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File: gymlow.png (2.17 MB, 1440x810)
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Hey everyone,
this is my first project! Go! Go! Pizzaboy! is a VN Game Sandbox developed using Ren'py.
The story will revolve around a guy who has moved to a new town,
experiencing new adventures while working as a pizza delivery boy in this city.

I release the version 0.0.5 :3 if u wanna try!
or on F95
It's totaly free, so, if you want to try and give me feedback, I can really appreciate it.
Uh... Cool I guess anon.
this is awesome anon fuck the haters keep going and add a girl with big boobs and a paizuri scene for me o7
did you use koikatsu model for this?
well, gonna start somewhere i guess.
i hope you don't plan to do stupid thing like eternal drip feed content.
also, more tanned tomboy scene are appreciate.
Yes, I created the models with KKS

I'm a man who works 10 hours a day and comes home and works another 4 for this game haha so "drip feed" is not a choice I do the best I can on my own
You'd maybe get more replaces by posting this in the /h/ games thread.

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