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Previous thread: >>8071717

This thread is for discussions about commissioning non-Western (primarily Japanese) artists through platforms such as Skeb, Pixiv, Fantia, and similar sites.
Feel free to ask questions and recommendations for specific kinks/fetishes.

>Skeb (requires a Twitter account)

>Skeb Button/Skebify
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skeb-button/onjegdbehgoamaiochjfnkokondpgoim (Chrome-based browsers only)
Displays on Twitter whether an artist is currently accepting requests.

>SkebUe - Memo Box
Allows you to write notes on an artist's Skeb page.

>Skeb Pricing Manager (created by anon)
Retrieves prices, deadlines, and completion rates for both open and closed artists. The price for closed artists will be the price when last open.
>It's not loading any data!
You need to manually navigate to the artist's Skeb page. Directly opening the page or refreshing won't work.

>Skeb Price Sorter
Allows you to sort artists by recommended price. Do not use on a large amount of artists at the same time or you will get timed out for too many requests.

>Pixiv Request
>Help! I can’t request R18/R18G because of my payment method!
Change your UI language to Japanese, and you should be able to.

>Fantia Commissions
These commissions are reserved for supporters, but artists may allow those in the free plan to request too.

Skeb/Pixiv Request/Commission Support General OP pastebin (use if making new thread): https://pastebin.com/8JswmSza
OP artist
I like the op art
Honestly its a rare instance where the dumb shark teeth turn me off, I usually love that shit
good pick with the ojisan-kino
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>Have commissioned tons of work of my waifu from various artists
>See a few artists on Skeb that I'd love to have draw her
>Get strangely anxious about trying

I don't know why this is so different from DMing/Emailing an English speaking artist. And the prices are well within my range that I pay. Maybe I'm fearing a really awkward rejection to my request?
if youre worried about awkward go anonymous because i want to kill myself after going non anon and getting rejected
pre-type up a req, pick out an artist that's generally open, send it next time you're half-drunk
Top tier waifu, based retro lover. Usually rejections are rare as long as they have a decent completion rate and you don't request anything too out there
>rejections are rare as long as they have a decent completion rate
what correlation does completion rate have with rejections
unless he's shooting for a popular artist, then shit gets competitive
though you can understand that sort of rejection
worth it?
The fuck are you talking about
If anything, lower completion rate artists have a lower rejection rate. I've never been rejected by any artist below 100%
If they're the type to let requests time out then they probably don't mind letting pending ones time out too.
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Thanks. I'll give it a shot sometime. I've gotten her in a ton of outfits and positions.
Irrelevant? A rejection is a rejection, by time-out or not. Plenty of 100% rate artists have left me on pending for the a full 60 more than have given me an outright rejection.
Stop acting like there's any correlation between completion percentage and chance of rejection. A 100% completion can leave you on pending or just outright reject you any day of the week, there is no correlation between the two stats whatsoever.
i cant imagine entrusting one character let alone 7 to momoyama
I wonder what the price was
:> :> :> :> :> :> :>
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Remember the skeb reports for creators?
From the ones that posted, they had high completion rates and they rejected a lot

Example artist: https://skeb.jp/@dadadanodadada
no nipples is weird
tell the artist to turn on nsfw th;en
4k nsfw
examples on their pixiv
I have requested yuri
I didn't request yuri, but I got some anyway.
well obviously high request volume artists will reject more than they accept because its simply not possible
anon on the front page
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https://skeb.jp/@masatome01/works/99 JD delivery
Good to see JD is still a slut
basically cant see shit captain
>I delivered one Skeb
>However, this time the content was too rough and I wonder if it will be enough to satisfy the other party...
rip, client got lower effort
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My Tales request with atk finished. This one's Summer Agria. https://skeb.jp/@atk_0069/works/100
I just had my first pixiv request done about a week ago and I didn’t know how to get the gift file. So for future reference how do you get the gift file?
They gift it to you.
if there is one, it's on the request page and you click the big download button
Did the artist upload a gift file in the first place? It's not required for a delivery
Asuna being spanked by Alice on the front page
>didn't draw the character
idk about him, but i'd feel ripped off
For the price and based on the previous works it's not unreasonable
i mean, this guy got both
art looks cute but can't figure out what this artist's skeb is
Ahh I see they didn’t give me one
Latest post is on the front page
>artist's completion rate suddenly drops off a cliff
fucking RIP
dog with earmuffs
>skibidi toilet porn on pixiv requests
>it's from a japanese person
All zoomers must be culled. ALL zoomers
anon on the front page

krial with the artist's oc

queso anon

anon's grasshopper

the pokeyume that requests the ugly guy from pokemon weirds me out
>last day for my comic delivery
I don't want to be the request where the rate drops below 100, fuck...
I'm gonna go for another try at spread pussy/anal hair artist, I think I've figured out his shtick.
On a related note, does anybody have a particular favorite hebe/hebe-adjacent/loli character with black or brownish hair?
So you would rather something like this?
>spread pussy
>hairy anus
not nice
Would plantanon mind posting the art they got from
>hebe/hebe-adjacent/loli character with black or brownish hair
Lydia from the Beetlejuice cartoon...
Wow she's really fat
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Anyone know who can draw lolies like these. Not complete washboards but not bombshells either
>krial with the artist's oc
White washed
that is just an actual college aged woman
im on my second cycle for this comic delivery and I accepted the fact that its going to go into overtime again before its done
My schizo theory are that some I'd tgede anons running low on budget at the same time have overlap...
That's just a sample of my ideal loli
Your ideal loli isn't a loli. So congratulations I guess.
opened again for another batch, be quick or save your req for next time
I assume he just means petite with budding breasts instead of perfectly flat
Sent one in, approved in minutes.
Here it is.
https://catbox (dot) moe/c/3uiund
You shouldn't have to do that
NTA but tell that to 4ch, always thinking my catbox links are spam.
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ava_party delivered! Nice mix of comedy and smut, as usual. Dumping it along with some of my older tentacle requests to the /d/ thread I made a week or so ago
Real happy with it. 100% completion rate holds strong.
Thanks. She's reposting her skeb links on Twitter, so it came to mind. Probably gonna send her a req of the new OC.
5k harapan
Same, here's to more Code Vein
Cute space explorer (versio charactare originalio)
JD forma mobile game.
Fittingly, it's even an r18 one. Definitely not jealous its Yaegashi Nan drawing her too.
Nice, how much for all these?
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Speaking of JD, thanks for lending me her again, JD anon.

yanagifish keeps delivering great stuff, its hard to not want manga when this guy is so fast and so cheap.
Thank YOU for using my slut
Post all of it. Also I wish he did beast I had a really good idea
Post gave me a mini doujin of our characters. He’s a cool dude. Enjoy
>those sounds
I shouldn't be laughing
Came out better than I hoped. Definitely gonna get more like this https://skeb.jp/@yuno_3254/works/206
>not mine
Gonna kms
I'd ask to get my OC dicked down by krial but am frankly worried it'd come back to haunt me in some way
But very nice!

Loli feet
Hot as always, I really want a manga from yangifish but I'm not quite sure which scenario I want.
Krial continues to fuck everyone, very nice.
In 3 sections, it was:
3.5k for the initial one (page 1, meeting the tentacle box) (received about 10 months ago)
4.5k for the second (page 2, beating up the box, and page 3, getting felt up by it) (received around last halloween)
10k for the third (page 4 5 and 6) (was put in at the end of last month)
Closed now, but I believe the asking price as of part 3 was 7k. I assume that's for a single page. I'd raise it up for more, obviously, but when he opens I'd also end any request with the ol "please resend if the price is incorrect" - the worst that could happen is you don't like the new price.
https://skeb.jp/@saragebu could probably do you quite nicely.
Just put in for more MahoAko futa with https://skeb.jp/@mnwyen_04 and he accepted
How? I’ve had a lot of ppl request pictures with my model but to keep them private, and I always agree to that lol. I doubt it’d haunt you, msg me and we can see about it
Ty, not too bad for that amount/quality
As you can see from the works that remain public, he (she?) is pretty good at what they do. The tentacle box thing was charming enough that I used it for my tenken requests later on.
on that note, I don't think I posted the 2nd set of those- they're on the /d/ thread now >>>/d/11046828

Do post if you end up getting something. They don't seem to post anything, private or public, to their twitter or pixiv, so the only way you'll get anything in decent quality is from the commissioner directly.
That doesn't stop the artists from sharing
Meh, there’s ways around it. I’ve got a few twitter artists who never share and just deliver to me directly.
Was the initial concept yours or the artist?
I’m not that creative ha
Artist, basically.
>I'd like to ask for a painting of my character encountering, and using or being used by, some ero-trap machine (The nature of the machine is up to you- tentacles, aphrodisiac, hypnotizer, vibrator, dildo, etc, anything is fine)

For the second part I was a bit more specific, and by the third I knew how I wanted it to end, but if you can think of a vauge scenario I'm pretty sure they'd have you set.
>lifting up shirt with mouth
>lifting up shirt with hand
which one do you find hotter
Cool, ty, you’ve been very helpful
why does it look like she has anencephaly

It depends on the situation and the character, doesn't it?
I guess a girl lifting up a shirt with her mouth is nicer if it's JUST her shirt, but if she's lifting up her shirt with one hand, and has her thumb in the hem of her bottoms and is the in process of yanking them down, that's definitely superior.
Using mouth implies she is not just quickly flashing her tits. She is presenting her breasts while making use of two free hands: striking a pose with both hands in her hair, lifting the skirt with both hands, unbuckling the belt, pulling her panties and masturbating, taking a selfie with a peace sign, using them for support in the cowgirl position, etc.
>when you see a cute girl on the front page and notice the penis
Any anons ever found someone willing to draw umamusu? It's fine if it's Hidden-only, I just need my Tran-chan fix and I've been denied so many times already that my bank froze my CC due to the bouncing funds.
The Japanese are watching our threads we can't post them openly
probably have to settle for non japanese artists like eufoniuz
Most his hidden requests are umas and he'd even be cool with the smaller chested ones too
Not bad, thanks Anon
Does he even take commissions?
Then again even if the answer is yes, chances are no for OCs so it doesn't matter.
anon wanted uma so it doesn't matter if he doesn't accept OCs
Yeah, I was asking for myself.
I'm confused, are you the anon who wanted to request transcend from umamusume and wanted an OC male?
Once my OC has a character sheet, everyone in the thread will love her and give me free art of her. I know it
If she's brown and/or has animal ears then there is a non-zero chance I will do this
Is she modern or fantasy?
Neither im afraid
not sure but you reminded me of one of the funniest 2 image sets I've seen on pixiv
this guy uploads last minute or not at all, went from 98% to 92% mine is due tomorrow
I'm sorry anon
I guess that's one way to get around the uma police
In a similar vein, why has no one ever circumvented censorship by releasing 2 versions of the same image but with alternating line censorship?
you are better off if he doesnt deliver and to reallocate that elsewhere
Never trust faggots with "artsty" styles like that.
They will never not be menhera.
Worried they'll get in trouble for breaking the rules (plus they are typically places to cover specific parts, like the edge of the glans ridge and the clitoris. Alternating the lines to not cover those parts carries the same rough risk as just not censoring in the first place)
why doesn't the artist just put the censored part off the canvas
best poses to show the pussy mound
No, I'm just a random anon that recognized the artist and only gets OC stuff.
Leaning forward and over
Any pose where the back is bent to a sufficient degree
Last threads' OP specifically asked for the mons to function as the censor
When are we gonna get a doujin where JCB-chan, the transaction (sex) loving hip and youthful new JK slut gal in town totally steals away all the deposits (semen) with her checking (pussy) and savings (womb) services from mastercard and visa, a pair of prudish old whores nobody likes

The end is an epilogue where all the guys in town are happily banging their own JCB slut girls
Oh, the pain of not not getting my ass up to finish my second OC so that I can start requesting that she and my first OC have sweaty messy sloppy futanari sex in all sorts of positions!!!
Truly, sloth is the greatest of all sins...
Which oc
is there art of futas penetrating each other
One of my favorite doujins ever has it.
Is that the one from Messy?
God no.
That dude's doujins are horrifying.
Futa is terrifying.
It's basically body horror and you have to be fucked in the head to enjoy it in the first place.
Mouth of course. Hand is kind of boring.
It's just chicks with dicks (with or without a pussy). Nothing horrifying about it.
I'm not into it, but for whatever reason I don't find it repulsive like I do with strap-ons. I don't like the giant giga dicks but that goes for men too.
Are you twelve?
I could get not being into futa, but body horror? C'mon son.
>enjoy futa much less than I used to
>the rest of the internet does the reverse
kinda annoying there's so much of it now but I do still go wild when somethin hits my tastes just right
It's just chicks with dicks for nipples.
Nothing horrifying about it.
dick necks are way more horrifying
Anon kinda has a point.
More stylish 2ch OCs
I like the way it's been incrementally added to
farmer oni is cute
does the artist keep the files for their skeb deliveries, even the ones they're not proud of or rushed?
Esu, I would like you to request a Yotsuba version of this
cool metabot
still need to request Peppercat sexo.
It's good and all, but I don't request R18 Yots, though I did get my girl from him twice.
Might get a SFW from him at some point tho. I think I figured out his un-advertised SFW account too.
>R18 Yots
Meant to say R18/Lewd
anon on the front page
>pick any pose
>artist chooses arm pit pussy invitation
Based artist
Pixiv, I really hope you're not banning artists because they link to DLsite, FANZA, fantia, ci-en...
Need to send a tribute to the artist I have a request with. It will boost her confidence
It's cute when artists type Funbox instead of Fanbox
It was pretty funny when jp vtubers say "fall gays" instead of "fall guys"
>Verification required to access Fanbox
feels like theyre still pissed at people using fanbox scrapers (like me)
it was nice while it lasted
I better see female hrothgar on skeb
which game
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hello darkness my old friend
delivery will happen trust
arbok fag dripfeeding us until next year
>Li Dailin
wait a minute, this isn't anon
>no piss
yeah it's not dragon anon
Chaika on the front page!
when did chaikaposting stop
>There are 16 differentials
Gee, Chaika. Why do you get TWO penises
This guy wanted the new hololive RIGHT NOW
have ids hit 2.3m yet?
Probably, not that it matters. ain't important enough for nalgami to do a campaign
anon got a gun
Yuri without penetration is boring desu
Kinda gay to think only cock can make sex exciting for you tee bee aytch
Cocks are based
What's a good artist that can draw rape? 1 on 1, not a gangbang.
I always think that pink snake belongs to zz
futa isnt yuri you faggot
Is it yuri if they use a strap on?
Pray for anon, for he has forgotten strap-ons exist
Which one?
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The Cagliostro and Clarisse gangbang request came in.
Pleasant surprise with the gift file.
Yeah it is
>ask female artist what they are interested in drawing
>it's ss at least 75% of the time
>multiple times being a ss gangbang scenario
Maybe I should just request ss all the time and have them flock to me
Absolutely delicious, thank you anon. Huge fan of those two.
>[Skeb] Request has been opened
What the fuck happened to "Creator you reserved has started seeking requests"
I think it's cute that the translation has gotten worse
too many words, people don't have the patience to read whole sentences
How do you resist the urge to have your OC bone up with a secondary
How do you do it anons
How do you resist
my oc's hymen is still intact
My OC is married
Why would I even do that?
That's for yumes.
Sides, my OC was built for mob dick
did skeb ever fix nofify
>male oc made for shipping faggotry
Secondaries are for related secondaries or faceless men. Pairing them with your OC is super cringe.
If you use someone else's OC, that makes them a secondary
I don't even like crossovers besides seiyuu jokes or cosplay, so there's no chance I'd mix in OC stuff too
This delivery is bait
I meant female OC female secondary. I guess I should have noted that.
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is it time to cry
>Most OCs are female because they're made by men and their creator wants to fuck them
>Requesting a male secondary fucking your daughter that you want to fuck
Sounds kind of cuckish
my favorite oc is made by a female
is this you? >>8080786
>request artist
>they had 1 day complete average
>gets flooded
>complete average is now 20 days
>still didn't deliver my art
i hate myself i wanted my quick dopamine
i love my artsy and menhera artist
>Male creator with female oc: Creator wants to fuck them or see them fuck other women
>Female creator with female oc: Creator is self inserting
>Male creator with male oc: Creator is self inserting
>Female creator with male oc: Creator wants to fuck them or see them fuck other men
This still doesn't make sense to me. Who the fuck is your OC and what is she doing in the secondary's universe? If you want to see them fuck just because then I can't relate. I love my porn lore-accurate.
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my male OC will be Bocchi's scumbag boyfriend and get her pregnant then ghost her (he jumped back to his universe)
NTA but given how most of the OCs in this thread are from MMOs I'd have to assume it's a situation like that, right?
Like having your XIV OC fucking an XIV NPC, or your Elden Ring character banging Ranni.
>Any creator with any oc: Creator wants to fuck them, wants to see them fuck other men and/or women, and self-inserts in the process.
XIV ""OCs"" are lower than dirt

2x appeals from zetsuHman-tier artists in less than one minute, both with 16k "discounts", both with generic messages.

They're not even trying anymore, are they?
I just like the process of character design
It's actually the player character/OC from code vein clam-mashing murasame (the Red-headed shopkeeper) that I was thinking about
Tales of Destiny 2 - Nanaly
MMO and Pokémon OCs are just genuinely boring. Hate to say it but it's tree
What about Pokeloli, who isn't a loli and is never seen with a Pokemon
is it the blonde one or the red haired one
If we go by that chain of logic I'd like to call into question the validity of skeb requests where some of the strongest women in their respective settings are being raped by faceless men who are implicitly more powerful
The only difference between an out of universe OC and the faceless male rape squad is that one has a pair of fucking eyeballs.
Nothing lamer than "Uh yeah lemme get a literal world saving heroine pinned down by [some fucking guy]", I don't care if they're an OC or not, shit is lame as fuck either way
I kinda like the two from PSO2, but I dunno if they count anymore?
They both have independent ref sheets now, don't they?
Best type of OCs are trpg ones
Based lore accuracy chads
>spends huge sums of money on art of their generic XIV "OC"
>could have used a fraction of the sum to design whatever OC they wanted
Those dragon girl or guy things look like they have skin infections on their chins and cheeks.
The gorgons never turn anyone to stone
They turned dicks hard
ate the mask
ate the dragons
ate the gorgon
simple as
Who ate them
The goggles one does, I don't think valentine does but her visual style is borderline entirely removed from PSO2
They look like they've got fucking scabs, dude. I don't know how anybody looks at any character from XIV and says "fuck that's hot"
XIV players who comm their character are inextricably attached to the game. They don't WANT an OC that's not attached to the world. MMO players are weird in the first place, but subscription based ones are very, very attached to their game. If it went down I'd expect multiple suicides within the month.
There should be a balance of warcraft requests but those westerners aren't going to touch Skeb
I'm gonna have to start getting art of tales character like Chat, Harold, and Pascal because no else will
I've been seeing a lot of Japanese people getting their characters from Baldur Gate 3 recently. Also a lot of shadowheart getting fucked by horses
Chat is terrible
t. Someone who both played and loved eternia
it's not ntr if it's rance

Wonder who was behind this one...
What about the birds and the bees?
The bee needs her cervix crushed by ojisans
No clue but I hate it, no reason to change the text to be more confusing like this
I saw a shadowheart request that said "her design is too westernized so please make her beautiful"
Bee is smug girl number 8864 too boring if you like her bee the change
Fog is the best character.
I always have to come up with a reason my super strong secret boss tier OC can actually be pinned down by [some fucking guy]. It's part of the fun too.
Despair. I was really looking forward to this one too.

Very nice.
The horny chi in a faceless man can easily overpower a woman, who has no horny chi. It causes instant submission to faceless man rape. Anyone who watches hentai should understand this. If the supervillains actually knew this they'd be unstoppable.
>non lewd
damn, still might get something because I do really like the style
Good find, sending one in myself.
Can't beat the cock
I understand stuff takes time, but paying 10k and over for a pinup on a white background and having to wait 60+ days for it is out of control. I think skeb has really eroded my patience seemingly
Why is the angelicafag anonymous dammit
are you a pregfag?
which one is shadoba anon's favorite?
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oh its the anonymous guy that really likes her, good to see he's still at it
he even dropped 30k on that, respect
also my favorite is brown
I gave into temptation and sent him a reia request. He already accepted it
>also my favorite is brown
maybe you'd like this then https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/111475289
i do know this artist, think theyve been closed for a while though since i still have a reservation on the profile
the quality jumps around a lot in the pixiv gallery which is a little worrisome though
She deserves japanese rape
Is a Kafun request really that great
do you think flattered ocfag doesn't send a request to an appeal
Hes a good artist and delivers fast, price is just too high

I'd rather 12 5k yen requests over getting one kafun request
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damn that sucks
artist was https://skeb.jp/@Bonnou302
their completion rate was not 40% when i skebbed them so seems like he just gave up on requests

not trying to name and shame, just be aware of this artist in the future

Had a 4k Lucy request come in to a cunnylover. Modest results.
>Not Azar
This is why I'm in the rough stages of planning a series of lore accurate bad end requests

Posting this one last time for anyone that hasn't seen it, then will refrain from posting it again unless asked
Looking for preg artist recs
I usually don't like paying extra for >males but if it isn't Pharos brat brainwashing it'd probably be hard ryona or guro between her and Azar.
how bad of an idea would it be to request shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan
at least let the fucking show come out first
bocchi the rock is the better normie anime
does this guy do uma only?

i feek awkward requesitng my OC if his entire page is uma girls
you could send it as private
>Yesterday, my rented house was partially burned down in a fire.
Due to this incident, all of our equipment was safe, but we will be taking an extended break from skeb and streaming as we move forward to return to normal life.
I mean at least it's a real personal crisis and not the normal artist mental health bullshit.
Reminds me of https://youtu.be/Uikd6WW9jpU
Reminds me of that one artist who's house burned down after doing a Rem ntr doujin.
Turning people to stone is mean and would make her sad, anon
Could you add vanilla, Yuri, paizuri, blowjob, and size difference to the preferred fetishes for Meydir/Admiral/Saliri (Green Gorgon/Fish/Other Mask)
anyone know cool artists for rimjobs?
what the fuck, its been 2 months and no refund over expired requests.
Got this recently for 10k
pretty nice, thanks for the rec
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Some anons may be getting some art this weekend
>fire emblem gangbang delivery
>its one of the shitty heroes OCs
>Hi, nice to meet you as well, I'm flattered that you've taken in an interest in my OC.
is there a word for painted toenails?
deepL just gives me "painted toes" which makes it sound like the skin itself is painted
Toenail polish
is this ntr
who cares
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this is the future nalgami doesn't want

A god among men
good work anon
I really want to request a sizeable manga (like 6 pages) but it feels like a rude thing to thrust upon an artist
you are giving them a contract for work they are free to accept or reject
I get 6-10 pages all the time. Just do it, worse thing they reject it
I'd only worry about it if the artist's a 30d or something. Still doesn't hurt to try
artist posted a wip
bur its not mine
almost caved and sent a feet fetish skeb to an artist who hasn't drawn any feet at all

almost regretted it
>almost regretted it
Klarisanon's foot clutch awoke something in me but I am also too autistic to try to ask an artist for that
Where can I find their commission page?
I've learned my lesson about asking artists to draw an unfamiliar fetish. You'll probably wish it wasn't accepted.
what kind of fetish?
>foot clutch
What? Sauce?
Sorry dude you're a couple of months late if you wanted rape
Thanks dude
how so?

Will check this out
make your character do it
pso2 anon


elma anon
>have a nightmare that an artist that let my request expire finished someone elses request
nigga nobody wants to see that at least catbox it
My bad, next time, I'll make sure to post BLACKED instead because an onahole shaped like a girl is too much for your precious feelings.
might as well post dorse while your at it
Nah I'm not looking for dorses
your requests have bad vibes
do better
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2k and took 9 days
I think that's for someone you follow not for someone you reserved.
>got a request accepted 2 months ago and is due in 3 days
>artist is posting about being worried of the deadline

Seems like a good potential bob artist. Noticed their recent delivery
No? I'm not following them on Twitter or Skeb. The email for them is different (unless they changed it now)
>anon gets called out on his fetish
>decides to deflect by assuming anyone in this thread is a raceplay fan
Chill the fuck out anon. We have people with pretty common fetishes who understand that they still can't post it here. It's not the fault of anyone here that /h/ is a hellhole.
Pixiv reqs giving you just a simple fucking write-up of what the artist wants or prefers from a comm is so fucking useful, bros
That and not being incredibly autistic about scanning gift files.
Why must Nalgami be how he is
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anus too close to the vagina?
seems fine
udon my manga please
no it doesnt
bad anatomy
this is the kind of censorship i dream of
it's twitter though
just happened to me
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God damn he managed to pull through in the end. Happy how this turned out even with the moonrunes I don't understand.

Updated album with futa imouto clones raping Jefuty
Translate it, Esu
thought this was chinese at first
Doesn't he hate futa
it's not like it's his girl
which anon is the biggest futa lover?
Bob is the only one that requests futa on male so him
Funny you mention them, I currently have a request I'm waiting on them to accept/reject.

Succubus cursed Io and Sara begging for sex and getting what they want.
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saw an artist, went to their fanbox out of curiosity

is this what cucking is like? paying to see the meals she prepares for her husband?
I think she just wants to show off her food
Oh nice looking forward to it then.
Every female girl I find on the internet is mine or I'm being cucked
>say ah and make it loop for 2 hours

good request
What all requests does anon have baking in the oven?
Second try with namarei_x, second time over deadline. Not a surprise since he hurt his elbow and closed requests shortly after re-accepting, but it’s still pretty frustrating.
Jealous of croc and cow for getting through.
>r18 collab with another anon
>handholding missionary sex
>reluctant and angry hand bra
>a color comic
All oc
>OC making out with and being fingered by Shiho-anon's OC
>OC fooling around with Nun-anon's mesugaki OC (But not the Nun)
>2 Precure characters making out
>Aine from Aikatsu with a nip slip
>Loli!Hina from Shadoba masturbaiting
All my request are due in August though so it'll be awhile.
Reia and Nora getting gangbanged
Reia and Shiba ss manga
Reia SFW
6 trad comms for OCs
13 skeb comms for OCs
5 skeb comms for various secondaries
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Approved in hours, finished in about a day. Really cute for just 2.5k, go spam them.
PSD is flat, but there's a variation to remove the signature.
>group sex with the goddess sisters from Fantasy Life
>short comic of hebe with large tits being molested by school doctor
>cute pixel gif
>male OC
>Nora tied to a cross being played with
>toriyama loli, red brat and one other oc being camwhores online
>Fantasy life
I played that game once it was fun dont remember what the goddesses look like tho also are yo ujust one of those psychos that request a bunch of other ocs wtf
I made kind of an odd request to this guy, so he asked for an additional 500 yen. Was of a character from a western young adult book that doesn't really have set in stone canon depiction.
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The game's art style is all chibis so the only usable examples are in fan art. What's important is that one of them is brown and a brat.
thanks for reminding me how yuelia and noelia have like no art
Nora anon or..
calm down esu
I just got a commission done, but It was from a non skeb guy.
Post it or else I'll curse you to have your next 2 deliveries canceled
OC interacting with a secondary character

cringe or no?
Do it
dont let other people stop you from creating something cute and cringe
If it's OC of literally you it's so cringe it's based. Otherwise just cringe.
>get last minute'd on anticipated delivery
>never want to send another request to the artist ever again
you've lost a customer sir i will take my strong american dollars somewhere else
It's your money, if it makes you happy then request it.
Anon your three fifty USD got you the art what else do you neeeeeeed
Also post it
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Nothing wrong with it, especially if it's fitting. It's your money.
red brat is a special case since you're the one that got ripped off
built for concealed sex with that pelvic curtain
maybe the best censorship hack
this nigga put me on queue and wiped the queue out at some point will never forgive him
>has entire booru dedicated to his art
I don't know if I should be impressed or feel sorry
happened to tori loli too and gakumas girl
>no background
kek she truly is unlucky
It's as empty as her life
>censoring the entire crotch
is it just me or is this extreme
Borvar is a working ass mother fucker. They'll draw any fetish too
a simple line never hurt anyone
too much pink to be a simple line
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Friend of mine started skeb
she is a Miku fan, and has drawn things like lingerie, panty shots etc.
It says no NSFW but i think you can still do some ecchi requests since she seems open to it

vouching for her, she's never missed any deadlines when she had her old deleted skeb page
seems like she deleted her old artwork tho
my story was many years ago so he hopefully got his shit together by now, but man did I feel burned
>when the theme park closes while you're in line
why is 39 always depicted with shimapan
Will she draw my stupid OC?
yes, she drew my stupid male
>6k sfw
Tell your friend to fuck off
I sent them a request because of you anon
post skeb artists instead of bitching about price
I want someone to draw me a sexy ass OC but I don't want to give them any directions
post artists that draw porn when you're on the porn board
not arguing with a retard, this thread is for all skeb artists, see
I don't care about their deliveries, don't beg for money when you don't draw porn, you faggot
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Honestly turned out quite good I dont care about no background I paid 2.5k jpy which is nothing relatively speaking and they delivered fast as well. Just makes me wish he did NSFW though...
Their stuff is cute, will consider. Ignore the usual retard who bitches about the same thing every thread like a broken record
I like it when both characters fit together thematically, or cringe overflow like >>8083287 mentioned.
I have already spent too much this month but that's a cute Miku.
Won't she get hit by management if she draws ecchi without the NSFW filter though? Or can she appeal back with the filter ON if you send something like that? Been thinking about requesting my character with an accidental panty shot for a while.
If they're really your friend why don't you encourage them to make NSFW OK?
Have her turn on NSFW so I don't have to dance around the filters. I'd like to get an ecchi piece.
OC, 4 requests. 2 approved, 2 pending. one pending i may cancel just before the deadline because the artist seems to have vanished since 2023.
Am not from here though, not going to post specifics or you'll find out who i am.
Secondary wearing your OC's outfit cute or cringe?
>been a month since my last delivery
>kinda hated it cause I felt the colors were a bit too dark
>today decided to brighten up the picture in a photo editor
>suddenly it's perfect, just what I wanted
man I'm so fucking dumb
basic editing goes a long way, sometimes they just dont get the colors right
depends if it fits her or it's loose fitting and cute
the artist could also use a different color profile than you. like tai's art came with a wacom tablet profile
Secondary is only like 5 ft tall so it's gonna be loose fitting. Tempting to have her just in the loose shirt and naked underneath. Could have my OC's clothes on the floor in the background for implied post-sex. Also because tight jeans don't really look good on someone way smaller.
i want to request dota girls. Anyone have any luck requesting western characters?
there's one artist that's obsessed with lol if that counts
Don't lie anon, your friend's actually a dude.

Pretty good if you like One Piece, though she's/he's been inactive as of late.
>Don't lie anon, your friend's actually a dude.
they posted pictures of their painted fingernails to xitter
check her media tab, you can see her at disney land dressed like a sexy school girl
fuckkk i wish i could meet an artist like this and make her my girlfriend
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One Piece

Stussy x Kaku, Hibari x Koby, Perona solo, Nefertari Vivi in four outfits, Black Maria animation. Only one of these is skeb however.
Dota 2 has a healthy chinese competitive scene
Quite a few, though I'll likely take a hiatus from requesting afterwards.

- Swimsuit Lucy tied to a bed and gangbanged while being choked during the facefucking.

- Famished slave Lucy forced to breastfeed on Pressel in order to not starve to death.

- Drugged up Pressel raping Lucy with a strap on for their captors' amusement.

- Shupogaki nipple training and being marked as property with branding or piercings.

- Shupogaki quad amputee fuck nugget as the followup.

- Arisu Shimada tied up and raped for teamstacking in das Finale 4

- (tentative) Maglielle tied to her weapons and raped.

- (tentative) living meatshield Arianna tied to a bear beast and receiving a large knot. Can't find the right artist that does bondage and bestiality well.

- Amiya, Savage, and Rope raping Ray and brainwashing her to be a sex slave to be sold off.

- A manga diary of Amiya keeping Ray as her personal sex toy/toilet to torment. Alternate ending from the previous request.

- Ray and Typhon forced yuri for their captors' entertainment. Raped until unconsciousness afterwards.

- Sleeping sex with Ray via thighjob.

- Irene tied up in a duffel bag and drowned in cum as rapists bukkake into the bag.

- Happy kinky shimaidon with Jefuty and Lusica from Mendos POV.

- Idol Archetto tied up and used as a cumdump at an offline fan event. Likely will expire because the artist is a lazy fuck.
>disney land
>caption says USJ
>they posted pictures of their painted fingernails to xitter
See pic

>check her media tab, you can see her at disney land dressed like a sexy school girl
No proof that's her and if so she's quite mid and possibly underaged, you sick fuck.
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Forgot pic
Holy shit, and here I was thinking I had too many projects at once. Do you fucking take out a mortgage for this?
i was too distracted by the cute girls but as >>8083493 said, i think she might be underage with how she dresses
>I don't know how to calculate the pixel size for mosaics so I can't enable NSFW
No, I have a day job, own a startup, and got lucky during the 2020 SPAC craze and AI rush.
Just tell them to use bars or to get good and learn how to draw so that they don't need to censor their NSFW.
oh they're retarded, must actually be a woman
hook me up with a job man
skeb makes you answer a quiz to enable nsfw
Truly a sad trade-off in the tech world where striking rich still doesn't stop you from being pussy repellent and posting on /h/.

100% true story I'm sure
I have a well-paying job but the thought of spending 200 or more dollars in a single month on art makes my insides crawl. I still do it sometimes, but I take psychic damage each time.

At least I'm on track to retiring at 40 or something...
/r9k/ is two blocks down, lil pup
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can you answer the question?
I don't read japanese
oh so it's fucking nalgami i should be mad at
not surprised
It's not Nalgami's fault the artist is a retard. Thousands of other artists figured it out
pretty sure this is that millionaire anon
Oh I didn't know that.
I'm not an artist but if someone translates it I can take a shot at answering.
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Much, MUCH worse than that, I'm engaged. No more (You)s though since this shits getting off topic.

I had to fire 2 people for being useless fucks, but I -might- hire you if you have good SRE experience.
Shut the fuck up and post artists and art. I do not give a FUCK about your personal life

>Choose the correct answer for NSFW works
>1: Because Skeb servers are located in America, censorship is not required
>2: Even though public thumbnails are required to be censored, there is no need to censor private works and censors can be on a separate layer in the PSD
>3: Censorship is always required and cannot be separate

>What is the minimum pixel size for the mosaic of an illustration with canvas size of 1400x3401?

>What is the minimum pixel size for the mosaic of an illustration with canvas size of 2590x1000?
>No more (You)s though since this shits getting off topic.
You're right


Love this guy but he does take a while. Likes to do spontaneous personal projects then eventually beelines back to your request.
opened and closed before i could even post them
Imagine being a fujoshi but draw boobs so excellently you are condemned to get skebed sexy girls forever
can you wear a jacket over your seifuku in school like bocchi
Tell your friend she's a dumb bitch because she can't divide by 100
She's a big Senran Kagura fan, I think she's doing fine.
I'm 99% sure the answe to the first question is 3. You're right that I couldn't answer the other 2 questions though. Maybe anon's friend could get help.
Only took 3, one is a familiar name too.
Don't worry, people asked for the answers to this years ago on yahoo questions

>作品をレイヤー統合しゅた後、キャンバシュの長辺を100で割って 商を小数未満切り上げたサイジュ
he got flooded
Raul fucking Tharja, Shamir, Gardevoir, and Rosa/Mei all at the same time
>sent a request an hour ago
>no in pending
>think it got instant canceled
>not in canceled
>in fucking drafts for management review
Fucking hell, it's probably because I said "additional charges" because the scenario is the girl offering sexual favors and then giving the guy a bill afterwards
We had zz and dragon anon requested DC/Marvel characters.

There used to be a good amount of Psylocke before the hidden purge
You're going to trigger westernschizo at this rate.
Well anon should share this with their friend so their friend can do NSFW on Skeb. Assuming anon isn't a liar about being friends with this artist.
>complaining about west*ids makes you a schizo
kek spoken like a true /aco/ holdover
theres some artists who do decent western slop on skeb if you really want that
Why do the giant pretty ladies have to destroy cities and kill people in giantess art
thats what im saying
also at some point they get so big its not even a fetish theyre just planets
heart guy is back at it
speaking of giantesses
>anybody who says this must be from a specific 4chan board
That is literally a schizo rambling, anon. Come the fuck on.
giantesses: destroyers of worlds
Good grief...oh well, can't be helped...
...not bad anon, but, heh, I got you beat, heh...
I requested handholding...uncensored, to boot...bare handed, palms touching...in public...
Sorry kid, heh, but you've still got a ways to go before you (heh) catch up to me (heh) ((heh))
The CMYK explanation that one anon gave was actually pretty useful (even if it was meant to help esu print)
I didn't realize my monitor was set to shitty colors until I started fucking with it
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I think it should be like this
Personally I prefer when the giant lady is nice and kind and doesn't specifically squat over a city of people to let cum pour back out of her pussy and drown literally thousands of people with presumably man-sized sperm cells
>literally the plant but wearing clothes
Hell of a coincidence.
i think the lady should be giant enough that you can slide inside her pussy or mouth, but not too big where she just wouldnt feel anything
You're looking for gentle giantess stuff, anon. Sub-genre of the fetish
Big nice giant lady is cute
Fuck, I just realized we lost the madagascar penguins requests
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Ponchi and kuronyan are closed at this moment


kokutounikke is opening


And my personal favourite kyougokutouya


Here is one of the commission, a bit expensive(30k jpy), but I think absolutely worth it
these 2 are easy recs
https://skeb.jp/@egao_sikorsky haven't gotten preg from him yet but also very qualified

doesn't do explicit stuff but another one of my favs recently opened a plan just for preg reqs https://www.pixiv.net/request/plans/145056
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Got another Pokéloli in. Actually came out very nice, especially for 1k. Captured her personality very well, and she looks hot.

Artist: https://skeb.jp/@ikaokura_sushi
>massive tits
wanna get a gym-themed pin up
do you think a jap artist will know what an elliptical machine is and how someone uses it or should I just link a video of a woman on one

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