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>coworker crush is assigned to an international post
>realize your chance to get with her is dwindling by every minute
>devise a plan to capture her at the perfect moment
>once she's locked up in your house, you spend months raping her, attempting to break her mind
>balance making money to pay off bribes to escape the police and the means to keep her from escaping
>several different bad ends depending on which part you fuck up

somehow on Steam whereas tamer itty bitty titty games are barred
Well this isn't most fucked up game that I played but it is really good one, one of best games with darker theme. Sadly because of NTR spam games like this are now rarity. Also I can't wait for they next game (yamiyashiki), that unfortunately is getting delayed all the time.

One of more fucked up games that I played was VN Kawarazaki-ke no Ichizoku and it's sequel. Although it didn't ever got an english translation.

Other example was
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homeguard where in true route you find out that you are not playing as a ugly bastard but that you are fucking old guy that killed your nephew and are now disillusioned to be him.
Aside from the rape and kidnapping thing this is pretty tame as far as extreme fetishes go.
yeah but I think that this is interesting compared to vanilla shit and ugly bastards H that has been going on for years
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Because I was crying a fucking river instead of fapping.
That's some legitimately fucked up acting to get me real emotional instead of horny.
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reido 5's a slave slg, where you blackmail girls at the school you're running to train and have them work for an organization you're apart of. If you play through it normally its not really fcked up because they inevitably come around to loving the training. But you get different endings for the girls if you sell/deliver them depending on their stats and status.

If you kidnap a girl then immediately sell her, you just kidnapped violated a terrified girl then sold her to a lab where she's tied up and forced to breed with a monster until she breaks or gets pregnant. Its also really easy to edit the scenes so you can make your own endings.
There are two kinds of "fucked up" physical acts, and psychological acts.

and even then you can divide it again, with incredibly fucked up moments in the Eroge, or ones where its a nightmare in a slow buildup.

on the "slow build up" A Promise Best Left Unkept is up there, its NTR, but the "Villain" has it out personally for the Hubby in a way that is Luciferian its so fucking far, lol, the birth of his first NTR baby happens at the HALF WAY point, and depending on the route you the 2nd birth happens before its over as well.

it also involves breaking the wife so hard she ropes her own mother into it, breaks her, and has her own mother (who has actual real romantic feelings for the Hubby, and not just the frustrated but loving kind the Wife has) get visciously impregnated in front of Hubby.. only after making her eventually consent to it, because it turns out Mom had clinical Nymphomania that caused her incredible mental anguish, and Bull and Wife essentially ruin her life by roping her back into sex stuff once again, one of the few NTR's where the wife becomes so malevolent that in the endings where Hubby kills her and Bull, its completely warranted.
>There are two kinds of "fucked up" physical acts, and psychological acts.
I prefer the latter, anyone can just do gore shit for the shock factor.
>on the "slow build up" A Promise Best Left Unkept is up there
I've heard of this, but didn't know it played that heavily into the cuck humiliation aspect. I'd say "Dark Hero Party" is similar in that you can actually get revenge.

I'd love to hear any others you recommend.
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oh nice, something similar to this that's not as sandboxey is Holy Slave/Maid Academy. you train random girls to become sex slaves for the elite
i actually played the first one, but got lost on the story kek, I got killed by the maid and just gave up at that point
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I like that game too but sandbox games with customizable girls are just kinda special I really wish we had more but kiss sold out to make 3d maids.

If you can read runes or ok with a texthooker you should try out Deep2. its another sex slave training game, only 4 girls but the art is fantastic imo. the plot is that you frame two girls with indecent toys then use it as an excuse to confine and break them, To get past the first part you turn one of the girls on the other by having them falsely accuse them. Then it branches out into several endings depending on the training and actions you do.
the sequel is even more fucked lol, you train an entire family who runs the school, including their "Matriarch" and have her submit the rest into eternal sex slavery, including all future children. not that they weren't properly trained by that point anyways.
i definitely can't read runes, do you have a decent tutorial on how to use texthookers?
there's one VN that I love but probably won't get translated, it also had an OVA, "Helter Skelter"

A 4 women family was lured to some rural village with the prospect of a photoshoot only to get kidnapped and used as sex slaves to boost tourism to the village. It's like if GirlsDoPorn became a hentai lmao
this is also why I thought Rinkan Club's OVA's ending was so fucked up, unlike the Eroge, in the OVA, for w/e reason, the MC turns the entire family + her hated enemy into sex slaves for life, including all their children.

its fucked because the MC, specifcally set out to stop women from becoming sex slaves because her Mother was made one, and in the least the Sex Slave nature of the story only has them slaves till they get replaced, so its temp.

and she also turns her Best Friend, her Best Friend's older sister, and her Best Friend's younger sister into breeding sex slaves, and seems incredibly satisfied by it, while they are eating piles of cum off the floor.

its a bizarre ending.
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textractor is prob the easiest way it's really convenient. you just download it click attach to game then find the clipboard that has the game text extracted and you're done it automatically translates it
There's that new Eroge by Pinpoint where the Son has to edit the forced porn his Mom gets coerced into by the Yakuza.

when the Mom, who's had a day with Aphrodisacs and oils, being brought to near climax for hours and hours, finally submits to being a full time Slave instead of just working off the money she owes, so that she can finally cum, they immediately peirce her nipples and clit, and the Son has to watch it all on camera as his mom, in real time, devolves painfully into a whore for life, dragged kicked and screaming into a life of pleasure and debuachery.
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its a pretty old VN and the writting isn't particularly impressive but it has some pretty hot scenes.
Basically you're a slave seller who comes to a school for 7 days to find and train merchandise. you scout out 6 girls then at the end of the week one of them gets taken to the auction and sold off. Most of them have kinda tame endings but the girl in the picture Mia is the slave you'll default to most of the time since she's the easiest and only got targeted because she's friends with another girl.

If you don't get any of the others she gets brought to the auction and sold to a sadist, the ending has you being called to do maintenance on her a month later and your last lines are about how you're planning to break her to make the client.
You know you can just have her fall for you too, happened to me and I wasn't even trying for it. It was by accident. Talk about failing on the plan, huh
By doing so she saved all the other girls in the village from ever being raped again. Basically the tradition changed from raping random girls recommended by their loved ones into just raping the girls of a specific family.
Also take in account that the story takes place in the same world as Taimanin, so the threat of supernatural punishment in case the rape rituals stop might be very real. The ending is the MC getting revenge on the family that tortured her mother by turning the tables on them, even if most were innocent.
this is the first time I've seen a general eroge thread on /h/. I wish you guys had this regularly
It's always only the taimanin and bishop threads
Are /hgg2d/ games not considered eroge?
Not to me
I find I can put up with most things until the girls start getting killed
Why didn't he just ask her for a date?
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This in the sense that there is no guro, no furry shit, no animal fucking shit, no gay shit, no time stop shit, no loli shit, no shit/piss play shit, rape/NTR/stalking/etc isn't mandatory, there's not really a harem route (but I think 1 has a 2 girl end), etcetc. Also there is a vanilla route that's easy AF to get. There always is a choice in this game.

For h-games, there are always branching and hockey stick upwards branches of levels of depravity.
the family of 3 women had nothing to do with any of it, and were her good friends.

it was Blondie that was involved, and who was the one punished in the game, in the OVA, she gleefully punishes her Friend and her sisters and condemns them to get impregnated over and over again simply because she "got off" on it.

like by the end, the Older Sister and her best friend were already free of the "Club" and it was just the Youngest Sister and now Blondie, so she had to go and round up those two and impose the eternal decree on them purely out of her own desire
I remember now, it was blonde's family the ones who were running the ritual. Yeah, seems a little extreme, but I guess there needed to be a minimum level of women to carry out the rapes, just two wouldn't be enough.
Blondie was also in a relationship with one of the sisters, so it seems to me that MC wanted to make her suffer even more by also making her girlfriend into a slave (which might actually have worked in their favour since they are now together for life). She might hve also simply been driven mad with anger and wanted someone to take it out on.
nah it still doesn't line up, she spends the entire OVA's woeing her friend and the Sister of her friend (the older milf's) Ordeals.

it isn't anger that drives her actions to permenantly inslave them, but lust, she gets off sexually at the idea of her best friends family becoming breeding slaves.

Maggot Baits and Dead End Aegis. They also happen to be two of my favorites.

Yes I am a gurofag.

Honorable mention to Saya no Uta and Starless.
Pretty much ClockUp at a word. Fraternite being my favorite. The second route after you finish the quote main story and you see the past is perfect. Iykyk. Maggot Baits is up there. I like Erewhon a lot for the gangrapes and exccessive cum. Euphoria is a classic with Rinne's throat fucking and Numu's first Bondage scenes being the top.
are there any games like this with official english translation? im a noob so not sure how to run these without installing 5 additional programs
you forgot the worst part
>any kid you have with her is sold in the black market
>Aside from the whole plot this is pretty tame
You are THIS retarded.
He's right though.
Compared to other games? Dude I've seen games were girls are raped to death by tentacle monsters just to be revived as monster breeding sows. Used as violent fuck rags. Octuple fisted. Had their nipples turned into multi fisted fuck sockets. Had her pussy flaps stretched out like dumbo ears. And that was all just one game. I'm not condoning shit but this is all relative.
what game I like extreme content, that octuple fisting expecially
Island of Penance. Hope you like giant nigh penial clits
Does it have a happy end?
Fuck, Maggot Baits is so good and fucked up at the same time. I'm no gurofag, but the story kept me until the end.
That depends on your definition of happ... no.
I accidentally went down the wholesome path where they both recognize their love for each other on my first playthrough, and decided to just never open the game again
Natsu no kusari. It has a somewhat similar plot with the mc kidnapping a woman, but it characterises the mc a lot more. The game showcases how his self loathing nature and resentment of the world drove him to take such actions against an innocent person. Some of the sex scenes are fucked up, but what stuck with me was how the mc felt like someone that could exist in real life.
Well yeah since he's literally me. Except I didn't live alone and own a nice house to keep any schoolgirls in captivity.
>an innocent person
The nice thing about misanthropy is the realization that no such person exists, you may just not know about their particular guilt.
anon discovered original sin
Nah, the original sin was inherited, and libtards had a problem with that because they wanted guilt and punishment to be individualized. Well, now it is.
>most fucked up eroge
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Yeah, that game was up there.
Been a while since I played Custom Reido V, but I wasn't aware that you could edit scenes. Any instructions on how to do this?

I saw somewhere that mentioned using Notepad++, but it didn't give any further instructions.
Played Bitch Police. MC kills people by crushing their head with her cunt. Game ends with her as a public use meat receptacle. It was neat.
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Going to exclude VNs

1. Mad Island. The artstyle is abit too cute-sy, but this game is full of rape, gore/dismemberment, cannibalism, human cattle, killing child, etc. It's like an H version of don't starve. It's a very fun game. It's also on steam for some reason (requires external patch for loli and shota content, but everything else is in the base game).
Unfortunately it's still in early access, but fortunately, there are enough content for 20+ hours of gameplay.

2. Every osanagocoronokimini (except shota) games. I haven't played Merchant City, but their other games have rape and necros, so I assume it's the same thing. Pretty enjoyable game as well.

3. Abaddon is also a good one. But even without the murder cult, rape, and preggo lolis, it's a damn good game in general.

Honorable mention would be Lost Life. Idk maybe it's the artstyle, it's a bit too... realistic(?) kinda makes me feel guilty of playing. It's pretty hot though ngl.
I also enjoyed your picrel. Male yandere MC is very rare.
I really enjoyed this one and I'm frankly baffled at the lack of new games where you get to be the creepy stalker instead of being violated by one.
I enjoyed Marunomi a lot. It's a vore game with a sort of tactical minimap overworld game where you have to hunt down the various girls and then engage them in JRPG style turn based combat. If you win, you get entertainment and then dinner. It's nice in that it solves the 'vore games always require you to lose to get a scene' problem by making the player the monster instead of the girl, so you're actually rewarded for winning and can also sample a variety of girls in sequence.

The group released a similar game more recently but its mechanics are somewhat arcane and very hard to play with since it hasn't been translated. It has more of an actual stealth/stalking focus to take girls that I think are being left as sacrifices to you.
whats your pic from? :o
looks made by AI so nope, i don't mind AI made CG as long they are good which isn't the case of this game.
You're an idiot.
sadly this image was the giveaway >>8067918
as i said i don't mind AI but this looks so poorly made.

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