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I am new in nfsw anime game market. I am a game developer who creates anime games. Can I get suggestions of what the players want and expect from a good 3D anime nfsw game? Any tips?
Vast majority of /h/umanitarian gamers are playing those kinds of games to beat their meat, so don't go crazy trying to make a game difficult. you can go the Karryn's Prison route where the game has an easy difficulty where you still need to think a bit, but otherwise it's easy to brute force.
Make what you think is hot, not what others think is hot. Cater to your fetishes so you have passion for the work, more likely for it to be high quality.
Don't skimp on the actual h scenes. if you can't draw, get a good artist.
Variety, both in h acts, scenarios, outfits are good to have.
Relying on lewd scenes only appearing in defeat scenes is horrible, don't do that.
There is no way to make everyone happy with story writing. I'm just going to say it, you will always have naysayers, complainers, nitpickers. Write what you think makes sense and roll with it. Don't overthink it.
Optional due to bias, but a lewdness/corruption meter with stats tracking lewd acts the females have done to them is hot af to me, I'd personally appreciate if you include that.
You should check out the h-games threads on /h/ and /d/ and see what people like there.
It's probably worth playing through some games yourself to see what you think works and what doesn't work. When you focus only on your own work, you might overlook obvious problems, which you would have noticed when playing through someone else's game.
Have you made a game already? Honestly, just try to sorta emulate nsfw games that you personally enjoyed
I'm not good at drawing, and I don't have money lol. I would just have to learn it!
Also, what's your opinion to make h-game for the money?

I'll add : work on your characters personality/emotions. we play hgames because we want to follow a character development. We want these to be believable, at least coherent in their world.

If I wanted a quick fap with superficial characters I would just read some doujin.
What do you think about H Simulator Game? My personal favorite is Sim Games with tailored fetish.
Holy Knight Ricca has some good mechanics examples of mechanical things, like scenes alternating from scripted shots to being able to move rhe camera around to view the scene the way you want.
Also please add a flat girl with big nipples and also some armpit stuff
>Relying on lewd scenes only appearing in defeat scenes is horrible, don't do that.
This, so fucking much.
Bestiality and loli
Lewd content needs to be tied into the gameplay.
It shouldn't just be "do this generic task for 20 minutes then get lewd content".
It also shouldn't be too dialogue heavy, nothing makes me back out of a game faster than opening it to see a 30 paragraph text scroll explaining the lore for a game about some princess getting her brains fucked out for the next 10 hours.
That's not to say there shouldn't be a story, but it needs to be told efficiently, and not like a fucking manual you need to read through before you're allowed to do things to the character.
Introduce the characters, then show us who they are by demonstrating it through their actions and behavior.
One of the most important things however, is that the game should be fun, the best lewd games I've played are ones that keep me playing after I got off.
And remember, lewd content that only shows up after you lose sucks, unless you either let the player continue after they're beaten or provide content alongside the defeat content, I personally like defeat content but it really shouldn't be the only thing available in the game.
Finally, for the love of god, don't just haphazardly glue together a bunch of posed koikatsu models in a renpy based VN, that shit sucks and 3DCG VNs are a plague, you're better than that and should strive for more.
A really good example of making an actual GAME with H is Kamidori, you should check it out to get an idea of how gameplay can be worth thinking about. The h-scenes are a bit too spaced apart though, keep that in mind.
Pick the fetishes you want carefully. Everyone has there own likes and dislikes, but some can loss you more customers than it gains. Things like NTR, Futa or scat are going to preclude 90% of people. If you are focusing on that type of market, then commit to it. Don't try to please both cause you will please none. If someone so much as sees NTR as a tag, that is it, they will not touch it. It matters not if it is "optinal" or "only on a certain path", it is contaminated and will be ignored.
Also you caon't please everyone. I won't play a game with dark skinned males, cause I don't like seeing fat bald black guys raping the girls I am supposed to be banging, even if said black guy is my player character.
Eris Dysnomia, Succubus Affection and Winter Memories are like the best games, so play them to boost your inspiration, they are also the ones i found least annoying and with most interesting erotic features, good text and not focused in having to get game overs to give you fap content.
Been playing some games like Self Defense Dojo and i absolutely despise grindy torturing gameplay as it does so definitely take that as what to not make as a videogame, plus actually add floating moan/dialogue boxes over your sex scenes so they don't feel boring.
Some people like writing actual plots in their h-games, and i think it's not a bad idea at all but you gotta make sure there's more or equal amounts of sex content as people are trying to fap here aswell, i played recently a game called Chloax Scramble and 12 hours into it's main story and it barely had sex scenes plus a lot just re-used assets, so take in lesson you can't be lazy too often.
You'll be spending a lot of hours on this, so pick a few fetishes you'd like working with and stick to them. Remember, a game for everyone is a game for no one
The option to not see any male parts (even clear) throughout the entire game, for fucks sake please include more kinks like ass winking
Tight controls should be the first thing that comes to your mind. I don't know why but so many H-platformers and action games have long, awkward, and un-cancellable animations that make the game feel like ass to play. I want to be able to jump cancel all animations, I want actions like going through doors, opening chests, climbing ladders to be quick, I want attack animations to be responsive.

Difficulty should be optional. If you want to make a challenge that you can be proud of that's 100% fine and I encourage it, just put it behind a menu option or item and let the base game just be for fun. Holy Knight Ricca does this with cursed skulls you can buy from the shop for example. It gives you some customization of difficulty.

In terms of sexual content, always have a gallery and include everything in it. There are amazing games like Holy Knight Ricca and Night of Revenge that have pretty extensive galleries but still don't put in their event and trap scenes for some reason. I also dislike the notion that a gallery item is only unlocked when you find it in game. It makes sense, but also when there are a lot of scenes, or the conditions are very harsh (like having to game over on every mob in the game) it becomes a chore and you should just unlock things per stage/level or upon game clear. Better yet have a button/npc in the gallery that will unlock everything for you if you want. There are a lot of games where I just download the save file for.

Artstyle is a personal thing so technically you can never go wrong, but we all know some things look better than others so just browse the 3D section of games and see what is received well. I don't want to discourage but poorly done 3D hentai games are a dime a dozen and they all have this same low-quality vibe in their art or animation. Additionally I'm a big fan of character customization in my games, but I also realize that it's extra work not every dev is waiting on.

Good luck!
I recently played Peeping Dorm Manager and I feel like it would translate into a 3d game well enough.
Stealth feels like a mechanic that you could play with one hand. Maybe something with accidental nudity?
Also gives you the lewd shit you're after early without having characters just fuck you on site.
An actual plot.
I'll try it out.

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