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>DLsite page of the DLC with the PV:
>DLsite page of the base game:
>Seismic's twitter
>Seismic's blog

"Sexy AND cute and she knows it!" edition.

Magipoka turned 18 years old a little over a month ago! So if Liru was 15/16 years old then, she would be 33/34 years old now!

"The Liru Project" (The name of the original threads) never ends. Liru is eternal and will always be with us. I believe that even after all of our lives have passed, Liru will still be remembered, discussed and content created in her name. The Liru Project goes on.

Yes, Seismic helped create a whole flock of newbies thinking Liru is just "that hentai character". It is what it is. It has been done. Look at it in a positive light, this gives us the opportunity to introduce magipoka to a new generation.

As I write this, I am sitting in Haneda Airport about to return home from my near month long stay in Hikarigaoka and the Tokyo region on my pilgrimage. I have many more pictures to share with everyone and the high quality original versions of the images are going in the /rs/ - Rapidshare Magipoka Archive.

Forever and ever...
Zombie thread keeps shambling along.
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Nine, almost 10 months for the last one. That's pretty good! Let's make this one even better!
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WGWY hits 50000 sales
since everyone else is too lazy ya'll are just gonna have to put up with my slow as balls internet

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I'm sorry my internet is too fucking shit to seed
Liru marches on...

Never existed. Glad you enjoyed it. :)
youre not even the one that made it up, I was.
NSFL Liru fangame when?
Unpopular opinion but, I want to have sexual relations with Liru!
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Is this scene in only in Full Moon edition? I don't recall seeing or unlocking this scene at all.
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That is correct.

Liru was standing right under the lamppost in front of the restroom waiting/talking to Ryo. The restroom didn't exist back in 2005/6.
>Android version soon™
Kinda redundant since it makes more sense to watch video files but whatever. Someone already made an apk of it.
Same. In fact, we all do, so it is not an unpopular opinion.
I see.
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Happy Strawberry Moon / Solstice!
Protein is very important.
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Imagine meeting and getting to know Liru during your formative years as a child.
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Liru walked up this path to the clearing just past the trees for her moon viewing.
Where's the fucking?
You don't fuck Liru, you either breed or love. Now the question is shoving it up her ass is breeding? Cause not sure she'd love it

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