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Before or after
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What about "during"?
Sure. But bonus points for before and after
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this Artist still making sequel to it?
I thought he was dead
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So hot >_<
atleast different version
Tranny thread
every NTRanny should just an hero already
thanks for this version
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Kill yourself faggot
most intellectual cuck
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Why shouldnt the bull be black? The girls seems to like his bbc.
>The girls seems to like his bbc.
well most people like fairytales
This makes my cuck dick soooo happy omfg
onizuka no
NTR makes me so sad.

Like, my current girlfriend has had like 10 exes. And probably each one before them still likes her to some degree, but they are all getting cucked by ME. Which turns me on, but I realize that I may be the 11th ex and it will be my turn to be cucked. All the love and moments we shared, she shared them with so many other people. And will do so in the future.
You're a cuck already if your gf isn't a virgin, let alone being a whore with double digit exs. Nasty as fuck.
Is it safe to assume NTR is sometimes just the author/mangaka themselves trauma-dumping their failed relationships in doujin form? I can't help but feel that sometimes, just sometimes, alot of these NTR plots and doujins is the authors/mangakas summarizing their failed IRL relationships which may or may not had nasty breakups with their exes. I get that sometimes NTR is some sick demented "power fantasy" for cuckold faggots self-inserting as the darker skinned or more masculine NTR Bull-Chad and the "Beta Male MC" who gets cucked is their perceived "rival" or blank slate representation of some person or character they hate and do not like.

But maybe just maybe some NTR is just the author's/mangaka's trauma dumping therapy session explaining their failed relationship and vilifying their hated Ex through manga-doujin form.
Post more
damn that mileage...
porn ain't real life
Its just a kink
That's....going too far. Is just a fetish
Is that my boy Prigozhin?
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Could be the case - it takes a especially traumatised person to make art that dwells in deriving a sort of sick satisfaction from pain and loss - especially if it's sexual. Somethin must've gone wrong in their lives if they are so drawn to that sort of thing - both in terms of creation and consumption of it.
Low blow

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