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Translatorfag thread 31
As always, my content can be found at https://exhentai.org/uploader/Translatorfag and if you enjoy what I make, please buy me a coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/translationfag

Previous thread at >>8036621

DISCLAIMER: This is not a request thread, this is a dump thread for me to post what I have made.
If you have something you want me to translate, I will only consider it if it fits within the remit of the kind of works that I already translate.
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>"It's so delicious inside me"
and not
>"It's yum-yum in my tum-tum"

Wasted opportunity
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Sup translatorfag
>if it fits within the remit of the kind of works that I already translate
Could you describe broadly what sorts of work you're willing to translate? And can I/we help you anyway? I'm pretty deece at typesetting.
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Mostly just a case of I don't like stuff like NTR, feet, yaoi or yuri, pegging and other stuff and I DO like femdom, female on male rape, succubi and similar stuff.
Basically just look at a few of my threads and you'll get an idea of what I like.
As for can you help? Eauugh... idk, mostly I do this to entertain myself.
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Yeah some of the background is a bit jank, I made this before I got the raws.
I may fix it at some point but I can't be arsed rn.
That was bery hot
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I'm just wishing someone would translate to English the missing pages from [Fan no Hitori] Taimabu Season 3. It's weird how it has been translated to Korean, Russian etc. but full English translation is missing. The new Season 4 chapters would be nice too.
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PLEASE translate translatorGOD (1/2)
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PLEASE translate translatorGOD (2/2)
Not a foot person, sorry.
Can you recommend a decensoring group that has cheaper price per page?
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There were translation notes on gelbooru for this, but they looked scuffed, so here you go.

"XXX-saaan... Well then, I will be conducting a measurement of your penis, so while I'm gripping on to it, I want you to move like so and get it to its maximum size."

"After you've done that, you'll need to insert it into the girth measurement apparatus, so once you've managed to get it big, please transfer to the device."

"Ah! XXX-san... It's no good to release your semen now."

"Jeez... You're not going to be able to get anything out for the ejaculation test after this, you know?"
Thank you so much, translatorchad!
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Any progress on dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01051428.html ? I know it's most likely pain in the ass because of the format, but I have to ask since story is hot and I hope to see it translated.
I'm glad you're still being persistent.
No, I have not forgotten, but it is indeed taking a long time to translate.
I'm currently at page 156 out of 199 and struggling to find the motivation to keep going, but it will be finished if it's the last thing I do.
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