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Not to be confused with shotas.

Basically, any instance where a comedic/pervert/unsuspected/annoying twerp character is a stud fucking the shit out of girls because even if they are annoyed, they can ultimately never resist the pure pervert energy (notice how Mineta was never reported or cancelled for harassing the girls).
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pretty sure that rimjobs are /d/ content, anon
Rimjobs are normalized at this point, they are even in vanilla hentai and have been for years.
No, no they're not you retard.
So are tentacles, it's still /d/ shit. Fagboat.
Why is MomoxMineta so popular?
Because Momo is the most obvious target for him in 1-A.
The biggest tits.
The sluttiest costume.
And the sharpest contrast in personality, with how prim and proper she is.

She is also the very first girl that he goes after, when he sticks himself to her back during the entrance exam. Momo and Mineta have been a thing for almost as long as Deku and Uraraka, just with her rejecting all of his advances. And with her personality, it makes the pairing that much better to see him eventually wear her down over time by never giving up, because her and the other girls always scold him but never actually do anything to take it seriously like reporting him to the school or mentioning it to a teacher.
I hope MomoxMineta happens. I remember Hori saying he really liked Mineta and that he's like him. Shitshow would be hilarious.
I mean that with complete sincerity, more shows should have a trope where the comedic relief/pervert/hated character ends up with the best baddie in the series.
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You and me both, bro. It would be the perfect ending for Momo's character arc.
I just really like the idea of a porn addicted, shameless pervert getting laid.
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A thread about perverts having their way has to at least have a mention to the OG depraved old man.
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The canon ending to Kill la Kill.
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It baffles me that there aren't any doujins based on Roshi asking for more here.
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There's a doujin of Roshi asking for more here, if that counts
That's Roshi fucking Oolong after putting out the fire.
I was thinking of Roshi needing additional payment for his Dragon Ball during his first meeting with Bulma.
I know but it's the closest thing.
If yamamoto keeps making dragon ball doujins he eventually has to do that scene.
I love this ship so much. It's genuinely cute, especially when the rest of the Mankanshokus are in on it and totally supportive of it.
What better way of making Ryuko part of the family than to knock her up with a child of their own?
>notice how Mineta was never reported or cancelled for harassing the girls
Because he's the author's pet, retard.
Mineta is easily the worst character of MHA, shitty character design, no redeeming qualities, etc. How the fuck did he even pass the entrance exam again, given his mediocre abilities?
Her face there keke. Momo loved that prick. She even spurt cheese out of her nose.
He's based, and Horikoshi self-insert
filtered faggot.
I love the face on the left. She really turned stupid from eating his ass.
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I love this. Too bad the idea is kinda dying out. Pervert characters aren't as popular as they used to be.
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Definitely needs to be canon. The only ship i care about. Would also love if she became his sidekick, can you imagine the outrage lel.
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Thinly veiled ugly bastard thread?
Mineta is cute though
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Notice how it's NEVER characters like Sanji, Miroku, Finral.

It's always NTR demoralisation propaganda. Just more Cuckshit slop flooding the catalogue.

(you) definitely need to purchase a rope and hang from it, faggot OP.
Roshi the goat.
>Notice how it's NEVER characters like Sanji, Miroku, Finral.
be the change you want to see
post more decent looking perverts getting the girl
i for one find the thought of a cute pervert guy getting the girl sexy
>pervert thread
>no rance
let's change that
Wish those talentless NTR artist fags hang as well
>not to be confused with shotas
Mineta literally is a shota, though?
with that short height and him not being an old man yeah i guess mineta could count as a shota
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The word you're looking for is "loser".
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It's a shame Sorcerer/Bakuretsu Hunters didn't get popular. Carrot Glace was such a cool dude.
Rance, Sanji and Jiraya can hardly be considered losers.
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Fucking gross

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