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Kyonyuu Fantasy 5 slated for February 2025.
Will post CGs and characters as they continue to come, but someone else is going to need to translate them
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First Main Heroine
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My ranking of the Heroines based solely on looks and bust:
1 Purple hair/green eyed pirate
2 Blonde hair/blue eyes
3 Red Hair/Blue eyes
4 Blonde hair/Purple eyed
5 Purple Hair/Blue eye
6 Pink hair/Pink eyed
7 brown hair/green eye with Horns
8 Brown Hair/Red Eyes Succubus
9 Purple Hair/Blue Eyes with horns

I'm hoping there is a harem route with all 9 Made into the MCs Harem members. Especially the humans at the bottom. I got a feeling they are betrothed to the Brothers of the MC, so hoepfully yhey break off their engagements in Favor of MC like Isis did with Lute
The website: http://www.waffle1999.com/game/103kyonyu5/
Just know, the character section is a bit of a mess. Even though there only 2 so far
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I'm still waiting for the official translation for Kyonyuu Fantasy 4, but I'm glad to see this series is getting another game.
Who's played the fourth game? How would you rank it compared to the other games in terms of story and H-scenes?
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>TIL Waffle made a browser/mobile game
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They use animations instead of still frames for their H-scenes. That's kind of nice.
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Did it just get delayed? I thought for sure it was set to release in 2024 a while ago.
one coin
>I'm still waiting for the official translation for Kyonyuu Fantasy 4
I've also been waiting for it. For like 2 freakin years. They only make like 4 to 8 percent progress everytime they update, and they update like 4 or 5 times a year.

>Who's played the fourth game? How would you rank it compared to the other games in terms of story and H-scenes?
I used textractor on it and i liked what i could understand.
In order, my favorite heroines are :Ishtovia, Gunevia, Celestia, Veronica and Liesel
The H-scenes are decent. nothing we haven't seen before.

My biggest grip with 4 is that its harem route does not end all the story points, such as the enemy kingdom being properly defeated, it feels like the ending is a bit open when it comes to the relations between the 2 kingdoms so i'm hoping for a sequel. Also the harem route ends with Astor married to the Celestia with the rest becoming concubines but none of them are pregnant, which is stupid since Ishotvia, Gunevia and Liesel are pregnant in their respective endings.
There should definetly be a sequel with harem pregnancy ending

I would give it a B+ to A-
>Did it just get delayed? I thought for sure it was set to release in 2024 a while ago.
Nah, someone just assumed it would be released this year since WAFFLE tend to release their VNs 4 to 6 months after they announce them.

KF5 was said to of started in late 2022/early 2023 but it has only been truly announced to be a real thing recently, and they intend to release it 8 months after announcing it.
is gladys playable? i just want gladys to be playable
Is Eden's Ritter Chapter 2 ever getting translated anywhere?

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