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Who remembers this nostalgia fap?
ugggghhhhh dude. kicked off my gentle femdom / mommy fetish HARD. the way she quietly & calmly talks while looking into your eyes
just taking care of you while you lay back, letting you fall asleep, being there to milk you again when you wake up. so comfy & safe. perfect
Classic gem.
Bro, I busted to this so much as a tween/teen.
99% of the time I could only find the gif where Tifa blows on the dick and it explodes.
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I want to frame these and put them next to my bed (OP)
The paizuri is the best part
This, the chained up Kasumi flash game and the Cattleya caught by Melona flash game drained so much from me.
How come this still hasn't been topped?
It was made with soul
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Blocks your path. What do you do?
My dad walked in on me whacking it to this
Wish I knew what the fuck she was saying though
The funny fucking thing is that it's definitely traditionally animated.
There are real animation cells somewhere out there.
You will never find them.
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Then he probably gave you the thumbs up of approval, since chances are he's drained his nuts to it too.
It's literally one of the most famous erotic videos on the internet.

You got to wonder how modern creators feel that no matter how much effort hundreds of hours and most hardcore fetishes they put into their 3d/live 2d slop tifa vids that they will always be overshadowed and compared to a twenty year old 640x480 video using traditional animation made by a guy in his basement before the patreon days, and doesn't even involve nudity or penetration.

You'd think it would be a low bar to beat, yet here we are.
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I used the Wayback Machine and managed to find their old website(2004). It looks like they drew every frame on paper and ported everything to flash.
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It takes a lot of dedication and resources to actually do something like this. There are plenty of completely digitally animated things out there that are quality and have some real length to them, but this particular thing is basically an anomaly that exists because of who made it and when it was made.

It hits that weird nostalgic spot, where traditional animation can really be repetitive and not smooth, but it still looks really nice in a way that viewers can appreciate. It's not all that much fancier than the average hentai you see in terms of what's being executed, it just has a lot more personal effort by the artist on display.
It was a pleasant surprise to see this got dubbed a bit ago. The actress does a great job.
it did??
where CGI version?
And I guess paper doesn't technically count as a cel
Although there's an additional bit of horror that
Unless they rendered it as a video and packed it in flash there's a possibility that there is a fucking vector version of the animation that can thus be upscale infinitely without any artifacting or blurring (vectors are just math)
Which is absolutely nightmarish
Whatever happened to Hitsuki, anyway? They put out a small handful of really popular hentai videos that everyone browsing the internet for that at that time has seen. But I haven't heard anything about them at all otherwise.
They became a porn director, no more animations since 2004-05 unfortunately


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This animation shares a special place in my heart mostly because of nostalgia. But it holds up surprising well after all these years because of its amazing art direction. I remember finding screenshots on some random porn site back in the day. I finally managed to find the full video after MONTHS of searching on forums. I remember how nervous I was watching it for the first time seeing a character I love doing something so…naughty. The tone felt surreal because of how it starts with a POV shot of the guy waking up in the middle of a forest with Tifa right beside him. The campfire in the background really invokes the atmosphere for me. The way Tifa playfully jerks you off and stares deep into your eyes was so intimate and relaxing. I loved the part when you cum inside her mouth and how she swallows it afterwards. Being a fan of the original FF7, there was just something heavenly about how THE Tifa Lockhart was giving you a blowjob and massaging your cock with her enormous tits. The morning scene where you cum all over her was so sweet and wholesome. I must have watched it over a hundred times.

No other video has ever come close to what this 6-7 animation has achieved. Despite all the 3D/AI content out there I still come back to this one.
>moved to 3DPD

What a shame.
On the one hand, good on them for getting to take on a profession with the skills they obviously had.

On the other hand, so long, rare animations.
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Not loading for me, servers issues again?
Clearly invite her to go with you to a fancy dinner hoping to convince her into mutually consensual hand holding afterwards. I fail to see any possible other reasonable implication.

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