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Also Mothers are women 3 has dropped.
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And here is the mangaka's twitter
Drop some support and maybe some suggestions for a part 4.
Link for the chapter.
just call it kaasan datte onna nandayo instead of the awkward english title
Why on earth would you post the chinese scans?
>two threads up
>make a third one
OP you big dumb faggot
>chinese shit
>psyop to support pedo bukkake
what low quality shit is this
i hope the same people complaining about the mom getting a bukkake from other people while fucking the son aren't the same people who get upset and defensive when other people complain about cucking the dad
Can't believe people are paying innyinny for him to MTL shit
Trying way too hard my man. The thread is rushed and doesn't even link to the previous one. OP is a faggot and a shill.

Previous thread: >>8047054
OP is definitely a faggot but what is he supposed to be shilling?
It's a thread about incest content for moms and sons. There is no trying way too hard, dipshit. Just post coom shit and bitch somewhere else.

The link for the chapter is literally two posts above you.

No one is using the milf/momcest one. Shit has been necro bumping for months.
If it can still be bumped it's still an active thread, mo-ron
You make a new thread when the last one is about to die, so you don't have a billion fucking threads on one fucking topic
>The link for the chapter is literally two posts above you.
That doesn't answer the question
>fuck up the most basic task
>get mad at others for pointing it out
Couldn't be me.
>it's still an active thread,
It's not active if someone only kicks the corpse of it when it starts to smell again.

They're definitely the same people.
Don't like it when others are involved and don't like it when there's a dad who is only there to hurt and be treated like shit. That said, I think it only makes sense that people who want momcest care the most about a one on one relationship between mother and son and dislike it when other parties get involved.
If I understand what >>8077908 posted correctly, your reply here >>8078030 means that you think the people who don't like bukkake are the same people as those who argue in favor of cucking the dad and get defensive when people don't like cucking the dad, which is not me.
Was previous thread the longest momcest thread yet?

I swear you're the same guy complaning about both and playing some mind games.
I don't give a shit about the father in all the stories but I don't understand why it was necessary to bukakke it makes the story a regular hentai because you know that wouldn't happen in real life without repercussions.
Unless adding another fetish in such a light form might attract a little more people to the story and not scare off those who are already interested.
Not sure what story specifically you're talking about but yes, I always complain if the son shares her because there's no reason for other people to be included. It should be all about the two of them.
its an exhibition fetish or whatever its called when people get off to being fucked while other people watch
no its not going to lead to swinging or ntr because otherwise there would be outrage and the artist said it was going to be similar to boku no kaasan
Gets kinda boring if there's absolutely no spice to life... What if there's some guy even more extreme than you who hates cosplay too, doesn't allow it either.
You fucking retard cucking the dad or involving spectators when you have sex is not the same shit as having sex while wearing cosplay how fucking retarded are you?
The shit with the children was enough for me to kill any interest I had in this series and also lessens my interest in a new series, if there will be one.
>Gets kinda boring if there's absolutely no spice to life
Then you change the routine, but that still doesn't justify any sharing. Again, it should be all about the two of them.

> What if there's some guy even more extreme than you who hates cosplay too,
Uh, that's okay? You don't have to do cosplays at all anon. If I wanted to be very "boring" I personally would love to see them both naked during sex as there's no need for anything other than their bodies together.
>I personally would love to see them both naked during sex as there's no need for anything other than their bodies together.
Cosplays can be hot and sexy, but I agree that some artists critically underestimate how hot just normal, passionate momcest sex is. However what they need to do is keep things slow so that their sex can level up each time. That's where the real spice is. A mom who doesn't want to cum at first, or one who doesn't want to kiss, one who refuses to do certain positions and so on. That way you can build on that and that's what I love. Unfortunately many artists just keep adding unnecessary shit because that's the only way they know how to add spice, even if it fucks up everything else.
I prefer naked sex over clothed sex as well especially when their bodies are pressed together as close as possible while they're bumping uglies
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Nothing hotter than giving mom a nice fat creampie while naked
There's no sharing in cucking the dad lol
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It’s always the same shit. A woman with ginormous 100lb tits screwing some guy that looks like an adult and somehow it’s Momcest. Never a normal woman like this with someone who’s obviously young enough to be her son. But that’s shota and we can’t have that.
there's nothing that says a son needs to be the age of a shota
there are plenty of moms who are slim
the majority of sons are teenagers and dont look like adults
i don't know where you hallucinate this shit from
>there are plenty of moms who are slim
there must be dozens, so that's plenty
Never make a thread again OP, if you are too stupid to link previous thread first. Do your stupid spam afterwards.
Mothers in Japanese works usually are depicted being stacked.
That thread has been up since December, you dipshit. The previous momcest thread was way more active and hit bump limit way before. Quell your autism
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How I wished this one by emori uki had gotten a sequel.

It's not sharing if the son didn't let them to touch her. it's flexing and bragging. if i eat in some fancy restaurant and invite you only to tell you to sit there and watch me eating while all you can do is drolling then it's not sharing

people need to calm their dick down with this story direction, the son didn't share anything. yes he let others to watch him. yes he let them masturbating but that's more like he wanted other people to envy and jealous of him
source plz
More like inviting strangers to sit there and cum on your expensive meal like a faggot. The direction of the story sucks, simple as that.
Oh man, momcest is my #1 fetish but hypnosis is a close second... fuuuck. Hypnotizing your Mom to do things is just *chefs kiss*
Anons, recommend me some ffm with bothh mother and aunt?

I like it when the dad is aware of the situation and fine with it.

>are you winning son?
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Jirou is almost picking up where Yokkora left off. Definitely one my all time greats for the momcest genre.
I dont think jirou plans on doing anymore momcest since they've had enough opportunities by now to do one if they wanted to.
Makes me wonder why he did one in the first place
Mifune Seijirou
Nishikawa Kou
Hatakeyama Tohya
I'm a big fan of mom and son going on a """business trip""" while dad stays home instead of the other way around
>I swear you're the same guy complaning about both and playing some mind games.
That could be funny but the truth is that you're just a retard.
And that's because the mom asked for it as well. He does some good mom and son works. Like the other one wear where the mom doesn't remember making a porno with her son
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Yeah lol that's gold every time, although it's never a business trip but just vacation
Momcest that involves cucking the dad or making the dad a cuck who's ok with it is stupid because it takes the focus away from the mother and son onto the dad
Just like how fucking in public and instead of having the spectators only watch, they start going nude and jerking off on the moms face puts the focus onto the spectators instead of the mom and son having sex
it actually doesn't put the focus on the dad
it puts the focus on the mom and dad's relationship. specifically, it puts it into question
t. phd in momcest
I agree with this, but I'm not sure if entirely. There are definitely levels to it and some minor things can be more tolerable than others. It's not always that the focus becomes the dad or other people entirely, but when you start adding weird stuff or worse, people, it turns from a forbidden yet passionate relationship between mother and son into a generic freak show, like it's just two fucked up people doing weird shit together and incest is just one more fetish for the pile among many. For those who are specifically looking for erotic incest stories, there is no point in it being incest if it's just used as one more stepping stone to make it "more exciting" or "weirder".
They do on Fanbox. But I get you, It'd be nice to get another manga.
It wasn't anything more than a few drawings and they've stopped doing that to draw fubuki
Any examples? i know what you're saying but from what I've played/read, I've only seen a few instances.
Why is everything lately hardcore NTR and rape?
I think it depends on what you think of as sharing. I'd rather the relationship be a secret and it's only between the two of them. No need to also "brag" about it in front of stranges, though if like another anon said one of them turns out to be the protagonist of a future story, I'd say that's an interesting development.
>what they need to do is keep things slow so that their sex can level up each time.
Yes, I'd like to see more of this. The build-up is great if it's done well.

Exactly, it's so great that they are able to share that moment as intimately as possible.

Right, this panels where you can see their orgams are also something that needs to be done more.
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This is another mom under hypnosis work.
I don't mind that if he keeps doing works with depressed bitter teachers getting fucked by a student like in one of his most recent works
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The story would be better if it was vanilla desu.
He's doing a part 3 of the aunt getting knocked up as his next one this month
I have free time to translate. Which momcest doujinshi should I translate?
Sauce ?

Warunori shita Hahaoya ni Karuku Seishori ni Tsukawareru Hanashi 2

They just posted a new sketch this morning.
Is this really a /momcest/ poster art? someone here who is this good at artfagging? it's really good, dude. you could get into actual product making
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there are tons of artists who draw moms with slimmer bodies its not my fault if you cant find any
Seconding this
Is Nakamura Regura kill? I haven't seen any updates from that guy in like a year or so. I know his Twitter account got suspended thanks to all the excessive shots shit but damn homie...shoulda sticked to them bug/monster girls....
Onaneta Kaa-san Bessekaisen 5

Bonyuu Kaa-san no Naka ni Modoritai

Any momcest from hoyoyodou or nagaikusa.
getting a proper TL for that nagaikusa series that was MTLd might be a good idea.
Yokkora going 200% vanilla and drawing idolmaster pin-ups once every 3 months was a tragic loss.
true, I fucking miss him. thick ass MILFs he was so good.
I'm gonna drop a list of Momcest story elements, and ya'll reply with how you feel about them.
>The relationship starts with the son raping the mom
>The son and mom cuck the father
>The son shares/prostitutes the mother
>The son and mother have sex only once and don't persue a relationship
>The mother is forced/tricked into sleeping with her son by an outside party
>The mother has multiple children but only sleeps with one/has favorites
Genuinely my favorite artist for a period. I'm trying to learn how to draw myself and I plan to pull heavily from his early work to help shape my style.
>don't really care about any of that shit, if an artist I like does them all I'd still read them. shit I love Akikuza Peperon and he has probably done all of those.
you got any to see. I'd love more yokkora.
You motherfuckers obsess too much over what you don't fucking like. If I don't like something I don't even look at it. The fuck is complaining about it gonna do? The shit will still be there.
does anyone from /ara/ know how to view posts?
The scenes were way too chaotic. Especially in the second one. And of course the friend has to get involved in the third one

Best is the 'Tatoeba Haha Ga' series
Tawara Hiryuu is alright when he's not making them toooo fat.
Only for closeted fags and cucks.
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He was great.
too big
His style on Juku Mesu is one of my favorites, but yeah he's drawing too fat now for my taste.
>The relationship starts with the son raping the mom
- 0, rape is third world tier unless it's silly like hypnosis or manipulation
>The son and mom cuck the father
- 9
>The son shares/prostitutes the mother
- 0, they can have exhibition fetish but no sharing
>The son and mother have sex only once and don't persue a relationship
- 3, if it's a comedic short story like that one guy pumps out
>The mother is forced/tricked into sleeping with her son by an outside party
- 8, while not the best thing ever I think this kind of stuff is great alternative to regular stuff because it makes the initial contact between the two more believable and you don't want to read through the same old yada yada about catching him masturbating once more
>The mother has multiple children but only sleeps with one/has favorites
1, easy to self-insert as any son except an asshole
The volleyball one when he was changing his style was another classic

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This one was my fucking favorite too for a very long time, such a stupid sexy bitch.
>The relationship starts with the son raping the mom
Not a fan, especially if later the work just becomes very vanilla because it feels out of place.
>The son and mom cuck the father
Is the mom single? if yes, then no problem. If they are still married, unless we're shown he's absent/a piece of shit/doesn't satisfy her, I'd say i'm not really a fan but I also wouldn't drop the work.
>The son shares/prostitutes the mother
Absolutely not, the relationship needs to be between the two of them. So, vanilla > anything
>The son and mother have sex only once and don't persue a relationship
Hmm, you mean like a one shot story that doesn't have a continuation or when something like this comes up and is never brought up again in the story? I'd like to see an example but I always want something to show more details/story
>The mother is forced/tricked into sleeping with her son by an outside party
Depends on how it's handled, the classic Circle Spice story is one that's good.
>The mother has multiple children but only sleeps with one/has favorites
I'd also like an example of this one as the works I've read (I think mostly by Agata) either have all the children together or there's only one son with multiple girls

I'll add a few more as well, feel free to build from this too
>The mother compares the penises of the father and son
I think this one is fine, maybe if they don't delve too much on it. Something simple like when the narration says that she says the penis of the protag and either complements it or she's surprised and just goes "..big"
>Mother asks the protagonist "what's so good about an old lady like me?" or any other self deprecating comments
Never got this but in a way I like when it's brought up
>Calling each other by their names as they are having baby making sex
This one is something that should be a standard imo
Man, the face ruins this otherwise great momcest.
I like a situation where they have sex without one or either realizing who the other one is.
Who said I hated all those tropes? As the Anon who made the list, the only one I dislike is sharing/prostituting. I wouldn't do it with a regular chick let alone my fucking mom or mom proxy. That and the mom playing favorites with her kids, only because it usually turns into brother on brother cuckshit which is beyond weird. It just seems like those scenarios are the most devisive and I wanted to see what people really thought.
I'll whip something up to post later.
I absolutely love Tawara's style, but his stories as of late are making me lose interest.
>The hypnosis story that started out as a decent harem series then 180's into a Bad End
>His latest long running series is a "Because muh low birth rates, women have to have sex with any guy who asks" anthology
I mean, the dude can draw what he wants, but I hope it's just a phase and he'll go back to his earlier sensibilities.
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Random question, anybody ever commission art of their Mom? As in, someone draws your Mom as an anime Ara ara. I'm flirting with the idea...
No dude thats disturbing and going way too far
take it to /r9k/
lmao, No.
Excuse the fuck outta me, go back to jerking off to your Mom anon. Heaven forbid someone draw her. I wouldn't share it.
This is /h/ not /r9k/
Take your creepy shit there and not on the fictional hentai board
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I'm always on the lookout for stranded on an island and then eventually you start a family on that island doujins (doesn't have to be momcest, but that is usually the case)
pretty rare, but there are a few
[pink-noise (Mizuiro Megane)] Mama ShoTime Rakuen Hen
is a good one, for example
if somone could add one or more, it would be nice, thank you!
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I remember cumming furiously to this momment.
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what gave you that idea? also, Sisters is already uncensored, you can find Akiko's scene finally without the pixels
It just got me a little excited. I like the idea of turning my Mom into an anime Mom I can fap to like crazy. And I'd keep it all to myself. I was just curious if anyone else had ever commissioned something similar.
I've heard of this before, mostly guys commissioning for illustrations of their gf's. I think I read once someone commissioned something of their sister, but I'm not sure.
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This was a quick sketch, but this is the body type I wanna draw the most.

When I get better, I plan on doin plenty of incest stories.
just us SD like any normal creep
there's that RPG Maker game. I'm guessing you played it already
and yeah I love that theme too
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Nanao Yukiji is back with a new MOMCEST and this time with a short-haired mommy!!
Is this out?
Where'd you find this?
They just did a loli hypnosis'd by fat guy in gucho. If it's supposed to be for the next gucho then it wont be out for another 1 or 2 months
On the plus side the dad cheated and left so its just the two of them together
>Comic AUN 2024-06
I wonder why they never tweeted about it
wow that's really nice. Hope someone post it soon and it doesn't get removed.
Eh I liked how crazy the guy goes its hot how frantic both are during the sex.
I know it seems to be finished with the 3rd one but a 4th one with the mother now actually going for it is needed.
Sometimes its better to not know when stuff is coming out because then you wont feel on edge waiting for it to come out
Top tier
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Nothing like mom sucking you off to wake up nicely in the morning
There's not many examples of this happening
Not many examples of mom and son sleeping naked in the same bed together for the whole night in the first place either
If lucky the usual guy might upload the magazine within the next few hours
DLsite drm is apparently really pain in the ass to decrypt compared to FANZA or maybe it's the other way around.
Indeed, I think I can count with one hand the examples I've personally seen. This one from Soukan Yuugi is also not really detailed. The implication as far as I understood is that since they became a secret couple, she wakes up very early in the morning for the blowjobs and sex and then she starts with her normal day. I would have loved to see more details.
I've seen some mangaka be horrible with using twitter to promote works
well, they're already getting their shit oublished, so the responsibility should fall on the magazine for that. Many artist that are popular enough to get published usually are not that active on twitter.
stable diffusion
It's just weird because they retweeted about the one in GUCHO but not the one in AUN
Artists usually still make the effort to retweet the magazine that's advertising them
Why hasn't this KINO been translated yet?
Are you out of your mind?? That's like fucking without a condom. Something goes wrong and you're fucked.
There are artificial intelligences and apps that do the dirty work, don't fuck up your life.
maybe I follow too many people but I've never seen Yukiji tweet anything.
It already has been ya dummy, its called "mother's care service" this "wincest" one just a re-release, but yup this most definitely is gonna in the hentai hall of fame
Widowed momcest > cuckold momcest
you're actually retarded and have 0 idea what you're talking about
I prefer the son cucking the dad and finally snuffing the dad so the mom will be a widow.
Nanao currently has the retweeted gucho magazine tweet pinned
I hope miukojima is able to get back into drawing more stuff soon, they sometimes post concept stuff on twitter but they haven't released anything since that tankoubon last year and sometimes the kuriberon duma magazine would put their older works in the magazine for some reason
I have a feeling the artist is a woman because they've drawn yaoi and crossdressing boys in the past and loves to draw more sensual and female internal monologing stuff compared to other artists
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I prefer the mom wearing either some lose fitting shirt or some type of tank top with hot pants in the initial night. After they do the deed she starts sleeping naked or wearing some lingerie/babydoll nightgown.
I like nude better so that they're pressing naked against eachother and easy access to start screwing whenever they want
I never, ever ,ever, imagine my own mother when looking at this stuff. That is not healthy man
I want to coom to this so badly i wish someone would upload it
maybe get in touch with that guy that posts all the magazines?
I wish I'd know how to rip images from DMM files
honestly even though it's kinda dark I do like the idea of mom and son colluding to murder the dad
fucking brutal but really hot
It's not a rerelease it's a prequel
It's from dlsite not fanza or is it also on fanza?
apparently there's a guy on the e-h forums called genl you can contact to get dmm stuff decrypted but you might need to share your account with them
i dont remember if it was for dmm or dlsite
>The relationship starts with the son raping the mom
Mmm I don't like raping, but "casual" raping or "gentle" raping are OK
>The son and mom cuck the father
I LOVE THAT. Every single plot involving cucking, I am total in, even cucking the son.
>The son shares/prostitutes the mother
Love that one, sharing is caring.
>The son and mother have sex only once and don't persue a relationship
I also love that one, but this one is more romantic and romance, more tense. This one is highly recommend for women reader or sensitive people.
>The mother is forced/tricked into sleeping with her son by an outside party
Perfection, go ahead I am in favor.
>The mother has multiple children but only sleeps with one/has favorites
Mmm ok I never thought about this one, actually she is cucking her other sons
This is supposed to be the momcest thread not the cuck thread or the murder people thread
It all started last thread because one pearlclutcher complained
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Which anime series mom do you enjoy works of? Rinko of Gundam build had some great momcest. Though I probably can't post kore here since Sei is probably classed as shota.
I never understood the appeal of fanfiction doujins that parodies other series
The mom from Keroro Gunso for sure. One of my earliest I can remember.
Delia Ketchum. She's soo lovely to me.

Doujins based off another series usually FUCKING SUCK. There I said it.

They can work ONLY if the characters act within character, like they do in the series. For example, a wholesome doujin of Yor and Loid from SpyXFamily would be easy to keep characters within their scope of behavior.

However, 90% OF THE TIME these doujins go out of character and its impossible to get immersed into the story because their actions make 0 fucking sense and they are practically an entirely different person with just the skin of the existing character.
Yeah i basically agree with you on that. But i will also add that most of the parody doujin's dont really make much sense plotwise and leave too many plotholes from the original series
I just think of doujins as h works based on established sereis, whilst the works that are original are H-manga. That seems to have been how Sad Panda categorised it years again. The "doujinshi" section are where the anime and games series works are in and the original works in the "manga" section. Then somewhere along the way it got messed around and original stuff are now in both doujinshi and manga sections so I don't know what the hell the difference is now.
The simplest answer is, the women in those series were hot and there's a desire to see them getting boned.
Completely agree with this. Doujins based on other series don't do anything for me because they feel fake. With original stories, I like to enjoy the feeling that this is what is happening to these characters. Mother and son falling for their own desires, fucking, making love, kissing, taking a step that they cannot undo and forever changing their relationship. Needless to say that just being original by itself is not enough for me to like it. I won't pretend like I have absurdly high standards, sometimes I can also enjoy a doujin that I could criticize to shit if anyone asked me to, but ideally I would like a story to be as believable as possible, which fanfiction doujins are never. Just not my thing.
That's not how it works
Doujin means more or less an indie published manga and has nothing to do with parody or original
The manga tag on exh refers to stuff that came from tankoubons or magazines or anthologies
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I never really watched Demon Slayer but damn these two works were great.
Also the artstyle usually isn't the same as the original and for the most part looks too out of whack
There are good ones. There I said it.
Oh and Hinata.
Were lovely but like the only good ones even out of sketches of the two. Like that was it of them.
Moms are for mating press!
thank you
Sucks your Mom is ugly, mine is super cute and fuckable.
This. It's pretty obvious when a mangaka is writing about certain characters because they're popular. There's no real references to the character's series and they might act in character for a couple pages before turning into "le generic whore who loves cock."

I think it's even weirder when it's clear the mangaka DOES like the material, but still turns the girl into a generic whore. It's like, really bro? Is it that you couldn't write anything better, or do you just REALLY like whorish women?
Post a pic or stfu.
You fags want artists to fucking draw and write a damn arc of whatever series they're parodying while their only fucking goal is to draw bitches naked for nerds to jack off to. Your ideals will never fucking match the reality of the situation.
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No way, I ain't sharing.
pics or gtfo
Ofcourse the same retard schizo getting mad at everything else gets mad again for no reason
Yes, remember this is 4chan.
What is it with japanese kids shows having hot moms?
I bought it on fanza.
that guy did every site, but I think he doesn't do it anymore.
damn you're right it doesnt seem like he does it anymore
i wonder how everyone else rips the dmm files from fanza
there was a thread i found for a tool used for ripping on an older version of dmmviewer but the last post was in 2016
I used to used viewerrip a long time ago but it doesn't work with the newest DMM reader
guy i've seen post all the magazines is called hobohobo, maybe they can help you out?
yeah, they say to use an older version but i guess the older version stopped working right?
They know bro. They know. I think they usually do it for the general milf lovers though.
Alright hold on I managed to open my old version. This might be good.
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Happy end.
>mom got divorced because dad cheated
>mom is basically depressed over it
>son makes his move to confess to her and comfort her
>help her forget about dad
>later on talking about nakadashi and mom starts talking about the risk of getting pregnant
>son basically says he would be happy if that happens and it's what he wants
That's more or less what happened
On the last page it says owari at the end instead of tsuzuku which means there might not be a part 2
But it also says the next issue will be on sale on the 28th of june so idk
I'm probably wrong about something
shorter than i'd like but pregnant end, fucking hero, thanks bro.
Hope it get's TLd soon.
can you upload it to imgur or someplace else by any chance?
someone post it on ex
That guy just now somehow uploaded almost everything EXCEPT comic aun
dude finally uploaded it
As the last one of the batch, lmao
It's on page 347
Though somehow anon's upload looks better image quality wise than whatever exh did
maybe cause it was the individual chapter? or the rip? idk,
I think it had to do with whatever exhentai does when it resizes images
that too.
So the old version still works even though there's a known tool for ripping images from it?
I don't actually know how the old version works. It didn't used to connect with my account anymore but suddenly it just did today after reinstalling it again.
wonderful, hope it has a sequel even though it seems like it won't
There might be an 'After' chapter and an 'Extra' chapter, like in Soubo Soukan.
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Not really much of an arc since it's a nice standalone chapter, but I wish he did more mother x son incest stories.
I checked comic AUN's twitter and nanao isn't listed for any of the next magazine issues so if a sequel does come it won't be until another 4 months at least
It's probably better if they just write another story instead anyway
>4 months
someone uploaded a few momcest doujins to exhentai including the one by kuruto and one by hatakeyama tohya
the one by kuruto has 3 or 4 pages of pregnant sex at the end
and nme is apparently releasing a tankoubon that will have at least 3 momcest stories in it
That one was the main story of a Tank, this one seems like just a standalone story for a magazine, so I really doubt it.
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a lot of stuff dumped on panda

that popotto looked like it had a lovely ending
I'm on that copium!!
It's not happening, atleast not anytime soon
Nanao Yukiji is not listed on the cover of comic AUN 2024-08 or AUN kai 2024-07
let him whiff his copium in peace, poor guy wants more delicious thick incest yukiji MILF and so do I.
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I uploaded that on exhentai, based
Sauce? Artist?

I fucking love Ecoruby
Are there any news on the release date for the new aunts CG set continuation?
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same, really wish there hints of impregnation in Ecoruby's works though
I can't remember honestly, I have seen Ecoruby post some WIPs in their twitter
I have to admit that I would rather see a third part of the coffee shop mom story but I can understand why this one is getting a second part
yeah I hope he gets them all pregnant this time around.
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I would like to see Ruri and Mahoro get pregnant, I'm not sure about Asuka
she had just had her baby on the first one, what's another one? just show them all pregnant at the end or imply that he knocks them all up. idk, I don't even know if they'll be awake this time around.
>she had just had her baby on the first one, what's another one?
that's the thing, I don't think it's as impactful if it isn't the first one, in my opinion it would've been much better if she had just gotten married and Junya got her pregnant first and she thinks it's her husbands
not to say that getting her pregnant is a bad thing, I hope it does happen, but it's what I would've done
that's a cool idea, tho I don't mind it that much, I like her dark long nipples. I think her scene was the hottest in the first one. but that's me.
>best artist to draw veiny pregnancy boobs
>he avoids pregnancy
we are forsaken
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my only cope is that perhaps Ecoruby's just holding the pregnancy until the end of each story? it is referenced in the new year's CG after all
I think you're reading too much into it. He hasn't even done like a real CG or chapter with these 2, mostly only writes one offs or short shit like this. He has the coffee shop one but he is not working on it soon it appears. at least he is okay with impregnation though.
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yeah I did say I was coping, only time will tell if Ecoruby's going to make a real CG with Asami and Ryo, let's hope he does
>>The relationship starts with the son raping the mom
Nah, I'm not even a big fan of the "Mom's asleep" type of stories. When it's flipped and the mom goes after the son, I'm all in.
>>The son and mom cuck the father
Absolutely. Full on Oedipus Complex. It's a bonus if they do it in front of the dad while he's not paying attention.
>>The son shares/prostitutes the mother
Could take it or leave it. I love moms being slutty, and I'm not against swapping. But sometimes it's too far.
>>The son and mother have sex only once and don't persue a relationship
I think 99% of doujins, even one shots, end with at least the implication that the relationship can continue.
>>The mother is forced/tricked into sleeping with her son by an outside party
Actually this is great, especially by blindfold with a surprise reveal. I think I like it better when they both don't know and are tricked into it.
>>The mother has multiple children but only sleeps with one/has favorites
Something about this really gets me too, especially when she favors the younger brother.
Is it weird that I like cucking the dad, but don't like cucking a sibling? I genuinely couldn't tell you why one works and the other doesn't, but it is the way it is for me.
that new moyra doujin easily best momcest ive read in years. cant wait til it gets a better translation than shitty mtl
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tfw xter momcest vn will never be finished
kuroto sypnosis
>Brief synopsis; The queen was impregnated by a Goddess to produce heroes who would go out and defeat the Demon Lord. She had four children and lost three of them, but the fourth, Shirou, defeated the Demon Lord. The reward he asked for was his mother's virginity as she technically hadn't had sex until then. His reasoning being that with the Demon Lord now dead, vassals of the state will begin scheming to marry the unwed queen in bids for power, and that the country is currently in a turbulent state, so the Queen should conceive the Hero's child to improve stability.
Obviously this all just cope and the dude wants to fuck his own mother.

damn virgin biological moms are super rare.
>condom sex
>no creampie
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XTER is back!

Holy shit artist?!
Because you can slightly self-insert as the sibling
Who's the new girl?
Xter is such a fucking overrated artist
The first momcest work he did was the only good one
The sister series was shit and the oyakodon sequel was also shit
That’s not a momcest doujin, that’s a work from MTSP, an infamous netorare doujin
Thoughts on overbearing/naggy moms vs. typical sweet and caring moms?
One I think is the MC's aunt and the girl with glasses I think her mother's friend.

And I think has a Light Novel that has never been out.
I'm waiting for the scan Light Novel of My Mother.

It's full of Thai scripts so even if someone buys it they wouldn't bother to scan and translate here.
It's just the first part. The story is focused on more on the plot rather than the sex at the moment
I think most of the best momcest doujins had naggy mothers.
That, and sweet moms are too vanilla

Never got the hype of moya, the art is just unsalvageable.

Compare it to something like Freehand who doesn’t have the best art but he has some of the hottest setting in momcest doujins
I have trouble with Moya's slightly moeblob faces, besides that nothing to complain about
I want them naggy and ANGRY
Naggy Angry Strict Moms all day!~ It makes it 1000 times better when she moans and makes a cumming face to see that contrast is kino.
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Is one of the best examples of an ordinary looking mom. The only problem is that you learn late in the game they're NBR. Which is dogshit. Wish more moms in mommyge looked like her though.
I just write my own stuff.
Why even write it down while you're at it, just think it
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Post your TOP 3 CHARACTERS. I'll go first.

1 - Yumiko by Horsetail
2 - Nush by Xter
3 - Naho by Hyji
I like it best when there is no absolute type. For example a sweet mom can also be naggy sometimes. I don't really like overbearing because that in itself is already a pretty absolute type; Usually if an author tries this, that's all the mom is and it feels too much like a cartoon. Same with strict moms. Not that these things can't be done well, but usually they're too one-dimensional.

incorrect. both are friend of Nush. (thats the mother name btw)

the woman with glasses have shota twins and in the aftermath finally having sex with them after receiving "enlightment" from Nush and her son. while the short hair is single woman who appearantly infertile and can't have children. she's bit jealous of Nush and wanted son of her own, can't really remember what happened to her in aftermath though
I think I understand why this doujin was made. I think it is there to serve as the middle ground between his degenerate ntr work and his less degenerate and more wholesome story "My mom, my love".

This "mothers are women too" is there to satisfy those who can't enjoy his more extreme work (ntr and shit) but also want some of its extreme stuff, whereas those who enjoy "My mom, my love" will generally want to do their business without the extreme stuff, we want to goon to the MC and his mom ONLY, where no one else is involved.
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Aiko & Ryouko by OLTLO/ORCSOFT
Kumiko by Jirou
have to go with Naho by Hyji as well tho I really like Kyouko as well, the mom from the second part ponytail/glasses mom
Natsumi by Hahasky
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Mom by Enoshima Iki
Yasuko by Freehand Tamashii
Aoi by Circle Spice
i love these three moms the best because they aren't a hentai lovey-dovey mom. they are just your run of the mill moms who just happen to have sexual relationship with their sons. the best part about their stories is that you get to see the 'normal' side of the relationship more that contrasts with their sexual relationship. the circle spice one to a lesser extent it's just because i love her design.
also does anyone remember that top 10 momcest moms post from like many years back? it would be interesting to have one made today just to see how tastes have changed.
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That enoshima Iki mom is so damn good I love that one a lot too.
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I like the idea of the Oedipus Effect making your loads larger and more intense when thinking of your mother. Your balls going into overdrive signaling and encouraging you to breed and spread your genes with a compatible mate. Imagine the thick loads being conjured from the depths of your sack explicitly created to soak your mom's eggs. Nature itself trying to get you both to create life as hard as it can.
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The whole knocking up your mom aspect of these is something I really love, but it's seldom dome. Which makes me appreciate it even more when it does show up.
This is definitely an aspect that should be explored more.

>The whole knocking up your mom aspect of these is something I really love, but it's seldom dome.
Uh, you mean impregnation and pregnancy or what exactly do you mean?
moms calling themselvels old women/old hags is my fetish, diamonds every time
Jirou really overdoes it with the pubic hair sometimes
who are they on the left?
Where did you read the novel ?
>while the short hair is single woman who appearantly infertile and can't have children.
She is the Auntie Linda.

Now i need examples
Anon, where did you read the novel?
Top 3 is just impossible
There’s just too many of them

she's not MC's biological aunt despite she called auntie. she known both Nush and the MC for long time so they familiar each other and MC just calling her auntie, it's not uncommon to adress someone with similiar age with your parents as auntie or uncle despite the blood relation

Nush have only one confirmed blood related sister so far and that is the blondie at chapter 3 my sister


I happen to stumble across the summary in some thai forum months ago. had to use google translate to read the summaries. the translate result is kinda confusing because because well it's a machine translation but i can pretty much tell the overall story
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3.Moya - Oyasumi, Okaa-san
2.Nakano Sora - Haha Ana - Mother Hole
1. Fukumaaya - Ari no Mama Kyouiku
There are some characters that are almost on par with the third place, but I love yandere.
3.Nakano Sora - Haha Ana - Mother Hole
2. Moya - Oyasumi, Okaa-san
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These are some of my favorites.

Hyji- Kinjo Yuuwaku Teruhiko to Okaa-san Hen Joshou

Takatsu- Ou-sama Appli

Ecoruby- Asami

Nagaikusa- Kyoiku Mama ni Yoru Seikyoiku no Jitsugi Jugyo

N.O. Chachamaru- Chichikuri

Gagarin Kichi-The Closest And Most Erotic Woman To Me Is My Big Breasted Mama Miyuki ~I'm A Mother But I'm Having Trouble Masturbating My Stupid Son~

Akukuza Peperon- Mama to Zukohame Drill

Myabi Tzusuru- Nemuri Haha

Daigo- S-kke Mama no Kibishii Kozukuri Seikyouiku tho she's basically fanart of that bitch from Prison School? but still hot.
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and this is some of what I mean.
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1 - Yumiko - Haruharutei
2 - Nush - Xter
3 - Aika - Kuroiwa Menou
Honorable mention - Mikie - Tatsunami Youtoku (would be the best milf if it wasn't NTR)
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almost all moms are great
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Don't forget this goddess
I love both. Its just depends on what mood I am. that one nagging mom from an asmr (RJ01127735) i listened to recently was very good and the doting queen mama from Kurutos recent doujin (女王ママと子作り国家再建) was nice as well.
God I love the juxtaposition of stern Mom and the hard cut to her being submissive to her sons cock. Need more instant loss Mom/Son.
for sure.
I basically like the Karen meme as a whole. I want her to be a mean bitch that's still talking shit about me and me to her as I'm pounding her

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