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File: 41_0001.jpg (253 KB, 1062x1500)
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>[Nanashiki Fuka] "Ato 3-kai wa Ikeru yo ne?" Otto no Kitaku Mae, Zetsurin Gitei ni Nando mo Hametaosareru Tsuma 1 I A Wife Who Is Made to Cum Many Times by Her Peerless Brother-in-Law Before Her Husband Comes Home 1
>author is probably female

In this one the wife doesn't fall for the dick but actually falls in love with her rapist NTR man instead. I can't tell if that's worse or better than if she just falls for dick like usual.
>I can't tell if that's worse or better than if she just falls for dick like usual.
It's better. At least for an emotional masochist like me. When I found out my ex gf was moving on from me and was crushing on one of her co workers I had the biggest erection ever.
>rape fantasy
>bad boy with issues
>two men fighting over one woman

Checks out. That said, female-written NTR is kinda different and somehow can be more disturbing/stupid than the male ones.
how many fucking cuckshit threads do you NTRannies need?
NTR is now the heart and soul of Japs' everyday lives today. Get on with the times.

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