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decided to make a tier list of every michiking touhou doujinshi

any thoughts? do you think there is a mistake? what would be your ranking?
tier list only considering the covers, too
overall based, but I don't get this much prestige for slutnae
i'm not gonna make a tierlist but

these two are God tier:
1- S&M Dreaming ~Turn Shion~

2-Lewd Editor Azato-san

the rest are in excellent camp
Kasen one is God tier and showed him stepping out of his comfort zone
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I just want more Shion
I find his moderate/smaller sized boobs more attractive for some reason.
I was not reviewing every michiking doujin, however if I did I'd put the entire Azato-san series in excellent, yes. Favorite one might be the fancy party chapter
I'll be honest and say that I didn't read it. The thing is: I don't like his old art style, I find it very amateurish. For example, I find his first Sanae story to be kinda good, but the art doesn't sell it to me
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I agree with you, Shion and his ways to draw moderate/small boobs are indeed very nice. But it just can not compete with his skills in drawing big, but not absurd, boobs. Sanae 2018/9 and his latest Sakuya/Reisen are just superb
> I just want more Shion
Best michiking doujin. I wish could be punished by Shion

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