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Either the story just made it difficult, or in the middle it had a bit that immediately turned you off.
I knew from the title that this was probably gonna be a touchy subject thing, but still.
I still seethe at ending to that one where MC bangs the demon lord and takes her on dates. And the world is a failed MMO where the npcs gained self awareness and at the end the MC quietly shuts down the world per orders from the company, who didn't know about the sentient npcs.
Thhe one where the girl is shy, insecure and almist yaciturn, comes to express herself through sucking you off under the table, as is tradition in doujin, and after and after numerous even braver encounters he finally starts talking and the supposed protagonist goes
>i think you're better off not talking
Like it's some joke. Doujin ends there, girl absolutely devastated. I was so angry at the sudden shatter of my self-insert I couldn't even cum to the otherwise pretty great pics. Fuck that guy
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Every time I see a gorgeous girl, great premise that is the immediately nuked by an ugly bastard. Whoever thought they were required needs to stop smoking whatever it is they are.

How the hell am I supposed to self-insert into that? Why is picrel so rare? Look at that guy, it's literally me
Not necessarily bad but there are some entire manga uploaded to hentai sites that are merely without their cencorship. It's really hard to maintain a boner when you're interested in what happens next
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hes the goat of strange obsessive sister fucking tho

picrel is something that I couldnt take serious
hes practically fucking his retarded mother who thinks shes his sister

uhm sauce for that?
sounds kind of kino
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Anything from Kawaisaw. I always get drawn in by the girls he draws, but the plot or dialogue can be really disgusting.
>How am I supposed to self-insert into

Who's gonna tell him
I don't have a link but the story is by Yaya hinata
any work with ntr
any work with the woman claiming she can feel the boner in her stomach
any work where the woman thinks the dick is better than all of her life choices she ever made and ever will make
Tell him what, there's like five plus things? That ugly bastard is for cucks, women, or actual ugly bastards? That the anon is probably closer to an ugly bastard? That some people get off to women actually being disgusting/degraded? Ugly bastard is shit tier in my book, but there's no way you can say it isn't appealing to some people.
Blacked shit or any raceplay in particular. I don't mind NTR, but watching some black dude acting like a chimp stealing the girls is where I draw the line.
It's akin to watching bestiality, it's a major turn off.
Bestiality can easily be avoided, while raceplay usually came later in the story, also since they usually share a tag with gyaru-oh, you can't really be sure until it's too late.

Not just books, I've seen something like this with animators and patreon artists as well. Some good artist I've been following for years decided to exclusively makes blacked garbage for their recent works. What a waste of talent.
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>that one where MC bangs the demon lord and takes her on dates. And the world is a failed MMO where the npcs gained self awareness
>by Yaya hinata

It's probably this one
>[Yaya Hinata] Ashita, Sekai ga Owarunara | If the World Were to End Tomorrow (COMIC ExE 06) [English] [Flatopia]
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this series. its allll good up until the end...
I'm a brainlet can you give me a qrd of the story because I didn't get it
Nothing positive can come from me revisiting some of the fucked up shit I've seen.

I guess the biggest thing for me outside the usual suspects (Snuff, NTR, vore, Blacked,) is Bad Ends. I have made it a practice when I find a story with a shady looking cover but seemingly good art to just skim the story, primarily the last pages. If the narrative is needlessly fucked up by that point, I just bail.

Best I'll give you is the most recent thing in memory, some story about a ditzy princess who gets put into a situation where she's like, some sort of sex political ambassador. I was just kinda skimming it really, so I don't remember the name, author, or really what happened in the story. What I do remember is the story ends with, and again I must mention I have no clue how the story got here, the princess being sliced vertically into like, 4 or 5 strips and placed inside glass blocks and put on display in a weird museum of sorts. And there are people who show up to gawk at her bisected womb and shit. The last part wasn't translated, but a quick MTL with Google Translate made it seem like the narrator insulted the princess' life in the end, and it's like "Okay bro."
Why would irl ugly people want themselves portrayed as ugly though? No matter how I look in real life I want to be the chad in porn obviously. Shouldn't even cucks get off to having their woman be taken by a better man, not a sewer rat, right?
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Most NTR. This one recently. I couldn't help but think it would have been better if the plot was just about a single mom having sex with her daughter's boyfriend, and maybe enjoying it guilt-free. Realizing maybe it's not so bad for her daughter after all.

I look at panels like this and in my mind I just realize how much better it would be without some dude in the corner leaking cum down his pantleg crying his eyes out going "NUUUUHHHOOHHHHH!" There also would have been 10-15 pages focused on the actual sex. For an eighty page doujin, it really doesn't feel it's length.
*10-15 MORE pages focused on the actual sex.
That's Takutsuboya/TK for you. His stuff is always super depressing and more on the misogynistic side (well, more so than your normal hentai because it seems every FMC in his works suffer horribly). His old K-on series is pretty well-known.

Oh yeah, he's also that guy who did that Madoka doujin where she suffers the same abuse as Sylvia Likens (an infamous child abuse case that ends with her murder).

I think why he's like this is because he's incredibly bitter for failing to become a "legit" mangaka.
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Not gonna lie. The Madoka torture was obviously just ryona fetish but the epilogue was honestly better than other endings of the show
I've given up trying to figure out why some creators are the way they are. It could be for any number of reasons. Doesn't really matter. It's not like I would want them to stop. As a artist in training I hold true to one belief, after I've spent all this time learning to draw, I'm not gonna let anyone tell me what I can or can't create. Not unless they're paying me. Besides, it's not like I'm some puritan. I like some messed up stuff too. Just not that stuff.

But thanks for letting me know their name so I can blacklist them properly.
Anything ntr
For me it's when the vibes of a pissed off incel just get way too high.

Or when the "nice guy" protagonist is only 99% of an evil rapist in comparison to the antagonist but we're supposed to find him likeable.
Lolicon is an instant turnoff. It's worse when I'm reading an otherwise "normal" work and the random loli character shows up.
I like loli. If a loli starts crying I stop reading.
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Well since shitty stories are on the brain now, the one story that caused me to lose my boner that I remember most is this one story by an artist Tawara Hiryuu.
>Starts out as a standard hypnosis story
>MC's kind of a cunt, but whatever, I love the art
>He's building a harem of hypnotised sex slaves
>Narrative is a little dark, some NTR and some prostitution, but all within tolerable amounts
>Around Ch. 10 artist introduces new female
>It's explained she actually hypnotised the MC before the story began to go out and do her dirty work of training/hypnotizing other women so she could make a brothel
>Complete power dynamic inversion, now she's in control and the MC gets turned into a mind broken cuck
>New Female gets her brothel just like she wanted
I'm still mad about it, because before that point it was one of my favorite stories thanks to his art. There was no foreshadowing for this twist and it feels forced and highly unsatisfying.

It's not like the women got a happy ending, they're still sex slaves. There's no moral lesson, a bad person still got away with a crime, but readers already backed the MC. And even if there was a moral lesson, it's porn.

This shit bugged me so much, I combed exhentai, nhentai, DLsite, Pixiv, Twitter, basically anyplace this story was hosted or the artist had a presence to see what people though and thankfully most agreed the ending wasn't very good, so he definitely knows it didn't go over well. Either he should have just stuck with the first protag and finished it like it was leading up to, or he should have foreshadowed the new female more clearly. Or just had her be the MC.

And now he's gone on to write a "Due to low birthrates, women have to have sex with anyone who asks, whenever and wherever," Anthology. I don't much care for those either, loose women with no standards are more gross than they are sexy. It's a total bummer. I can only hope this is a phase and have to wait like 2 years before he writes something else.
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>What kills the boner


Ever since late 2010's hentai is more and more had become tasteless just like a current movie/video game.

I haven't seen any ero manga that surpass pic related.
Even hentai game is downhill right now ever since illusion kicked the bucket.
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I hate satanism, cults, witchcraft, nuns getting raped by demons, etc in my hentai. You see it mostly in western stuff, but there's also quite a bit of it in hentai. I may look at porn, but I'm not a pagan larper or a fedora tipper, so I find such topics in bad taste. Even so, it all becomes bit tiresome as the artists draw the same edgy tropes over and over again . last, the satanic theme gives the impression that sex is an inherently vile, evil thing. But I'm pretty sure that we need sex to survive as a species. So yeah, sex, even out of wedlock, is no where near as bad as murder, arson, and jaywalking.
>Why would irl ugly people want themselves portrayed as ugly though?
Seeing a handsome guy fucking a hot girl reminds me that there are plenty of guys out there fucking girls just because they were lucky enough to be born attractive. I just prefer to see an ugly guy instead of a good looking guy fucking a hot girl, it feels less unfair.
Right? Sex should generally be a fun past time, not something that ruins your life.
That fucking Imagination Real manga series.
I really don't like creampies where the cum looks really thick and congeled. I've been close to busting and moving on to a different doujin because of this many times before. There's a guy Jushirou I think his name is that does perfect cumshots and creampies that I want to see more people enjoying the style of
Even though I've got most of the stuff I hate filtered, I must say I fucking hate full censorship. It's usually fucking needless.
I love the way this guy draws pussies
>Reddit spacing

esl monkey
You can just post "bump", champ. Same effect.
No joke, that was the first long form ero manga that I ever read, and nothing has dethroned it for me.
It is true what they say that vanilla isn't just the beginning. It's also the light at the end of the tunnel.
I dont remember what its called cause I tried to forget it but the one NTR doujin where 4 school friends(2 guys 2 girls) get together to fuck but guy A is into girl A but everyone except him just wants to fuck around, their little club kind of breaks apart but girl A keeps fucking around with randos and telling the guy about it, ending is them meeting some time in the future with her working in a store and telling the guy how shes fucking the store manager
shit devestated me
Ishu Kitan and Take in particular made me crave only depressing stuff. I know girl in concrete exists but his stories were universally bleak and soul crushing and made me crave for the most sublime porn now. Since then, I had a literal misery porn where I want the man to be a legitime sack of shit of a human being and not some caricature that instant corrupts the heroine to be a cum guzzling slut and instead be broken and resentful about her situation for the rest of her life.

New Jersey in particular got on my nerves and killed my boner for example since none of her porn (or by extension Azur Lane in particular) has that soul crushing depression that may come with some of their skin themes. Like where are the sex work doujins where New Jersey is made to work in horrible conditions to sate the cocaine habits of the SKK, or Cleveland bring a newly minted employee at a pop up strip bar taught to have sex on her first day by being drugged and trained during.

That is why people stopped caring about Azur Lane is once better tits shown up they were yesterday's day and they don't have a hardcore fanbase stanning for them in the doujins anymore
At the end of the day, dude learned a good lesson. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. She was a pretty face wrapped around a whore's body. Sounds like he dodged a bullet. If he plays his cards right and with a little luck, he could find someone as good or better.

And even if he doesn't, being single's better than being a loser cuck.
You are in the wrong thread, bro. We're talking about stories that killed our boners, not gave us them.
>And even if he doesn't, being single's better than being a loser cuck.
pretty sure the ending implies that this turns into a regular thing, so he is a cuck without even being in a relationship
Wish this got an OVA

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