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Sisters, daughters, cousins, aunts, moms, etc, etc were made for family cum.
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let's start with a dump

[Zetsubou Shiromuji (Shousan Bouzu)] Girl Sex Family 2
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Happy Families.
Is there any multigenerational material even in existence? How has this subject not been covered at all?
I should clarify, that isn't some kind of fantasy thing
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I don't know what you mean by "Multigenerational" but there's Imouto Collection where he gets his sister pregnant than years later gets their daughter pregnant too.
Something along these lines, yeah. Basically inbreeding to the max
>but i already decided
into the trash it goes
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>Ichinengo, Ore No Ko O Haramu Imouto No Kiroku
it's good stuff
There's a specific doujin I am looking for that I think was lost when Anchira got DMCA'd. Brother has a bitchy sister, she brings him his lunch, it was actually hers, he goes to return it to her, she is in the middle of changing, they get into a locker because someone was coming into the room, it turns out she was a bitch to him because other girls were making fun of him which hurt her because she's in love with him and then they have sex. I know that's very generic but I was hoping to find it regardless
Art is shit but Queen and Prince's Circumstances

oh, guess it's "rituals"
If you mate with your sister, get a boy and a girl, and then they mate each other, is the main example.
I agree it sounds extremely hot.
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After breeding his two sisters, learns from their mother that she had married her brother and they're already inbred.
Kazoku Koukan
On the cousin route you discover that your father raped his sister (your aunt) and she's actually your mother and your cousin is your twin sister. Your sister/cousin is so turned on by the immorality of this revelation that she begs you to knock her up. The game ends there though, so leave it to your imagination.
Imouto Paradise 2
All the characters are the kids from the first game. All inbred.
Inraku no Ketsuzoku
In order to remain on Earth your demon grandmother needs the life force of other demons. She inbreeds for generations to keep the bloodline strong.

Not quite sure how convoluted this one gets but your mother is your aunt, your sisters are all your cousins and probably also your aunts because your father is your grandfather too. It would take forever to untangle the inbred mess of your family but you don't have enough information to try.
Sis Pon
In order to prevent demon blood from manifesting your family has inbred for generations. Inbreed some more.
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Don't you really hate it when a really good doujin is ruined by the cursed 'step' prefix? Especially when the author have done actual BR in the past but now he's pussy about it.
Any ones where the family couple are forced to do it from outside intervention and it corrupted them into liking it?
is there a good manga or even short story about a woman (futanari) that has to time travel and impregnate her mother so she can herself be born?
are there any manga where the daughters discover they are also esper futanari (or gain some sci-fi or magical futanari growth power) and they decide to mindbreak their mothers?
please go to /d/ and ask there, anon.
yes, but the main thing is incest here
It is a pretty good one. Nutted like 5 times to this already.
i know it's against the rules, but if one of you guys could help me with >>>/r/19395381 that'd be great
can anyone help me find a doujin where mc has 2 sisters that are models and he gets both pregnant
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Top Class MILF
by Gagarinkichi
Found an old and forgotten and untranslated daadama onee-chan anthology thought i'd share this one about a sister with both her arms in casts by [Doi Sakazaki]

Incidentally Doi Sakazaki was also responsible for Boin Tantei vs Kaitou Sanmensou
theres one series ive been looking for about 2 siblings that discover their parents do porn and grow up preparing to have sex and sell the videos online, then the guy gets a gf and they end up having a threesome. last chapter they end up having sex with their parents

i cant remember the name and it used to be on nhentai but isnt anymore
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Yes. How good is your Japanese?
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https://nhentai.net/g/504598/ this is probably the best I've come upon in a long while that meets your specification
That's nice, she has a good body shape that is just begging her brother.
>not loli
That's weird. Very cute doujin but, weird.
she's basically an honorary loli
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This scene was good. Full of sexual tension.
>>8062823 (OP) #
What about one of the oldest books in sadpanda?
Or the sequel https://exhentai.org/g/274418/1673ea5aa6/
It's about a pair of siblings that have to part ways after the sister gets pregnant, then she start fucking and getting pregnant by a younger boy (that seems to be a son of the first brother with his wife, so the new guy gets his aunt continously pregnant).
At some point a hehe gets in between and gives the image if the "official" wife while the guy keeps fucking her and the now-milf together.
The story starts around a late part, where he even start getting his daughters pregnant (and some random girls that may or not be related to him too).
[SPOILER]The pregnant daughters also set the MC to fuck his own son/their half-brother too[/spoiler]
Will this have a sequel? I really hope so
Agreed, I really hope it has a sequel
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The name has the term "PoV Sex" in it, and the artist is Satsuki Imonet (pin unrel)
Read a story about a New York reporter who decided to find her father. Her mother is unwilling to help so she starts cold. Turns it into a story for her readers. Finds him living in Jamaica. Flies down to Jamaica to meet him. Says that after two days they ended up having sex. Spends the entire rest of her two week stay in Jamaica fucking her father, says it was the most fulfilling sex she ever had in her life and that she finally felt 'Complete'.

What shocks me is that she actually published this.
Dare I ask? Link?
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still one of the best
sequel when (never)
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Holy f-ing Cthulhu she knows exactly what she's doing and she's doing it anyway.
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Things have escalated.
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Uh oh, now little sister can't sleep properly after getting too excited earlier in the day.
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Because they share a room and bunkbed now onii-chan couldn't get any sleep after what he accidentally heard last night. They are both a mess in the morning.
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After such a night, little sister has fallen asleep on the couch after school. It's a good thing onii-chan is such a gentleman he would never .....
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He's not a gentleman!
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Little sister can't pretend she's asleep anymore! What can they do now?
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Onii-chan puts it in! They have crossed a forbidden line that cannot ever be crossed. Such a sad day for these poor siblings.
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Strangely despite ruining their lives, little sister looks extremely happy and satisfied.
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Mom comes home right after onii-chan finishes inside! They quickly clean up before they're caught.

Mayu whispers to onii-chan that they'll have to do this again when mom's not around. Onii-can agrees that this is just the start.
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I'll be honest, I don't think I'd have the guts to take my underage sister to an adult toy store. It's also pretty sad they didn't choose a different background for this. Kinda surprising that stock backgrounds don't include an adult store.
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Waits till dad is watching television and mom gets a phone call to sneak in the bath with little sister.
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Gotta keep quiet in the bathroom or mom and dad will find out!
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First time having raw sex without a condom. Onii-chan begs to cum inside but little sister is scared of getting pregnant. It turns out, onii-chan is a gentleman after all.

I must admit. He has far more restraint than I would have.
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Onii-chan realizes he's getting jealous as little sister spends her time with her friends. So he arranges a secret lunch date at school the next day.
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Secret incest sex with little sister on the roof! Raw sex feels too good, onii-chan refuses when little sister asks him to wear a condom.

While the students can't see him onii-chan knows people in the buildings will! The thrill excites him.
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Onii-chan refuses little sister's request to pull out and gives her her first creampie!

It's a safe day though, little sister hopes.
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The next day they sneak into the nurse's office after everyone's gone home because onii-chan wants to have sex while little sister is in her gym clothes.

Fuck, the art in this is top tier.
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Because creampie sex feels so good, onii-chan puts it in raw again. Little sister doesn't even bring it up this time. It's what they both want.
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He gives little sister her second creampie. She doesn't complain.
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Because their parents are home, he sneaks into the toilet with little sister the next morning. He makes her give him a blowjob.
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Because she didn't get to feel good, she demands a reward. She'll think of something while they're at school. She wants to go on a lovey dovey date where everyone can see and they don't need to hide!

Little sister is happy. They look like a real couple.
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Onii-chan buys a costume at a costume shop for little sister. What will it be? Little sister is worried, she knows onii-chan is a pervert.
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To make little sister happy, he also buys her a maid outfit. She's excited to try on the maid outfit when they get home. She's embarrassed at what else he may have bought.

Little sister is sad as they walk home though. They won't be a couple anymore when they get home. They're not a normal couple and she knows it. She regrets tempting onii-chan. They can never get married, she says.

Onii-chan doesn't know what to say. They both walk home sad.
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onii-chan remembers when he went off to college and little sister cried. He knows what they're doing is wrong and he's worried that he's forever hurt his sister. It's his fault after all. He's such a stupid older brother.
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Mom and dad won't be home all day. Little sistr strips down and asks what he wants her to wear all day.

What will it be?
Maid Outfit
Micro Bikini?
Art looks nice. Picked up.
on huffpo and also
from the cut; i think he combined stories since they linked each other, and shes from vancouver not new york. hime cut incest blow jobs are pretty kino not gonna lie, too bad she couldn't handle the taste without shame hurling
looks like the huffington scrapped the genetic sexual attraction tag. what credible sources do i show my sister now to help her make sense of my attraction towards her?
stuff (games or doujins) where brother and sister start going at it and later on the mom catches them and joins in?
Of course! How good's your japanese?
i play eroge without knowing a lick of japanese, it's all good. i have played that one before though, didn't like the loli design of the mom
Only one I can think of is this one: https://vndb.org/v17600

Although it's more like they bring her into the relationship.
rip anon
I'm just waiting on someone to make a choice for either Maid Outfit or Micro Bikini.
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Exactly what you're looking for:

Sorry, I've been playing eroge for almost 20 years now so a lot of what I know is pretty old. Hope that doesn't bother you too much. Anyway, not really what you asked for exactly but close:

It's hard to explain without a spoiler but I'll do my best. MC confesses to his elder sister before her wedding. Begs her to call it off and become his lover. She agrees to fuck him if he gets over her. This is the start of the game.

You have choices to
Continue fucking your elder sister
Fuck your little sister
Fuck your aunt
Fuck your cousin
Fuck your childhood friend

There are MAJOR heavy spoilers in this. His mother is an option on most routes, learning he's sexually active she will offer herself to him. She is a side character.

Exactly what you're looking for but his mother only has a single scene on his sister's route.

Sigh. There is a side route with the mother but it's before having sex with the sister, although he IS getting touchy feely with his sister, handjobs, blowjobs, that sort of thing. His mother offers him herself and he takes it. Bonus points he knocks her up and they run away together. I don't mind the spoiler, it's a side route.

Can be sort of crowbarred in. Brother confesses to his little sister and she rejects him. He can continue pursuing his sister anyway or switch to his mother, or even if you make the right choices, both.

Exact opposite of what you asked for. Sister discovers he's fucking their mother, joins in. This only happens one way on the harem route and doesn't go in reverse (the mother is the one throwing herself at her son from the beginning so she cannot 'discover' he's fucking his sister).

Exactly what you're asking for but the scene in question does not exist. Mother offers herself and the sisters agree to share but the game ends.
micro bikini
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I knew it. Onii-chan is a pervert. Well, it is a present after all. Little Sister agrees to wear it all day for his sake. At least she's happy that he calls her cute.
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Despite agreeing to wear the micro bikini all day, she isn't going to be wearing it for long. Little sister refuses to give him permission for sex and asks if he's going to rape her. She seems excited that he'll lose control and force himself on her.
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Seeing her in her micro bikini seems to turn on onii-chan more than usual. Little sister is overwhelmed with pleasure as onii-chan rapes her. It's harder sex than they've ever had before. Little Sister is scared the neighbors will hear but the rape play excites them both.
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This time Little Sister begs to be creampied. Onii-chan fills her womb with his seed.
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Onii-chan enjoys watching his semen spilling out of Little Sister's vagina. He asks if she can remain naked all day so Little Sister takes off the micro bikini. They agree to have sex till their parents come home.
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They both agree that this is the happiest they've ever been in their lives. Onii-chan begs Little Sister to be together forever. Little sister agrees.
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Little Sister begs him not to creampie her again because no more will fit. Onii-chan enjoys the forbidden thrill of incest sex, thrusting his penis in as far as it will go against her womb he creampies her again despite her pleading. They kiss each other a lot both during and after sex.
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You filled me with so much semen, Little Sister says. Are you trying to get me pregnant?
Is that bad? Onii-chan asks.
No. if it's with Onii-chan, I don't mind.
They both confess their love for each other again and again.
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Oh no! Mom walks in just in time to hear their love confession! The siblings have been caught naked in the living room, semen still dripping out of Little Sister.
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Dad yells at them for hours. Mom just cries the whole time.

It's over. Everything's over.
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Onii-chan remembers all the good times they've had over the last few days. Going on dates and spending time together. They were truly happy.

Mom and dad decide to separate them. They will make sure they don't see each other again. It's time to say goodbye to Little Sister. Little Sister refuses defiantly. She won't stand the thought of being parted from the boy she loves. She starts to cry.
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Onii-chan feels terrible. All of this is his fault. He doesn't know what to do. Little Sister begs, this is all her fault! She's the one who seduced onii-chan.

Mom and dad yell at them both. Stop being selfish. Onii-chan will go back to college. They have to say goodbye.
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Onii-chan remembers when she cried when he left for college the first time. Didn't he say he would always protect her? Isn't she precious to him? Doesn't he love her?
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Onii-chan tells Mayu to get changed. He goes to confront their father. He yells at their father that they will not be separated Their father hits him for being a stupid kid. This isn't a game.
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Little sister asks what they're going to do now? Onii-chan has a little money saved from his part time job while he was in college. Do you remember that sea side town we visited as kids? Onii-chan asks. He grabs her hand and they run away together into the night.
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They run all the way to the train station and buy a ticket together. They travel all night long.
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Onii-chan reports their father for abuse on his smart phone so that the police won't track them down for kidnapping Little Sister. He feels bad but he knows it's for Mayu. He promised to always protect her after all.

I gotta agree with Little Sister. That is pretty mean.
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They watch the sunrise over the seaside town.

Is this really okay? Onii-chan asks. We can't get married and having children is risky. It'll all work out if we love each other, They just need to believe, Little Sister says. They kiss in the morning glow while confessing their love for each other.

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Extra 1
It's too hot! It's too expensive to run the AC, Onii-chan explains. They're just starting out as a new couple so they need to be careful. Onii-chan suggests they go out today but Little Sister complains that it's even hotter outside! She demands Onii-chan buy her ice cream but when he comes home it's the wrong flavor.

Seriously, cream corn flavor? Are you nuts?
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After they finish their ice cream Little Sister complains that it's still too hot out. She decides to use their kiddie pool but since she says she doesn't want to go outside, they'll just have to use it indoors!

So, blue or white school swimsuit?
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After splashing around, Onii-chan puts it in!
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Onii-chan is harder than usual. Little Sister teases that he's a pedophile. Little Sister yells out that she's ovulating today, please pull out! So Onii-chan pulls out (I wouldn't have, goddamn it).

He dirties her school swimsuit.
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White Version
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does anyone remember the name of the doujin where a woman is taking a bath and her younger brother comes in. she tries to play it off joking that his penis has got to be small but it's actually very large with a ton of foreskin so she helps peel it back for him which surprises him since he's never been able to peel it back before. they eventually have sex making a game where the first one to cum loses with her losing. there were other chapters where they continue this game but she loses in all of their bouts. she looked similar to this
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Extra 2
From before they ran away.

Mom and dad won't be home till day after tomorrow. We can have sex all night and day! Little Sister complains. Lately sex isn't really exciting. With mom and dad gone, the thrill of getting caught is gone. Isn't there something they can do that's more exciting than just fucking around the house while they're gone?
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Be careful what you wish for!
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Little sister begs and begs to finish quickly but Onii-chan refuses. What fun would it be if it's over too quickly? He walks her around the neighborhood slowly. He teases her by whispering to her how they'll be caught until she collapses on the ground unable to move.
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They're forced to hide when a salaryman walks by. Onii-chan kisses her to keep her calm. Little Sister is forced to admit that she really enjoyed this.
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The fun isn't over just because they got home safely. Onii-chan forces toys inside Little Sister.
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Onii-chan can't wait and puts it in! This is their first experiment with anal sex.
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Onii-chan fills her with sperm.

That's the last scene. All we have left is to go back and see the Maid outfit. I don't know if that'll be a new scene or not?
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Oh, I should add that Little Sister begged to do this again and next time to please have sex outside. Sadly, no such scene exists.

Maid outfit Little Sister.
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Little Maid Sister pleases her "master".
nevermind guys I found it, it's called Naked Party
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Mayu sucks him off. (I'm not a fan of blowjobs).
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Onii-chan covers Little Sister in sperm.

After this she takes off the maid outfit and the scene continues here as usual.

I guess that's it. That's "Dear Sister" from Sister Soft. They did one other game with this artist called "Reika no Yakata" about siblings trapped in a blizzard who pull over into a hotel only to discover it's a high class brothel run by a pair of prostitute sisters. The sisters won't let them stay because it's very expensive, after pleading by the Little Sister they come up with a game.

Every time Onii-chan ejaculates they lose 100,000 yen. Every time he makes one of the prostitute sisters orgasm they win 100,000 yen, ejaculate inside your OWN sister and lose 300,000 yen. They agree because there's no way he's going to fuck his own sister. They hypnotize him though, to do just that and the game continues.
does this faggot think anybody cares about his retarded playthrough when he's flooding the thread
i do, thread is usually dead so this is a nice change
Posting incest in the incest thread, shocking.
I care. I coom to this shit.
I swear I’m on the brink of seriously starting to learn japanese just to feed my incest addiction
Do it, it's worth due to all the doors that will open, not just for your hobby
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it's a 1k hour commitment, which would translate into 7.5k-15k USD when spent waging at a minimum. you could feed the starving mothers of retarded scanlators for many weeks with that kind of money. or even the raw amount of time when spent on your imouto might earn you a place in her heart forever.
>with your imouto

My gf hates it when I scream that.
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good luck
Dude this is the most kino shit I've read in a long while thanks

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