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/h/ - Hentai

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Xenoblades Edition

Previous Thread: >>8066870

Optimizations *NEW*

Maintained branch:


https://gitgud.io/gayshit/makesomefuckingporn (use Wayback Machine) *OLD*

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
EF+HLL: https://rentry.org/5exa3 *OLD*
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon *OLD*

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

wtf is going on
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Thank god someone else baked
janny probably tired of the reports coming in due to shitters and just deletes the whole thread
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I have ZERO idea.
but deleting other threads as well is too much
wtf you faggots mean deleted? it's just archived, it died because you guys have slowed down an insane amount, taking 1 year between each image post, wtf has happened to hdg? it used to be like 600 posts and then image limit reach, last thread was almost 1k posts but not even remotely close to image limit
I'm still using forge until there is a good reason to switch. What add-ons should I get? I'm already using adetailer and couple.
but there was nothing reportable aside from a couple shitposts

it's not newfag it's the truth, only a few weeks ago shit would hit image limit in no time, now there's hardly any images. you are the newfag here if you don't realize that
now you're just embarrassing yourself
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says you
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I haven't lurked in a while, was surprised to see /hdg/ return 0 results until someone baked. Thought a tornado swept everyone away while I wasn't looking.

Now that's a dusty ol' guide written long ago.
Good to see you're still around, a lot of older posters just checked out permanently since thread quality dipped significantly for a good while.
the tornado is called janny on a power trip, it will probably continue until someone takes it to mods on irc, that someone won't be me, naturally
alright janny nuke the thread these retards are on their same shit again

no fucking idea
permanently move /hdg/ to trash
>until someone takes it to mods on irc
It has been tried in another general/board, mods don't give a shit about anything.
/ic/ having one gigantic melty & mass reporting AI threads
Its baseless my conspiracy theory
that archive guy is right though. i just checked amd you can too! Either click the link in OP which leads to the last hdg thread or in seach look into the archive...

how can the thread exist in the archive if it was nuked?
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Would anons familiar with XL training care to share a few tips? Mainly, number of images in dataset, number of repeats/epochs, dim/alpha, batch size, training speed? I'm limited by using a colab so I got about 3 hours of training time before it runs out of memory.
exactly, if the thread was actually nuked, it would not be archived on 4chan itself, only on other archive sites
I guess
and it was way past the bump limit so it's only natural it will fall past pg 10
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>& mass reporting AI threads
My rrat tells me it has something to do along that line.
i wouldn't say it's baseless, last year we had random shitposters show up here who tried to stir up shit yet clearly knew nothing about the tech, but in the end it doesn't matter who's doing it

it's not like they can't archive it themselves, the thread was not on page 10 yet, this board is not that fast, there are threads that last for months, in case of hdg we hit bump limit way faster due to large amount of text posts but like i said the board itself is not that fast to push it to page 10 in under two days
>My rrat
You mean your melty rat.
Stop genning slop
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>yadayada disclaimer
>yadayada it werks for me
Here are the settings I use for a DoRA with derrian's easyscripts. I use around 100 images. XL generalizes better without requiring as many images as SD1.5. I don't know if any current colab setups use DoRA though.
/h/ may be slow, but there's recently a lot of shit threads made which can bump it up fast and kill the hdg thread
>number of images in dataset
requirements vary by what you train and the quality of the images and frankly also what the base model can handle better/less well

e.g. increasing breast size on sd/sdxl pretty easy but not yet trained yoga poses pretty to very hard

> number of repeats/epochs
varies on whether your learning rate, I usually do prodigy/schedulefree 1 repeat each "as many epochs as it still learns" with potentially even 300 epochs

not sure how far you can take this on colab but there's also a chance that adamw8 cosine/constant at a pretty high lr works reasonably well on some datasets within 10-20 epochs on only a handful repeats or less and not even that many images
then why is there a thread not at bump limit with the last post being made on saturday, a day before the last thread was even made, still on the board?
the thread would've been on like page 6 at worst. Also mods/jannies can archive early if they're so inclined on being a massive fucking faget.
Ain't that thread like, 90% autistic retards going ham over how much they hate pony models ?, yet those same braindead faggots think they're some kinda tech prophets just 'cause they can spew a bunch of bs?"
It was on page 8 I still had the tab open
bird sexooo
no idea, i didn't read all that fucking text
i'd suggest just doing 1:1
thank you for not using huge dim sizes
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man, I got separately banned for loli, tentacles, and yuri and heres your ass posting all three. u fkn legend.
>i want to see threads full of melty naislop
kys naigro
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O My Jannies, forgive us our sins
Still have the tag open. Yep, it was on page 10.
>*Yep, it was NOT on page 10.
i don't miss the nai slop, and there still is nai slop, but everyone has died out, retard
>rent free
you're not alone in that
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gg, see you tmrw cowboy.

I didn't report, swear on me mum, it was a great gen.
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i am shocked. shocked i tell you.

anyway. a new thread was made and i could care less about your problems
Large dims are a meme, so ye. Never understood why people would do 200mb character/concept loras when a model fits hundreds of concepts/characters in a few GB.
>but everyone has died out
I fucking wonder why, retard-kun.
This is why we need SD3
It was really great. Made me want to improve my multiple girl prompts. Still a work in progress.
wtf you mean faggot, ai is better than ever, in every aspect, if it was gonna die out, it should be dead back when everyone used nai leak
Character accuracy, I've tested it extensively pony Loras keep improving up to 128 dim / 64 alpha. It's most noticeable on characters with things like specifically necklaces or something.
disk space is cheap.
large dims do improve on complex characters, its just difficult to warrant a 600mb LORA for accuracy form some people
Because it does not scale like that. If 6000 characters can be reproduces with 6GB, it does not mean 1 character can be reproduced with 1MB. You are gimping expressive potential by reducing dims too much.
I doubt it, but feel free to do 5gig loras for a character nobody else cares much about. For styles and concepts 8-12dim is more than enough.
Text is easy enough to edit in as long as it isn't on a curved surface
NTA but I have a character LORA with multiple outfits that I'm testing out right now which was trained at 64 dim/alpha. i usually resize them afterwords and they wind up being around 60mb but if i reduce this one's accuracy below something like 99.95% then one of the outfits loses half of its details.
maybe having a 16 channel VAE will prevent this when we collectively move on from using this shit model and architecture
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Thanks for the answers

I've given it a looksee, interesting parameters, especially the learning rate. I see that DoRA train better at lower and faster too it seems. As for the disclaimer, yeah there's never that perfect "one fits all" setting, would be foolish to expect as much.

Forgot to mention what I train, characters are fairly easy to get right, but I'm having trouble with art styles, picrel is the latest attempt at Sawao. I can do about 4000 steps with Prodigy at batch size 3, 16//8 16/8 Locon, over that colab just boots me off. This is why I do 1 repeat and about 10 epochs. I'll try reducing the dataset size and do double the epochs next time
Those settings are going to be "fine" if you want a nude girl that looks something like the char half the time, nothing more
Yea it's often easier to train a more specific character with larger network dims.

I'm guessing it'd be able to shrink with better / more training but trading some space for easier training is typically just a good trade-off.
what the hell senpai thats good. did this involve that kritadiffusion or just a lot of img2img inpaint
every single loras of characters with multiple outfit I tried is garbage and the outfit are not consistent, rather have a lora for each outfit
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Don't use prodigy for styles. Prodigy is good for getting into training, but there are certain things that Prodigy just cannot seem to learn.
I say this as someone who has done extensive training with Prodigy, Adam, Lion and some Cane before settling with Lion.
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finally got around to doing some gens with the Bishoujo Mangekyou lora
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>Having black people in your porn is against the rules
Yeah no
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From my baking experience, character details plateau very quickly as long as it's not something excessively small like 1 dim. 64dim was not needed for the more complex characters I baked. What did make a significant difference though, were consistently drawn+high quality training images and proper captions. A lot of issues with small details usually come from inconsistently drawn characters across artists, causing them to blend together.

Resizing *after* training is certainly going to affect details because you'll be losing weights, some of which might be important for reproducing the character. It would be better to train at a lower dim in the first place if you were losing details after resize. I had this experience with a character's mizugi lora where her name that was written on the front, while previously legible was noticeably worse after resize, but did fine when I just baked at a lower dim instead.

Very hot.
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when it comes to yuri, it has to be situational for me. The actual "sex" is usually too annoying to prompt for anyways. Your gen is probably one of like 3 positions that actually makes sense.


those are A+ snatches.
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Never actually trained with Lion, will try that and see what happens, thanks for the input
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this is my large lora with 128 dim and 10k steps vs a small civitai lora, there is no helping people who say these look the same
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That makes sense. Last post I used the tag cunnilingus and I got this. Will probably go through a full list of tags later to see what sticks
Box me that one please
top civitai lora just mean that it was uploaded longer
not really my point, that is just what you get for a character with worse loras, like someone else said it would probably work fine if you just wanted a simple nude of her
damn nochekaiser exposed
i think you should use 256 dim to reeeeally push those details
256dim starts to just break the model in my experience, I did try
>comparing with a civitai lora
I don't know about you, but I'd do a dim comparison with my own loras. It's not very convincing when you're using a lora made by someone else (from civitai of all places) whose settings, much less training images, aren't even the same.

Your images would certainly be a strong argument against civitai loras in general though. Like the other anon said, top civitai lora doesn't mean much when it often just means it was uploaded early.
what the fuck is this comparison? why are you comparing some random civicuck's lora with yours and using it as an argument for ridiculous dim?
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I might do that at some point but training a LoRA I know is going to be worse is a bit boring, i've done it before for a grid compare.

it was just mostly for the size but yeah I need to compare like for like, i'll do a small version of the same dataset sometime today, got other loras baking atm

Here is another quality comparison I found that isn't quite the same thing but showing off training at different res
>tuning parameters to the max will make the product better
the only thing that matters is dataset. period.
its like making a stew, the better ingredients and cooking method the better the result
data set is most important but once you have a good dataset, using "stronger" settings will get more effect out of it
shame, shame
I want to do a big grid comparing different ai sources.
Can someone with a NAI sub do some images with this prompt?

dehya_(genshin_impact) simple background, , looking at viewer, solo, 1girl, black hair, blonde hair, bare shoulders, criss-cross halter, amulet, single claw, dark skin, very dark skin, jewlery, breasts, large breasts, earrings, asymmetrical clothes, asymmetrical gloves, armlet, dark skinned female , cape, ripped clothing, black shorts, midriff, multicolored hair, thigh boots, collar, long hair, blue eyes, straps, leg straps, painted nails, halterneck, gloves, skindentation, armor, belt, red nails, nail gloss, fingerless gloves, hair between eyes, pants, nail polish, red gemstone, elbow gloves, single pantsleg, black belt, halter, navel, torn clothes, toned female, vision \(genshin impact\)
Doesn't she work on pony base? I remember making some stuff with her back in january.
Doesn't NAI suck if you go over 75 tokens? Considering you probably would also have to add shit like best quality, very aesthetic and so on.
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fellow enjoyers

That was an early bug where every 75 tokens that token 76 and 77 would be ignored, but that was fixed like a month into V3's life.

possibly, if anyone wants to make said prompt work in the best way it could for NAI to do a fair comparison that would be good
I didn't expect that this would work
is nai locked to this res without something like highes or adetailer? It's gonna get btfo at this rate
good morning newfriend sir
thanks for the answer dumbass, I just have little interest in anything non local that can be taken from me
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the meeting with her fan club went differently from how she thought it would go
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is this girl from nikke?
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nope, custom ffxiv catgirl, I got from another anon a while ago.
not at all
>a lot of img2img inpaint
there was some inpainting to sharpen up her look and adjust her hair length but thats it
this is the original pic off text2img

I did a few pics when i was subbed but it was when i had absolutely no idea what i was doing so they're not great, and the prompt isn't what you requested, i have barely described her at all, but i'll leave them here just in case they might be useful
thanks, I guess i'll include those as they are slightly better than the one above.
I think it is going to be a tl;dr of nai just being vastly worse than a LoRA
>that prompt
I don't think you understand how NAI works
nope and that is pretty good, can you make 3 more images like this for a grid compare please.
1 more the same and 2 more "from behind"
Why is that an "img2img" request?
I do whole VNs with some lyco settings that an anon posted half a year ago, 16/8 and 8/4 for conv. I think they could stand to gain more accuracy if I do double the dim and alpha but honestly I think it's close enough already. Also maybe cascade will be able to achieve more details with the same settings who knows, best to wait and see.
>I think it is going to be a tl;dr of nai just being vastly worse than a LoRA

please don't make anything attempting to be educational when you don't even have the slightest clue of what your doing. Half those tags are not even functional in nai and are completely redundant actually.
because he took a pony gen and presented it as nai
is that what you expected? lol
it's upscaled, upscaling goes through img2img
lmao, he probably put some fan art of her through at low de-ionise
he drew it himself and then passed to nai
>>8069842 (me)
Maybe it looks better with certain artists and a simpler prompt
NAI has an extremely inconsistent default style, if you're not using artist prompts the output quality swings wildly.
Not to say it's better than local, but I find using artist prompts with it mandatory if I want to get something in line with my personal preferences.
No way lol, are you one of those guys that has a bunch of obviously underbaked style loras on your mega?
because it was img2img https://files.catbox.moe/9bn0jt.png
I want to do a big grid comparing different ai sources.
Can someone with a NAI sub do some images with this prompt?

lovely cute young attractive indian teenage girl in a pretty foreign dress, 23 years old , cute , an Instagram model , long blonde_hair , winter ,
Unironically a skill issue on their part. I've made loras that include every character in a game, and usually most of the outfits work except for a select few outfits that aren't even all that complex a lot of the time (like a simple black dress). Other complex outfits are fine. Usually the cause of that is token overlap in the dataset of either the lora or base model and/or a lack of images for that outfit in the dataset. I could probably increase the repeats for the outfit and have it be way more consistent, but then you risk frying your lora.
should i do an ethel/monica/miyabi lora next or face my year old nemesis and try a sena one again
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kek imagine training a 128dim lora for a character that almost works by default
it's mostly a tagging issue, if your outfit is properly tagged in every image you can do multiple outfits for a char in 1 lora.
League of legends loras are frequently garbage because data sets contains the champion in many skins
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do you really think that looks close to this?
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>posting the most dogshit girl in the game

for shame

uuuhhh bro?? you forgot ((((hi-rez:1.6))) and ((4k HD bluray:1.7))
That guy is known to be pretty dumb.
Nah I only made three total. But feel free to go through the rentry loras, pick a good one and read its metadata. Even the most impactful ones are rarely above dim12. Usually around 100mb, often just 70mb. deepvalley, asanagi, zankuro, rustle, alexi, and so on
how do i prompt this shit on pony?
hip vent, crotch cutout does not cut it
Yeah usually, but sometimes no amount of tagging can replicate an outfit, whether they're unique tags, a complete description of the outfit using as many danbooru equivalent tags as possible, or a combination of of all of them.
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the issue with multi outfit/character loras IME is running out of tokens that don't influence each other
The Lora creator here and that's a bunch of pretty good stuff. I seldom mix own style loras with others but it's nice to see them playing well with a bunch of other loras.
Hoping against all odds that cascade is gonna be a banger in the next couple of months
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I think it depends on the outfits themselves too. Magical girls have it easy with their transformation and civilian clothes. But doing say a summer school uniform and a winter school uniform, booru tags will often overlap and you're forced to use a custom outfit tag while pruning the rest. That approach doesn't learn nearly as well.
If my LoRA is fried, how do I adjust the training to make it not fried? Using the standard character preset
There is no standard preset
don't use whatever standard character preset
turn down the LR and/or train for fewer steps
Yeah unless they're hyper distinct with separatable tags. In the Biman lora, the first 2 games generate pretty consistently since they are unique from the rest (yellow blazer is only in one, and the plaid necktie and such is only in game two), but the rest of the games have generic serafuku that even 'black sailor collar' can't save without 50/50ing an entirely black sailor uniform lmao
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about how many steps do you think is best for characters? styles?
if its fried (as in shit like the colors are fucked it looks like noise), turn down the UNET, if its overfit (bad hands and blobs) turn your TE down
meant for
multidiffusion-upscaler-for-automatic1111 does not seem to work with automatic1111-forge. No matter how many times I click and reload UI, the extension always appear unchecked. Why is that?
Thanks. How about if the LoRA looks good by itself but starts causing those issues when in the same prompt as others?
Its overfit then I think, to the point where it affecting the other prompts, turn the TE down and bake for more steps and try to save an early epoch/step count where the desired effect is there but doesn't just outright hurt the overall prompt. if a LORA isn't flexible enough then it means you baked for too long or your LRs are too high.
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In celebration of the new Zelda game
looks good. have you tried training on any newer model types yet? sd3/sigma/hunyuan/lumina/...
fucking kek
no I haven't really been impressed enough with what I have seen to go for retraining loras on them, it took awhile to convince me on pony vs 1.5
is that really the prompt you used? lmao

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requesting a Yunli (Honkai Star Rail) lora
holy based
There's one for honkai third, same thing right?
I've no idea, just started hsr, first ever gacha game for me. I'll go look
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so this is the power of e4
is civitai shitting the bed?
is it ever not
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it's learning the trick for avoiding bad hands
how do artists work with her?
Man why do I sense your pics are all massive skill issue, I went to the trooncord and idk how but they're able to generate good pics
Sounds like SD3. Sure you can wrangle something good out of it if you try hard enough, but the goal is having good outputs by default.
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Yeah just like pony and nai, they both have superb output by default, no skill required, no learning curve
>but the goal is having good outputs by default.
no it isn't
Welcome back, Napoleon Bonaparte
Well I guess
At least the meltiness is really slowly fading away
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i'm putting 0 effort into these gens but you're welcome to post better ones yourself
Can you prompt good sex with no negatives and no sepia on base pony?
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>rather have a lora for each outfit
Bonus points if you don't prune character features when doing it, you'll get an outfit lora that can work with other characters. Or at least with other unpruned ones.
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Can you do that on any model? Bit of an unrealistic goal there.
Do kagami lying on grass to compare the output with SD3
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Cant make this shit up bros
Can be done in nai probably
aint reading all that
did astratroon shit ximself again?
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Donating all shekels to astratro- umm I mean astracu- uhh I mean astrake- err I mean astracookie rn
He needs our support! Guys, quick!
I like NAI is like the schrodingers model it is both incredibly hard to use and required artist tags negs to be good but also a models that brainlets can use and does outputs without effort
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Mogs SD3 hard
this model is capable of cheese on a fundamental level, more so if you finetune it, this will remain true for all future versions and he can't unrelease V6, the only thing he can do is try and emulate NAI and keep it locked up
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sd3 could never
Nah it's not that hard, really.
Its skill ceiling is higher than some people say it is but considering there's no option to tinker with it locally it's still ultimately limited.

It's easier to pay 25 bucks and prompt 1girl 1boy booba sex in a web interface compared to setting shit up for local, downloading models yadda yadda, but making it not look like shit still requires a bit of specific understanding.
Hands are about SD3 level, I give you that.
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>let people be absolute retards every days with most aspect of their lives
>you can't prompt those two words next to each other it's not safe
this makes me so mad, even the smoking makes you healthy wasn't that insulting because people had the choice to pick up a cigarette compared to the current humiliating childproofing of AI.
jordach, submit him into oblivion and horrors far beyond our comprehension.
Thats fucking soul
Not really. Even using negatives, SD3 hands are FUCKED as hell. I bet these ones have almost zero negs and it's already doing better hands overall.
Yeah Jordach send this goofy ass nigga to the Shadow Realm, safety my ass, tf is this retard doing
Reminder that this retard quit his job to do this; the other competitors in the generation as a service space all mog pony. Who the fuck would pay to use pony when Anlatan exists with the ultimate anime model and a furry model? The only reason pony is relevant is because it does nsfw with no filter and is LOCAL. Watching this shit crash and burn is going to be so beautiful.
More likely talking about ways to censor v7, without ruining the model completely like SD did.
>child safety and deepfake prevention
Proper photorealism did take a few months to mix into v6. How's loli though? I'm guessing people who want borderline toddler shit still have work to do.
To be fair no one gives a shit about NAI furry model but yeah I wouldn't pay for either.
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this epoch does make me think that we're starting to get somewhere at least
even jordach has a job
hell, even illyasviel, kohaku, kohya, they all have jobs but this troon decides to leave his job just to focus on this shitty ass model

wtf is PurplemartAI??
I mean, the general characteristics are there
Two more epochs, unironically
Astralite's discord/website.
They aren't mentally ill like horsefucker.
Whps astralite?
astralite's larp corporation. why admit that you are just one guy when you can sound more official and say we when discussing his world premier cartoon horse porn generator
The mind behind ponydiffusion model, the savior of local.
naikeks prepare your ass cuz jordach is coming for you
where's the e4 link
naikeks, serious question, if cascade finetune gets better than pony, will you stop being naikeks and swap to local?
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>dehya lora maker
>confused/scared by nai
>everyone ignoring seething blackedfag
>Billy undesired content: you
>astatroon trying to pretend hes still relevant
>sides in orbit reading this thread

one of the best threads we had, and it's only been up for like 3 hours, is this what happens when it slows down?
and this is only the 1b model, the 3.6b cooked up to 10+ epochs should be soul...
I'm prepared to stop paying once there's a good local model that isn't made by insane hypocritical troon.
t. naikek


oooh ok I get it now. I haven't been caught up on the latest happenings of ponyfags
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surely by the end of the year we will have the definitive cascade model...
Can someone vibe transfer this girl? Also I think there was an uncropped version
Give it a month or 45 days at most from now on cuz the 3.6B one will be trained unet_only since the TE is already being trained along with the 1B and the 3.6B one will bake with the frozen TE that's being trained rn, unet_only training is a lot faster
probably only interesting at this point if one of the training data sets didn't quite train in enough detail

pony was a nice thing to release; I don't actually want to see him waste efforts on censorship and safety and then fail
Can someone give me a quick explanation of who is jordach? I just got here.

I know who ponyfucker is, thank you.
>nooo poor horsetroon somebody help him
fucking faggot, OUT
Th dirty secret is that models like midjourney/dall-e are still trained with NSFW, the censorship is done on the prompts that are passed to the model - the model itself isn't lobotomized completely. It sounds like horsefucker wants to do what Stability did to sd3 if he plans to release it locally, which will fail for obvious reasons. Kind of funny to watch all of the jeets acting like he is a savior of local when he's just going to fuck him all the in the ass.
>Kind of funny to watch all of the jeets acting like he is a savior of local when he's just going to fuck him all the in the ass.
Tell me how he isn't savior of local. If not for him we'd be stuck on animagine.
Yeah honestly as long as the prompting on it isn't completely fucked I'm gonna switch, I've been waiting for a while to switch back to local but I really don't wanna deal with Pony's bullshit. Also doesn't Cascade's VAE have more channels than SDXL? I'm pretty excited for the sharper details if that's true.
Jordach is a furry that alongside someone called meanoldtree they're baking a finetune over Cascade, a model with an unique architecture made by a competent team of SAI called WARP
The finetune doesn't has any artist or concept pruned and it's being baked on a rig of Ada6k
The epochs are being released from time to time as the model bakes, why? Because they want to
that wasn't me >>8070053 but whatever works out im fine with
not gonna participate in consolewars though
Trying to larp as someone who gives a shit about ethics when you are a pony fucker is laughable.
whoever builds first and builds well will probably be the next foundational model
I don't care who it is, cascade blows ass and is confirmed a dead end technology, I don't know why they're even bothering to continue after sotediffusion turned out so bad
either some variant of sdxl or alternative like chinaDIT or pixart. I don't care, make it and let me train on it.
anyone have a link to a comfy preset for resonance? capgui crashes, i think the links posted here got killed and i'm too retarded to figure this shit out
I've been waiting for the perfect model to train on, have a huge collection of images ready but nothing quite feels worth it yet. Maybe in a year or two.
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Fruits anyone?
excuse mr expert can u teach us why cascade bad? asking unironically
not him but I've seen plenty of people say that very compressed latent space results in inability to output intricate details/eyes
might be bullshit?
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That might be true but unlike 1.5 and XL you can choose any compression level you want.
nice background and details
is this 1.5? looks like 1.5 (in a good way, since i like the realistic shading, not trying to start shit)
Cascade doesn't have transformers in the architecture
gens look like shit
I don't need to know the technical reasons why anon, they look bad
everything is approximate and smudged, artists are at best vague reproductions and features like eyes especially do not translate well at all.
just look at the outputs and reach your own conclusion, if you like the results so far (and do keep in mind that they won't improve much at all), then go for it, I'm not interested.
The thing we probably have to realize with the cascade tune, is if it works out maybe better than pony but every next gen model will move to DIT which means developers and the like will move to support that than waste time developing on this. So while we may get a "better" model there probably won't be any sort of external support with it, unless Jordach does it.
base pony gens look like fucking shit too.
why are you trying to compare unfinished/prototype models to full-blown finetunes and mixes?
>trying to try out cascade
>try capgui because comfy is dogshit
>capgui crashes
>try comfy
>comfy has an error
>look up error on its github repo
>nobody knows how to solve it
Can cascade run on stable swarm?
XL fundamentally had potential (base SDXL, nai3, various xl shitmixes)
cascade has no potential, look at the existing cascade models and tell me they hit the mark anon
yeah base pony sucks, but the arch was workable, evidently that shows in the result, it was worth trying to train and recover the result
when reso v25 is still shit you can't even mix to fix it because all the cascade models are shit
there's this recurring narrative that cascade was killed off because it was so good and "they don't want you to know"
it was killed off because it's shit
it's this one it's a pony mix, seems to help with background details

before pony release xl was considered to be an absolute failure too.
all the xl anime jeettunes were garbage, and nai spent so much compute on basically retraining it that it was deemed irrelevant for anything local
animagine 3 came out same time as pony I guess but was it even better than 1.5?

not saying that resonance is going to be a stunning success but no reason to doom before it's done.
Animagine was better than 1.5 in prompt comprehension, but not better than a year's worth of concept loras. It wasn't a big enough jump to make people retrain everything, so it couldn't compete in styles or characters either.
For sfw stuff, Ani is still pretty much king to get good stuff easily (you can probably get better with arti but shit way too wrangly). The porn is bad on it, though the new iterations seem to a huge improvement on that front.
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How is the generation speed on the A1111 now? In Forge I generated an image in 20 seconds (RTX 2070).
u guys are really something
next thing youre gonna say is that wdxl will save us
why would we need saving? we can gen all the porn we want with the tools and models out right now. for free or by paying.
>zombocrombo on civitai
the guy is a complete hack, none of his loras are working despite being number 7 style creator
ok doomer
yeah i've also complained about his slop here before, he's literally worse than nochekaiser
jeets truly will eat whatever (ces:1.3) they're presented with
I'm convinced he is posting fake loras for fame/money, with or without his lora the result is the same. The guy is a literal cancer filling every style as fast as he can, other baker might not touch some niche styles because there is already a "lora"
>zombocrombo on civitai
lmao nigga is training on unedited manga panels
I'm assuming you extensively tested base cascade and the resonance releases so far right?
>training on unedited manga panels
even lora from CG artists with no text doesn't work
half of his loras have 0 effect, the other half are the most fried shit i've ever seen
they're "real" loras though, his dogshit workflow lets him prepare each one in 5 minutes or less
Best jeet on civit is this guy who explicitly mentioned in his lora descriptions to not use them for nsfw, and they had a melty and deleted all his loras when someone uploaded H to his lora pages. https://civitai.com/user/HNTR7
>stability struggle fining a revenue stream
>meanwhile civitai struggle with the amount of people and content
I have a strong Bethesda and mods in skyrim felling, stability dropped the ball on this one
Isn't nochekaiser â„–1 "pony creator"? It's hard to imagine things more worthless than redditai badges
Cascade isn't really Stability's model and the team working on wurstchen went to work on luma
where can I find the cn anytest?
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Its kind of hilarious how bad running is, maybe its a skill issue but it always looks a little dumb.
Ironically, yours came out better than my sad attempt some time ago. At least you have the motions
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side view can be a lot trickier
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wow nice lighting
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true maybe that was a mistake. running towards is a bit better
yeah exactly
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is there a database for hairstyles? I don't really like the tag database on dandooru and I have trouble getting some styles
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This rentry is kinda scuffed but it visualizes alot of tags and makes it a bit better to go through.

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why are your gens squashed?
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>make an oc elf lady
>realize I've just made a parody of your cat
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what model is this?
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Its not my fault the hair over eyes look is hot

even though I'm apart of what you don't like this still gave me a good laugh. I just like posting my stuff.
next Pony
pony could never
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trying to inpaint hands frustrate me so much, despite having the guide I can't get it right
you are part of the reason i don't visit those threads anymore
feel free to rot whatever way you like
just redraw and upscale
you don't like wholesome chungus acocatto?!?!
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here is a comparison of

no lora, random civitai lora, lora at 16 dim/8 alpha, lora at 128 dim/64 alpha (same data sets)
The improvement from 16 > 128 is not insane however who cares about storage space when it's a slight improvement
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call me crazy but I find no lora to be the best looking one
well it massively simplifies the characters details, you might just not like her quite noisy design
>all of them tries to place character features as if it were facing viewer even if prompted from behind
i love this i really do its so wonderful magnificent perfect amazing masterpiece i love training asymmetric characters
really just a job for in-painting for a nice quality finished piece
yeah sorry not sorry, nai is raping all of the above
I don't really any crazy consistency on any of them, all get something wrong eventually. NAI gets her lower half wrong, Big LoRA is more accurate front facing but goes nuts from behind.
the only true truth
ikr its so wonderful to inpaint 12 times every gen to make it look on-character every fucking seed you generate, ai is truly wonderful so intelligent so smart
>you can make anything you want BUT it might take moderate amounts of effort, maybe even up to 15 minutes
truly horrifying
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feel free to post whatever way you like

the last one looks fine to me. Its pretty damn obvious its that character. going for 100% character detail accuracy will drive you nuts.
>Big LoRA is more accurate front facing but goes nuts from behind.
bro they all suck from behind wdym put on your glasses or smthn
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if you're jerking it to the character do you really care about those small parts?
if you want a good pic that you'd like to post somewhere is spending 15 minutes on minor inpaints REALLY that much? people getting stuck up on perfecting txt2img is retarded waste of time with current state of ai. you're free to keep wasting your time on the PERFECT lora though.
Looks like a mixed bag to me. Some details like the shoulder pauldron in the upper left image are better on 16/8 and worse on 128/64, but upper right is better on 128/64 and worse on 16/8.
Results seem inconclusive and more attributable to seed rng than anything with a small XY.
>yeah takes a few minutes, several minutes or just 2 minutes if u have a 4090 bro
might just keep paypigging nai then since their gen speed is ~15 seconds
whats the fucking point
That's one of the things I find strange about obsessive bakers here. This shit 90% random, something will eventually fuck up in some gen
Issa okai cranking it up to 1024dim will fix dat shit right up
all the time you've spent on pointless obsessive baking could be spent on those 3 sec inpaints
also nai speed on average is closed to a 3060, not a fucking 4090. 3060 is pretty affordable.
1. train lora on one (1) image to quickly test what lora learns
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I can't make my niche waifu with NAI. You have to settle for popular goyslop if you want them to appear on NAI.

>Chris Westlander, (Vermeil in Gold)
You're supposed to like Vermeil, not the background characters
problems possibly gone if pivotal tuning was available in kohya?
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>if you're jerking it to the character do you really care about those small parts?
actually jealous of idiots that has ultra simple looking ass characters as wife
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more realistic model quickly looks better with stronger lora
10 picture waifucels not like this...
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I think they temporarily removed the censorship holy fuck
Eh, just don't care so much about the details. She's having a bad hair day so her ahoge is in the wrong place, or her favorite shirt was torn and she could only buy a chinese knockoff, etc. As long as the body and face are correct.
Oh shit you are right
how u so sure
how could tou teach the stupid ai how does the character looks at every angles using pivotal tuning
why dont you just learn how to use hcp-diffusion then, i need proof
NAI is the only one getting the vision correct
that look awfull
I just tried it with bouncing breasts and it censored me.
i've trained loras with pivotal tuning before. it's not going to help with angles, you want functioning directional tokens for that. it would allow including more concepts in the lora without needing to worry about token overlap as well as overall faster LORA training with less style learning.
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Stop liking chink and gook gachas, they waaay over design their characters. JP designs are much simpler, yet way more iconic.

[spoiler]I am guilty as well.[/spoiler]
I just wrote 'anime live2d' expecting nothing to happen but it passed through. try without sexy prompt, maybe they are only banning prompts right now
Better not like random one-shot /d/ VNs either.
holy shit actually big if true
how to
u have any examples with you rn
KEK, idk if that did the trick

lmao nice. and you're fucking lucky, I had to wait like 5 hours for it to gen
actually it now genned in 2 minutes on a new account. fuuuck
Yeah........ this shit is cursed. prompt was just live2d

unexpected Guts o_O

Did some gens. Apparently if you just say oral. you immediately get futanari.
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last one of these, it doesn't really matter that much esp between 16 and 128 but whatever it's interesting
"anime girl, slightly moving up and down"

I know this looks bad but any movement on my waifus is making me diamonds
Looks like it would work much better without cum in mouth
it gives you a tease of what will be possible in the future, full length movies with perfect animation quality of your fav waifus
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why are burgers so common in datasets?
Open Sora

>Git Hub

Might be worth checking out if you got enough VRAM. Which I do. Ran out of free tries on the demo page before I got something good, damn it.
For a character with this many distinct design/clothing elements a higher dim LORA makes sense, but I imagine for more simple characters there wouldn't be any noticeable improvement. That said, storage space is cheap so it makes sense as something to experiment with during baking. Incidentally, did you notice higher DIM/Alpha LORAs take longer to create? I don't have the best card but I was considering rebaking an older LORA with better data and possibly a higher DIM size.
Just curious but could you try from behind and neg looking back? The way she would stand ingame. Ideally on NAI too.

Just curious if it can handle her hair covering so much of the character. It always breaks on mine.
no they took basically the same time.
I did the 270mb lora at 10k steps vs 2k for the 70mb lora though so obviously that takes longer
Storage space is cheap, but I don't think anybody should be pushing for a future where a basic ass lora is a gig or so. There has to be balance.
KEK MY fuCking sides that jumpscared me holy shit
Wow, even their showcase animations look awful
Maybe you guys will know. There used to be a thread a few months ago with some doodle AI engine where you could literally splodge a few skin-colored circles vaguely resembling a person and it would turn it into an actual good-looking drawing. Does anyone remember what that was called?
I tried it but couldn't make it work on demo page, was always getting an error, and the only time I didn't was just a 240p still image. Guess works well only on local but I'm a vramlet
the doodle AI engine in question is what everyone is using ITT, it's perfectly capable of that and it's what everyone used in that thread too
it's gone because a few hours ago every single AI thread on /h/ got removed
>Maybe try to make it less obvious that you're a cross-board shill?
Meds, schizo.
Just about anything that does image2image will be able to do that.
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yo thats pretty good
holy shit wtf
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Does anyone know what artists could've been used in this?
lol Parasyte
Noted, thanks

This is true, but can't you also compress LORAs post-training to reduce the size to more manageable levels without losing quality?
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Looks interesting, thanks for the links. Didn't see a mention for how much vram is needed, do you know?
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here is looking away
Thanks. Yeah that's about what I'm getting too.
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Been a while since I've used that

They seem to have changed something, the same image is now getting flagged as inappropriate. This was the last thing I got out of luma.
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I got the autismmix, what else I shall get?
>prompt excessive cum
>suddenly cum is exploding out of the ass and pussy
<lora:KrekkovLycoXLV2:1> <lora:OuroKroniiPDXL:1>

I saw it posted today on vtai
It's not excessive if it doesn't go all the way through
yeahhhh fuuuck. god fucking damnit
last thing I got
nta but it doesn't look much like either of those
Unfortunate. I really wanted to feed it more Azur Lane gens.
Shading reminds me of Eigaka but I'm not sure if it's just that artist or a mixture with another style.
Well it was nice well it lasted.

I was hoping the dino would move as well


Jk I lied its just Krekkov
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nice gen
and it's over
I will never be the same person again
Many thanks. I should lurk vtai more often
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Imagine the smell.
cuteness overdose
I dont like any vtubers but they have alot of good stuff catboxed and I just lurk and yoink the prompts
I don't watch any vtubers and dislike the culture but some designs are pretty cute imo
I have 2 3090s have they got any way of using 2 gpus at once with that shit like with LLM?
Wait is that in Vram Gigs???
It does say H100 gpu, probably
Ironically there are some vtubers now that pander to the "don't like the vtuber culture" crowd.
That ai thread may look comfy but /vt/ is full some worst schizos there is. Those fuckers live in their own little your world.
you are not wrong i guess, pony is truly marvelous
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Does Forge auto update or do I only have to delete update.bat?
boy I sure love it when some random word or term I use in my prompt changes the entire style
like what
I put the update.bat in a rar file and moved it away, it seems it doesn't update on its own
artiwaifudiffusion and 0003_beta
hello I've returned here after months
is local better yet?
did anything come of waifusion or whatever?
do I go back to my den to generate 1girl, solo, cowboy shot, large breasts in sd 1.5?

This is what everyone uses, now (and derivatives). It's XL based. You'll have quite the fun times, read the whole description.
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damn never knew there was another character schizo other than the xenoblade one.

keep it up, just don't go insane
>This is what everyone uses
lol no one uses base pony
> (and derivatives)
holy shit that's a big tomato
What merges/finetunes are people using, then?
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autismmix or reweik are the two most popular.
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nope. Had a minor fix with inpaint. Here's original.

how did you get this angle?
img2img on a snapchat shot
Oh yeah thats not pony, that explain why that pose work, nice job btw
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Stopped by just to say you have good taste in waifus, that's all.
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a big tomato for a big girl
i promise im cooking something up here i just needed to test some styles
wtf why there's so many pony mixes rn, it isn't like AOM mixes again?
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im not doing this dance again so im not moving from autism
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well it's a matter of taste isn't it, pony and autismmix do very flat styles
I see people saying no one uses Pony but I noticed loras trained on pony don't work as well on Autism or most other mixes as the base style tends to leak over move. Skill issue from me or is that the only valid usecase for base pony?
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So this is the power of SD3...
Okay, this perspective is really nice
most pony merges are made by merging in loras or merges of merges of loras, so yeah it's like mixing style loras with other loras, sometimes it doesn't work great
I have never seen a lora not work on autism or reweik (but I've only just started using reweik). Sometimes you have to up the lora strength if it's underbaked.
If you get into shitmix territory lora compatibility will drop significantly
Thanks btw I'm gooning hard again to reweik. I'm guessing my old LoRAs won't work on it though, but it seems to understand some artists and characters
wheres the xenobladeanon i have something to tell him
>my old loras wont work
correct. on civit filter by "pony" and then all those loras should work on it.
It will have a better base understanding of many many things compared to 1.5.
just that theres a pr for pivotal tuning for sd-scripts
should be just install it and youre good to go
i used that before. AFAIK it isn't compatible with SDXL and the author of the PR hasn't touched it in 6 months
If I'm training something that is style but as a side effect I also have 10 or so images of a character do you think it's worth labeling them?
Or wait, how do I label characters in multi-purpose LORAs? The last time I trained a lora was last year for a single character and it was "label everything except the defining characteristics of the character" so does that still apply to this style-but-maybe-also-characters lora?
My assumption is that I give it a new keyword and remove the defining traits? But, then won't that have a negative effect on the style?
Yeah, now that I've thought about this I don't think I should try adding a character tag to a style lora, huh?
Here's a thought. Has anyone tried training a lora on THEIR OWN DICK? Did you get some great shots with your waifu?
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This would be awesome for more realistic models, but the problem is that we're going for "realistic", and there are some very realistic facts that hit too close to home about my penis.
>>8070582 (me)
i can find someone to fix the sdxl problem for you, wha do you think
Scan your hand and gen it twisting them down there?
i don't think anyone would complain if someone updated the PR so that it supported SDXL. but IIRC onetrainer and HCP diffusion or whatever already do support pivotal tuning so if you want to use it you can just use one of those trainers.
i was doing a lot of tests with it before pony was released and a big limitation of that PR was that it automatically bundled the embeddings with the LORA so there wasn't any way to do an initial training run of all of your TIs without the UNET. initially training the TI embeds without the UNET and then training the UNET once the embeds had a general verisimilitude to their subject seemed like the most promising approach but it took forever.
>cascade epoch releases
>"it should be useable in about 45 more days
>cascade epoch releases
>"it should be useable in about 45 more days
>cascade epoch releases
>"it should be useable in about 45 more days
>cascade epoch releases
>"it should be useable in about 45 more days
it finally starts looking like something!
Whats the difference between using controlnet (anytest) in t2i vs i2i?
t2i will be using a blank latent at 1.0 denoise so it's heavily influenced by the guidance you introduce with cnet while the changes in i2i will be bound by how much you set the denoise.
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It is learning ridiculously fast after the tag shuffling stopped.
pic related for the resident kagaminfag
Kek the other anon that posts really is not doing cascade justice. Could I have a catbox? I want to try too
you're not fooling anyone, cascadeshill. cascade looks like this >>8069975 your pic is from arti.
not kagami anon but post more kagami
Least pathetic cascadehater
These fuckers are the biggest joke ever, honestly
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I'll give you the prompt because I don't want to post my entire spaghetti. Used CFG 9 since the character tags are still weak.
I recommend 1 pass of HRfix at x1.25 (26x39 StageC latent to 32x48)

1girl, hiiragi kagami, lucky star, ryouou school uniform, school uniform, purple eyes, tsurime, purple hair, long hair, twintails, looking at viewer, annoyed, angry, blush, embarrassed, red ribbon, hair ribbon, short sleeves, sweat, red skirt, crop top overhang, navel, open mouth, arms behind back,
BREAK by atte nanakusa, solo, cowboy shot, dynamic angle, outdoors, park, nature, cherry blossoms, flower, sky, plants, windy, niji style,

Don't have that much because I made them while I was waiting for a lora to bake.
Good enough, just wanted the prompt. Thanks
whats the worst/lowest quality lora youve seen added to civitai? i am legitimatley curious considering how much garbage there is there
theres too many to list and im not being facetious
pick something within the last week then
this one just dropped and my only thought is "why" https://civitai.com/models/521196/marianne-smith-dxoz-style?modelVersionId=579067
best one ever, I assure you:
If you don't want to post your workflow for some reason then at least post the rest of your parameters. Compression? Samplers? Negative prompt? Stage B parameters?
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I don't use compression because it's a made up garbage variable when it comes to inferencing. This is mainly why I don't want to share my snakeoil workflow (it is up on the rentry though if you really want it) because it's not for everyone
Not sure why that would prevent you from posting a catbox, but whatever.
>it is up on the rentry though if you really want it
>just stumbled across a down syndrome lora
i cant stop laughing, incredible, honeslty https://civitai.com/models/521659/pony-xl-down-syndrome-lora?modelVersionId=579598
>Idea based on Chromosome+
I died. Dead. I'm DEAD!
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What's an adetailer and where do I find it
GODLY until her face melted, lmao
what's google and how do i use it
"akshully the most enjoyable part of imagegen is baking infinite loras to fix a shit base model"
the absolute state of localkeks...
Well there are barely any NAI posters left so neither is really enjoyable
you don't actually reason that way, do you? jesus
is negative conditioning actually just fucking bullshit?
>it does not mean 1 character can be reproduced with 1MB
why not
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crack shipping is ok sometimes
challenging wank
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Did no one train a lora for Borvar?
what i need is a lora of this dude
Any prompt help to get just shower glass door reflection? I tried silhouette and didn't work.
not famous or infamous enough I guess, at least he's a good artist, not like this random dude >>8070759
inpaint separately, models don't understand reflections
use an external photoshop type app, damn you niggaz just learn basic graphic design skills, you don't have to bang yer head on SD for hours to gen all at once
Young savage came out of nowhere similar to how borvar came out of nowhere (after barely making a name for himself doing furry porn). Anyone into kyojiri lolis would know young savage
well bovars's been around for 10+ years and nobody made a Lora of him, better make one yourself for Monsieur Savage
Well all I just wanted is something like pic related.
It's annoying to have to do other stuff just to get the pose/gen I want.
looks like you might have some options, if you want to tinker around...
(I suppose using a regular profile image, solid fill and transparency layer will be too much non-ai work...)
They've both got pretty good galleries on Boorus, the panda, etc. Why not just grab it and throw it in Kohya_SS or something? If you've got 8 gigs of VRAM it'll only take a few hours with FP8 training.
Alright, thanks
If you want silhouette from curtain, you could try that Behind Curtains lora. It came out in Civtai hour ago.
I've never trained something before so I don't know how to set it all up. Just got a new gpu the other day
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When you're making a style lora, is it a good or bad idea to add fan art to the dataset? Like if it's slightly different but you can clearly see that it's attempting to mimic the art style. I was thinking that more similar data would enhance the style but would it actually fuck it up?
if the artist is popular enough to have people imitating their work, you can get by with only their actual good work
Can >>8069404 be with no pubes?
I know, I've made 1 lora so far and it was fine but I wanted my v2 to be even better. The fan art is in some ways better and I think it would improve the lora, but I was thinking it would have some schizo effect instead of something positive. Am I just worrying too much?
what models you guys use now, still base pony or what, what merge/finetune yall gooning to
i'd like to know too
reweik and nai
how many femcels are ITT and what do you usually gen
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Bad, very bad. Unless your objective is making a very bland and generic lora like most cancer on civitai. Choose only the best and avoid poisoning the set.
It's not that hard, just download the Kohya_SS GUI, that program practically automates all of the steps and even has a built-in captioner/data sorter. You can tweak some of the settings but realistically all that will matter is total step count and actual training data. If you only have 8 gigs of VRAM you should enable FP8 training, but that aside the process is dead simple.
I planned to choose only the very best yes. I can see how crap would worsen the result but 2 art styles that are good, even if they don't match, might make a new also good art style. Right?
Also I just realized that alternatively I could just make two separate loras, one with the raw style and the other with the supplemental styles. That might work even better.
If I have more than 8gigs is there anything more I can do?
Increase batch size
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dare you face the dreaded dickarang
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did the spammer's image ban expire?
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The lora dim discussion got me interested so I also took the time to bake one for Dehya. It took a while to do the tags properly since autotagger misses a lot of stuff and Dehya has a good amount of discrete clothing parts, but here's my version of an XY. I'll post more from other angles in a bit. Images were generated with two 8/4 dim/alpha loras vs two 128/64 loras.

Across the images, none of the loras manage to get all the features consistently/more consistently despite two of the loras taking up 15x the space, ballooning from 48MB to 727MB. The highest epoch at 128dim just straight up forgets the pauldron at times, despite its size and being trained for longest. I highlighted the errors for an easier time, let me know if I missed any.

Here are the things the loras have trouble being 100% consistent with, in full body frontal:
>Single pauldron
>red capelet
>single gauntlet
>fingerless gloves/elbow glove color
>Jagged rip in asymmetrical pants

High dim honestly seems like placebo in my experience, there's no noticeable improvement in consistency going from even dim 8 to dim 128. If I were to go off the ***limited*** XY I'd even say low dim is better because it never forgets the pauldron, although I'm sure if I gen more dim8 is going to forget something sooner or later and the same goes for 128.
Prospective lora bakers, I would take everything people say here (including mine) with a heavy pinch of salt.
thank you for taking your time to confirm something that sane people already knew
dims above 16 are only appropriate for multi concept training
i'll repeat again, dataset is the most important.
There is a problem with this lora. The boobs are too small.
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>sane people already knew
I mean, that's what I've been saying for a while. But it's only appropriate to post an XY for people on the fence since claims don't mean much without the images to back it up.
The other anon went to the trouble of doing multiple XYs so it's only fair to reciprocate.

>tfw lora overfits on boob size due to fanart being too modest with proportions
>tfw need (huge breasts:1.2) to get just large breasts
Critical oversight.
there's a bunch of factors that go into it, usually the further from the base you are, the more you'll get out of higher dim loras. Say for example we somehow got the model for NAI3 on local, and say for example we want to train an entire Pokemon Mystery Dungeon lora. The characters will be slightly off from their base Pokemon game forms (either with outfits or something), and it'll also not be the main focus of the NAI3 base model, so you will benefit more from a high dim lora in cases like those. Though I think most peopel from the 1.5 training era already know about this
oh yeah, pony is fucked
almost all info is in same 2-3 unet blocks rather than spread around the whole unet
no wonder you can't mix loras together well at max strengths
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Can you ever mix LoRAs together in max strength? I remember it always burned my gens even in 1.5
yeah, loras suck major cock...
Yeah you could with kopiki loras, they usually didn't fry the outputs at all.
With pony lora stacking the gens don't deepfry like they did on 1.5 but things start going schizo.
thanks, good stuff
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was testing various bg prompts
apparently something in "greco-roman architecture" leads to a pretty drastic change in style, that is considering that I'm already using various other style/artist tags
greco-roman architecture is a valid tag on danbooru although extremely weak so i assumed it'll either do nothing or pull some sdxl knowledge, i wasn't expecting this, but knowing pony i probably should've seen it coming kek
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Yo, I had to reinstall Kohya SS, and now my training is going super fucking slow on a 4070ti. I think I remember having to use some setting or something for it to properly leverage the GPU, but I forget what. Does anyone know? Xformers is on.
My guess is prompt bleed from the artist
fucking kek
that is a cool looking pic
Yeah I noticed that as well when working on my background wildcards. Greco-roman architecture fucking fries it.
It's fine though, Pony couldn't make a fucking colosseum anyway. So much for wildcards with waifus wearing gladiator outfits.

Bonus point for fried gens, imp Midna fries the style too. Probably because there's a fuckload of images in the dataset.
>greco-roman architecture is a valid tag on danbooru
163 hits for a concept pretty much means it doesn't work especially on a limited dan dataset like pony. like other anon pointed out it is likely bleeding style from artist tag and/or leftover knowledge from laion
I would just go with greek or roman using SDXL knowledge, rather than relying on 160 booru pics that might not have been included in pony.
Problem is that I've tried that as well, first actually. Pony thinks the Collosseum is a modern stadium, and for other places, it pretends to know nothing if you don't use the danbooru tags if they even exist. The horse can't even do Venice. No gondola waifus either.
have you tried animagine?
both pony and nai are guilty of being fried on boorus
try using (ces:1.4) to fix that bleed
Is the lora training method for xl still just using kohya? any special settings I need or things to avoid?
Pony models can do all the extremely degenerate shit that I'm into that'd get me banned from /h/, due to the fact that it's also trained on E621 shit as well.
Animagine seems pretty basic to me.
>due to the fact that it's also trained on E621 shit as well.
I meant that it forgot a lot of its base laion/sdxl knowledge due to intensive training, I do know it has furry data
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first try on animagine

Nta but yeah that's definitely the way to go. Just not sure if it's easier to do pony first for character pose or animagine first for background and aesthetic. Unless you want /e/ in which case Pony is just unnecessary.
i think you're right, thats good to know

to me it seems like any kind of scenery works much better if you throw in as many related tags or words as you can think of but i'm not sure if you can describe that one in a way it'll understand

yeah i'm usually not expecting things to work, i just find throwing a bunch of shit at it and seeing if anything sticks fun
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Artist lora?
it's a bot but I think he uses hero neisan
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>first try on animagine
Nice background.
It has that 1.5 feel, especially with no artists prompted
because it was finetuned on 1.5 outputs
try putting "ai-generated" in negs lmao
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Didn't say it was a bad thing. It's easy enough to get rid of when you want to.
not really implying that it's bad but that neg is just reaaaally strong
Yeah I think it was originally meant to be used in positives.
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What was in the database for pony to be that performant with ces?
what's funny to me is that he seems to have pruned guro but not 'ces, I wonder why
completely safe data for everyone >>8069997
wow that purple thing sounds like a serious organization
why is that word considered to be a spam btw?
It's an e621 tag with over 13,000 hits. Goddamn furries.
Is that the guy making pony? Why is everyone in the ai industry parroting the safe and effective narrative?
>it's true
kill me
my takeaway from both posts is you might as well train at 128 because there might be a small improvement, the file size increase is irrelevant and training takes the same time.
No need to schizo out about either choice though
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32 is pushing it. anything above is retarded.
tftfag is a retard so it fits.
>resonance will have 10k imgs of literal feces
(ces:1.4) posters will always be funny
I prefer gpo.
He used to spam his site a lot on /mlp/ a few years back, when he was using it to provide speech generation.
>in space
>not using the "floating" or "floating hair" tags
sex powered gravity field
If it's for personal use, sure. But don't expect thanks if you share it and it's ten times the size it needs to be. It's just a bad practice for the lora ecosystem. Can't expect everyone to buy another 1TB drive just for loras, and it's not just storage but hosting costs and bandwidth for downloading. Civitai would have to monetize far more agressively, for example.
who cares bro just bake 1gb loras of characters 3 people care about
maybe you don't deserve my waifu unless you are willing to dedicate 100gb to her
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>It's just a bad practice for the lora ecosystem
Poorfags who can't afford disk space need not apply.
And nothing is stopping you or anyone else from trying to resize the lora on your own. It's better to put out something that's technically superior than a cheapened offering.
kek, do you think the tools to shrink lora could also make them bigger
>technically superior
he's now pretending to be trolling, just ignore the retard already
I forget the nature of this place sometimes. Reasonable arguments have no power over "kek get fucked I do what I want".
>$6 is more than $5
more news at 11
have we not concluded that 128 dim loras are a minor improvement or at worst the same quality.

Therefore someone releasing a 128 dim lora is releasing the best quality possible and people concerned about disk space can later shrink it themselves
fucking retards, man
that's cost you're increasing
staber merging vibes
We have not established how much shrinking ruins the quality. It does, and I would expect more so than training at a lower dim to start with, since with training there's barely a difference at all. If any, really.
>since with training there's barely a difference at all. If any, really.
training at high dim gives more detail, it's been proven
there's clearly no difference here >>8070851
it might even be getting worse
> since with training there's barely a difference at all. If any, really.
Maybe if you're a literal retard who's never bothered changing/testing configs and never budged from some garbage prodigy shit.
DIM can make a pretty big difference depending on the lora architecture you're using. Yes, even for """simple styles""" that are "not complex or high detailed at all."
the storage cost difference between 250mb and 70mb lora is like fractions of a cent of storage space
hello sirs, buy one 20$ 1tb drive and never worry about lora size again
250mb is around dim 24? not 128 like he's proposing
276mb is a 128dim lora (dehya poster here)
Multiplied by every lora you will ever download. It's fine if it's just one retard, as long as he doesn't inspire others to do the same.
Weird, then how are people making 900+ mb ones? Like the guy who made monogatari style last week.

btw he also found no quality loss going down to 1/5th size.
just how fucking many are you planning to download?
250mb/lora is four for 1gb. That's 480 lora's that you can stuff onto a 128GB flash drive you can buy for under $10.
>anon is a civitai employee desperately trying to work out how to be profitable
if you can't afford to store full quality (1Gb) loras you are a retarded poorfag
literally who gives a fuck about civit tho. I'm pretty sure civit doesn't even give a fuck - server side both disk space and bandwidth is pretty cheap when it's dealing with a small number of clients and larger filesizes. But really I just don't fucking get the concern over lora size on the 'consumer' side. Disk space is just so fucking cheap.
I can vaguely understand disk space concerns from the actual training side of things but only if you're doing weird shit like outputting a lot of steps to verify/select best fitment, since that can eat up a lot of space real fast. But that's not really what's being griped about here. Instead it's probably some dude with a 10 year old 512gb WD blue 5400rpm 2.5'' drive worried about lora's being "too big."
i hecking love using 3 style loras, 1 char lora, 2 concept loras. all 1gb each, because i care about quality
so what if i need 6gb of loras to make a single image.
Found the poorfag :]
I think it's just autism speaking because they have decided they are right and will keep fighting a pointless battle

6gb is almost getting into multiple cents of storage space, nooooooooooo
Suppose you could symlink the lora folder onto a flash drive on linux, not sure about windows. I don't have a USB3 one on hand to test, USB2 is a pain waiting 12secs to read a 250mb lora off of it but I assume the bottleneck is connection, not device.

The kasa7 one from last thread is also 450mb for no reason.
imagine being so poor and retarded that you can't afford storing dreambooths for every character you want
the quality is far above l*ras
>weird shit like outputting a lot of steps to verify/select best fit
That's gonna be like a dozen maybe. Compared to 500+ loras saved from other people.
>Suppose you could symlink the lora folder onto a flash drive on linux, not sure about windows
you can set lora folder in webui config
but yes you can also make symlinks in windows

I really hope this whole argument is just trolling though
BASED. If this post was a prompt, it'd for sure have "huge penis" in it.
Of course now. We were doing fine with 80mb loras for months. Now there newfags come in acting like they know better, and most of the experienced bakers left so there's no one to put them in their place.
Noooo, you have to cumpress every lora to 64kb!!! It does not affect quality!!!
Compression does affect quality. Train it smaller to begin with.
it's probably the spammer's new strat
>Suppose you could symlink the lora folder onto a flash drive on linux, not sure about windows
Flash drive was just a dumb example because of scaling. You can get internal SSD's at 512GB for $30~ or 2tb 7200rpm HDD's for $70~. Point is that storage is fucking cheap.
>The kasa7 one from last thread is also 450mb for no reason.
Because it's a glora. It's only 32dim - if it were a "normal" lora it'd be about 220~mb. But a glora takes twice the disk space because it's got twice the u-net. They also degrade pretty badly at lower dim's because - you guessed it - it has so much more u-net to full, so it actually benefits from the added dimension.
It's an architecture thing.
450mb to output shitty aco scribbles kek
hopefully full dim cascade loras will be at least 30 gb each and i'll only make those because i care about QUALITY after all
god forbid compressing them to 50 mb for 0.01% quality degradation! imagine!
loras should be the size of jpgs
nah they should be larger than checkpoints
that's what they are, right? LARGE ranking adaptation, right???
Poorfags are getting uppity again?
Are you talking about the people that can't afford a GPU? Or the people that aren't dumb enough to pay for something they can get for free?
No, talking about destitute retards who can't afford storing a dreambooth for every style and character instead of using shitty lora cope. Storage is dirt cheap, what's stopping you?
>LOW rank adaptation
Imagine using something called "low".
Not necessarily. High dim loras can "retain more information", even if that information has nothing to do with the training subject which is already adequately represented with lower rank weights. Where this actually happens is a point of contention though.

Back in 1.5 I baked a good amount of concept loras for simple things at 128dim that would significantly impact artstyle/fry, but found that the negative effects diminished as I reduced rank, all the way down to 16 where I stopped because the concept started becoming inconsistent.
Aggressively resizing them after training also helped, but I'd lose consistency because I was losing more than half the weights of the lora to achieve the effect I wanted. The solution was to just bake them at a lower dim from the start.

Disk space is not a particular concern of mine, I'd gladly fork over several TB for a single lora if it meant consistent waifu details. But that just isn't the case in my tests, and I haven't seen evidence to prove otherwise that 128mb is an definite improvement and not detrimental in the way going too high on dim in 1.5 was.
rent free, 30iq coping localoid
Ah, the lora stuff, yeah i don't care one way or the other.
This imo. I make a new checkpoint merge for every possible combination of loras
>Or the people that aren't dumb enough to pay for something they can get for free?
don't like western cartoons, wouldn't gen them even I got paid for it
so no, can't get what I want for free
>medium/large+ breast tags seem to induce some sort of stylistic change
>cba testing and figuring it out on a slow gpu
loli genning it is then
I wasn't aware there was a home-grown native japanese made image generation model, folded over a thousand times.
Where is it?
nah it's "little"
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no such thing for now but we got a model that isn't ugly western sepia polluted by thousands of pony onahole defecation images, available for anyone who isn't a starving destitute shitworlder ;)
Most likely switching sides to keep the argument going
That sounds like a you problem, i couldn't care less.
of course, I don't care if you enjoy furry and cartoons, just not my thing
sorry. If the model wasn't hand crafted by the nips(or at least the chinese or something), anything it produces is, de facto, aco. It was made and designed by western hands, after all.
what are the important settings when training a style lora? like, what would change from a character lora?
Even a japanese model would be tainted by our gaijin prompts, it's useless
not untrue but gotta use the best available option
You want a lot more images instead of repeats, that's the big one.
make sure it's at least 256 dim or your lora wont capture messy outlines
Style lora's generally want to be trained longer(well, more like character lora's can be trained for less time) and will generally benefit from higher DIM values. Otherwise it's largely in the dataset side.
While true, it at least allows the potential to produce something that is truly eastern art, provided it was generated by a native nihongo. Especially if it restricts itself to answering purely to katakana/hiragana/moonrunes for tags.
>the people that can't afford a GPU
poor people use paid colab, paperspace and free fooocus colab, certainly not nai. 25 dollar subscription is unaffordable for a poorfag. been using paperspace for month before getting 3060, it's actually really fast, storage is the only annoying part.
I would hope that poor people don't pay for porn in the first place.
As much autism as the Japanese have, their idea of tagging is extremely minimal. Pixiv has barely any tags on most of its images, doujin tags on ddd-smart or doujin-freee are pretty 50/50.
Compared to danbooru where we've got tags for different thighhighs, or e621 where they've got full fucking species nomenclature, they don't have the base resources for tagging or English know-how to python as well as someone in the west would
there are different meanings to "poor" I guess, didn't mean literally starving. but either way other people's money is none of your business.
>tl all possible outputs from auto-taggers to runes
>auto-tag dataset and then pass s/r script to change it all to runes
ez. couldn't possibly end up any worse than artiwaifu or kohaku.
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I suppose, a bunch of the sex stuff I could translate myself but fuck doing any of the fashion translations. I wouldn't know what a halterneck in Japanese is without looking it up
Which just so happens to be horutaanekku, not the best example I could've picked out but just goes to show even the obvious guess can be a doubt
honestly while I'm more or less joking about it all I'd actually be kind of curious how it would end up panning out, since it'd be retraining concepts with completely foreign tags to the TE. It should, in theory, be less likely to fry out.
There's a few other knockdown effects that it would cause but those are weird, subjective and a bit questionable to their worth. Would be a pretty interesting experiment to try and do on a small scale test, though.
256 dim? u sure about that? how big would it be on pony lol
not big enough
Anyone tried SUPIR to try upscaling anime images?
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left pic from:
the pose was nice
felt it could be tweaked a bit
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what was this intended to be
ask nai3
I'm a coping poorfag using SD1.5 on Colab for over a year now, too lazy to update my shit to XL or Pony. Is it worth it, or should I stick with 1.5?
looks like french press
how are you still using colab? are you paying for it?
either way, can't you just use xl if you're on colab
looks like you really love luscious BBCs
no, not into raceplay particularly
otherwise the guy would have been darker in the edit. use your head anon, if there's anything still left inside.
you linked a page full of BBCs
show your pride sis!
>are you paying for it?
Yeah, $8 or whatever it is. I have a bunch of loras and models in my GDrive and the setup works for me
>can't you just use xl if you're on colab
I don't know, I'm still using what worked months ago. Trying to figure out if I'm a dinosaur who needs to get with the times or whether 1.5 is still used.
rent free
its ok to love delicious BBCs sister
we all support you!
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nothing to be ashamed of sissy
I love black gods too
>replying to shitposters
baka my head

pony and it's mixes just work for too many things that require a lora on 1.5, if you're mostly looking for sex then you're fucking yourself over by staying on 1.5, what do you use loras for?
>Yeah, $8 or whatever it is. I have a bunch of loras and models in my GDrive and the setup works for me
>Trying to figure out if I'm a dinosaur who needs to get with the times or whether 1.5 is still used.
Yeah you should switch. Pretty much the only reasons to use 1.5 are backgrounds and poor hardware, and if you're using colab gpus the hardware is not really an issue.
>what do you use loras for
It's a mix of specific clothing items, canon characters, and poses/image themes (like blowjob, creampie, thicc etc). Recently I've been seeing some Pony images that look really good, and I was wondering if there's any downsides before I switch over.
Thanks anon(s), I'll look into ditching 1.5 for Pony. Hope to post my shit here soon.
delicious black cocks
>figure out if I'm a dinosaur who needs to get with the times or whether 1.5 is still used
1.5 will slowly be phased out, but if you are happy with what you get don't change anything. I might keep going with forge and pony for a very long time just because it works and him mostly happy with what I get.
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sad to see Blaze reduced to a prompt wildcard
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VERY cute!!
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Try 'bare hips, ripped pantyhose:1.1, pussy, belt:0.8'
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panty pull
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Why is the cock so wavey, and why is her face so long and derpy, and why does the ear look like it's just bone
We will never beat nai
It's joever
Pony's 95% there and its free.
pretty bold of you to add that 80% of under/over baked dogshit loras into the equation
Why are you asking the spambot? It's just a wildcard gen with zero effort put it. You can tell by the randomized filesize used to avoid filters.
Is flamewar baiting still that entertaining 8 fucking months later? Can't you go watch a tv show or something?
>My ancient gen got reposted
It's not, that's the full image.
holy shit the legend himself
do you have a catbox for that image
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Wtf, why is my old low effort shit popular lol.
Anyways here you go, catbox of the first image: https://files.catbox.moe/k3ipjp.png
Did you use controlnet?
>Wtf, why is my old low effort shit popular lol.
it's ironic if you want an honest answer
someone (maybe you) posted this image and said you don't need nai when local (during ef+hll times) can do THIS
did it several many times in different contexts and this pic became a meme here for a while
nope, theres a new pushup lora that came out recently.

Man, all the sample images have horrible form
finally, he delivered
>Wtf, why is my old low effort shit popular lol.
that image became kind of a meme around here and then some people, seemingly unironically began to want a catbox of it
someone even wanted to see if nai can copy her with inpaint method off that single image and it seemed to work quite well
holy shit wtf it looks really good for copying characters actually
I should really try the inpaint trick, do you have the guide for it? I had it saved somewhere probably but no idea where to find it now
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some more lora differences

lora 1 - 10k step lora - direct scrape from booru for yoko, minimal quality control done on dataset (just removing non-canon outfits and total garbage)

lora 2 - 5k steps. Quality controlled, I actually went through and did a few things like manually added the "snipe rifle" tag to all images with her gun in properly, as well as deleting all the garbage images. I also went through and to ~10 images I added a tag "canon quality" for the images with her outfit done perfectly and in highest res

lora 3 - same as 2 but 10k steps
>it turned the white glow into a damn hat
>finally, he delivered
If people had asked in the first place I would have. I don't mind sharing stuff.
I bet local could do the same using anytest
>(maybe you)
It probably was
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i don't have an actual guide but
here's the "template", you don't actually need it but it can help arranging the image, mask the area with the noise

here's an example of how i did it a while ago
and this is an example of how i prompted it

i usually did it with multiple views and solo focus in the very beginning, i never described the character unless it kept missing some crucial feature, didn't use any artists in the prompt either, in fact it's probably better to start off with minimal prompt and then add/remove/adjust things as you go, at least that's how i did it

it's not that easy and can be quite tricky, some people struggled a lot without getting anything decent, and the result you're getting is a pretty small image too unless you want to blow anals on large resolution inpainting
this thing can work in many ways, for example you can crop out random 1girl face from an image, put it next to official art of a character and then inpaint over 1girl, it'll replace her face, there's quite a lot to it if you want to get in deeper but most of it is just stuff relating to nai inpainting
and here i managed to do it with two girls that nai has no knowledge of, it did take a bit of time inpainting them separately and then inpainting over the image to merge them together
is prodigy bad for style loras? if so, what should I use instead then
it's not, it doesn't matter
We need to go back bros, reject Ponytardism embrace 1.5
what's the best auto tagger out there ?
I tried rerunning his prompt on Pony. Doesn't work at all, because it correctly understands running makeup and pale skin.

...and also we can't mix styles properly since they're loras.
>...and also we can't mix styles properly since they're loras.
oh right NOW I remember why we abandoned it lmao
you can mix the styles it knows innately which is a decent amount but it doesn't always turn out great
>SD3 ban on civitai
What happened?
anyone who uses alot of controlnets around?

Is there a good repository of NSFW line arts or poses besides civ, or any good ones on civ.

I know I can really use any hentai image but I have better luck with the linearts/ stuff made for controlnets
(by personalami:0.6), (by modeseven:0.7), (by limebreaker:0.7), by slugbox

personalami works innately on pony but it looks a bit off. Slugbox has a bad lora, the others are too niche and /d/ to even get one. Maybe 4th tail might know them? That's the closest we have to HLL.
for, what? like canny you mean? every controlnet works differently with anytest kinda being a combination of all the pose ones.
im using anytest. I didnt know they were that different I'm new to controlnets
Vague license issues, duh.
>all the innate character outfit are turbo fried and you cant remove them consistently
fuck pony
Sorry for linking plebbit but this is a good outline of all the different ones, but yeah anytest is kinda just all of them mixed into one.

>but I have better luck with the linearts/ stuff made for controlnets
Is that because you're still using SoftEdge instead of the new CN-anytest? Anyway, you can just grab a sketch off of danbooru, there's like 140K of them.
ah yeah idk about those ones I just meant in general, I've tried mixing multiple artist loras to see how it'd look compared to mixing those artists on v3 and it looked nothing like it, I think the autismmix anon trained a multi artist lora or something, I haven't tried it but I wonder how that would go
No im on anytest, see pic
>>8070585 (me)


I just liked the depth map (think that's what its called) and it seemed to work really well.
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Alright, instead of declaring skill issue I'm gonna ask you which character.
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Wouldn't you get better results from the Depth controlnet than anytest, if you're using depth maps? Anyway, I don't know if you can see it on A11 but that's exactly what the depth preprocessor outputs, out of any pic you feed it.
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idk anything about that but when I use these types of depth maps with anyest it seems to work really well.
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i love this gestart lora so much, thank you for baking it and sharing it anon, it makes me very happy
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The normal image works just as good. Maybe I'm just overcomplicating things trying to use the depth maps. I think I just need to look for less complicated images to test control nets with.

I did this one with the first image.
based daitoshokan player
Hmmm. It is not in the rentry, nor mentioned by name in the last 6 thread. Curious.

how do I update lycoris on kohya ss gui?
I will try this
I'm a basic bitch though and can't remember niche characters I couldn't gen
wish you could something like this for styles though
nvm I have it, just never managed to get anything good out of it so I forgot
Is the new pony model out by now?
yes sir
sorry 6.9 is adding new safety features along with more gpo with extra ces its going to take awhile
where did you find the lora?
>nvm I have it
ah ok, i found the link to it, gonna leave it here just in case
it's gonna look a lil bit different
>never managed to get anything good out of it
if you want the original style it's best used on base pony, otherwise you'll have to use it on a mix and prompt some innate artists and/or mix it with another lora to de-lolichibify it to some degree, it's not for everyone but it fits all of my tastes like a glove

>wish you could something like this for styles though
you kinda can, kinda, depends on how close you want it to be but probably depends on the style too, i mean it does copy the style of the original image when you use inpainting for edits or the thing i described earlier
these ones were me trying to copy style of this artist as nai doesn't know him at all
it did do something but i wasn't thrilled, might work better with other styles

Our savior the Ponyfucker is hard at work after being dealt a massive blow by fate, SD3 was not fit for his grandiose vision (he did not get a free commercial license).
This left our savior dazed and confused, but he quickly regained his wits and came up with some countermeasure to ensure the future of our safe and ethical AI generated porn.
The next model will be trained on the best model there is, SDXL! Why? Because you don't have to pay SAI to profit from it of course.
You'll also be able to support the safe and ethical development of AI generated porn by buying NFTs! And what you get from those NFTs? Artists hashes! The rarer the NFT the more popular the artist, this is what everyone was waiting for!
But that's not all he's also redoubling his efforts to ensure our safety, you can read the latest news here >>8069997

The future sure is looking bright!
>you kinda can, kinda, depends on how close you want it to be but probably depends on the style too, i mean it does copy the style of the original image when you use inpainting for edits or the thing i described earlier
Thanks, I'll try. I have few western styles that I'm missing after pony, but it's mostly for genning one characters those artists drew. Maybe it'll work out
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is there a prompt for a girl resting her breasts on a boy head?
I heard that pixart model is better at comprehension, so might be a better model to restart training on.
Yeah I think I was just confused by your image, thought that was the whole style. Feels like gestart is not doing very much here, it's your base mix.
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honestly any character with lot of pictures
The style lora im using is garbage at ejaculation or projectile cum, any good artist for that?
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alpha being half the dim does what again?
>This was introduced as a convenience measure to prevent weights from being rounded to 0 when saving LoRA.
>Due to the structure of LoRA, the weight value of the neural network tends to be small, and if it becomes too small, it may become indistinguishable from zero (that is, the same as not learning anything). Therefore, a technique was proposed in which the actual (stored) weight value is kept large, but the weight is always weakened at a constant rate during learning to make the weight value appear smaller. Network alpha determines this "weight weakening rate".
iirc this was only a problem for a few weeks over a year ago

>thought that was the whole style
na it's just one of the things i like to do with it, i also gen sfw for myself with the original style on base pony, i just don't post it anywhere
>Feels like gestart is not doing very much here, it's your base mix.
nope, that's the thing, it does not work without it, at all, "it" being what i want to see
whole mix:
only norman rockwell lora
no loras
only gestart lora without other artists prompted
same seed same prompt, only changed prompt in the last one to remove artists
even if mix dilutes the original style, it still has "it" for me
oh right you probably meant the image i posted earlier having less gestart and more of everything else, in that case i see what you mean, don't mind my rambling
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How come pony can do way more detailed genitals compared to NAI? Did pony not train on censored images or something?
So people were already making stuff fir sd3?
>Did pony not train on censored images or something?
It's trained on western art
Mostly workflows but there were a couple of test loras.
>on western art
furry western art
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only the feet of this 18+ adult female can soothe my soul now
Training scripts?
I can see an sd3 branch for one trainer and kohya but neither seems complete
beautiful, thank you
any way to speed up lora training? it only uses 50% of my memory, and 50% of the gpu.
I dont want to increase batch size cuz they say it gets worse the higher u go
>Did pony not train on censored images or something?
Yeah, most of nip images are censored, which makes reduces quality of genned genitals. I sometimes use NAI furry model for inpainting penises.
Any good adetailer thing for hands?
What a cutie. Catbox?
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>My hero academia chapter 426
How do you get the ass to squish like that?
based this thread needs more bbc
So why did ochacko specifically become a target for this?
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Once again, thanks for baking the David Liu LoRA. I finally got a chance to try it out.
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>my hero academia chapter 426 part 2
Because her official bio says she's a recovering BBC addict.
ass ripple in the prompt and luck
make the guy black
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decided to try this animation again. I cleaned up the source frames and used better prompts and controlnet and it came out a lot better. i think i can still improve it a lot though.
did you use a 1.5 model? can you share the settings?
someone explain "fill" and "original" to my brainlet self, but explain it like you're explaining it to a chimp with a basic grasp of inpaint.
>do a massive genning with asymmetric char lora
>40% of the time the features are placed well
>realize its probably the highest percentage of consistency ill ever reach cuz tech is just limited and the rest is gacha
>try same bake just with different seed
>comes out shit with fucked up hands most of the time
why it has to be so gacha
its all gacha
we live in a gacha world and i hate it
but im not mad now im just sad
im tired
Give me some good artist tags for NAI pls
Does xformers cross attention decrease or increase training speed on kohya?
deku is kind of a shit character and the ship doesn't go anywhere for like 300 chapters i guess
wow that's not bad
What are your preferences sir?
it's much faster than memory efficient attention and a little bit slower than sdpa while being much less vram intensive unless it uses more vram in which case it isn't
Any artist that can do good feet
if we lived in a just world then these new models would be trained on datasets that include "from front" and "3/4ths view" and have them actually work
but also skill issue
got 4.36 s/it with it on. Gonna try baking again, without xformers, and post my resutls.
So? If that's the case I would understand people shipping her to that other guy
But why in particular is she blacked?
tianliang duohe fangdongye

Those are ones I used for inpainting my feet gens. I rarely use artist tags without mixing though
Monkey no use fill. Monkey only use original. Fill is for niche usecase
NAI does the best loli/hebe pussy though and pony absolutely can't compete in this department (the only department that matters).
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>but also skill issue
teach me then, im all ears, willing to do the needed
Thanks, will try them out.
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It's pony/autism using CN anytest
heres a sample gen unedited
much better than the first attempt at least
iirc one of the lora training implemntations has functional pivotal tuning. i think that you should be able to use that to assign your asymmetrical outfit elements like thigh straps or bracelets their own token for whatever side of the body they're on without worrying about conceptual bleed or whatever
pivotal tuning pr on kohya sd-scripts doesnt work with sdxl atm sar and ive never used other trainer than that one
Is NAI dying again or is it just me?
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wake up babe new type of lora dropped
Dying as in?
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"i don't want to learn a new training software" sounds like a skill issue. i would know because that's why i haven't tried it, either.
Taking forever to generate
I'm swapping between nai and pony for ~1-2 month periods, I find that with nai I really tend to gen cunnies more while with pony I tend to gen curvy women. Although lately it feels like nai is kinda turning me into a lolifag.
Nope, it's actually working faster than usual for me today, at least for now.
we are low iq trainers with comfort-zone issues after all, arent we
the results shown in the paper look promising so i assume that this isn't going to be implemented anywhere for the foreseeable future
>check authors
>questly close tab
some dude i know from civ discord saw the paper and said it doesn't seems so difficult to implement, i'm talking about the same dude who implemented LoRA+ so give it a couple weeks
The papers always look promising kek
oh okay then,kinda wanna know why its the first option when you go to inpaint.
getting grey borders around gen, like smoke or sublte aura, is it a cfg issue?
How do you get boobjobs or buttjobs with NAI?
I can't get it with just those words.
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thats a lot of indian
I've been out of the lora training game for awhile which training script is this toml for?
I keep asking for nada haruka but bakers don't listen.
Does DoRA work on Forge?
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Meaning since then alpha should always match the dim size? And then you gotta drop learning rate, if you were counting on some of this weakening still being there.
Yes but only with a PR
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Because they're sorted alphabetically?
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i think that you should probably match them. i've had better results with getting tokens to work as intended since switching to 1:1.

you should also reduce the LR, but it's not as simple as (dim/alpha) * LR or whatever.
It's paizuri

buttjob is more difficult, you can add imminent penetration,large ass or ass focus to help. Although in pov + from behind it's pretty easy at least.
is she getting fatter every gen
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How do I do that?
the correct term is thicker, but in reality, I've been fucking around with controlnets today so it's been a little funky with the sliders so that stuff may be why.
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he's back...
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take your faggot shit elsewhere
It's Yang, with 2.4K
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one day im going to master regional prompt so I can graduate from 1girl and 2girl
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Catbox is acting up for me, so I had to use Litterbox. I set it to 3 days.
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Local really is doomed bros, at least pony is good enough for my very specific fetish. We're not going to get another competent nsfw model, it's time to accept defeat.
Did you change the mix? Her skin looks much better now.
>year 20120
vgh... nai v327435...
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Preview looked like she had a dick
I wish this thread had only catto posts
I love her so much bros
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what is catto
is that the name of that girl with the covered eyes?
yes, aka miqo after a race in FFXIV

Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward, and thrilling Stormblood expansions up to level 70 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
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mmmmmmm lovin the netorare theme ;)
more please
CivitAI jeets on suicide watch kek
Hopefully this cuts down on all of the slop loras being posted
Is there anything new yet, nai and pony now look as shit to me as aom3slop did a year ago
"In response to CivitAI's choice to significantly reduce user's ability to gain buzz, as well as a particular attack on NSFW users, I propose as many of us as possible protest through malicious compliance."
That guy makes shit loras anyways
they're good concepts and they work but they have WAY too much style influence.
He tuned his loras to work best with his own model mix he made, I get it but don't post it if we have to use his own shit mix for a couple loras.
I think I fucking cooked my brain with genning
not that I was the most healthy guy ever before but now it actually feels like I became less of a human
I don't even know what you mean. You were fucked before m8.
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She doenst really have a name besides miqo like the other anon said, some people have taken to calling her catto tho.
yeah I have addictive tendencies but I haven't acted on them for quite a while before I started imagegenning. It only got actually bad recently though
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welcome to the club
Sorry I cannot test it right now, but thanks for making one
I still don't get it. I guess porn addiction + gambling is a hell of a drug. I come from alcoholics so I've always had to be wary of addiction but it seems only things you can be physically addicted to are an issue for me.
>just walk away from the computer screen bro
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>porn addiction + gambling
That's a good description. Also getting into a shitty place in life kinda makes it worse. I guess I'll just go along with it for a bit, I think I'll just get bored soon enough.
> I come from alcoholics so I've always had to be wary of addiction but it seems only things you can be physically addicted to are an issue for me.
I used to tweak quite hard years ago but that stuff is not actually physically addictive
catto is just an autistic and childish way of saying cat
if you train loras then you will not be addicting to imagegen because all of your gpu time will be spent training
nta but I like this
you don't have a mind of an addict if you think this can be a limiting factor
Baking for the sake of baking is probably even more retarded than gooning
should I care about average loss when training loras?
but you will instead become addicted to rebaking the same lora dozens of times for minimal improvements
Naa doesn't really anything useful, as long as it doesn't show "nan", you good
it's kind of a crappy metric for accuracy, but it should go down instead of up.
what if it stays the same
it should go down initially since the training should... do something.
if it stops going down entirely, I'd stop because it's probably not learning anything useful / slowly frying. that's just my intuition tho.
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My hero academia finale preview
good shit
like the other anon said, it's not something you really need if you inpaint casually but i'll try to explain anyway, it is not a bad idea to have a general understanding of the settings

Original: takes the original content of the masked area of the image, gives it to AI and lets AI modify it based on denoise
Fill: smears and blurs the original content of the masked area of the image, takes that smeared content and THEN lets AI modify it based on denoise
Denoise: how much AI is allowed to modify it

imagine you want to inpaint a bra over a pair of nude tits:
if you use original with low denoise like 0.1- it'll just return the original image
if you use fill with low denoise like 0.1 - it'll return the smeary blurry mess because you've asked it to get filled with colors of the image when you chose "fill" but you have not allowed AI to modify it enough

>ok so what's the difference
fill lets AI introduce more drastic changes and leaves no trace of the original image in the mask aside from the blurry colors, it's the "completely redraw this part from scratch" option

>but why choose it over original
because at 0.7-0.8 denoise fill will introduce a larger change than original at 0.7-0.8 denoise

>isn't it kinda similar to just using "original" with 0.9 or 1.0 denoise
kind of yes, but very high denoise will lead to inconsistencies and jarring seams more often

the best way to understand things is practice and trying it yourself, just generate nude 1girl, send her to inpaint, and try adding all kinds of clothing on her, just play dress up while you mess with the settings, that's how I lfigured out how the settings work at least
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im not good at /h/ stuff but im trying
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not bad aside from stomach on her back, but that's /e/ stuff not /h/
don't care where you post these, just letting you know
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Can I get a catbox for this?
why did the thread suddenly regress to this?
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I accidently edited and overwrote the original but here is a another one with same prompt.

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If you ignore the spammer there's really nothing unusual going on.
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>No cloaca
this is great
Bros it hit me how fucking insane this shit actually is. Imagine going back to 2021 and telling yourself you'd be at home using your gpu to generate porn. What a time to be alive.
>he hasn't felt the walls of ponyv6
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im trying
Nice cat
>captcha: JRGAYX
Now we're talking
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>tells people to leave
post an image first faggoli
Monsters and futa don't belong here. Full stop. Neither does blacked spam or console wars but neither of those are in the official h rules so there's nothing to be done.
nogens opinions will be discarded
I think it's shit.
>>8071745 is much better.
okay nogen
Dude no one is paying you for this shit. Who the fuck cares about imaginary internet rules. If they were spamming it would be one thing.
The whole reason d exists is so weirdos can go look at their weirdo porn with other people who want to see it.
>dude EVERYBODY wants to fuck men/snakes!
I would rather have his snakes than your bitching.
I bet he is too pussy to show his gen and we know why :)
remember nogen opinions don't matter
Without his off topic posting, my bitching wouldn't exist. You could have neither. Trolls have ruined this general and the fucking jannies are in on it.
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no one asked proto-janny
Nice suit
post them lolis
post them cunnies
Add tag chl to the end of your prompt and post the result
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I baked a DoRA and whenever I use it the console spits a wall of errors, like 800 lines of this shit. The DoRA works pretty well but not as well as I'd like. Are the errors the problem, or the bake?
nai cunny
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Saiyan Bulma or Bra with a tail?
i want to give love to cute little girls without needing to witness gayniggerbestiality3dpdzootrannyfurry
am i the bad one
You know /b/ has (vanilla) loli thread right
>groidspammer is back with a vengeance
>EF /aco/ gothgirlfag is "back" (he's always been here)
>shuten anon seemingly left, it's just that one alt-/hdg/ nai poster
>bakers are still falling for the dora meme
It's over, /hdg/ is fucking dead.
Is the UI updated
what's the learning rate I should set for style loras?
Yes, but also forge hasn't been meaningfully updated in a few months. There's a pull request that I'm pretty sure is supposed to fix the error that I couldn't figure out how to get.
nai posters come and go, they're limited by anlas
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>dicks coming out weirdly brown, like curry covered
>check my tags
>accidentally typed "cumshit" instead of "cumshit"
im surprised this even got close to that
Those are the same words anon.
>Easy training scripts
>just debug the python every time
fuck i think my keybiard is finally dying
...what was the right word again?
The fuck is a keybiard?
cumshot was what i tried to type 5 times now and every time ive fucked up. i think its time to sleep
pretty sure the tag is ejaculation instead
both work
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add close-up to your gen and post the reply
You know jannies give a damn fuck about keeping things on-topic inside /b/ right
Besides the links on the OP are there any good NAI resources available?
every picture with nai metadata
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Double penetration is difficult. The guy at the bottom always get mangled
try to add "solo focus"
>Learned a lot about making LORAs over the past few months
>Decide to redo an early character LORA with new images, better captioning, more carefully fine tuned settings
>Should be better than ever
>The old LORA I accidentally baked at 704x704 with basically random settings is way more accurate
What the fuck?
Hag love.
32 dim is 250mb
64 dim is 500mb
Is there a problem in using 48 as dim? 375 megas *sounds* like the highest spot before it being way too large
i thought you could only use powers of 2?
cumces is superior
>32 dim is 250mb
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You could try it with a control net
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Any good adetailer tool to fix hands? Or another method to fix hands?
got so cow-horny i forgot to type moo
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many such cases
unfortunately the inherent randomness to imagegen (and the shittiness of pony) means that you're not completely in control of the quality of your lora
How the fuck do I actually launch this thing on OSX? I just want to use the NAI API extension.
I think I had way less repeats now that I'm reviewing the old LORA's metadata. Seemed like it was 5 repeats for half of the dataset and 10 repeats for the other half. I'll try re-running with about 7 repeats for everything, but it seems like the new LORA was just underbaked comparatively.
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ive died
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Show her eyes, fag. Or do you hide them because you don't know how to prompt good looking eyes?
I wonder what her eyes are like
probably (gpo:1.4)
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It's part of her allure to me that you can't see her eyes, but here you go
You should always post her with her eyes uncovered, just saying.
wtf her eyes looked like that
nice, curiosity sated
but I agree with u, not seeing her eyes is nice
Wtf she went from bastard hag whore to kinda cute
How is that the diffusion threads in /g/ can split into /sdg/ and /ldg—with both being about local models—while NovelAI splitting into its own thread here is seen as impossible?
because /g/ are actual retards?
There are barely any NAI fags
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Here I covered them back up, maybe I'll do some more in the future with the eyes uncovered, but I just cant help but like the eyes covered.
i wonder why they've all left, hmmmmmmmm
blindfold works too
They left long before the spam. At the end of the day you are asking people to pay $25 a month chances are they won't be doing that forever unless they really really like it. I stopped too myself after two months.
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its puar transformed into bulma you dilf
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eh, doesnt do it for me like the hair does
why not both?
That /g/ split is driven by serious autists. /h/ isn't as autistic.
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>janny-fag trying to send people over to /d/
>doesn't want to have vigorous sex with Alien-chan in the bath
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>not showcasing those MILKY WHITE BREASTS
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I tried to do it for a little bit as a meme, its not really working, best I can get is one eye. The concept is too dumb to be a normal thing.

cute ayy lmao
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actual good OC
hime cut is so peak
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one thing I'm definitely missing out on by having the eyes covered is the expressive blowjobs
post more aliens
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Alien-chan is sexy, I hope the jannies don't banish you to /d/. I wish all Monstergirls were allowed in this thread, Lamia/Harpies/ect are hot.
Now she needs long hair to look like an actual anime women.
How can I have more control when using controlnet in balanced? I want to copy the pose exactly, but I want to change the haircut for example.
use anytest


for pony models

I'm already using it.
try running it at ending control step 0.5 and on lowres pass only
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meh, she already has long hair, its just in a pony tail.

But here you go. She looks super generic now.
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Here's another one just cause you like this version of her. Is this version really better to you? She looks super generic and plain without having a unique hairstyle.

Thats the last one for me tonight tho.

idk about the ears.... maybe pointy elf ears would be good if you are trying to go for a different look.
>excited to get back into things
>find out pony has most artist tags removed too
man when will they stop with this cuckery
You can always force astralite to give you the sekrit tags, if you catch my drift
confetti (not autism confetti) brings in like a couple thousand artist tags back in. idk why it's not recommended more if people are looking for that.
>She looks super generic
The thing is that she looked worse before, at least for me.
oh shit nice
because if you're gonna use a different anime finetune you're way better off trying animagine or arti or even kohaku
That sounds right. version 5 is called like con5etti right?
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Neither of those can use pony loras and thus are six years behind. Pls don't be silly.
Way too much expression change.
Maybe take the face from one of the frames, paste it over the other frames then very low denoise to make it blend in?
Maybe do something similar with the cock? Gen the cock by itself, and layer it over then remove the part where tits are and low denoise img2img so that it's consistent?
Shoulder/neck is quite unsettling too, she goes from normal to she-hulk
>hips glued to tits
find ani. we are beyond cn flicker fests
didn't ani get doxxed and exposed as a fraudulent autist
he gave sai's cto shit to his face. he is an absolute gigachad
Why did you hyper compress the fuck out of this? It looks like straight up dogshit. Extreme banding and discoloration
>tits got covered up, flower jumped to other side, dress arm changing, dress got shorter, then longer, random belt, flower grew, hairstyle changed, wrist wraps gone
wtf is he working on? He has a bunch of private commits
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of course, she has an older sister...
>looks significantly younger
god pony is so SHIT
Bro your favorite shitmix?
stop being a retard and use autismmix
they're aliens bro
It amazes tme hat 6 months have passed and autism STILL remains unrivaled.
bro they all fucking suck
midkemia with 'photorealistic' in negs i guess
i was talking about autismmix
and its fucking score tags, you either get aco aom slop or incomprehensible mess
autists always win
i love little girls, theyre so pretty and huggable and pattable and

>i was talking about autismmix
they say autism you faggot
if you using autism and it sucks, then you are just bad, stop being a noob
What would be the best way to take this image and edit both characters?
ms paint
autismmix is just different flavor of pony feces:1.3
it's pretty funny
and isn't it like just two loras baked in with base pony?
i guess "less is more" sometimes does apply to imagegen
lick cunnies sex with cunnies
it's not, autism is usable, pony is not
probably anytest controlnet?
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great you pissed their mother off, good work idiot now she's gonna enslave mankind
You can start with from_side and work yourself up with that.
>anytest this
>anytest there
>anytest that
This is reminding me of something
Is anytest the new JUST INPAINT LMAO?
anytest is actually good (ces:1.4) for brains
no, it's actually useful and pretty cool
>refuses to use lora's
>continues to bitch and moan about how everything looks like shit
just fuck off already.
Does everyone still use Regional Prompter or is there something better for it's use case now?
inpaint is one's pursuit to improve their gen
anytest is a cheap way to skin a character design onto existing artwork
forge couple, if you're using a feature locked version of forge
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Is this /hdg/ material?
Yes. Since there's a guy doing the fingering, it can't be posted to /e/.
only if you make the male much darker
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I look like this
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nahh there's plenty of naifags in other places/boards
a lot of people left during intense spam phase desu
seems like a win win to me
>censored ai
fuck off faggot
you too faggot can fuck off
u jelly huwite boi?
>you too faggot can fuck off
huh? he posts best shit in those threads
this thread needs more netorare and blacked
you clearly have brainrot
define best
because neither the quality or the concept is good in any way
you can join the rest of the street shitters and fuck off faggot
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jelly cuck
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i'm at least not a pajeet thinking he has a gigantic cock when he infact has a sub 10cm cock like the rest of asia
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Man amazon press is so cursed, tried to do it the other day and I didn't end up liking it at all also I got that weird purple shade on the dick, yours looks fine
good job, you turned zelda into a man with tits, look at those shoulders.
clear sign that you are a faggot
>purple shade
VAE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I used it of course, that was the first gen where something like that happened at all
you should be permabanned for wasting image slots on garbage like this
u mad?
>noooo please don't post hentai
i can bet you are one of the pedo spammers
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y'know what, that idiot who said autismmix is good is probably this deranged ntr brainrot dogshit spamming faggot
Why are you getting triggered?
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Is Ganon considered black now?
I always thought he was green, like Shrek.
why isn't there a single normal shindol style lora?
train it yourself
wow why haven't i thought of that, thanks faggot
u mad bro?
shindol isn't "popular" because of their art style.
fuck off
and there are 12 different nyantcha loras because they like the style right?
About time some stuff for THIS one showed up.
fuck if I know.
I just know a style lora isn't going to help you set up a shindol mindbreak scenario.
Not by itself, but it's in every popular NAI mix
>SD3 ruins their model by censoring women
>Ponycunt ruins his model by hashing every artist style and saving images as JPG (twice lol)
>NAI v4 will probably remove all artist tags
We need a NAI v3 leak right fucking now. It's our only hope.
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These are awesome. Invisible catbox please?
This shit is super useful. I had a bunch of these hand-picked in my wildcards already, and turns out some of my faves were styles I already knew and liked.
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It's still very flawed but I mostly just wanted to try controlnet on pony since I was pretty terrible at using it with 1.5 models. The hair also bothers me as well but overall it's still better than my shitty first attempt. If I want to take it further I will probably gen using a different girl that I like more.
it's a /g/ shitposter that found his way back recently, ignore
Found them here:
>https://rule34 xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=tooru_hagakure
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How do you properly mix artist tags on NAI?
When I just put a bunch of artist tags in the prompt it seems to always heavily favor one of them.
juggle with the weights
reduce weights of strong tags
juggle the prompt order
some tags are annoyingly strong though, basically have to send them at the end of the prompt chunk, but that's rather rare
I'll try.
Is putting "{}" around tags the only way to change the weight or is there a more accurate way?
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{ } is 5% for each pair, [ ] is -5%. You can do them around multiple tags, for example
{sagging breasts, covered nipples, tanktop,} [[pubic hair peak, assisted exposure,]]
I like to do 1boy, 1girl, character, series, artists, tags
However, if it's an official artist or an artist who has drawn a fuckload of that character, sometimes artist in front of character/series can work well.
of course I meant pubic hair peek, not peak. I have brought great shame to my family.
Thanks, that's very helpful.
if you can, use this
instead of the web interface
dealing with big weights is fucking cancer when you use those curly braces
Technically it's x1.05 rather than +5%. So using multiple brackets is not linear, eight brackets is 1.48 instead of 1.40.
Thanks, that's exactly what I need.
>why did you
I like KB
Thank you
good point
fuck go back
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Ah, now I get it.
inflation is /d/, retard.
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Deleted the venv and repositories folder, let it install the requirements again and it works now.
Is there a way launch the webui without loading a model? (or without the ability to make the gpu do any kind of work really)
>I've found the only other Lilybro on /h/
Like the other anon said either de-emphasize the strongest artists and/or place them towards the end of the prompt. When mixing artists the last one in the chain seems to influence the output the most.
>When mixing artists the last one in the chain seems to influence the output the most.
We're NOT doing this again.
While I do like her design and a few of her songs, ELECT is still top stuff for me, that pic is more of a "FINALLY SOME VOCALOID ----OTHER---- THAN MIKI, MIKU, MIKU, MIKUMIKUMIKLULOLAAAAAAAAAA" than anything else.
meant for
New Thread:

mine is a cover of scapecoat, just fished it out of my bookmarks only to discover that the guy trooned out
it's fucking ruined
>cover of scapecoat
OK nevermind the fate of the author but that sound interesting. Mind sharing a link?
this bitch is so lame
animanon, the guy that did animations the longest and got the furthest. makes anons seethe for some reason
It could be within kilobytes while not looking that shit. It could be 999KB
>Thank you
It was not a compliment
It's x.com now.
Catbox? I like the style. Or are you the one who made the brown hair OC shit last thread?
Pretty sure it's /biz/
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