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here post your favorite hentai manga like anime we'll see who everyone agrees on
>Posts a shithwa
Most manwha porn are almost good but the censoring fucking sucks ass. Probably the worst if you ask me.
if you are a vanillafag this:
if you are a submissive pedo loli enjoyer this:
if you are a Based Gigachad with Superior Taste this:
that vanilla one looks good thanks anon
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I am convinced Bible Black is where this whole thing peaked. I've never seen anything that comes close
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Taimanin asagi and kangoku senkan. I win the thread.
The stuff Hyji does is out of this world.
Sia best girl
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Futari no Asobi
Tentacle and Witches it's the best by far to me, I've fapped more to it than to every other hentai combined. That being said I don't watch much hentai, the low quality most of them have puts me off a little
There are so many works that I consider masterpieces that it's impossible for me to pick just one
Fantasyland for me. It may not have the hottest scene, nor the best girl, but I love the format and I actually enjoy reading all of it instead of just skipping to the sex scenes like I do with most pornhwa. Sadly it's on an indefinite hiatus.
Meru the Succubus by far. Special kudos to the VA, she fucking nails the role. It's a shame that shit happened and the project couldn't reach the scope Skudd envisioned.
the original Kuroinu
>what is the best hentai?
What criteria are we using?
all the BEST criteria of course
Front Innocent.
Great art style, better than average animation, has straight and lesbian sex, and it's uncensored.
And there's literally nothing better as far as uncensored quality goes.
If you pick censored porn as "best" you're mentally handicapped and I feel sorry for you. Especially if it's got worse art/animation than this.
>Futari no Asobi
Why is the condom all wrinkly in the first few pages, that's not how it works
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better than sex hits the spot fm
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Chiru Communication
Taimanin and Kangoku are well loved. I don't think I've seen anyone hate Euphoria.
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Love tentacle and witches!

It’s a little old, but If you like quality ecchi and android girls, try Buttobi CPU!!
Cream Lemon
I have the same question.

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