually embraces her new cock. At the end her double sex identity becomes a source of pride for her, but it feels like lip service to me. She calls herself hybrid, but to me she's still a woman, just because she has a dick doesn't make her a man.

Come to think of it, gender identity is kind of a sub theme of the game.
Madam Venom's body becomes more masculine over the course of the game, while Bad Lotion's temperament is very aggressively masculine, at the beginning. But, it's mostly a façade that she built to protect herself from the world. She eventually ends up accepting her feminine side once she get the opportunity to express it.
Night Charger is very masculine too, although less aggressive. Her stoicism and lone wolf behavior is very man coded. Contrary to Bad Lotion, she's a natural tomboy, but, it didn't prevent her to feel inadequate for her own perceived lack of womanly charm when she lived with her lover. By the mid game, that feeling was long gone, since she had gone through so much sexual activity that her body had adapted on its own. Against her own volition, she was radiating smoldering hot pussy energy by all pores as soon as she knew she was about to get fucked. She put up with it though, and by the end, her masculinity/feminity behavior balance didn't change all that much. She mainly retains her original masculine stoic side, while her enamored young woman side is only showing up for protag-kun
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>it seems like just everyone in this universe it's only horny all the time
Yep, the horniness baseline is higher than most hentai games, although less than Kenzen. But the world of Sacrifice Villains offers a lot more room for atypical sexual scenarios, since the author has futuristic tech, alien tech, superpowers, magic or ninja arts at his disposition to justify whatever setup/fetish he has in mind.
The possibilities are so numerous that i suspect that it has caused them to be afraid to get lost in the sauce. I bet that's why they went with the old captured heroine formula. One central plot in one place, that prevents the story to go overboard. I liked of course, but with a world like that i would have wished for something more audacious. Something like a sex battle manga maybe?
>She was sent out of the asylum to perform hero duty. Basically, patrolling the streets of Scum City, looking for bad guys, beat the shit out of them, and give them to the police afterward. The protag wasn't sure that she would do exactly what she was told to do, but he was confident that at least she wouldn't try to escape.
>So, our mini-pimp is let out in the city streets, and she's in a very good mood since she hasn't breathed fresh for a long time. It doesn't take long for her to pass next to a sex shop. She takes a glance at it, and explodes laughing at the sight of an enormous horse cock dildo on display. The ridiculousness of the thing brings tears to her eyes, but soon enough she doesn't laugh anymore, because by trying to imagine what it would feel to have it in her ass, she's starting to get horny.
>So, she decides to forget about the patrol, starts to search for a secluded place to take care of her needs. The area is a dump, like most of the city, so there's plenty of abandoned buildings. She picks one of them and breaks in by using her goo power to make a key for the door, then she uses them again to make an exact copy of the dildo that she saw previously. And you can guess what happens next. Cue sex scene.
So it's just Kitty being a horny buttslut? Nice.
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On its face, yes. Although, someone could argue that the fact that she got horny so quickly is due to repeated rehabilitation. A reasonable assumption to make, but her attitude toward sex was already pretty shameless before entering the Asylum, so, if the training had an effect, i doubt it was a big one. It wouldn't surprise me if Bad Lotion already had the habit of pleasuring herself with her butt.
If anything, her sudden bout of horniness was probably provoked by a combination of good mood and getting her freedom back.
She hadn't gone outside for months, and all the sex she had until this point was combative in nature, or in service of others. It probably didn't occur to her that she was pent up from the lack of control over her own sexuality. Until her body made itself clear that is. Once she felt the urge, she didn't hesitate to reclaim what is hers.
do you have mega or archive for all your edits?
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Only for the RE stuff. The rest is either too old or too disorganized.

RE_FILE16/PL isn't inside, i didn't edited it yet. This particular set looks better when rotated, so, i'll wait for Butcha to finish all the Ada stuff. It'll give more pics to chose from, for filling the empty created by the rotation.
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Is this one any good? It seems it's machine translated
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Yep, i liked it.
It's Butcha's take on Bible Black. The story is long and slow. but it has good twits. The girls are hot, the sex is hot, and for those who are into that, the game constructed as a waifu game. As long as you play your moves correctly, you'll be the only one to ever touch yo' gurl. Some like that way. Me? I'm team gangbang,
What's the context if this ending?
Happy kids day
>The rest is either too old or too disorganized.
eh that's alright, thanks a lot
on other note, does butcha-u give a psd files on fanbox or do you just edit them manually?
is it possible to decensor them?
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It's Night Charger's bad end, so i don't want to spoil it here for no good reason.
Fortunately, i already did a small resume of it on justepaste, some months ago, but jp links are blocked by the 4chan spam detector, so to get it you'll have to look in the link dump >>7952185. I'll put it temporarily at the bottom of the pastebin, use it to access the justepaste page, the resume is all the way to the bottom, just above Night Charger's good end. It's short so, if it doesn't answer all your question, ask again.

The balls on that man. It's in bad taste, but i love the guy too much to care.
Wow she's having sex with a fat black retatd just like me 0:
Also thanks
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I don't know for certain since i get the files from panda. But Butcha's files are always png or jpg, (or wepb in the case of SV cgs.) so, i assumes he converts them when he's done with them. He uses some sort of pro tablet to draw, plus i saw him fiddle with computer assisted shading, so i would be surprised if he had to juggle with multiple file formats during the creation process. That said, i'm not really familiar with how pros do things, maybe it's more more streamlined than i imagine.

>you just edit them manually?
Yes, i think? Unless i'm missing what you meant? I'm self taught amateur, so have a limited perspective and understanding of jargon and how real image editors usually do their job.

For me, it usually goes like that:
I use GIMP 2 for the main image editing stage, so what i get is a .xcf file. Since it's incompatible with the next step, i convert it to png, that i send to https://waifu2x.booru.pics/ to double its image size, (low noise reduction for color images, medium for colorless ones). The double sized pic can come out in png or jpg, i download both. The jpg is dumped here then i throw it away. The png version is converted to avif to finally be sent to my collection, and the mega, if i don't forget.

>is it possible to decensor them?
Yeah, but not by me. I don't have the drawing skills necessary. The most i can do is replacing censored parts with uncensored ones from another Butcha works, but even when i find somewhat compatible parts, the end result never looks good enough. I wish i hadn't deleted my edit of Bad Lotion outfitted with Nijou sensei's gaping asshole. It would have been a good example.
Checked the individual ending, so the usual, mind broken and end up as a sex toy or happy ending living with her as your wife, the usual.
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Yeah, there's some here and there in the background. I think there's one in Night Charger's public toilet scene and another in Madam Venom pillory scene.
Old racist anon from the original thread might know where are the others. His capacity to detect black men is so powerful that he probably can find one while being blindfolded just by licking his screen. He knows what a black dick tastes like.

Ah, i was about to forget. Dickman is black too.

Not quite, she isn't even a sex toy anymore, she become less than that. A tool. A spare tool at that. Kept is reserve, just in case. The japanese audience might pick up on that distinction right away, since, in their culture, the need of being useful for others is more developed than in the west.

For the happy ending, yeah, the wife end is classic, but the way SV does it is ... weird. Well, mainly because it's a weird world too, and the characters are in weird situations. To me, i would call it a classic wife end if Night Charger was wearing an apron her last scene sex scene. Fuck, i want that now. Samantha waifu apron sex. "Welcome back anata". Gnn!
>. Well, mainly because it's a weird world too
I mean it's a world where sex it's as normal as breath so, expected.
Also the game it's on sale but I don't know how the fuck buy in theses damm nipp pages, f.
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>Also the game it's on sale but I don't know how the fuck buy in theses damm nipp pages, f.
Yep. The hentai industry keep shooting itself in the foot. As long your product isn't easy to access and buy, you bleed a stupid amount of sales.

Favorite SV girl?
Bad lotion for now, I like the harley quinn archetype, I love that madam web had the voice of Marie from starless, it's a draft of her and charger, my fav escene it's the madam web bad ending.
Also I think the hentai industry problem has more to do with Credit care companies and their restrigtions, there's a huge problem with that rn, and in europe they fuck up the porn industries in UK or Germany already.
That's why czech Repúblic it's the only one with a big porn industry.
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Ok. Bad Lotion is the most popular. No surprise there. Madam Venom voice actress is cool, and did a good job, but i liked her better in Kenzen, where she plays Miho, the woman in the pic. I didn't pay to much attention at Madam Venom's bad ending. I should look it up more closely since it's similar to my own fav MV scene, the gangrape where she gets obliterated, early in the game.

Yeah, i know that shitting on card companies is trendy right now, but the truth is that they're not at fault. They didn't change the rules to exclude porn, porn was excluded from the start. The hentai industry made the choice to use them despite the risks because they're cheaper instead of nurturing their own payment method. It came back to bite them is the ass and on them.
well I mean since you mix and match the face expressions, I thought butcha-u provided the face sheets on psd or something
that must've been time consuming, does it?
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Haha ok. That actually make more sense that what came through my mind when i read your question.
My thought process when i saw it.
>me sees "manually", doesn't everybody does it manually? Mmh, the opposite word is "automatically", automatic ---> AI? Is anon asking me if i use AI in a roundabout way? No, mmh actually waifu2x use IA trained algorithms or something, so technically i use AI too. But that's probably not what anon is asking. Fuck it, let's just dump how i usually do things, maybe the answer he wants is in there.

>well I mean since you mix and match the face expressions, I thought butcha-u provided the face sheets on psd or something
that must've been time consuming, does it?
Yep, i do it manually, like you said, and without any sheets or anything else. The normal face transplants are actually quick and easy, with rare exceptions. Less so when cum becomes involved. If i had Lune and Clockup cum sheets, my life would be easier.
The real time consuming part however, is before the editing ... let's call that exploratory design stage. It starts with "what the fuck do i want to do with this?" and ends with "i've decided on what to do, let's see if it works".So, first i go on the hunt for the best facial expressions. In extreme cases i need to make a face grid to keep track of the best variations (pic rel). Once I've gathered the most promising faces, i put them aside and try to find the best sequence for the set, Putting the bodies in order first is usually the way to go. Then, i try to slot the faces in, until i'm satisfied with the order. That's the most time consuming part by far, tiring too because i try to match everything to the best of my ability. Once i'm settled on the sequence, the actual editing is a breeze. I usually do it while listening to podcasts, so there's almost no brain power involved, as long as i didn't fuck up in the previous stage.
News about the official translation
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I guess that the uncensored SV dream was never meant to be. Sad.
Unrelated but that starless escene always make me laugh, like "you don't want to have sex with your son??? I mean you already give him a blowjob, Well then hace anal sex with him, that's less terrible, I guess? Also drink his semen again."
Well, in a way, anal sex is less terrible than the alternative, although it was just delaying the inevitable. Those Mamiya bitches were always going to force mom x son full on incest anyway, it was just a question of time.

I think it might be my favorite scene of Starless due to Mikako's anal sex, the semen slurping competition doesn't hurt either. The son's whiny voice was kind of irritating though.

AY pic by fanonfaulkes.
Loos good, but yeah, it's funny how there's always incest in all the empress games, except P/A? Also good image, I hope in the future there's VNs with IA tbsy looks good.
Btw any hyper for the new clockup game? Expectations?
>it's funny how there's always incest in all the empress games, except P/A?
Always? If true, i didn't pick up on it.

>Also good image, I hope in the future there's VNs with IA
Yeah, as long as you don't mind quadruple tits. Those defects will fade away as AI gets better, i suppose. Or maybe it will come back in a decade or so, when the kids that grew up on mangled fingers porn decide to go on a nostalgia trip for the early twenties, lol.

>Btw any hyper for the new clockup game? Expectations?
I'm looking forward to it. No demo yet, the game better be good. The story sounds intense and ambitious. Fingers crossed for hardcore guro. It has been a while since the last one. Maggot Bait, i think? Almost ten years ago? The probability is low though.
My hope it's that IA make it easier to make VNs with diferent art styles and even use IA voices, it's a useful tool, imagine making your own vn with idk neromashin or shindol art style

I hope the game had hardcore sex and torture and shet like that, it seems they biggnest projects since a lot of time, even make voices
If I want to get the trueh end, I need to unluck individual endings or I can go directly for it?
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It's already in use, but it still look unwieldy to me. The tech will mature eventually, and we will get to see if it's up to its own potential.

Sort of. There's 2 final routes and we don't know which one is the true one. Each of them can be unlocked separately from the other. One is unlocked when you reach all of the main girls goods ends, so pretty easy. The other require all their bad ends, good luck with starting over if you fucked up.

If you don't want to go through all the hassle, use my custom saves. They're in the link dump, with the guide on how to use them to cruise trough the story from start to all the endings without restarting a new game every time. >>7952185
So there's two main ends, one bad and one good, just for the matter, for you which is better in the context of the game?
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Depends a lot. Do you have something more precise in mind when you say "context of the game"? Are you asking which one is better as a story? Or is it more meta, like which one would be better for a sequel?
Eehhh for both senses it's good to know, also your personal taste.
Also I wish that we're me.
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Ok. I'll start cooking then, i think i got something good, but it might take a while to write properly, so let's get my personal taste out of the way first.,

The "Bad" ending is my favorite by far because it features the type of hentai i like, porn-like, flesh for the sake of flesh. By comparison the other endings are more tame and soft with an the undercurrent of romantic bliss is more pronounced. If i had to complain about it, it would be that it doesn't give me enough of what i want, both in quantity and in perversity, but the game isn't made to appeal only to me, and i feel that i got more than my fair share of the pie with what happens in other parts of the game.

>Also I wish that we're me.

Also, if you have your own opinions about the game, feel free to share them.
Take your timeeee, I didn't defeat it so my opinión it's still unuclear, but I like it a lot so far, hope for the official translation to support it.
Is Bad Lotion still your favorite so far?
So far yes
How can she not be a fan favorite with a top tier asshole like that?
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She's special
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So, which ending is better as a story?
Both do a good enough job. Both have pros and cons.
Narratively speaking, the bad ending is more interesting because the protag has to deal with his own failures, but the good ending wraps up the characters better at the end. It's more conclusive, everybody is in their final form, so to speak, Meanwhile, the bad end is lacking some sort of resolution for the cast. The heroines's character progression feels like it's going to stall soon because they seemingly have nowhere left to go in regard to their relation with the protagonist. For that reason, strictly story-wise, the good end is the best. It's less exiting, but it provides proper closure.

Which ending is better for a sequel?
"The answer is obvious, of course, it's the bad end, just continue the story from there." is what i would say if SV2 was direct sequel to the first SV, or some sort of story expansion pack, but the truth is, it's not that self evident. It comes down to what is the nature of SV.
Is it the wacky adventures of Night Charger, Bad Lotion and Madam Venom? If yes, then the bad ending is the way to go.
Is SV his own world with other characters and protagonist with stories to tell? Then the good ending is ideal to set aside the old cast.
Or is the world of SV just a glorified hunting ground for the Asylum? Here, both endings fit. Btw, i'd be up for a low on story, pure juice nukige, SV2 "gotta rehabilitate them all" where you collect villains like if they were pokemons. Even though, it would be a waste to underuse the worldbuilding.
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Because life is unjust.
Bad Lotion does almost everything right. She looks great,sounds great, is entertaining, and has a lot more quality sex scenes than the others.

Nigh Charger has a lot more problems.
She is the lead girl, but she doesn't get to look as cool as she should, because she's is done dirty by plot. I don't really get why she wasn't given more to eat, she needed more than 'i'm a big laser". Appearance wise, her mask and her cape are in the way, and her hero costume look like shit. Her stupid cap is supposed to be a call back to the classic sadist aryan girl, but all it does is making her look like the fucking captain of a cruise ship.
At least, her voice actress does an okay job, but even her can't save from being boring outside of sex scenes. Speaking of which, not enough anal and direct degradation. It's only hinted at and gives me blue balls. Also, considering that her entire sexual archetype is that she's a tank that can take everything that is thrown at her and sleep it off, she could have been submitted to a harder regime and be fine.

So, yeah, she has a lot of flaws, especially when compared to Bad Lotion. My brain knows for a fact that our small pimp is objectively better. But my dick doesn't give a fuuuuck.
Night Charger in her orange nanosuit is on the menu more often than the others. As good as they are, Bad Lotion's best anal scenes can't top the mouth of Samantha when filled with bubbling cum, or the multiple instances of disgraceful ahegao that she gets. Eyes rolled back, tongue out in the most obscene manner, (bonus point for licking the mirror), full of savage joy, very satisfying. Very unjust toward Bad Lotion. That's life.
Cool co and yeha makes sense the bad ending would work for a direct sequel but the good one would work for a sequel centered around héroes.
Btw SV would make a great Jav movie.
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A JAV movie? That idea never crossed my mind, but i think you might be right actually.
The costumes are doable, and , most of the sex scenes take place in a rehabilitation room. I imagine it would relatively be easy and cheap to film. I'm not looking forward to the acting though. The world of SV is really weird and goofy, but the tone is always serious, and the characters have weight, it helps a lot to keep the game grounded, somehow.
Not sure that AV actresses are going to be able to do the game justice.
Also, who the fuck is going to be cast as Justopia? The usual scrawny male actors? Impossible, he's too massive.
She's really cute desu, aaahh pls clockup make something really good with your new game you have the change, and dosen't die by the way.
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Favorite Ouju girl? I'm partial to the young heiress.

The twin tailed girl also has piqued my curiosity. Looks like she's more mature than she appears at first glance, and she's into real nasty stuff to boot. Lolis aren't usually my cup of tea, but i'm willing to make an exceptions when it's deserved, like in Bad Lotion's case,
For now this one, I like her voice and how her angry expressions make her looks like someone serious, I plan to make a theard like yours a few days the game release, play it somehow or see the CG and nipp info about it and dump info about it, hope you there.
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I'll be there. Sounds fun.
How about doing your thread as soon as the demo is released? It should have enough content to keep us occupied until the real release, plus it would put more eyes on the game.
Good idea, after the de a I am gonna info dump about the game and genareted intereses about it.
Also, scat confirmed, with an option to on/off.
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Some enema play, i guess. As far as i know, no Clockup game has ever gone full scat mode, so i doubt this one will.
Yeah i guess, i already collect the basic info for the theard, like the characters and so, what's your opinión abour the voices of the Characters? It's on tje official page, also males voices, weird theses days lel
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>also males voices, weird theses days lel
For a run of the mill nukige, yes. For a story heavy visual novel, not so much.

I took a look... well no, bad expression, took a listen? idk, sounds weird. Eh, who cares, roll with it.
So, i took a lick at the voices, and scar girl and granny have the best ones. Loli girl is okay, she sounds her age.The other girls sound too squeaky during sex for my taste. It's a small sample though, i might warm up to it when i'll play the game.
For the guys, they're all okay, no ridiculous shit. The comic relief pimp looking dude could have had an irritating voice, but no, he sounds just right. The three old guys sound a bit too much like each other, but it's a problem that is going to disappear when they'll start to die.

Fav Bad Lotion scene so far?
For now the anal birth,and yes the scar girl it's pretty hot, buuuuut it seems she's a minor character, so maybe really few escenes for her.
Hope there's at least as much escenes aa sacrifice villains and not the shit we ger at dead days.
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Which one? There's two. The slime birth or the faery one?

>yes the scar girl it's pretty hot, buuuuut it seems she's a minor character, so maybe really few scenes for her.
Possible. To me, she looks like a flashback character to me. One that did something in the past and/or is related to one of the mains characters (i bet on her being your girl's mother, miss demon tatoo) then died or disappeared, but comes back in the climax on the true end or something.

>Hope there's at least as much escenes aa sacrifice villains and not the shit we ger at dead days.
I hope so, but chances are that there's going to be less of them, unless Ojou goes full Erewhon mode with multiple endings pilled on each other.
The sex in Dead Days was boring anyway, not sure that more of it could have saved it.
>Which one? There's two. The slime birth or the faery one?
The one in the prision suit
>I hope so, but chances are that there's going to be less of them, unless Ojou goes full Erewhon mode with multiple endings pilled on each other.
The sex in Dead Days was boring anyway, not sure that more of it could have saved it.
Id didn't like erewhom either, but that's not a bad idea, i hope AT LEAST 10 escens per girl, and everyone as fuck as as possible, we already have uncld naice incest, idk maybe rape or anything like that.
And yeah dead days it's a mess, no idea why they bother to translated it, bad disings, full of gay shet, and even meh gore, at least oujo Characters looks by a mile better.
Also shich are ylur favore escene og each SV girl?
>shich are ylur favore escene og each SV girl?
Which are your favorite escenes of esch SV girl*
I am drunk
Also, the writers of the sex escenes
Dosen't seems bad
>cara the bloodlord
>kangoku senken 3
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>The one in the prison suit
Ok, so baby slimes.>>7975936

>I didn't like Erewhon either, but that's not a bad idea, i hope AT LEAST 10 scenes per girl, and everyone as fucked up as possible, we already have uncle niece incest, idk maybe rape or anything like that.
I liked Erewhon, cool style, orgies and gangrape exorcisms. I expect 12 per girl, any less and they better be legendary. Oh, there's gonna be a lot rape for sure. I predict that half the scenes will have rape involved.

>Also which are your favorite scenes for each SV girl?
Night Charger's hidden blowbang >>8006335
Bad Lotion's anal handshaking event with her fans. (Pic)
Madam Venom's brutal gangrape>>7988564

Haha, no problem, i got you anyway.

Oh, i didn't know that. I kinda like those.
>I predict that half the scenes will have rape involved.
God hear you

God escene choices, i like the creampie dising, shame there's not that much of her.
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Yeah, i really love her too. Not for her costume though, i'm not into the magical girls aesthetic. Too girly.
But her voice actress is great, i think she might be the best moaner of SV. And i really like her personality. She's very sweet but forward, no timidity, no bullshit, she's straight up slutty and doesn't make any fuss about it. Refreshing. Masked Nympho might be the only one that loves sex more than her. There's nobody more horny than the hentai berserker, so all in all, second place is nothing to be ashamed of.
Also, she's a whore for anal. What more to ask?
I am the bf anon again! I convince my gf to draw 3 main girl to publish it when it got translated or release (someday), any ideaa for a poses of madam venom and night charger? She's gonna draw her again
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Yeah, who knows when it's going to finally be translated.

For Madam Venom, it's pretty easy, she likes to do top model poses, especially over the corpses of her foes, so any classic fashion poses, like your gf did for Bad Lotion, would be appropriate to her character.

Here's a couple of ideas from the top of my head.
Madam Venom stepping on the corpse of a dead Yakuza while doing a conqueror's pose
Madam Venom leaning, blowing a kiss and a wink toward the camera.

For Night Charger, it's more difficult, since she's always so stiff. I might come up with more ideas later.
Night Charger doing double peace signs with an embarrased smile maybe? Mmh, dunno.

It also depends how your gf want the girls to look like, sexy cool, defiant and dangerous or a little bit more cute than usual?
Also, could be nice if the 3 pics could assembled to for something like a group photo, Bad lotion on the right side, Madam Venom in the center, since she's the tallest, so she would be facing the camera directly while doing her pose, and Night Charger on the left side, her pose making her lean a little bit toward the center.

Not bad at all. It's looking pretty good. I see a lot of attention to details, like usual, and proportions are well done too.
>I might come up with more ideas later.
Okay i'll wait, the madam venom ideas are ok.
>sexy cool, defiant and dangerous or a little bit more cute than usual?
Sexy cool
>Also, could be nice if the 3 pics could assembled to for something like a group photo, Bad lotion on the right side, Madam Venom in the center, since she's the tallest
Yup, the idea is a grupa fan art with the 3 standing to each other, so lotion it's the small one, night charger the middle and the tall madam venom.
And the order, lotion-venom-charger?
The idea is publising it after the translation annunce (since it's not dead on water it seems >>8005289) and be the first westerm fan art in Twitter (?
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>And the order, lotion-venom-charger?
I envision charger-venom-lotion. I tend to prefer characters converging toward the center (top part of the pic), rather than expanding outward (Bottom half). But the final say on which direction looks better is for your gf to decide, since she's the artist.

>and be the first westerm fan art in Twitter
Haven't you already shown your gf's Night Charger fanart to Buctha? Technically, this would be the first fanart on twitter.
>But the final say on which direction looks better is for your gf to decide, since she's the artist.
She says this one it's most than fine! It's going to be a great wallpaper, thabks for the idea :-)
And yeah i forget about that xd, at least butch-a like it
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Haha, the choice makes sense; the other sets can be quite funky. Anyway, you're welcome. Buena suerte para ella.
Merci beaucoup! Also ii try to convince her to draw justopian but dosen't like to draw muscle men xd
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Yeah, it doesn't help that Justopia has a lot of those, lol.
The girls are the main draw for the game anyway, so it's not much of a problem if she doesn't want to draw him.
Yup, also not convinced to talk in discord or anything? :B
It's possible. What do you want to talk about? Like i said last time, i'm not big on small talk.
Eroges, anime, games, hentai things, art etc etc :B i pass mine and you add mine
Eh, why not. I'm in the mood. What's your nick?
Actually, wait a minute. Let me verify that i didn't lost my disco
rd password or some stupid shit like that.
All right, it's "wensestero" hope you don't loose it.
The fucking CAPTCHA is kicking my ass.
I click on that fucking koala every time but it's asking me to retry. I'm starting to rage.
>you will never feel the warmth and tightness of Bad Lotion's asshole around your hand
Why even live?
Well, let's see if it works xd
Sorry, i'm throwing the towel for today. I'm going nowhere. Can't even reset the fucking password. I might as well make a new account, if it still doesn't work tomorrow. I hate social medias.
Well i am gonna wait then, an new account or anything then.
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Found the right password. My account got deactivated. No idea why, inactivity maybe? The thing is, i didn't catch it the first time, so i kept hitting my head against the wall and by going down the old wrong passwords list again and again. Fuck me i guess. Actually, fuck Discord. I'm done with this piece of shit. If you know another place to chat, i'm game, otherwise, that's too bad.
Twitter? Telegram? Instagram??
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I got none of those. Actually, i got twitter to follow Butcha, but it has my real name on it, so i rather not use it for anything else than lurk.

How about Teamspeak3? Do you have it? I don't think we can share images, but at least it has a chat and i know how to use it.
No i don't have it, but you can change your twitter name tho, change the @ it's easy too.
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It's a pain in the ass, but i'll check.
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Looks like i already had a pseudonym set up. How do we chat now? I've never done it on twitter.
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Oh wait, your twitter page might still be in my internet historic. I looked it up when you showed your gf's fanart
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Fount it. Now, how the fuck do i message you.
Well, fallow me, then i do to you, and if i am not wrong message are open for that https://x.com/AnprimChan?t=jQhrd6omyiMrPQbV8m_3Vw&s=08
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Ah ok. So no friend request or something like that.
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Done. Just to be sure, your most recent post is about old Doom? I should have started by that.
Yup it's that, you are the one with the ff cactus?
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"You cannot message this use because you are not verified."
Shit, yeah, but didn't that part would showup. Fuck. To late i guess.
Oh the image, yeah, i misunderstood what you meant.
Done, accept tje fallow request
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I'm looking for it, but i don't see any requests. Where does it usually show up?
Any news about the translation?
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>mfw i can't suck venom cock
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In game, you can. The protag goes down on her in one of her exclusive scenes. Ballsy move by Clockup.
SV it's top 2 in smartphone compatible games in Fanza.
Number 5 at fanza general top!
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That's cool. Better that than unlisted. I don't know the games that are before SV tho. I hope it's just me being out of touch and that those are really popular in trillion times folded steel Katana land.
I didn't like the kenzen games cuz i feel everyone was too happy and too utopic, this one it's the same or there's more risks?
My headcanon
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Yes, the mood is heavier. Kenzen 1 explore what an utopian world of pervert would look like, Kenzen 2 adds some conflit and intrigue with the anti-pervert plotline and the serial rapist, but stays light overall. There's a sense that the world is in harmony, or at least tries to be.

To the contrary, Sacrifice Villains is, from the ground up, all about contest of wills. The world is in a state of chaos, and crime is everywhere outside of Justopian Ward. The protag want to transform the main heroines in heroes of Justice by, in essence, raping them into submission. The villainesses, on their end, are extra dangerous and powerful women who don't give a damn shit about the puny jailor, or each other for that matter, and will start a fight with anybody that looks at them the wrong way.

Rapes are plenty, fight are common (and often lead into the former), but there's some Kenzen's shine her and there. Masked Nympho,basically almost canon grown up Chiyaya, and Creampie are almost always bright, positive and happy, in addition to their sluttyness. And the citizen of Jutopian Ward are often depicted has having happy sex in their daily life.

A word of caution for those who are of the delicate kind. The rapes in Sacrifice Villains can be pretty brutal, violent, gross and perverse, if your hentai level is too low. Don't get me wrong, it's not the strongest drink ever, the campy tone dulls some of the edge, but i wouldn't recommend it as baby's first hentai.
Ah, and one more thing, the game is morally unrepentant. Don't expect all bad deeds to be punished at the end of the story. This world has his own fucked up logic, and run with it all the way to completion, all without a shadow of pussy footing to be found anywhere.

Her name is Sam's name is Russo, Kitty's is Leterrier, and if she had a nationality, that would probably be french.
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Fun fact, the girls names are an homage to various directors of super hero movies. The Russo brothers, Captain America and Avenger movies. Louis Leterrier, The Incredible Hulk. And Zack Snyder, Man of Steel, Wonder Woman, Justice League and plenty more.

It's not the first time that Butcha has done it. Names inspired by real individuals also appear in Injuu Kangoku.
I think he picked up that habit from the Metroid games devs. They named some monsters as a homage to movie directors that inspired them.
>probably be french
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Leterrier is a real french name. It translates to "The dugout", as in fox holes, rabbit holes, etc.
It's a really appropriate name considering that she gets so many things stuffed in her fox hole.
You had your head canon thought?
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Pretty much the same as yours, as yours, i guess, but with some differences here and there.
Since they're born and raised in Tokyo, (Scum City is basically Tokyo metropolis), Night Charger and Bad Lotion would be granted Japanese nationality. Japan is never mentioned in the game, neither are Tokyo and others countries, so it's possible for the SV world to be in a such state of lawlessness that nations actually died. Madam Venom is a special case; she doesn't originate from the city, but for somewhere else. If she's a true dark elf or something, she could come from another planet or even dimension.

Ethnicity: much of it is bullshit, but why not, i'll play. For Night Charger, i's say half nippon/puerto rican. She has to much curves to be full japanese.
Bad Lotion, french due to her name, with drops of irish,if i start to get fancy, but honestly, i could also imagine her having english, germanic blood. Or even drops of slav, because if i imagine granny Bad Lotion, she would totally be the tough Babushka type. Small as fuck, but doesn't take shit from anybody.
And for Madam Venom, if she's human, i'd say either bedouin or pashtun. Not normal upbringing, either desert nomad tribe or moutain people tribe, where the environment is harsh and people are fierce. How did she come to Scum City? Dunno, she could have been banned, or her tribe got destroyed and she roamed in foreign land until she got here. Criminal of Scum City think they're tough, but her own people are tougher and meaner, so it would be so surprising that she carved her own little empire so quickly.

Age:, pretty much the same, unless, again, Madam Venom is an elf, in which case she's probably centuries old.
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Height. Looks good, tho it's difficult to be precise, due to the perspective.

Weight, i've pretty much no idea, with one exception though. I'd argue that, for being so lean, Night Charger is much heavier then she looks.
First, she's an athlete. Presumably she has done a lot of strength building exercises. Those tend to have big effects on bone health. More precisely, her bone density. I suspect it's through the roof.
That would help explain the lack of confidence she has in her femininity. Girls really don't like being heavy, no surprise there, but my biggest clue is her impregnation scene. The protag has to take a special strength enhancing drug in order to be able to properly fuck her in full Nelson position. Granted, it's not a silver bullet. The protag could just be too weak to lift her to begin with, but it's amusing to think about.
Oujo demo it's out
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Why pick a weaker race to breed with?
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What's the point of breeding with crackwhores like you, woman? You really don't have any idea why you get outcompeted, huh?

Sharing personal preferences is cool and all, but you're on /h, not /y.
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The sequel of Dragal is slated to be released for next month in COMIC Shitsurakuten 2024-07.
As seen in the sample pic, G girl is coming back for more. I was expecting a new pair of girls, but the first Dragal girls were pretty fine, so i won't complain.
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Whoops. Correction; the pic isn't a sample of the next Dragal. It's one of the 4 bonus pages Butcha made for the mag version. The sequel is still coming next month, presumably with new girls.
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While looking at her from top to bottom:
"Please marry m... NOPE!"
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Sure, she has a cute side but, for you own safety, never forget that she really really love to rape people.
"BEND OVER HONEY! Spread those cheeks of yours real wide! Mommy is coming!" Brrr. Don't drop the soap.
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>Still no release date
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>Best girl becomes futa
Day ruined
>the new clockup game it's gonna release before the translation
It's over
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>no eng translation for Oujo no Shima.
Makes sense. A story focused occult thriller is more niche than big boobas heroes vs villains. It's probably not gonna be translated unless it sells well or becomes a classic.
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Crazy how much better a picture can look when you angle it. Japanese artist abuse the dutch angle waaaaay too much.
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Yeah, Butcha is a repeat offender, when it comes to game cgs. I think he never quite adapted the popularization of wide screens standards, around 10 years ago (yep, Japan was so fucking late to the party). He already liked dutch angles before, but they looked good in 4:3. In 16:9, some of them feel off sometimes. Either too extreme or unnecessary.

If i'm not mistaken, i think he draws pics at an angle from the start. I always assumed that it was easier to draw an image normally, then modify the angle later when it is fully completed. But looks like it's not what he does. He might have good reasons to draw that way, he's the pro, not me, after all, but i can't imagine what they are.

Interestingly, the angle problem doesn't show up in his doujins and mangas chapter probably because he has complete control over the composition of his panels, The tricks Butcha uses to fill empty spaces either don't work in a vn medium, or he feels they're not worth the effort.
It's because wide screen resolution is hard to make art for. When you specifically have to find shit to fill the left and right side, you have to be "creative" with poses or angle stuff.
NEW KENZEN GAME http://clockup.net/kenzen_fd/
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Less than 2 month until release; 07/26. That's pretty quick, too quick for a full game. A mini scenario maybe?

The title translates to "Next to perverted neighbors", i think. Looks like the Maezono family is making their return. The protag is probably going to be their new neighbor or something, and they're obviously going to jump on his dick.
Damn, I was hoping for some more Kika action.
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Me too man. Me too.
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English version update/news?
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From Shiravune, nothing new since >>8005289

On f95zone, two MTL patches have been made for SV, one compatible with the package version, one with the digital. Unfortunately, the quality is low.

And on twitter, there's also a guy called Tintero de Coco who's doing a fan translation. He's making progress little by little.
Is there translation to this asmr?
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None that i know of. I'd like one, or at least a summary.of what happens in the last half of the third disk.
Nightcharger looks really cute with a cock up her ass
Every girl looks better with a cock up her ass.
based cocks
based buttholes
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amen to that, brother
I am a firm believer of assholes supremacy.
Indeed. It's still painful to look at.
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She does. Too bad she doesn't get it in the ass often enough.

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I typically hate speedlines in hentai. But when an artist puts that much effort into ass ripples. I think afterimages and speedlines would actually help sell the picture even more..
Are there more hentai like this?
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In general? Why not. As long they're only on the guy. If i have my eyes on a big booty, i want it to be as unobstructed as possible.

For that Night Charger arena scene? It wouldn't fit. I think that cg isn't supposed to evoke speed, but slow motion.
More specifically, the slow motion of an highlight reel displaying the climax of her rape on the giant screens of the arena, for the pleasure of the crowd, or a slow-mo mode activated by the protag as he's reviewing the footage.It's a spectacle after all. There are so many drone cameras flying around in those events that they probably have all the angles necessary to produce an hologram version of her defeat and subsequent humiliation. All leaked on the web too, the city want to show off to the world how it punishes villains.

Maybe? Depends on what you mean. Can you be more precise?
In general yes, because its 1.) really lazy when the only sense of thrusting is the same exact image but with annoying blurs and white lines. And 2.) What should be there is another image of the male actually colliding with the girls cheeks to give that effect.
But since Butcha actually draws impact ripples so well I can actually forgo my disdain for speedlines since it would actually enhance the image and really sell that shes being pounded. NightChargers ass is simply not thick enough to cause that many ripples ""unless"" some speed and force was being applied in that shot. That's definitely not slow sex/motion, and if it is, its being portrayed hilariously wrong. NightChargers ass would create tighter and quicker ripples than that under that logic. That has to be force creating those. And a continuous, pattern based amount of force as well, based on the lightning.
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Yeah, the blur effect in SV is shit. They probably used it because a filter is quicker than drawing mutant dude's deepest thrust. If it's the price for Butcha to output more cgs overall, then so be it.

>That's definitely not slow sex/motion, and if it is, its being portrayed hilariously wrong.
Yes, the real ass-fucking did happen with speed and force, but what the image is attempting to convey, imo, is slow motion footage, like those filmed by high speed cameras. Stuff usually found in animal documentaries for example, where we can observe in great detail each wing movement of a hummingbird, stuff like that. That's why i think the player isn't directly witnessing the rape as it happens, just merely watching the footage that the protag is reviewing, which would be footage taken at the time by the arena staff. So 2 different degrees of separations from the real event, in either of those slow motion could have been introduced in post prod.

Also, for the sake of honesty, my slow motion theory isn't backed by the text, it's just an interpretation of what the cg is trying to convey. That said, i'm not uncomfortable with straying away from the text since there are occasions in SV where the story don't match what's happening in the cgs. Examples like Bad Lotion's hairjob, or the true location of the final orgy comes to mind.
I could be wrong with that slow mo stuff, but as it stands right now, it makes sense to me.

tldr: the player is watching slow mo footage of the rape, not the rape itself as it is happening.
>for the sake of honesty, my slow motion theory isn't backed by the text, it's just an interpretation of what the cg is trying to convey.
Yes, I'm aware of the text, but I do respect your interpretation as well, and appreciate your honesty. I notice everyone sub or consciously enhances H-scenes one way or another. For example, seeing someone get railed in the ass, and then pulled out. Even tho nothing is mentioned on it, you could imagine the sounds of escaping air and that might do it for you. So interpretations are fine in my eyes.

I just thought that that picture was interesting because its one of the only times I could ever think of where I'd accept afterimages and speedlines when normally I detest them. Its actually praise on Butcha's part from me, because its me acknowledging that he's really good at making still pictures appear as if fluid motion is happening. Its just a little weird that NightChargers ass is so in-motion, but the male is stiff and still. It feels off, and my brain is telling me on some level that something is... wrong.
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>I notice everyone sub or consciously enhances H-scenes one way or another.
I won't speak for everybody, but yeah, i do that too. Although rarely, and not by visualizing movement or imagining sounds. I have a preference for static art over animations, and the thought of making up my own sounds never crossed my mind.
I guess my way of enhancing scenes is adding fetish fuel, but only when there's wiggle room, when it's removed from the action, and when it's porn-trope appropriate. Example, during Samantha second blowbang, ... ah shit, i'm realizing that i have to explain the context of the scene for those who didn't read it, otherwise it's useless. I'll make it quick, bear with me for a sec.(Message from the future: Fission Mailed. Fuuucking Mailed.)

So, Sam has a boyfriend, Nick. She receives regular visits from him during which she's raped right before him as part of the rehabilitation program. Nick doesn't realize what's happening because the lovers are separated by a high tech mirror that change sexual acts into more mundane actions, (ex: she's getting a facial? For Nick, it looks like she's just sweating heavily.) and Sam doesn't want him to find out.
So, the interactions usually goes that way, Nick, who's attentive to her well being, comes to support her emotionally. That makes Sam happy, but she has a fuck ton of things to grapple with. First, she's getting raped directly in front of her lover in increasingly perverted ways, so most of her brain power is busy with keeping herself from making weird noises or showing her ahegao. Second is keeping up the conversation with Nick, at the same time that the protag and his minions humiliate her with double entendres, mockery, and threats to deactivate the mirror if she doesn't do as they say.

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Now, during Sam second blowbang, Nick asks her if she liked the chocolates he gifted her last time. He brings new ones each time he visits her, it's a symbol of the love he has for his girlfriend. But the mere mention of them makes Sam nervous and awkward, she feels guilty for eating them the way she did. The rehab officers currently raping her pick up on her strange reaction. They add 2 and 2, and realize that those were the chocolates sprayed with semen they forced her to gobble, not too long ago. So, they proceed to mock her while Sam is too mentally overloaded with sex and shame to do anything other than thanking her lover for the treats, and assuring him that she's eating them one by one very carefully.
Very erotic. That's when my "enhancement" comes in play. You know, the thing we were talking about in the previous post, all the way before i got the bright idea of illustrating what i meant with a example that requires me to explain HALF THE FUCKING GAME!!

>I notice everyone sub or consciously enhances H-scenes one way or another.
Yeah, i do that too. Sometimes i imagine the Night Charger is eating the cum covered chocolates directly from the ground. No hands allowed, defeated/guilty/sad face, and reluctant tongue work until the floor is squeaky clean.
To me it's satisfying in two ways, first, i like girls that lick the floor or toilets in erotic ways, pretty straight forward. Second, if a flashback reveals that her level of degradation/corruption is much worse than anticipated, but she's shown still caring for her boyfriend, and doing her best to avoid hurting him, then it only makes her all the more likable to me.

Also, Madam Venom's bouncing tits are the best use of after images in SV. To bad the game didn't have a no blur cg for those.

The pervert family is coming for your dick.

Apparently, the main character is a virgin student leaving next to the Maezono family.
For his first time, the young lad wants to be the pilot and take charge of the fucking, like a man. But the neighbours are grade SSS perverts, who knows what they're gonna do to his virgin cock.
A shame there is no dedicted buttslut in the family
TWO girls with glasses? Hell yeah
(I fucking love sluts with glasses, bros)
Losing the virginity to the milf or the loli is a win
Tits out for virgin hunting!

In the Clockup lineup, full power buttsluts are rare.And all those i know are drawn by Butcha. Bad Lotion, Ushirobara Kikka and the brazilian girl from Kenzen.
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The first game is my favorite eroge of all time I can't wait for this to come out.

Chizuru is best girl.
all I remember in this ASMR is something about fisting and penis piston kek
Yeah I know, they should fix this oversight since every game if at least twice better with the simple addition of an anal queen in it.
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Oh, she got fisted? I probably missed it. I remember the piston tho, it was in the cd3. She gets pissed in the ass and forced to do a dogeza in cd4. Good stuff.

She didn't lose her nipple jewelry. Good.
yeah I think it's something like "1 finger? 2 finger? 3 finger? the whole fist?"
my nihongo is still rusty tho
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Certainly better than mine. If i hear something in japanese that i'm able to understand, 90% of the time it can be traced back to hentai or anime. Voice actresses are spreading the glorious japanese language all over the world. Nippon Nation must be so proud. Sexual diplomacy in action, kek
Is this a new game announcement?
I hope we get another horse scene with the MILF
Will we ever get an uncensored version? Assholes usually aren't censored in JP porn
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I'm calling it now.. based on these previews and the premise .. we'll get a handful of "vanilla" scenes between each chick and the MC, maybe a harem scene at the end.

I really hope this isn't what happens as all these girls are top tier (especially the milf + loli) and we get some more hardcore scenes in line with the previous game.
Where did you get these? I couldnt find the samples on the clockup website
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Yep. A Spin-off of Kenzen.

If Mangagamer gets the translation rights, it'll be uncensored. They got Kenzen 1 and 2 back then, so it's safe to assume they're going to have this one in their catalog too.

I think so. Lots of one on one. we'll probably have some 1 v 2 thrown into the mix too, and I can't see them skipping an harem finale. Although, thinking about it, that would be more of an orgy end rather than classic harem. No way turbo sluts like those will ever stop fucking any dicks they want.

Found those on:
Looks like an aggregator site for online shops.They are advertising the game with samples while none of those are up on the official page. Let's hope it isn't a sign that the game is going to be delayed or something.
We need a new thread after this one to discuss the new VN
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OP here. I'll make a new thread when this one goes under, like usual.
Follow up thread in need.
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