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How would you guys rate Akina?
I think it might be a better idea to let MM thread die for now. Until he release or at least tease something new. His last release was horrible and most of past thread posts were bots so i don't see the point
>let MM thread die for now
Nah. I still have hope for this artist releasing S tier doujin
Me too but he take months to release something so you will have to wait at least until October/November to see something new from him. I'm always happy to talk about MM past works because i'm a huge fan but judging from last thread it doesn't look like many people want to do that. Except posting like bots.
>Except posting like bots.
Sometimes people here fuck around with AI and just editing things. But yeah, some Anons post like bots
I don't mind AI when it's done right and the MM lora is not that bad. What we lack is nice conversation about which page we like and why, which MILF, what kind of things we want to see in his next work, things like that.
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i really hope he does more of this type, reluctant wife that has to have sex and then gets mind blowing orgasms while apologizing
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mid LoRA, unlucky, gotta wait for another one
It's fine lora. But has issues, yeah
im not super expert at doing loras yet but as far as i can tell its because there simply isn't enough mosquito man images to train a robust MM lora
How does it work? I mean MM released enough content to make a good one no?
It's a bit overtrained but not cooked
Kinda, there are only like 5 of his works that I used, so there isn't a ton of "diversity". That's why the girls are generated with a certain hairstyle (my LoRA kinda sucks at that since it's not very flexible).

What other things would you say the LoRA is failing at? I still have the dataset, I might retrain it with fewer steps, improving the hair tagging
Why only 5 works? Why not feeding them all?
I just checked and I used all of the ones in the OP's post. I think I only left out his newest work cuz the art style is a bit different
>art style is a bit different
We need two versions of that lora then
His style is distinctive, I'll give him that
It's I love it/I hate it case. There is no middle ground. I'm a big big fan of him but he is past his peak and i feel like his art is getting worse but that might because of the tools he use or maybe he is trying to pander to the market i don't know.
Is this new?
No, this onsen one are old
Pretty sure it's just weak bump
I wish i can make a new poll to see how newfags to this thread answer
Yeah, distinctively bad

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