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DLsite knelt down to credit card companies and now they are removing 3DCG works
DLsite also chose to delete works to preserve credit card channels, and all mainstream hentai websites in Japan were spared.
very bad /thread
Now all Japanese hentai websites are kneeling down to the credit card companies
3DCG is trash.
>bowed down to credit card companies
disappointing, I'm tired of ameriprudes having a stranglehold over commerce
>and hit 3DCG
in that area, nothing of value was lost
less hyper realistic grossness to sift through
the foot is now in the door. big age of censorship is coming
Last realistic-styled game by ILLUSION that I cared for was AG3, so I don't see a problem if they (ILLGAMES) go full anime-style from now on. Can't care less about cunt-eyed goblinas
Do you think they are hitting all these sites because they are trying to precondition them for AI scraping/training? And just hiding their intentions behind the moral panic?
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>in that area, nothing of value was lost
Kenzsoft and Umemaro have some solid works,

Is not about what they got rid of if about what they achieved, today is the 3DCG, later the Loli, rape, etc.
they should nuke AI generated stuff too.
From what I read in one of the other thread, they are nuking 3D Loli and possibly Shota, not 3D in general.
>First they came.jpg
Is it over for PIXIV too?
Not the animation ones
Fanza/DMM and Fantia still allow that right?
At any other time if they had said we are moving away from 3DCG to focus more on 2D stuff as our site was originally intended that would have been fine but everyone knows very well the only reason they are now removing all of it after more than a decade of it being allowed on the site is to appease American creditors (that will never return to their site anyway) and that makes them the biggest cucks ever. No backbone whatsoever. It is not even illegal in their own country. This whole CC drama has really made me realize how much of a colonial post WW2 loser mentality a lot of Japanese still have where they give priority to laws and moral standards of Western countries over their own. This is just the tip but now that they've made the decision to actually remove content from their site expect more in the future. That's how Getchu started back in 2017-2019 before ultimately nuking their whole site.
Yes still all there.
Funny you can make the most immoral hyper realist work out there then slap an anime nose on it and all of sudden it is completely fine. Stupid policies
phew, thanks
>Cut your dick, goy
>do it in the hospital we own
>use hormones we produce
>in that area, nothing of value was lost
>t. AI slop consumer
Cryptocurrency unironically solves this.
Why can't they set up a fucking ETH wallet so I can purchase shit with it already.
cuz all you fucking retards use it as an investment instead of just another currency.
>nooo don't get rich from my crypto I want to buy porn with it instead
I don't see why 3DCG wouldn't be able to also be used for AI training. Artists works are so varied that it wouldn't really affect it honestly. From the slim lolis to the hyperbusty furries to the gore to the zoophiles, there's too much variation to want to attempt to limit it to 2D for the sake of training.

Pixiv has currently added "locations". If you're in the US or UK, loli and stuff are disabled by default to view. If you set your location to any other country it's fine. Conceivably it's because you could realistically be in another country and just using a proxy for some legit reason but also be a pervert still.

because until they sell it back for fiat currency it's worth zero yen to them.
>buy work for 500 yen in buttcoin
>before the weekly "sell all butts for fiat" event the price crashes and they only get 5 yen
I'm no fan of fiat or the federal reserve either but it's just not feasible to many stores.
Not even adding to the fact that Japan is still using fax machines and filled with boomers who don't understand how to even begin using it. I mean I'm young and I don't get it either. I still can't figure out what makes it any different than tulips or beanie babies. Rather than shit on it though I just avoid saying anything about it, aside from pointing out reasons other people may not want to use it.
>If you're in the US or UK, loli and stuff are disabled by default to view
This is not true, it seems to block some content but I have no idea what.
Everyone knows what that means. You're not avoiding a watch list, also you're already on one. And it's rape and never consensual, you fucking retarded nonce.
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Reminds me of this
the gross realistic 3dcg stuff
>also you're already on one
Why zoomers like yourself think unironically that people give a fuck about being in that list?

Why do you think you're an oldfag if you sperg out of Zoomers?

Why are you pretending we can't see you're a Zoomer when you're illiterate and use Zoomie slang?

Why are you saying you don't care about being put on a list when you think using that word to substitute child will let you evade that list?
That's because he's a retarded newfag
Yes, yes, I'm on the list, now what?
of course. they are worried about transfer learning.
transfer learning is a machine learning technique where a model developed for a particular task is reused as the starting point for a model on a second task.
if you put 3dcg through either a pure 3d or pure 2d model it would learn features from the 3dcg dataset. trouble is, this is very expensive to do. so what they are trying to protect against is unknown. the most reasonable explaination is they want to chip away at these sites over time, without 3dcg something else sits at the top as extremely immoral, that 'something else' will be the next to go.
Why don't they pull a DMM or Fanza?

DLSite's percentage of foreign money/income/customers might be higher.
Where tf do I go for 3DCG now? Dlsite is the most popular, I don't want to go to 5 different sites for that content now. That and now I don't know what got removed, I hope its only 3DCG and they don't do anything more stupid in the future.
DLsite took down the loli 3D stuff. How come the credit card option hasn't returned then?
>hmm, 1 item out of how many?
Because this is only the first of many things the credit card companies want purged.

I actually lived long enough to see judeo-america destroy a niche culture I liked

I hope their entire shit country descends into south american tier savagery. I want to see obese pasty americans in cartel execution videos.
I think banning 3dcg loli and shota is fine but all 3dcg? It looks like dog shit so im not missing it but this for sure a domino effect waiting to happen.
So, what're some of your backup plans for the time being?
I've downloaded enough porn to last the rest of my life. And I'm learning to make MMDs so if all else fails I can eventually make my own
are they nuking AI generated things too?
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Stop falling for dumb /pol/ bait or at the very least, keep it out of /h/.
Why are you obsessed in fictional character age? sus
>just stop noticing things, goy!
I prefer to believe the Xitter with the anime profile
You can go on the archive of the website containing the sponsors and see they are not there. https://archive.li/zraTh

Go be a useful idiot elsewhere. We're here to cum and bitch about our porn being taken away.
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We need to contain the (((anglo))) menace and to do that, we need to build language barriers, barriers so big and complex that no normalfag or soccer mom would bother translating, it is the only way to keep our freedom.
Any buyfags here own a 3D work that got delisted? Is it still able to be downloaded the same way the delisted Illusion games can still be downloaded if you bought it? I bought a rape game that hasn't been delisted but got its title censored, and the game shows the completely uncensored title in my library lmao.
>No Israel flag
As always kikes laying low
Assuming they don't bend the knee to credit card companies, if I'm a foreigner and I want to buy from DLSite, what options would I have to pay them? Or would I have to resort to going to Japan, opening a bank account there (I know it's not that easy and there's a whole set of hurdles but assume I can clear all of that), and using that?
How are DMM/Fantia/other Japanese r18 material hosting sites handling the credit card issue? Or do they just not allow foreigners? If it's the latter, what options do foreigners have if they want to buy r18 products from their site?
DMM has a foreigner IP block that you can get around with a VPN. Supposedly they still take foreign credit cards, I have a beef with them so I don't know. If they did or do block those, you can buy DMM point gift cards online from Playasia or similar stores.

DLsite's current options are to go to the buy points page and either click their link to DLpay, an off-site service that lets you buy DLsite points as digital gift card codes emailed to you. DLpay accepts Paypal and supposedly Amazon Pay. You can also buy DLsite points right on DLsite if you pay with Bitcash, a Japanese gift card that you can also buy on Playasia or similar stores. Bitcash requires you to copypaste or type a code in made up of hiragana. Playasia lets you copypaste it if I remember right, but other places may or may not do that, so you'd need to type those or OCR it yourself if they don't offer you to copy the code.

I don't know what the current status of buying from BOOTH is since the foreigner regionlocking scare, but I assume worst case scenario you could either do gift card bullshit again or you could try ordering through a proxy service like japanrabbit (formerly whiterabbitexpress). Proxy services were already fairly heavily used for physical doujinshi and games from places like Toranoana, Melonbooks, Suruga-ya, Yahoo auctions, etc. so no real hit there. I can't speak for enty (?), cien, Fanbox, or any other Patreon-type subscriptions, nor of Digiket. I assume with Getchu bending the knee, they might offer something again for foreigners but the selection might get really grim if these payment processors push as hard as Steam's policies for visual novels.
>bbbbbut muh morality!
Didn't credit cards always try to keep their distance from porn?
It's not jews, it's evangelicals. They want to ban all porn in 2025.
3D is shit, anon.
Your opinions are shit.
he said gross, not immoral
where does one even start with mmd stuff? is it all blender/similar based?
download MMD, find some models, stages, motions and effects and hit play, you'll need to read/watch some tutorials though

blender is only needed for the more advanced model edits or creating new models, in most cases the simpler MMD-specific PMXEditor is sufficient, such as for grafting bobs and vagene onto a model that doesn't have them (if you're already proficient with blender it may be easier to do there though)

anyway the MMD thread on /e/ has a list of resources
What MMD stand for?
Looks good for them, considering the polls.
>It's not jews
Nice try.
It's both, retard.
Bill Ackman is pro-NCOSE

The tranny says this in Anglo on an Anglo website using Anglo technology
Why are you self projecting, pedo?
so here's what I need you to do.
get some painter's plastic/tarps, lay that all around your room including the ceiling.
Now, I need you to take a shotgun, load it with a slug, frangible preferably, and then put the barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger.
It's because a lot of artists don't tag their content appropriately.
This way, nothing evades the wipe.
Also, KoiKatsu cards + mods.
There's several threads all-around the site about it, from /vt/ to /h/ and /d/ to an extent.
It's both American parties my dude.
They just divide efforts to make it look like it's unilateral when in reality it's a bipartisan pact of sorts.
This is the truth no matter how much anti-Semites seethe about it. I'm not a fan of Israel, but it's the Evangelicals that support it and push for censorship.
So is Ackman evangelical or not?
Do you know why organizations like the UN are so against """fictional CP"""? Because its existence lowers the demand for child prostitution.
Source: a guy who worked with UNICEF
Just image sets?

Surprised this isnt a big news.
3DCG still allowed on dlsite :

But realistic 3DCG are gone now. Especially Loli ones. All 3DCG Loli is absolutely gone now.
Only Anime/Cartoonic 3CDG still remain
>t. jew
Could you be more obvious?
>jews can't be evangelicals because uhhh
>ameriprudes having a stranglehold over commerce
Who owns all the big American porn sites, again?
>genetic fallacy
You aren't that smart.
Pixiv just updated it's terms of service again.
Not read them yet, but I'm going to indulge myself into this horror right now.
I mean, it's going to be bad.
The newest revision listed is from April, no idea if it's that one.
This change is a bit worrying:
"When registering User's country or region of residence, User shall register User's own true, accurate, and current information."
It seems to be from April, however. Did they forget to ad the new terms?
Still, could be a preparation for blocking people from certain content more effectively.
It's propably big, considering that they made a banner to draw your attention.
Forget the country thing, this revision was indeed added late April. Of course I was fully aware of this, just forgot that they changed the rules, too, so no change here, and the cheeky "set your own region" still applies.
I was just confused because nothing newer got listed.
Did they forget the new terms?
I couldn't give 3 shits about the new rules an no one else should either, If they start banning americans then we'll fire up vpns make new accounts and keep getting art.
Stop demoralizing you retards shit was bad enough already.
Pixiv will start purging AIslop and questionable images

Fanbox is already a walled garden

Patreoniggers banned a few Blender/SFM coom animators a day or so ago and only the big ones got reinstated

The future will be Fantia for Nips (no Paypal, removed Alipay (kek) and no more Western cards) and Subscribestar for every big creator out there (enjoy getting your payment info blacklisted because you browsed Kemono kek)
>Pixiv will start purging AIslop and questionable images
Were does it say this?
They announce some big changes coming August, but they're not in the pdf they link.
How would you combat that? Crypto payments and withdrawal through exchanges like Binance?
Wait Subscribestar really bans your payment if you've been to or uploaded to kemono?
>Pixiv will start purging AIslop
...source? The most recent info I can find is from like a year ago when they specifically said they were going to allow them, for now, so long as they're tagged as such.
Only the latter.
Fantia will not gonna survive if they only rely on TokyoOtakuMode with severely inflated price currency for coins
I believe the change is noted at the top of the Japanese language version of the notice, but it appears the new wording is in the English version too, it's article 19-2 (which doesn't exist in the current on-site guidelines) and unsurprisingly it's about payments. It says if you use a credit card you have to use Stripe Inc cards, which is visa/mastercard etc but also JCB and Amex. I mean, this was already the case so I don't even see what they mean by this unless something's getting dropped (paypal maybe and it just goes right to card..?).

It also cryptically says if you pick credit card among 'payment methods available', and the only other way to pay a Fanbox is through that weird thing Japan does where you can buy shit through a convenience store. Wouldn't surprise me if Pixiv is figuring out some kind of new points system as a backup solution, in case Visa says people can't buy Pixiv Premium with their cards anymore.
Pixiv already made their own version of dlsite coins / tora coins.

It's been ages since the Subscribestar uploader on kemono was fully working
If you've been or scraped to Kemono they check for cookies if you've done so and log it back to them, it's highly illegal shit.

Your card holder name, cards, IP and machine name also get blacklisted so even if you buy a prepaid debit card you'll still get blacklisted.

The only way around it is to use a different card holder name, a different card you haven't used on Subscribestar, a new Subscribestar account in a freshly installed OS with a VPN.

The worst part of it all is that their support sucks and they never respond to emails.
If you visit kemono only its still fine right ?
Some claim they're fine even if they've browsed Kemono while others claim they can't renew their subscriptions anymore and their cards keep getting rejected when they just browsed Kemono.

What a shitshow lel, no Paypal because they're retarded, only Visa/Mastercard and they're wonky on some debit/virtual cards.

Not even Patreon or Fanbox will ban users who scraped to third party sites and they have the most users. Fanbox will just inform the creator that one of their subscribers have suspicious activity that may involve scraping/piracy and they leave it to the person to ban him personally.
dmm fanza now stopped visa payments despite the website is now being japan only lmao
That's not even physically possible anymore due to how both Chrome and Firefox's sandbox works nowadays. Sites can only read their own cookies and same-origin.
>First they came for the 3d
Just use private mode when logging in, what the fuck?
They kinda dropped PayPal already, if you're not grandfathered in you can't use it anymore.
Maybe they'll drop it for good.
Or maybe they're just formally covering some legal stuff that for once has nothing to do with the current tragedy.
Personally I hope PayPal remains available for as long as possible for older users.
>it's highly illegal shit.
Wasn't there some huge thing in the EU because of shit like this a while back?
But honestly, this is beyond retarded.
Banning people who scraped and leaked? The methods are illegal, but the basic morality I can understand at least.
But only visiting Kemono? A pirate site so big that a ton of people are likely going there without really thinking too much about what that is? Just imagine someone linking it here on /h/, "dude, you can find that stuff here: link" and bang, you're banned for life on subscripestar!
That's the "ban everyone with redditcookies" some assholes always spout whenever improvements for 4chan are being discussed are so retarded.
Thank fucking god.
And kemono doesn't allow user uploads, for good reasons I guess, I would trust subscripestar to leak material with some malware attached, when you're so evil that you punish people for just visiting some website, that's not much of a further step.
You dont fucking get banned for visiting Kemono only you retards. They only ban you if you scrapped their website. I have confirmed this
I'd be surprised if westerners make up more than like 5% of their revenue
The reason you see all these jap companies cave in with little resistance is that to the vast majority of their audience it's just a mild inconvenience
Wrong. Gaijins were 50% of their fanbase.
Some artists were complaining they lost half of their income because of Visa Mastercard ban
No, that's what you need to do, you pedo retarded newfag.

You're a fucking retard.

Not being a Zionist doesn't make you an anti"semite".

Zionism itself is anti"semitism".

Most Zionists in the West are Christian who believe putting every Jew in Palestine will bring back Jesus who will kill all Jews.
It's because of retards like you that they are able to incrementally ban everything.
>well I don't care because so far they have only banned things I don't care ab-
Your passivity is what these faggots are counting on.
>Visa Master card thread
>Muh Jews
>Guaranteeed 500+ Replies
>Cant provide a solution to the actual problem.
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You are
a) cherrypicking artists who are big with gaijin and
b) conflating the larger short-term loss from payments getting stuck right after the announcement with the smaller long-term loss from people with no other payment methods available
>Web traffic is accurate measurement for people who pay

when there's nearly no free content it's a good approximation
On top of that nips are more likely to be paying customers due to their whole "pirating porn is shamefur dispray" moralfag attitude, as well as having more convenient ways to pay.
If anything I suspect web traffic underestimates how much of Fantia's revenue is domestic.
You've been hanging around all these threads making the same claims again and again. Who are you trying to fool?
himself, probably

All me btw
I doubt pirates would affect fantia's traffic much given they can't get anything from the site itself
>>Cant provide a solution to the actual problem.
I can think of at least one.

tldr conservatives are targeting visa, mastercard and others for supporting pornhub. This could snowball into a general porn ban in the near future.
A fair amount of western porn sites have already adopted crypto. They are much better prepared for when Visa/MasterCard goes scorched earth

You're seeing the final years of credit card companies having dominance in online transactions, anyways. Digital currency issued by central banks is right around the corner, and most certainly everyone will be looking to accept them just because the transaction fees are bound to be less. Only thing a credit card will be needed for in a decade will be for debt spending
Japanese platforms with access to JCB and a dozen other local options (such as PayPay, Line Pay, Bitcash, and so on, just take a loot at the list of payment options for something like DLsite) are largely in far better shape than Western platforms that would be entirely reliant on crypto in the event that Mastercard/Visa/Amex were to drop support.
Is it just for using kemono scrapper or using any like gallery-dl?
>Digital currency issued by central banks is right around the corner
It's cute that you think this will be any different than the CC companies.
oh fcking americans, i hope you get mugged when you go abroad
Interesting that things like rape are problematic but cuckolding isn't. Really interesting.
>Digital currency issued by central banks is right around the corner,
This should NOT happen. This is a fucking power grab and easily manipulatable, just like digital sales tag shit at Wal-Shart which will eventually lead into surge pricing.
Gumroad is now also really serious about deleting NSFW material. They have been somewhat lenient so far.
Why can't such people just get sudden heart attacks? He's old for fucks sake!
Also, what if Visa/MasterCard ignored him? It's not like offended normalfags have much options and if a lawsuit came up, the money spend on winning this is likely less than the money earned by porn payments. "Reputation"? Give me a break. You're heartless capitalists, act like it for once! Just do it like the oil corpos and say "I'm sorry!" when something happens. Again, people have no fucking choice but to rely on CC companies. They're basically almost as powerful as oil companies.
And nothing of value was lost.
Fantia just banned EU lol
The world needs an independent payment system that is powerful enough to hold their own strength and be ideologically opposed to the current elite one.
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How is Fakku evading this when they sell the same shit?

Is Daiz giving them free blowjobs?
I should have known LA or San Francisco would be involved.
I swear almost every terrible man made thing in the world has ties to those two cities.
and we're back

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