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So I've been thinking of creating a hrpg game in near future.
But for now I wanna ask what are some things you will love to have in your dream hrpg game?
For me, it's the detailed pregnancy system of Violated Heroine game. That feature alone makes it a must play for me. So I would love to have that feature in my hgame.
So what are some things that will make a h-game must play for you?
I'm already creating my game. You'll have to compete against me.
Your game is going to suck because you don't have me a chief designer.
A good story is an absolute requirement. It doesn't have to be amazing, but I do need to actually care about the characters and be interested in what is happening to them, and the writing needs to feel like some actual effort was put into it and wasn't just a first or second draft that was slapped together as an afterthought.

Also, custom character sprites that are more detailed than the default RPG Maker ones. It goes such a long way to making a game instantly catch my eye if it looks unique. If it has sprite animations too, that is even better. So many H-games just feel like someone made a visual novel and then awkwardly stapled a late 90's RPG to it with no attempt to actually blend the two halves together. You play the RPG for a bit, and then you get teleported into the visual novel world for a sex scene, and then go back to playing the RPG for another 30-45 minutes. It makes for such an uneven experience.
>But for now I wanna ask what are some things you will love to have in your dream hrpg game?
there are two ways that you could catch my interest, and I'd call these the "cowtastic cafe approach" and the "katawa shoujo approach"

the "cowtastic cafe approach" would be to use game mechanics to force the player to think about something fetishistic in a way that he normally wouldn't
for example, in an ENF doujin, it's easy to roll your eyes when you see the girl doing something that helps in the short-term but hurts in the long-term... but a game could make that seem like a good idea, thus forcing the player to see the scenario in a new light

the "katawa shoujo approach" would be to get me attached to the characters in a non-sexual way and play with my emotions to make the sex stuff more impactful
I don't think anyone anywhere has an algorithm you can follow to make interesting, likeable characters, or to get past the reader's emotional barriers against getting attached to them, but... I think the payoff is better if you can actually make that happen
Well said. Also good point about most hgames feeling like a vn with rpg gameplay forced in. What do u think can be done to make the game sync well?
Btw the concept of hgame i had in mind is that the mc heroine's village is suffering from low population and she is given order to go out of village to have lots of baby-making sex and send the babies to village. The game will focus on pregnancy fetish and creampies. As of now, this is the concept. What do u guys think about it?
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Having animated sprite scenes that take place within the actual game world is one of the biggest steps you can take for that. It makes the gameplay actually feel relevant if you can encounter sex scenes while you are actually playing and encourages exploration of the map... because without that, it really does feel like the RPG half of most H-games are only there to waste your time and pad out how long it takes to beat it.

To use an example, there is a game called Goblin's Burrow. The point is that you are managing a tribe of goblins, and when you defeat a heroine in combat, you take her prisoner and start using her to breed more goblins to replace ones that you've lost. It mostly uses very simple VN style scenes, standing portraits for dialogue scenes and one sexual pose for each girl with a bunch of different variations depending on which type of goblin is having sex with her.

But what really adds to the whole experience is that when you choose to breed one of the girls from your menu, it puts her in a prison cell and has a sprite animation playing with sound and everything during that entire turn. Just having that going on in the background blurs the line between the gameplay and the actual hentai. Without those animations, the game would be so much worse because the management half of the game would feel so dry and disconnected.
I think that sounds like a fun concept on paper but the question is whether you would want it to be more of a freeform simulation or a linear story. Like is the gameplay just going out and having random sex with anyone in any order? What sort of obstacles would be in the way of that to make it not feel repetitive after the first 20-30 minutes? Would there be any "puzzles" (in the old school adventure game sense, finding quest objects and stuff like that) to solve before you would be able to have sex with certain characters?

Would the main character have any sort of arc throughout the game? Is she just completely okay with it from the very beginning? Or is she hesitant at first, maybe even a little resentful at being forced to do this for her village, only to become more corrupted over time as she starts to enjoy it?

Also the obvious question of how you would handle the amount of time that takes. Is she going to get pregnant over and over again? If so, is the game going to just skip over the nine months each time? Or is there some magical explanation to handwave it?
>As of now, this is the concept. What do u guys think about it?
based off of that short description, it's hard to say whether it would be fun or not
we could tell you whether we, individually, are into those fetishes, but that doesn't matter much
>Would the main character have any sort of arc throughout the game?
I think a reluctant heroine who is getting her pussy creampied only because she was ordered by her village but eventually liking it will be a more hot scenario than her being a slut right from the start in my opinion.

>whether you would want it to be more of a freeform simulation or a linear story
It would a freeform like Violated Heroine where u are free to explore the world and do things with in-game day-night cycle.

>how you would handle the amount of time that takes. Is she going to get pregnant over and over again?
Again it would be like VH's pregnancy system where you will get pregnant and the baby will develop within 5-6 in-game days. Then you will give delivery and the baby will be sent to the village. And yeah u will be getting pregnant over and over and breeding lots of babies.

>Like is the gameplay just going out and having random sex with anyone in any order? What sort of obstacles would be in the way of that to make it not feel repetitive after the first 20-30 minutes?
That is the only problem I can't figure out. Just fucking and getting pregnant is gonna turn boring very pretty fast. I am currently thinking of a solution to that, some kind of other objectives players have to invest time into apart from sex activity.
It'd be cool if there were more fun things.
Believe it or not alot of people play these for fun and lewdness not necessarily to beat off to.
My dream rpg would be female protagonists in a rougelike like where when you loose you get captured and you can encounter your previous character and there is a whole system of extra content around that.
You'd have to recruit more girls to offset all the losses to not loose the game.
This reminds me of the capture mechanic from h-game Moral Sword of Asagi where ur party members if defeated are captured by enemies. Then u have to go around and find them to rescue them from enemies who are meanwhile raping them.
>play to lose
Immediately into the trash it goes, all that's wrong with H-games in one package.
I want a power fntasy, a game that sucks off my ego, i.e.a harem game starring me an ikemen going around charming bitches left and right with my awesomeness, then taking them into my party to go and fuck the final boss bitch into submission, then fuck her until she begs to join my harem and rule the entire world with them.

Fuck you and cucks like you, you're everything that's wrong with so-called westoid 'males' and yellow degenerates from the island to the east of China.
wtf anon are you me?
a good hrpg with a good pregnancy system is all I crave.
Speaking of pregnancy, I've recently found out that orgasmic births aren't just a fetish thing, but something that is genuinely practised.
idc just no more stupid fucking VNs or gross shit (short, small breasted women are ok)
Yeah!! Good news for u that I plan to make one and I am really really serious about it
Btw what hentais and h-games u like?
It's a small detail that doesn't really matter, but one thing I really appreciate is when a game goes out of its way to list the Bust/Waist/Hip measurements of every important female character.
I like it too.Will make sure my game have it.
Haramase Simulator was probably my favourite h-game in terms of concept
I know it was all copied assets from various VNs but a game with original art and semi-open world in the same sort of setting would be amazing
It's a real shame the games with actually somewhat realistic pregnancy system are female-protag only (inb4 mpreg, ew no fuck that, I just want pregnancy progression in games not just on and off pregnancy state)
Well my games gonna have female mc too. When it comes to hentai games, I don't like male mcs in fact I hate them.
I just can't stand male mcs. Most of them are ugly lifeless loser rapists who are so so sensitive and have fragile masculinity. A girl they don't like. Rape her. A girl tries to stops them from doing something (usually evil). Rape her. A girl they like rejects her in the politest way possible. Rape her. She just started dating a boy instead of them Rape her. A girl doesn't pays attention to them. Rape her. A girl sneezes. Rape her. Why? Because it somehow hurt their fragile masculinity and had to prove their superiority. Worst is when they try to justify it using such dumbshit logic. Those who aren't rapists are submissive cuck men who act like a little kid. A mere quickshot of panties is enough for them to burst into floods.
So why should I play and help them? As I am a male, female mcs on the other hand just don't connect with me on that level.
well OP, how about writing a well adjusted male character for once?
A well adjusted male character will make for a very boring hentai game. It would eliminate a huge portion of possible hentai scenarios I guess. It's just much better to have a female mc.
>complains about male hentai MC behaviour
>if I won't make them this way it will be boring
anon I don't know what to tell you...
Yeah thats the point I was making. U are forced with a shitty mc if u are going male route which I dont like. Female mc is the solution for me.
>billionth hentai game about a girl slutting herself getting fucked by faceless men, orcs or tentacles
that's a pass for me
I want a decent story, that hijacks some world building by being a parody. Like a parody of Wreck it Ralph (so Vanellope is the MC) and you are going through the dirty parts of the internet for each dungeon, like Victorias secrets website and so forth.
Basically Dirty Pair where they go on missions and different planets and have lots of sex.
If it's some RPG maker bullshit just don't bother...

Unity sucks, but at least you can actually have a game instead of your stupid 1 hour 20 cg garbage nobody will give a shit about..
Mine would be a femdom-type game but one revolving around chastity and denial. Where the protag (male or female) is kidnapped and wakes up in a dungeon where they discover their genitals are locked in chastity and have to navigate the dungeon and beat the main boss to get the keys to freedom. Both to escape the chastity and the dungeon.

Each level has a dominatrix and theme (eg. sissy, petplay, anal). There can be a horny meter where being teased or tempted but still caged in chastity weakens the player. If the protag is defeated they get enslaved or Reverse R'd by that dominatrix corresponding to their fetish.

So something like "Domina" or "Queen of Lethzena" just with better art and a chastity mechanic really.
Casual nudity and rape, but not NTR, corruption, etc.
Bonus points for futasub.
Literally openworld 3D Daggerfall/EratohoTW mix.
I want to be able to whore the heroines if I want, but it has to be completely optional and depending on me
I'd like to see games about raping and pillaging. Where captured slave women are used as a resource to maintain your troops moral or traded off for other resources.
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What even is a "good pregnancy system"
There really isn't much i can think of doing with it that isn't either a storytelling device or a sprite swap
closest is goblin burrow
>progressive growth instead of an instant bump
>has some gameplay impact if it's player character (changing moodlets etc.)
>ovulation system
>can see fetus stats if this has any gameplay relevance
These are some surprisingly good suggestions, thanks anon
>what are some things you will love to have in your dream hrpg game
Good art is a must. Pixel animations even better. But yeah pregnancy is excellent, but also I like monster rape/breeding fetish. If you go for a h-game then soft game-overs/rape loops are a must and the more intricate the monster society, the better. Like goblin caves, orc strongholds, worm/tentacle dens.
Male protag, every flavor of girl imaginable, different routes based on your choice with romance, corruption/purification, and harem endings.
Have u played Violated Heroine? It pretty much all those things.
No instant bump. Belly slowly enlarges with time with mc reacting to her belly states. There are safe days and danger days. The best pregnancy system imo. It's why VH is one of my fav hgame.
Tho i would have loved if they could have come with some ways to make births more meaningful. The baby is born and it just gets sent to an orphanage.
VH probably has the single best pregnancy system of any hgame out there.... and it's basically a clusterfuck of abandonware and personal projects at this point. haven't even heard about the porting project in fast fucking minute
Well that's the tragedy. But I'm surprised no other developer has ever tried to implement a similar pregnancy system.
I've been schizophrenically crafting my own pseudo-Taimanin series in my head, but with a focus on raping and assaulting villains instead of heroines.

I've got my main villainess, I've come up with 3 game ideas, at least 20 character concepts, ideas for spin offs...it's driving me nuts. While I am meticulously working on my art skills, I've got half a mind to just write it instead.

I drew concept art of my starting 5 years ago. I could try redrawing them now and drop some ideas if anyone's interested.
Why the hell not? I would rather see what you have to say than hear any of the sexpests on twitter.
I am all ears for whatever u have got.
It's still in progress. There are commits to the github almost daily. They just seem to have decided not to release anymore demos until the capital is completely complete
Well I'm at work at the moment, but I'll drop my inane ramblings later today. I also don't have access to my drawing tablet, so pencil and paper sketches will have to do
My dream game would be about a futa being involuntarily sent to a different planet to colonize it but someone you know was also forced to partake, your childhood rival turned leader of the expedition that's also a futa. You have to make sure everyone and yourself survives on the planet as well as deal with the demands/torment of your rival. Your rival reacts to how you treat them as well as what occurs in your life, you can even get in a relationship with them if you want. If you're on their bad side they'll ntr, blackmail or rape you. Get on their good side they'll treat you better. They'd also have a yandere side if you treat them well but constantly shut down their advances, leading to you getting stalked and eventually raped. You can do the same to them and other colonists but would need to meet certain requirements.

The forced expedition you're on is known to bring out the worst in people. It's not unheard of for entire colonies to get reduced to just a single person and their rape slaves. Due to the reputation of these expeditions, the company in control has decided to add incentives to keep up the numbers, The one contributing most to the colony having their pay multiplied per surviving colonist and getting to leave early along with a person of their choice.

Gameplay-wise it would be a mix of a normal rpg with a princess maker style portion for colony management. The management portion is hindered by your rival as they're the actual leader, requiring you to plan around their mood or improve your relationship with them. The normal RPG portion would be how you interact with the colonists and develop relationships. There would be mild combat, mostly fighting wild animals, pirates and the occasional colonists, with a non-lethal option. The colonists would be a mix of humans and aliens, meaning the needs of the colonists are varied. You can also be a total monster and just ruin the colony, raping or killing whomever you want.
>My dream game would be about a futa
Thanks for starting with the important stuff right off the bat. Stopped reading there.
Metroid Planets but sex
It's not everyone's thing I guess but I felt like a futa would've been the most versatile without needing to draw and animate scenes like 3 times per sex. It makes the player getting raped less weird too. Revenge rape would be like a mechanic, people might rape you for raping their partner or because you raped them.
Almost forgot visuals would be a stylized 3D world with flat character sprites. The character art style would be reminiscent of a game like Disgaea, colorful and flamboyant. Overall world would be a deceivingly colorful but have dark and horrific environments scattered about. The monsters and pirates would be reminiscent of those found in old PS1 horror games like Baroque. The colorful characters would dim over time as they live on the colony and go through worse conditions, with only optimal treatment and colony management preventing that.
I really wish more games would allow some of the more depraved kinks. Like a female main character becoming the full on pet of a dog. Toilet play, etc. I guess this is more /d/ but you get my point.
Closest is Lonarpg, your kids act as 1-ups, too bad most of the sex art is unappealing
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Been replaying Public Defense Corp and while I like it and Haruka a lot I feel like, as with so many rpgmaker, it never goes full into it's potential. So what I'd like to see is a game closer to a fuller Super Robot Wars trying to explore similar concepts. Where you have to work with multiple female pilots in order to build up funding and mecha weapon research. That way we get a more fulfilling game but can work with a bunch of different character archetypes too
VH probably set the standard for unintrusive gamified pregnancy. Many games still don't come close. VP improves on pregnancy but the rest of the game overall doesn't have the same feel as VH unfortunately.

Probably the best gamified pregnancy with consequences. Like you actually start thinking about abortion or abandonment.
Alright, after trying for a couple minutes I have accepted that not only am I worse at traditional pencil and paper art than I remember, I don't like doing it anymore. So I'll spare you all the crude drawings and just get on with the game idea I'll probably never make.

Anyway, here's my pitch. Tentative title, "the Fall of Maou-Sama".

The story starts with a confrontation of the Hero and his party, and the amassing forces of the demon world. The demon lord appears, at his side his most powerful eldrich mage, his most powerful demon war general, and his twin demon spawn. After months of battling, the demon army is ready to make their final push on humanity, but the Hero steps forth and attempts to use a spell that would destroy them all. It goes off, blasting all 5 of the demons.

But instead of destroying them, it genderbends them all into sexy woman, along with sealing a great deal of their strength. Powerless and at the mercy of the Hero, he captures them, planning to make them suffer for their crimes against humanity. Thus, the scene is set.

The titular villainess is obviously the demon lord, who I'll call Maou since I don't have names picked out yet. She's tall and curvy, with red skin and long, black, wild hair, yellow eyes with black sclera, horns, and a tail. I imagine her having a seemingly smug aura about her normally, that will occasionally give way to flashes of intense anger. She takes great pride in her station as leader of the demons, and enjoyed the chaos and slaughter she commited as the demon lord waging her war across the lands. She's also rather selfish, not caring about her followers or even children beyond what they can do for her. She loathes the Hero for what he's done to her, and her sex scenes focus largely on exhibitionism and public humiliation. Taking the might demon lord, and reducing them in the eyes of the people and demon kind to nothing more than a breeding sow.
Next is the Eldrich Mage, or Mage. She's the mature hag of the group, standing slightly taller than Maou, having a Venus-esque body type with purple skin, long hair in a bun, glasses, red eyes with black sclera and a long whip-like tail. Mage is very thoughful and reserved, having acted as a chancellor of sorts to Maou. She enjoyed studing magic, dark arts, and spent her time turning humans into horrible test subjects. She's incredibly smug and proud of her intelligence. Her scenes are focused on mental manipulation and body modification. I'm talking nipple insertion, getting defiled by her own creations, bimbofication, and personality excretion. I envison a scene specifically where after being sufficiently mind broken, she pisses all over her research on how to undo the spell.

Then there's the war general. The muscle of the group. She'd slightly taller than Maou, decently built, with brown skin, short white hair, body scars, green eyes with black sclera. She'd also have a short, stubby tail. She's got a boisterous personality and lives for the thrill of the fight. She doesn't consider the weak worth listening to, and enjoyed being on the front lines of the war killing humans. She takes great pride in her fighting capabilities. Her scenes are focused on physical assault. She goes to the local collosium thinking she'll clean house, but suffers defeat after miserable defeat, getting beaten by powerful warriors, frail old men, young brats, strong monsters, and even weak monsters like goblins who she used to use like canon fodder in the war. Lots of ryona with this one. It all culminates with her being terrified of fighting to the point where she pisses herself in fear, does naked dogezas trying to quit the fight, and rolling over on her back instinctually, exposing her soft belly as a sign of utter submission.
Then we have the twins, who we'll call Spawn F and Spawn M. They were identical twins born from a human woman Maou raped. Originally both males, they were spoiled devils with the plan of one ruling the Demon Realm once their father died while the other got the human realm to rule. When the gender bend spell was cast, the older twin took the brunt of the blast, turning them fully into a girl while the other was essentially turned into a trap. They'd obviously look the same, pink skin, short bob hair cuts, lighter yellow eyes with black sclera, petite, flat body types and matching tails. They look like little girls, but would speak like dignified, leecherous bastards. At least, at first. They were just as bad as their former father, torturing humans for fun, and they share a close bond. Their scenes would focus on training them and mentally pushing them the most to act like girls. This includes man-handling them, making them wear cutesy clothes and dresses, and driving a wedge between their close relationship. At first, they would bicker attempting to get the other one to take a punishment vs themselves, but eventually after learning to enjoy the pleasure, there would be a switch, and now they would compete to experience the pleasure over each other. It would end with them rebuilding their relationship and accepting the Hero as their new "Daddy", no longer talking like pompous bastards, but sweet little girls. And probably include an option for the trap to use the genderbend spell on themselves, casting aside their own manhood for the sake of their Papa. And for players who don't like traps I guess.
Next, I have the Hero and Saintess-chan. The Hero is obviously a huge pervert, but has a relaxed demeanor mostly. However there is one thing that truly pisses him off, and that's when he remembers the day Maou arrived at his village and wiped it out, killing his family. He's cheeky about fucking the demons mostly, but whenever he remembers his trauma, he gets really brutal with them. I honestly don't know if it'd be easier to play as the Hero under the conditions that you have X days to break the demons spirits before the spell is undone and they regain their power. Or if you should play Maou, trying to work alongside your demon party and defeat the Hero.

Ultimately what I describe sounds like it'd work better as a VN, but hey.

And then there's Saintess-chan. She'd be the Orobo to Maou's Asagi. She'd have the classic blonde hair, blue eyes, modest body, stylized nun outfit with magic healing rod. On the surface, she's a cute little healer girl in the hero's Party, his childhood friend and lover. But in reality, she hates demons because they broke up her family, so she relishes in the opportunity to torture them while they're helpless. And she tries to hide this side of herself from the Hero because "It's not cute."
She'd probably get the least amount of scenes since the game's not really about her, but she'd make lots of jokes and comments about the various bad ends heroines like her tend to experience in these games, pointing out how that shit isn't gonna happen. She might get like, one scene with each girl, minus the twins who would be a package deal. And maybe a little bonus vanilla scene with the hero.
And yeah, that's it for major players. Obviously there'd be a side cast with some ideas like the other members of the Hero's party being a fat otaku type and a tanned playboy type who also fuck the demons. And I just keep thinking of different sex scenes for each girl, and various endings they could have. There'd be one or two endings where Maou gets the drop on the Hero and kills him, letting her get her true form and power back. Probably an ending where the hero gets defeated, but then Saintess-chan goes full John Wick and slaughters them all on a revenge spree. Endings where the demons get turned into public cum dumpsters, where they get turned into pets, turned into brothel workers, where they get executed, an ending where all the demons EXCEPT Maou have their spirits broken and they change alliegences to work with the Hero to break the demon lord once and for all, maybe an ultra hard to achieve ending where they actually get redeemed, and a canon ending where they manage to survive the sexual torture up to a point, maintaining their spirit but still being enslaved by the Hero.

I'd also like the option to choose to share the demons around or just monopolize them. But that really depends on if you're playing the Hero or Maou.
Certainly seems like it would be interesting, but if you were to go with multiple female characters getting corrupted you'd probably have to speed run it to a few scenes or get creative with reusing cgs, the types of games I can think of that do that would be something like Dungeon Legion and those fall in like 3 scenes.
Now realistically, am I ever gonna make this game? Doubtful. But that hasn't stopped me from thinking up more characters and ideas for sequels.

I figure I could probably get 3 games worth out of these ideas. A solid trilogy, with room for spin-offs. Last thing I'll post is more ideas for girls who could show up in this "series".
>The Demon Lord's sister, a succubus who stayed back in the Demon Realm to watch the fort, appearing to try and help her brother with her own entourage of females to be captured and bred in the name of humanity
>The Succubus Sister's daughter, a teenager who's a demon apologist, willing to do whatever depraved act necessary to atone for her sins and endear herself to humankind.
>A woman with insect features who acts like a nice faery on the surface, but is actually a cunty bitch like Old Timey Fairy Tale Faeries. Gets the nickname Cockroach
>A wolf girl with a werewolf form that acts like a beast. Probably gets fucked by animals a lot
>a "Fallen Heroine". A female demon who was formerly a human hero who went along with a NTR plot and became corrupted into a callous demon. Probably gets hatefucked by her former lover, maybe a redemption arc
>The Goblin king who gets hit with the gender bend spell and turns into a mesugaki that gets raped by his own goblin tribe
>A demonic priestess. No narrative yet, I just want more hags with big milky tits.
>a human female knight justicefag who thinks the Hero is deplorable for laying with demons, until she also gets a taste of fucking demons
>a oblivious demon knight female who values honor in their villainous crusade. Gets tricked into doing sexual things due to obliviousness
>A traitorous human witch who tries to help the demons and gets turned into a demon with pig features
>A dark skinned tribal woman who worships the goddess of the world
And lastly, the Goddess of the world. A cruel and vindictive god, uninterested in the petty squabbles of mankind, letting their prayers go unheeded. The only reason she wanted to have her own world to rule is that it was a status symbol in the realm of gods and she wanted to impress another male god.

The Hero personally shows up and netori's the fuck out of her, with lots of intense sex culminating in her losing her godhood and becoming a lowly mortal.

After that, I figure the series would reach a natural conclusion. The demon lord accepts that not only has she been beaten, but she has fallen for the Hero, and he takes her as a concubine.

Despite all the crazy, fucked up shit I just pitched, the actual narrative would really be a positive one. The idea behind all of this is taking these intense, fucked up fetishes, and for once, laying them at the feet of characters who you wouldn't feel bad for instead of generic ditzy moeblob #28499275 or Hardcore female badass #735924731. The demons are shitty creatures who have done terrible things, and now for once, they have to experience the pain they've inflicted all these years and either learn from it and grow, or pay the ultimate price.
Yeah, It's a lot of shit piled up. I really worked more on the narrative than the gameplay so I'd imagine a lot of all that'd just been cut content or the game's story could be more linear
More than anything I think the issue would be with drawing all the cg for the different characters and variations if you want to have them change physically, maybe if it was a small team of artists it could be possibly but then you'd probably end up with an inconsistent art style.
The gameplay side, while important, would probably not be as difficult, and in the worst case you'd still have the option of just making it work through rpgm.
Great ideas. Also you can post rough sketches just to give basic idea for what u have in mind. You don't have to draw perfect anatomy , details or full body drawings etc.

Also for a idea, how about a corrupting mechanic? Like u would have x days to break girls. You and your party members can have sex 1 time in a day. You select the character and the girl to have sex with. Making them cum will raise their 'corrupt' meter. Once reaches full they are successfully broken.
The sex scenes will have choices like fuck her anal, deepthroat,humiliate etc. and every different girl will have their own preferences. Some climax more quickly from ass, some from dirty talk, groping, humiliation, etc. Different character will also have impact. Making right choices will make her 'corrupt' meter rise more quickly which is crucial for breaking girls within x days deadline. Also corrupt meter will decrease if you don't have sex with a girl so u gotta fuck them regularly.
But as an anon above said, u have to be really creative with cg reuse unless u have a team.
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This is the best I can manage now with pencil and paper of Maou. I'm not gonna beat myself up too much over this, I haven't used pencil and paper in months, almost a year.

If the thread makes it to the weekend, I'd be happy to draw all the demons and Saintess-chan digitally. I'm still amateur as fuck, but decidedly better.
Forgot to mention, her design I imagine is inspired by traditional demon designs, with a splash of Mirabell Bell from Taimanin and Akuma from Street Fighter.
That could work. If I did decide to persue this, I'd definitely just hire a coder. I can write decently enough. It's my artistic skill that holds me back. But I am working on it. And yeah, I'd probably just whittle the scene count down to the most worthwhile and try to focus on that. If I count the twins as "one", I could do 5 scenes each, for a total of 20. Not too unreasonable.

The more I think about the idea, the more I wanna do it, but I know not only do I not have the skills or funds needed to make this happen, the scope is still pretty large with 5 girls.
Before I'd attempt the whole Demon Lord game, I've considered smaller scale projects, just to build experience.

One idea I had was about a sci-fi scenario where you play a maintenance person assigned to the most powerful battle android in the galaxy. Obviously the battle droid looks like a super sexy woman. But she also kinda hates humanity and your guts.

Anyway, as a battle droid, she constantly has to get software updates to keep her on the cutting edge of battle strategy, so every couple days/week, she has to shut down while you clean out old data and upload new data for her. After a particularly negative encounter with her, the protagonist decides to try uploading prank software to her mainframe while she's shut down, and to his surprise, it works. He realizes he can use this opportunity to modify the crap out of her and turn her into the ultimate sex doll battle droid.

However, it's not THAT easy. She does have a built in security system designed to keep malware out. See, this time I actually have a gameplay idea.

You do basic 2D platforming as you interface with the battle droid's CPU in an attempt to upload lewd mods, re-write memories, and alter personality traits and reality perception. You can also add physical mods. But each change requires more difficult "hacking" to get around her security protocals. Succeed, and you're rewarded with the next scene depicting the mod or changd you chose. Fail, and you get fired or she cripples you. There's another fail state where if your mods reduce her fighting capability too much, she could die out on mission.

And I imagine there are various endings. One where you get her decommissioned and turn her into your personal fucktoy, one where you glitch her out and she turns into a yandere who fucks you to death, a path where you don't assault her but just increase her empathy and feelings towards you and start a relationship. She finds out you hacked her this route, but she's genuinely happier now, so she lets it go.
And a route where depending on certain various events, she finds out you were hacking her before completing the programming and depending on what you did to her, she'll either be pissed beyond belief and you overwrite her personality, or she's more aroused than upset, and admits she enjoys the sexual mods, so she continues being a battle droid by day, having come to appreciate humanity, while being your sex project at night. I think this or the lovers ending would be my pick for preffered canon.
Do you have Akira points? but with triple as much content. Hentai game is about fulfillment, about self-insertion, about invoking feelings. Daily Life Sim that spends time building up the characters and then generating events with them is incredible. Life is tiring in general, a little bit of escapism is never wrong.
Basically, I want Skyrim, but with a fairly detailed romance system like the friendship/romance in Fo4 and the sex mods included in the base game. I want everyone generally romancable, and I want to be able to fuck them and take pictures. That's it. I'm a simple man.
I'm surprised nobody has tried to combine the VH-style pregnancy system with Pokemon. There's a really good Pokemon parody hrpg called Pokemon Ecchi Version. Female MC with good art & you can get fucked by both the monsters & humans. My dream game would just be that, except you can get pregnant. Maybe even breeding with Pokemon so your uterus acts like the typical in-game egg (gestation periods vary among monsters & birth occurs after so many steps)
an otome game with ANIMATED sex scenes
The more depraved the fetishes, the harder it is to find voice actors willing to take on the job.
Ya'll niggas play these games with voices on?

I usually mute. Most games are in Japanese can't understand or appreciate it. And I feel like English voice acting might make me cringe to death.
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>good story
>heroine's virginity loss
>your choices and gameplay matters, multiple endings including pure one
>slow moral degradation
>both optional H-events and rape during the fight
the closest to perfect game for me so far is VPM
Do you mute subbed anime too
oh forgot important one
>clothing mechanics
Another idea I had for a game would be one where you play as a security guard working at a mall, right? A few ideas I had for gameplay consists of watching the customers while they shop in a top down view of the mall, and seeing which ones behave strangely or who might have stolen something, then having to pick the person who stole something out from a line up. Afterwards, you have to figure out what they stole through interrogation. Did they hide it in their purse? Are they wearing it? Did they stuff it in their pants? Or stuff it somewhere else? Once you've figured that out, you get your sex scene. The idea is built around the variety of women available to capture and interrogate. I'd come up with about 26 potential females, and they'd each get 3 scenes. It seems ambitious, but the game only takes place at a mall, the scenes would be simple to account for how many there'd be, along with the fact that this a game where it would update with a new couple of girls every so often. I figure start with like, 5 and just keep on addin 'em. Could go beyond 26, but that's just what I've mulled over. The tropes I'd like to nail are
>Classic Karen
>Peer pressured teen
>Tomboy mature
>Lonely mature
>Ditzy woman
>Sovreign citizen teen
>a teen who steals for her boyfriend (you cuck him)
>Goth teen
>Delinquent teen
>Overworked OL
>Catwoman expy (You never 'properly catch her)
>Two-faced thief
>Over protective mom
>Kuudere type
>Foreigner woman
>Hag woman
>Teen tomboy
>Terrible career criminal
>Spoiled rich girl
>Prep school girl
>Nerdy reject
And while I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, I'd probably sprinkle a handful of traps in. Obviously they'd be optional.
>Adult TS
>Fem guy (Forced to crossdress)
And the game culminates with you catching your own boss the Security Chief stealing, and you fuck her as well, also getting her job.
damn, Imperial gatekeeper-like game in a mall sounds good
My dream H-RPG would be one starring a flat chested female heroine with a lot of focus on flat chest humiliation and breast envy. Don't know how to integrate it into game mechanics other than having a form of "humiliation meter" during combat.
Humiliation = HP
Envy = MP
>Envy lets the heroine do stronger attacks
>Some enemies can see her getting worked up so there's a chance it buffs them too
>Have to juggle the risk of spending envy to do powerful moves vs. giving your opponent an opportunity to use that envy to trip you up or humiliate you further
My dream H-game would be one with actually good body modification. Not just "switching outfits" like most games do it right now. I wanna be able to actually modify body parts, change size, colour, race? maybe even add some new limbs / organs. Basically It should be as customizable as Corruption as Champions 1, but like not fully text based and with official art for all the modifications thats not just a pixelart display.
This game already exists, but you're a manager at a grocery store. Might be a VN, can't remember.
Consider making the sex scene itself more interactive, turning it into a kind of game. In most eroge I've seen, the sex scenes play out exactly as the creator intended, leaving the player with no control, and it breaks immersion. Giving the player more control over the scene itself, not just the overall how to get the route, could make the experience better imo.
One word. Catgirls. Or foxgirls. Or wolfgirls.

Oh, also children. Tweenage.

Put those two together and you have a winner.
I kinda wish she wasn't so dumb.
>some things you will love to have in your dream hrpg game
Being unable to woo and marry the hot milfs in Rune factory or any harvest moon game sucked.
So add hot moms to fuck and that'd be cool, extra points for oyakadons.

If turn based, party building with Etrian Odeyssey's classes and skill trees give more flavor.
Being able to be a cute boy and have tons of sex with boys and girls. Preferably with lots of stimulating content.
Call me simple; I'm a simple man with simple tastes.
>Oh, also children. Tweenage.
There's always HellMOO.
No idea if it's still up.
And link to the most 'recent', translated VH game?
yeah perfect heroine is smug and confident bith slowly humbled and corrupted, I still like the naive ones
The year's 2055. Crime is through the roof, and Megacorp has the solution: Replace female prisons with rehabilitation (mind break) based on a humane new technology (sex machines). Their best engineer, Cindy, is a nerdy young woman. She's a genius, but has no interest in sex, and hates working on these machines. As the new manager, you're here to get things back on track.

The gameplay is split into two parts. One half is making the sex machines: You assign work tasks, recruit "test subjects", and run experiments on them to improve the specs. Better machines fetch higher prices, and more money means a bigger team and more resources. And if you're low on cash, you might have to use your own workers as test subjects, Aperture Science style.

The other half is corrupting Cindy. You convince her to test the machines on herself, and once she's strapped in, you're in full control of the settings. Fucking her harder and longer raises her Libido stat, which unlocks newer and hornier designs, but lowers her Sanity, which controls how fast she can work. Experience reduces the effect of both, so you need to keep putting her in more and more extreme machines. The first design is basically a fancy chair with restraints and a vibrator, and she's too shy to take her panties off. By the endgame, you're strapping her into things like pic related for days or weeks at a time.

The game mechanics encourage slowly breaking Cindy. She's your best worker in the early game, so you need her Sanity high to meet deadlines. As your team grows, she becomes less essential, until the most efficient strategy is to maximize Libido and turn her into a human dildo sleeve. There's multiple endings depending on how you treat her, from a lovey-dovey romance ending, to one where she's practically lobotomized and becomes a sex-crazed prostitute.

What do you think? It's not exactly an RPG, but I've had this idea for a while now.
Sounds pretty metal. I'd play it. We need more games that offer lots of sex scenes and a chance to choose a positive ending.
Tribal village chief rpg.
You play by assigning roles to people, managing the village, what you should build etc.
events will happen, starvation if you fuck up, people will die from disease etc

The "h" part comes from breeding. You get first dibs for breeding new children, you can also assign other males to breed with select women. This gives some bonuses.

Everyone has stats and breeding strong workers/warriors would be important.

In order to speed things along there would be some lore reason for children to grow up in a few seasons, maybe it's a fantasy village, something in the food or similar.

I just like management type games and it would be part of gameplay to grow attached to your population because they have /h/ scenes attached to them. Also power fantasy with the harem thing and getting lots of kids.
nice idea, but for sure there should be option for her to be fucked by other scientists after certain level of libido
breeding frome pokerape in ecchi version will happen with egg laying in the far future

rape is always best
hmm I see people wanting a good story for an game but i'd prefer good h gameplay first.
Not that i'd dislike a good story as a an h-game as I liked the story in pronant symphony a lot.
I really want more games like Celesphonia or Praygame, where the story merely servers a purpose of adding new H-stats/areas.
What I also like about those games is that H-stats affect combat both positively and negatively.
I think my idea here
Has a good gameplayXnarrativeXsex scene balance.

I imagine it as sort of a top down, 2D shooter, where you have to maneuver around, taking out the enemies that make up her security system. During the day while she's out on mission, you could buy hacking gear from the store using her mission funds. Along with toys for sex, obviously.

I figure after each level, you have the option to alter some aspect of her brain, like deleting a memory, uploading a sex technique, increasing her affection value towards the player, decreasing her sexual inhibitions, lowering her IQ/Strength/Weakening her security system for next mission, or even overwriting her mind with another AI that's a super slut and slowly corrupts her automatically. There could even be a little screen in the corner with a camera feed showing her live reactions as you re-write her brain while she's asleep.

I don't know how exactly I'd do the physical mods without creating too much work for potential variations in CGs. I'd like to have a two stage breast enlargement, a change to a skimpier battle outfit, a butt enlargement, and definitely a lip enlargement. I could probably just set the game up in phases where she'll recieve those mods at a certain point no matter what. Not sure.

I personally am also interested in a futa mod, but not the time or place for that discussion.
Im trying to make an rpg ntr game where you have to get enough money and keep your girlfriend/wife happy, otherwise your girlfriend will start making money in other ways and ntr will happen.

Day/night cycle with girlfriend wandering around doing stuff like in scars of summer.

Probably not going to ever release anything of course since i cant do art or write lol.

Issue with pregnancy in h-games is that you cant put the games on steam. Steam doesnt allow any porn games that have children in them at all. The rules are pretty murky and inconsistent. Same with patreon etc aswell i think.
I don’t think anyone’s forcing you to make a shitty male mc. In fact, the only one who could ever hold you back is your own ability to not write an asshole. The guy doesn’t have to be either faceless rapist (boring) or well adjusted (boring). Of course, a lot of hentai rp with male mc’s are monsters and creeps, but that’s because a lot of hentai rp devs (other than you, it seems) are complete faggots who haven’t touched a woman in over two decades.
You seem set on a female mc, and while I don’t inherently agree with why you won’t use a male mc, I think I’ll circle back to your original question and state what I would want to see from a hentai roleplay, and offer a more broad suggestion if you ever consider making a hentai roleplay with a male mc.
I would love to have these two main features:

>customizable character creation
(Customizable not only in looks, but in stats and background.)
>consequences to how I customize my character

Give me the option to rape everyone, but 1. I have to build into it to make sure I can pull it off, and (potentially) 2. the price is that my cock is given the old cheese shredder treatment for all eternity. Give me the option to be well adjusted, which means 1. I need to be able to pick dialogue options that aren’t fucking creepy, and (hopefully) 2. the outcome is that I marry a solid 7.76/10 and retire to the country side.

The entire point of a “role playing game” is that you take on a specific role, a role that is different from a variety of other options you can take, a role that requires certain stats to be high or low, that requires a specific background or race. Of course, in a hentai roleplay, there needs to be sex, but having it be mandatory in an rpg seems counterintuitive, in the long run.

Oh and also
>a new game+ where I can play as a futa
(This also has no relation to anything else I’m saying, I just think it would be hot)
Battle Droid/Demon Lord Anon again.

In the end, I've actually been thinking more and more about the Battle Droid game concept as of late. It actually feels feasible.

One heroine to keep scope small
Sci-Fi setting means lots of fetishes to indulge
I really love body mod stuff, but too many other projects tend to go too far with it or overly emphasis bad ends
The player will have the option to choose their narrative, it could be a story of the maintenance guy helping her appreciate humanity and their blossoming love, a story about a pervert who turns a war machine into his sex toy, or about a angry technician getting revenge on a uppity robot, and many things between.
I have an actual gameplay loop in mind
>You can send Battle Droid on mission
>Maintenance guy can travel around the space base to buy mods, talk to NPCs, and learn about the area
>Once Battle Droid returns, she'll have recieved X amount of funds to be used for various things
>She'll enter Maintenance Mode, beginning the 2D hacking gameplay
>Upload your mod or make your modification of choice
>New sex scenes will be available the next day

And I've just been thinking of all these little design features I want to work in.
Right now, the only concrete things I'm 100% on are
>A cool sci-fi visor
>Classic skintight plugsuit with leotard variants
>a special woven mesh boob covering that's supposed to help with heat dispersion from her power core
>using a steel etching laser to burn a womb tattoo on her crotch at some point

But that's about it. Pic related is my quick and dirty sketch because I just wanted to draw her. Like I said, I feel more comfortable with digital now over traditional. I might make a model and workshop some outfit/hair designs. Feel free to pitch ideas for this hypothetical game and design ideas.

And if anyone is still interested in a cleaner Demon Lord design, I can do that too.
what game is that?
Violated Heroine, an overly ambitious crowd developed game that saw feature creep to such extent that the community just plain abandoned it.

Despite that, one of the best RPG Maker games out there.
Last man on earth conquers different countries and fucks a variety of women!
I would love this
Just want a game where I can breed numerous women and have them become mothers of my offspring.

Not just having a pregnant ending slide or something like that
what would be great is if there could be multiple pregnancies. two, three, four, or even five or six babies at once, with unique sprites for all stages in each case.

sometimes it's nice for the mc to be threatened with a large pregnancy, or to fear getting pregnant with more than one, or to see the struggles of additional babies growing inside.

multiple pregnancy is something that is seldom heavily focused on whenever any pregnancy content is in a game.
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My dream HRPG would be a Roguelike dungeon crawler with a female protagonist.
All enemies are human rapists, no monsters and no magic, save for the final boss.
There are sections where enemies gather together in a sort of community, they have shops, bars, etc.
Because all NPCs are enemies you cannot simply use these shops to your advantage.

You are a lone female who must traverse an underground prison full of naked rapists.
Your objective is to make your way to the bottom of the prison.

Because you are the only pussy, anyone and everyone wants to rape you, there are no friendly NPCs. Not at first anyway.

Enemies cannot be killed, only knocled out.

The more you lose and get raped, the more enemies become familiar with you and start becoming friendly with you somewhat.

Eventually the UI will start to show the names of the enemies who have raped you enough times, even listing their kinks, records and backstories.
Getting friendly eventually they can become shops, quest givers, etc.

The protagonist also cannot just give it way and needs to get raped enough times to slowly convince herself that it's all just for survival.
Slow burn corruption.
Your battle droid looks hot. Got me really interested. Well so what kinds of mods do have in mind? I am assuming there are gonna be physical mods as well as mind-personality altering mods?
Do they work instantly like she complete becomes a slut Or u have to do a couple of mods slowly like slowly train her into becoming slut?
And yeah post ur art of Demon Lord as well or of any concepts. It's much easier to understand when there are pictures to complement.
My dream is for these games to be distributed as fully self-contained packages. I hate all the extra shit you need to run these.
I'd like to see something like the game Satisfactory or Factorio where you construct a factory and it creates different types of women (or men and futanari why not) that you can fuck. At first it just make basic bitches in a cloning vat but eventually you can upgrade and make a bigger diversity of cloned and synthesized sluts.

Make it like you're working for some intergalactic company that clones whores or something and you're given missions like
>Make 100 Standard Units
>Make 100 Big Booty Units
>special mission: Make a big tiddy goth girl and give her a huge cock
And you have to collect DNA points and blueprints or something to make new types of whores. (How do you get these? By having sex with the clones of course!)

Have customization unlock over time. Eventually you can produce your dream girl and finally mass produce her so you can have a 1-on-100000 reverse gangbang and die boning.

Give it a name like "A$$embly Required" and make a million dollars on Steam
sounds good,
but I would add an option to use the shops etc. if you use disguise, but even while using it there is still a chance that enemies will find out and rape MC
Lots of stealth sex while still being able to control the player. Prank war game has lots of it, but the art is not that great. Even better if there's sprite stuff too.
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I want a strategy or SRPG where I control the baddies, be it humans, monsters or whatever.
The story will be a Kuroinu rip-off or if it's just monsters then it's something like Goblin Burrow, as in expansion and capturing females for the sake of survival.
Main fetishes would be [spoiler]speedy[/spoiler] corruption, pregnancy, maybe birthing and definitely tentacles.
Also captured females will eventually help you, be it in battle, gathering resources or encouraging other girls to give in to pleasure and obey their new masters.
Pic unrelated
It's really just breasts expansion with various aged girls.
how much longer until nobody recognizes that weird thing being held in the hand, like why does a dog bone need a spiral attached to it
I'm back. With more crappy sketches. I'm kinda just tossing ideas and such on the board and seeing what I like and don't like. Even though I didn't draw it on the second model, she'll always have those circuitry patterns on her eye and some form of gun+holster. I'm open to design ideas and suggestions and I'd like to know what's working vs what's not with what I've got so far. Am I making the game right now? No. But might I make it later? Who knows. Maybe I'll just spend some time getting better drawing her and once I have, I'll make my move.
So I figure each night you go to hack her brain, you're always progressing to the same goal. Her Cerebral Core. And housed in her core are settings that control her mind and body. Things like sensitivity, arousal, affection, memory files, and awareness. At this point you choose what you want to increase or decrease. Maybe depending on how good you did during the level, the more points you get. And you need a certain combination of adjustments to get certain scenes.

Like I said, for the sake of the art, the physical mods like bigger breasts, skimpier uniform, slightly more chub would probably be gated to progression in the story. It's essentially light bimbofication, making her less highly refined killing machine and more highly refined fucking machine. Other physical mods like extendo-tongue, lactation, or an artificial womb could be things you buy at the shop and you can chose to forgo your normal stat adjustments at the end of a level to instead install one of those. Things that can be hidden relatively easy if the player doesn't pick them up.
So the player controls mechanic only? When droid goes out on mission, what does the player do? Also how player earns money? Like droid earns money on her missions does fixed amount is given to player?
Also would love to see options to add slut tattoos on her. Ofc u would have to decrease her Shame stats.
Maybe some mods to make her better at bj and anal.
A stat menu to display her original measurements as well as new post body-mod measurements.
As well as
My ideal game is something I've dreamed up myself, but lack the knowledge, artistic talent, and time to do: I've given it the basic name "Schoolgirl/JK Sandbox".
Play as a highschool girl in undisclosed city based on Japan, game has a time system that progresses through events, you play week by week and even go to school at the times you're supposed to. No calendar though, because it's a sandbox and I basically want a never-ending story, even if you somehow play years worth of days you'll still be a highschooler.
Game would include many of the hentai staples: rape, prostitution, old man/ugly bastard, bestiality, AV filming, incest, vanilla, shota, yuri, futa-on-female, and a pregnancy system similar to Violated Heroine (i.e. lasts days instead of weeks, slowly progresses).
Scenes would be unlocked when the character reaches certain stats, which covers a basic "lewdness" stat, but also the character's "interests", which would grow based on events you uncover, but also a simple character-creation system where you choose your character's background events (e.g. you pick a background where she got touched by an old man, grows her interest in older men; frequently bathed with her brother, grows her interest in incest).
Having low interest in something would result in now sexual activity happening, but witnessing it in a way to increase the interest. Slightly more, and she'd start with basic stuff (e.g. for incest, it might be kissing, touching, mutual masturbation etc.). Eventually her interest will grow enough to unlock all possible scenes.
There'd be limited story outside world-building, the sandbox nature is the focus, where you just play the character's life and find the kinda of scenes/fetishes that interest you.
>So the player controls mechanic only?
>When droid goes out on mission, what does the player do?
>Also how player earns money?
The gameplay loop I envision is
-Daytime, Droid goes out on mission
-MC can travel around the city, buy mods, hacking gear, and sex toys, locate areas for sex scenes, talk to other NPCs, etc.
-Evening, Droid returns from mission, player is in charge of her finances, but after all her upkeep fees, you're left with a smaller percentage of cash
-Evenings are probably when most sex scenes occur
-Night time is the gameplay portion of you hacking her brain, but you could choose to forgo a hacking attempt for a night time sex scene if you've progressed far enough.
>Also would love to see options to add slut tattoos on her.
>Ofc u would have to decrease her Shame stats.
It would be nice but tricky to impliment to not have to draw multiple variants. For sure though she'd get a womb tattoo. And maybe something like "Property of MC", "Built for Cock", or "Breeding Machine". Lotta options.
>Maybe some mods to make her better at bj and anal.
Bimbo Lips Mod
Extendo-Tongue Mod
Auto Anal Lube Oil Mod
With the power of mods, anything is possible.
>A stat menu to display her original measurements as well as new post body-mod measurements.
I think 3 phases would be perfect.
I was thinking a "Fully Armored" Phase 1, where she'd be wearing something like a fusion between the Varia Suit and the Zero Suit from Metroid, "Agility Mode" Phase 2 where she'd be wearing a plug suit like the drawings I've done so far, and a "Stimulus Suit" Phase 3 which would be some sort of leotard or sling bikini, where her amped ass and tits are really spilling out.

I'm tellin ya man, this idea has become my latest obssession. I really want to nail down her design so if anyone has any suggestions before I finalize it, or something close, let me know.
I want an H game where i can either get fucked or fight the monster without be penalized for either choice.
I don't like the idea of making children and abandoning them. I, however, like the idea of breeding warrior women to create an army I'll lead into battle, and depending on how old the soldiers I've sired get, breed them too. Also, it's hotter if there's a dynamic family tree tracking each soldier's genes, this is something that most breeding games lack.
I had an idea for a game where you had a choice at the start of the game to pick one of two heroines to play as, with the other becoming your "love rival". Both girls are competing for a guy's affection, and you challenge the other girl to a series of minigames and events.

If you succeed, you see the love rival's sex scene. If you lose, you get your chosen heroine's sex scene. It's literally a win-win. There'd be a couple endings, a 'win' ending for each girl individually, a 'bad end' for the losing girl, a ending where they share the guy, and ending where he decides he wants neither of them, and a ending where both girls decide they don't want him either.
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VH, but with choice between male or female player character. More scenes and progression for romanceable characters. Copy the farm/ranch from Drop Factory and Claire's quest. Player character's mother. Sexable player character's children.
>Age: 30
>Womb: Like New

This does not add up.

also, 183cm, holy shit. girl is tall.
Full pedo simulator. Have to live in a shack and tend to the kids you kidnapped. Fish, cut wood for fire, go to town in a trenchcoat to buy supplies, also presents for the girls.
Groom them properly or else they cry
Be smart in town or else they'll know who you are since you're the most wanted criminal in the country and your face is on the news
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my dream hentai rpg would be one where there is a female protagonist who is basically fantasy rpg Haruhi Suzumiya, who assembles a harem of girls who she molests and corrupts while working as some sort of mercenary company or something that allows her to take jobs that exploit her battle harem's sexuality for her amusement, like making them act as security for a slave auction while wearing skimpy outfits or going undercover in a brothel.
>progression for romanceable characters
For example?
You're just describing an improved version of Degrees of Lewdity
A strategy/role playing game where you take the roll of a evil villainess who uses seduction, coercion, sorcery and intimidation to recruit a horde of various monster species.
>obtain the loyalty of tribes of Orcs by offering their chieftains free use to your womb to create an Orcish heir
>offer captured slave girls to a herd of minotaurs to gain them as shock troops
>corrupt a coven of chaste priestess using magic to make them literally worship monster cock to heal your other troops
>pay Ogre mercenaries in food, loot and rape meat
That almost sounds like what the faggots making Kingdom of Deception were pitching but it's been in WEG hell for years so good luck on that not shitting itself.
I want a fantasy game where you go around defeating female warriors by fucking them into submission, and they become part of your team either as slave or because you've charmed them. Then it becomes a party management game where you can marry, pimp out, or arm your girls for future fights. Eventually you work your way up from a local town to conquering the kingdom and establishing your rule upon the nation, one creampie at a time.
Sounds lot like a princess&conquest.
I mean, you do need more game like that, but...
hey cool a chance to give some feedback and maybe
>detailed pregnancy system
nevermind. abandonware.
H-game where you play as the ruler of a kingdom that just conquered the neighboring one, one of the spoils of war is their princess who is captured and taken to your hold. Your objective is to tame her and cement your hold on her lands by having children with her, uniting your two houses. You have full authority over what happens to her, so the approach you take is up to you; you can be a simple warlord that just rapes her and otherwise neglects her, a gentle conqueror that charms her until she willingly becomes your bride, a sadist who submits her to numerous humiliations (parading her on the streets as a trophy, letting your troops have at her, etc.) until she is broken, etc.

Ideally the most advanced part of this would be her feelings towards you that could form in complex ways depending on what you do, and she could have a myriad of different personalities at the start that effects dialogue and the effectiveness of what you do to her (so for instance a warrior princess that has an iron will and is extremely hard to break, or a soft princess that is more vulnerable to being wooed but quickly becomes resentful or broken upon mistreatment, and so on). Could possibly expand it by letting you invade other kingdoms after the start and repeating the process to form a harem if you wanted, but that's probably too ambitious.
That's literally RJ216322 except for the last sentence. You think you're the only one who played it?
2D side scroller where you play as tentacle monster ala Carrion but with skill progression.

You start off small and on the tutorial level you need to stick to a girl and become a parasitic underwear-like form where you feed off her juices and get your first upgrades.

Real game starts as your first victim goes to school and your goal is to breed all the women there. Since you're small, you have to be stealthy. If you're discovered, the authorities are alerted and it's a full on SWAT team combat. Once you clear the school stage, you can go on to other locations like mall, train station, etc. 2nd stage onwards, you will battle magical girls and you have to capture them but fighting them is tough.

Skill progression wise, you can choose which type of skill buuld you want to go for. You can stay as a parasitic form that takes over the host instead of just feeding off of her. Further levels allow you to create multiple zombies that automatically breed. You can also choose to go large,move super slow and can't navigate tight spaces but hit harder. You will gain the ability to vore females and create breeding nests which takes a portion of your HP. Or you can go the needle route where you can poison victims via aphrodisiac injections. Going this route allows for body augmentation (futas, breast expansion) and allows you to create slimes that aid you. You won't be able to level all of them, so choose your wisely.
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I've got to say Violated Princes mods are getting pretty legit. If they could get them fully incorporated into the game story progression that would be awesome.
never heard of it
Sounds excellent. A clear fetish and clear progression. Bite the bullet and go for it.

Sounds fun. I don't think there's a clear hook so it might drown in the sea of h-games, but if it delivers it might become a cult classic.
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>tfw I might actually end up making a game
We're still so early in the planning phase, it's hardly worth talking about but we are refining the vision.
I'd like a game where eugenic breeding plays a strong role in the gameplay.
RJ01182545 just released (so JP only - but it's MV, so you can MTL it)
where'd you hear that egg thing?

it would be a cool idea if instead of laying an egg, in-game lore holds that the egg of a pokemon gestating inside a woman disippates and they give birth to them like human kids. or the egg is flexible. kind of weird to have a big hard egg inside.
if i wasnt a retard and could figure out how to download, i would try the game out
something about not being able to post it on any website due to loli stuff just seems odd to me when the outside, looks like its not loli at all
A mercenary simulator where you save girls and can either sell them off to work in your mercenary watering hole, sleep with them to boost morale and stats or hand them over in hopes of getting to schmooze with the elites in each kingdom who has access to certain resources you need to win over local legends

Threats includes orcs, goblins, fishfolks, tentacle monsters, beastmen and the countless of creeps who had their fun with the women and now it's time to bring hell and fury to the creeps and either be a merc who lives in the moment or the classic hero of the kingdom who has his own harem
Hopefully you can figure out how to torrent, at least.
i am a retard but thankfully my friend isnt and told me a quick one
thank you anyways
This game is literally a waiting simulator with how little shit there is to do besides making number go up faster.
Even calling it the skeleton of a game is being generous with it.

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