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swole fucking thicc
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That makes no sense. Why wouldn't you put the perfect sex slave for sale?

Are they a communist country and they only sell common workers?
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The Artist is Hirune, most of his work are like this
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Asanagi is an amazing artist but his writing is edgelord garbage
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Based, love this guys work.
This, any time he mentions "Male Waste" or other terms kills whatever boner I got.
Where, can I find this one?
It's on nhentai, Otoha-chan no SEX, Artist:

I think some of his other work are licensed by fakku , so there (or a fakku pirating site)
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Based thread, I'm so tired of /ss/ and generic twink garbage.
This i like.
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Same, I wish I was a real artist so I can do illustrations for my characters. I wrote a novel about a buff older elf guy with a beard passionately fucks a much younger and smaller, cute, but large breasted, demon girl
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a few of my friends told me its so-so, and its has some errors hear and there I just fix them whenever i see them.

I know this artist, their work is awesome, but being obsessed with mr kk seems really random for a fetish
That buff dude has a name?
alec, alecondrios, its in the novel, I might change the names tho, I just came up with then randomly.
whoops I thought you were asking about the novel, thats mr. kk from pop dance or something.
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Give me some descriptions/ref and i could do some doodles for you
Well I have some crappy ai's that have their characteristics if you can use those as reference.
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well show me
NTA but draw a six foot tall bodybuilder penetrating a short 5 foot tall curvy, chubby busty woman against the wall
Click on the link provided thats my profile, and I use pixai so its not the best quality.

There is different outfits the characters wear, but the descriptions are generally the same. The demon girl has blue horns though, and I am aware a good some of my ai crap does not have it, thats because it took me a long time how manipulate ai imaging. I would post em here but the janies made it clear that they hate ai porn pics on certain threads.
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What profile where

The artwork under my pixiv profile.
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Any recommendations where the sex isn't necessarily rough?
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this is so much better than the femdom thread, 2 many twinks
I like his cringe misogynistic plotlines and writing - wish I could find other artists who write that stuff.
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This author recently came back
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isn't this more like western art than anime?
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the artist draws exclusively anime characters but I guess the mod agreed with you based on some arbitrary rule that is impossible to fairly enforce
ehhh...I mean the art was nice, but I thought it was fanart for baldurs gate or d&d, the dud looked an awful lot like a tiefling...but it could just coincidental.
Swole af
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Terasu may be a lazy cunt but the contrast between the masculine/femenine figure in his artwork is outstanding.
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This did not age well.
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I wish 14 was a better game with better lore, a lot of fuckable characters.
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If god didnt want woman on top why would he make it so cowgirl doesnt get her pregnant. What goes up comes down
>cowgirl doesnt get her pregnant
I have bad news for you if you ever get a woman...
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Grandma's Order by Syntier13
>god doesn't want men who get dominated by women to breed
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I'm not him, but it's called "(SPARK14) [JAPAN (usa)] Koisugi (Golden Kamuy)".
It's a parody of Golden Kamuy, and personally, for me, it's a classic.
damn those panels are even better, gonna check it out as well
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Asanagi's faces look awful
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His last 2 releases I could find are pretty good.
The one with the incest fake hypnosis and the one with the obsessed manga artist fan. Didn't even have any guro or bestiality.
good, the amputee fetish is definitely the worst reoccuring theme in his work
oh, I haven't noticed the sequel has been released
"Eromanga Brain" is my favourite of all his works so far
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[Arisa Yoshi] Alien Abduction.

Anons is this gay?
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definitely borderline...

the art is so perfect for this thread though
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>inbe4 doesn't work
Use the 10 other engines
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Use Google dumb nigger

God is real. The world is healing.
did you intentionally ask the worst possible search engine, the one that wouldn't find it?
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link is now LUNK
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Is there more of this?
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whiny bitch
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Silent Girl
It's my thread and I posted the interracial content because it fits the theme you fucking retards.

You passed by literal orcs and ganondorf but you only got triggered by the black guy, absolute dipshits.

How about you contribute & post relevant images that fit the theme instead of crying about the stuff I posted?
Dont cry next time faggot
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>reacting to racebaiters
pls dont
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Still seething?
I was looking forward to some dilf elf fucking this cute demon girl, read the novel it's kinda ecchi and cute?
>hyper masculine and hyper feminine
This is the hottest when the guy is dark/black as well.
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[Tyranu] My Petite Girlfriend Is My Dad’s Sex Slave - Family Vacation Arc

But NTR warming

Wish for more
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its just so fucking peak
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it fits the thread theme, post some more and ignore the race baiters
This nigger is built like a gorila.
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There's some if you specifically look for Smash related content. I'm not crazy about Jadenkaiba's work but you might like this one.
just tits no buff, gtfo, off-topic! can we just go back to wholesome?
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