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Show me Your blacklisted tags.

Lots of degeneracy flying around, and while I don't judge (notice lack of incest tag in my blacklist), we can help each other by defining fetishes we don't like and help filter them. My blacklist would probably be ten times bigger if I knew them all.

Also free to recomend Authors/works that You like. Starting with:
>[Fuuga] Sensei wo Mitekudasai | Sense of Values of Wine [English] [Faytear + World Three] [Decensored]
Lol I wanted to make this thread years ago, nice to not be the only one with this idea.
I have more tags blacklisted but a bunch of really good artist have some crappy shitty tags that were blocking me from their work, so I had to concede
We just had this thread a few months ago, check the archives.
How do you check/find the archive on here?
Reposting my previous answer last time this was asked.

>AI Generated
>Male feminization
>Male crossdressing
Here are my tags for the search bar of a certain site:

-female:netorare -tag:mmf_threesome -male:males_only -male:forniphilia -female:forniphilia -tag:western_cg -female:bestiality -male:bestiality -female:vore -male:vore -male:miniguy -male:feminization -female:scat -male:scat -male:yaoi -female:females_only -tag:no_penetration -tag:variant_set -female:furry -female:dickgirls_only -male:pegging -male:cbt -tag:incomplete -female:futanari -female:giantess -tag:nudity_only -male:old_man -tag:3d -tag:out_of_order -female:male_on_dickgirl -female:shemale -male:snuff -female:snuff -female:guro -male:guro -tag:replaced -male:harem -male:monster


This might make me miss out on other "tolerable" media, but it's not much of a waste.
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Good idea, anon.

Here's my search keywords:

english -webtoon -cbt -snuff -guro -vore -futanari -orc -goblin -giantess -miniguy -netorare -shotacon
I find blocking particularly large artists has helped a great deal

And I must clarify, I have female netorare on watch not because I want to find it, but because netori despite being the same conceptually, is in essence, an entirely different fetish. It really deserves it's own tag. So, using a combined mental algorithm of factoring in the artist's normal work, cover art, title, skimming dialogue pages, and valuable comments, I can assertain whether something is regular cuckshit to avoid, or a sleeper hit. It's not a luxurious job. It's as close to sifting through actual shit as I want to get, but some of my favorite doujins have been found there.
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I use Excel to score artists by what they draw.
It's not 100% accurate because the tagging is shit but it works well.
i'm not a snowflake so i don't use filters i see something i don't like i just ignore simple as
Yep. On it.
But that would make you a "snowflake"(by your own standards) for being incapable of "ignoring" OP's post though?

Isn't that ironic?
The only thing I need to say, I only enjoy vanilla and harem. But needless to say that if I see another fucking orc and goblin bullshit, I would personally go nuke Japan.
Well, glad that I can also share my, though not really share as just mentioning the one tag that makes my blood boil.
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Again, insect and anything related to scat, insect again seriously I hate any sort of depiction of invertebrates reproducing with humans or anthropomorphic females, Kill all bugs, total Bug annihilation, spray insecticide everywhere.
You gotta share some of that sauce, anon.
I'll drop some of the decent netori stories I've found once I'm out of work, brother. The good shit almost anyone can enjoy.
Where good netori stories, my good fellow?
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I'm not too picky, I think.
Apologies, man. I've been busy. Haven't really had a chance to sit down and comb through my 3000+ saved doujins/image sets for the netori, which doesn't have a proper tag on Exhentai.

But I haven't forgotten. Just gotta get around to it.

Thankfully threads move pretty slow.
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Never noticed that I was the outsider in this space until I blocked loli/shota and entire pages get censored out.
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language:english -yaoi -yuri -futanari -group -"gender bender" -scat

When I have to search for a tankoubon I remove the -group tag.
This is my search bar
tags:sister -lolicon -mmf -shotacon -scat -futanari -yaoi -yuri pages:<100 english
I exclusively only fap to blood related non shota non loli brother sister vanilla incest.
Don't bother blacklistingn these days especially with the advent of normalfag uploaders/translators who will tag some high schooler shit as lolicon or translate incorrectly such as calling siblings non-related when the OG didn't.
its more efficient to browse with if you blacklist things you don't wanna see
only yaoi cross dressing and femboy
everything else is good
Jesus Christ, bud. Gain some mental fortitude.
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Mostly just filter gross stuff as I see it.
Nah, I'm with him.
I don't even like MFF threesomes, either.
I think they're just categorically worse than a single couple, every time.
I think I only filter languages and meta tags (rough grammar, western, artists), partly because I'm pretty /d/eviant but also because there are very few fetishes I would call complete no-faps for me
like futa used to feel this way for me, but I never filtered it because not only does it show up at random in otherwise great doujins / imagesets, I eventually ended up finding artists that do it well enough for me to like it (motsuaki and momomo mostly)
even searching for more out there shit like unbirth in my favorites I can find a couple sets that I'd argue are incredibly vanilla, including tsf no f stuff which is almost too vanilla for me besides their one main defining fetish
I imagine I might have filtered really gay tags (bara stuff mostly) if I weren't bisexual though
>I'm not a snowflake so I just browse through millions of results without search tags. Using search tags is gay.
Real men has no blacklist
>real men
You don't blacklist gay stuff?
Did I stutter?
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Usually good enough. Usually
Wish I could sort "my tags" alas mine is a hodge podge of tags I like vs tags I don't.

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