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How much H hoarding is too much?
If you can't replace exhentai when it goes down, it's not enough yet.
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Anon, panda has been dead for a while...
If you can delete half your shit and never even notice that it's gone, you've been coomlecting wrong shit and/or too obsessively, I'd say.
If you had to make backup copies of your backups and decided to keep both copies, you've got the real good shit covered.

t.haver of 4 TB of VNs 90% of which I'll probably never read and about 95% of which I can redownload anytime.
You got anything that doesn't have torrents anymore?
How do you sort your shit? post some directory pics
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If I have more than one work by that author, it goes into a folder for the author.

If only the one work by the author, goes into the main directory with title at the start, author name at the end, shrimple.
I respect the hustle, but anon...just use hydrus.
Hydrus for images, calibre for doujinshi. Either for CG sets.
Booru-style tagging is a fucking godsend, along with automated gallery downloads.
I am content to download from panda, unzip, keep as pure images, and use my brain to remember artists.

When I really need to find something I can't remember I just use panda search.
Not enough
If you aren't thinking about using the dewey decimal system for your external drives that are filling up a room in your house, not nearly enough.

>Search up Fakku/Irodori Comics

>Bootstrapped itself off of copyright infringement

>Continues to infringe the property of major companies

>Claims copyright infringement is an absolute evil

>Lies to artists that one "illegal download" is one lost sale to encourage artists to pay them to remove their works on Exhentai

>Lies to non-Japanese that every removed work will be "legally" translated and up for sale to conceal their copyright service

>Has only "legally" translated a single digit percentage of what they've removed

>Makes millions of dollars in profit but only translates or publishes something from an artist if the artist pays first

>Groomed newfags so much into willingly paying Jacob $2500 to eat with him at McDonald's for 15 minutes

>Lies about supporting artists (only shares a very small percentage of each sale from their store to the artist if enough copies are sold, and only shares the profit from their subscription with the publishers and never the artist)

>Demands Exhentai users to appreciate them for restoring one (1) gallery

>Lied to Exhentai users that they'll stop copyright claiming

>Resorts to straw manning, gaslighting and lying instead of being honest and principled

>Scammed $60021 on Kickstarter (said the money would be used to fund a new team because old team is busy, didn't do it)

>Bribed mods to ban any mention of Exhentai i.e. "doujin" on /a/ so they can easier groom newfags by making it harder for newfags to learn the truth about them

This was only five minutes of searching. Imagine if I spend five more minutes. What could I find?
Damn that's huge, desu you will never see all of it
Whenever piracy is made illegal, sales go up. This has been proven so many times it's useless to argue anymore. Over 25 years of data proves it.

I'm not saying Fakku is the solution but attacking piracy DOES put more money into the artists pockets no matter what you hear on 4chan.
Spacewise there's nothing to worry about; 16TB enterprise Exos drives are $200. Yo can easily fit 6 of them in a normal PC, or 15,30,45,60 to a rackmounted one.
The 300-page study sponsored by none other than EU itself says otherwise. Piracy is primarily an availability problem caused by too aggressive market segmentation.
Hopefully panda never ceases to service us. I could never keep all the associations in my head or simple folders, but maybe I'm the retard.
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Fuck off
Of course the organization for IP management would say that, they're the definition of biased.
>let the ip management firm tell you why you need to give them more money
What's the best place to download doujins? I've been using nhentai so far because I don't mind the compression, but a bunch of works get sniped from there. If you snatch them early enough it's fine, but delay for too long and they might just be gone. e-/exhentai on the other hand has a bunch of rate limits to it, and I don't know if there's a way to just download cbz files with metadata files in them, which I'd want for searching.
>The 300-page study
The thing is called
Estimating displacement rates
of copyrighted content in the
for the curious/autismos
I've got a link for it
Nothing, get whatever the fuck you want
lmao this has to be bait right, no kid is this mentally retarded
Stop using Windows, fucking plebbitor
Most use e-hentai/sadpanda, that's where everything is ripped off anyway. It can get difficult accessing latter though, it's arbitrary which attempts go through and which don't, at which time, if ever.
How am I supposed to fulfill my cuck fantasy if big brother isn't always watching what I'm doing? Nothing quite gives you the feeling of getting fucked in the ass against your will than submitting yourself to a proprietary bugbox like Windows.
>Imagine if I spend five more minutes. What could I find?
Literally trash-tier paraphrasing of scanlations for their """official""" translations, so we're offered paid shit that's 5x worse that already existing version it's supposed to replace.
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>Implying WINE would work properly for all games in my massive collection of Jap nukige
Hell a couple of them even stopped working past XP.
Wine generally does well with older games, even if they stop working on windows. Share one that doesn't work and I'll check.
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All games from /hgg2d/
works on my machine!
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>says panda
>posts eh
Anyway luckily there are alternatives for DMCA'd works. There's still an ungodly amount of stuff on the panda that isn't DMCA'd, so his point still stands.

Same, only I have a folder specifically for works that aren't in an author's folder yet. It's also where I keep shit I haven't read yet, so I can keep track of what I have and haven't gone through yet.
Fuck that, I just use a bulk filename manager to change the zips to cbz so I can readily read them in NeeView. Has the added bonus of using the cover page for the file's thumbnail too.

Not him but this is why I put it all in an unorganized folder, sort by date and make my way through it chronologically each fap. I only organize the ones I've actually read.
>Gelbooru allows real_life tag
>took me a long time to notice

How long has this been going?
I've been trying to purge my hydrus of 3DPG but its difficult since rule34.paheal stopped bothering to tag their images properly.
What is with the bitching when there are plenty of mirrors and bootleg sites?
data hoarders, do you have contingency plans for power? if any event happened that resulted in even 20% of the porn online disappearing, is so severe im assuming nuclear war is occurring, and the power grid is at risk. how do you plan to barter/display/consume this material?

>The police department investigated itself and found no wrongdoing

>Whenever piracy is made illegal, sales go up. This has been proven so many times

And yet you have never posted any proof dsspite making that claim for over a decade now. Then you use artists as shields by saying they're not letting you prove it. You're despicable, Jacob.
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this, fakku rewrites the story
>>says panda
>>posts eh
Both sites are the exact same, newfag
Fakku doesn't do rewrites like that, that's an Irodori thing. That image is also from an Irodori release.
There's two paths, depending on your alignment.
If you're just looking out for yourself and your own, the best option would be to print copies out and barter with them. That way they can't be copied without substantial quality loss, giving you a market edge no matter what.
The other path is the altruistic one. You distribute them on flash drives, usb disks, hacked switch cartridges, whatever you can get your hands on. You actively participate in the setting up of the local area intranet and share it all via bittorrent clients to ensure decentralization.
I made a tool to look up doujins from my collection.
That's awesome, good work =)
External storage is pretty cheap these days.
I kneel
>artist Buta, tag Gyaru
Couldn't you have just searched Buta, iirc Gyarus are all he draws.

>Irodori isn't a Fakku proxy

Hello shill.
Hi schizo, so what's your explanation for Fakku translating loli as loli and anything set in high school as high school just fine while Irodori is rewriting even stuff taking place in high school into college? Why would Fakku release doujins on their own if they had a "proxy" to release doujins through? Let's not forget that the most logical explanation here is simply "Irodori and Fakku are two separate companies, which is why they both release doujins and why one of them is a cowardly censor while the other isn't", so if you want your schizo conspiracy theory to have any kind of plausibility then your explanations need to somehow make more sense than this simple one that would perfectly explain the current state of things.
No actually, there's one early doujin of his I have that has an oni, and the cover has nudity on it. I've posted this webm on blue boards too, so I wanted to avoid that one.

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