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How do I fucking pay them? Why the fuck is it so difficulty?
Buy bitcash from playasia and use it to buy toracoins
What's the problem with using otakumode?
3000 coins at TOM = $30
3000 coins bought with BitCash from Play-Asia = $22.89
10000 coins at TOM = $85
10000 coins bought with BitCash from Play-Asia = $73.80
The actual exchange rate, if you could buy them directly, would be $18.72 and $62.40 for 3000 and 10000 coins respectively, so you're getting ripped off regardless of how you get them it's just less bad at PlayAsia
Did these fuckers just geoblock the UK? As of a day or two ago I've been getting 403 errors regardless of the network I use.
good riddance.
wow rude :(
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better question:
how tf do I download free content?

it's free only if you're in the specified plan
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So what happened is that Fakku is buddy with Bill Ackman and they pressured Japanese companies to block foreign bank cards so more foreigners will fund Fakku and boost the Western economy
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>error 403 Forbidden
Anyone else?
my dude you're geoblocked
what country?
most probably UK
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and yeah it's geoblocked i try with a vpn in UK and...
That explains it but why just now? I know they had issues with Visa and payment stuff but why geoblocked it?
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All of Europe is currently blocked. I'm guessing it's just temporary.
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Got it, thanks for the warning. Temporary or not vpn is still a way to acess the site.
>All of Europe
Haha. No. It's just you
Came here to post this.
It's likely permanent:
Especially telling that a swiss VPN still works.
Does Fantia even have over 45 million users per month? I doubt it. This isn't even an anti-porn legislation per se, it's some new law that concerns huge internet platforms like Youtube and Google.
And since pixiv has over 300 million visitors per month, I think it only concerns visitors from the EU.
yikes, being from the UE seems to be a punishment.
What I really hate about jap sites is just that there's instant radio silence, no explanation on their twitter or something.
Can't they simply officially state "We blocked fantia in EU countries because of that new Big Platforms Law (even so it doesn't even fucking concern us)".
hinestly, three pron websites have been hit, the three largest.
Fantia will be completely under the radar with their worldwide 22 million visitors per month.
Alright then, time to use vpn then.
>protecting kids from porn sites
Okay but what about just writing hentai in jewgle and turning off safe search?
Or better yet just write arisu tachibana in cuck cuck go and turn off safe search and you get tons of loli porn.
At least fantia still requires you to register to see most of the kinky shit
It's still so bad.
Websites just need to ban VPNs and it's over.
Unlikely they will, since they still want their money, but it's a bad sign.
And the EU hasn't even done anything yet. Hell, pornhub might weasel themselves out if they can proof that they have less than the required 45 million eurotrashies per month.
Fantia is nowhere near large enough to be noticed by this dumb law.
It's primarily an anti-google and TikTok law, but Pornhub and two others got caught in the process and Fantia overreacted.
That's how it looks to me at least.
>just write arisu tachibana in cuck cuck go and turn off safe search and you get tons of loli porn.
kek it actually works
Tokyo Otaku now also prevents people with EU-shipping addresses from buying Toracoins.
Might be to avoid people buying coins, only to find out that they can't access fantia.
Once again, piracy is by far the most acessible solution. Unfortunately I can't pirate creators who are small and have no one leaking their contents onto the internet (nor do I really want to, I want to support them). I haven't used a vpn in forever, anyone know a good workaround / a good vpn to access fantia again?
>Fantia overreacted.
Prob , Fantia act like a wounded animal after Visa/Mastercard withdraw and want to deal with less westerners it can.
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how do you PROPERLY tag search on this site?
I know for a fact creators use “mmd” as a tag for their works, so I want to find everything tagged “mmd”, for example.

I got to search, I go to tag category, I type mmd and select a tag (which mmd did not show up so I had to manually go into the url afterward to change it) and I still get this:
I don’t know what brand_type is referring to
I din’t know why it’s only searching for “illustrations”
I don’t know why keyword_type=title_only is relevant here

what am i retardedly missing here?
>reddit spacing

My favorite type of newfag is you. The ESL schizo.
>dumb law
It also bugs me that the EU is kinda understanding from which directions the problems come (social media), but can't really find a solution and doesn't understand what's dangerous. Pornhub is much more harmless to minors than TikTok (which is actively dangerous).
I'm repeating myself, and it will never happen, because people are dumb, but at this point I'm convinced that minors shouldn't be allowed to have mobile devices at all, preferably no internet access, period (also that's a bit hard to police). We should treat it like tobacco and booze, and make the net a grown-up space first and foremost, while treating parents that give their toddlers an iphone to shut them up like parents that sedate their toddler with alcohol. Nothing else will work, nothing else can work.
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>EU is kinda understanding from which directions the problems come
No they fucking dont. They do not care about hypersexualization or the descent into a nihilistic hedonist dystopia. They are attacking Japan because their companies refuse to comply with the lgbt and DEI "standards" set by the US, of whom we are vassals. Even though pursuing them is clearly weakening both the US and Europe on the world stage, economically, politically and militarly.

This law is a stepping stone into the creation of the Great Firewall of Europe. Because even though China is the enemy, it is also the hidden role model of all first world countries.

Which begs the question of. How do chinks obtain porn? They've had this surveillance state for a while. We should learn from their experience, on how to cheat the system.
Just came to this thread about to ask the same thing, it's not just uk (either that or they blocked proxies too). What is this bizarre decision?
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>Muh ESL
Everything isn't about you, amerimutt
>How do chinks obtain porn?
You really spent your time to read a these comments just to type
> reddit spacing

Get a job
given that the UK isn't even in the EU anymore, I doubt this is the real reason, also I have no problem accessing it from the actual EU
i cant access it from the actual eu
>also I have no problem accessing it from the actual EU

Oh lookie you're a retarded newfag because you can't read and don't know what the green maymay arrow is
This is probably it. How the fuck isn't Fakku being cut off from Visa or Mastercard despite selling the same shit as Japanese stores
France and Germany are both fine, without VPN

both with smalllish ISPs though
What's your ISP then?
Can confirm. Tried with German VPNs, some work, most don't.
Likely more of an oversight I guess.
If they would just tell their bloody customers what's wrong.
Also heard the theory that this is jkust some scheme to get VISA/MasterCard back, but that sounds unlikely. Why the EU then? No coherent laws when it comes to this. America would make more sense, since this is were the CCs sit.
It really sounds like they badly misunderstand the Digital Services Act.
>reddit spacing

You can't acess the site with a pizza&pasta IP, just a warning.
That's what happens when you become a country of indians.
All indians should be blocked from the internet.
Germany stopped working now

maybe they're manually entering IP ranges one after another ...
Just got a 403 forbidden while surfing with an American IP.
Seems like there are currently some connection issues with a few US addresses, so the VPN was off without me realizing (it tried to reconnect a few times, and I switched to JP immediatelly anyways).
With a jp connection seems to work
They definitely blocked proxies, none of mine work now.
This seemed really strange to me, they just published a tutorial for dummies about what payment methods are available in Fantia, why right now?
What the hell, they publish this but no explanation of the massive block to the US and europe.

First, this isn't Reddit, you retarded newfag.

Secondly, Japan is a US vassal state.
>You really spent your time to read a these comments just to type
> reddit spacing
Get a job and stop being a damn lazy person.
Looks like Euros are fucked
>We regret to inform you that, due to difficulties in providing the same level of service environment to customers in the EU, the UK, Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein, access to the following “unavailable pages” will be restricted.
>**Unavailable Pages**
>Various content pages (including all posts and products)
>New registration page
Pastafag here, can cofirm that. The page is back but if I try to log-in it will become 403
How have euros not gotten tired of losing at literally everything yet?
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What do you mean anon?
Try again, It should be avaible now.
Yeah I can log-in now, somehow.. (??)
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>"let's block the UK"
>"let's block most of Europe"
>"jk just the UK"
What did they mean by this
Fantia did something based once in a while
what the hell is going on
Ayo it's back??? UK btw
So it's true that people in fantia are running around like headless chickens

Japanese logic in general
Thanks Brexit
Seems like I can buy Toracoin again without VPN.
Hm, still won't do it. And my "address" stays some random US supermarket. And won't even risk going to fantia without VPN.
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I added money to my playasia wallet but how tf do I buy bitcash? There's no 'buy' button.
How come Toranoana's main online store accepts Master/Visa but, their subsidiary Fantia, blocks them?
Toranoana's main site also sells porn so what's with the discrepancies?
That's because they're out of stock. Last time it took them around a week to restock.
You could also try Seagm but I've never used them before so I have no idea if they're reputable or not.

seagm is cheaper


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