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Time for some justice. No bad ends here.
Well, if anyone ever complained about sexy female villains in porn media only getting like 4 scenes while heroines get 40, this is why. Everyone wants to corrupt the innocent schoolgirls and dutiful wives. No one wants to punish the sexo villains.

We truly live in a SOCIETY.
I think it's more that the female leads are more prominent/popular characters, while the villains get disposed of and disappear from the story. That's why whenever a villain is popular they tend to have a lot more. Juri, for example.
Nah bro, I can fix her.
Even that's rare. I'd say even more than punishing villains.
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Absolutely mind broken
Isn't the guy fucking her also a villain?
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One of my top fetishes of all time. I love seeing evil bitches getting what they deserve. Their haughtiness and defiant attitude only make me harder
Based anon, you're in good company here.
I wish more rape content had this sort of expression.
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If I had my way, 90% of all rape hentai would be about turning the tables on angry villainesses.
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If she was created that way can she really be evil?
Yes, it makes her more evil because it means she was that way from the start instead of warped into it.
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Always great to see the evil being overrun by horny men that just want her body and nothing else
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??? how is she a villainess?
iirc she was sadist but then the dude puts her in her place and she ends up a masochist
what is Naga doing here lol
Do you fuckers not know what a villainess is?
I don't get it. The mom's a sociopathic cunt, but she gets a happy ending, even if she does get raped one time.
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Fuck it, it counts.
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Deserved, fuck this sadistic cunt
Need a Taimanin/Annerose game where it’s about the overconfident evil sluts getting mindbroken into being the protag’s sex pets
Pretty sure Butcha-U finished a game about just that not too long ago. Still not translated, but since it's so high profile, it's only a matter of time.

I've had an idea for that exact concept that I'd really love to make someday.
these aren't villains, they're just wearing lipstick while looking smug

if we're all just here because we have a lipstick fetish that fine but let's keep our fapping consistent
Cerebella is a leg-breaker for the mafia and never does anything good in the story; Cornelia is at the helm of Britannia's war-mongering and clearly delights in the destruction her actions cause. Calling yourself evil or a villain aren't requirements to be so.
More with villains being deflowered? That would be the ultimate disgrace for them.
Finally, some good fucking food. Absolute gentlemen and scholars ITT.

>Pretty sure Butcha-U finished a game about just that not too long ago
If you are not into NTR, Futa, or the loli bodytype (like me), a good chunk of that game (roughly half) is not going to appeal to you. Which is a shame, because it's a fucking amazing and underutilized concept.
>I've had an idea for that exact concept that I'd really love to make someday.
Same, having a suicide-squad/mind control setup where you get to turn the mooks sent after you into your own troops as you climb the ladder up until you get to the head honcho (honchess?) would be Kino.
Every lord was a villain outside of their own story, and it's time you fuckers accepted that.

You only have a point with Naga using that statement.
Drop your ideas for stories featuring villains getting what they deserve.

I've had this idea now for a while that's kind of like a Saturday morning cartoon, but for porn. Hear me out. Picture a generic fantasy setting with a hero and a heroine, and a villainous bitch out to destroy them both, particularly the heroine, and take over the kingdom. But no matter what plan the villain employs, it always backfires on her.
>Pretends to be an old lady, makes a request for the heroine to go alone and clear out a goblin cave
>It's obviously a trap
>Waits like a day, villain goes to check on goblin camp
>Clumsy fucks up, gets raped and impreged by gobbos
>Turns out the heroine declined the quest because one girl clearing out a goblin cave is fucking retarded

>Another time, the villainess hires thugs to attack the heroine, but she defeats them all
>Frustrated, she employs another plan, kidnapping the heroine, before using magic to transform herself into the heroine
>Makes her way to the kingdom planning to trick the hero and kill him
>Runs into thugs on the way
>Mistaking her for the heroine, they employ a special magic item to weaken her
>Rape ensues
>Villain crawls back to her lair full of brigand jizz, letting the heroine go

>Villain sets a sensory deprevation pit up for the heroine
>Cackling about her plan, she gets surprised and falls into it herself
>The villain and heroine start monologing to each other
>Meanwhile, the villain's getting body modded and impregged
>Heroine unironically convinces Villain to give up evil
>She's ready to turn over a new leaf
>She finally sees her modded, impregged body as the orgasm hits
>Curses the heroine for tricking her, returns to being evil

And plenty more. Really, take any bad end and just flip it onto her.
The heroine should see how much 'fun' the villainess is having and join her. Through dick, Unity!
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>Villainess is also a Lightning
Literally made for hatefucking into submission and shattering her smug persona.
I remember hearing about some shitty fantasy novel where a smug evil queen was punished by being locked up in her own dungeon and being gang raped by her own prisoners. I've not stopped thinking about it.
>sexy, evil bitch gets defeated and is forced to wear an extremely revealing good girl outfit while fighting with the "good guys"
>you can tell she wants nothing more than to murder them, but is forced to play nice and do what they want
>when she doesn't, they patronizingly remind her that if she doesn't obey, they'll simply have to gang rape her again
>the mention of rape and being raped in general becomes her one weakness that causes an otherwise extremely powerful and dangerous woman to turn into a whimpering, teary eyed, victim
>might even still get raped in her outfit occasionally by one of the more sadistic "good guys"
>You only have a point with Naga
How in the fuck are Rhea and I-No villains?
What is Misa doing here?
>Accomplice to a serial killer
Gee anon I don't know
Inou always voices villains. See also Lust and Alcina.
Nena Trinity, she deserves to be raped for days, it's a shame there are no doujin or hentai arts about her
>35 results
>14 pages
The fuck are you on?

Cut him some slack. Some anons just have low hentai proficiency.
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Arba has almost no doujin or rape-based hentai art
Just joking, she has nothing. Nice try tho.
The only reason I don't regret reading the dogshit that was Akame ga Kill is because it makes me appreciate stuff like this even more.
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Rance raped quite a few villainesses in his days
Cucks are delusional and think anyone not into their fetish is the villain
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Including himself
Should be the computer club carrying it out for full karma.
Different anon but I'm not familiar with the chick in that image, what's her deal?
But if it was them they'd just be proving her right.
I won't hear any arguments to the contrary.
The Kurta would be better honored with descendants than killing the Troupe, anyway.
I'd junction my DICK right into Ultimecia's PUSSY, if you know what I'm talking about...
Thats not Ultimecia, that's the heart of darkness from FF3.
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One of my favorites.
>Time for some justice.
Justice is when the villainness forces herself on the hero.
In this one, the guy fucking her is the villian though.
This desu.
>Justice is when the heroine forces herself on the male villain
This is also true for >>7956127
Any good places to find 2d, non animated, rape art like this? Danbooru and rule34 seem a bit dry.
There's not really a great tag for it. You kind of just have to know your way around characters and tags. For example villainess's name with rape or ryona tags. There's R34 tags for hero on villain but nobody on that site knows how to tag.
She's into that though
I don't even mean the villain stuff. Just generally darker stuff with kidnapping and rape, but in this simple single panel art form rather than hentai or long comics.
Then why are you any this thread?
It doesn't matter if the perpetrator is a villain, as long as the victim is one then it's on topic.
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About fucking time someone posted Lusamine
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She doesn't have much rape art that isn't with a Pokemon (which you aren't allowed to post on this board).
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Holy shit this one is satisfying, fuck this psychotic cunt.
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>pokemon ranger 2 lewds
Spinoffs got nowhere near enough love unfortunately
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Tell me about it. Sadly the amount of decent non-Solana Ranger lewds is in the single digits.
She killed some too at the first few episodes
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Even Solana doesn't get enough. Spinoffs aren't what they used to be now.
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op said VILLANS, not pure innocent maidens who did nothing wrong
what is the source for this?
i'll allow it because Takina is sex and better than Chisato
I allow it because Takina is a murderous psycho and Chisato deserves better.
Anyone familiar with what Cerebella does to Miss Fortune in her storyline is going to avidly disagree with you.
Came here to say this.
>I came in to be a contrarian faggot
Okay, you can leave now
You're all wrong, the peak of this concept is smug wannabe villainesses getting put in their place by the actual big bad.

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