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You like it too? The scenario is so damn hot.
RIP Autobahn, you were one of a kind when it came to milf porn.
>The scenario is so damn hot.
Are the girls into it? Is it their first time? I wish it was translated.
Very much so and no, it's not their first rodeo.
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From Autobahn's fanbox (from Mosquito Man's thread )
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Easily my most wished for translation but no luck as of yet. I've even tried to commission an Edited MTL but got a flat out no due to a lack of tools for the engine which I think is false. The VA's are top notch and if you love cheating milf's then you won't find a better nukige.
I love how earnestly and a hungrily they sign up to get gangfucked.

true milf sluts, 5-6 guys hit on them and they are slapping their cocks on their tongues 30 minutes later.
the girls JUMP at the chance to run off from their kids and husband to fuck 18-20 year old men.

I haven't seen enough translated dialogue to know if its their first time having extramarital affairs, but they aren't shy, and scream obscenities as 5 men beat their face with their cocks and make them drink pints of cum.
They admit to having had many, many affairs. What makes this one truly special is that it's initially framed like they've been picked up by the delinquents when in actuality this whole thing was the MILF's intention all along. Totally nympho old hag's.
That's older women for you, like half of women "that age" go into hypersex overdrive and start doing obscene shit they would have scoffed at to their husband in their late 20's early 30s.
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What is this? I've never seen this art, don't give me hope.
Canceled sequel from Autobahn's fanbox (developer's)
Does that artist have a lora for pony? I suddenly crave more colored pictures.
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Artist is N.O-Chachamaru. No lora for that art style yet. Same for characters
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I have an important question anons

Leona or Youko?
Leona is way hot
did they quit or something
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Youko have the hottest voice (Misonoo Mei is a national treasure) but Leona have the best body and personality. I mean just look at them, her big fucking boobies are way too sexy for a woman of her age.
He previously worked on a futanari nukige in 2019. Maybe he thought he had done it all when it comes to milfs.
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>Maybe he thought he had done it all when it comes to milfs.
The dev tweeted this 9 hours ago.
I can roughly translate it to
>The face of her husband and son after the plump and pervert MILF mom who had sex with a young man said that she will finally leave home because he is the only one saying to her "your cooking is delicious"

He just like shemale/futanari too but the guy is still the boss of mom NTR. He is always tweeting this kind of thing.
Has to be Leona for me. Her stern personality and mature voice is perfect for when she descends into total depravity later on.

Also, she's the one to initially flash her tits which is an amazing scene. Autobahn really did know how to write MILF's. A damn shame we'll never see a sequel.
Leona. Strict, but very fucking lewd
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Is that true, because from the descriptions that I’ve seen it says that the guys are college students who tricked the wives into handing out with them by saying they want to interview them for a school assignment about housewives?
Poor Youko. I didn't expect that i mean it's no match for now.

I wish i can create a small group of anons who can help me with hacking the game text because i would really to give a try to translate at least the beginning of the game. NTA but what >>8052608 is saying is true. Youko and Leona are not being deceived by the young men, they are willingly playing with them and humoring them knowing fully what is going to happen next during their first meeting at the beach cafe. Also they are both used to it and it's not the first time they cheat on their husbands together, it's all an act. When they are going "hmm you guys are sketchy, are you really students?" and things like that, it's all faked and the boys know it. That's why they Youko and Leona let them doing "nampa" and follow them so easily.
Yeah, on several occasions during the H-scenes they admit to wanting to be approached and picked up.
They literally confess to the camera that they were both waiting for young men to pick them up on the beach after their husbands and kids went on the boat. It's not like they were hiding it or anything, two big sluts. I wonder if it's something that common in japan
>I wonder if it's something that common in japan
I don't know how bad cheating in Japan compared to other countries. But it happens a lot
If you wanna support them, here is link
Other links here https://vndb.org/r31569
In Japan? it isn't even the cheating, its the straight up cuckoldry that is popular.

TONS of older women get into JAV for sex and something to do with their free time.. with hubbys consent.

this means to me the amount of none filmed cuckoldry is even higher than that
I hope you have a JCB anon.
Not yet, gonna buy it at one point to support them
It's a one man circle, he commissioned artists and seiyuus for all his works like anyone would do but he is solo on writing, directing and programming.
Also feel free to post a screenshot of your purchase to the guy on twitter maybe it will motivate him to pull his finger out of his ass and work.
got a link or a name?
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I wish i had the opportunity to visit Japan in summer during my 20's now i'm too old to do nanpa without looking like a creep
>Also feel free to post a screenshot of your purchase to the guy on twitter
Showing him love for Autobahn's eroges on Twitter could bring him back maybe
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This was posted on his twitter back in 2022 with people asking him if it was a sequel. His replies seemed to suggest he was working on it but I've no idea if there's any update on that.
Maybe ask him? He will answer you but i think i can already guess the answer
>no money
https://x.com/b_nishizaki Dev?
Yes. But don't DM him he hate it, just @ him and try to use deepL if you can't write in japanese it's always better than tweeting in english to a jp only dev
That's the one.
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I hope he do in fact release it one day https://x.com/b_nishizaki/status/1523280685414612992
He would be teasing it if he was working on something, the pic you posted is scrapped content from a long time ago. Remember that Yarimoku was released in 2013 guys.
>Remember that Yarimoku was released in 2013 guys
I forget it sometimes. It is that old
The whole circle is old as fuck, first title released in 2003 and their last title is from 2014. The shemale one is from 2019 but it's not even branded "Autobahn"
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I think cheating might be common in Japan, because I saw a YouTube video where a guy ask multiple women the question “Is it cheating if your partner has sex with a hooker” (or something like that) and half or the majority of the women said its not and that they’re okay with it.
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Among young people maybe i mean it's the case for most western countries too but for women like Youko or Leona age? They are 42 and 43, mom of 3, i really don't see it happening irl desu
I feel like japanese moms would be way more wary of nanpa than girls in their 20s
Hentai is fun but i don't see how pic related (which is exactly the same setting as Yarimoku) could happen in real life situation, if it was possible i would be in Japan right now inside a delicious MILF
Mosquito man really did take a great deal of inspiration from Yarimoku for this and the onsen doujin. .
100%. They follow each other and i saw them interacted on twitter so i'm pretty sure they both influence each other works since they are into the same fetish and all.
It's a pipe dream but I'd love to see MM try his hand one day at a VN.
Who’s perspective are we seeing when watching the sex videos, is it one of: the husbands; the sons; the college guys; or just a random person?
There is no real POV because there is no narration. The whole game is only dialogue and sound effect, there is no description or thoughts narrated in the whole game. But since it's supposed to be all caught on film you can assume that from the second scene it's the sons/husbands watching video tape sent by the young netori men because it's made as if you are watching different tapes to go to the next scene. The very first scene is filmed by their husbands >>8055230 pic related but all the next ones are filmed by the young guys who picked them up
Since you know the game a great deal, what is your favourite scene?
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>Since you know the game a great deal
It's just that i can read japanese and i've been fapping to this one and many more for like a decade now. As for my favourite scene i will be very boring because it will be this one (pic related). For me you have to to build up the tension to be able to make a great porn scene. You need to create a mood for sex. And the beginning of Yarimoku is really doing a good job for it. From the long interview on the beach with all the guys being so obvious about their motives, to Leona and Youko happily following them into a more quiet place, to finally letting go of their jackets and showing their amazing mature well-endowed body. It's just way too good. Especially when you know they are both moms and wives with their family not so far from them. It's just perfect. As for a real sex scene i would say Youko double blowjob because her seiyuu is the best seiyuu in the industry for blowjob, her tongue moving and licking noises never fail to make me come.
Same anon as>>8057240 i just forgot to say what about you? What's your favourite scene in Yarimoku?
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I'd say your choice is my absolute favourite. It's interesting that we don't actually get to see the initial agreement that Leona makes to show her breasts. It's all been done before the scene. It's the only thing I wish had been added, though I understand that sometimes it's better to not spell everything out.

I also love the ass-presenting scene. (pic attached)
this doujin broke me so bad that it literally made me want a hotwife like that.
It's surprisingly common for old couples to get adventurous in their old age so you just might get what you wish for.
>I'd say your choice is my absolute favourite
Really? Damn i didn't think someone would feel the same as me because i can be pretty autistic with my fetishes. Like you said we didn't how see they convinced Leona to show her goods in the first place but these kind of things happening off-screen is a nice touch, you can imagine it yourself. Also there is a silent agreement between the guys and Leona/Youko. As soon as the guys start talking to them on the beach they all know how it will end. I mean as Leona and Youko admit later in the game they were fishing for young men. Going to this particular beach with a specific reputation for nanpa was their main goal as soon as their family went away.
>this doujin
Eroge / vn
Do you have any recommendations for a VN similar to this? The previous work, Tsuma Kanraku is pretty great but I've struggled to find anything on Yarimoku's level. Truth be told, I find that Japanese ASMR fills this niche now far better than any VN's.
Similar in which way? Mom NTR? Gangbang of MILF? Nanpa? Video letter POV? It's a pretty unique title. All Autobahn eroge are worth it to be honest.
As for ASMR i don't know many because i've yet to dig this genre. I like this guy ASMR though but i found him through his eroge which are some of the best netorase you can find.
Nanpa recommendations if there are any.

I love his work! His art style is extremely niche but he doesn't hold back. His ASMR is very much to my tastes and I find that STK is the absolute top tier of vulgar milf ASMR.
Eroge revolving around nanpa are fucking rare. Doujins you can find plenty but eroge? really not common. I guess you can still check the Nanpa Nama Hame Nakadashi Banzai series, some of them are even translated in english and among all the women you have a housewife/widow/mom character almost every time but the NTR feeling is weak. You are the guy doing the nanpa by the way.

For me Netorare Natsuko is the only mom NTR eroge which can surpass Yarimoku.
I just finished the game and i forgot how short it was. Sex scenes were so much longer in my memories but it's not even a 2 hours read.
It being so short gives me hope it'll get a translation.
I could but i don't know how to extract the text and put it back in english.
So, you need the tools for the autobahn engine?
Yes, i'm clueless when it comes to tech/hack
Have you ever translated a VN before?
I'll have a look for the tools. Do you have a discord or something like that so I can if I find them?
Translator's discords might recommend some tools for that. Or maybe /g/ . Ask them
dead thread? damn that was quick
I see, thanks anon
I love honest sluts like them it's better than the fake stance a lot of MILF try to keep in doujins, it's pretty nice to see how they are not ashamed of saying that they were looking for young men since the beginning.
question for the people who played the game, do they do anal?
Why their head shape lookin like Sloth from the Goonies?
art style reasons
I can't see it, maybe you have shit taste
>None of his games are translated

Shouldn't translation be easier than ever now?
I'm not an expert but I know all VNs are made in the same software. Couldn't someone just extract the files and run the dialogs through DeepL or something?
all VN's are not made in the same software.
Dozen of different software/engine and to extract the text is something but to put it back in without breaking the VN is something else.
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I used garbro and got a pile of .dat files
Idk what to do now
>Idk what to do now
Throw it here too, maybe someone will take mantle
Any update? Please share the text file here if you can
Interesting art style.
I am a big fan of Cachamaru, I love how meaty and plump he draws his bitches, plus he has a huge focus on just doing mature women.

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