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I see on pixiv and twitter lots of people using AI for hentai now, making money from it through Patreon and so forth. Is it really a better strategy than drawing it by hand?

On one hand AI is much faster than drawing, on the other, it looks like undistinguishable slop so it must be harder to differentiate yourself. In your opinion, what's the smarter route if you want money, endless AI slop posting, or a few high quality hand drawn pieces per week?

Personally, I get satisfaction from drawing but proompting feels like a drag, but I also feel like an idiot seeing how little effort it takes to use SD to get a decent slop image to post. Thoughts?
if you want money, get a job, neither of your options are gonna make you rich
I already have a job, this is a side thing.
If this is a side thing , do it by your hands and cultivate your skill , the world don't need more IAslop.
That's true of most jobs as well.
then do what you enjoy doing and want to see more of, why would you waste your own time if you aren't even getting paid
There is nothing in porn that I respect less than the people who open a funding box and beg while making AI sloppa.
They tend to be the most pushy shitbags, too, when it comes to insisting that you respect them. They are to online porn-posting spaces what onlyfans thots are to nudes-posting spaces. They invade what used to be consumers sharing content, and try to set themselves up as creator-rulers who want to get power then pull up the ladder.

Zero fucking respect for them. Hate them all. You should, too, because they will start making spaces you liked worse by their presence and behaviour.
draw a sketch by hand, roughly color it, use img2img and/or controlnet to skip the rendering step, fix up the details.

there, unique soulful artworks produced at AI speed. next question.
Draw because it's fun, not because it's quick or easy.
If it looks like horrible slop it shouldn't be posted. there are too many low effort spam accounts flooding other works.
>it looks like undistinguishable slop so it must be harder to differentiate yourself
That is simply because the vast majority use garbage models and prompt slop with no will or knowledge to make something actually good.
AI art if you know how to use it properly, is as good as drawn art, if not better.
Alternatively, use AI as an additional tool, rather than only using AI, like >>8071459 said.
Knowing how to draw even a few simple shapes and shit immensely helps getting just what you want with AI.
Plenty AI artists who rake in mad cash. Or you could do like pornpen, set up your own shitty AI service and rake in millions.
He was recently removed thankfully, but during the time he had patreon running, he probably already became a millionaire.
If you're an actual artist, combine the two.

1) Do your own poses/rough draft.
2) Use AI to flesh out rough draft

This is AI's super power that non-artists dont have.
For poses you can use DesignDoll then controlnet
You know the term starving artist? It is PHENOMENALLY hard to make a living as an artist. AI will get you money for a short time, but will die down once interest wanes. Plus, you'll get exponentially less satisfaction from prompting than actually creating something meaningful to you. If you're gonna be an artist, first and foremost you have to do it because you earnestly want to express something. AI cuts out the process, but the process is what makes the whole thing meaningful.

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