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File: visa-mastercard-2.png (5 KB, 204x204)
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Japan need to come up with the solution to fight these 2 faggot credit cards. Not just porn, They literally pulled out on every single japanese online storefronts out there.

My solution
1. Bank transfer / Wire Transfer Payment. No need to rely on credit cards
2. JCB must expand to Europe and America. They already dominate on Asia market.
3. Gift card / Coin method with 1:1 Currency. Dont be retarded like Toracoin does (they fucking inflated the currency by 50% lmao)

Can someone provide another solution ?
option 3 is the best, set up a reasonable points system on a completely safe for work site that also happens to link to the R18 sites but if their goal is to just protect japan they'll do nothing except promote JCB
JCB DID expand to America. They were here for, like, 5 years. They left in 2018.
>They literally pulled out on every single japanese online storefronts out there
Not what the word "literally" means, retard-kun.
But it is literally everywhere. Name a store that still uses credit card
A skeb request about nine hours ago with a visa
I put in a pixiv request yesterday with a mastercard
I bought an R18 manga off booth with that same card three days ago
Buyee still takes my card as well (inb4 cope that a Japanese company somehow doesn't count)
Some SEGA stuff licensed stuff from an affiliate store of theirs about two weeks ago
See you in about a week when all of those will gone. Latest victim is DMM Fanza with Visa
Your point is...?
The OP is either misinformed or lying.
What does or doesn't happen in the future has no impact on that.
>What does or doesn't happen in the future has no impact on that.
No CC payment means No Money for artist means no new porn.
>Bank transfer
you trust a random company with your information? the fucks wrong with you? youre the kinda retard who thinks the IRS accepts gift cards as payment.
The only one that may happen is that the largest platforms may work to improve their coin systems if they are losing out on meaningful foreign revenue. JCB isn't going to try expansion again because of this, and these R18 are unlikely to support wire transfers. Domestically, each platform that drops these cards just reinforce that "JCB is the card if you want to buy otaku goods/"
>Domestically, each platform that drops these cards just reinforce that "JCB is the card if you want to buy otaku goods/"
I think that nips already stick with JCB
Bank/Wire transfer is available for Japan only. At least in Pixiv/Dlsite/Fantia/Dmm. They should able to enable it worldwide.

JCB is bigger than Visa/Mastercard in Japan
>They should able to enable it worldwide.
unfortunately outside of common payment areas like SEPA, international transfers are still complicated and expensive, just one transfer would probably cover a year of pixiv subscriptions in fees

>fell for reddit spacing

>says others are refarded

Fuck your useless thread.

Let's talk about how Fakku doesn't get banned by payment processors despite selling the same shit as those Japanese stores.
Fakku and those payment processors are run by Americans. Jacob is friends with Bill Ackman. Websites like Fanbox or Fantia hurt Fakku financially. Blocking foreign customers in Japan leads them to Fakku.
Fuck off you have other thread to ruin
is this really the end ?
>JCB is bigger than Visa/Mastercard in Japan
No it isn't
Yes it is. Why the fuck you use Visa/Mastercard where Domestic Credit card is available.
because JCB costs three times as much in annual fees
No they dont.
they did when I was looking for a card to get a couple years back (at least for a credit card, debit cards were comparable in price)

also you can use Visa/MC pretty much worldwide but JCB only in or around Japan, another pretty big downside, especially when you don't really need a credit card in japan, you've got all these other, cheaper payment options even online
>Only Japan
JCB is available on most asia countries.
I know this because [spoiler]Its available on my country[/spoiler]
and, did you get one? Why not?
I dont even use Credit card
That was my point, thank you. Credit cards are pretty much an obsolete service only surviving in the market through inertia (and increasingly ridiculous incentives like cashback scams). JCB is not the solution, at best it could become a stopgap. I don't think that would be a viable economic proposition for them.
The problem is everyone uses Credit Card
JCB is the solution in the sense that it is the mainstream payment option available within Japan that isn't dropping R18 platforms. If some other local payment system based within Japan were to become the dominate payment method within the country for internet sales (and doesn't care about R18 sales), then that would become just as much the solution for these platforms.
Does Amex still work?
The usual pattern for most of these websites has been for Visa and Mastercard to drop support, then Amex come along and say "drop us too" a few days later.
The problem isn't credit cards but the fact Jews can't let their porn monopoly be threatened by outside forces.
This isn't a Japan exclusive problem.
This is a problem for everyone, because VISA and Mastercard have a duopoly on CC transactions in most of the world.
If anything, Japan is one of the relatively few countries where widely used domestic options like JCB mean that it is realistic for large commercial platforms to operate without the use of Mastercard or Visa.
This is just nothingburger for anons who don't pay for porn
except for the fact that the porn you don't pay for will trickle in slower and slower
Fakku mostly sells safe-horny shit. They don't even have rape/loli tags.
I wonder if they will drop the mind hypnosis genre considering that the genre has been getting attacked lately
>They don't even have rape/loli tags.
They actually DO have all those tags, they're just hidden by having to create an account and activate the setting that makes them visible.
Ben Garrison already showed you why
Surprised that no Jap ever thought of a Jap Paypal

CC companies and payment processors don't care if you buy those stupid on-site currency
if amex pulls out of fantia it's ogre
it's the only way to buy toracoin since they removed alipay too
also jewish that tokyo otaku mode has bumped up the price bigly and you can't even pay for the exact amount of coins you need
i'm using one
it's been quite a few days and we are still fine
maybe it's temporal but it's better than nothing
yeah i don't want to think about it
some of the artist i like use fanbox but most are on fantia
Dogecoin :^)
Makes me wonder why.
It sounds like it should be a formality in this day and age.
Mainly because nobody invested in the necessary infrastructure to make it efficient. Probably because of the credit card/western union monopoly making it uncompetitive? (Or rather, them lobbying against it...)

You can read the wikipedia article about international bank transfers, it was actually pretty interesting to see all the challenges involved, like for example some of the transfer methods, if you send $50 the recipient could receive only $45 because fees are subtracted by each relay en route... and the route itself is sometimes unpredictable too.
>also jewish that tokyo otaku mode has bumped up the price bigly
Seems they replaced the old 3000 coins for 30$ with 10.000 coins for 84$.
Isn't that cheaper?
coins expire after a few months so unless you're a high roller and quickly spend all the coins, no it's not cheaper
Then they should stop being jewish and open a fanbox too
Tsuji Santa did it by seeing how fucked he got with fantia restrictions
There's no excuse for artists on fantia to not open a fanbox rather than being jewish
>Can someone provide another solution ?
Derecognize Israel as a legitimate state.
They did, though
There's like 30 different equivalents
PayPay is one of the largest over there
They're fucking assholes. The only credit card company I've had more issues with in general business or buying things is Diners Club which is almost a meme at this point.
Not gonna happen. Oh well.
File: literally.jpg (53 KB, 400x415)
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>Not what the word "literally" means, retard-kun.
What's with this retarded trend to use the word "literally" improperly every 2-3 words anyway?
>"I am literally telling you that i literally did that literally right now and i literally felt that literally...
>...like, literally.
People who talk and write like that sound like absolute morons.
I hate crypto shit, it's filled with scammers and speculation with no material substance, but I feel like bitcoin is the real solution to this. No government will be able to regulate how a foreign online retailer operates if people pay with bitcoin. The problem is that bitcoin and other cryptoshit are essentially just a speculative assets and people won't want to spend their bitcoins on actual products anytime soon.
And? Sounds like a you problem ngl.
It is retarded, "literally" doesn't mean "actually" or "very much so".
If you are illiterate and do not even know the meaning of the words you use, it is nobody's problem but your own.
Yet you're the mad one here. Curious.
You can't even buy toracoins from tom any more if you are from the EU. The page simply states they aren't shipping to your country.
Its unironically over for EU.
Luckily they don't give a shit about your personal opinion.
You can still use bitcash, and TOM works with some trickery.
But it's tiring how badly they want to get rid of european customers.
The EU would almost certainly be fine with Fantia simply blocking access (besides the fact that Fantia is WAY too small to even be considered for this new online platforms law, it's main purpose was reigning in google, twitter, Tik Tok and so on).
I think TOM just wants to avoid europoors from buying toracoin, only for them to realize that they can't access fantia anymore. You now, avoiding people demanding refunds. But it's handled with the finesse of a fucking sledgehammer.
Things will only get more downhill.
Amex should still work so long as JCB is accepted. JCB acts as Amex’s merchant acquirer in Japan and Amex offers the same to JCB in a few english speaking markets, Amex cards should always work wherever JCB is accepted and JCB card gets that same privilege in the US
Tell that to DLSite...

It's called children and not loli, you newfag.

And rape is Fakku's number one cash cow hence why they promote it the most.
Imagine making fun of someone being ESL when you're pressing enter after every word because you're a schizo who either thinks Reddit spacing is real or 4chan uses Reddit's text editor.
Get a job and stop being a damn lazy person.
People spend their bitcoins all the time, I spent a lot of them on dollars back when it was 70k

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