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To discussing anything from e-hentai and exhentai.
The amount of MTL spam on panda is really making me want to drop the site
you can literally blacklist it now, why don't you
Quite the useless OP. At least explain the difference between e-hentai and exhentai, etc.

The new machine translation spam is from Daruna, Cutegyaru and their lackeys to encourage the Anglo part of Exhentai to migrate to their Discord or anywhere else i.e. accelerationism. Also, Daruna and Cutegyaru are lying that they translate for free, they receive their funding from paypigs on Discord.

Tendon doesn't give a shit about what's going on unless it hurts his bank account. You're burning energy for nothing when you whine about machine translations because a majority of the users aren't looking for Anglo translations.
Whoa that's crazy. Source?
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You would've made it far more believable the new spam isn't your doing if you did your usual sperging in the comment box. It's comical how you call everyone a retard and fail at basic opsec.
I too found it odd they weren't attacking those new uploaders for being bad at English or using machine translation.
Why give them even a second of thought and attention when they will just come back and do it again? You see it every time with these pieces of shit. They don't give a fuck, they'll keep doing it.
>going off on a random thinking it's your specific internet nemesis
Damn dude, take your pills.
Is there any way to download the origina; of old galleries with no torrents, aside from getting GP?
*the original images
You're an actual fucking schizophrenic because you don't think you're a nobody.

So what you're saying is they're even more retarded because they only realized that after spending so many years attacking people uploading inaccurate or machine translators and begging Tendon to put them on the quality check team.
Why is it apparently kinda unspokenly verboten to post comments beyond the first couple of days something is posted?
it's not, only the gallery traffic drops off dramatically after a few days and so nobody bothers most of the time
Since Daruna was brought up, it reminded me of something. Mind you, I'm not defending Daruna. He belongs in a mental asylum because he's extremely narcissistic to the point he sends his lackeys here to ping him when his name is mentioned and he acts like a rabid dog. It's just that, of all people, he's one of the few who exposed Tendon as a fraudster.

Tendon banned Daruna for hate speech. The same Tendon who claims "freeze peach under any circumstances". Daruna called him a hypocrite because he's got a Wehraboo /pol/tard for a moderator (which Tendon denies because he's also a /pol/tard, they're coward little shits who only deny, deflect, manipulate and lie).

>As far as I know, no one who has been appointed as a mod has ever said anything remotely related to nazi ideology. If a "black sun" makes you a nazi, you're probably over-interpreting symbology. Say, would using the swastika kanji in a text make a work supportive of nazism? You know, like Machikado Mazoku and Bocchi the Rock.
hydrus took 2 months to auto-tag about a thousand images because of the bandwidth limit, while tagging only those few images found on boorus, and vomiting about 120gb of data onto disk
Instead of that x y question just post your forum username (not login name) and ask for credits
thank you friend
i dont have
enough go
I sent 400k credits. Check your mooglemail on hentaiverse.
GP prices are ok right now so you can just convert all of that to gp on e-hentai.
What's the go to EH viewer for Android these days

Lmao get baited, you retarded newfag. That's Jacob's username on Exhentai.
you can also request a torrent here, someone will create it for sure
lol, i meant here https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?showforum=45
could someone send me some; need to finish my collection- hornymanlol
holy newfag
Okay, mine is "blaba798".

does anyone have this?
it's already in the anchira batch on sukebei
>site is blocked
>if I use vpn to browse it, every time I open a picture it shows a message that I reached the limit instead
I don't know how to use it anymore.
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Hi Daji how's that crusade going on? Nh users stop pushing mtl slops to popular and stop commenting yet?
>If a "black sun" makes you a nazi, you're probably over-interpreting symbology.
Wasn't that created... by nazis? What else could it be associated with?
ahahaha good one fakku shill you should start doing stuff like this and stop being a schizo and we would like you more
Hi retard. Learned basic English and taken your meds yet?
Yes, the sun rays are the emblem of the Waffen SS repeated six times. Germans planned on replacing it with the swastika because they wanted something they've made.

He denies it is because he thinks cancel culture is real and doesn't want to admit to have done anything wrong because he's an idiot. Also because he's a Norwegian, I suspect he might be a descendant of a WW2 German rapebaby (lebensborn) or be sympathetic to them, most Norwegians attack them regardless if they're pro-German.
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A true classic.
a real attempt at loli character driven slice of life moe with sex scenes (done well enough to not feel like fanfic) should be the modern template for eromanga. Save the 3+ pages of tummy shots for the omakes and the male """""mc""""" for the trash.
is there a way I can change the category of a gallery I published? I accidentally put a CG as a Doujinshi and I'm not able to change it, it even has the reclass:artistcg tag
do I just have to delete the gallery and make a new one with the proper category?
Go to the forums and ask for upvote the reclass
if you have to use a vpn, get a bronze star and you won't' get that message anymore
I sent you both some. Check your mooglemail and buy GP as they are priced well right now.
Why would I know an ecelebs username. You are the retarded one for knowing something useless like that.
Also I just recalled those useless 400k credits back.

Yeah why would you know that?

Almost as if you're a retarded newfag.


You literally wouldn't keep Fakku's dick out of your mouth even if someone paid you.

Kill yourself
>I sent you both some. Check your mooglemail and buy GP as they are priced well right now.

Yeah, that worked.
>The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified

Can't access nhentai.net again.

This happened a few months ago, but one day I it just gave me access. Now I can't access it a again for a few weeks now.
try using incognito or another browser, cloudflare probably doesn't like one of your add-ons
Anyone got a link to "official English translations" uploaded to Exhentai?
What is the best way to open panda in orion browser? I installed old version ehunter extension but that is not good. There are any chrome/ff extensions to make it readable?
thank you
ill choose a more gooner friendly name next time retard
Anyone here use LANraragi? Do you know any way to export scrapped exhentai metadata to a ComicInfo.xml file?
That's just how hydrus is. I could be wrong but I believe there was an alternative way to get it to tag faster but I don't remember what that was. I know many people in the past suggested better ways but I forgot what the dev's reply was. Personally I never used the auto tagging system and did everything by hand(I'm very picky about my tags) while letting hydrus grab and tag new stuff from its built in downloaders.

If you're using a HDD then its strongly recommended to defrag your drive every once and awhile and before defragging, delete everything inside your recycle bin to speed up the process as those get moved around as well. I tried defragging one of my externals that had about 70+GB of old deleted files still left inside the recycle bin which in returned increased the defragging times. Took a week to finish.

>while tagging only those few images found on boorus
Hope you weren't saving resizes(like me once). But yeah most of your old images you'll probably have to just do by hand, I know its not fun but I don't really see any alternatives, both with and without hydrus. AI image tagging where you train your AI to tag your images has been a thing for awhile now. I know the hydrus dev had been eyeing that to implant for hydrus for years now.

Hydrus is garbage because the developer doesn't understand what a database, symbolic link or hard link is, which is a feat of its own.
the problem just is that most of my saved images aren't booru pics but instead general kot pix.
and I had hoped that someone had tagged those before, but unfortunately, no
I read doujins on nhentai. Whats the benefit of exhentai? Does it have more galleries?
You can still read galleries even if you don't have credits/GP, is there a script that lets you download each page one by one or something similar?
isn't that what tachiyomi does
nhentai is like the crunchyroll for casuals anime fans such as yourself. Actually, that might be more Fakku. nhentai is like those shitty 3rd party illegal streaming sites that only have breadcrumbs worth of content at lower quality instead of eating off a 5 star restaurant menu which is g.e./exhentai.

Why don't you answer the question properly instead of doing identity politics? Are you perhaps retarded?

Nhentai is nothing more than cherrypicked resized galleries taken from Exhentai.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is a retarded newfag.

Nhentai was created when Fakku copyright claimed RAWs and English fan translations of Wani content in 2013/2014.

The owner of Nhentai claimed on 4chan's /a/ that the website would be a better alternative to Exhentai by accepting uploads and never being copyright compliance. So, the owner lied because he/she have never accepted uploads and have always been copyright compliance.
Force download resized image in e-hentai downloader settings
Other external downloaders probably have a similar option
Yeah was born with a rare condition that prevents me from being a whining faggot so either jack off or fuck off.

Yeah you're a retarded newfag. Else you wouldn't be confidently wrong and think identity politics isn't being a whiny faggot. You sound Reddit/Twitter/X too You need to kill yourself to make your first contribution, you disgusting freak.
what's the difference between fakku and irodori releases? like some doujins have both fakku and irodori version

To encourage you to buy both versions, they manipulate the quality in both versions e.g. making the Irodori version brighter than the Fakku version or vice versa. The Fakku version tends to be more airbrushed than the Irodori version. If the pictures appear to be visually identical, replace the Irodori version with the Fakku version.

The Irodori version is sold first because Irodori doesn't have any QA/QC despite attacking others for it. They let their paypigs buy their shit and report any errors. Then when no one's buying it anymore and they feel like they've gotten rid of most of the errors, they start selling it on Fakku.

Irodori only lets their customers download their purchase as a PDF file twice. The quality of the images is always worse because they're in a PDF file. Their activities suggest they add malware to the PDF file. The reason they only let you download as a PDF file is because they think it makes it less likely for it to be shared "illegally".

Fakku lets you download your purchase as a ZIP file or PDF file and the images seem to always be in the PNG format.
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Why does exhentai load the galleries very slowly, to the point of not loading?

I have been using Firefox for 10 years, and recently I have this problem
So much stuff hit by the Wanipocalyse isn't online anymore.
because (you)mu is stinky
Sad panda down for anyone else at the moment?
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Tendon throttles the speed on Exhentai to encourage people to purchase one of those colored stars from his shop that he calls "donations" for dodging taxes. The cheapest star costs $20 and gives the smallest chance to obtain the privilege of accessing Exhentai content on E-hentai. The most expensive star costs $5000 and gives a better chance. He's not throttling E-hentai. It's a literal lootbox.
What's the next Fakku/Irodori free rip site now that A...... got taken down by the fakku jew lawyers? Which how the hell does that even work anyway? The site was hosted outside the U.S right? I'd tell the jew lawyers to fuck off if it was hosted outside the U.S. Aside, yeah Irodori quality is hit or miss but there is a gem to be had here and there. Was looking forward to the conclusion of two ongoing manga's but fuck the jew lawyers had to strike and just ruin the whole thing.
>What's the next Fakku/Irodori free rip site
Nothing yet afaik.
What do they even use?
The result is worse than deepl, and nowhere near as proficient as even gpt3turbo.
I see, thanks.
And flee where? every single hentai site out there just reupload whatever sandpanda uploads, if sadpanda is infested then everything is
Time to learn japanese
>Time to learn japanese
A good thing to do regardless, you escape so much bullshit by simply not caring about all the drama.
For those who downloaded my anchira dumps, there was a small update to the last 4 torrents.
No new files were added, only duplicate files were removed or renamed.
Also some files were in the wrong batch and were moved to the correct one.

https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4131588 10001-11000
https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4131602 11001-12000
https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4131655 12001-13000
https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4131682 13001-14000

Why didn't you put everything in a single batch and make a script that deletes unwanted files?
Are you also the one doing the hentainexus one?
> https://fakku.cc
Oh thanks anon, now we just need someone to update these on nyaa for when they inevitably die.
I was thinking about this yesterday... Wouldn't a big ass 500GB torrent scare away potential seeders?

I don't think there will be any changes or files to be deleted after this release anyways.
The biggest problem now are galleries with wrong or missing metadata, which I'm trying to solve by making a set of tools to generate dynamic metadata files in whatever format you want. The source for this metadata would be a collaborative repository instead of torrent files welded to a torrent file.
It's still in early development stage but I'm storing everything here: https://github.com/ccdc06/metadata

If I were to release something new, I would strip out the metadata from the files and leave images only BTW.

Okey , thank you , was gonna ask the same thing

I would've put them all in a single torrent if I was going to make new modifications to the other torrents. The size shouldn't be unpleasant, even mid-range phones from 2010 can handle large torrents.

There should've been a standard a long time ago when it comes to metadata for items from Fakku, etc. My suggestion is to give a unique number to each item and have a single database file that tells you the metadata of the unique number. Then, put the unique number in the file name of the item or create a file named after the unique number and put it in the item. This would make it possible to update the metadata without having to modify the archive.

Maybe https://hentag.com could help with this.

These archives appear twice in your last four uploaded torrents to Nyaa. Only difference is the name of the image files.

[Akaeboshi (Binto)] Huge Little Sis, Tiny Big Bro
[Akaeboshi (Binto)] Tiny Little Bro, Huge Big Sis
One guy was using Google lens
Thank you for pointing out.
It looks like they were downloaded both from irodori and fakku (same content, different filenames).
I'll remove these two:
anchira.to_12001-13000/[Akaeboshi (Binto)] Huge Little Sis, Tiny Big Bro 2.cbz
anchira.to_12001-13000/[Akaeboshi (Binto)] Tiny Little Bro, Huge Big Sis.cbz
>[Flage] Monster Sex! Heroine of Justice Falls Into the Enemy's Trap, Gets Turned Into a Hermaphrodite, and Ends Up Attacking Her Comrade

What is HentaiNexus doing with the files? The same archive from the Anchira torrent pack has a smaller file size, not a single hash is identical, but every pixel is identical.
>(Harumare)] Men are Dense

Downloaded this from HentaiNexus, only two files didn't have the same hash.
make sure you're not comparing to something that was downloaded via userscripts.
CDNs used by those sites can lossy reencode images automatically to reduce filesize and bandwidth usage.
I got it from the download button. They're being re-encoded but the size is much larger than what's in the Anchira torrents.
Cutegyaru (male) is literally the worst thing to happen to the translation scene.
It's so fucking annoying whenever I see this autist acting like he's the grammar jannie on every single gallery. Not even a single comment related about the gallery/content itself, it's just her (male) being passive aggressive about the translation every single time.

Guessing that she (male) gets off to this notion of shitting on every single gallery not done by her (male) TL group.
when you get really good in your industry there are two paths you can take: become a teacher for others, contribute and maintain a neutral stance towards hobby specific scandals (i.e. like tendon does) or you use your clout to build a discord army of drones to reinforce your internet opinions and act like a king. cg has a huge fucking ego which stops him from contributing feedback to the scene like he thinks he does, instead he makes mtl'ers keep going out of spite when they would've stopped at translating their one favourite doujin
Blackscreen on brave on my tablet. E-hentai works fine. Works on ungoogled chrome on desktop. Strange
Ah wait nvm forgot brave had 2 different places for cookies and I needed the other one
Is Exhentai the only website you ever visit besides this general? Machine translations aren't popular because of Cutegyaru, lmao. Not lifting a finger unless profits decrease and being copyright compliance isn't maintaining a nehtral stange.
Also, forgot to add that he does give feedback, people seek him out every day. His position on machine translation is completely justifiable. Anyone who isn't a monolinguist knows why. Tendon is the one at fault and he's being hypocritical about it by allowing shitty scans to be expunged.
What I've come to realize is all the people actively shit-talking cutegyaru in these threads are generally 1 or more of the following:
>1. schizo that chose him as their boogeyman
>2. MTLer that got super asspained when they or their friend got publicly called out for making shit up so they spend their time rageposting instead of learning Japanese
>3. retard that doesn't understand just because an English sentence "reads well" means it's accurate to what's actually written
>4. dont understand that the reason him and the few others that made comments showing how "translations" were garbage were because they were necessary for the rough translation tag before the recent change to the rule
If you're complaining that MTL is being called out, you're part of the problem so shut the fuck up
I can agree he has an ego problem, but at the least he can say he's one of the few actually trying to stop the flood of MTL shit

>contribute and maintain a neutral stance towards hobby specific scandals (i.e. like tendon does)
His inaction is what caused all this shit to happen in the first place. If he just fucking banned it from the start none of this shit would've ever happened
>instead he makes mtl'ers keep going out of spite when they would've stopped at translating their one favourite doujin
#2 through 4? Considering there's MTLers that do it "because it's easy", and some others do it to shill their patreon, your specific case is probably an outlier
i thought fakku shill was being a schizo again when he talked about cutegyaru sending his discord army but i guess even he can be right sometimes
I don't even use discord.
Problem is anyone that says anything against MTL in these threads is automatically labeled as his discord army because the schizo thinks he's personally out to get him or whatever.
I only looked up the thread a few weeks back after I lost script when I reinstalled windows, and all I saw were people talking shit about someone actively trying to at least quarantine the MTL shit on the site in lieu of tenboro doing anything useful (surprised he did for once)
So say what you want, it doesn't really change my stance. I'm just saying even if he's a raging asshole at least he's trying to better the site in the single avenue tenboro allowed. All I'm seeing is most complaints are mad because they're either ignorant or couldn't stand getting flogged instead of having their cocks sucked for uploading garbage
> https://fakku.cc
bruh why no one call me out for scam yet? feel weird
he's been on record attacking competitor scan groups he dislikes there's a screenshot of him going to another actual translation group's gallery and saying this is shit and having his group dogpile on it despite being a complete translation. you can find multiple instances if you search the forum threads, one I saw was on the forum thread for rough translation for example

His discord members should be IP banned, he thinks putting up a translation a month makes him the gatekeeper of the whole site and if anything he's making people MTL spite translate because him and his discord group are as bad as fcking twitter hoards.
>quarantine the MTL shit
He's attacked competitors, he's attacked actual scanlation groups for not upscaling images, he doesn't give a damn about MTL he just uses it the same way Twitter's morality police does to make themselves feel good.

Because mind telling me how having 20 shitlords go on a gallery and verbally harassing ACTUAL translation groups but skip QC for a free upload "helping" the scene. Its the definition of holding others to a higher standard then yourself.

>better the site in the single avenue
So I'm allowed to tell you to KYS and get an army to follow suit because I want to better the quality of this site. That's the logic you're riding on. I care about the quality of 4chan threads so much, ignorant people should rope themselves in minecraft.
It's funny that you're attacking yourself and Tendon.

Lolwut. You call others schizo and yet you type like you've got fucking ass burgers by pressing enter once after every comma, sentence or in the middle of a sentence, and you think this is Reddit
Probably because you cry to the mods that you're being harassed and won't give them data of users for free if they don't do something about it
>he's one of the few actually trying to stop the flood of MTL shit
go fuck off and kill yourself gyaru shill. you must one of those twitter losers who think screaming at Trump on twitter is helping the world because you did your part
And you're a subhuman for screaming at people, being a zio and defending machine translation because you think you're owning the woke boogeyman
pot calling the kettle black human scum. Die you filth if you actually read what he did you'd realize he doesn't give a shit about mtl he just wants someone to rant about. He's attacked legitimate translators as well.

But go ahead and stay stupid, I hope a pitbull mauls you and eat you at least then you'll put your worthless life to some good.
I haven't gone deep into the forums, but at least some of it's warranted considering the stuff that's been coming out as of late.
I'll be clear: the main thing I want to see eradicated is MTL and I'll take whatever I can get (in this case it's him and the few others) to have that shit solved because it's a problem that only gets worse over time. Just I'm seeing a good amount of asspain from what sounds like MTLers that got called out on it or people unaware how the system for that tag was supposed to work in the past.

If you're talking about that guy that posts the 1280x pasta that's not an attack, more a reminder against wasted effort. As for MTL, I'm pretty sure he does care considering the amount of time he's spent fighting it. Like I said, if tenboro banned it from the start, none of this shit would have happened, he'd just be posting translations and we'd be talking about some other inane bullshit. And if you feel like actually killing yourself because 20 random people on the internet said so, I genuinely think you either need intervention, or you have to develop as a person. That kind of shit should not bother you.

Here's your (You)
Meanwhile his idiot defenders pretend he ONLY attacks MTL. Firstly he isn't doing stop to curb mtl he just makes people spite translate more. Secondly he's going on and attacking translation groups he doesn't like ACTUAL translation groups, he's acting like the gatekeeping police.

No i'm not talking about a 1280x pasta i've seen him dogpile translators say they're lazy AF for not upscaling then when they reply saying thanks for the comment hahaha his hoard from discord downvote the reply till its hidden.

>I'm pretty sure he does care considering the amount of time he's spent fighting it.
He doesn't give a shit, have you seen his responses the guy's just on a power trip. He doesn't even do the 10 phrase corrections that used to be a requirement for the rough translation Tag he just comes in with his whores to scream insults and dogpile.

>And if you feel like actually killing yourself because 20 random people on the internet said so, I genuinely think you either need intervention,
No one said that but if you think coming into a room and screaming insults doing anything. Maybe you should take critical thinking classes.
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yeah bro people "seek him out everyday" now I'm sure I've never seen samefags more disgusting than on this board ever
y'all know that ur shit tls and mtls would all get nuked if the actual Scene had a translation section right? imagine crying like babies at the barest hint of something approaching standards lmao. quit voting for ron paul and grow the fuck up

>Firstly he isn't doing stop to curb mtl he just makes people spite translate more

Cutegyaru's justifiable disdain for machine translation hasn't contributed to the increased rate of machine translations.

/pol/tards who constitute a majority on 4chan defend machine translation because they think it triggers their boogeyman the WOKELIZER. Thus, you wind up with /pol/tards spamming machine translations on Exhentai, a website which they desperately try to get access to because they're pedophiles and think it'll make them into oldfags.

>He doesn't even do the 10 phrase corrections

It's plain absurd that recognized and verified translators have to do this for every single gallery.

There is only one problem and it's translators willingly using Tendon's website instead of making an alternative website where copyright takedown notices get shredded and bad or machine translators get banned.
So weird that you pressed enter after your first sentence and then typed coherently afterwards. Honestly what the fuck is going on in the head of you Redditors? Lmao you can't make this shit up.
>my cult leader did nothing wrong, he is in the right
>the problem is people not making their own platform -cultist of someone who translates 1 doujin a day to pretend he runs the site.
Go kys worthless parasite
why don't you make an alternative website to exhentai retard, why should translators make a website for you on top of translating while you sit on your ass
>t. mentally ill
>be translator
>see cow shit on the ground
>eat it
>cope that it was better than nothing
>attack people who give you advice
ok retard
>>attack people who give you advice
WDYM I'm clearly just giving advice my advice is to go kys. I care so much about the community I used my discord to sabotage other REAL translation groups.
How dare you not accept my advice?!!!
>other REAL translation groups
Why haven't you said who they are? You Redditors are always annoying.
Anal rape would be a mercy for you loser cultist.

post#49 has his preeditted comment.
Mayriad who claims to be a Jp-EN mod vouches for the TL.
I've seen gallery shitposts by gyaru where he just goes in spews insults then said lol i didn't even read it. He straight up said later in that thread he didn't care about that TL he's just shitposting cause he hates the group.
I don't even use reddit for anything but fanart, You're a fucking moron who thinks being a discord cultist is any better please just rope yourself.
Not reading your shitpost until you learn to type properly, Redditor. I saw you mentioned Mayriad who is one of Tendon's lackeys, you need go fuck yourself with a cactus if you believe that tranny has a say in anything.
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nice goalpost moving cultist. You've asked for proof i gave it to you, Yes everyone who doesn't support the cult is an evil lackey, god you're pathetic. Good job proving you and your cult leader definitely argued in good faith and aren't just trying to be assholes for self Aggrandizement. Your parents are pathetic cunts who should've been raped to death by a gorilla for raising filth like you.
Any wise guy can tell us what the right path towards making a website like exhentai would be?
I mean there clearly is a lot of demand for hentai so that can't be the issue, even the most incompetent admin can deal with copyright claims by removing whatever fakku and irodori tells them to the same way tenboro does so that's not it either, and you'd think that lolicon is the cause but even "legal" websites like fakku are hosting it, so what's actually stopping someone from making an exhentai rival? why aren't big platforms nhentai or hitomi allowing user uploads?
See? Typing coherently isn't difficult. Now re-type your previous shitpost and be grateful that I'm teaching you how to not be a newfag if you want anyone to read it.
>so what's actually stopping someone from making an exhentai rival
Money issue. Always money.

>why aren't big platforms nhentai or hitomi allowing user uploads?
>resampled shit
Not even worth mentioning
Only read your first sentence because you're a r****t typing retard. So, an alternative to Exhentai should permanently ban machine translators and other types of fake translators e.g. Xinsu, not be copyright compliant, permanently ban any user who tells people to support artists who pay Fakku to issue copyright takedown notices on their behalf, permanently ban anyone who defends Fakku, etc. Should take a few months to beat Exhentai's traffic.

>Money issue. Always money.

Exhentai generates more money than it can waste from ads and selling shit for bitcoins.
money as in initial investment? or profitability? how does tenboro profit then?
kill yourself
shut up nazi, your forefathers punched your kind and now you are one, May the great might of the american empire extinguish your puny pathetic bootlicking villainy and stomp out the cutegyaru cult.
I know. They also earn thousands of dollars from JuicyAds. But we are talking about what's stopping people from making an e-hentai rival, which is money.

A new site with no reputation, traffic, or income wouldn't be able to sustain itself because the costs would be too high if you attempted a literal 1:1 copy. Keep in mind that e-hentai hosts original quality and provides resampled archives in several horizontal widths. There's also the issue of imageset spammers. These are a non-issue for E-Hentai because they have H@H and can sustain themselves. If you start from zero and only host original quality to save storage, it might be possible, but good luck convincing a well-established community to move to your site.
I just hate annoying, obnoxious cunt who act like he owns the place.
I read the comments to see what others thought about the content of the gallery, not to read some spastic (presumed) English literature major trying to flaunt his worthless degree online to sate his ego by being a annoying faggot on every single gallery, because the translator doesn't use a proper grammar on page 5.

You're looking too much into it. I hated other people for less reason.
they can start by banning retards like you then we can just use exhentai again. Its like reddit retards saying we should stop slavery while you're sipping on your blood coffee and slavery produced cell phones fuck off. Make a site and go get thrown into prison your naive cunt.
exhentai is the go to place for uploads. If you're trying to make another site you'd need to find a willing audience to migrate with you or be a scalper like nhentai that just mirrors exhentai with lower resolution.

Exhentai is sustainable off donations, if a new site propped up while exhentai's still up and asked for donations most people will assume it's a scam. Also the "issues" with exhentai is so incredibly minor and really the only people who are raising a fuss about it are cutegyaru and his pissbaby cult.

You can individually block uploaders from ever appearing on your feed.
The only sites that have gained traction are fakku/idori upload sites since that content is dmcaed off exhentai and all its mirrors, and sadly those sites are the first to go down. koshoku died last week, then anchira just died 2 weeks ago and obviously you can't make a profit off pirating doujin mangas.
>koshoku died last week
meant last year, fck if i care about grammar but we have a grammar nazi clown in here so he can have this.
It's a barrier of entry problem huh, i mean tbf exhentai does a good job mostly, i prefer an admin who fucks off and does nothing than some janny that flaunts his power around, MTL is not really that big of an issue, we've always had bad translations, the real problems are the copyright claims left and right and the likely future war on lolicon for me, and i wish a supposed pirate site didn't bow to those so willingly.
same, at least ex is ok with the loli stuff, dmcas are the only real problem atm but its not like you can't just download it off nyaa.si nor do they take down the original JP scans most of the time at least i think so. its not great but i'll take it over the site being shut down.
you get the raws off nyaa but irodori works are not getting translated anymore, if not for gipaf we wouldn't even know when galleries get removed, instead of getting neat translated and tagged galleries on a single website we have to hop from one torrent to the other with no way to browse removed galleries metadata without writing fucking sql queries, tenboro removed lolicon off of e-hentai when he was asked to and exhentai will be next
darn irodori is dead?
no i meant untranslated stuff like kairakuten not irodori, my bad
I have some more shiet, share them on nyaa and hentainexus if anyone cares to. cbz is from irodori, rest is fukku. someone others hopefully stump up some cash and share some more stuff. been caught slacking recently shits falling behind.

You never will, at least 90% of the stuff uploaded to panda are uploaded by asians, the big majority of them are chinese, if exhentai dies they will just fuck off to their sites

Koushoku didn't die last year, they rebranded to Anchira.
And they will rebrand again.
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>Exhentai is sustainable off donations

Ads too.

>if a new site propped up while exhentai's still up and asked for donations most people will assume it's a scam

Exhentai is an awful website. Once people learn why, mass migration will occur if an alternative exists.

>Also the "issues" with exhentai is so incredibly minor

First, Exhentai serves no purpose. Tendon claims he split E-hentai into two websites because of ads but the same ads exist on websites that have the same content as Exhentai.

Second, Tendon refuses to disclose how many galleries have been removed for copyright infringement, doesn't show the copyright takedown notices, blindly verifies every copyright takedown notice while denying it, and blames regular users by saying the responsibility of verifying each copyright takedown notice falls on regular users.

Third, Tendon is a /pol/tard for claiming to be for free speech, saying dressing up like Hitler and worshiping him doesn't mean they're a neo-Nazi, having /pol/tards as moderators, and banning people for "hate speech" if he perceives they're criticizing him.

Fourth, Tendon doesn't consider fake translations to be defacing.

Fifth, Tendon works as a translator for Fakku under a pseudonym while saying Fakku are snakes in grass on E-hentai's forum. Fakku bootstrapped itself off of copyright infringement by scraping Exhentai and was nothing more than an Exhentai clone. If Tendon didn't split E-hentai into Exhentai, Fakku would've never gotten the traffic to convince Wanimagazine to work with them.

Websites that scrape Exhentai have much more traffic because unlike Exhentai, they don't serve a blank page if you're on a banned account or IP address, and they don't hide half of the content on Exhentai from you if you're on a banned account or IP address.

Sixth, Tendon refuses to add useful information like denoting if the gallery doesn't have a RAW uploaded or different uploads.

Just a few reasons why Exhentai is shit.


Fakku doxxed him this time.
I remember someone saying that exact phrase when koushoku died too. How long did it take for them to rebrand to anchira with a completely new site layout? two weeks? I give it two months tops this time
Thank god mod power exists to let these newfags get the fuck out of sadpanda
> Fakku doxxed him this time.
> I remember someone saying that exact phrase when koushoku died too

K-dev said it himself
You're a retard, a liar and a scammer

Anchira looked the same as Koushoku. What's keeping Anchira from being made again is probably that they don't know someone who wants to be their third scapegoat.
You're a braindamaged newfag because you think you're an oldfag for not being shadow banned from accessing Exhentai and you don't understand what mod power is
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>mfw not part of sekrit sekrit club.
>thinks he knew how mod power works
About that, sadpanda could use a "bigger raws" tag for the 1280px translated stuff
thank you, i was scare bc i don't see anyone here talk about my scam, retard and liar anymore, feel like no one give a fuck about me anymore. Thank you for being crazy about me so i can feel atleast i'm important for some retard here ;(

> K-dev said it himself


btw, i love k-dev site bc his site doesn't have virus like my shitty site <3

oh, nvm
they'll also IP ban filthy westoids. Especially the trannyshitters
It's hard to tell if you're manipulating newfags like yourself to become a slave for Tendon because you're afraid Tendon might take away your privilege or you think he'll give you it
Kill yourself pedo scammer
>hates the West and trannies
>loves Japan
>uses 4chan
Schizo aka Weeb moment
>Kill yourself pedo scammer
*attempt to kill myself after some random retard on internet told me to do
Oh look, a Redditor who defends MTL and copyright, thinks every forum uses the same text editor as Reddit, falsely accuses people of being a Nazi and thinks Hollywood is not ahistorical. So surprising.
The only worthwhile thing the scammer has done the past four years or whatever is proving that coomers don't care about getting scammed, being lied to, and getting infected with viruses.
There is some people sharing stuff on nyaa. Nexus is shit though.
vietscum comes out of the woodwork every time someone mentions koushoku/anchira lol
Same person
Don't be a racist. Viets would beat him or maybe even execute him if they knew what he's doing.
How do you know?
HentaiNexus still hasn't fixed the issue of files having a larger file size and different hashes
lmao, you dropped your tinfoil hat
Because I'm the same guy that uploaded the last 15 files in the last thread, someone went and put the torrent up on nyaa, which is great. It doesn't really matter anyway, I'm just hoping more people chip in.
There is also someone else uploading Irodori stuff.
Oh, I thought you meant HentaiNexus uploaded every Fakku torrent to Nyaa.
lmao, you forgot to lick all of tendon's cumstains on the ground
lmao, that's the best you got?
Dude when the fuck is the favorites going to get a proper search holy fucking shit, can't even use the weak modifier, fuck man I just want to be able to go though one category at a time man
if you're NEVER EVER going to add category filter to favorites search then just add a fucking tag for the categories at least so we can use that
Literal years
lmao, you still haven't licked his remaining cumstains, and you call yourself a good lackey, you schizo
>shut up nazi, your forefathers punched your kind and now you are one
shouldn't it be the otherway around considering the role of the USA in WWII and that the remaining national socialist phylosophers of the 20th century were firmly against the perpetuation of the us (or at least it's government)
You watch too much Hollywood. Nazis aka Germans were heavily influenced by the US. What the US did to Native Americans and Blacks inspired Germans into wanting to do it to non-German Europeans and everyone else. Germans believed the US were too racist with the one drop rule. The US didn't fire a single bullet against Germans. Neo-Nazis were armed, funded and trained by the US to "contain communism".
Incredible fan fiction. Have you considered writing a book?
>Incredible fan fiction
Keep projecting and being a schizo by never taking your meds, /pol/tard. Don't forget to spawn more Elliot Rodgers in Europe because a prostitute is too repulsed to fuck you unlike the lowest hanging fruit aka the Yellow roastie.
I sometimes wonder how many posts in these threads have been written by a bot. I refuse to believe that it's actually two human beings writing all of this retarded schizo babble to each other.
There it is. The shill pretends "she" isn't the shill and projects "her"self onto anyone who calle "her" out on her bullshit.
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>hotaryuso nuked all his art off of pixiv
>Think that I can just go to the sad panda and get it there
>All gone, including his doujins
>Go to gelbooru
>All gone
>He's dead silent on twitter
Dude must of gone pro and got comic unreal to dmca everything.
I don't know how much he had before, but there are still some
Oh, had to VPN out of Japan.
Seems like his stuff is still on the panda then, my bad.
However, still nuked from his pixiv and the booru
yeah it's too bad the pixiv gallery on panda hasn't been updated in years and now it's too late

And to those people who complain about all these pixiv gallery dumps... now you know why we need those!
loli sexo
Is there a way to filter only by high rated tags, not the dotted outlined ones?
What program/algorithm does ex use to resize images?
What's your fav loli doujin mr sneed
What's the website archiving deleted eh/exh post?

You're shadow banned.

Unreal galleries are visible to me

Is this... a hint?
I'm too lazy to dig up my favorites, but kinnotama's daughterwife mommy doujins are great

Go to nyaa

Click on sukebei

Type in gipaf

Press enter

Look for a spreadsheet in the uploader comment

Bookmark it
Not really, just feeling a lil bit mischievous today
are you going to create a new site?
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for whatever reason, almost every fakku shill on exhentai is a furry, a new account, possessing a gold star and sitting on a lot of quickly amassed mod power
HentaiNexus would've been a decent successor if they didn't re-encode the files
How do you guy archive a artist on exh? Do you click one by one every doujins?
They have job and money that you don't have unfortunately.
Shilling for Fakku and being paid nothing for it is "have job and money" to your messy head defines your insanity accurately

Put links in input.txt

Download gallery-dl

exhentai -i input.txt
>almost 10 year old account
also, the guy's nice and donates credits to strangers from time to time
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(New tripcode) Probably. I actually finished rewriting the entire backend and frontend and merged it with sukebe's codebase about 4 days ago. I'm just waiting for my mate who went MIA 2 weeks ago to finish his job. If he doesn't come back, then I'll just open-source the code, I guess. I don't care if he doesn't care.

I don't use the site, care to elaborate?
Unfortunately they have *real* job and can afford fakku subscription and gold star card donation that you can't afford. fucking retard.
Looks great but can you remove the captcha bullshit, I really fucking hate it
Welcome to neo-4chan where subhumans like yourself can samefag by referring to yourself in third person, brag about financially supporting Fakku and Tendon, and accuse anyone who isn't neurotic of being a "fucking retard" with impunity
HentaiNexus re-encodes the files to save bandwidth but the re-encoded files have either the same or larger file size
He's toxic for samefagging and schizoposting like screaming retard at everyone and shilling for Fakku

>10 years
Pick one, schizo
Website name in picrel?
can you explain what happens in the background between you and fakku a little? how are they able to take down your website and why are you able to put it up again?
a fellow sensei wants sauce but gets that sharing it in public would be detrimental. How do I get an in?
>panda down
it's joever
To be a bigger piece of shit than a furry is really something. This must be devastating for you.
Your tears are delicious, Fakku shill
Is there not a single difference between any Fakku shill, retarded newfag and lackey of Tendon? It's so uncanny how they're all the same.
>g-e up
>ex down
really makes u finkke....
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Look who submitted a Fakku shill post on Exhentai a few minutes ago while also samefagging and shilling for Fakku in here.

I love how retarded these retarded newfags are. Can't make this shit up.

Learned to count to ten yet, you subhuman? Seems not.
>shill behind Fakku and Irodori is a furfaggot
I've bought doujins directly in Japan before and I'm not about to give a cent to mutt sites let alone literal faggots. Die.
better go to nhentai, sad panda seems to be bad for your mental health
>not mutt
Weeb aka schizo moment
That's funny coming from the retarded newfag who is also hated by the Exhentai community.

Learned to count to ten yet, Waitugreat?
what a Jewcow ballsucker that idiot is.
I wouldn't implement forums. Imagine what we have here but 10x worse.

Yeah this place is the same shit as exhentai forum
>panda still down
it's up and working just fine as long as you're not a retarded faggot.

>buys 4chan passes

>thinks it makes you into an oldfag

>calls others retarded faggot

Ah you're one of the retarded newfags I've heard so much about
Does anyone have the work "I Only Intended To Peek Through My Girlfriends Phone 1" by artist Chocoro in x3200?
It's a local environment. I don't have the domain for it yet since that decision isn't mine to make

Sure, if the site ever goes online, that is.

The site looks like yet another generic wordpress site to me. wordpress has some automatic compression and another hundred layers of unknown stuff running in the background. I might be wrong though, I've never used wordpress in my life (and thank God for that).

I'd like to keep what happens in the background private, but I can at least disclose that they attempted to charge the card that one of my ((mates)) used to buy their stuff without the card holder's consent or authorization (which is highly illegal).

It's just a placeholder. I doubt I'd have the time to babysit a forum in the first place unless someone volunteered to be a janny. Also, that's an overstatement. I doubt most of the people here even care about fakku/irodori content or visit these types of sites at all.
If you make it go online, can you please continue on with your previous order? hvnc's is a total mess, so it's hard to continue on. And please, implement the filter early...

HVNC guy actually has another site that just came back from "maintenance". They had similar order to anchira up to a certain point, but then the order is the same as nexus now after the maintenance.
HVNC is the scammer. His other names are Nayumi, Ndbir, Scorpi0n, Hentalk, etc. All he does is take what everyone else uploads and claims to be the one who bought it to scam gullible or naive people. Right now he's taking from HentaiNexus if it doesn't exist in those CCDC06 labelled torrents on nyaa.si. If you're not an idiot, why are you using HVNC when the places he's leeching off of are available to you?

>I doubt most of the people here even care about fakku/irodori content or visit these types of sites at all.

What makes you say that when you've witnessed how obsessed Fakku is with shilling on 4chan and Fakku bribing mods to get Exhentai banned off of /a/ so newfags couldn't learn about why Fakku doesn't deserve a single penny

Only reason I'm not calling you a Fakku shill for your transgression is because you giving away Fakku shit for free outweighs the con
Why new trip code? How Fakku tried to dox your friend is some serious shit and the shills will claim you're not Anchira because of the new trip code. Why are you giving them ammo?
you're the fakku shill retard, all the money she gets from the ads on ksk and anchira goes to fakku, because they know they cant profit from /h/ fags and third worlders anyway, she changes the site's name every so often to trick people like you into thinking she doesn't work for fakku
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>because they know they cant profit from /h/ fags and third worlders

Fakku and you Fakku shills say this every day since 2013 and yet neither of you have skipped a single day to shill on 4chan since Fakku was created

If 4chan wasn't getting Fakku any profit, this website would've never been on Fakku's radar

You're lucky there's no justice in the world. Would've watched you on LiveLeak with popcorn in my hand.
they profit from the ads shill, that's why you come here to shill for fakku, save the popcorn for videos of your brother's farming accident chink
I ain't using it. I'm simply observing it as one of the backups until a proper replacement exists.

>y-youre a fakku shill if you buy and share fakku shit, get doxxed by fakku, get accused of distributing CSAM by fakku, gets your livelihood destroyed from false accusations by fakku, and host one of the most popular websites that lets anyone read fakku shit for free
>b-believe in me
>else I'll call you a retard schizo etc!!11!!1

What did you mean by this, Ndbir?
Oh okay, you want to play semantics with me instead of answering the question. Let's revise the question to see how you'll change the goalposts on this.

If you're not an idiot, why are you observing HVNC when the places he's leeching off of are available to you?
>no, you tactics
>you're a schizo and a fakku shill if you don't believe in my Disney narrative
already showing your true colors huh?
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>explains nothing
>schizo babble

Figured as much, Ndbir/Nayumi. Drink bleach so we have one less Fakku shill to take a shit in here.
>ignores everything
>i disagree with you so you've GOT to be my nemesis
>you're a schizo
good one chink, did you already reach you daily quota of posts for fakku, when's your brother taking over?
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Stop spamming the thread with your schizo babble

Find bleach

Drink it

Everyone will appreciate you for once

But before you drink bleach, tell us how many 4chan passes you bought with the money you scammed
>no you tactics again
>stop spamming the thread (stop responding to me)
Are you forced to respond whenever anyone says anything negative about fakku? lmao gonna have you working overtime today chink
The Fakku shill who claims to not be the Vietnamese aka the discount Chinese "Ndbir" is one of the retards in "her" Discord which is infinitely times worse than being the discount Chinese "her"self. The shill hopes to bait people into repeating an ethnic slur for the Chinese so it can cry to the mods and get them banned so it can keep shilling for Fakku without anyone interrupting it because it knows people don't have a 4chan pass like itself.

You're not getting an answer from that piece of turd because that's the same schizo poster behind these posts:

finally getting defensive chink? aren't you ashamed to consume japanese porn despite how many of your women were raped in ww2? >>8078506
embarrassing samefag chink, call the next guy you are not getting paid enough for this
>shills for a discount chinese (vietnamese)
>worships a discount chinese country (japan) which whored out japanese girls to chinese men (karayuki-san)
>"aRe YoU nOt aShAmeD yOu HeCCiN china"

lol, lmao even
Yup. Ndbir is seething even more after being repeteadly humiliated because "she" gets excited from it since this isn't the first time for "her". Now "she"'ll take a shit in the thread for the next six hours or until "she" falls asleep.
ahahahah go ching chang chong yourself chink, you are literally using a vpn to escape your hellhole CCP dystopia to type in an american website in the english language, and your biggest dream is to go work for mcdonalds in country that gives you actual rights
give me a quick rundown of why people say ndbir is a she with quotation marks, is he a tranny?
He claims to be an underage Far Eastern girl around his retarded members to scam them easier. Sends them timestamped photos, dunno if they're pictures of his sister or some random girl he's raping, kidnapped or someone else's. Could really just be Jacob from his monthly visits to Thailand.
thanks. i clearly made the right choice in never giving my money to jacob and his disgusting cabal comprised of yqii, daiz and many other creeps.
Weebs are never ashamed because they're literal schizos. The side effect of doubling down.
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There it is for the second time in this thread. "She" pretends "she" isn't the shill by attacking "her"self and anyone who calls out on "her" bullshit.
usually the vietscum would come out of the woodwork whenever someone mentioned ksk/anchira but it stopped because the guy he’s been ridiculing is back. Is this retard who has been screeching about ads him posting without a trip or a lackey from his discord lol
The resident schizo lackey. The scammer is too ESL to be able to hold a proper conversation in this thread.
Calling you the resident schizo has pissed you off so much and I love it, you shill.
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What the fuck is this
No one i know or see on here uses or likes sankaku complex, why are their galleries so big with this shit in place?
I'm behind on my archiving. I remember hearing some hubbub like a year ago about sadpanda cockblocking full size image downloads which probably means my 8 year old cracked hdoujindownloader doesn't have much use anymore, right? What's the best way to go about this now?
Oh no, fakku agent started yapping again about how I scammed 1 million dollars. FBI will be go after me. What should I do now? Maybe I should buy a rope and hang myself
I admit I have scammed more than 1 billion dollars in your dreams, please don't send me to jail or i will cry
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He also sends cheese pizza to rich people and threatens them with report if they don't send him money. He also lies that they'll be anonymous when they send money and then threatens to dox them if they don't send more. He deleted his public Discord channel that he exclusively used to gloat about how much they've sent because it contradicted his claim of not being a scammer. He also revealed their names in that channel, which he claimed they gave consent for, and when he deleted the channel he lied that he was "protecting them from his hater who doxed them".
lol, I rarely go back to 4chan to read this nonsense. 4tard is full of weird, gullible, and retarded. Visiting this thread caused my IQ to drop for a short period of time.
Anyway, I'm fell thrilling because that you, 4tard, and the fakku agent are still crazy about me like that. It really entertains me, like 90% of 4tard are cows led by the fakku agent but 4tard thinks they are detectives and can read other people's minds lol.
6/10 - this show is entertaining but damages people's intelligence.
>be fakku or a fakku shill
>say 4chan is full of poorfags and retards
>obsessively shill on 4chan
>accuse others of being fakku shill for not financially supporting fakku
my lil tranny, you've been gone for months and then came back when anchira died. You only post when someone mentions anchira because you're so obsessed with him and so insecure that you always compare yourself to him and dislike when people still talk about a dead man. Go look up your name in the archive idiot because your trip is useless https://archived.moe/h/search/username/Nayumi/
Holy fucking shit that archive, he's so obsessed. It's nothing but koushoku in every one of his posts.
Looking his name up is useless, he poste anonymously
This scammer seriously needs to get some help
He accused Koushoku/Anchira of being a scammer and afterwards had his lackeys spam it on 4chan, Reddit and other popular websites while pretending it had nothing to do with him. One of his lackeys is behind most of the spam. He's been doing this for years. It all started because he wanted Koushoku to be his babysitter for free and Koushoku redirected anybody visiting his website to another website.
Not sure why the meme arrows were removed
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LOL that archive...

>"I'm not as obsessed with hentai and fakku as you guys."
>Proceeds to always talk about fakku/Anchira and more hentai shit.

Oh, what a fucking irony.
hey, I'm no fag and I'm not a self inserter. I literally want to jerk off to a nice story and having one of the characters be a literal non entity is genuinely bizarre and off putting because no other good media does this. Like I can ignore it and fap but give a little characterization to him.
>rndsneed comes back after avoiding this thread for months
>all of the bugs crawl out of their holes and throw poop at each other


>all of the bugs crawl out of our holes and throw poop at others

Ftfy, shill
Anyone have these three galleries in original size? Fakku removed them. They seem to be of much higher quality than Fakku's shitty version.

Please upload them if you do
>much higher quality than Fakku's shitty version

>language: chinese, translated

baka schizo Wee moment
>went MIA 2 weeks ago
Daiz did it! AGAIN!
What are you triggered about now, Fakku shill?

Fakku hates competition, so they're infuriated that there is a Taiwanese online store releasing uncensored versions, not cutting the pages in half and not making the sound effects several times larger than the original. Also, since Fakku shills are schizo, they think anyone who isn't financially supporting Fakku is a single Chinese person.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention the Taiwanese store doesn't smear 1/4 of the cover with dog shit like Fakku does, lmao.
what an american thing to do to ignore evidence that he's harassing other translation groups that aren't using mtl. Its such an american thing to say blah blah blah i can't hear.
Just die loser
Why do you defend MTL, think this is Reddit, don't understand what evidence means and go back and forth with being an American nationalist and anti-American?
Because that's a retarded newfag.
The site should still be pretty much the same, if it ever goes back online, that is.

I don't really follow the drama happening in this thread, so it's not my concern. Honestly, they aren't even worth the time to reply to.
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Where's this from?

You didn't explain the new trip code
What is Taiwanese store you are talking about? Can you give some links to galleries sourced from it? You got me curious about the quality now so I'd like to check it out.
The amount of NTR spam on panda is really making me want to drop the site
The amount of NTR spam on panda is really making me want to pick up the site
Go, then. We won't miss you if you don't even know how to blacklist shit and only complain about it instead.
chink quality
Wee moment baka schizo
you kind not welcome here
that Taiwanese online store shilled by our resident schizo is a proxy of Irodori Comics called Irodori Feng-Li

https://exhentai.org/g/2964819/d80c26eb43/ [Inbou no Teikoku (IN-KA of the Dead)] Chouko -Soushuuhen- [Chinese] [陰謀の帝国 (印カ・オブ・ザ・デッド)] 蝶子-総集編- [無修正]

>Irodori Comics also launched our “Irodori Feng-Li” Chinese label in November.
What you linked to doesn't match the number of Irodori's pages and it's impressive that you label everyone as a shill/resident schizo when you deny E-hentai does regional lockouts and shit and you don't want people to share what Irodori sells.
...So then the quality would be exactly the same as in Irodori's regular store, which is worse than what you get from Fakku. If that's indeed the case, then man, what a disappointment. Here I was thinking there'd be something new providing high quality images out there.

keep coping
The Chinese translation is less zoomed out than the English translation. Irodori's English translations have the same quality on its and Fakku's store if it didn't make the pages lighter or darker.
Irodori only offers PDFs with JPG compression on their store, Fakku also has ZIPs with PNGs. Apparently Irodori also does some sort of watermarking shit with the PDFs that Fakku doesn't? Either way, the previous fact alone makes Fakku more preferable for getting Irodori releases for sharing.
For example, look at Irodori's translation of "Knock-Up Game" by Arai Kei and compare the pages from their store and Fakku. Why do they do shit like that?

Not an argument.

The PNGs that are claimed to have been extracted from their PDFs were converted from JPGs?
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I compared the Choko collection and at least for that there's no difference whatsoever in zooming for basically any of the pages. Here's the CN version.
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1.7 MB PNG
And here's the EN version for comparison.
>The PNGs that are claimed to have been extracted from their PDFs were converted from JPGs?
I'll admit I haven't actually looked at Irodori PDFs myself, I'm only going by what others have said. That said if someone has an Irodori x3200 PDF to share it would be very easy to check.
>For example, look at Irodori's translation of "Knock-Up Game" by Arai Kei and compare the pages from their store and Fakku. Why do they do shit like that?
Can you share examples or ideally full versions of both? I can only find a single version of it and I'm not sure which one it is so I can't really tell what you're referring to for sure.
Both versions are on sukebei.nyaa.si inside a torrent file called Anchira 1-13000
Thanks, downloaded them and wow, I see what you mean. What the hell is going on here, most of the pages are the same across both versions but some of the pages are just randomly brighter in the Fakku version. Wtf? The fact that it's only some pages that are like that probably means that Irodori sent it over to Fakku like that for whatever reason, because otherwise you'd expect the Fakku version to be consistently different, but it's not.
Most of their English translations from their store and Fakku is like that. Search for "Mumumu" in that torrent file for two more examples.
I grabbed those too but I didn't see any notable random brightness differences in content like I did with the Arai Kei one. The only thing I noticed is that on the Episode Zero release the back cover had brighter red text in the Irodori version but that's it.
There's a slighty small difference. I'm using NeeView and JPGView.
Irodori PDFs have (commonly) png for bw pages and jpg, either 4:4:4 or 4:2:0, for color pages. In fakku store, irodori zips are always(?) png for any color of page

yeah, some fakku versions are brighter than their irodori pdf version
Irodori has darker versions than Fakku too
>Irodori PDFs have (commonly) png for bw pages and jpg
They only do jpgs now. If you are going to buy their shit just get it from fakku for the higher quality version.
Anons, I want to try translating one or a few dounins. That being said, I know shitfuck about this whole thing. I plan to just translate, clean and redraw the bubbles, leave SFX and similar stuffs be, and hope that my typeset is satisfactory enough. Is that enough? Do I need to do some other stuffs, i.e. dealing with the pages' saturation and shit? Any guide I can use?

Volunteer as a slave for Tendon for a few years to obtain enough GP to download 2 or 3 galleries

Beg for GP

Or ask someone to download it for you and pray they're giving you the original files in its proper order


Some shitty but sadly influential translators make everything on the page darker which they think is how leveling is done
Should I just do it as I see fit, then?

It's up to you. There are guides on the Exhentai forum, some are good while others are bad. Wouldn't hurt to check those out.
That sounds really annoying and I might just buck up and deal with not full res downloads.
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Furthermore, there are differences in the image reduction methods between fakku and irodori.
Left: Fakku Right: Irodori (Magnified 1000 times)
Since irodori uses bicubic (sharp) for shrinking, a white border is added to the black line.
These are both png so it's not a deterioration due to jpg
Should migrate servers while there's still time before Moldova gets annexed by Russia.
Give us your uploader username anon, let's see how you manage leveling and pre-processing.

I've got a great idea that will piss Fakku off.

List everything that Fakku sells even if you don't have the files for it. Dim the cover if you don't have the files for it. Tell visitors they can either get it for you or send you cash so you can buy it for them.

If you're unsure what to buy and share with your money, let visitors vote. To be an eligible elector, the person must use your website for at least 5 hours without ad block. If the person activates ad block after voting, the vote becomes invalid.

Another idea, inspired by yiff.party. The admin of yiff.party used to close his website at the end of each month, telling users to send bitcoins so he could afford to have the website online for another month. He always received more than what he'd formally asked for.

You could do the same and then keep the money for yourself or share more Fakku shit.

I personally want you to do it because Fakku always accuses people who read their shit for free of being greedy, poor, selfish, etc. Not only will this add more evidence that Fakku only lies, but it'd also show they're so hated that people would give money to anyone else.
good ideal for my scam
thanks, i will do it
Im trying to find a Hmanga about a stoic, blonde tennis star athlete that's always taken advantage of because the rules of the her village dictates that all women should succumb to men. By the end of the series, the dilf she was with got killed by the villagers because he was taking the blondie all by himself.
He never left.

Fakku and their shills are permanently here despite their lies and insults.
The reason he, other shills and Fakku itself are purely made up of such discrepancies is because they're fascists. They censor information about them and purport to be a master race while whining about losing to "the others" who are simultaneously inferior and superior. This is what they mean when they say 4chan is full of poorfags/retards and how every "illegal" copy is a lost sale despite refusing to skip a day of grooming newfags and gullble/naive people on 4chan.
why does this general devolve into one schizo retard having conversations with himself for half the thread every time fakku gets mentioned?
Why are you using third person pronouns for yourself?
Because he's the resident schizo running a psychological operation to brainwash newfags into thinking financially supporting Fakku is good
Buying is sharing one copy is financially supporting them? Are you some kind of fucking idiot?

I'm the CEO of Raytheon
lol samefag
When does that regular guy upload the monthly magazines? Is it just whenever they want to because i've seen some that get uploaded near instantly when the clock hits midnight JST (usually the batch on the first of every month) while the rest can take sometimes a few days to come out after becoming available on fanza/dmm
So where is the next Anchira some you dick suckers said was coming? Guess you were full of shit after all.
lol redditor
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hi gentlemans can someone tell me if exhentai have some not pedo reason to have a tor link with the same content than in exhentai it's not for "preservation of sadpanda" that is clear in the two pages have the exact content what is deleted in ex is deleted in the tor version idk is strange and when you explore more and more less logic reasons you have to have a practical clone site where the money for that come? i have my "3 am schizo teory" you can share me yours if you want. the teory is the next: exhentai is a rabbit hole that have lvls and to gain acces you have to be a "usual of the page" or what weird shit
1:e-hentai and forum
3:tor exhentai
4:???? idk maybe you can acces to some private galleries payng or god know what shit you have to make to enter here
5: ??????? if is what i think here is the real deal and here is where the cod is chopped up
pls can someone who know of this shit shed light on this topic i expect your answer
ty very much have a nice day
Type normally and I'll tell you
Yep, probably best to just start paying for Fakku and finally getting the benefits.
> https://fakku.cc
i'm paying for Fakku(.cc) right now, thank for advices
Why did you change the ordering to be similar to nexus? It was easier to track things when the ordering was still similar to anchira.
The scammer's website is a mirror of HentaiNexus you fucking tard
not "similar to nexus", it's adjusted according to the "creation time" on HenTag.
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Weebs are probably the easiest to scam. This talking turd calls them retards (which they are, pic related) and they still believe in his lies and volunteer to be his army of paypigs and shils.
Are original galleries just purchased directly and uploaded?
pretty much sure he's behind both
Did you make some kind of change to the site? it feels different than what I remember when checking it around two weeks ago or so.
I think my earlier confusion stems from the doujin, seems like you uploaded some stuffs from anchira that you previously didn't have. Not to mention I previously had the futas and yaoi shit filtered.
you are so mad
you will never stop jewcob and fakku
you will never stop the vietscammer
wasting your life away obsessively schizoposting in this general has changed literally nothing
I cannot access exhentai.org anymore. I only get a white screen, not even the sad panda. I have an account on e-hentai, i've deleted the cookies over and over to no success and I used to be able to browse it a few years ago. Am I retarded ?
when you samefag, why do you use the same posting style?
It's probably not a samefag but three retarded newfags. They're a majority on 4chan after all.

But this shitpost >>8084353 is saying Ndbir is justified in scamming retards because Fakku does it, which Ndbir also says with his trip code.on.
same here, the website must be down or something
Does anyone here believe in that schizo theory about the artist Nanao?
scroll down to leracles's comment
basically they think nanao got replaced
You're a retarded newfag. The only schizo is you.
Holy fuck. I just visited exhentai after so long. What's with the amount of MTL-ed works in the site, sheesh?!
Why are you bothered by it? You're a newfag tard since you can't read.
I dunno, there were a bunch of translators/groups on sadpanda a few years ago.
What happened? Do they all work for Fakku now?
>t. schizo
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>t. self-projecting retarded newfag
real life stuffs got in the way, probably? and in their stead, we got the younger and new users who would rather do MTL, we're doomed
Same as piracy in videogames
Millenials quit because they either got bored, got a life, changed hobbies whatever
Then zoomers who were supposed to take over as the new generation just happened to be retarded and can't do anything
>reddit spacing
>I'm a boomer

No, you're an ESL turd skin
persons involved in scanlations are between 15 and 20 years old. Then they get bored or real life gets in the way. On the other hand, being in a scanlation in the present isn't as appealing as it used to be for an otaku
speaking as a solo jp/en translator with 1.5 million visits/30 million hits across all my accounts in 2023, over the last two years the site has turned into an uninhabitable cesspool of discord raiders and drama loving teenagers. as soon as I got my N1 I packed my bags and made deals directly with small doujin circles. working with the original project files means I never have to redraw anything, and as a result the only reason I still visit the site is too see if the people that rip my TLs do it in full resolution and uncompressed.
How did you get to secure a deal with them, anon? I'm legit curious. Do you do it part-time? I'm honestly interested.
I cannot and will probably never get access to ex. Please upload english translation to nyaa. Thank you very much sirs

This isn't Twitter, newfag
I mostly targeted artists that were machine translating their own work, letting them upload my panda stuff to fanbox for free if they want. some of them stuck around to commission more after they saw the twitter reach, but I'm mainly doing this to spread awareness that fakku and irodori aren't the only path to an overseas audience. if you can only translate you'll earn way less doing things this way, but if you are a decent letterer as well then having the original files can trivialize the work and lets you compete with the obscene prices discord cliques charge americans.
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Why is the default behaviour for this piece of shit website to NOT show the full title of a gallery?
It doesn't show the title on hover either.
How about changing the style then, let's say the other minimal styling? Umm, no.
Compact styling instead? NOPE
Ok, how about thumbnail then, surely it wil- Nah.
Only extended shows the full title and it is a fucking piece of shit style.
Why are you illiterate?

Fakku/Irodori is mostly shit because of all the other things they do besides making shitty translations and poaching paypigs off of Exhentai.
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By the way, yes it is a tiny CSS change for a "fix" which is not optimal and doesn't look good.
But unless there is a better way to do it that I don't know, injecting the CSS with my own breaks every time they change the CSS url, which is fucking often.
What are you talking about retard
You are so fucking stupid I bet you didn't even understand what I was talking about. You don't even know how to use your cringe buzzwords correctly.
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Has this been translated yet? I can only see the translation for both the first and the third on chaika. It doesn't seem like fakku has done it yet, either?
Newfags are lazy bums who don't have the passion to properly scanslate, and oldags are too jaded and aggressive to ever inspire the next generation. Everyone else has either left for better opportunities or moved on with their lives. Same thing in the end, really.
lol samefag
Yes it's exactly that. It's got nothing to do with Fakku bribing translators to fuck off or translators not wanting to upload anything because Fakku might remove it.
Schizo has lost it and needs to take his meds
Sounds like you are doing gods work.
This does it for me

.glink {
height: auto !important;

or if you want it on hover

.glink:hover {
height: auto !important;

The schizo you're replying to and who posted >>8086258 is the same retarded newfag, who possibly discovered 4chan and Exhentai in 2018 because "she" believes Cutegyaru is an oldfag for first translating in 2019 and is unaware that every single decent "scan"lation guide was made by actual oldfags before "she" was unfortunately born.
Yeah I do the first one, the way I am doing it I just inject my own .css instead
Do you know if there is a way to edit their own .css on the fly? Maybe with a javascript script or something?
I don't want to replace every new .css they make with a wildcard url because it might break something eventually
To answer my own question, no you can't modify a .css on the fly.
But you can change each html element's height value dynamically through javascript on pageload, so I will just do that.
Use the stylus browser extension. I have like 50 styles in there.
You don't need to replace their css with a network injection. CSS has specifity and !important so you can override any other style applied to the page. Which is why stylus exists.
lol samefag

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