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Previous Thread:

This thread is for discussions about commissioning non-Western (primarily Japanese) artists through platforms such as Skeb, Pixiv, Fantia, and similar sites.
Feel free to ask questions and recommendations for specific kinks/fetishes.

>Skeb (requires a Twitter account)

>Skeb Button/Skebify
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skeb-button/onjegdbehgoamaiochjfnkokondpgoim (Chrome-based browsers only)
Displays on Twitter whether an artist is currently accepting requests.

>SkebUe - Memo Box
Allows you to write notes on an artist's Skeb page.

>Skeb Pricing Manager (created by anon)
Retrieves prices, deadlines, and completion rates for both open and closed artists. The price for closed artists will be the price when last open.
>It's not loading any data!
You need to manually navigate to the artist's Skeb page. Directly opening the page or refreshing won't work.

>Skeb Price Sorter
Allows you to sort artists by recommended price. Do not use on a large amount of artists at the same time or you will get timed out for too many requests.

>Pixiv Request
>Help! I can’t request R18/R18G because of my payment method!
Change your UI language to Japanese, and you should be able to.

>Fantia Commissions
These commissions are reserved for supporters, but artists may allow those in the free plan to request too.

Skeb/Pixiv Request/Commission Support General OP pastebin (use if making new thread): https://pastebin.com/8JswmSza
wtf is that face
thanks for putting the artist in the filename but that's the only good thing I can say
interesting username
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I grabbed this from the JP anon who linked his skeb here because he wanted candy ages ago.
when were they last open
I feel like it's probably been a year since they were last open
that id is pretty recent anon
I was way off then. Apologies anon
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Got this as well today
appeal of gardevoir
no one wants to work anymore... artists with 15-30 days complete averages all seem like they are going to wait until the last minute or just let them expire
good day to everyone but commissioners who post their commissions without posting the artist source
Man.... this manually checking the request thing is really pain in the ass.
Anyone knows why this is happens often?
part of your text is flagging their system
maybe Nadeko getting gangbanged
Raul would fuck that
very humanoid pokemon
Took about 15 days. I let them do whatever and it came out pretty good. Costed 1k, now they're 3k.

i do this but only because i don't want you guys seeing my retarded request typing style where i always say hello and type up my fetish like an autist
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Wondering if this wip is for the 2ch lyn fag
Hi, nice to meet you as well, I'm flattered that you've taken in an interest in my OC.
This is the only reason I make hidden requests.
Instead of saying rape, is "attacking" better?
No unless you want to end up like that guy who got his OC getting belly punched
I'm glad the detection didn't hide it, that guy's face kills me every time
Seems to be working for that same exact client
Fuck that artist went up by 10k from the last time I checked, they were on my list
lazy day and got paid yesterday. Wanna send out like 5 requests today to kill the time. Or I would but the purge makes it so hard to search artists now
literally the most legendary delivery on the site
Surprising how most of the jp artists who came here didn't advertise themselves on 2ch
ah man, AkiAkane only accepted 20 requests
I like the blobby face on the op...
what if I… get my oc getting fucked… next to yours .. aha ha, just kidding.. unless..?
What characters/styles/situations are you usually into, anon
You have my attention
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Had an omakase of Jefuty bullying that turned out nice for 10k. I can't upload the differences due to Catbox since it keeps 502ing. I don't understand moonrunes so I'm assuming the rapist is a generic soldier mook. This is just an appetizer though, since I expect him to deliver shimadon gangbang rape that expires in 2 weeks.

Also, Sukoyugiri finally posted a WIP after so long. I was worried he'll let my request expire next week and solely do UO content.

Western artist who wishes to be anonymous. If I'm in the mood and think of something for Clover in VLR, I'll request a skeb next.

That's a really good deal for 1k.
>Western artist who wishes to be anonymous.
Are you fuckers really doing this shit again. Neck yourself
and I'm one of them
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5/10 pussy
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Old commission vs new.
Now this is based
Context? Who's getting ntr'd?
Why, her VLR design is awful
thanks anon
This fucker never accepted my request when I had sent it
No context, just the panty gag in her mouth is filled with cum and cherry popped blood of her friend.

Nostalgia after viewing some of my older commissions. You're not wrong though, the original remains the best.

Suko or Nomoe? What did you request? I had a Chronoark request rejected by Suko before, and Nomoe is only available once in a blue moon.
Nomoe, iirc it was one of my reia and nora collabs
Why are there no druids in any sort of porn when the potential is endless?
You get bear form sex
Halsin was sexy
Yeah like one thing in 30 years, no druid doujinshi, hot druid women, etc. It's why I'm gonna steal the one we have
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Artist almost made a mistake
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I requested the picture on the right
Artist fucked up and didn't pay attention and drew picture on the left
They realized they didn't actually draw my request as they were submitting it and rushed to draw the image on the right
That's refreshing to see. Feel like they usually just send it anyway and collect the paycheck
Oh nice. I have a KNY request from them due on the 24th. Paid 2250 when tey were 1500. Here's hoping mine turns out good.
Clover's hot both ways but I do like her 999 the best.
Picture on the left is hotter. Teasing > outright sexsometimes and this is one of those times.
both seem about the same quality
sounds like he rushed both if the one on the right is considered "rushed"
Did you pay 24k?
15k. The request was back from 2021 it just stands out in my mind cause it's the only time I've seen an artist admit they fucked up
how do you manage that,
>Teasing > outright sex sometimes and this is one of those times.
Doubly so if the artist isn't good at drawing genitalia.
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Brings me back. Definitely fast, took 3 days back in jan 2021
>can't get into misskey
I'm not mad at all, I'm not jealous at all...
anon on the front page
>both hidden
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Took a while, sent it on their birthday, but its here. Very cute.
how many other accepted requests
best girl
What’s the point?
For yots? None, have too many expensive things on the way. Might send another if anything falls through tho.
in total
>artist isn't posting progress but keeps posting photos of her sexy cosplay
I guess I'll fap to that instead...
artist-san put two of my requests in their mid-year favorites post
>deepL made my post a fucking mess
2 on skeb plus a collab on a friends account
1 on SKIMA
1 via email.
23k for 15 pages
I don't like the style though.
yeah looks way too odd
I see risu anon is giving egg tart another chance
how are you still about to use skima?
I'm a proper weeb with a japanese phone number for times like these.
>egg tart
is that snowbreak one from an anon
Spread pussy and also furry art
>forgot to ask for bar censors
>artist is tweeting about how annoying mosaics are
It's over...
>respond to artist tweet suggesting bar censors
this seems pretty cut and dry, anon
Still lmaoing about that one anon who thanked an artist on twitter not in boosts and got blocked + reported + strike on skeb account
and that's why I refuse to talk to skeb artists for any reason
I saved the previews just in case
artists who can make drawings to give me a bonaer?
So, did the tales anon end up getting that Patty pic he mentioned?
which one?
He said he was getting one with her getting raped or something
I think he meant the zd commission. He finished that one https://x.com/Fayetism/status/1789335525129634150
Ah! that's so cute. You're doing god's work, anon. Thanks
minecraft skin on the front page
anon on the front page
wtf new emote set type
time to accept another 300 requests off retarded vtubers
how many requests does anon have in the oven
8. All Tales.
How does Skeb look like on a credit card statement? Does it include the artist names?
It just says "Skeb" for me. Nothing else.
I really wish there was a way to just browse through all the animations. But with that search system it's fucked
Oh so Japanese virtual phone numbers actually work?
glad I didn't get bonked for asking an artist to open pixiv requests
Mostly Sophia, but a few wisely and a secondary or two
Does anyone have any artist on hand that could design a set of pretty boys? Not draw a girl and call it a guy, but you get what I mean. I need some twins for future stuff
wow how much?
no, I don't get what you mean. post/link example and give price range.
Listen, I'll just take any suggestions you got. I'm not super picky
I'll pay up to 40k for these lads
Are you looking for twinks or something a little more masculine?
Something a little mode masculine
looks like ixy delivered for shadoba anon. didn't he request his h-game heroine?
Might not be what you're looking for, but here's a few. Longpost incoming.

Posted here before, pretty girls and boys. ime will take close to the expiration date.
Also posted here before, was 5k when open. Not sure how they'll do with character design, but keeps privates private without quality drop.
5k when open, but a fullbody design is probably going to run you double that.
Two cheaper options if you're looking to get rough ideas on paper before going whole hog. Quality varies from both of them ime, but in the positive direction - you'll always get at least what you pay for.
Another cheapie option. Works really fast, keeps privates private.
Fullbody design will run you around double rec price. Not sure how they are with design work.
and the emo rec from this guy >>8066932
if you like the stylization. I've used and can recommend both.
More youthful-looking males than the others. Does designs (front and back view with close-ups) for rec price or just above (he'll appeal).
Does a LOT of design work. Will deliver near deadline. PSD I got was layered, hair/eyes/clothes/skin/accessories on a separate layer each. Not sure if that's normal.

Less likely to be what you're looking for, but I'll drop them anyways:
Stylized, better for less-typical males and might not at all be what you're looking for. Fullbody will run you about double rec.
Stylized but in a more normal/widely-applicable way. Can draw a variety of male types. Works fast and keeps privates private. Ignore his complete rate, he's kind of a moron and didn't know that post-delivery privating kills it.
Thank you
anon on the front page

Really liked the work he made for me. This was right before the price bump though since this was 30k.
didn't know you requested non-grubble stuff
Hope it works out well for you. Post results or at least a rec when you get it.
I've got more I can drop, but they're going to be on the more expensive side (15k+ for one design) and if you're spending that kind of money it's better to go off skeb. fwiw I'd recommend going traditional anyways for design work, unless its something that you don't care to get exact.
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it got hidden pretty quickly which sucks, can't even have an ixy delivery on my page but at least i can say i got ixy to draw pussy for me (albeit i have to stare at pink blobs again)
i fully expected the censor to turn out like that considering how ixy talks to nalgami directly fairly often and considering his fame i don't see him taking any risks with giving me bars
he left me a note regarding the bars, although i can't tell if he's trying to say he doesn't understand me asking for bars (doubt) or if he's trying to imply he doesn't want to get fucked by nalgami
Cool weapon, anon! This guy really does great weapon designs
Yeah I love how it turned out!
You're on the front page again
Hot stuff
It took me awhile but I finally requested it. Thanks anon
>nipple censor
that's so tragic
10/10 pussy thanks
i actually want to send something but i can't really tell if he only accepts furfag ocs since theres only one guy that spams him with secondary requests for fire emblem
this is the second time ive seen furfags that draw godly pussy, i really do need to make a character to whore out to them
>directly commission an artist
>artist disappears after the sketch
>file a chargeback after 160 days of no communication
>artist immediately reappears again citing depression
i know shits rough but i really wish artists would at least show signs of life
An artist's depression isn't your problem
Take your money elsewhere
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One fat tiddy incest middle schooler delivered
That was fast
turnaround was short like her arms
public to hidden?
small boobs are great
sorry to hear that. did you pay 50k for both?
Its not hard, dont leave someone on read for half a year. I dont care what kind of culture you hail from, in any other line of work this kind of retarded shit is considered unacceptable. Im not expecting that much professionalism, I know there is a reason why you pursued art instead of a job, maybe you even have a job alongside art, but god damn, you people are BUGS.

I used to be so caring, so accommodating, and so cordial to artists I had directly commissioned , but then I kept getting burned. Artists kept dragging their feet, passing me up, but most importantly, not communicating at all. I have a few things that I know will forever be in limbo because these artists were too afraid to man up and tell me what is going on, why, how, and so on. to the point where I am now skeb only.

For all of Skeb's flaws, one thing I can say for sure is that it is a real blessing that I do not have to deal with these gnats anymore, wes*oids especially, but ive had my share of japanese artists too that have done similar shit. Ive had one too many terrible traditional comms in the past, and they have all been 3+ months, more pricy, and just all around nasty, minus a couple of artists who I would deem the exception to the rule, but their queues are so long now that it doesnt matter

tl;dr give these fuckers NOT ONE INCH of remorse, their kind doesnt deserve it. I have siphoned many hours of my life into many artists pockets, and they cant even give me the decency to say "I wont be able to do this" thus further wasting my time.
yeah base price for both, its not a bad deal for two characters honestly
i just hope i planted the seed for him to add more scenes of them getting raped as schoolgirls
He's a boob artists, anatomy doesn't matter aside from chests
I like nudity because it makes my pp hard
artists like nudity because clothes are a pita to draw
I once requested sexy lingerie on a character and the artist had a mental breakdown for 2 weeks on twitter trying to draw it and quit skeb shortly after
Selfishness, entitlement, narcissism--these are the sins that all artists have. Oh, they're depressed and can't be bothered to even announce to people they're taking a break? What about the commissioner, what would they think they are feeling knowing their hard money is up in the air with nothing to show for it? Surely they too would be depressed? Did the artist think of that when they have depression, anxiety, etc., I always appreciate when an artist has a heads up when he has irl problems or are struggling with the projects he's doing because I know I'm not being taken for a ride and it will be up to me to take my money and leave if I choose with the full knowledge of the situation.

When it is your money that is on the line, don't allow them to make an asshole out of you, bro.
>Selfishness, entitlement, narcissism--these are the sins that all artists have.
Literally take your meds. These claims don't even make sense.
Drawing makes you selfish, entitled, and narcissistic?
How? What the fuck?

>I had bad comm experiences so now I'm going to write up mein kampf

Damn dude it's not that serious, just get your refund and move on. All this butthurt is gonna give you hemorrhoids.
t. seflish, entitled, and narcissistic artist
Cry more pay pigs. Soon you'll be completely cut off from your jap bugman artists and you'll pay whatever we want and wait however long we want.
>the artist question
>the final solution (to artists)
>my struggle (with commissions)
>why I don't draw (and why you shouldn't, either)
>the deal of the art
i don't understand why people get so mad when you can just chargeback literally whenever you want
if the artist is being a faggot just take your money elsewhere and call them a retard if they get mad
there is no penalty at all to chargebacks (or refunds for sites that have them - fuck you t. nalgami) and as the client you can do them at will
if you accidentally give your money to a faggot just take it back when he shows his colors and go somewhere else
yeah its annoying as shit and subhuman-tier behavior from the artist, they should be shit on endlessly and posted about publicly by name so other people don't waste their time too
but i just really don't understand getting mad about it
i simply do not do traditional comms
>Drawing makes you selfish, entitled, and narcissistic?
>How? What the fuck?
Ego cultivated through positive reinforcement
>making a post calling a spade a spade every once in a while is somehow bad
The entire world simply has to be a hugbox anon there is no room for negatively or venting anywhere. Now ignore the statistics of mental health being at an all time low
Deadline Ends/Raffle begins day after tommorow

Who are you hoping for, anons
Me, if not me than Alin
>my accepted queue is dropping
>i know it'll cost hundreds to refill it
if i don't have something to look forward to every day then why do i work for money right? i should refill it
>advising not being mad and holding a permagrudge to write up multiple paragraphs of angry rants about refunded comms on a Mongolian basket weaving forum is the same as being in a hugbox

Did I miss something here? Are we fucking /v/?
If you don't constantly bitch and moan you're automatically a shill, a hugbox advocate?
Are we gonna start bringing up a reddit boogeyman, too? How about some nice falseflagging? We're already halfway there with the circlejerk discord guy. How about some posting about Artifact?

"Move on" isn't a hugbox assertion, anon. It's advice to not dwell on it.
Refund, name and shame, and move on.
Obsessing over it gets you nothing, and is a fag move.

Writing paragraphs of praise or hate are both as faggy, but lo and behold, we're only seeing one side do it, aren't we? What a fucking mystery.
>been wanting to commission an artist I got last year, pretty much from the second I got my delivery.
>Hasn't opened skeb since
>Randomly come across his Pixiv page, requests are on.
>Last delivery in 2021
>Send one anyway
>Accepted in hours

Name a better feeling.
I hope (You) win, anon.
I'm new to Skeb and I don't know what this queue and refill shit even mean. Finding specific things using the search bar is a nightmare. I don't know why they overcomplicated the simple act of commissioning.
Congrats anon I hope your delivery is good
literally all you can do is send and receive
don't even bother searching for anything anymore after the recent credit card scares, you're supposed to find artists through pixiv and twitter browsing then commission them
Anyone having issues with skeb not displaying artists profile picture and banners?
This is kinda annoying when browsing my followed list
if the artist changed their pfp or banner it can take up to week for Skeb to refresh it
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Hatagoya posted a wip of my Arianna gangbang request so I expect that to finish in the next 3 days. He posted a cute doodle of Celeste yuri so UOanon or any gangbang enjoyer needs to hop on that shit ASAP when he reopens.

502 error on catbox finally cleared so I can upload the entire gift. I'll likely have to mtl or find a friend to translate this later though.


The fame really got to his head. Dude no longer draws Fencer-chan which was his OG waifu back then.

Really depends on the artist. Usually communities that have client reviews can vet through artists in reviews and reliability. I've reached out to a few skeb clients asking for their thoughts on their previous requests before taking the dive myself.
>recent credit card scares
American credit card companies are pornshaming companies by cutting off companies that are too dirty for the kikes. Skeb is scared of this.
Honestly, seeing the plant would be interesting considering he doesn't do femdom too often, but anybody from here would be interesting.
I like your guys' characters, but I don't like them enough to blow a shitload of cash on the rare times he opens for comms on them.
thank (You), Anon.
There is no queue and refill. Anon's talking about wanting to always have at least a few requests accepted and being worked on at all times.
Fags are getting uppity and at eachother's throats, but if you post what you want, we can try and help you find an artist to fit at least part of it.
Firefox mobile has literally never displayed those for me, but Chrome mobile does.
I haven't ran into a desktop browser failing to display them, but considering skeb's been having issues with twitter recently I imagine that's there the issue is coming from, since artists who only use misskey don't seem to have that problem.
Visa/Mastercard have been pulling out of a decent chunk of the Japanese market in relation to art, mostly citing loli/shota stuff. Skeb's managed to avoid it so far, but the way they did it was by hiding a bunch of shit. Search isn't completely useless, but it can be a crapshoot depending on what you're looking for.
>I've reached out to a few skeb clients asking for their thoughts on their previous requests before taking the dive myself.
How many responded?
>shoving giant branches in her ass and pussy
4/5, though its harder now because everythings hidden so you can't go "Hey bwo your delivery from X was awesome, how much- how many differences- etc. etc." anymore

Artist's idea, not mine. I'm more of a trad toys guy but contextually raping out in the winter snow makes sense I guess.
artist san please my delivery
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I'm pretty sure I'm not getting this one
Request for a 1989 manga character has been accepted, I'm a happy camper
Obscure picks are based.
Which character, anon?
I've been thinking about dropping the 20k on a sequel to https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/66819733, myself
>sexy lingerie
really hope kuroi_suna opens up after comiket
An artist I want to commission is no longer active on his Skeb account but is active on Pixiv (no request feature though), Fanbox and Twitter. Is there a way for me to send money to them other than Paypal?
bank transfers but how about you check if theyre taking commissions at all first
bank transfer probably through Wise on your end
or buying amazon gift cards (fuck you nalgami)
NTA, but
if you don't know if an artist is taking comms, if you wanted to ask, would you include any info about the request in the question?
I've got a guy with a skeb but it's never been opened, and I wanna request something from a franchise he's made doujins of
tongue kissing patty
Yes, put everything out in the first contact
Who are the obscure ones that get requested here?
I wonder how many artists actually have an account on that. Never see that option anywhere online. It's either just credit card or Paypal.
they don't need an account, you just need their bank details
I will post it here when it's done but the series is Silent Mobius
Okay crisis averted, they gave both in the PSD
"The guidelines on black bar censorship are hard to understand, so I will use mosaic instead. I'm sorry"

Ironic since mosaic is usually what seems to get artist struck, but thats what he said.
It depends on how you define "obscure", but from what I've seen

>Zaki (Rival Schools)
>literally who (Sophia) from PSO2
>Sil'fer from the Gamecube-only card game spinoff of PSO
>was priere one of ours?
>beeswax and cardigan from arknights (this sounds unlikely, but from checking, I am pretty sure our anon here is the cause of about 20% of all nsfw artwork featuring either of them)
>nazrin from touhou
>Sayonara Zetsubou requester
>Sophia (Punishing Gray Raven)
>does the fox loli from monster girl quest count?
>invading executioner got done at least twice

>aki from ape escape 3
>the catgirl assistant from a defunct DMM/Nutaku porn gacha game
>red brat had a crossover with an event only unplayable blue archive character

I'm not sure if these two anons are still here:
>dailin from eternal return
>Klariskrays and the lesbian loli from PSO2

I dunno if I'm missing any or not, and if I don't know the series at all then I definitely can't say
Bob could be requesting the most obscure granblue characters that exist and I wouldn't have a damn clue
meant for
>>Sayonara Zetsubou
>current gacha
The real obscure characters are the ones you can't even find pictures/art of on Google search. I recently got into Legendz which is a manga that got canceled after 4 volumes and there's a character I'd like to request but Googling her name doesn't pull up any images of her.
Sayonara ended twelve fucking years ago, anon.

Nazrin I'll take the loss on. Didn't realize she was playable in a mainline last year. But before that? Obscure as hell.
>total appearances:
>introduction in UFO
>boss in double spoiler
>background in hopeless
>insert some cope about print works

>Current gacha
Who the fuck has heard of
Sophia from Gray Raven
He got another one
thanks, was difficult for me since he wrote it all broken up like that
at least i tried
if you aren't willing to pull references of your waifu from the source material yourself then what are you doing

i'm also becoming more and more confident that there's another debatably-obscure secondaryfag that goes here but this might just be a schizo theory so i won't call him on it yet

no one is making new porn of them unpaid, at least not where anyone can find it, and no one recognizes their names anymore. i hate to break it to you, but touhou is an ancient series now and most characters from it may as well be as obscure as a 1980's canceled two-volume indie manga. just because it isn't obscure to a bunch of 30+yo absolute losers on the ass of the internet doesn't mean it actually isn't obscure to the internet at large.
>Sayonara ended twelve fucking years ago, anon
That doesn't mean it's obscure. It means it's old. There are plenty of doujinshi, lots of art, and series often times even reference it. Old does not equal obscure. It's ending is still remembered even.

Touhou has many many MANY fangames anon. Nazrin shows up in many. She also has many doujinshi as well. If its in a current gacha with a ton of revenue it's not obscure I don't care what you say. G36c is more obscure than those 2 and I wouldn't call her obscure either
>punishing:gray raven is a current gacha
>Sophia from raven has 24 total works on pixiv
Yup not obscure at all
Just spell it out, I'm curious if it's me
Unpopular is not obscure either
>doesn't mean it actually isn't obscure to the internet at large
By that definition anything that isn't fotm or dbz is obscure
On another note, white hair gacha girl
Half of the pgr Sophia porn is by the autist here and half of it is from a chinese autist
this is sarcasm, for the esl that is going to reply to this as though it's sincere

it is in art terms
this is the art commission thread, we talk about art and commissioning and maybe some other things within the context of those two things here
no one cares if everyone knows their name, if they have no art then they're effectively obscure in the context of this thread
also if they have no art no matter what they're from it's a high chance that no one remembers them, making them obscure in the current day
just because a source is popular doesn't mean that it doesn't have obscure characters in it

no it isn't, don't be a misrepresenting retard (you) know what's being said and that isn't it
i hate gachashit as much as you do but each one has 9998 characters in it and 9969 of them no one cares about besides one autist on 2chan, so they count as obscure
To add to the obscure secondary discussion, I am pretty sure I am the only one who has skeb requests from the following series
>Mummies Alive!
>Sumire 16-sai
>Dying Earth
>no one is making new porn of them unpaid, at least not where anyone can find it
https://www.pixiv.net/tags/%E3%81%95%E3%82%88%E3%81%AA%E3%82%89%E7%B5%B6%E6%9C%9B%E5%85%88%E7%94%9F/artworks bro there was literally a new zetsubou sensei work yesterday. Nazrin's tag on gelbooru has new art basically every day, and it has 11k images in it to boot. Hell THIS was just made today. https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/119707579. These are easily accessible websites that are easy to use and look things up in. Are these amazing works? No, but they are still drawn.

People dont write romeo and juliet fanfiction every day like 400 years later, but that doesnt mean its obscure bro. More people know who literally who dumb retard character from current gacha than they do someone like Alin, who technically has more artwork produced
>if you aren't willing to pull references of your waifu from the source material yourself then what are you doing
I don't know if this was aimed at me or not (I'm >>8067335) but if I had a working scanner and decent editing skills I'd 100% provide my own references. As things are now though, I'll never be able to request her.
my guy, please learn how to post links
i'm begging (you)
not even getting to the "missing the argument" part, clearly it's your first day on the internet and i can't expect you to read properly with all the new stimuli around

is there nothing online to use?
you could also go to a public service place, like a library or hotel workspace, and use their scanner for free or a small price.
or take phone pics and work with an artist (probably traditionally) to draw a good ref sheet for her that's based on the lower-quality or incomplete pics.
As someone who plays Punishing Gay Raven, I forget Sophia exists. She is the most irrelevant character both storywise and gameplay wise.
>Missing the argument
no, your definition of obscure is retarded and the world would be better off if you were hit by a bus
your shitty, anti-social attitudes are why you have no luck with trad comms fyi
>still asshurt about people venting about their problems
kek your kind is the reason why we have the problems we do with payment processors to begin with.
matching pubes for the fe toothpaste lady
Im gonna request a character from the little known gem deathnote. I dont think anyone knows who Misa is
show me the dying earth, zz
Where's that anon with the fucking request about the spider from james and the giant peach
>Zetsubou isn't obscure, it's popular and well known!

Ah yes, very popular. So popular that any porn it gets can be directly traced back to one fucking person. It's so well known that zoomers and most millennials have no fucking clue what it is. Its not obscure at all, that's why it's out of fucking print.

I don't think we need to focus on the Nazrin bit. Anon literally admitted he was wrong.
I mean, if somebody wasn't into touhou, they probably wouldn't have any fucking clue who the fuck Nazrin is, but sure.

What next? Is Richochet not obscure because valve made it and it's on Steam? C'mon, dude, everyone knows Ricochet! Who hasn't heard of Cyborg 009?
Don't pretend you don't know The Guns of Navrone! Why, an eceleb referenced it just the other day!
Somebody posted a scribble of the Aero girl from the canceled beta of Megaman Legends 3! How can you call that obscure?
Stop giving replies to shitposters, holy shit.
Remember people get paid to make "unowned" internet communities worse, and people get off on (you)s, and people are mad that artists won't accept their requests and blame [OCfags][secondaryfags][obscurefags][gachafags] rather than blaming the artist and going elsewhere, etc.
Report and move on. For the love of fuck don't reply. Post artists and art if you really want to be productive and don't give (you)s to blatant shitposters.
>Ah yes, very popular. So popular that any porn it gets can be directly traced back to one fucking person
Anon this might be a hard thing to believe but there is more to a series' popularity than just porn
Zetsubou Sensei is not obscure in the east, you know, where it matters. Just because some fat 40 year old walmart shopper in america doesnt know what it is doesnt mean its obscure. The examples down there are relevant but SZS is not one such example
I took a picture of my art book with my phone and shitty lighting and it was still of use to my artist
That's definitely not him, because it's me, and you're really falling directly into the "two sides" thinking by making not only that assumption, but a follow-up political assumption that doesn't even make sense.

We have issues with payment providers because a rich jew hates other cultures and is convinced everyone that differs from the norm is a pedo or enabling them. That's literally both sides of the political spectrum. They all preach about how the other side are anti-social threats to society who need to be contained.
I've gotten
>An unpopular unit from Valkyria Chronicles
>The least popular girl from Advance Wars
I guess I should go after something else military themed to keep the streak going.
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Aye, fair enough.

I will now begin to send requests for Aero from Megaman Legends 3.
Jess is based and my favorite CO to play, but I wouldnt jerk off to her. Sasha on the other hand...
giant military girl sticking a tank into her vagina
speaking of zetsubou sensei anyone have good ss artists I wanna get more kiri and majiru. also I forgot to put a ref in my most recent request
this is the porn commission thread you fucking retard

this is a english-based forum talking about specific characters, you retard

>a rich jew hates other cultures and is convinced everyone that differs from the norm is a pedo or enabling them
reminder that this is all happening because the rich jew wants you to fuck real people, ruining two people in an unfixable way instead of just one person in a way that is usually fixable and is less serious
the jew wants you to fuck your hand as a critically-lacking substitute, not as a final form
we have issues with payment providers because shitgami, for all his faults, isn't shaping his website around telling us that going out and fucking everyone we know is not only okay but something to be celebrated.
but whatever the fuck, it't gonna happen the same either way. (you) and all that.
Who is the least popular GuP girl
>this is a english-based forum talking about specific characters, you retard
Eastern site, using the japanese language, commissioning from japanese artists. Eat cock
not what we're taking about esl retard
I'm sorry that this discussion came about because I said that I requested a 1989 manga character...
No it came about because some jobless tranny has nothing better to do
Artists are schizos and their simps are even worse.
Interrupting our regularly scheduled schizo paidposting to be creepy as fuck for data reasons
So sheepguy was at rank 61 pioneer before the recent delivery
The recent delivery was from an artist that had double-digit deliveries before him
Yet he still went up to rank 58 with it?
Does this mean that pioneer ranking doesn't reflect first deliveries? Does it reflect first requests? First accepted reuqests?
Why the fuck won't kusogami tell anyone how this shit works?
You couldn't have known so it's not your fault
Looking forward to seeing your delivery, good luck
on porn boards i skip walls of text
The fact of the matter is, nobody getting into such trivial arguments is actually paying any money to get anything, nor are they contributing to the thread in any way. You might find it hard to believe, but its the indisputable truth
>is there nothing online to use?
Correct. Typing her name in Google pulls up 0 pictures of her and if I remove her last name to broaden results it pulls up a character from a completely different series, even when I add in the manga's title.
>I took a picture of my art book with my phone and shitty lighting and it was still of use to my artist
Yeah but was your character from an obscure manga that ended back in 2005? Hell, despite being a main character the character I have in mind doesn't even have a page on the dedicated fan wiki.
I requested an 8-page comic from a western artist back at the end of April and we're halfway through June now and they've completed 75% of one page. That's the reason 99% of my requests have gone through skeb/pixiv for the last 3 years. Not perfect but at least I'm not in limbo forever.
Sorry that you dont seem to know how to use the site's functions properly. Or maybe you are too afraid to properly quote a post out of pride. It is pride month after all, and you must celebrate in every way, big or small
Kindle. I totally forgot about Jess.
Chargeback you literal fucking retard.
Holy shit, you are using a payment method that advertises chargeback capability as part of it's core functionality, and you refuse to use it? Are you a masochist? A paypig fetishist? An actual retard? A limp-wristed faggot? Do you gain some enjoyment from paying people to shit on you? Fishing for (you)s?
Fuck off you baiting attention-whoring faggot-ass piece of shit. We have enough baiting schizos in this shithole, we don't need (((you))) too.
Oh, kindle is even uglier so I suppose you are right
Your pioneer rank goes up when you get the First delivery of any artists. First delivery is first delivery. Whether it got accepted first or last, doesn't matter. If the artist delivered the eighth request first, that that is the first delivery.

I don't think you're closely watching sheep guy. He has 55 first requests. #59 rank guy has 54.
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One of the manga spinoff side characters that has gotten zero fan art. Saga of Pravda has an artist that loves the characters exclusive to that one and people like Little Army, so it's probably the mob girls in Eclair's manga, Phase Erika or Fir Tree and the Iron Witch.
I'm autistic and obsessed. I've been watching him for a bit now, and the only delivery he's gotten in the past (that isn't on anon, which we know doesn't count) is https://skeb.jp/@ikaokura_sushi/works/11
which is the 11th delivery by that artist. But he still went up three ranks just from that? I don't see what's going on here.
And before that delivery, he had 54 first requests? Maybe skeb updates ranking at intervals but the point is that to advance in pioneer ranking. you take virginities.
the thread had two paths and it was either oc circlejerk or arguing semantics about obscurity
Anyone on skeb who can do nylon tights as well as yom yom / sgt eppers?
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>Artist accepts your request but does nothing with it -- all the while drawing his own personal projects for an entire month on Xitter while ignoring your commission until the tail end of the deadline
I hate it. Skeb ought to shorten it by at least 3 weeks.
but what virginity is that? It is the first request that an artist receives? The first one that they accept? The first one that they deliver? I had thought it was that last one but this situation implies it's not?
How does this fucking site work?
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I was going to suggest you look through the miru tights client but like 99% of his shit got hidden because of rape/ JK uniform

Link didn't work but searching "みるタイツ" got that list.

There's a couple decent ones in there, I'll give them a look. Thanks. Shame no one else can come to the same exactly quality / eroticism of yom though.
When you gather all the "works/1" but I think nalgami fuck up the site or something. I actually counted sheep guy just now and he has 50 "works/1" and 28 others yet he has "55 first requests"
They exist but it's mostly because they aren't on skeb
>it's mostly because they aren't on skeb
I cry
>When you gather all the "works/1"
That's what I thought it meant too, but this is showing that's clearly not the case. He doesn't even have any hiddens either, so that can't be fucking with it even if shitgami did fix that particular "bug".
Why can't kusogami just give a sentence in an about section describing what the rankings are actually measuring? Or program a website right?
This is such an inconsequential thing, but man is it tickling my tism.
i didn't know mr. original caracter also has a thing for spread pussy, i need to follow his deliveries more often since i saw this on the front page
it got hidden
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cute vampire delivery

Specifically this is the scene from Eyes of the Overworld where half the pilgrims give up on the pilgrimage and just take over the lizard village instead
sex when
oh right, I didn't quite catch what this was when you first posted it
This literally happened to me, my request passes average completion day(25) and eventually exceeds deadline all while posting on twitter about Horse girls and sharing photos of food.

Yeah I got my money back but it felt like such a big waste of time, waiting for the request to be delivered. If you can't be bothered drawing for money then why even have your skeb opened? Only positive thing out of this is killing their 100% completion rate.
>Yeah I got my money back but
Does skeb automatically refund you once the artist misses the deadline or do you need to contact them first?

>If you can't be bothered drawing for money then why even have your skeb opened?
To snag a few dollars. They may or may not have been aware of the deadline requires though. Anything less than 100% completion gets them turned away thankfully.
yes, it's a middleman service so they don't get paid until you receive something meaning if you don't receive anything then you get your money back too
>120d expiration
>11d average
>day 23
It'll be a 119, won't it
probably around 42
Skeb should add rush ordering. I'd pay an extra 20% to cut deadlines in half
eventually dear anon
closest thing you get is rushing the response time (still doesn't fucking work)
>Creator demands to resend your request
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I'd like to think most of the characters I request are unpopular or obscure enough (minus the gacha) but other anons have me beat. I think 90% of Tevi lewds and 60% of Jefuty lewds are coming from me. A bit less on Arianna but most of the recent ones are originating from me. A UO request is going to expire in 6 hours sadly.

I'd shoot him a DM and see if hes willing to accept. He went radio silent on my Tevi requests before I shot a DM. Keep in mind of the deepL though since

Run a train on Sami and Tabitha Isabella shimadon would be based.

After 3 months of fucking around there's finally a WIP from this guy.
>A UO request is going to expire in 6 hours sadly.
11:59pm JST is 15 hours away
Anyone got any links to deliveries of that bee girl OC that never gets fucked? I want to get something but don't have any of her images saved for reference.
i always think her name is beeswax
What's the pricing on multi-page manga commissions?

Skeb doesn't show the total final price of a commission so I don't know. Do you have to ask the artist in the request (I didn't see any any client doing this tho)
Oh, you're right. I'm not too optimistic though. It was Celeste being pulled by a nipple leash.
I think the general assumption is recommended = 1 page
>Skeb ought to shorten it by at least 3 weeks
Shorten it by 3 weeks from...what? 30 days? 45? 60? 120? 180?
I'm pretty sure the maximum completion period can be set to either 3 or 7 days, although the lowest on any artist I have followed is set to 24.

Anons in future threads years from now will still be flabbergasted when artists use the entire time allotted to them as agreed upon in the request, though. It's almost like a rite of passage.
The opposite is also funny, when anon doesn't draft up a request to send in for artists that aren't open for longer than a few hours or days.
There's not a solid, universal number. Unless it's something absurd like 40k+, assume the price listed for "comic" is per-page.
ie, 15k means "15k per page"
If you want to hand god the wheel, you could just detail what you'd like to see and at the bottom of your request ask them to re-send at whatever price they deem appropriate, I guess.
Risky, though.
sex with hex
(The artist in question, if you're curious.)
>everyone wants to see her fucked but no one wants to pay for it
>Tabitha Isabella shimadon
I've thought about Tabitha having sadistic fun with disposable clone sisters. Since the generic soldier for her faction is female I always assumed the whole army was sister clones.
Please recommend me the best rori animator on Skeb. (That is actually seeking)
I guess? The rest I know about aren't seeking at the moment
That sounds hot too, but I'm prone to taking it too far and go the ryona/guro route. Already waiting for a shupogaki fuck nugget bad end. That being said theres a lot of potential between Tabitha and her sisters.
I've seen a 7 days to complete artist
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I never liked the days of ruins designs other than Lin, Caulder's harem are just the types I never enjoyed as characters but Sami is always based. I got Sasha once in the past, was a pretty decent image set. You always do based work getting Arianna and I believe I had seen a recent wip from someone I was looking at too, granted I forgot who it was lol. It was either you or the jp guy who always seems to get her, granted I prefer the jp guy's work since you lean a bit far into Ryona sometimes.

Also, even though it doesnt matter, as someone who requests Zetsubou Sensei, I dont believe it is obscure at all, but I do think Kanako is relatively obscure within her own series, since she isnt too involved. Ive requested a few other obscure characters such as Jenetta from EO5 and requested purple princess from EO3 from a friend too, granted I didnt pay for that one. Nothing super groundbreaking from me. Ive helped others get some obscure stuff tho
Someone here requested art of a fucking Yume Miru Kusuri character recently
moving sprites on the front page
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You won't like Hexer eviscerating Arianna then. My recent wip is a wholesome gangbang of Arianna providing sexual relief to the entire party ( even Flavio). I like wholesome just as much as the harder stuff, and others usually already cover bases to request comfy content, leaving a ryona void to be filled.

Days of Ruin was always a bit more hit or miss with the crowd, but I enjoyed both. Sasha and Nell were definitie favorites, though I knew a whale who would only req Lash. Maybe I'll lotto an Advance Wars request once my Rabbit & Steel request finishes.
I think the rarest I've gotten was a Jutaijima character, although that was from long before skeb was even a thing
>My recent wip is a wholesome gangbang of Arianna providing sexual relief to the entire party (
Who was the artist for that? I think that was potentially the one I saw. Also I saw the merits in Days of Ruin but the campaign was laughably easy and a glorified tutorial, and the competitive, while having more interesting units, was very dry and still pretty imbalanced in a less fun way
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I shilled him a few times, but its Sukoyugiris friend.


I'll share both my EO and Jefuty request from him when its done. There's at least AWBW to pvp online.
Oh that's not the one ive seen. AWBW is goated, love that shit
Is uncensored possible on Skeb? I know some artists have uncen. versions on their Fanbox or whatever, can I ask that during a request?
>Searching 'star trek' brings up 5 results of generic characters in starfleet uniforms
I'll break new ground with my vorta being gangbanged by klingons request
absofuckinglutely not stupid it's a japanese site
you need to ask them directly and risk getting banned/blocked or subscribe to their fanbox if they actually do put uncensored up and even then the fanbox can get nuked at any time because of that
and yes, SOME artists do give it out with or without you asking but it would be around 10% of the artists you see
I politely ask for source on that image.
If you ask it in the text of the request it will more often than not get obliterated by management before it ever gets to the artist
Even if it didn't, if the artist delivers, (yes even via leaving the censorship layer of the psd seperate from the genitals), then THEY get in trouble when management sees, followed up with you also getting in trouble.

If you're going to ask, do it before sending a request, preferably on an alternate account not associated with skeb.
But don't expect any miracles, and don't be surprised if you get in trouble.
oh I was thinking of this for wips https://x.com/SukoYugiriMOD1/status/1796550723788066877
Artist-san has sent me un or undercensored PSDs before and I never got in trouble, just them.
>Daroon 5 isn't on Skeb or Pixiv requests

It hurts....this one hurts....
Did you ask for it to be uncensored in the body of the request text?
If not, then yeah, you wouldn't get in trouble.
If you did, then you could be.
Oh, that's not mine. Hopefully mine will mog his.

I'll share everything once he finishes, but Chloe is facesitting on top of Arianna there.
I figured it was probably the jp guy since he seems to get more traditional gangbangs with her and got this artist at least like 3 times
No of course not. You were making it sound like any artist fuck up would get you banned too though.
it took 8 requests but my artist finally started to trust me enough to send me uncensored straight up
Proof or didnt happen. Dont post the artist name or anything just the art.
How likely are my chances of getting a design requests accepted from an artist that hasn't drawn designs on skeb? Saw some artists style that caught my interests and was thinking of having them genderbend my OC
anon none of know the psychology of whatever artist you wanna ask
just fucking do it
if they don't accept it in a few days then take the hint and cancel
I think there should be a work where Arianna consensually pleases the beast party members
The easiest way to get uncensored art is to ask the artist to draw it so it doesn't need censoring in the first place. Unless you're like spread pussy anon and seeing the cock/pussy is the point or you're requesting something that can't be drawn without censorship I don't see why you wouldn't include a simple line like "please draw it so it doesn't need to be censored." I pretty much always add that when requesting something and I've never gotten in trouble.
Or request yuri strap-on on anal.
you could request TLR style uncensored
One of my requests is still sitting on skeb uncensored. I just don't draw attention to it
i cannot get off without genitalia
>that one uncensored green dicks request got hidden probably because of rape
damn it
I like to think if that hispanic kid didn't kill himself, he would be requesting Icarus from Sora no Otoshimono
>if that hispanic kid didn't kill himself
Mexican kid killed himself to meet Ikaros, was on local papers and shit, posted everywhere, over a decade ago.
speaking of people who ruined their lives because of anime, wonder what mad thad would think of skeb
Isn't he out? you could ask him
He's banned from using the internet
pretty sure he has a youtube channel
he uploads videos to his youtube channel so I don't know about that
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cool snake
ZZ anon is it time for a sequel to this https://skeb.jp/@mmbirrrrd/works/40 but with the new skin? The new skin is pretty hot.
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While searching for artists that draw mermaids, living armors and other fantasy creatures, I came across a requestor who is obsessed with long-haired female dullahan.


They have quite the collection and have secured the services of many talented artists. I recommend following them if you have a long haired character.
>pixiv request pending
>times out
>2 weeks later get a resend request from the artist
>pending for another 4 days after
Artist is taking you for a ride, anon.
This desu.
>use semen to correct the genitals
>position the pubic mound so that the genitals don't need a mosiac
Etc etc

Can pixiv requests be made private after completion, or how does that work?
>it's been barely two days and we're already out of bumps and on page 5
Bros Im about to skeb my first skeb. Please pray for me.
Yes. I will pray.
I'm still here! Just wanted to give my artists a break and have been having a bit of difficulty finding new ones! Been on a futa kick lately, too.

If anybody has an artist that posts WiPs to misskey, hand me a link and what to look for and I'll post it here. I managed to get in before they region locked it!
>Get new phone
>cant log into skeb because twitter did something stupid again
Log in using email
When making a request can I just type normally in English and the translation there will do the job? Or is their translation kinda fucky and I'm gonna have to word it more methodically to get the ideas across?
I don't ever get the sign in email
Don't use a bunch of untranslatable slang you should be fine if you type normally
Amazing advice
What a hustle
Try running it back and forth through DeepL to see if it's getting hung up on anything.
Also, for linking reference pics, can I just use imgbb or is there a Japanese one that they prefer?
Just write in Japanese bro.
at least it was only 500 yen

I use imgbb and it works just fine. I usually direct link to the image since it seems to still work even during those times when the site itself starts getting kind of wonky.
look at other peoples' requests and see what they use. they use everything, from google drive to linking fucking twitter posts. So long as it doesn't go down, use what you want.
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Here are the translated manga, courtesy of Esu.
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more of my beautiful Eclair-chan
Use simple English without any slang. Even something as simple as "fuck" can be messed up by MTL and turn into "rape". Avoid complex sentences. If you have male and female characters do not refer to them as he and she, the gender will be lost in translation. Use images for refs.
I've been watching this guy and I have to give him credit for not just releasing the fucked up version. I would be mad if my oc got distorted like this
Instead of this
Run it through DeepL, then translate it back to English and fix it until it's the way you want, then paste the Japanese.
Sending an English request and letting them translate it gets me slightly different results than using the DeepL website directly. Pixiv requests don't seem to have this problem in my experience.
Remember to triple check your links before you send the request off, even if you're sure they're fine.
i dont know why but I'm getting ai vibes, i think its mostly his twitter pfp https://skeb.jp/@hhsan
Good bukkake artists? And I mean, like, bukkake. Excessive. Loads of goo.
I want my bitch fucking caked in jizz, man.
But even someone who just draws cum good would be nice.
>both my requests expired
>artist asks me to resend both
aieeeeee dont give me hope
>send three requests
>2/3 rejected
>artist closes right afterwards
>no posts about it on twitter or not-twitter
I hate this site and I hate people like this. I have no idea whether he didn't want them and there's no point in resending later, or weather he just didn't want that many at once and they'll get accepted if I send them when he opens again.
same i fucking love bukkake but whenever i ask for it i get the most pathetic spray of semen, like a couple lines or droplets at most
i want her covered like a fucking figurine
Isn't the raffle today?
Let's go, anon, lets go!
Let's go anon lets go!
Let's go anon lets go!
All I know is that my log in issue better be fixed before I get a delivery, which means they have roughly 90 days....

Yeah I thought about linking him since those were my requests, but I don't think he plans on reopening skeb. His last tweet is thanking people who requested, but both their Twitter and pixiv have all the images deleted.
Ah, didn't notice that
>twitter and pixiv nuked
>skeb closed
oh he's totally fucking gone, those are signs of giving up entirely, lots of possibilities
>went pro and had to clean up
>giving up the handle and changing to a new identity
>gave up nsfw entirely or even worse drawing entirely
God damn.
You mind posting those?
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Yeah I made sure to use "video" instead of "animation" since apparently that's their terminology on Skeb
5k but only sfw bust ups seem kinda boring
Holy fuck I cannot fit in enough text
Pretranslating and sending in Japanese can help a bit with character limits
My request for the new Barbara and Rabbie skins was accepted.
This latest batch of Alchemy Stars skins were fire Barb for reference https://twitter.com/AlchemyStarsJP/status/1801902478231052542
Yes more Rabbie.
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Last question. I know Japanese people read text from top to bottom, right to left. So if I include some text like this, can they still read it?
nta but yes
Ok, thank you. You all helped me so much, I am very arigatoful.
Any updates from the anon making the new oc doc?
I used to be a patience person but using skeb over this last year has rotted my mind something fierce. I'll send a request to a good <1 no matter the price
Still can't log in kusogami just isn't sending my email any emails I'm locked out thanks twitter thanks nalgami you worthless ballsacks
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Called my bank, they said "card did not decline, and I have no spending limit. Payment went through but merchant declined."

How did merchant decline literally in 0.01 millisecond? There wasn't even time to read the request yet. Also they said my card only gave 7$ or 7c even though still on the notification draft it clearly states I put 90,000 yen. What the fuck is going on.
did you request a manga or animation?
Animation. I checked my funds and I have way more than enough and the bank person said I have no spending limit today. they said I should contact the merchant, but I don't know how.
>feel free to decline or resend if there are any problems
>leaves me on pending for 4 days
Visa and Mastercard ban being implemented as we speak...
Oh, is that why? I didn't know that was for Skeb too. But then why did the bank person say the payment actually went through initially? I don't know anymore.
based heavy spender
it sounds/looks like a 3dsecure issue, every bank does it differently unfortunately so sometimes shit will just decline because the bank's 3dsecure isnt up to date, dont forget to turn off your adblocks/vpns too since that sometimes fucks with my 3dsecure since its just a 2fa system
you might just have to use a different card entirely, i have zero issues with 3dsecure on all japanese sites with capitalone
>turn off your adblocks
Hm. There is an option to resend. But now I'm paranoid about this site, it might charge me twice and then still give me nothing just to fuck with my Gaijin ass.
shitgami can't code a website to save his life, 3Dsecure fucking up on skeb's side is frequent and inconsistent. The usual solution is to wait a few days and try again, and most of the time that works.
The 7c is just the ping charge that they use to make sure the method works. The fact that that went through, and that your bank said the payment request itself went through, means that it probably isn't a 3Dsecure issue - when the issue is with 3Dsecure itself, the charge doesn't even send and your bank won't see it 99% of the time.
This is literally just shitty programming on the part of skeb if the bank says that it's a problem with the merchant, nothing to do about it except wait or try a different card.
Try different browsers. At some point, I had a 3D secure issue in everything but it worked in fucking Edge, of all things. It later fixed itself.
I read somewhere a while back that Debit cards fuck up on Skeb too. That's my only "different" card so Imma have to think on this.
I have used my debit card to make thousands of dollars worth of requests without issue. It's probably the bank having an issue with 3D secure like another Anon mentioned.
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Oh wait, now it worked. Thank you to the anon who told me to turn off my adblock. Adblock was the gatekeeper.
>inb4 artist turns down request
>But now I'm paranoid about this site
Consider testing it with 1-5k yen cheapie before dropping 90k.
every type of card seems to fuck up occasionally on skeb, I've used both a credit and debit card and neither fuck up more than the other. Some providers seem to fuck up more than others, since I switched to visa I haven't had any fuckups at all, but just being a debit card won't fuck it more than usual.
As a side note, at a 90k ticket price you should probably consider going traditional unless you're an oil baron. That is a lot of money to be risking on skeb.
yeah looks like i was correct, adblocks fuck with 3dsecure since they block the redirect/popup related to it
hope your request gets accepted though, big ticket requests are always exciting
Disable adblock and noscript for that tab then try again, common problem for me when I forget to it
Looks like waitress won the raffle
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Well, he managed to deliver. Got a big psd file so I'll have to sort out the differences but petplay with Jefuty came out great in the end.


My UO request expired just now, so I'd avoid
https://skeb.jp/@monatsu in the future.

Very cute. She should've been the main Frenchie instead of Marie.
If HE declines, I'm gonna have to resort to HIM.
And has like 3 deliveries in the front page, including a 20 page manga too.
lying about waitress aside, what happened to anon's other 6 deliveries
I have this issue. I just signed up for a virtual debit card and it works fine.
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10/10 bait
Just found a 3k cheapie that accept NSFW requests.
Probably hidden because of r*pe
>G-Great advice
>Farts, vore, giantess, feet.... /d/ in a shellnut.

Art by https://skeb.jp/@nabe20202
Seems pretty good for those into something cheap and less...stinky.

I've updated my fats vs /ss/ doc at https://pastebin.com/x1uj6s8d
Thanks to anon for the suggestion.

>Same smugface everywhere.
I'm hearing the LA Noire "doubt music" too.
>In this world, it's stomp or be stomped on
nalgami saying his team would go back and manually screen all deliveries was definitely bullshit, that's way too much manpower needed
what it looks like is they just camp the new deliveries like hawks and immediately hide anything cc processor-kun will hate
didn't he say it would take a couple of months
>Request due tomorrow
>no Twitter post since May
oh no...
If skeb wasn't anti AI they could use it to screen the requests but they'd have to cave into the technology they and the artists hate so much
Yeah we should shoehorn AI into every facet of our lives. Anyways, hows that working out for google?
Considering their company is worth 800 billion and stocks are up 30% I'm going to say "well"
But they use deepl for translation already right?
Obligatory /d/ warning, meant to post this one the other day but forgot. Thank you again to anon for letting me use his nun. Artist is currently closed but from the two times I've requested them I can highly recommend.
do vorefags like the digestion part
Implied digestion or it being left ambiguous if the girls escape is kinda hot but I get turned off by euro or graphic digestion
Vorefag from other thread here, I do but there's a lot who don't. For half of them it's really freudian bullshit about wanting to return to your mother's womb or some shit.
forgot there was a mainstream anime where being digested was a major plot point
i love having a normal fetish
>implied with an external view without transparency coupled with some digestion noises
>pred making a comment about wishing the girl lasted longer
>prey passing out and leaving an escape impossible
As long as it fits into a category like that it's fine, just as long as it's all implied and doesn't cross over into guro territory. That said I'm fine with ambiguous outcomes or escape/corruption outcomes too.
Never realized there were so many with similar tastes here
i want good futa artists on skeb that are currently accepting requests

budget is up to 30k
>we lost to this https://www.fanbox.cc/@mizumizuni/posts/8100050
that's a girthy dick
Lilith is hot
Has done futa, exactly 30k but questionable complete rate.
23k, 100% complete rate
Or you could just check Krial's artists although there's a 50/50 chance I'm talking to him
Haven't requested stuff since New Year's, been loosely following the recent drama but I figured I'd ask properly to not waste time and money: what phrases are explicit no-no's, and which ones will instead hide my work and push me through the additional filter that was set up against CC companies? Will I be in trouble if I ask for rape, or would I have to get much freakier and include ryona, gore and monsters?
you can still ask for rape, it just gets hidden
How long does it take for Art to upload to skeb?

Artist thought he delivered my art but his skeb stats stayed the same and I haven’t received my art.

I DMd him and he said there was an error submitting it. So now he’s giving it another go
could take up to a couple of hours to process
Haven't had much time to devote to it recently, but I think I'll just do a quick version tomorrow and pretty it up later.
There are no "explicit no-no's"
The only change is your request can get auto-hidden.
Based, thanks for the update
>2 upcoming requests' deadline is later this week.
>Artist for the first request has been radio silence on social media
>The other has recently posted about Comiket
I've already had one request exceeded deadline while the artist was actively posting gacha and food pictures. But to have consecutive deadline requests is going to sour my mood.
both 60d?
thoughts on ハメ撮り?
most people like it unless they're extreme vanillafags
hot as fuck when nonconsensual
Very versatile. Lots you can do with it and can fall under a lot of fetishes.
Not for me personally, but I understand its appeal.
That's pretty gay anon. You sure you wanted to admit that aloud?
>use semen to correct the genitals
What do you mean by this? And are these examples of what you ask for or what you've gotten?
Is this still ongoing and if so can someone translate the rules that are on Fanbox?
if genitals are gay then i don't want to be straight
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100% based I need more of it
He said he doesn’t know if it’s because of a management check or just an uploading error.

It’s almost been 2 hours. Hopefully it works out by tomorrow
I'm assuming that anon got autocorrected and meant to say semen covering the genitals so they aren't exposed. I also like it when there's just enough pubes to not need censoring.
I'm not into pubes myself but that first one could be nice. Don't think I've seen that myself though. Got any examples?
One is 70 days while the other is 60 days.
The one that past deadline before is also 60 days
"Correction" gets past the filters. "Censorship" often gets caught up in them.

They also use "correction" themselves when referring to censorship.
I've said it before, but "black seaweed correction" is the common term for "black bar censorship".

"Use semen to correct the genitals" or "Cover the genitals in semen so they don't need correction" is how I'd ask, although that's not something I've done.
I have, however, used "correction" to refer to censorship, and they've understood just fine, so it's what I use, since it's what I see them use.
Been wanting to get it, especially after the recent meme frame doing th rounds on twitter.
Apparently theres an extension to see likes again on twitter. Anyone know which ones?
there was the oldtwitter one iirc but it got patched because retards couldn't help themselves bragging about it
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NTA, but here is one I got recently. Cum overflow is used instead of bars.
Artist https://skeb.jp/@yashuring2
maybe you'd like this guy
They don't want ARTISTS to use it on their platform. Skeb has been using AI in their operations since 2018.
Google Cloud Vision API
Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services
>Very cute. She should've been the main Frenchie instead of Marie.
I like the BC girls a lot too. I just wish every school could have gotten their battles fully animated.
I have one more Eclair request out there with her ass in her tight uniform skirt.
Anon on the front page
This could have been us
aw, all his stuff are hidden
I can tell this is all electrocution stuff
nah, it's mostly tentacles and/or rape
my two favorite fetishes FUCK
calm down esu
Ah. Not sure I'm a fan afterall but it's still better than mosaics or bars.
Privated. What was it?
krial anon with a bat
Skeb won’t let him upload for some reason still. I hope we weren’t somehow reported for communicating in the past
you look really cute in that silly pose ha ha
you're sure to become even more popular ha ha
westernbait artist
I see you nalgami
huh I wonder what this artist's fetish is
also the art vaguely reminds me of AI or at least traced over
I miss 2ch skeb threads
>gone for 2 weeks
didn't know it was that bad
Requested an artist I really like and got no answer for 5 days and assumed it was over but suddenly the accept message popped up
Not canceling after 24 hours anyway is cvckhold behavior
Look sometimes you can tell when an artist isn't a <24 hours person and have to hold on
I'm currently taking refuge on Discord.

Trolls take away your authority on message boards, so you can't deal with them on your own.
What happened?
copy&paste trolls/spammers took over several generals/threads (including Skeb) on 2ch to the point that most of the denizens migrated over to discord servers
does 2ch have janitors
OPs of threads can delete posts but this problem is huge enough that the site owners/admins need to get off their asses which they haven't clearly
He switches lines every time he posts.
We will report the person who started the thread each time.

The administrator took measures, but another person copied and started vandalizing.
so it's like how schools in Japan don't have janitors because the students do all the cleaning?
It started working after 12,000 users moved.
I can't handle it
food and beer
Nice hidden
Idk anon sounds like he's gonna get some art
Reminder to always check the ratios of image posts an artists makes on twitter. If it's mostly gatcha shit they will go over time.
Where are they at?
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Since skeb hid this, came out awesome. Probably one of my favs. He appealed me for 8k. Took about a week to do it.
Discord's "ふたばMay避難所" "創作活動全般" "創作(二次創作含む)" "Skebスレ"

I don't have permission to invite
Can’t find it still, this is so sad.
I can't invite you, and I'm prohibited from reproducing the text.
No big deal. If you guys want any of us to join feel free to get someone to post a link. I’m sure lots of us would like to come say hello.
>anon actually thinks it'd be a good idea for us to not get gatekept
If they want to say something to us they can come here and say it. Posting an invite here is asking for trouble.
That's pretty fucking nice. If I had a furry or kemono OC I'd go in, too
Speaking of OCs
I'll see you guys tomorrow. Best of luck!
And make sure to keep your DMs open/check them, dammit!
If an artist ignores my request for 30 days, they deserve rape correction
I'm sorry, anon. I didn't see your post.
This is actually a scenario where MTL plus some common sense is fine but basically

>can't do yuri, sorry

>rape, impregnation, capture, tentacle impregnation, egg laying, etc are fine...check his pixiv for what he's okay with, basically.

>if they're getting fucked, they're gonna be a girl. Traps, futa, manly man men, etc can enter but if they're taking a dick they are gonna be a girl or turned into one

>must be mostly human. Specifically notes lamia, blue skin, cat ears, that kind of stuff is fine but if they have an animal face or an animal body, it can't be done. This includes insect bodies.
(our local bee girl would probably be fine, our local wasp girl would almost certainly not be)

>cannot do gore, scat, ryona

>character details galore.

>example of a previous winner

>age, outlook, name, style of speaking

>scenarios you'd prefer

>scenarios you absolutely do not want at all

>like literally give him your loredump

>the example even includes the erogenous zones of the character and distinct ways they'd react to being confessed to by an older man, a younger man, and another girl

>I am dead fucking serious, anon. He wants your deeplore.

>how they'd react to being asked to have sex in cosplay

>do they switch speech patterns under certain conditions?

Also, it has to be sex. He doesn't do safe artwork, generally.

You wouldn't happen to have the OC with the wings and the one missing eye, would you?
Face reminds me of that ugly Hazbin Hotel character but nice art
michael on the front page
anon also on the front page
These are great anon. Usually esu just posts the translation here directly but did you pay him in his or something
Death by booba
That's a bit of a strange request, but asking for that, are you talking about my harpy? This is my first post this thread because I've had nothing to contribute.
anons on the front page
that's not "exhibitionism"
Wtf these rock
they're balloons
2k yen nsfw enabled
the perfect gift for the inflation fag in your life
Nigga with how fast shit gets purged you have to upload them elsewhere I don't even see anon
Waitress is gonna be in the final 4 ans lose
Both links work for me. Get your degeneracy score up Anon.
>pussy wishlist artist rejected me after waiting 3 months for him to open
gonna kill myself https://skeb.jp/@coverpa13a
which anon was this
This is way too cute for my degenerate heart, I feel healed. Great collab, esu is too good with these translations.
first orgasm stories make my dick explode, literally my favorite doujin scenario
>Artist appeals
>has NO discount
>has a big detailed message
I can actually respect that. This guy is a little expensive for my wallet right now though...
anon on the front page
such good tits
it was just a guess, but a few context clues made you seem the most likely person.
I was also asking because he's got a very specific fetish for hair-covered eyes, and might want to go with that instead of showing off your eyepatch/socket if you won (although he's pretty good with mechanical/technical/sci-fi gear regardless)
I think one guy called me sophianon once idk
As the person who made the request, I don't even have a work page link on my "Completed" tab anymore.
>page 10 already
drawthread getting uppity again?
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https://skeb.jp/@suzuki_C_E_O/works/6 Another Tales delivery. Today is Agria from Tales of Xillia.
ever cum trib'd one of your commissions
Sorry, I know my own entry was confusing but kitsunekakko was accommodating. Originally I tried sending my information in private but apparently not hours before I was going to try, Twitter's bullshit started and I needed to pay for premium to send messages if he wasn't following ME, and there's enough weird fuckers stalking eachother to not want to be open about that. Also, I moderate a dating site and one scam that's common there is to take other people's images and use them as one's own to con people into "buying avatars", so I'm a little paranoid about that. Twitter's recent changes to likes also fuck over artists who relied on likes for exposure so I wonder if we'll ever get a solution that isn't spamming Miiverse Yeahs.

I do appreciate you remembering I'm here, though, and I could include that detail later because I actually enjoy hair-cover too. I'll make sure to post my next work if I get it, too. Currently, artist-san is talking about all the requests he's getting on twitter and ignoring mine. :F
you a goonpilled cummaxxer lili bro? on god fr?
I will never forgive this fucker for accepting my request twice, having it expire then bitch about AI
I'm strongly considering getting a bestiality work with two OCs that aren't even mine
Do it
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Delivery from https://skeb.jp/@DIDumesita came in. I only asked for a camera selfie, but got a lot more than I asked for. 26 differences with a lot of blood and ryona so I won't be sharing it here. Maybe the artist also played the game and read my mind or something.

Based. I'm thinking of requesting Arisu getting corrected for teamstacking against Erika once das Finale finishes.

I'm mostly a non con guy. I can only think of Arianna getting strapped to a bear beast like you would with horses. I've already requested her getting deered from Tuoni from another anon's recommendation.
based unless it's one of the boring ones
It's claw and a Japanese client who gets a lot of beast https://x.com/kurokanaR18
nice pussy
He final day delivered for me and I noticed his completion rate was in the 60's. I took a chance because the quality was nice for the price. I guess I'm luckier than I initially thought
was this kanako anon?

if anon isn't lying 2 of the 3 missed requests was his
Nah I got him on pixiv request so the missed ones on skeb weren't even mine
Personally if you are more non con Arianna ' fellow beast party member gets confused by an enemy and starts nonstop raping her after
> Delivery from https://skeb.jp/@DIDumesita
This artist might be just what I'm looking for, how long was the wait for delivery?
Yeah this was me, the only time I got an artist first. Forgot to check the anonymous box for it but it doesnt really matter
>International SKIMA
You guys think it's got the feature where you only pay when the commission is done?
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> I'm thinking of requesting Arisu getting corrected for teamstacking against Erika once das Finale finishes.
So you'll get that in like, six years? You are really planning your comms out ahead lol.

Here's the first iteration of the OC doc v2. I tried going with a new Google Sheets format that I think is easier to reference quickly, but I'm open to suggestions on changes to it. For instance, I think there's probably a better way of doing the "NG fetishes" column, since for the most part all of them are the same (no scat, gore, other weird/gross stuff, etc). Maybe changing it to an R-18G column? I've also included links to Skeb user pages if I was able to find them. If you don't want yours listed, let me know and I'll remove it.
>Why is X character not on the sheet?
Because they weren't on the original document, reply to this post with the listed information and a picture of your character if you want to be added.
>Why is the data under my entry outdated?
Because that's what it said on the original document, reply to this post with updated information if you want anything to be changed. I'm also always in this thread so you can speak into empty space and I'll get around to fixing it.
>Why is X character here if they posted once and then disappeared?
Because they were on the original document and I don't feel like starting a shitstorm by removing anyone.
Neat, I really like the format for this one, really easy to read at a glance
>reply to this post with updated information if you want anything to be changed
Under Monster Menagerie you can probably put
>character url
>preferred fetishes
Nude pin ups, vanilla sex, yuri, non-harsh rape
Guro, Scat
Open to collabs, will happily split on the right ideas. Prefer asked first for providing the correct references
Stuff not on the preferred list is fine but situational, prefer some things to be hidden on skeb

I should really tone down the 'tism and stop changing my details. Thanks for doing this.
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I'll take that into consideration.

It took me about 6 weeks for mine. For what its worth if you like the style the value is high considering 2 characters and all the differences.

I need to first see how it concludes because I don't know if they'll do another ass pull where Oarai loses again. I'd want female players to bully Arisu but if I can't wait it would have to be fat bastards bullying her.
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I hope I'm doing this right now.

Character: Sham
Preferred fetishes: Breeding up to/including birth
NG fetishes: Loss of agency(Hypnosis, personality destruction), Transformation, EOL, playing with waste
Usage: Preferred contact first, but not necessary
Miscellaneous: I have separate NSFW and SFW ref sheets to respect artists. Contacting me or checking my existing skebs would work easier to get them.

Photo URL: https://files.catbox.moe/tf8d2w.png --
am I allowed to post loli
via url but not by uploading directly
upload to catbox
has anon ever groomed an artist
what do you mean by groom
one artist said they wanted to send me an artbook but i requested everything anonymous so they didn't know who i was and couldn't
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>I'd want female players to bully Arisu but if I can't wait it would have to be fat bastards bullying her.
You should get fat, drunk KMM ojisans correcting Alice now, and Oarai players (and maybe Koume since she's been cvcked by Shimada bullshit twice now) sexually bullying her later IMO.
is it grooming if i influence artists future drawings with my requests
>You wouldn't happen to have the OC with the wings and the one missing eye, would you?
No. I was nameless anon but I've sense given her a name and design.

I just reply to his tweet, right? Anyone got a link to that tweet if the contest isn't over yet?
This is mine. There is a differene but as I told Shadoba anon it's so minor I don't know what it is.
No clue but I signed up earlier this week.

Nameless anon here. My girl has a name now. It's Atsuka (愛熱火) Kamizawa (神沢). I've also got n updated character sheet and a fantasy form for her now:
https://imgchest.com/p/9249apqav7n (Modern)
https://imgchest.com/p/xny8zjzwwyb (Fantasy)
>Preferred Fetishes:
Yuri, Tentacle Sex, Tail Sex (Specifically for OCs with demon tails. Ask about others.), Suggestive (Clothed) Pin-Ups, Futa
>NG Fetishes: Ryona, Guro, Vore, Scat, Piss, Daipers, Inflation, Rape, Gross Fetishes in general, Body Modification
Anything not under Preferred or NG needs to go through me first. Would prefer if she wasn't sent to Big Titty artist but if you must maybe contact me first? I also would rather not see her engaging in actual sex acts (Oral, anal, sex) as a general rule though Yuri, Futa, and Tentacles are exceptions.
i will ad my oc to the list only if anons promise to read her backstory and lore i wrote
Id read it, I love reading oc lore
Cool Great Fox
calm down claw
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Yeah I'll probably go with KMM or MEXT. I feel like Koume's too nice to do anything mean, and wanted to wait because it was gonna be Anko or the crew that killing blow Alice's tank to bully her Aomushi style, and I'll need harapan added as a minimum.
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Yeah I get what you mean about Koume's personality. Now that we've talked about it though, I still might get my own sicko-mode Koume request. Her banging Alice with a strapon. In the background MEXTman is on a rack and Chiyo is tied up shibari style with a ballgag and multiple toys in each of her holes.
Go for it, I'm already drafting the ojisan request to a cunny artist.
Is there a way to get things added that won't clog up the thread?
Yeah we don't want the girls und panzer discussion getting interrupted
seems like bloomers got a lot of his deliveries unhidden
Is that the same artist as ZZ's snake?
I don't think we have enough OCs for that to be an issue, but I've just enabled comments on the sheet which should help.
Anon we're already on page ten and long past being bumpable. Post whatever you want.
The contest is locked, unfortunately. Raffle occurs sometime tomorrow, but I'll post when there's another.
Yeah. I remembered ZZ mentioned the artist he'd got Ceres from and sought them to commission a reference sheet. Took about 4 months though they did go on break twice without warning.
Shame. I would've request my girl if the contest was still open.
Under Valentine, could you add my OCs Lent, Daybreak, and Ramari
>character url
Everyone is still free use no limits
bell can be changed to free use instead of contact first, and add hypnosis to preferred fetishes. if the pics are just going to be icons now then I'd prefer if this one was on the doc: https://files.catbox.moe/3dkojn.png

and use this link for refs when hovering over her name: https://sta.sh/2arbh9fs6ub

miscellaneous can be changed to just "contact is preferred but not necessary"

the new doc looks good anon
Apologies, but could you also change Valentine's icon to this
>Artist's page went from 4/5 deliveries public, to all hidden, to 1 public again, to now 2/5 public
Is someone manually reviewing and unhiding works?
Yes, it happened to me once.
your secondary characters poop
>see new creator 3k and under with decent art
>send request
my oc doesnt poop because i said so
which OC takes the meatiest and most rank shits? Mask?
If you believe size determines output, but isn't Mask like a spirit, she probably doesn't produce waste. It's probably any of these monster based thread OCs or one of the lolis destroying public restrooms for fun and making janitorial staff cry
Toriloli is always eating giant cartoon meats
the giantess one
cute quintuplet
>Please give me your big cock, as I am only capable of sucking it
purpose of the quote past request button
speedrun your copy paste request
anon on the front page
When has this person ever posted here
maybe spread pussy anon would like this if they just looked at the first two and ignore the rest
This isn't one of my mine, but CatadioptricTrap is good people and this was a good request
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Collab delivery got finished
i wouldn't send anything on principle after seeing the rest, also
>uncensored dickpussies
n-no they're just builtin onaholes
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Had a 5k bnuuy bullying finish just now, only took 6 days to finish.

>artist puts shutterstock-esque watermark on their public art
nice dp
tales anon on the front page
What are some good positions for a femboy/trap fucking a milf?
For Sophie and Catherine, I want them removed and replaced with my new character, Ember.

>Character url

>Character Icon

For preffered fetishes, can you add femdom?
That's one chunky nanjamo
she needs to come to global already
missionary leglock
Toriloli taking a massive dump that's half her weight
She should go on a strict slime diet
if you ate nothing but jelly would you make anal jelly
You'd probably get fat
nalgami said the skebcoin company kinda went rogue here
what did they say
https://archive dot ph/5MrZD
They replied to a politician I believe with this
please draw my character wearing the thick shota's outfit
Changed all of these.

I'm not sure what EOL is, does that mean snuff?

Still looking for suggestions on how to clean up the NG column a bit. I'm thinking I can put the usual stuff that people don't like under an umbrella R-18G tag (bathroom stuff, violence, gore, etc), and then make note of exceptions.
I think the ng column is fine
If no one else thinks it's an issue I may just leave it, I might be overthinking it
anon on the front page
Samurai Champloo on the front page
I kinda like this style
Reuploaded with a new psd.
Atsuka's owner here, could you update her image as well? I'm not planning on ever using the first character sheet ever again and the current image doesn't do a good job of representing her.
keep yourself safe
Did any anons make it to the finals for the raffle? I can't read the wheels
I don't recognize the names so probably not
raffle winner
Should I cancel the sent request if an artist is active on twitter but not accepting? Maybe they don't check their emails at all but there's no way of knowing. There should be a "seen" status on the request like in twatter messages and texts to confirm they know at least.
>seen" status
sorry, that violates the no communication policy
fuck you
t. nalgami
Yeah, fuck them.
I just did the same thing after 13 days of them ghosting and delivering other requests. Been left on pending till I expire too many times recently to put up with it
I really love how this one turned out, 10/10 pose and the height difference is great. Thank you for this.
Got my part of the collab in the works too, extremely cheap for the high quality.
Depends on the amount of time, really?
I wait about a week before not canceling
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What're we gonna do on the bed?

The madman drew all 5 characters, and this fucking jpg was over 9mb so I had to crop. I'll bundle the 17 differences onto catbox later today.

https://skeb.jp/@hatagoya_san 20k
So basically I'm fucked...
Cute dog
Arianna is so based I'm glad there are like 3 different people commissioning her
Dog deserves headpets, look at those big floppy ears
Basically, it means end of life. You might see it in relation to old windows releases, too. It doesn't mean snuff exactly, but scenes which lead to death are off the table.
I'm looking for an artist who can draw flexible and curvy ladies.
>send a request to an artist before
>send artist same request after I've built up a "portfolio" of it on skeb
What gives?
I'm gonna get our local trpg heroine and a Japanese trpg heroine in a goblin rape cave
Why is kafun gone from the popular creators section?
maybe they got a strike
unicorn overlord foreskin play with a facial
Male Croc doing his rounds.
Who's next I wonder
I need my incubus to catch up, luckily that's on the cards.
There's a certain dancer I have my eye on for him but got to reach out to that anon first. Also need to build up the accepted queue again for my girls, skeb addiction is dangerous
I assume if an artist mentions being both good at realistic and "デフォルメ" style, they're referring to the anime artstyle for the second one, yeah?
means chibi
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Oh nice fukuinu finished my Agria comm really quick. Love how quick he's been with commissions lately
What is your incubus gonna do?
I thought that was スーパーデフォルメ
For Kasumei, could you replace the image reference with this link?
Also delete that second profile picture. That iteration of the character isn't used anymore.
Change information to "Free use" and "Will split on collabs."
SUPER deformed means chibi
I don't know enough japanese to know what normal "deformed" means, but yeah, Super deformation means chibi.
Wendigo (forma grande)
Thanks for the effort. The layout is very clean and minimises fluff and autism.
I think the columns themselves are fine, because there's always some "wiggle room" when it comes to tastes, so allowing for text rather than icons for NG is more practical.

You're not the first to ask if she'd ever use someone as a toilet. The answer involves ectoplasm.

I love the character too much to ever dream of her doing anything "obscene" to tinies. Nope. Nuh-uh. Never. Especially not anything involving orifices or digestive processes.
(Seriously, it's refreshing for her to not partake in the usual GTS tropes).

>Reasons not to go swimming in the Nile #57.

Welcome to the club.
nice goggles, forgot if I had said that before

somebody wanna cook up a new thread?
remember to name the OP after the artist
Can you update these for Cait?
Preferred: Exhibitionism, big insertions
Contact: pixiv*me/n95
Is that in addition to the ones already there or replacing it? Also, I can't seem to find your Pixiv account.
>big insertions
Built for orc cock
his pixiv is this one
Still really pleased with how this one turned out, easily my favorite OC delivery so far. Thanks again to the anon who shared that artist.
https://skeb.jp/@wakarani_nanimo/seems like a good /ss/ artist
Replacing it, the old one was supposed to be ok instead of preferred.
Replacing the * with . should work for the url.
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>I love the character too much to ever dream of her doing anything "obscene" to tinies. Nope. Nuh-uh. Never. Especially not anything involving orifices or digestive processes.
Sorry, but Jenny will be casually indifferent to tinies when she wants to have fun. I had a request accepted yesterday where she'll be having sex against an office building with my male OC while her boss is stuck between her cervix and his dick.
I just don't request vore or digestion since I don't like those things specifically.
alright you little shit, I know you went on Skeb. you added the advice category to your profile
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New thread
are you intentionally forgoing the "support general" in the subject line?
no I'm just retarded and hope someone else makes them because I fuck them up every time

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