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300 posts in less than 3 months challenge edition

Honey Select 2 latest version: HoneySelect2 DX BetterRepack R14

AI Shoujo latest version: AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl BetterRepack R15

HS2 Guide:

AIS Guide:

Latest Patch/Updates

Update patches. Note: updating from a non-DX version to a DX version is not possible

VR Support:

Unofficial VR Mod:

AI-Syoujyo CharaFile Web Editor

HS2PNGInfo - Card modlist checker:


*Please be patient with the slow access speed.

Previous thread:
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Honey Select 2
AI Shoujo

[Mod Collection]

[F.A.Q.] 1/2

>What is Honey Select 2?
A super simple love hotel simulator where you create your own girls and can choose to have sex with them in various settings.

>What is AI Shoujo/AI Girl?
A sandbox game where you and a bunch of girls are stranded on an island. You can start relationships with the girls and build your own home.

>What is StudioNEO?
A bundled component of most Illusion games, it allows you to create custom scenes by posing characters, props and other objects. This is what all the nice pictures are made with.

>Do Honey Select 1 cards work with HS2?
No, you'll need to remake them.

>Do AI Shoujo cards work with HS2?
Yes, and vice versa. You'll need to change their personalities, however.

>How does HS2 differ from HS1?
Newer game with better models and mod support.

>I'm new to the studio, where do I start?
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>How can I change dick size?
Advanced Bonemod settings, here's a detailed list of bone names:

>Do I need to download the 50GB mod zip?
No, optional studio mods. Check contents and download specific mods here:

>How do I do XYZ in the main game?
Check the wikis.

>DHH or GraphicsMod?
DHH is simpler, GraphicsMod is more robust. You'll need GM if you want to make use of Hanmen or others' shaders.

>is [TM] Open Jackets not included with the modpack? it's saying it's missing.

>If you saw any clothes that are broken (stretched into the ground) you probably were missing this plugin.

>Other questions
Check the wikis first, then ask.
New player here, is it possible to switch Fur back to her default appearance? Asking here because I was not able to find anything (yet) on all the various wikis
go to discord, it's the only place where this
is still kinda alive
I think the repack has the defaults in userdata/chara/navi for her.
Found it, but the card image seems to be overwritten
in the body and clothing material editors you can change the shader to Fur 20 B. it has a fur look if thats what youre going for.
didnt see it in the wiki and am new, where do i put the next gen shaders folder i downloaded from hamen? loaded a character and they were still dark gray
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Cool lighting
r8 my first character I made from scratch
(started playing this week btw, any tips in character creation are very much appreciated)
I thought it would be a bit easier to make a western-looking chara but the asian bias is a little too prevalent I think
Will post my 2nd character shortly
My 2nd character was an attempt to, initially, recreate this one tiktok slut (@giholiveiira__) but I had a real issue editing the eyes and eventually gave up halfway though, still not entirely dissatisfied with the result desu
cute and homely
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Cute, good start. Here are a few posts that can help generally:

Hands xyz 116
Fingers y 108
Upper torso xy 92
Leg scale y 90
Outer thigh x 104
Full body scale xyz 96
Upper head x 95
E'ery card
Simple as.

Next step is fixing the body proportions because all I see is a huge body, small head and pigme hands. This isn't criticism at all by the way. HS2 models are absolutely shit when it comes to anatomical proportions, you have to use the extended sliders and make some fixes otherwise it just looks wrong.

The absolute essentials are to start by putting leg y scale to 90. Default skelly has legs way, way too long. Then hands, put xyz to around 113-118 depending on how tall she is. Gets rids of the midget hands. You can also put the fingers longer if you feel like it.

Next, make the head bigger (6½ to 7½ heads for her body, again, depending on how tall she is). See pic related for a tip on how to scale it, screenshot her full body standing straight or t posing, and copy the head alongside until you get reasonable proportions.

That's the critical areas to do, you'll already see a massive improvement just by doing that. And as always, keep working on her, you're never done.

playing around with boob bones

tilt Y into the negative so the outside of the boobs attach to the body when boobs get to wide for the body or body to narrow of the boobs.

Offset X for both to bring them together

Tilt Z positive can also look nice

play around with
cf_J_kosi02_s (hips) the default hip slider does more than just widen hips.

cf_J_legup01 (thigh gap) lower the Y offset to make the butt slightly longer

cf_J_SiriDam01_L_00 (butt) play around with Z and Y tilt. lots of people have huge asses that stick out like a misshapen car tires. but twisting the Z a little so it lines up with the shape of the leg can help prevent that.

cf_j_facelowbase possitive y offset
cf_j_faceup_ty negative y offeset
cuter face structures

you'll also want to mess around with all the nose option
cf_j_nosebase_s Y and Z offsets
cf_j_nosebase_trs X and Z scale
cf_J_nosebridge_t X scale
cf_J_nose_tip scale
are the ones i play with so my characters have a nose

something i forgot to mention >>7842905
cf_J_spine01 and cf_J_spine02 are fun to play with

reduce all the scales equally on 01, then increase 02's
for a shorter body reduce 01's Length or increase it for longer athletic bodies.
though if you start messing with the length of the spine, abs might not line up
cf_J_spine01_s and increase the Y scaling, and lower its Y offset. positive Z offset can look nice on taller thinner characters.

sometimes the attachment points of breasts break off from the chest, so you can also increase the scale of 02_s, and lower its offset. especially if you notice bikini strings looking weird.
Well, first off - listen to the guy above me. There's no "one way" to make good-looking characters, but adding one of the veterans points of view to your repertoire, is never a bad thing. At least until you figure out what you personally prefer.

On account of my impressions, your second gal looks positively european. That's not all that easy - I suspect you have some art experience.
What stands out to me though, is that she has a positively "strong" neck. Nothing wrong with that, only that her shoulders look frail / feminine in comparison. Where do those neck muscles come from then? An easy fix with either adding size and volume to her shoulders & arms, or slightly lessening the dimensions of her neck. Unless, of course, that clashes with your personal preferences. Shouldn't compromise on those - it is always better fun to create something you enjoy, versus something you think a majority of others would.
Thank you so much, and I apologize for the belated reply, I`m glad the thread is still up (kinda sad though, I hoped there would be more movement here)
I assume the second post is related to bonemod, right? I haven't touched it at all yet, but the repack I got already came with it so that's a good start
Thank you again, this has been extremely informative

The previous post was indeed amazing, extremely thorough and honestly I wasn't expecting that kind of help
I do have a little bit of art experience, but mostly from doodling in class back in HS days, but it definitely did help when trying to set up her face
As for her body, I was a bit tired and sort of gave up, adjusted hip size, ass, and boobs and called it a day, the face took around an hour of fiddling so by that point I was tired
I appreciate the neck point, I didn't even notice it at first, while making her, but it's definitely noticeable now
Thank you both so much, I'm having a blast with this game
Yeah, what above posters said are good starts, essentials imo. If you need more tips, post progress and we'll chip in more.

As for the thread we need to find a way to keep it alive more than this. Starting to think there isn't any reason to keep making new ones. Let's try this, the next post under this one dictates what scene everyone needs to make next. Or something. I don't know.
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SUMMER THEME as we ride to page 10. Or whatever.
I was thinking the same thing. Getting tans on the way to page 10.
Damnnnn can I get a card for the one on the right?
You should shorten the head length, those heads are too long. Otherwise solid advice, I use the same size scales for extremities.
Guys ok, I'm going to change the subject a little to talk about Room Girl.
How the fuck am I supposed to play the actual game? Like, should I control one guy or one girl and live their lives? Or am I really supposed to control everyone?
Let's say I'd like to control just one guy and find ways to get into every girl's pants, would that be possible?
>Inb4 just don't play it
Changed her face up a tiny bit, I'd like opinions if possible
Was experimenting with clothing when my laptop started overheating and it seems I have some cooling issues so no HS2 for a while until I fix it
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do you like my gobbos?
I think the intent was you treat it like the sims and zoom into whoever you're interested in at the moment while the rest plays out in the background. Last I recall the tendency was for everyone to end up fucking everyone after a while so you have to micromanage real hard if you want to keep it to one guy (boost affection between him and the girls while having the other guys fuck up) or remove the other guys. Oh and you need to install a mod to remove the location restriction if you want characters to interact outside of their area.
>game came out 4 years ago.
>still no hololive models
Make them yourself.
Why would you want them for hs2 when kk exists?
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Question. What do the "Ass Collision Scale" sliders do?
It's to help with clipping if you make asses or breasts that are too big and make the hair or skirt look weird. You can use those slider to tell other objects that the ass or breasts are smaller/bigger than they are.
I was tweaking around with those sliders and different skirts with physics, but the only real noticeable difference that I saw was the skirt getting pushed forward in a flat manner when setting the X collision slider at max.
I mostly use it for hairstyles that fall over the chest, never really used ass collision scales. One of my cards has a braid that goes in front around the neck, and usually floats above her chest. Those sliders helped me lower it more naturally.
I tried to attach a ring to an "advanced parent", specifically mouth / lips / eyebrows. I tried all the combinations by now, surely.
It's always the same outcome - you can "attach" it, but it doesn't match up with most of the facial movements / expressions.
Or I am stupid and doing something wrong. Somehow. Advice would be appreciated.
I just learned to live with modifying the accessory's position in Studio every time.
As I feared. Guess "punkin' out" a character is almost more trouble than it's worth then. Thanks for the heads-up though.

Thinking a bit on it; Pre-placing (and then hiding unless required) the accessories should lighten up the "workload" in studio. Just need to place them in an order that makes sense - like in order of the facial expressions.
It's really not that bad with the Accessory Mover mod for the Studio unless you're creating animations. Mouths are complicated, but otherwise you should be OK for punk sluts.
I remember there being a toeless socks mod for HS1. Can't find anything of the sort for 2. Can anybody help? Probably being retarded and overlooking a very obvious place to find it.
You should be able to make any socks toeless if you edit the textures. Worth checking the discord for a proper mod, though.
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What do these two do? Can't find them on the wiki so I am assuming that they are related to some mod in the repack
cum together and only the dick cums inside.
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Rough draft of a TES dark elf
Is the PC specs researcher anon still staying on this thread?
I was using a 5600x+3060 cheapo PC and changed my CPU to a 5700x3d after hearing that it would improve Unity performance.
The result was no increase in fps on some scene data that was running heavy on my previous cpu.
Scenes like the one in this image were 22-25fps 30-35fps etc, respectively, with no significant change from 5600x.
Also, it looks like HS2 studio only uses 4 logical cores to begin with, but I'm not an expert so I don't know much more than that.

Maybe there are situations where the fps increase is effective, but I'll report the results anyway. Thanks.
What are your face texture/shader and lighting settings? Faces look mad amazing.
Have the peeps here even settled on what scene to use as a benchmark and what specs are the baseline?
why are you guys not animatin we need moe animatorz
>why are you guys not animatin
Still learning how to move around in the studio and make a simple scene before having a go at animating. What tutorial would you recommend for a starter?
Thanks. I use DHH unironically, never really bothered trying GraphicsMod, so it isn't using Hanmen's shaders, just regular ones. I like to keep a colorful, realistic-ish but still cartoon style so DHH is fine for my needs, I'm not into ultra realism. As of DHH settings, I have a default one I use when I'm not using a map (like the picture you quoted) but I alter it in every scene.

Then for the actual textures, it varies per card but usually for the face it's still one of the basic 10, not even modded ones. But I use a lot of overlays and custom bump maps, mostly my own + some initially gathered from all over the place that I've tweaked again and again over the years, trying to get as unique a face as I can for each card. And I find bump maps are way more effective than textures in that regard since lighting and shadows ultimately make all the difference.
You're running it at 4K.
No, which is why the results of the previous benchmarks are useless. Anon never bothered to establish a scene to test as a baseline that everyone could use regardless of rig, and got heated about it. It doesn't even have to be something special, could be just a random scene from the community.
What's that monster model you're using?
cute punk
That's perfect for terrorizing girls, thx
I wanted to try a nighttime beach scene instead, with a very small nod towards VTMB in the background and while the lighting came out like doodoo I think it's a good learning experience stilll.
thats hs2?
i dont have that animations
Does anybody know if there's any FKable items for semen? iirc KoiKatsu has an FKable semen pack but I have no idea how to port it over
Like this? https://www.patreon.com/posts/ai-hs-hs2-kk-set-92281435
Lightning looks good but maybe change skybox to add some stars and shit.
got the cards for her ,shes cute
That's really cool. I don't find the lighting came out bad at all. Hope you don't mind if I tried to do something similar. Yours came out better I think, couldn't get the lighting quite as right or the blacks dark enough, but I enjoyed making it.
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the last time I was in this general and played HS1, I made my ex. should I install HS2 just so I can make my gf?
Yeah, the black background is too dark. It's like a void, but I'll get it done better next time.

By all means! Glad to have inspired somethiing similar. Yours is cozier.
depends is she hot?
Was there a way to fix the jagged shadows from point lights in studio or are they a lost cause?
Yeah, don't forget to post the card here when you're done.
my ex was very pretty and cute. my gf is hot
I'm a retard with this game, I'll try to install a bunch of mods and I'll get to work on it sometime over the next few weeks. when I "played" this years ago I just made a bunch of fuckable women and coomed while playing. maybe this time I'll be a bit more artsy fartsy
Get Betterrepack, it has every mod a beginner might need
What are the best ways to raise the "broken" and the "aversion" stats. Those are the only two achievements that I still need
You need to use more aggressive actions, like barging in on them when they're on the toilet, taking advantage during events, use more dominant positions, cum inside without them cumming, and so on.
Point lights are notoriously shit, avoid using them if the plan is to use a light for shadow casting.
>Not using volumetrics
post a screen shot of the animation folders I'll find em myself once I have the names please.
I updated from R10 to R15 today and now I can't find the character interpolation (fusion mod, not the inbuilt base game fusion) menu. Help please?
What's that irezumi on the babe?
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Are there any good dynamic anus uncensors for BP5? Thick anus rims preferred. I tried the ones by G7O827, but they dont seem to be working with BP5
>pic related
Jesus christ how horrifying. Keep that shit on /d/ where it belongs.
If G7O827's creepy ass mods dont have it idk still impressive you can get off to this now
>Take your meds please...
I regret clicking on that. What the fuck.

I really like this one, good job.
>Donut ass
Even I, that have G7's mods (even paid) I can't fathom that kind of anal
>Meds pls
My brain farted. What?
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Has anyone else made themselves so they could see what theyd look like as a femboy or is that weird.
Many thanks just going back to trying out westernface since it was broken when loading in maker the eyes would glitch through face no matter what I tried to fix it for quite a while somehow it fixed itself though.
>My brain farted. What?
the tattoo. Pardon my weebness, irezumi is the name for those yakuza type tats. I am trying to add my own right now but it's far from perfect
Not a femboy, but a girl, yeah.
Oh, the tat, Idk honestly. I found it on the community discord while browsing good overlays and were available a bundle of 20 yakuza themed tats in it. and were diverse enough to apply them to most of the girls I made.

For your own, use photoshop or a better picture edition software, and try to de-saturate colors to avoid the shine when light collides directly on it.
Thats weird.
How can you even imagine the girl version of yourself?
It would be so conceptually different it would be completely different from your self
Is there a reason honey select 2 repack R14 is in OP and not R15?
Pretty easy with the Creator.
Not really.
Either R15 came after the OP was created, or OP didn't bother to update it.
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I have a broken accessory, the color doesn't work properly and when I select it in the menu the name doesn't update. Is there any easy way to fix this?
cute clown and cute jiggle. I have no idea what I'm doing

Well, you have more idea than me, I still have to try pistons.
Could be many things - but if it is an object from a video-game character (gacha-game characters are a cashcow that this happens often); load the "original" card, go into the material editor, export the main texture and / or additional and load it for your personal char. Anything else except re-installing the mod holds little promise.

On to a question of my own - is there a way to offset "vanishing on movement" shoulders /thighs / butts? I'd understand if I went above 100 on the sliders, but even way below that it happens to most of my chars in one way or the other.
>Full body scale xyz 96
Can you share the rationale behind this? I understand the height slider changes the proportions, but confused since you said you apply this to every card which in your pic has different height
Not the same post that was quoted. The pic was for the second post, first was a different anon.
Question: How is this?
Fuck forgot the image
The lens flare is a bit redundant, but I am biased since I don't know what to do with them
Lens flare is there cause I wanted it to look pretty
Anyways here's preggo jungle beast Nymph. This one I had to edit her in Studio to make her taller/larger than the Male character.
Well, since you asked - the girls and scenery look fine, but the light just looks somewhat sterile, sorry to say. At least for my tastes, that is. Maybe a bit less intensity and or yellow-orange tint? The colour scheme of it reminds me more of a far-too-bright winter sun, or bathroom led lights.
Certainly might just be me though, and most certainly not trying to be a dick. If I am wrong, lay it on me lads.
Nah it's fine, I'm new and still trying to get the hang of Studio
how can I use StudioNeo in VR?

is this outdated?
Goblin layer needs bigger and manlier hands.
Good job on the rest tho.
Thanks, the Dark Knight still has a (mostly) vanilla body
DHH, graphics mod or vanilla? Almost get the feeling it's vanilla, if it is you should use DHH at the bare minimum. Also, unless you really like it, disable vignette.
where can I get more animations? I remember the ones from play home were great
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>bigger and manlier hands.
Thanks again for this tip, I changed the male body and now I get way less clipping too. Pretty happy with the result

I was going to say Hooh has some but wtf happened to his patreon https://www.patreon.com/posts/hooh-animations-39718128

found two animation mods from hooh here

https://sideload.betterrepack.com/download/AISHS2/Sideloader%20Modpack%20-%20Studio/hooh/ they are okay I guess... I recomment contacting a animation modder who actually wants to be bothered with HS2 animation maybe AgIshark but you probably have to pay him to add animations for HS2

thanks anon
is there any way to make sure my repack has every animation avaliable on studio and Im not missing any content?, like a hidden animation menu or something, it just seems like theres less content in that area than Play Home
Yes, very. Nice job!
Does anyone have the Hooh penis mod for studio? Their Patreon seems to be down rn
NVM found it
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Here's a little drama I've been watching play out on yuki portal in the OP links. There seems to be a general rule not to put paywalled stuff there, similar to the discord, but this dude keeps linking his paywalled content there. Maybe he doesn't check the comments or can't read Japanese or doesn't care since he keeps doing it but it looks like people are annoyed by him. The way this guy links stuff also feels overbearing where instead of linking directly to download something he'll redirect you to a folder which is also filled with samples for his paywalled stuff. It feels like one step away from cramming every link with redirects to affiliate marketing links. People seem to have caught on and are shitting on him even in the free stuff he posts.
I hate how slow yuki is but I've read some of them funniest shit there to get scenes, I hope they get the shitters out.
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Just dumping some stuff
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Big dumper
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And I'm done
Shortstack Fairy
Not very good a posing but I tried
In game is pretty good too
>Stole one of my scenes, edited it slightly and published it without even crediting me
He can go fuck himself for all I care.
im still on HS2DX BR9, what am i missing out on?
Are there any repositories for HS2 Patreon content? I'm looking for RealGoodStuff's studio scene data but it looks like Kemono's links are outdated.
got this after many hours obsessing like autist
heres an stupid question
>can we get chatGPT or some other AI to generate the data to make copycat characters for honey select?
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None of these are pisstons sir...I animate port whatever the fuck I want...

>animate port
I don't even know what that is
I think he means he makes animations in blender and ports them back into studio.
>browse pose in studio
>go in a folder like vible
>just numbers, no descriptions
>have to load each one with two clicks to see if it's one you like
>even pose loader doesn't help, just blank thumbnails
Help, there must be a better way
How come when I click skyboxes in F5 menu nothing happens like I can't click them?
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Don't let the post die guys!
>Help, there must be a better way
>Not using Pose Loader
>Not using VNGE Pose Library
But that's what I said, they're all just blank thumbnails so I have to load each one anyway to see what it is, am I doing something wrong?
Returning player here, can anyone help me with their personal DHH / graphics mod preset?
Something feels off to me with graphics mod even though it has a lot more options. I'm not able to achieve something good enough so I've settled for DHH for now but I'm not happy with that either. As long as it looks good in the maker that's all I really care about. Something like this would be great : >>8050950 >>8025095 >>8016918
Steal camera presets from scene cards you like (from pixiv or other places you can find scenes of or d*scord), save as a preset for yourself (in the f5 menu), edit focal length/focus/colour temps accordingly, the more you fiddle the more you learn how it works better than any tutorials can tell you
Add lights to your character from different angles, play with light strengths and colours, shove a map in, adjust lights accordingly to blend your wife into the scene
Pose wife. Fondle wife. Live happy life.
Oh the fuck <> arrows in the pose loader menu. I am retarded. At least that's something. Then I have to create my own thumbnails or something, right?
cute. what brows are those?
Is there any known way to import studio poses into the character creator?
bimbos. we need more bimbos
That is not a bimbo.
a hopeless fight but one worth fighting.
Really love the card, wow. Well done! Looks just like her.
Thanks, really gave it my all on this one could probably still move the jaw and other proportions forever but I'd rather keep my sanity.

Any new renders?
Nah, haven't touched it since the last one I posted. Not much time at all, and other things I want to do as well. I'll get back to it at some point.
How to shorten torso on otherwise perfectly done bodies
Bumping asking again: >>8050974
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>setting up scene
>add waifu and scooter from a modpack
>painstakingly pose waifu on scooter
>time to add lighting
>the scooter has no shadows
I surely hope that I missed something
That's not a lot to speculate on your best bet is go to discord and ask in the help section.
The only way I found is to play with Hip Scale Y. It's the only slider I found that actually shortens or lengthens the torso.

Some items are cheaply done and don't interact with lighting. No idea if it's the case with your scooter, but it's a thing.
>No idea if it's the case with your scooter, but it's a thing.
The scooter and other vehicles that I use right now are from this gigantic archive: https://mega.nz/folder/ky5UhAJQ#_sL1-IHOMpwK5RO4DrJYjg

The creator is called Leonardz or something, models look great so I assumed it wasn't done cheaply
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You guys got new animator modder it seems... good 4 yaz
If only people would release their mods instead of charging out the ass for them. GDC; KIT0 etc. are insane with the prices they charge *per* mod. I remember a time when modding was free, and it still should be.
Can anyone tell me why all the clothing with physics deform in general or balloon up around the body? I have already tried looking through all the various menus and messing around with the sliders but found nothing to solve the issue thus far
Another piece of clothing with similar issues
I usually go into the head's slider and reduce the upper head to like 95. The default models have an Anime style with a giant skull that doesnt fit reality.
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I only find serah farron head for hs1, can you import hs1 model to hs2?
What textures preset to look this good
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Eh. I tried, I guess.
Certainly looks suitably distressed.
how come my game is a pink screen during scenes and no where else?
when i download parts 2 & 3 from here, they're empty even though they take up multiple gb

how is it even possible for a folder to take up space while being empty?
They're not folders, they're zips. Open part 1 and extract somewhere, the zip will get what it needs from parts 2 and 3.
it contained another zip that won't open
Do you have all parts together in the same folder? You should be able to extract it from part 1 once you have every part. That message looks like you have one or more parts missing
i made this hippie cat girl. the laurel crown is a green hair braid
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I've been playing HS2 in VR recently and really enjoyed it, and I'll probably try the studio next. I haven't really touched it yet, but I'm wondering if there's a way to import scenes or whatever you do in the studio in general so that they're accessible in VR too? Or somehow import animations or something so that you can have more poses in the base game.
it's an unity game, anything will be possible with enough blood, sweat and cum
>anything will be possible with enough blood, sweat and cum
I only have cum in me so I was hoping there'd be some really simple way to do it.
>that you can have more poses in the base game.
If it hasn't happened all these years, it won't happen now.
t.90% main game player
Well there's this one where the walking animations have actually been added to the character maker: https://www.patreon.com/collection/206311?view=expanded

So it is possible, I just haven't figured out how
hey anons I need help, this part of the costume is not loading, and I know it's only this because every other part is loading properly

is there a setting I'm missing, or something on the material editor?
nvm it was a different part, it's working fine
Hey there, HS2/AI thread... there's a new Hololive EN generation. Anyone know if there is anyone working on cards? I could just about kill for an Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame.
do you guys know how to export a honey select 2 model to blender or similar?
Why not ask in the kk general? You'd get more luck there.

One anon itt does it but I don't know how.
so are you taking requests here?
Why are you not using the torrent?
care to share this card?
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Because I don't like KK as much. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
I don't know either but there's a mod in the optional mods folder of the br repack called "mesh exporter" which seems to be for that purpose. The readme file also lists an alternative:

>NinjaRipper is a more generic tool to do similar exports. Though the output is much more work to rebuild, it may capture data my tool does not.
how do i adjust "Leg Scale Y"? I see a slider for leg scale but not for independent axis
There's an option in the plugin settings to split all extended sliders into x/y/z. Not in front of my pc at the moment so I can't guide you exactly but it's there.
Found it! Thanks for the help

Updated the card I've been working on with the advice above and it's substantially better. Haven't figured out how the whole bone thing yet, but it's a start

here's the card if you have any suggestions
Cards posted like that won't work, you'd need to drop in on catbox or something. Though if you take pics in studio that would be enough to see, no need to post the card itself.

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