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>*saves hentai and creative expression*
but will it be more available to the states soon?
Can us starving yuropoors atleast get one location?
At this point I don't care if it's in France or Londonistan please just one.
Tell your govt to stop being assholes first.
Right, you're thinking that they're going to extend their services in the very country that started this issue to begin with?
how do you get one of those anyway?
move to japan? is it worth the earthquake and tsunami risks

Only for Japanese. And desu for countries like japan, earthquake and tsunamis aren't bad. Their buildings can handle a 9.0 earthquake better than american buildings can handle a 6.0.
Hopefully yes, just so they can stick it
If america did that then jcb would be forced to accept new terms that would result in jcb becoming useless.
No it wouldn't, for the same reason discover hasn't and Diner's Club hasn't
It's not a government move, nor is it mandatory to do what mastercard and visa have done.
yeah they drank the blackrock coolaid and can no longer stop even when that turned into esg sludge

not even once
Federal laws, my dude.

Exactly, and as long they don't join shit like BRIDGE, JCB and others won't fall to victim to this shit.
You're not getting JCB or any Jap card if you don't live and work inside Japan.

Jap banks won't issue you anything unless you have proof of an actual job and actual residence where you have lived for at least a year or two.
JCB has more card carriers than the whole population of Japan itself. I wouldn't think those millions of dudes in Vietnam and Indonesia all secretly live and work in Japan. JCB is practically the one card service they have that's intentionally international, thing is their reach only is in Asia at the moment and while it'd be nice if they conveniently expanded overseas just so people can buy their H material, they're not going to open a branch in the US where it might as well be called Hentai Bank, they'd move if they have a reason to expect overall success.
You would be better off trying to convince one of the other smaller payment systems to operate in the states (like Linepay), JCB isn't going expand to new markets unless it is in their strategic interest to add markets where they feel they can compete for standard daily credit card usage (as when they tried to expand into the states in the 2010s), they certainly aren't because of Mastercard and Visa limitations on R18 platforms within Japan.
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We are taking this opportunity to increase our share.
Any context or qrd?
>red kike vs blue kike meme
Banks are useless nowadays.
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>creative expression

Is that an euphemism for cheese pizza?
not europe
American Express and JCB have a lot of deals to extend coverage to each other, so in theory where JCB is accepted AMEX should also be and vice versa
Your best bet would be some card/ account that endorsed both payment methods, JCB has a disadvantage because it would need to deal with the machine/Vehicle company with the same acronym possibly necessitateing a new marketing strategy.

Maybe India maybe even China or something will make a card that can be used in Russia and the West (ultimately the GAE will stop giving a shit about muh sanctions but thats basically the niche card companies want.)

Japan can be pressured with sanctions but China and India could probably get away with that and might not be too concerned about naughty pictures being commissioned
cartoons aren't children and cartoons aren't child porn you delusional sack of shit
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DLsite already took down pedophilic content that is 3D, only a question of time until 2D gets outlawed.
I bet my man will get fucked with his project. His other work already got taken down.
God I love child porn so much.
>outlawing loli/shota hentai

lmao @ u
You're thinking JCB and Discover

Into the trash it goes. Good riddance.
uhh based?
Are we supposed to know what this is about?
yes, if you aren't some tourist

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