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Koyanagi Royal is starting to be active again, and its looking like we might actually get continuation of the Demonology series and Shinobi no Bi, fingers crossed. They just posted a piece of a new character on their fanbox recently here: https://royal-k.fanbox.cc/posts/8004139
Any more?
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A couple more, this is Kaname.
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An as-yet-unnamed character only known as Homunculus that may appear in the future.
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pristinely clean lines. her work has been getting sharper and she was already a master
>more mature demon women getting railed by the young demon guy
fuck yeah
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>reading it for the old hags
>vs. reading it for shieri
>her work
Koyanagi Royal is a woman?
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So anyone got the latest image of the new milf from k8's fanbox?

bumping because the world needs to know
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This is “Queen Neiomi” who will appear in the next work of “Kaname's Demonology”.
She is the mother of Kaname's mother, Serina, and the queen of the Demon King.
In this episode, she comes to visit Serina after a homunculus appears in the human world.

This time, the design is still tentative as it will be worn in the human world, but it will be a rough coloring of the outfit.
I will upload the version for the demon world later.

So she's technically a Gilf. Raises questions for how old Kaname's mom actually is... Now if we could get a threesome with Kaname, his mom and her? Oh man
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Also from FANBOX

I drew this as an idea for a new character for the next installment of "Kaname's Demonology."
He is a homunculus created from the bodily fluids of the demon king and princess, and has the same abilities as Kaname and his friends.
It was under strict control in the demon world, but it escapes and enters the human world, and I envision a story in which it enters Kaname and his friends' school and tries to get close to Kaname.

Please note that it will be a little while before I can start work on the new work, so the design and storyline may be changed in the future.

So he's technically Kaname's half-brother? I wonder if we'll get flashbacks or some elaboration on Kaname's father. Maybe Kaname will usurp his throne?
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The last of it re: Kaname work. I think we'll be waiting a while for the next installment. Hopefully around the end of the year we'll get a release. But until that Royal has confirmed Shinobi no Bi will be next, some preview images are up on FANBOX and it looks like a return to form. I can upload those if you guys want. For me, Koyanagi is the king and I'm baffled by how they don't have more followers, of course the appalling release schedule probably has something to do with that.
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>she's fucking kaname's grandma

Oh man, oh jeez, I was not expecting this

i've been watching royal for a decade and change and it's been tremendous & agonizing chasing releases & translations. being a royal devotee is basically edging until it feels like you're gonna nut blood :p not a complaint per se
Please keep bringing us the latest news from there!
Can't wait for demon form
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not Kaname content, but a preview from the next chapter of Shinobi no Bi. Art looks top notch as usual.
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preview 2/3
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final preview so far. Hopefully we'll get an update this week or next. Judging by the look of the preview a release is probably close. I think it's insane how poor Royal is at self promotion, especially compared to some other artists who aren't nearly as talented

Man this looks great, I (and my dick) can barely wait for the full release.

Also, check'd.
Granny's great and all, but all i want is Kaname's mother getting her ass stuffed, but more and more characters getting introduced and we never get to her. We already have classmates, neighborhood mils, angels, and now homunculus+granny joins the party? Who's next after those? God himself?
>Koyanagi Royal is starting to be active again
That's excellent news.
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Yeah I agree. Royal's designs are great but I hope the current roster doesn't get neglected. The mom will be last probably and at least the homunculus is a guy so that another another dick into the mix. I'm still hoping we get some more action with Sara in her demon form, she's been underused.

Glasses milf > Shieri > Sara > Granny > Mom

At least in my opinion

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