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Post pokegirls.
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Where the fuck is Misty
in your folder.
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For those who may be interested, I made a Pokemon visual novel! Hang out with Cynthia in Olivine City and solve crimes. Also featuring Jasmine. It's completely free but you can donate to me on Ko-Fi if you like it. Contains four different lewd scenes!


I'm also making a Marnie VN but it's not available yet because I'm still writing it. I'll need to commission a bunch of art and I don't want to start paying for art commissions until I know everything I need, so I'm getting at least a first draft for the entire game written before I go gathering art. Right now it's about 100k words long. I'm probably going to release an early alpha version of the game with placeholder art assets, just to get feedback on the story. It will also have lewds, eventually.
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We need a translation for this


Hell I can typeset it for you if someone who reads nip is too lazy for that part.
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Yummy, hairy man titties.
Trying it right now. The sarcasm is funny without feeling too unnatural so Im into it just finished the first night tho. Thanks for making it android accessible never enough vns on here
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Thank you for playing. :)
So I'm the only one who nut on Bea I guess
here you go you big baby.
Thank you, anon. I'll be right back.
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Why did they have to make this bitch so goddamn cute and breedable?
That's /e/, not /h/.
I played through it, I thought it was really excellent. The lewd moment with Cynthia felt really natural, not tacked on at all. The circumstances of the story unfolded in such a way that 2 adults could have had a consenting sexual interaction or not. There was no "I met this woman I'm suddenly super enamored." Genuinely, the writing was excellent. Tbh, my only complaint is minor, it's that I wish the main antagonist had a more unique design.
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Thank you so much for your kind words! Everything you said about the lewd scene was exactly what I was aiming for so I'm glad I succeeded.
>I wish the main antagonist had a more unique design
Do you mean like, visually? I wish I had the money to commission some proper art for her instead of just portraying her as a generic aqua grunt. Everything about her wasn't really planned at the start, she just sort of grew in complexity as I was writing the story. Other people have asked me repeatedly to add a lewd ending with her, which I never expected anyone would want.
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Oh her character complexity was fine! She just always felt on the outskirts of society/community, made her feel lonely/helpless and ultimately powerless. Finding power does things to people. I just meant visually; I understand budget though, so it's just a nitpick to me. Personally I don't think lewd would have worked for her, not the way you wrote the story or her character, anyways. Horny people just being horny, lol

I see there's room for a lewd interaction with Jasmine but I didn't pursue that, maybe another playthrough later on!
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Fucking girls so hard they revert to their native language is a kink I didn't know I had
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I dunno where you got that from anon but you forgot the last page.
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more of her please for the love of God
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You are such a baby
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Shame on those off-model cowtits.
Should be even bigger.
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>entire fucking novel in a massive ugly square
Fucking w*stoids
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Horrendously off-model beachball tits
Wrong post? Those are mosquito bites. You probably have bigger tits than that.
The joke is that she's canonically flat so by comparison these are enormous
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hrrrnghgh swimsuit Cynthia...
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I wish Winona got more porn.
Aviator hats aren't cute enough for Japan.
Their loss, though I do wish Winona had another outfit of some kind.
>itch.io forgot to renew their certificates
well ill try again in an hour or so
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hag sex https://exhentai.org/g/2937620/d19b9a045d/
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We need more Penny
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"Hey, cocksleeve. Spread those shameful legs of yours and throw some peace signs up to show your total submission."
"You seriously did it! Even though you'd been so full of yourself!"
"From now on, I'm gonna fuck you sideways every single day."

"Are you my next opponent, old man?"
"You don't seem particularly strong. This match is gonna be a breeze!!"
"Oh! I can't!"
"I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"
Any good lewd games with pokegirls
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"Jeez... I told you today was no good..."
"You just couldn't resist?"
"Fhu fhu..."
"Yeah, it's fine. Let's do it."
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This probably the worst kind of censorship, also I thought Japan was okay with showing nipples in porn wtf is this shit?
no, it's so that you pay for the hi-res uncensored version on the artist's paywall.
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Breed Cynthia
Breed Cynthia
Breed Cynthia
Breed Cynthia
Only after earning the right to, by defeating her first
Man I love Whitney
I miss Terufuu
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I have no idea what this is but I need more of it.
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>I feel light the lighthouse fight is a bad idea first thing
>Come back later and Metang has suddenly de-evolved back into beldum
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"Are you done? Ahaha, there's so much coming out..."
"You made sure to cum outside for me... O-of course, I believed you would, you know?"
"Eh...? Ah, yeah..."
"Let's go back after we shower, all right? I-I don't have a choice, since I'm so busy..."
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Akari is so fucking sexy.
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that's /e/.
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translated by yours truly
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And thanks btw
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you're welcome cuh
source is ソデビーム on Pixiv

also if anyone can tell me how to publish a doujin translation in hitomi.la, mangadex, nhentai or wherever tell me please, i want more people to read this doujin
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In our hearts man
"Fhu fhu... You want to stick it in here already? I have no problem with that, of course."
"But... First, I'm going to masturbate shamefully..."
"Please watch closely until I'm finished, okay..."

Man: "That's enough, please just be obedient, Winona! I have to get you pregnant as soon as possible!"

Winona: "Please stop fooling around! Get off of me!"

Man: "I'm not messing around! I accidentally fell victim to Perish Song, and I don't have long to live! I have to hurry up and leave behind an heir..."

The (棒) is apparently slang for speaking monotonously, so that might imply that he's joking.
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no zoophilia allowed on /h/ my man.
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"I'll be the one... taking the lead, so... don't you worry, okay?"
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A rough and possibly incorrect translation:
1st panel
Nemona, 1st speech bubble: Did it feel good, doing this with my mouth?
Nemona, 2nd speech bubble: It's OK to put it in.

2nd panel
Nemona:Aah! It feels good! Fuck me harder!
Blue (thought?)bubble: Moving aside her panties and fucking her is just so erotic.
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