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Old thread: >>8023623

Fap Hero is hentai and rhythm based masturbation game that can be played for fun and challenge.

[How to play]
1: Watch a fap hero video
2: Stroke your dick one time each time a beat passes by on the beat bar
3: Do no pause the video, look away from the screen, or skip any beats
4: If you cum before the video says you can, you lose

Fap Hero videos can be found on most big porn sites, or downloaded from online communities (like this thread)
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Fap Hero Torrent Collection Torrent 1.7

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2019 Archive:

2020 Archive:

2021 Archive:

2022 Archive

2023 Archive:
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Funscripts collection torrent: https://sukebei.nyaa.net/view/2559438
Funscripts collection torrent update 1: https://sukebei.nyaa.net/view/2572014
Funscripts collection mega:
Funscripts collection mega (VR):
FredTungsten's funscripts: https://github.com/FredTungsten/Scripts
rawr32's funscripts: http://www.mediafire.com/?a4y3bg336v9wv http://www.mediafire.com/?h3ba117m51swj
kaka's HMV+funscripts: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/wcrjj9fmdyk8y/HMVs
Modded ScriptPlayer: https://mega.nz/#F!s18VWCBB!WqTtHfwrkxMR3ABubT_YPQ
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Fap Land: A fap hero game within a game made up of rounds from all other FHs.

Main Game

Side Quests

Also available on google drive
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Fap Land accessories and extensions

automation scripts

randomizer script

RPG Mode

Faplando: An updated version of the RPG mode

Fapland Remastered
Part 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ff7Qhi4UWLVla5XFiw-gTgjAyRrdc9IB/view
Part 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CECGmg8cVzXQeah5vAoiPzJY0-sveMhx/view?usp=sharing
Changelog and install instructions here: https://pastebin.com/Hk7J5Ptf

Alternate round packs:

Fap Land SP: https://github.com/Nakkub/FapheroSP
sauce ?
oral bliss from meliodaswrath
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Any chance someone can source this? I think the creator is called "no mercy" or "fap extravaganza" based on another video with the same beat bar
i'll try to search, upload it to somewhere so i can download it

also new thread here's the spreadsheet link

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Any Fap Heroes using exclusively animations from the milk factory games? If they exist pls provide names or maybe even links, thank you.
I remember two. One named "OOO" made by Hotaruduka and another named "Milk Party".
Just saw the spreadsheet for the first time and decided to note some of the differences between what is listed there and my collection (excluding the "Beatmeter HMVs" folder and some separate unknown rounds). Hopefully this helps you somewhat: https://files.catbox.moe/mqm5aa.txt

Would also appreciate it if anyone could upload the Dan-Sya-Ri HMV edits: Banana, Bible Black, bouncy sluts

Can't seem to find the original "Fap Hero Uncensored (Omake)" which is 382.7 MiB (according to the dead torrent on milanova) either.
uploaded the .txt file before saving so ignore "Mango" since it is listed on the sheet as "supermangogamer777"
Does anyone know fap heroes with Bengugu's videos? names or links pls
SWBZ made two. His 14th video and his 22nd video.
22 was posted last thread.
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Baka anon, you forgot to put Fap Hero thread in the title...
>thanks, i'll check it out later
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OP here, let me add some extra info.
This is the Fap Hero general #73.
Source: Gu's Fap Hero 1
Perfection by Sir Derriere III
Depth-X by Martoise
The other oral FH by Meliodas
Oral Bliss by Meliodas, as the other poster said
I'm sorry nonny.
have someones his 21 full?
Damn, Sadie's Namako Nightmare finally has a sample
I'm convinced he lurks here given how fast these links are taken down. You'll have what you need in the previous thread as a clue because I omitted out particular parts

which fap hero is the pic?
Martoise Depth-X
Thanks for having a look, heres the sound version

And the other video with the same beat bar
I found this channel of music and realized it'd be perfect for this thread. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_D0ZCynTNU
thanks, i'll try to get the author
Nice one with the 21 full little puzzle lol
From what game is this picture annon is it an RPG or a VN??
It’s not from a game sadly. Just run the pic through saucenao for the artist.
After finding and somehow completing the "Phonky Hero" by Ipherus first try
Are there any more I should be aware of that use songs such as Move your body and others the likes of bengugu uses in their regular videos?
You mentions about the style of the songs or what to be exactly?

Phonky Hero i dont find it challengeable for me... at least the first rounds were well crafted and then in the last ones Ipherus like have a "downgrade" in his stages (he stop implementing the speed up down, all the beats were really plain and continious) so for me was really a turndown that the conclusion of that FH was really bad but in overall of quallity / sauces was really god tho.
I just reverse image it and yeah in fact UTAU its a "game" in a way you can create your own music (like Vocaloid where there are some games about that one)...

Either way i really hope that some day some JOI creator do a JOI with that character its really hot and sexy....
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Any updates on the latest Sadie's Fap Hero?
Dem trips.
Also regarding Quantoz Fantasy Play and its two versions.
Mega is still up:
By the way fellas, Bastati said he’s aiming to release his new FH next month.

Progress update: i was able to get hold of themegaman works, they are a lot, i'm also refining the script for the hd project, i will be able to get a script for making better the audio in the future, good shit is happening
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Paizuri FH supremacy
can someone post a link for (21. FH 1.0 1080P by SWZBHMV) please
Anon above me already got filtered so it works surprisingly
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I really love how Fapland SP is turning out
I just have two additional requests to add:
-Possibility to change the die size in the settings, because it get's boring to play always the first 6 videos (and rarely anything above 50). So this would help a lot
-Complete order randomizer, which would spice up things even more IMO

I hope you can add them, I am not very good in scripting or I would've helped you out directly as well :)
Yeah, I've also had that issue. On one hand, I kinda like being forced to do the same few over and over. Sort of emphasizes my lack of progress, but there are also a lot of rounds that I really like that I've put towards the end, so I'll never see them.

I'm thinking of reworking the progression. Lately, I've been playing a shit ton of roguelikes and roguelites, to find good ways to structure it.

Here's the idea:
Divide the Faphero Videos into 3 folders: Normal, Hard, Boss.

Whenever you roll the dice, a random level is played. It will play a random video from the normal videos, with a small chance of playing a hard video. With every round you play, the chance of a hard video appearing increases. Or maybe just at checkpoints. I'll let add a setting.

Then at every checkpoint there will be a boss from the boss folder. Which will be an extra difficult level you have to complete.

I think this will smooth out the experience so you can see all of your rounds more regularly.
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doesn't work for me or i doing something wrong
Meme Hero fast annoying round 7 music https://youtu.be/H2qwWxU5Ec8
the real round after wait a minute https://youtu.be/jtSZ7oWuu8c
Any fresh hmv/fap heroes with 3d girls except for SWZB's FH 1.0 ?
btd6 music but's fap hero on round 8 music meme hero https://youtu.be/60m3kiakGNE

hmm that is a very interesting concept, I can totally go behind this Idea, so I'm really looking forward to it :D

(also additionally a die size parameter would also be nice)
unironically looking forward to this, seems fun and creative
It's still up by the way so it's working as intended to filter out the chink FH maker as well. You're missing the necessary 10 digits that makes up a base64 link :)
Made an alternate round pack for Fapland SP. It takes most of the rounds and quests from the original alternate round pack from Fapland Remastered and mixes them in with some of the harder rounds from the original Fapland. This only includes the rounds and other necessary files, so you'll need to add your own intervals and invasions folder (I also have invasions set to "ON" for break rounds, so just be aware if you wanna turn that off in the settings).

It changed links of all sudden so this back and forth puzzle isn't sustainable without a mega pro account. Here you go

working on it
can you add Rownygunner just made Gauken fap hero lol
meme hero round 9 , round 10 and round 11 music it's all connected https://youtu.be/vvGmZNFprCs?list=PLL0CQjrcN8D3Q2sM4W9zRu6ZZgXyVYmMl = round 9 music
https://youtu.be/ZsyDz7w2CnA?list=PLL0CQjrcN8D3Q2sM4W9zRu6ZZgXyVYmMl round 10 music
https://youtu.be/3SP0G5nzGSc?list=PLL0CQjrcN8D3Q2sM4W9zRu6ZZgXyVYmMl round 11 music
https://youtu.be/8M7aMdbrxd4?list=PLL0CQjrcN8D0s_V0EBDGRW3DYQe27p9ke meme hero round 12 why not payday 2 music to fap with?
as some discord people requested Round 13 music for meme hero is this https://youtu.be/OJF085COWKE?list=PLL0CQjrcN8D15ZryF5LwJtMo2k8EqaRsp
haha funny genshin Impact music as a fap hero music for meme hero round 14 https://youtu.be/bD5S20WoOBs
Today I had a nightmare of Rownygunner bursting through the window, yelling my ears off. It seems it was right, metaphorically speaking.
What song plays in Bastati's Ainz Round 5? It's not "Nero - Satisfy" as it says in credits, that one was in Round 4.
Shazam and Sound Hound can't find anything.

anyone here has the mega link from the creator melodiaswrath ?
I was getting worried he'd never will upload again and i was missing his stream of posts for about pure randomness but well he's back i think this channel has it all xD
Megacore - Boobs
Round 7 sneak peak

so whats the name of this FH?
Is this going to be a thing?
Do you have his other fhs?
ig for round 14 maybe not gonna be a 3d genshin impact mmd one
any foot fetish fap hero?
A girl teasing you and messing with the cum timer right before it ends or not that long from it is something that's used in Joi more than fap hero, specifically ones where the "Host" character is a Dom.
sure thing

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