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Anchira is kill.
alternatives anyone?
You've got to be shitting me. How does this even happen anyway. Like, don't tell me there aren't shitholes countries on this planet where you can just host shit however you want and nobody can do DMCA shit against you. Like, just host shit in Ziggerland, or Iran, or Afghanistan for all I care if they have a tiny bit of internet. What could an US tribunal do about it anyway.
try visiting the site. FUCK YOU JEWCOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck how can I grab my favourite list?
You know, F*KKU wouldn't be as bad (still pretty bad but not as bad) if they allow downloads of F*KKU Unlimited. As of now, even if I'm rich as fuck, that whole subscription thing is still a pretty shit deal because most content can only be accessed online, using their online reader. And last time I tried one of their free content, the reader is pretty bad. Also, the nature of online-only content is that in a bad weather day or whatever, you basically can't load your porn anymore (or not as quick as you would ever like).

Their ludicrous prices are also another problem, at least according to my cheap ass. 27 dollarinos for a 138 pages doujin?
9/10 times is because of OPSEC.
Not saying the guy running Anchira is at fault for this, but a lot of people underestimate the tracking capabilities on the internet these days.
To keep a domain of that type up and running you need to be insulated from any legal action. That means nobody has the capability to find out who you are. All they need is your ISP, and they can get that through literally any social media platform, instagram, FB, reddit, discord, etc.
Once they have the ISP they have your location, and then can either go after you specifially for legal action, or the name on the ISP.
Nobody can do anything to you if they don't have the information to create a legal basis to shut you down.
I have like 100 of bookmark in the site, where should i go next bros ..
To whoever was operating the site, thank you
that was good run for 8 months..
go to nyaa and download the archive before it get deleted
Is it the Ksk guy? Ksk link redirects to anchira.
Remember to thank this guy.
yeah, https://www.fakku.net

now fuck off
fuck off jewcob
He's not entirely wrong, though. First you go there to find shit you want, then you go to >>8042474 and download that shit from there, either separately or from one of the batch torrents. It's just the newest shit that's problematic to pirate for the time being (several weeks to months)
why do you want to give traffic to jewcob's site?
a) he can't C&D his own site and
b) the torrents do not have tags
A better alternative would be scrapping the tags off of his website into a local database but someone would have to code and maintain that.
Serves them right for having that obnoxious auto-scrolling.
Hopefully the next head of the hydra will learn from their mistakes.
What's wrong with auto-scrolling?
what the fuck is auto-scrolling even
Nice try baiting for more sites to shutdown.
literal retard
increasing the evolutionary pressure is the only way to get stronger, better, more resilient sites
>search up "anchira" in catalog
>1 to this thread
>others are 2 cuckshit threads
Support natural selection and kill yourself.
I'm sad, I haven't downloaded my favorites.
Some people are smart. They learn from others how to avoid mistakes.
More people are dumb. They only learn from their own mistakes after they've made them.
Most people are retarded. They never learn.

You still have a chance, after realizing this.
Never bothered creating one to begin with knowing this would happen. Download what you like, keep that favorites list offline.
My only gripe with download the .cbz doujins off of Anchira is that there's zero metadata included for tags and stuff.
>Jewcob reported the site for cp when the copyright claims didn't go anywhere
How fucking petty can that Jew be?
Only a matter of time until the hydra grows a new head
Stop hosting your domain in the US goddammit
I'm kinda wondering if any laws were actually broken. The stuff was hosted in a place where it's not a crime to do so. Why would the owner's place of residence matter? If I smoke a joint in Canada, the US has no right to prosecute me for that just because it's illegal there.
Looks like someone put up a metadata zip with
scraped tags for each entry, so at least there's that. Guess I'll be spending the weekend figuring out how to join the anchira archive with the ksk archive.
>Looks like someone put up a metadata zip with scraped tags for each entry
Where's that been uploaded?
I just want tags to work nice with Hentoid on my phone.
Nice, thanks.
Kinda surprised that the torrent for the entirety of Anchira is only like ~480GB
Roughly 35mb per entry. Seems about right to me.
Can't this be used to point out that fakku stuff is cp as well?
Might as well sink the whole thing.
Can I have the source of your statement?
fakku have shota/loli doujin
report them
Aren't they the source of the "uncensored" stuff though? Won't that be a bad idea?
Basically. Nobody wants them to shut down, I'd just like them for stop being so fucking invested in nobody pirating their shit. I'm never gonna pay for fap material and especially not a subscription. I've got a well paying job by at this point, but this is a matter of principle.
>Other thread had legit fkku shills unironically praising their shit
>Some were straight up speaking like ESL autists and trying to pretend their newfagotry is normal while calling half the thread newfags for not liking jewcob
I know its been like 5 years since I properly posted but I remember /h/ being better at kicking shills and retard kids
They pissed off all super engaged users already and cant get new ones cause no newbie is gonna sign for one manga, specially if he wont know the author as they get nuked everywhere, theyre doomed already
Since his is "official" hes a few reports away from losing his own site for it too
>not lurking to find out
Tits or gtfo
Everybody WANTS it down tho, uncensored work was done by scans themselves back in the day, many of wich lost their projects do jewcob, theyre legit damaging to the scene, dont be a newfag
>reditors are raiding again
We had uncensored for years due sub groups doing it themselves, some still do. They reached a point where having Fukkyou around does way more harm than not, objectively. Dont relativise their shit when their corruption goes way back too, this isnt some site copyrightfaging, they did tons of fucky shit in the scene even back then
Its only a matter of time before someone REALLY fucks him up as his adress is known too. The scene being better by losing a service says a lot about how bad it is, so dont speak for anyone if youre a tourist just discovering them
We had it before, well have it after, bad trash like Turdcob need purging so a better option is born
Yes, theyre in a tight rope
Nope. Speak for yourself, they took down thousands of works they dont even own nor offer and never will due having authors with other works they had. Parts if your free shit may become lost media for you cause a fat retard wants to play crook so he has the only smut in town, he knows it doesnt increase profit and kills older works cause newcomers wont find the good shit, but he dont care as long as others are pressured, dont defend such cunty retards
i'd rather not risk lolisho stuff being banned everywhere
>We had uncensored for years due sub groups doing it themselves
are you really comparing that redrawn "decensoring" garbage with uncensored?
Please stop talking to that retard.
The guy running Anchira is 100% at fault for being a fucking dumbass with OPSEC. Who the hell runs a site hosting copyrighted content and not think to cover their own asses?
This, also don't call loli stuff cp, that's retarded.
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Is it all tagged too?
Thanks anon
Loving the "ancient chinese lithographies"
I don't pirate much so i dont have a vpn, but whats a good VPN to use for the anchira torrents that i can just use to download them and then never use again
protonvpn with a throwaway
Coombros. What will we do next?
What's the difference between created and published?
How come Chaika manages to survive through the years and the others do not?
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It's trash in usability.
How do we know the site is dead and not just a cloudflare or hosting issue, or if it's down for maintenance?
Anyone one know a way to parse the metadata and add it to the cbz?
Cbz files are zip files. Zip files can store data in extra fields but it's limited. I think it's better to store the metadata in a json file. eg:
[Artist] Title.cbz ----> cbz file
[Artist] Title.metadata.json ----> metadata file
>hentainexus is back and still alive
>no more broken images
>updated their catalogue
>try making a forum in case something happens
Yup, we are so back.
You cant download stuff there, only read.
>look up a regular tag
Why do I even bother
I have around 5k downloads from the site but about half of them don't have artist names, is there any way I could automate adding them?
many ways, depending on which scripting or programming languages you know
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Anyone here knows if anchira was hosting all the works that were originally on ksk and hn before they were taken down?
I want to delete dupes but I'm to lazy to check through all the files.
Koushoku = ksk = Anchira
hn rips are compressed/webp garbage so you're safe to delete them

Jacob overtly shilling now

Over a decade of spamming threads to groom newfags
So can get rid of both hn and ksk since ksk was the same as anchira?
Sweet, thanks

Files and metadata:


Fakku can never redeem themselves after all of the shit that they've done

For example, as you should know, they've been copyright claiming hundreds of thousands of galleries on Exhentai since 2013. Recently, they demanded every Exhentai user to forgive Fakku by never saying anything negative about Fakku and in exchange Fakku "would promise" to not copyright claim anymore
No, the zip files should have a unique ID, and there should be a single database file that tells you what tags and shit that unique ID has.

If.you retards thought long term, you'd be kangz. Instead your Fakku's little bitch
Fakku decensors too.
Comic cp existed before Fakku was a thing. Also fuck you, ESL and EOP.
The shit I see at hn is neither compressed or webp though, where are you looking?

>Since his is "official" hes a few reports away from losing his own site for it too

Not really. He's friends with powerful oligarchies, one of them being Bill Ackman who Visa and Mastervard kowtow to


Hello shill
It's either Jacob, Daiz, YQII, some other Fakku employee or one of their shills.

Fakku doesn't give a single penny from their profit from Fakku sub to artists, Fakku shares that profit with the publisher, not the artist. Fakku will translate and publish an artist's indie work, but only if the artist pays Fakku first, and Fakku will only give the artist a very small percentage of each sale after Fakku sells enough copies. Also, Fakku has a copyright service in which artists can pay Fakku to issue out copyright takedown notices on behalf of the artist, hence why they persistently wish to manipulate to everyone that one "illegal" download is one lost sale.

To get an idea of how much they want artists and everyone else to pay up first, and bear in mind Fakku makes millions of dollars in profit, they begged on Kickstarter for $47000 to fund a new team to translate something because their old team was busy, but they ended up using their old team after getting the idiots to cough up &60021.

How despicable are paypigs? A paypig paid $2500 to Fakku to eat at McDonald's with Jacob.


Fakku is is a scam by narcissists, liars and hypocrites. To give money to Fakku to support artists is identical to saying "I'm an idiot".
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The issue is Fakku is hiding who their payment and hosting providers are. They started hiding them when their previous payment provider cut them off for violating that provider's terms of service. Fakku is so pathetic that they threatened to take the provider to court. Fakku was unable to accept payments for almost two months because of this. Providers don't really care about their profitable clients violating their terms of service until someone sheds some light on it.

I believe this was the first time someone managed to financially hurt Fakku.
Good tactic, Jacob. To prevent people from reading Fakku shit for free, brainwash the retarded newfags by spamming the lie that you didn't know those websites existed before that post was made.
>uncensored work was done by scans themselves back in the day
Decensoring done by fans is not the same thing as original uncensored art by the authors though. The former can get really close if the censorship is particularly light (like black bars that are partially see-through) but censorship has only gotten worse in Japan over time, like nowadays even tankobon releases can have shit like picture related if you're unlucky. Doujins have it even worse, I've seen authors who put heavy black bars on top of mosaics, and decensoring that kind of mess would require a complete redraw from imagination at that point. All in all, official foreign releases are the only reliable and consistent way to get proper uncensored art.
>Fakku doesn't give a single penny from their profit from Fakku sub to artists, Fakku shares that profit with the publisher, not the artist.
>Fakku will translate and publish an artist's indie work, but only if the artist pays Fakku first
>To get an idea of how much they want artists and everyone else to pay up first
The fact that Fakku ran a crowdfunding campaign almost a decade ago to do a print release for a 1000+ page older manga with extra goodies etc does not in any way support your other claims.
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erm I thought they were the goodguys
I can't support terrorist organizations, sorry.
>Downloads are already planned, but making them happen without causing excessive server load will take time
Fucking damnit, I was literally just Falling some Hirune and Henkuma Doujins. Guess I gotta go find a job.

Oh look it's the Fakku shill who spams threads, is a retarded newfag (is illiterate, thinks Reddit spacing is real, and thinks 4chan uses the same text editor as Reddit), spams "source" when sources exist, and thinks being pedantic and playing semantics is good faith.

Just because a fact doesn't work in your favor doesn't make it go away.

The source is (You), you fucking retard. While you were sperging out, spamming Fakku's strawmans, deflecting, and denying that Fakku funds their projects with other people's money, you confessed that Fakku in fact will only do something until someone pays them first, in your post in the other thread that you spammed in >>8029239:
>What the hell are you even insinuating here? Every license and project requires money to complete, which means every project requires you to consider if it will make back the money put into it (unless there are other considerations). For a particularly unsure project it's not unusual to gauge interest upfront, and that's something Kickstarter can be used for.
>you confessed that Fakku in fact will only do something until someone pays them first
How much of an ESL retard are you to fail at reading comprehension this badly? What I wrote in no way supports your claim. Fakku has done one crowdfunding campaign 8 years ago. Besides that, they have never asked money upfront from potential customers to release something (since they haven't done any other Kickstarters). And "they asked CUSTOMERS money upfront to license something, ONCE" does not in any way translate to "they ask ARTISTS to pay money upfront to license something, EVERY SINGLE TIME." That is an entirely separate claim for which you have presented no proof whatsoever. And I'm not seeing you posting any sources for any other wild claims of yours either.
>How much of an ESL retard

That's funny coming from the Fakku shill debating about semantics and confessing that Fakku forces licensors to pay despite sperging out that Fakku doesn't.
I thought tor sites are slow as hell and take minutes for every small image to load
Did it get better?
Unfortunately Fakku has the largest uncensored resolution of something that I like, much larger than Project-H or even Taiwanese uncensored scans, and people put the latter on panda but not the Fakku version

I just buy raws otherwise
How bad is Fakku compared to DMM and DLsite? Yeah credit card companies fucked those too but do they pay the artists more?
do dmm dlsite send dmca? no? then fakku is the shitiest
>Aren't they the source of the "uncensored" stuff though?
They are the reason people like me don't bother uncensoring stuff anymore, they are a net negative on that front
If you did decensoring in the past, I salute you and thank you for your kind contribution to us poor and penniless leeches. I might still have a copy of your works. Haha.

Still, it is sad if people like you stopped what you were doing because of Fakku.

>How much of an ESL retard are you to fail at reading comprehension this badly

This you?

>Finally something that can be actually
>easily looked up. I found the posts from
>both where they talk about Irodori, and
>neither of them are actually defending
>Irodori outright. YQII is skeptical about
>the veracity of any claims based on his
>experience with claims about Fakku
>(which I'd say is fair considering how you
>are here making all these wild claims
>with no proof for any of it) while Daiz
>says that the claims do sound
>hypocritical if true but that also none of
>it has anything to do with Fakku because
>Irodori is a separate company and its
>internal drama is its own business.
>Picture has the relevant sections from
>both posts, but here are the forum links
>for good measure:
DLsite shares the profit from each sale with the artist regardless of how many copies are sold. Dunno about DMM.
How long it takes for one high res uncen pic to load? How are you supposed to read hentai? You would go limp while pic loads
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Does anyone have the latest Siokonbu's doujin??
so no clone will be popping up anytime soon? that's a shame
Glad I was smart enough to just download everything I wanted/liked. Screw just reading in-site, that's why I hate nexus. Oh well, nyaa will have to do for now.
Try 18kami.com
How do you guys download in HN without logging in? I'm too paranoid to create an account there.
There's a download button now bro.
Paranoid of what? It isn't asking for your credit card or SSN, just get a protonmail email or something if you don't wanna give your personal one lol.
Wow, that was actually cool, thanks. Now if only it also have a lower quality image version for download to people with dial-up internet connection. Hahaha!
There are some FAKKU/Irodori stuff that it seems no one has ever pirated yet.
>[IRON Y] Ninja Office Lady: Hyper Kinky Mission, Vol. 01
>[Kuroba Dam] Girls Unmasked
I can't tell if the pricing for those are outrageous or not but it does seem so.
Decensoring is entirely different from uncensoring though. Depending on how it's censored, decensoring might as well be the same as redrawing.
The idea of publishing official uncensored English version of existing hentai is not bad by itself. The problem is FAKKU being greedy fucks.
Anyone know how to self host the anchira collection on nyaa?
jewcob's last name
Not for the latest unlimited stuff
just fucking wait
Behead all Fakku employees.
>>just fucking wait
seriously, fuck these sites. Just stick to torrents, who the fuck cares if it takes a week or a month, at least you don't have to worry about some centralized site dying again.
Not the anon you're replying to and I agree with you, but there's no guarantee we'll see nice torrent packs. Rbot[number] or whatever his name was suddenly stopped back then, on top of being behind by thousands of releases and then nothing other than drip fed individual torrents here and there. It's not until a kind anon from here took over after Anchira was set up that torrents came back. But there's no guarantee the packs will continue, or that every individual releases will get a torrent.
I wish distribution through torrent was the primary vector, but alas it's treated as a secondary one.
>I wish distribution through torrent was the primary vector, but alas it's treated as a secondary one.
Thanks anon
Is there an up-to-date fakku torrent anywhere? I am fucking tired of hopping from site to site and they go down, can someone just dump all the site content in a torrent with the metadata?

Not everyone wants to broadcast his or her IP address to the internet or use a proxy, you fucking retard

But that is wrong, shill. People shou hate your favorite company because they backstab, lie, hypocricize, and see everyone else as a subhuman.
>broadcast his or her IP address to the internet
If they don't want their IP address to be broadcasted to the internet, as it's necessary no matter what you do anyway, then good luck for them using Tor and its shitty ass speeds. If they still want to use the regular internet and they're that paranoid, they can use a 2 bucks VPN then. That's what these paranoids fucks do. I know I do, that's how I download all my movies and vidyas through torrents, among other things.
Literally a non-issue.
>asking normalfags to download with torrent
ngmi, they want to read porn online and cry when the site is dead
it doesn't seem to have slutty livestreamer part 5
What a shame, but thanks anyway
Oops >>8058987
It's on nyaa.
You're literally retarded for being illiterate
All the Fakku shit seems to be some boring vanilla fag tier crap anyway. No good anal gaping doujins.
funny how vanilla is always "all the shit that doesn't have my fetish in it", so by definition 99% of everything is vanilla...
My fetish is vanilla
Your entire fucking post reeks of ESL and you have no clue what you're talking about in relation to to decensoring (which you are calling uncensoring because you're a fucking ESL yourself...or maybe you just don't know the difference?)
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Does anyone here have that spreedsheet file of anchira/ksk's titles and tags?
btw anons I'm the guy who ran fakkunet27t5i5laxfyrrxqqndpd53do73vi4bbj6jcf7wfdszjukmid.onion

But I have since changed my mind and will be running it for the foreseeable future.

Also I do have a full directory list of the files so if you want to download them directly just add :3001 to the end of the URL. Or http://fakkunet27t5i5laxfyrrxqqndpd53do73vi4bbj6jcf7wfdszjukmid.onion:3001/

Just don't expect anything fast as it's tor.

I will be updating my onion whenever ccdc06 uploads a update.
Fakku are trying to curb your porn addiction. Be thankful for their efforts. Getting money is a nice thing too.
>"Plz no slander and we ain't claiming a thing anymore"
You just know they will break the rule themselves by claiming some random comment broke the stalemate under slander and then copyright claim a gorillion sites in turbo mode. Only for us to later found out they themselves used a shill or a fake account to restart the copyright claims.
How many more h-sites will get pruned or killed?

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