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A normalized harem is better when the girls are okay with their role. I understand that there is very little such content.
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This one is good actually
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He loves futa.. why
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small correction, what you are referring to is polygamy
"harems" are a shitty attempt by japs at polygamy but filled with shitty tropes and beta mcs
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not quite. Sometimes there are threads of a normalized harem, but , autist here do not understand what they are about and just post a threesome
>harems" are a shitty attempt by japs at polygamy but filled with shitty tropes and beta mcs
Actually the japanese started to call those show harem just now after seeing the gaijins doing it. If you search shows like those they're in the category of ''romcom''. burgers started calling romcoms harem
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I'd really like if there was more of this artwork. So I tried write an explanation that can be copypasta'd. Feel like it needs work. Input welcome.

>What is normalized harem?
Usually harem porn has a guy having sex with a bunch of women at once (an orgy). Or a bunch of women lined up for him to select from.
Although such events might occur regularly in harem life, it would actually be quite exhausting to be a male and have to have sex with six women every night. Additionally, all the women seem one-dimensional, although there are multiple women in the harem, there may as well be just one because they're all just doing the same thing.
Normalized harem is when the male and all his women have grown accustomed to harem life. They live their day-to-day lives without the need for a permanent orgy. Sure, the male might be having sex with one or two women at a time, but he doesn't need to have every woman in his harem around every time he wants to get his rocks off. Other women take care of other needs, like playing video games with him or cooking dinner or cleaning the house.
Ideally the artist has thought about what other ways they might keep the males household running, how they might facilitate him being able to have sex with them, how they feel about each other when the male is not around, etc.

>Why is this appealing?
Because the harem has a sense of permanence and reality. The girls depicted aren't there for a one time fuck, they're a permanent buffet always available to the male. The appealing part is not just the act of sex, but the lifestyle that the male has.
The appearance of the women's existence during their off-time helps sell this.
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Here's an example of not-normalised harem. We're supposed to believe that the guy just sits on the throne having his cock sucked all day? Talk about a boring life. Why are the other two women even there?
Here's an example of normalized harem, but without any sex. The dude is just chilling with his girls. It looks like he's not in the mood for sex right now but could have it if he wanted.
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Here's a great one where the guy and girls take a break for lunch. Though its missing the permanence of daily life aspect.
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Here's the worst type of "harem" porn.
First off, not a harem, just the aftermath of an orgy.
Where supposed to believe he fucked all the girls to the point of exhaustion, blew his load, and then moved on to the next, while the last girl just remained in the spot where he fucked her.
How long have some of these women being lying down?
>"Get up you lazy bitch and cook dinner!"
And the poor guy, how much must his dick hurt by the time he's on girl number four.
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The reality of sharing a bed with multiple women
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>mfw surrounded by women who just want to have sex with me.
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Only one girl in this pic but it feels like normalised harem.
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Gonna stop posting because I'm out of good normalized harem stuff that fits on /h/. But hopefully some artist sees what I'm getting at and fills this niche.
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For completionist's sake I'm reposting OP's image but larger and cropped. It remains the best piece of normalized harem artwork I'm aware of.
Need the other one with the girl looking at the airplane overhead
I don't have that one but I'd like it.
>hopefully some artist sees what I'm getting at and fills this niche.

this type of thing is a ton of work, I do tend to want to push towards some sort of normalized harem with my stuff, like Naruto, like Nichijou, bleach or some other western properties, as well as my own projects, but I tend to run out of steam or ideas before finishing anything. I was getting away with it in Nichijou thread, but posting original arts on /h/ always feel a little iffy outside of draw threads.
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The classic from Kisaragi Gunma, Giri Giri Sisters. In this story, besides the girls doing household chores while waiting for their turn, there are various implications of them already settled in with the harem situation with them making schedules on the sexy time between each girl and having roleplay sessions once in a while. The dude had so many harem story setups over the years yet he never continued most of them unfortunately, Giri Giri Sisters was his most fleshed-out work by far.
>posting original arts on /h/ always feel a little iffy outside of draw threads
OC is always welcome
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this is awesome man, got anymore?
Still his uncontested best work.
His more recent tanks got picked up by a western publisher because they're the newer, shinier thing, but if they picked up giri giri sisters it would probably outsell the others combined.
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going through my old stuff, I really don't have many stand-alone drawings that fulfills all the criteria, just a general atmosphere that require a lot of setup and not much actual sex.

In my own project MC's "wives" spend entire first chapter sitting around talking about the mechanics of plot driver and logistic of their sex schedules and household finances, while the guy is gathering more "wives".

I have some other stuff that might fit the criteria like Naruto and Nichijou.
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It's unfortunate that this chapter and the Love Selection's first story were never expanded on.
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Do you mean this one, Anon?
Also, the artist a lot of you are posting is Takemura Sessyu. One of my favorites for the "normalized harem" and orgy shit I likd. Be warned, he does do futa sometimes. Gonna post some of the ones that fit the thread.
Last one I could find without futa or that doesn't fit the thread, or was a part of a doujin he did. He does a lot of Kancolle stuff, and he does do doujins. Easily searchable on NHentai.
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Was looking at this manga and it reminded me of this thread. English tls are 1/3rd of the way but slowly getting there.
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The name is Boku wa Kimitachi wo Shihai suru
Yes thank you
I really wish harem wasn't such a difficult tag to work with. Usually you just get 1 girl at a time and maybe a threesome thrown in somewhere.
If anyone gives you shit for posting harem OC, kindly direct then to the nearest blacked/cuck thread.
well, I haven't gotten any objections in /h/ recently. Although they had been stimulating in the past from elsewhere.

I've been considering exchanging ideas for requests, but to be honest I am concern what type of request I might get. lol
The problem with harems is that all anime women look the same
they don't have to look the same? Some of the best harems are small tiny girls and their busty mothers
Thanks for the recommendation. This manga is great!
> The problem with harems is that all anime women look the same
Shame it's only an ecchi, but good stuff regardless.
[Unadon]Fuck for Your Country
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I for get the picture, post again

[Unadon]Fuck for Your Country

Although this is their job, they don't seem to be dissatisfied.
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> [Unadon]Fuck for Your Country
>fakku only
Try google “[Unadon]Fuck for Your Country”
You’re welcome
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Thoughts on Isekai Meikyuu de Harem o?
Frustrating how slow the manga for that story updates.
We should increase the birthrate of girls to 5-6 times that of men and restore harems.
lvl (sentrythe2310) 765
xenoblade chronicles (series) 20k
xenoblade chronicles 2 15k
xenoblade chronicles 3 3.8k
mythra (xenoblade) 6.0k
nia (xenoblade) 2.7k
pyra (xenoblade) 6.7k
rex (xenoblade) 1.5k
1boy 1.2M
3girls 223k
blush 2.7M
breasts 3.1M
cleavage 909k
closed eyes 623k
completely nude 159k
from side 194k
group sex 52k
hetero 499k
jewelry 910k
long hair 3.9M
looking at another 221k
medium breasts 818k
monochrome 579k
multiple girls 1.4M
nude 451k
open mouth 2.1M
> lvl (sentrythe2310) 765
That actually looks kinda nice and comfy; not just hot girls to enjoy, but good, chill company.
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Kyonyuu Fantasy is a pretty good harem VN. The first one branches out to multiple sequels featuring the aftermath of his rise to power and chronicles the way in which the MC interacts with his wives and concubines within his kingdom and his wives from other nations.
It's so fucking peak. Wonder when we'll get a second season
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In a perfect world we'd already have an S2 and the mango would update faster. Alas.

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