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Previous: >>7865782

>"And thus, DLSite committed AI suicide" Edition

Check out >>>/aco/ Western 3D Animation General if it's even alive, which rarely is the case anymore.

Check out >>>/h/mmd Sex Dance & MMD General.

DL links shared by Anons:

Multi part free:

Sauce of OP pic:
DL links link is dead
End of the Road
I hope the FTC smack NCOSE's face for playing bank snake on outside overseas market.
Did that petition reach it's votes?
Thread is dead.

It's over.
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Back to waiting on FLIM again, what is everyone here hoping is next? Last was the gyaru mama with the makeup blowjob, hoping for a pivot away from makeup and these clothes. I haven't fapped to it once despite generally liking gyaru mama a lot due to the new factors I'm put off by.
New Kitakami video would be ace.
I am waiting for a life sign
never gonna happen, but hope dies last
Wantan works
A brave stance but I agree, I also like when fat old men get rimjobs from cute volleyball girls.
NCOSE didn't sign the FOSTA-SESTA package.
US congress did.
Same here, he did retweeet that drawing of gyaru mama near the end of last month so he’ll probably pop up again soon. Do feel bad for anyone who supports them with fantia and then has to wait to even hear news for a month.
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anyone got a download for the english dub version of RJ380943? someone posted it here a couple months back but the file is deleted
Some people just aren't social media types.
Check last thread
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>Episode 3 released in December 2021
Holy shit, how is it taking so long? Why is it not avaible to buy anymore?
i did, it says "folder is empty"
They reuploaded. Are those down too?
what empty? did you really check the thread? it's the link at the bottom of the thread
I want another Mitsuki live video, the two he did were extremely well done and well receive.
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I want the gyaru mama to stand fuck mc, like how they were doing on the bed, but instead she has a jacket over herself and under that, mc is just plowing her whilst she carries him, he plays wirh her tits and cums inside and stuff
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I would prefer this kind of position with a blanket hiding them, it's so rare even though it's a position only possible for /ss/
>ywn get another flim13 video with this same girl
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Great choice, I'm >>8010750 usually the one asking for her to return too, she's absolutely my flim waifu. He swaps between Gyaru Mama and Mitsuki who are both great too in their own way but I want to continue seeing glasses girl so badly, we never even saw her body in full. The way she teased the guy was lovely, especially her saying how he's going to shoot hot white stuff out of his urethra.
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Also, didn't mention but the forehead showing and glasses combo is great, waifu material.
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We're all waiting together, no news yet after the last video. >>8010750 As said here, what do you want to happen?
MITSUKI PAIZURI AND/OR a scenario where she brings her school friend over to be trained
i need itsuki impregnation
Hmm, I'd rather it only focus on Mitsuki and not anyone else there but yeah a paizuri sounds nice.
Doubt it'll happen but didn't one of her videos mention something about impregnation, the one where she gives a footjob to the dad on the bed before he puts his dick in?
Doesn't matter who it is, I just want some first person love dovey kissy segs.
his twitter was actually more or less quite active, not own post, but reposts from other artists.
New release. This group used to be more popular back in the 2010s then fell off hard but maybe this one will be a little more popular for them?
isnt this 01-torte under different name
Because hes a lazy fag.
So just like Daughter+Papa arc, we get a blowjob set and now a sex set.

Rejoice doggystyle loves, first gyaru mama doggystyle coming up.
Introducing the father felt kinda pointless and weird. Should have focused on the scene more

Have you seen the video? what happens?
The mom basically sits with the father at a table, gets texted by the kid and leaves to a staircase and then bends over
Yeah. She always struck me as a single mother—maybe a retired AV actress, but I guess netorare will play a big part in this one, just like the previous hidden sex video.

What? Why are you complaining it sounds hott!? Brother please share the video. Im dying to see now.
new flim aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L3lXN0dDWlBE
google basedecode and copy that there for pixeldrain
Gyaru mama rimming (or Mitsuki)
Thats why I watch his stuff, the ugly bastards getting rimmed by 10/10 whores
Thanks anon

Damn hope to see some more kissing or boob touching action while he’s giving back shots
Thank you anon

I really wished they showed her tits freely dangling though and not in her clothes, but hey, better this than a month of silence
watch MipoZ
Is gyaru mama titjob new or only new part is >>8024380 ?
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Any anon here have mega or link to exclusive pictures/videos of the Suima work by Doublesoftcream? They used to have exclusive pictures of the same model from episode 2 on their official website but I couldn't find them anymore.

https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=suima doesn't have the exclusives that I was looking for.
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Anyone have Koipringus/Pringus' bonus videos? I want to see the U Got That and the Detroit, also the other Megu vids that aren't on Iwara.
there's only 1 video with rimming iirc, no?
So, it is confirm now that she is not the mother of Mitsuki? Or This can be her second marriage, i hope Flim can link the two stories somehow
i'm sick of gyaru mom

That, and he probably gut butthurt about it doing a lot worse than the previous entries.
Which of course it did because it's just a rehash of them with the added insult of no vaginal sex.

Don't be surprised if he silently axed it.
Well boys unless someone has a jap credit card or American Express looks like this is it for Fantia content.
I feel bad for Ironsugar, this guy makes some really good work but he's getting nuked wherever he goes.
>no vaginal sex
Yeah that was a baffling decision. That shit world be hard to pull off even if we weren't talking about the 3rd entry in a series.
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Get ready
How many decent hentai sites would accept AE, aren't they banned from most sites?
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You can apparently buy Toracoins through Tokyo Otaku Mode.

We pachinko now.
it's about time for fantia to die
Their prices are outrageous.
I will never not be ready
yeah I'm with this guy
Thanks! In the end the only bad thing about it was that it was very short (and soundless).
Link is dead, i think
it's a work in progress stupid
his finished videos are always 5 or 6 minutes
any websites that host film's english subtitles gyaru mom?
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You know that video samples have a length, and at the same time, said length can be short or long, right?
Also, I was referring to the part where the "real action" begins, that is, half of the thing.
>complains about aspects that have been the same about WIPs since he started uploading him
you aren't beating the stupid allegations
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>Don't be surprised if he silently axed it.
He didnt, he posts images every now and then. Wish he would actually post the progress.
This guy's dead, right?
He had a personal site too but I can't find it anymore. The last post on DLsite says he's making progress on his next work, though that was more than 2 years ago.
pretty much, the last updates were some rinko walk and blowjob animations and telling us he's working on that JK Slut
I don't understand how do these 3D artists can sustain themselves, you got MMD and SFM western artist making monthly content while most of them release something at best once per year.

Do they just work odd jobs in the meantime?
90% of the time they have a "real" work and creating 3D porn is just a hobby on the side. Except for Socrates iirc he work for SFW 3D studio too.
If you look at this one >>8028326 his last video made some 60K and took him 15 months to make, and I doubt he was working full time on it. If he gets to keep two thirds after DLsite's cut that's still some 2.7K per month. Far below Japan's average salary, but more than enough to live out in the boonies with just a PC and an internet connection. Living gets a lot cheaper when you don't have to commute to an office in Tokyo.
Who said I was complaining?
God, you look so pathetic looking for some kind of interaction having imaginary fights in your head, no one attacked your favorite artist, you sissy, you can relax your little fists and stop pouting. And grow a pair while you are at it.
Gringo maricón de mierda me llegas al pincho.
where is the torrent for the hottest /h/ game ever?
It's assuredly not in a thread about 3D hentai.
New voiced poko
Anyone have a link?
can you guys recommend stuff with actually good threesomes
RIM is working on one right now afaik
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the one true 3d god
I guess almond is the other god but he switching artstyle with his next work, and I'm not hopeful
rim as in rim mmd, the dude who made that brown girl loli stuff? nice, do you have a post of it or something?
How long will the new gyaru mama take to release? The latest part took a while, like 2 months to release
Just to double check, this is not voiced right?
it's a WIP so no
Post all the wip someone
Do someone have brutalisk latest works?
MipoZ? It's all on his fantia for free
He took extra long to reveal it so I'm gonna hope it's next month
Release this month?
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Fantia is stupid. If you opt for the coins method, they apparently just take your money away if you don't spend them in time.
This, I was considering buying a 10k card and just slowly spend it over a year, but I read that it expires after a few months and I said fuck you no.
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3D hentai wrestling is the best. Aah Yonagi-chan sit upon me pleeease
where does rim post his stuff? sorry, i'm not very familiar with japanese sites
i'm not a fan of gyaru's VA
The ones I bought expire in late November, which is just enough to cover the artists I am pledged to. Not sure what I am going to do afterwards though because buying them from TOM again is a massive rip-off.
>Hey, if you sign up right now with a new account and opt in for premium you can buy 10k coins for 10 bucks less than normal!
>Btw the normal price is fucking 90 bucks, which is more than double that you would normally pay directly
>Also premium will charge you 15 bucks every 3 months
>Also even with premium you are paying at least 20% mark-up without the welcome discount
>Also we sometimes just don't deliver the code straight away because "security checks"
Maybe webcash cards are the solution, but those also tend to have mark-ups.
Matter of opinion, not much we can do about it. If you mean gyaru mama and not the jk gyaru he did for one video then I really like the way mama tells the boy to cum a lot inside with the x-ray in part 3 when she’s riding him. Do you like any of the other girl voices Flim has in the videos? [spoiler]Like with everything else I still think glasses girl is the hottest, voice included.[/spoiler]
Weird, it didn’t spoiler my post sentence, this should have done it. [spoiler]Testing,
again I want to see glasses girl return and she has a sexy voice![/spoiler]
Ah might just be an /h/ thing, I forgot it’s different here than blue boards. Point still stands that I miss my flim waifu.
I meant gyaru mama.
she's great I just think the voice is a bit too low. slightly higher and it'd be 10/10.
glasses girl is best
I get it, it is deeper for a girl but she’s meant to be gruffer since she’s a gyaru and it’s probably also easier to display age as a mother with a somewhat deeper voice. Too light of a voice and you might think it doesn’t fit an older woman.

What would you want to see if we’d ever be lucky enough to have glasses girl come back? I know Flim kept mama’s clothes in for the first two videos (mostly, did show panties while blowing the boy) so I’d really hope he’d just have glasses girl’s sweet naked body on display. I don’t think I could take the blue balling of not having her nude if we only ever got one more video.
it just leans too close to a man making the voice and it takes me out of it.
flim does the best blowjobs and handjobs so I'm honestly fine if he just keeps doing those
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lol what the fuck is wrong with you
ikr imagine not liking deep voices on women lmao
just sounds like a japanese man trying to make a feminine voice.
is what it is
Man flim13 needs to hurry, i want to COOOOOOM
You guys have it good, i'm waiting for MipoZ working on the same video for 2 years now and it seems it will not even be out this year
Imagine being this insecure. Men trying to sound like women use a fake-ass high pitched voice not a low voice from an actual woman.

It's more about the weird "n-no homo!" insecurity. Which is funny because if you're /here/ you are masturbating to content written and created by middle aged men.
holy shit you're right... in fact most porn studios are owned by men too...I might be gay bros...
>2 years
Back in my day we waited for sandwichworks works. You'll be fine, jr.
low voices in women are fine
I just don't like this one and its okay
miconisomibros we are so fucking back
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>Wantan works update
>"It takes 4 days to render a 45 second animation"

Wow, this stuff better be in 2K or something.
He should consider using AI to assist in his process. He's going to be an old(er) man by the time he makes any significant progress.
AI? A lot of the times these old timer 3D artist use ancient tech, doing things that these days can be done much faster and you expect them to learn to use AI assist tools?
Meanwhile, Gomasioken is somehow (allegedly) still working on the sequel, nearly 11 years later. At some point, you should just make another handle and start over if you don't just retire/die like IMP.

Honestly, the last follow-up that actually lived up to the hype was Suima 2. Everyone else from Umemaro and even Sandwichworks felt just good, not excellent. Ivory Tower is pretty Gigachad tho. Just drops a new work without becoming a professional blogger, refuse to elaborate and leaves.
>western animators making god tier animations in blender in less than a month
>japanese animators taking 5 years to come out with 2005 era animations
what gives
That's why you're in here waiting for them and not off swimming in your endless pool of god tier western animations, right?
? i am gladly enjoying them. what, i can't come in here every now and then to check up on the non-existent progress? i struck a nerve didn't i big man
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ladies, you're both pretty. just like yonagi amaaki aaah I'm cooming
These people have day jobs and do it as a hobby. Western animators are borderline NEETs or living off patreon/commisions.
Rec me some of these 'god tier' wester animators who make proper 10+ minute episodes with sound.
Much of the western animations I find are tiny 10-30 second clips that are worth nothing, far more commonly than the full length porn you can actually jack off to
anyone else excited about this? https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ01202319.html
And that's where HMVs come in.
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I never even heard of it until just now. Looking at this kind of reinforces the point about how long the Japanese ones are.
Honestly I don't remember ever seeing a Western one that long. Sure it takes a while but it tends to be worth the wait. Just like it's worth it waiting for Yonagi to sit right on top of my unworthy face
Mashing up a bunch of disparate animation styles and/or subjects does not improve things.

Unless you're talking about SFM, then, well, it's SFM so shit by default no matter how you dress it up in adobe effects with the rapidest cuts in vain hope that people won't notice the smell.
I didn't even know this was going to be an actual release. Related, Blendy also is wrapping up adding voices to his current work.
as if the majority of these animations aren't just loops also lol
How does that even make sense? It would take him 240 days to render a 45 min animation. That doesnt seem feasible.
tbf they're both loops. It's just that the Japanese ones are a collection of loops while the Western ones are just a single loop
Why the fuck do they fuck the normals on the face? It looks awful
Fuck man rims new animation is out and it's stuck on fantia
Hell yeah, but I do wish there were less HMV makes these days, the talent pool seems somewhat diluted.
At the risk of sounding entitled for free shit, too many of them just mix things without a theme and just plaster a song on them without remixing it one bit, they might not use the high quality version either, and don't source the animations.
purchase it (utilizing currency)
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With a paywall tho
new pasta please
Someone has the full ver plz?
You're a god. Thought I would have to wait until the faggotry in F95's MMD thread ended, but here it is.
Well, Aanix is good, but it's 5-10 minutes videos
Miro and Animopron, but they are both irrelevant for years now
>mediafire shows upload region
what the fug ;DDD
so any where i can see yosino's new works? ohentai doesn't seem to have updated.
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>RIM left out all of the chikubi asobi despite it being a threesome and tweeting picrel before
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
based london bro
thank you.
Does anyone have the new Uozumi post? Much appreciated!
Any other artists that use "thick" models like mafavam does?
I don't know if this "artist" called YeyeBirdie belongs here or on /aco/ but their work could've been something I jerk off to but the "voicework" which is clearly just some TTS/AI voice model is so off-putting. And the audacity of this "artist" to claim that they voice these. Even amateur voice actors sound less stilted than that. I don't mind the humiliation/ntr, I can just ignore that. I don't mind the skin colors. I like the body types of the women getting fucked in their videos and I wish there's more 3d animations with those kind of women. I wouldn't mind the TTS voice if they said it was a TTS voice and didn't claim it as their own voice.
well that was rather underwhelming honestly. the solo right girl videos are 100x hotter
I haven't checked in on this for a while, probably not since the release of NEVER EVER Natsuyasumi 2. What are some of the best things to come out in the past year?
Because people like him, Umemaro and alot more, still uses a fucking Pentium III 750Mhz CPU with 128Mb Ram.
hey, that's only twice as old as my current rig which is perfectly adequate

also a video that renders too quickly means you didn't put enough effort in
I think he tweeted that's gonna be in a later one?
Someone posted an upscale of a Serahobbit video in a previous thread that can be accessed via this link


I have no idea what to do with this link though, can anyone spoonfeed me please?
Also I should mention the link in the OP appears to be broken
Knowing RIM, 'later' means somewhere around November 2026.
hello zoomzoom
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Any idea what models/program MasterB uses? Might try to make some myself.
More like this one?
That looks like Daz3D, the source of all weg slops.
fucking links are broken
where can i find the shota content?
Dunno, I’m waiting for the next thing. Love the mama, hate the makeup.
His schedule nowadays seems to be a cycle of releasing a WIP one month then the finished product the next month, typically around the 20th
Rapidgator links still works and the files is not big enough to be restricted with premium only
Rapidgator file is pass protected....wtf is the password
The name of the site
or go to the site, find "PASSWORD" near top of the site and click that
how the fuck are you even getting to rapidgator when the filecrypt link redirects to spam popups 100% of the time?
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Old Umemaro could be pretty damn good. The newer stuff has better models and smoother movements, but there's not that edge. The washroom cleaning chick video had rape as well, but this still felt more exciting.
Any list of what works gets removed on DLsite ??
Only REALISTIC 3dcg thats get removed on Dlsite right ??? 3dcg ANIME (Loli or not) is still allowed on Dlsite right ??

If all isnt allowed whats the point of DLsite right now ???
I think this is an edit (I don't remember the sperm thing, it even cuts into the end card), but yeah this is why I was willing to buy a number of his older works despite all the shiny new stuff out there.
They may not be as smooth or high res, but the contents knock them out of the park.
It's anyone's guess for why he removed these works from dlsite (and I assume dmm, not that it will let me check) but I already bought them on dlsite so I can still access them and he can fuck right off.
Any good way to find these outside of kemono?
lurk this thread 24/7
>no flim
post the vicineko fischl vid guys
Hope it's worth the wait.
>Over 28 minutes long
Fucking hell.
anyone got cerodier's new vids?
Which ones? It's all been mediocre recently.
I download all 6 files wtf do i do next
should've been a hilichurl
the nikke ones
>husband appears
>now its ntr
>"goddamnit" "ruined" "weird"
bro just self-insert as the kid, easy win
>make millions every year
>this is unironically the best porn to come out of the entire thing
saars, blendy has arrived
only six more weeks before it's uploaded somewhere
if only i can pay
American Express?
Its cheaper to fly to Japan, rent a hotel, go to internet cafe, and subscribe to blendy's fantia, and go back than pay with Amex
yooo new blendy mega release!
>cant use credit card
Waiting for the hero to drop new blendy for the next 2 days
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Are we really gonna back to the dark days where we have to rely on some faggot at japan to share the porn instead of buying the porn ourself ??

This is way cheaper method to pay Fantia subscribtion than to pay on TOM with 50% inflated price
do you niggas really not use f95?
It's faggots from Korea/China/SEA now but close enough
but everytime aG9sb21vbngg gets posted on f95 the link disppears
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Dollhouse next project is almost done
(crude google translation from a post he made June 13.

>Currently, I'm waiting for the audio and translation data, and trying to improve the quality where possible.

He says that this time because he (they?) want people oversea to enjoy it, there will be subtitles, english, korean and chinese.

No dub because he says he would not be able to judge the quality of it.

Says he wants to put subtitles on "bathroom" his last work too.
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Doublesoftcream is back.
While I preferred their poster girl, this one looks good, and this time they want the movie to be in real time, but specify that is not going to be a game either.
Will be done in Blender.

I'd say great, that way 1) resolution won't be a problem 2) decensoring.

Isnt all 3d works are purged on DLsite ? Where are they go now ?
>Still exists
Thank god. Is Umemaro and DoubleSoftCream survives ?
yeah, Umemaro is also working on something, forgot what, feel like he lost the spark years ago now and I am sorry to say that as someone who doesnt have the same talent.
I mean their dlsite account
yes anon, come on, why didn't you just check DLsite?
Yeah unfortunately.
The newest stuff might be higher res and look better on a technical level, but they just don't have the same punch.
What a beautiful way to tell Visa and Mastercard to go pound sand. PlayAsia being based as usual.
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it's out?
Damn this dude fell off hard, he did bangers now all he outputs is shitty animation tests bullshit, like extremities growing from small to big
Whats the ETA on the flim13 gyaru mom wrapping up?
I think we will see an update this week
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When this comment is 70 hours old, that's when it will be released. No earlier, no later.
oh shit, he's finally doing eng subs or are these fanmade?
I wish, these creators should realize at some point that a lot of foreigners watch their shit, even paying someone to make the most basic bitch english subtitles would be far better than nothing.
It was done by a gigachad on f95.
damn, thats a shame. it's much better quality than the previous subs that came from f95 where they just slapped english over the japanese and it was nearly unreadable sometimes lol.
Why would you pay extra only for someone to pirate it? Reality is the ratio of English speakers who will actually pay is too low for shit this niche.
Not everyone pirates, though this thread certainly isn't helping that argument...
But also, blendy and flim are creators with high sub counts, they can afford to toss someone a hundred to sub their big videos and bam they've more than made up the cost in extra subs.
I dunno about this girl. Doesn't live up to the one from Suima, but then again you can't improve on perfection. Less stylized than the lady from Flower Charm, but maybe like her this new model will look better in motion and with proper lighting. Looks a bit like western 3D, weirdly enough.
Flim posted his new shit on fantia though I'm not sure if it's the full thing. Hooray!
just another progress thing but nonetheless, Hooray!
what do you guys suppose the legality of adapting to 3D is? ive been wanting to see certain hentai done in a 3D blender style. i assume names and designs would have to change slightly?
Guess we wait for someone to dump it. The picture has him sucking her tits, awesome.
Flim update, from f95
alternate link aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9KeGlyQ2Q
>naked with cum dripping from pussy
>squatting cowgirl and sucking nipples
>fucking while talking to husband on the phone
It's more than I could ask for

Doggystyle - cowgirl - creampie

I bet after the cowgirl, shotakun pins her down and full mating press creampie.
Holy shit.
Glass half empty: an update post means it's not coming out for another month
Glass half full: my dick
it's as legal as 2D, it just takes more effort so more work is lost if something does happen
A lot of copyright shit is just a matter of getting big enough for the rights holders to care
I don't know if this thread allows it, but are there any good machine rape ones? Where the girl gets strapped to a bunch of sex machines and just cums her brains out.
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This is peak flim13 right here.
I haven't liked his stuff all that much these past 12 months, but he's coming back with a fucking vengeance.
shit is fucking peak but man i didn't realize how important sound is until watching this one lmao
check out maximusjandari, he mainly makes futa but he has some pussy shit as well
Yeah I put the older vids on the background and it kinda helped
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Pretty good desu
Fucking peak right here, busted a huge load
>Gyaru mama rimming
Holy fuck YES!
call me a hater but I don't vibe with the model he used for this milf, the eyes and eyelashes are so underwhelming.
Maybe I’m colorblind too but I thought this one was more pale than the previous ones used… Fingers crossed that it’s just lighting and not actual color skin tone changes

Sad to say this cuz I liked the miami girl type of tan on gyaru mama
god DAMN, i nutted, and there's apparently more videos before this one
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Think I got most of the completed videos from Blendy. Oh baby, my dick is gonna be sore soon.
anyone one know what happened to imp
He said that reading comments demotivated him, so he was going to stop blogging but still work on the video. There's been nothing for 4 years since then, so your guess is as good as anyone's as to whether he'll be back. People in the comments claim to have contacted the voice actors he used and they say they haven't heard from him either, but anyone can post a comment.
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holy fucking kino
heres the previous part subbed just in case btw
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How do you translate
what would happen if flim used a good renderer and models
it would look perfect and boring and not like the flim works we like
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This was awesome holy fuck my dick is tired
well? you gonna post it?
Here just for you
Lots of different possibilities to capture the vibe, just depends on what fits the context the best.

>What the fuck are you doing making my womb twitch like that?
>Come on, don't go and make my womb twitch like that.

Or similar.
i want a cute ghost girl to come rape me too
Does anyone have the fantia version of this game? The only one I can find is the dlsite version.

New here, what do we do with these strings?
I dunno, try asking chatGPT.
i might as well ask. but is there any dumps for this literally anywhere online? just the very old fanbox stuff exist on kemono.
>The actual fucking doesn't start till 30 minutes out of 50
Nice if you like foreplay or teasing, but at some point you're just wasting time with filler. The handjob/blowjob/paizuri was just average, not worth taking up more than half the video.
I’m the anon who didn’t like her makeup and clothes, at least she’s mostly naked aside from shoes after the initial stairs scene. I wish it hung for a while longer on her when she’s standing with the creampie dripping out before she came forward into the camera. The part where she forcibly jerks him off until his soft dick gets hard is cute. Tit licking was eh, tit sucking was better. Decent overall, still want more plain naked sex like in the bed scenes, and more of other girls but pretty good.
get based 64 times
now send nudes
Been a while since someone talked about Piconano-femto, and no updates on his Twitter, did he quit?
Is it all new or just comogtwpilation?
Didn't realize it's already been 6 months since his last video... it's over...
He still can't beat the Eula vid from years ago
This is the 3D equivalent of AI art

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