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Straight, explicit sexual content oriented for a female audience, typically made by women.

Previous thread: >>7981894

>the male must be attractive
>the picture must be focused on the male
>the female must be present in the picture and have sexual contact with the male
>the female may or may not be attractive as well, or a faceless girl self-insert
>she may also be the focus, but preferably not more than the male
>unexaggerated proportions are preferable
>content of Asian origin and anime/manga art style, western art goes here:>>>/aco/femporn

No yuri, no yaoi, no faceless dudes, no shota, no loli, no derailing thread. Thank you.
Tip: Before you ask for the source of an image, use reverse image search sites such as iqdb.org, trace.moe, or sauceNAO.com to find what you need. Do not post solo male pictures even if it is meant to be straight, since those are considered /y/ content in this site and could get easily deleted.
Do not post /c/ or /cm/ content either (anything that is not porn).

Femporn Reclist v.2

List of Archived Threads

Related femporn genres and Japanese terms are:
>女性漫画, 女性向け(Josei manga, Josei-muke/for women) *might also include BL
>レディースコミックス / レディコミ (Ladies' comics / lady-comi)
>シチュエーションCD (Situation CD)
>乙女向け, 乙女ゲーム (Otome-muke/for maidens, Otome game)
>夢向け (Yume-muke/for yumejoshi) *try adding 夢 to series name on Pixiv for yumejo results
>ティーンズラブ / TL (Teens' Love)
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Thanks for the mini dump, anon. Nipple play is always appreciated!
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I love it but it's rare to find it handled well/the way I like it.
This pic is great, ty for it!
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volo is unadulterated sex
God damn it. Is that supposed to be Falin?
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What do we think of raping sub men?
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Man that wt was so silly and goofy. Short but fun.
I wonder if she's put out anything similar. POV stuff is great.
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one of the guys being 100% just my type ofc biased me quite a bit
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the guys expressions were all so hot and cute
she's just like me frfr
reminds me I need to go check updates for some other lewd wts...
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No, that's Asivia, she's briefly mentioned by Chilchuck as someone interested in marrying Laios.
>What do we think of raping sub men?
Very sex and good for the soul.
He looks so cute and frail, so perfect. Needs to be molested NOW.
Is it weird if I'm a dude and love this stuff? I just can't believe how superior this stuff is over the stuff that is supposed to appeal to me.
All the other hentai I've been exposed to is rape shit, NTR shit, with ugly bastards and/or evil guys who are always treating the girls like shit, or just pedophilic garbage with loli and/or shota shit that is ugly as fuck.
What makes yume stuff so superior to the supposedly "straight" stuff?
Because it's just regular sex between a man and a woman that genuinely enjoy and want each other. One party the other or both. There isn't a ton of degeneracy and extreme fetishes. It's mostly just normal love making. So no, it's not weird I'd say it's incredibly normal. Also you don't have to say, "I'm a guy but" because we have a million different dudes that say this exact same thing every thread. Just sit back and enjoy the art.
Normally I'd not comment at all but we're early in the thread so hopefully this nips any other wandering guys in the bud lol
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nyo, go to church
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my favourite favourite kinda art rn outside of being completely wrapped up
it's SO sex. wish people drew it more
i need to practice myself...
every fucking thread...

no pegging
oh, I double checked the rules and didn't see that, my bad
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>every fucking thread...
Holy shit literally.
>ATTENTION EVERYONE!!! Is it weird that I, a man, which you must know by the way, am attracted to pornography involving women? Very strange!

Image tax to make up for slight derailment lol.
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Monster boys?
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Yumes will now like Blue Archive because Sensei is a pretty decent man
Why do you insist on lurking around here
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How long can we expect Wuwa femporn to be posted here soon?
bro please
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Relax, it was a joke. And NTA who has been shitting this place up but I was browsing danbooru for femporn and have seen literally the BA anime Sensei a few times in the "female gaze hetero" pool. And fair enough blue arhive is at least a decent looking young man as stated.
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You always say the same things and have the same odd fixations. You never change with your weird phrasing and odd capitalization. I don't know why you always try to pretend to be someone else.

Your bizarre Blue Archive posts were deleted last thread. Just post art and stop trying to get people to feed your weird fantasies. Things would be 100% better if you stopped talking.
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Anzu my beloved
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Can anyone recommend some eromanga with the male lead being an older man?
there he is lol
Ah, good, thank you. Incest shippers annoy me.
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More from Chifururu's onee-san doujin. Shame I can't find any "free" reposts of her works online so far, let alone in English. But hey, pretty cool still.
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Found a comic compilation composed of various artists, including chifururu, and I do believe some of these artists are also female too judging from how some of the males were drawn or are remotely attractive. Caution however, there is some shotacon panels in here but at least there are more "of age" scenarios in here and again, some of the guys featured here are drawn decently and remotely attractive. I think the mmf group sex strips in here are okay.

Please stop
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Friendly fire?
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I have a few in mind. Going to be a mini dump because I do want to leave art snippets from each title.

I really enjoy Namae Renraku's work, I think all of it is quite good. Most of their stuff is younger girl/older man which I enjoy. Picrel is from A Budding Tooth Bites Rotting Flesh.
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Playing with a Proper Butler is easily a classic to me, Starling-chan has a nice catalogue.
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Kannou Sensei is more of an ecchi(ish) admittedly but the male lead is super cute and the art is gorgeous.
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My Beloved Older Husband Loves Me is really cute and a fun read.
Jeez, I was just asking because I had never bothered to check these threads until now.
Nothing personnel anon-kun, but we need to constantly filter people lest guys like >>8059680
feel too comfortable here. That is to say, either contribute by posting your own hentai or lurk silently.
Why do you even need to ask? Did you expect us to call you a sissy fag boy for looking at straight porn?
Okay? Do you want ass pats for liking pornography that treats women like people for once? Congrats I guess.
I love cute comical perv men
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i wish there was some sara chidouin x joe tazuna porn, especially when it turned le spooky
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Thank you so so so so much. I really appreciate you taking the time to list multiple stories. I'll go through them later tonight. Much appreciated!
Yes, I'd consider ryona/guro stuff to be /d/.
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This is a learning experience anon, you read the message then be quiet. Contribute or enjoy but no need to draw attention to oneself.
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>Much appreciated!
Of course! Can't deprive my sisters of cute older man goodness.
>Yes, I'd consider ryona/guro stuff to be /d/.
Oh, my bad! Usually the reverse ryona threads that do pop up on that board tend to be boring wrestling shit or retarded CBT. Won't post again in the future then.
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You must be joking.
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Love this pic too.
And no worries, like I said *I* think that. But who knows. Likely it'll be judged on the severity of the art?
Not sure how the janitors choose to moderate these things exactly.
>Not sure how the janitors choose to moderate these things exactly.
True. Better not trigger the wrath of the janny overlords. Thank you for the yummy choco by the way!
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he's just tan, or grey but ofc lol
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Speaking of tanned characters.
Does the art for Predatory Marriage ever get better? It feels really stiff and awkward for me.
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the chibi /cartoony panels are the best part so far
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I really like dry humping(?) I dunno what else it'd be called and I wish it were featured more as part of lewd play.
Also this artist makes the best expressions for her guys.
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he's so cute and sexy it drives me crazy
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>Those stupidly sexy meaty thighs
I want them to crush me like a watermelon. He's insanely erotic. 10/10 mini dump thank you for blessing my eyes.
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RIGHT he's perfect, i love him sm.
I need to go see if she's made anything else as of late.
May I ask where you'd recommend reading this? I'm not finding it on panda.
Happy reading!
Now this looks great what's the sauce?
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Thank you~!!
It's called Screengrab.
goddddd this is the HOTTEST femporn i've ever read
dry humping and desperation to cum is literally my fetish
there is now a femporn thread on /aco/
yeah but these femporn threads are not some specific female fetish, it's literally "porn oriented towards women". it's as generic as can be. so I would expect to see many different male body types, but I don't. hence my question
blind bro...
female chikans...
Context seems to be that she's somehow reborn as a goddess in a new millennia.

"This is... my body...?"
Man: "Have you awoken?"
"The ruler of the land of tears...!"
"Eek, he's coming over here!"
"I... can't oppose him."
Man: "As expected, you are beautiful."
"He's so close!"
"I'm scared!"
"I have nowhere to hide!!"

Lancer: "Ahh, incredible, young miss."
Rin: "I told you, this is too much for me!!"
Archer: "Guh... Don't start moving yet, she's still a little too tight."
I wanted to enjoy this but all i can think about is how uncomfortable it is to cum through underwear. Theres some back pressure caused by the extra resistance of the fabric in the way and that pressure hurts and feels weird/bad. Its like how when you when you have a spray attachment on the hose and you stop the flow without turning off the tap and the hose gets hard from the buildup of pressure but inside you body
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More Genshin in coming!
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....I think I might have posted in the wrong order.
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Asian (Japanese) MalexWhite Female
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Thank you! It's one of my favorites now
Please stop replying to OP with all your posts and being weird about race. We can see the characters. No need to add your unnecessary tags in.
You're welcome! I love her artstyle, it's so bright and clean.
I humbly request more nipple play
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Ask and thou shall receive, gal pals!

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shirasu has something for fans of controlling boyfriends.
>fans of controlling boyfriends
so... women?
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moar cunnilingus
His glasses being slightly fogged up, face flushed and more messy hair would make this crazy sexy.
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There really is a type in this threads, but you if you lurk enough you can see that there is some variety in the body types, the is the chubbyfag, twinkfag, etc. The real blackpill is that you'll never see any bald dude.
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All my Saitama lewds aren't suitable for these threads unfortunately.
pretty/soft rendering
feels like how i imagined some retro game characters looked lol (leon/ fatal frame vibes etc)
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I'd love to see that.
At least there's plenty of her with Keiji.
I don't think it's strange at all, and I think there's actually a ton of variation between younger males and beefcakes of various sizes here, to say nothing of the fact they also present different expressions/faces/hairstyles/energies, just as much as you'd see in a thread focusing on bishoujo. You might see more thicc girls in a typical hentai thread than bulkier men here, but in the first place those body types are generally just exaggerating attractive physical qualities a real person would have to put in work to achieve anyway, so it is actually any different?
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Hope it's okay if I post my Laios art in here
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god fucking BLESS
thank you so much for this food anon ;;
i love how you kept his softness and the rendering is so soft warm and lovely. you're amazing.
if you have a twit or something i'd love to follow but no pressure!
(i hope you draw him more if you want too!!)
Unf yes please and thank you
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made him stronger cuz it's what he deserves
Glad you guys like them!
based based based
What is the title of this?7h4fggt
Who's the girl?
>brown nips taste like pudding
lol he's comparing the way they jiggle
blank self insert i presume!
bro pls...
You are correct!
People come in here not understanding yumejoshi it seems...
It's just random loose men passing by lol
this always happens lmao
(love ur work!)
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Tags: Childhood Friends
why did the blue archive anime give sensei a cutie patootie design?
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I bet some of you are aroused and turned on by lewd images like this alone, without any explicit sex or penetration. Simply because of the facial expressions, aura and erotic vibes it gives off. Not to mention the already handsome attractive male and the cute plain girl who's relatable and can self insert as.
hey danbooru femporn guy/girl
you forgot this
true, i want his hand around my neck
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Aww! Did you post this because it's Venti's birthday? Interesting that he has already been unshackled by the "femboy" and "trap" stereotypes thanks to having a great and lovable character and personality. Happy birthday, Anemo Archon.
moar threesomes like this
I wonder if pic related has released its newest chapter and is translated too?
Stop being a fag holy shit
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*Insert funny l4d2 quote here*
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This reminds me of that one time when my buddy, Keith…
Why do women all want to fuck him and why do they all self insert as the elf?
Flavor of the month mainstream popular current thing. And Safe Horny.
It would make sense if it was the female version of Kabru
Source please?
He's handsome and cute. Earnest and enjoys learning, cooking, eating. He's wonderful. You can see his charming points if you read the comic.
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>He's handsome and cute. Earnest and enjoys learning, cooking, eating. He's wonderful. You can see his charming points if you read the comic.
Very naive and overly optimistic. This is the correct answer >>8076168

Yes, the anime and manga has been ruined by normie mainstream audiences and "fandom" who disapprove of male targeted fan service but salivate at fan service when directed at them. I refuse to be gaslit and psyop'd into believing Laois and that dwarf are "hot" or attractive in any way, they're fucking FAT!

Yes, the show and manga is ruined for me thanks to the "fandom" and normie audiences it has attracted and fostered. No, I do not care if there are more episodes or chapters to come. Already gave it a second chance but the fandom just keeps ruining it and i will not give it a third or fourth chance. Again, already ruined for me, already dropped it and so should all of you to send a clear message that you do not cater to the mainstream normie crowd.

Do NOT give normies quarter. Do NOT cater to them. Have sexy fan service and have your male characters be actually handsome, fit and attractive. Not whatever "Dad Bod" Laois and the dwarf have.
Genuine mental illness
Laios is hot tho. Athletic european man
Senshi is the gaslighting
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Sometimes it's interesting and enviable that some porn and lewd images that isn't femporn has some pretty good and decently attractive looking males. At least the artist is female and you can tell.
This is not femporn.
Stop replying to the OP with your offtopic gibberish.
It doesn't.:(
Damn... what a shame.
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Deserve each other, they do.
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God I wish that was me.
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This is SO funny and cute so far albeit I've only read 2 chapters. I think the ML is going to be just my type as well.
The art looks pretty too!
the art is ugly
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"Bumper Cars."

Unfortunately it's all maleporn but this one piece. Which is a shame because he can draw really cute guys.
get your eyes checked
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Sauce? He reminds me of the cute twins from ouran high school
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Yumes will see a train groping molesting scene, the groper molester is a young man, takes his mask off, revealed to be a gorgeous pretty boy and will say; "Husband."
you are cringe
Here ladies gents. Have a josei one shot of a ML who's a cute virgin soft boy and a FL who's assertive and takes the initiative in the sex and love making:

You can never go wrong with shy but expressive Soft Boys
I was having a mushroom trip with 2 buddies from work, we were chilling in his hot tub. We're all fit dudes (abs and such, 2 of us stronger builds, one more lean boyish but ripped body) was a little gay, we kept complimenting each others muscles. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about inviting my crush from work over and us all playing with her.

Well that was so fucking hot, all the blessings of all the gods to you anon for posting this
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Was disappointed that they took down some of their male Hasshaku-sama art on Pixiv
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nooooo are you serious? which ones did they remove?
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They took down log 1 and 2. Don't know why though
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Glad I downloaded all of their art involving him
Oh god the size difference is so good
Damn... I'm glad at least I went feral and downloaded a bunch of their stuff in the past :(
Hopefully she brings it back/makes it visible again in the future :(
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My taste must be "gayest men possible," because 95% of what I find for this guy is him getting plowed
How can you get horny for a guy after seeing him getting assfucked? Or is just me? Same thing with Link, as a teen I had a crush on adult link, when I gathered the courage to search porn of him, I mostly found gay shit, after that I was like "No, lol"? Like it just kills all attraction idk
>men having gay sex kills women's attraction to them even if the man is fictional having non-canonical gay sex
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DESU don't know how I feel about it. Somewhere between ignoring I saw it, and a little turned on because the one doing the pushing is just as hot half the time. Only time it really turns me off is when the character is portrayed as extra twink-ish. I'm just a mess, I guess.
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Wow that DESU was supposed to be a DESU. Auto correct got me fucked up.
kek there are certain word filters on this site it's not you
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Mortified for being ousted as an occasional poster
They've been here for a decade at least.
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Describe your ideal or perfect Monster Boy scenario. What Monster Boy would you like to have fun and make love and possibly marry?
its just annoying because it's baseline well drawn work with mutual enjoyment and you think you're special
hard disagree
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No. Seeing weird fanart of anime characters doesn't change how I feel about the characters themselves.
I've come to accept that the majority of my 2D crushes will forever be plagued with gay art, it doesn't even register anymore, when I stumble across it. The only time I can be a bit taken aback is when it's incredibly out of character, how they would react in that situation like that's not my husbando but a skinwalker getting plowed.

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