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Previous thread: >>8001804

NEWCOMERS! Make sure you read through the guide carefully, it'll likely answer most of your questions.

>Latest H-Voice Thread News/Updates
C104 is coming up in 2 months, and circles have started announcing their participation. Are there any works you’re looking forward to?

>Voice Work Illustration for the Thread
RJ313683 is an excellent voice drama that I thoroughly enjoyed. You assume the role of a magic researcher who has an aptitude for magic, and due to a magic experiment accident, you were severely injured and transported to Alfheim, a closed off elven country. The story begins with your arrival, and delves into the time you spent there.
This work has a lot of care put into it, and each character stands out on their own, with even your own character having a solid personality that shows as you progress through the story. In fact, I wouldn’t have even minded another hour of interacting with Ophelia on top of the three hour long main story. In addition, I liked the inclusion of alpha bonus tracks, which are snippets that you can listen to after finishing the main story to gain some additional insight to events that happened in the background. Even though they’re just a few minutes long, I can appreciate the effort put into making the world feel as complete as it is.
I’m honestly surprised by how underrated this work is (and its circle by extension), as its sale count on DLsite is at a measly 500, so I suggest people support 夢先鳥仔 so they’re able to create more voice works like this. I would love to see these types of works become more popular as listening to this gave me nostalgic feelings of how I first got into voice works.
>not waited until Page 11
Kokko is my lolimama
What's the best deepthroat you've ever heard?
What would sex with Yuka feel like
Definitely gonna give this one a listen, RJ281802 is one of my all time favorites
For me, it's Engawa Koyori
my jap sucks
I can only understand if they are having SEX
Can you tell me the circle name in JP?
My reporting gfs
There's a reason why VAs are credited and take pride in their work regardless if it's from your usual otaku media (both regular non h and h anime, erovoice/radio, erogames, erovns).
Voice thread's concern is with voices and should at all costs identify the voices behind (((匿名様))) voiced works.
Voicing h is part of the humiliacion rituale for voice acting initiation. She can do both voicing 匿名様 audio/visual media works and 匿名様 "amateur" jav though if she's beyond unfuckable they'd limit it to hentai sound making only.
>Nooo you have to respect the prostitute/whore's desire to tax evade
How about no?
One way or another she's credited (at least not publicly). If not she's an actual criminal scum without paying dues in a 2000+ sale work.

In a just world there would be no uncredited VAs. It would fix the utter retardation know as /vt/ /h/voice and /t/asmr simpfaggotry.
Every Kaede work would have her face and body shown alongside the "cute" AI generated anime images. You'd see the hideous face abusing the shit out of asmr microphones instead of headless nu-titty streamers. Javstars larping as cute anime girl gfe livestreamers wouldn't be filled with le mystery as in she fucks her producers and male "friends" behind the fans' backs.
No more grift and they alongside their works would be shown for what they actually are. Pornography without the fraudulent symph baiting and undeclared earnings going beyond what an average Japanese salary man would make in his lifetime.
>they're actually giving us until the end of the MO to try to get the mines too
They're really desperate to release something aren't they?
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I feel mixed from the R18 work they did in one of their series. On one hand, it's one of the most intimate maid works I've ever listened to. The acts were very sensual. On the other hand, as far as the story is concerned, it's definitely cheating.
lol didn't read. take your meds.
how come even porn message board is infested with schizoids these days. not just /h/ but also all those comment sections in aggregate h-manga sites.
you're supposed to coom and forget.
can anyone recommend short (sub 30 minute) audios with lots of plap plap sfw noises? i like forced stuff but hopefully it's more "kyaa i can't believe i'm feeling this good and making embarrassing sounds!!" and not hardcore depressing rape
That is the usual schizo from the other boards he's mentioned. He was mia so ig doing his reps on voice works lol. Better ignore him without (You)s
anyone using asmr.one?
just noticed that there are a bunch of old works that simply doesnt load there, like this one RJ01025163 that i favorited and definitely used to work.
Anyone facing the same issue?
contact admin
>headcanon boogeyman
kill me
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Helldiver anon, this is the asmr coomer thread.
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What the fuck do I do know...
>8+ days
Shoot me.
I realized that about 8 hours later. I was pretty out of it when I woke up yesterday.
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Does anyone knows the dl code for the work with this cover (i don't know if it's the original cover)? The title from the file i have saved is 'Japanese ASMR Blowjob Gulp' and its a least from around 2020.
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audio for a kuudere and a cheeky girl whispering into each of my ears?
That sounds like any twins work from Team Randoseru (not a derogatory, it's a great circle)
Got bored and randomly reading some japaneseasmr comments, why is there always nips arguing on rito's asmr?
Unicorns, she is also a niji vtuber
>streamers' problems
I'm gonna be honest you young'uns, I can't relate.
And this general was better when your kind was shunned. In my personal opinion.
I still have a lot of RJ2X and RJ3X works on my favorite list. By current standard, those are ancient.
Speaking of which, any rec for 3 point tease like picrel? Average nipple play works are too focused on mesuochi play.
Does anyone know where I can get the script of RJ326523? I don't know where to find it, and many download sites have only the mp3 files
>script was added in an update
You're fucked. Better just buy it.
Yo guys anything like RJ01104545? It's the best ear licking I've Heard, even the sequel isn't as good. It has some special Deep licking that I couldn't find anywhere else
Thanks ur the best !
Nips always shittalk in japaneseasmr, they always find something to complain to. It's like /v/
recently only interested in otoko no ko works
NEW こっぺぱんさうんど!!!
I need your mightiest, brattiest 'pyu~ pyu~'s
RJ404920 maybe
Listening to someone whose voice you like say I love you feels great
Listening to someone whose voice you like say I hate you feels great
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I'm surprised barely anything is posted in these threads anymore.

Nothing beats RJ293987 for me.
I get the same energy from his post as the /uma/ schizo.
>only 300 sold
I hate the free market.
thanks anon. I feel like a lot of fellatio and throat content just really is the VA licking a dildo. Which isn't what it should sound. It should be hollow, wet and more gagging. good stuff.
Hot ntr village gangbang
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I wished narumi aisaka would stop posting oho voice work. Her oho are so bad they make my ears bleed ffs
check now
Blowjobs on GWA are always better than what we get on DLsite !
>download is gone
my offline experience...
right clicking on files works
Any download that are faster than 100kb/s?
This but all VAs.
oho voices are the aural equivalent of ahegao faces. doing either makes you look and sound like a retard
Its like Yuka's kissing me for real.
That's way too much of a downgrade in QoL.
You have to manually download each file, and remake the folder structure manually...
Anybody have RJ405844?
pick whichever is convenient, can confirm both work, just follow instructions

>girl sounds cute and young
>no exaggrated anime acting
>suddenly ohos like a gorilla
I hate it
I can't read all that chink shit
Say that to the circles anon or maybe even nips
listeners since they made these ohoshit in demand
how the FUCK am I supposed to use the first one? I installed the second one using greasemonkey and it worked for a whole two minutes before shitting itself and reinstalling it does nothing
so now that that site intentionally sabotaged itself, where are we moving next?
or are we going back to the non-centralized dark ages?
is hvdb still good?
A.1 is what hvdb should've been
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Are there other top tier work like RJ343045 from narumi. I am obsessed with her !!
RJ294126, listen it until the end, then continue to the sequel
hvdb hasn't been good for a while, lot of ".exe" downloads from Chinks and nothing new gets uploaded.
okay, do not cry, we brought the button back
Is there a voice work where the girls tempt you while you are in a game or a competition to gain an advantage?
damn, I rarely browse this general or even discuss asmr/h-audio online so I've been using hvdb for years unaware there were better options
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one keeps giving me a network error and none of the servers work. Anybody else getting this?
same, started about an hour ago
is there any alternative to use while asmr.one is down?
jasmr and japaneseasmr
sad state of the thread where half the posts are about tech support for a pirating site
dlsite play and sound have never failed me
it's also faster to just google it. i don't know what's wrong with young users nowadays, they're so adverse to actually using internet.
>just google it bro who cares if the only results are questionable and archaic chink shit that's barely comprehensible
>oh you got a virus? hehe works on my machine bro
I'm an oldhead but you're insane if you think your "solution" is better than just being patient and waiting for server maintenance to be over.
I have come to appreciate and even enjoy acme navigator lady thats in most of 072labo works. hopefully they release a work that's focused on her next
Is there a collection of audio sources that use the oho voice? Is there a specific term in japanese for it?
they are tagged as "vulgar moans" on asmr.one
Any hot sex friend-to-lover voice work?
>never failed me
The DLsite tag is オホ声.
old NTR works like this are still great as ever
wah wah wah faggot
I'm not talking about your chinksite, I mean just downloading the tracks normally
That shit is so basic though
Any voice better than tsubame or is she just the best ?
Your mother's voice
Your sister's voice cunt
Literally the most overrated voice circle, even worse than Tegura.
>downloads full quality wav either with all files or select only on a.1 instead of being an mp3 cuck with all other versions removed
Nope, way ahead of you hayate
I have edits, se ver and no se version at my hands whenever I want
RJ01178455 good stuff.
Not a big fan of nts since reports tend to be on a kinder side but here they're using a similar gimmick which they already used in the work with the 2 sisters, with the reporting going full ntr then just saying in the end that it was just a lie (although here I guess it's proper nts untill the end)
RJ01134730 and RJ01050319 recently updated to have android apk versions and seem to be fairly easy to connect to a toy, wonder if other works will try this and link to toys.
Isn't this the voicework where they have sfx for the dude sucking on her nipples? maybe the gayest thing I've ever heard and I listen to trap works fucking me in the ass.
No, it's the one where you confess to her in the rooftop pool under moonlight and then sit down under dry towel together after daisuki hold nakadashi
Any voice work where the woman tries to say strong lines but act submissively
Better if she keeps making excuses for those submissive actions
Is there any work where you creampie a woman and then the woman forces you to lick her clean afterwards and drink the creampie?
>a series of voice works about maids who willingly perform their duties as your cocksleeve
More voice works like this?



It feels like there must be a tag or keyword for this
ツンデレ / Tsundere
Does anyone who where to find Sholicon works?
narehate should make more stuffs. the one with tomboy maid was really hot
>TS NTR Report
Bicorn is really pushing their boundary
What does ts mean? What's the plot
think it's transformation, but that might be wrong. it's on anything that magically turns dudes into chicks
So, I'm getting reports from a former guy? This sounds kida gay...
Although it's Kokko so should be another masterpiece
Any voice work where your girlfriend tries to offer her female friends for you to fuck?
That sounds pretty hot.
TS means transsexual aka troon
Kino incoming, it's like if Kobe and Lebron played on the same team
words cannot describe how much I hate this baby talk bullshit
I personally prefer Chiroru and Tsubame. I used to love Shiho but she fell off HARD. I haven't listened to a single work of hers that was enjoyable in at least 2 years.
>gorilla noises
No thanks.
from what I could gather from the reviews, your master TS'd into a girl. you both have a sexual relationship but you're not very good at sex and that makes the master quite frustrated so she fucks the mayor's son
I hate that most infantilization (is it the same as baby play?) works are paired with humiliation and rape. I just want love and to be cared for, no baby rattle
>>8075122 (me)
also lack of "ch" sounds
Anyone going to get Yuka's "book"?
Can HVDB anon add RJ338474? It's labeled as ongaku for some reason
Oyakodon kino
yep. still a dude's brain in a girl's body.
I guess that makes sense, but it's not really the same as what that word is used for in real life since the majority of the time it's a forced swap that the person does not enjoy it and wants to turn back. at least until they cum.
im going to buy miyadi's release next month but i didnt know yuka was having one too, not sure if physical or digital download is better
Works where they suck the soul out of your dick? (blowjob). A lot of them are pretty tame (slow), would appreciate if its mostly sucking noise and minimal talking. Instruction on how to find one would be appreciated too since sometimes they don't put "work focused on blowjob" in their description
>those prices
what's even in the highest reward anyway? it said "special edition" but what is it? a key to her house?
My DLPay transactions not going through, anyone have that happen that before?
nvm it's in there, shit like phone call for 5 minutes and personal recording from earlicking to encouragement type stuff
that must be very awkward. what are they even going to talk about? "i once jerked off to your voice 10 times in a row and i can't even get off to real woman anymore"?
She was great in fellatio maid squad
New NTS work, girlfriend fucks 4 separate men as boyfriend watches a recording/in person, then ends with lovey-dovey sex between the two of them.
man, it sure feels like they have done this exact kind of works many times before
Just realized when your in your lowest and devastated voice works won’t save you
I wish there were more "normal" mama works. "Okaa-san" just doesn't cut it for me, and babushit is genuinely too humiliating tbdechu.
Those personal voices and offline meetups actually sold out damn.
>you will never be picked up by a girl and become her slave pet
I hope Takada does more voice works or ASMR.
why live...
I just misread the name of the circle Choco Usagi Puchi as Choco Rabbit Punch and now I like that name better.
What's wrong with Shiho? To me it seems like she's the as she's always been
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If I can't be the lover-servant of a Kokko lolibaba some hundred years older than me, why do I even live?
>黒人 as one of the guys that fucks her.
I wonder when we'll start seeing works that cater to the WMAF JP cucks on dlsite.
Never lol whiboi
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My dumbass thought this got released alrd
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Could really use something with wet slobbery kissing. Bonus points for loli and/or spitting.

As a rec, I've really enjoyed RJ01134460 myself, and RJ01093367 has some really nice kissing too.
That's probably most non-M works with maid, I'd assume? RJ340343 come to mind, I think it's also part of a series.
RJ01176736 was alright. Was expecting a bit more after the last 即堕ち but bicorn decided to get more plot into it although it suddenly breaks after the girls see the other's guy dick lol
Since the credit cards aren't coming back, can they stop trying to self-censor the titles? Makes searching a pain.
She pretty much said the reason herself
She likes handsome men
She already fell in love when he showed his face at the club
Yeah, and then for the 2nd girl? Couldn't see a good reason to do that for the first one.
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>"desu no" ojou-sama gets saimin'd and loses against big cock

>gets saimin'd and loses against big cock
need more works like this please
A slut who had boyfriends
any elden ring-fantasy vibes
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>student-teacher relationship before graduation
>I sleep
>student-teacher relationship after graduation
>real shit
Name of the voice work of pic-related?
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any Mad Venus fans here?
another 3P kino from this circle
Is this close enough? I've played that game way too much recently youtube algorithm is scary.

RJ01183033 is this ntr kino?
Ayaka doesn't archive her livestreams on nicochannel anymore?
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Not saimin, but some works I like that includes losing against cock are RJ253636, RJ01158066 and RJ386259.
For the linux users, what do you guys use for audio file conversion? I feel like sharing some but don't know of a good software.
Isn't niconico still down?
just ffmpeg scripts
any saimin wakarase?
Just learn ffmpeg. Then you can either save the command or make a script to use every time
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I enjoyed RJ01144518, though some parts felt a bit too much for me.
Best breastfeeding focused codes?
this was really nice i fell asleep thank you
i'm good
Just listened to this. She definitely didn't run away prior to the story, they probably told her to find a cuck to torture lmao.
hey what are the best ear-licking audios you ever heard, and do you have RJ01159626? it's the english version of RJ01104545
thanks, also love works with losing against cock
Yuka Mama's ear licking...
Voice Works where u cum from a kiss?
NND is down but not NicoChannel where the streams are archived.

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