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Should Queen's Blade have gone full hentai?
They were flirting with the possibility in the OVAs.
Would that have saved it?
Cattleya my love...
I was only 9 years old.
I loved Cattleya so much, I had all the merchandise and OVAs.
I pray to Cattleya every night, thanking her for the life I’ve been given. “Cattleya is love” I say, “Cattleya is life."
My dad hears me and calls me based. I knew he was just proud of my devotion to Cattleya.
I called him a man of culture.
He gives me a high five and sends me to sleep.
I'm hard now and my dick hurts.
I lay in bed, really cold. I feel something warm...
It's Cattleya! I was so happy.
She whispers in my ear "You are my baby."
She grabs me with her giant hands and lays me on my back with my knees up to my chest. I'm ready.
I spread my legs for Cattleya.
She kneels facing me, positioning herself with me between her legs, with her feet placed firmly on each side of my hips in a squatting position.
She uses my thighs for support and starts bouncing.
I can feel my thighs tearing with her muscle pressure. It hurts so much, but I do it for Cattleya.
I want to please Cattleya.
She roars a mighty roar as she drains my dick dry with her love.
My mom walks in.
Cattleya looks her straight in the eye and says,
"I'm his mommy now."
Cattleya leaves breaking through my wall.
Cattleya is love. Cattleya is life.
there's a good argument to be made that ecchi is better than going full hentai due to budget distribution.
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If only they did anything at all with this series at this point.
I just wish Cattleya specifically got more porn
Our only hope now is AI.
I will rejoice in the day that AI can craft a hardcore Cattleya porn episode with the exact same art style as the anime, that could pass as official.
What's with retards wanting ecchi series to go full hentai?
Hentai never get the same budget, therefore the same quality animation, of ecchi shows.
Without considering that they are fucking censored. Goddamn, people these days are fucking stupid.
>Our only hope now is AI.
yeah, not holding my breath for that
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Considering the hentai we were getting even when Queen's Blade was coming out... no. Even then, hentai was starting to look pretty bad. What we got with the ecchi anime was as good as we were gonna get.
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Having a mom like Cattleya is a privilege.

If she were my mom, I'd be one happy motherfucker.
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Lana is so lucky
>Would that have saved it?
Did this series go under? Or did it simply end. There is a difference.
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Only queen build for gangbangs
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>Would that have saved it?
I would say what killed QB was the writers not understanding that people actually cared about the characters and their story of this titty anime, and Rebellion did a MASSIVE disservice to almost all of the old cast. No matter who your favourite was, she likely got shat upon (poor Aldra fags, her entire character got capital DELETED and replaced with a lobotomized sex slave). At the same time the plot was lackluster compared to the first show.
This killed a lot of interest.
Sadly the Alice in Wonderland spin-off went pretty great in my humble opinion, but at this point no one else cared, and it got discontinued after episode 2.
The remake suffered from bad design downgrades and making it a shota-anime rather than vaguely yuri-ish with enough ambiguity for waifufags, it likely offended most fans of the older shows.
They should have just made an anime out of the Elina manga in my opinion, she's fun and the shota turns out to be a loli in disguise early on.
You misspeled Leina
we should not let her huge tits left unattended
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Bit of both. It was kind of on it's way out and any attempt at keeping it going really only kind of pushed it further down. The bad end everyone gets raped series probably didn't help as much as they wanted too. People like seeing that shit in fan art and doujins but the officials? Not so much.
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Nice presenting. Not a fan of Leina but I would.
it should have at least gone full hentai for Tomoe especially once the torture shit started
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it got close
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For me, it's Aldra
I see pics like this and I'm filled with wondering what its like to be a women with so many men lusting over you, their cocks swinging at your face, smearing you with precum.

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