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Looks like Liquid is making Sei Dorei Gakuen 3, as well as rereleasing Sei Dorei Gakuen 2, with additional content.

Sei Dorei Gakuen 3: http://liquid.nexton-net.jp/liq42/
Sei Dorei Gakuen 2: Complete Training Edition: http://liquid.nexton-net.jp/liq43/
I'm baffled 2 didn't have a translation (beyond a very rough MTL) considering its one of the best "enslave an entire family and sell them as sex slaves" stories in the biz.
I think that the game is too large (text wise) for a rape type game, for someone to get interested in manually translating it.

It would be a different thing if it would be officially translated, but since it has loli type girls in it, I don't know what are the chances of that happening.
Nice, Sei Dorei Gakuen 2 was really nice, I hope it gets an official English translation soon
Pics of 2 on vndb look very good and is highly rated, I would hope it gets an english release.
1 only got released earlier this year in english though and it doesn't look like its sales are very good... as of now it has 12 steam reviews.
To put this into perspective, eden's ritter has 66 steam reviews and its considered to be a massive bomb and caused waffle to cut ties with shiravune.
Sugoi Visual novel database has a MTL of 2.

its likely all you'll ever get, its worth it, stilted as it is, just for the Matriarch consigning her entire family line to sex slavery forever scene.
Call me when this abortion of a company gets bankrupt as well as all and each of their members executed and broadcasted.
Updated re-release features hand-holding with Maya, hell yeah baby!
Wouldn't Shiravune translate the second one and also this one? I mean they already did the first one of the series (and Kuroinu), it would be logical for them to continue with the rest.
It probably depends on their sales and how much attention they get.

After all, we don't know what kind of condition's were put in the contract between Shiravune and Liquid.

The banner for 3 doesn't look like it has any lolis in it, so that may change that story. (Un)fortunately it does seem to have a reduced cast compared to 2. Hoping it means each character gets more individual attention.


I'm more excited that we're getting more actual scenes with Toa. The bonus stuff with her younger self was OK, but I enjoyed the main game scenes with her in the present more.
>first game
>had only one loli but she stole the show
>second game has multiple ones who are unrivaled best girls
>third game
>nothing but cowtits
Excuse me, but I never played this series and from the premise ou sounds a lot like BISHOP. What is the major difference? Is that in Saint Dorei there is a lot more story, I duplo de?
The rape harem gakuen scenario has existed long before BISHOP even started up as a company. It's one of the most common scenarios in hentai. Are you going to say that Guilty games are also very similar to BISHOP?

BISHOP primarily does 1:1. Protag nabs all of the girls themselves, and they recently have delved into more supernatural ways of breaking the girls in. The protag usually just keeps them to himself at the end of the story.

Seidorei Gakuen series heavily utilizes gangbang and focuses on public humiliation as methods of turning them into fucksluts. The protagonists are also completely detatched from the girls as well. They're products to be sold, not a personal belonging. Since Saint Reido Gakuen, there's also been a decently heavy focus on the actual "auction" scenes where the girls are fucked in front of a crowd while being appraised and sold as a commodity. There's also a common background setting in the form of the Nishiki family being the proprietor of this human trafficking ring, and all of the games are focused on the negative impacts the family has on the lives of those surrounding them, and that extends further than just the women being fucked silly, but also their families and their loved ones.

On a personal level, I also find the writing to be a bit better. BISHOP's dialogue is super repetitive, even outside of the scenes.

One thing that BISHOP games do better though is more scenes of the girls after they've fallen into slavery. A lot of Liquid games solely focus on the process of breaking them in, and don't do a lot of follow-up on what their lives are like after they've fallen, though I guess these Another Episode additional content in the rerelease is supposed to be exactly that.
yea in 2, the entire family gets sold into slavery, including all future children, and their head of the house signs off on it

Can you give me examples that precede them though? It is this like pre-2000 stuff? I'm curious, I want to know what games you are talking about.

They dive deeper into this in Saint Reido Gakuen. The sidestory protagonist ends up impregnating a Nishiki slave, making her damaged goods unfit for sale. The family forces them into giving the unborn daughter into slavery, who ends up being the main heroine in the main game. 18 years later, the main game takes place and the daughter's boyfriend, the protagonist and an otherwise normal guy, is forced into training and mindbreaking her, which he agrees to because it might as well be him instead of other rando pimp and to try to buy her from the family before she's sold off to some rich fat cat. The rest of the game is then spent exploring their relationship and the fucked up situation they're in.

The other thing this shows that is a bit different is that the danger of unexpected pregnancy is actually there. The girls in Guilty games can take on thousands of guys and not once get preggers. The girls in BISHOP games are practically begging for a hun in the bun by the time they get their pregnancy scenes. Their reactions to the pregnancy and the actual impact on their lives is very different from this other games.

You sold me out in this series. Thank you, I guess I was missing something great.
the girls are hotter all around. Nice.
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That teacher looks amazing. I hope her scenes are as good as the blonde one from Gakuen 2.
Also pleasantly surprised to see the milf will get more scenes too, I thought the shitty kids would get more.
Complete Training Ban? I wonder what that entails. I remember that the protagonist had the option of making the family their personal plaything but he refuses. Ban is a term in porn to mean someone refused to do something before. It means in those new scenes he takes that option?
Fuck, I loved breaking the twins in 2 so much.
AI will take care of translations soon enough
Are these really that good? I really liked Sento Reido Gakuen, but I liked it because it wasn't really raping girls into submission but more about training them, and the girls were all pretty much willing participants and everyone was already fully established into the system. Even Shizuku though she wasnt *actually* in on it was a special case and her personality and approach was very interesting.
Not that I really have anything against rape but at this point standard training rapege has kinda gotta have a really compelling story for me not to get bored. Even the flashback part of Saint Reido Gakuen is a mostly boring plot because it's just the standard.
Also I don't care much for Liquid's staple gangbangs, but Saint Reido Gakuen had a lot of one on one and also importantly it was very blowjob-centric which I loved.

It's like, all these games stop when you've trained them. It's kinda like you go through the process of cooking a meal, and then when it comes time to eat you get maybe one bite and they take it away. Whereas playing Saint Reido you are given a fully cooked full course meal and they let you enjoy eating it. Sorta. I dunno

There's also a large suspension of disbelief I need to really accept in these kinds of games that the girls can become totally obedient sex slaves starting from complete rape in a few weeks/months. It's more believable to just do what Saint Reido does and make them groomed into it from a young age or make them too pure to even really understand what's going on and easygoing/naturally submissive.
In fact, in Sento Reido, for the one character in the situation where you have to train while she's reluctant, you get a brutal bad end for being so bold as to think you can just rape her into submission.

On the topic of Bishop, this is also why I like yakata kannou kitan, you go into it and the family already accepts that they're slaves.
I guess I just find the resistance annoying.

In terms of writing, yeah, Saint Reido Gakuen stands out from the rest. The rest follow the formula pretty closely to the T. At the end of the day, they're still nukige. This shit isn't Shakespeare , but there's varying levels of effort into putting together a setting and plot. Unless the premise and the action doesn't suit your tastes enough to get your juices flowing, you're not going to like it.

You're going to have to suspend your disbelief with eroge in general too. You try confining a woman IRL and raping her for months and see if she ends up loving you. Or just the idea that someone is so innately submissive and naive that they wouldn't realize they're being turned into a slave. You gotta draw the line somewhere, and at the end of the day, so long as it gets your rocks off, who cares?

I'll be damned if I said the CGs for 2 aren't pretty though. Nexton seems to be investing a lot into their CG and shading (see the succubus VNs from Dark Nyaa! as other recent examples). These new bonus scenes also look great too. It's a damn shame almost none of their games up until maybe the most recent few have had animated CGs. Praying for the new bonus scenes and the new ones in 3 to have some Akabeisoft-tier animations.
To be honest, I am pretty sure this whole "raping until they believe" is based on brainwashing techniques from cults, the book 1984, and experimental proof of returning POWs from the Korean War. North Korea did this to americans, but using much more violent ways than just war rape.

The secret is that when your mind is in extreme distress, your brain becomes frágile, and you begin to believe in weird things told to you by someone who at least seems to know more. It don't helps most women do feel orgasm from raping, making more rapes unreported because of guilt.

Sex cults are not só different. And no scientist with any ethics will test this on real women.

Reminder domestic abuse victim come up with excuses for abuse too.

That is way IN SDG2 is a important plot point the school is secluded from the external world. Without any external stimuli, the women see no escape and come to accept what the protagonist wants them to do.

Expect SDG3 to be also be set in some kind of closed circle.

Brainwashing is easier than you think.
the intense orgasms being layed on the women, combined with the training, would absolutely make them more submissive, slutty, and compliant, especially since the carrot is "insane series of neverending orgasms" and the stick is "sexual and psychological violence" they'd be in a whirlwind mental state.

in 2 at least, all the women are repressed whores, and the insane sexual situations unleash their repressed natures, by the end, "sex slavery" is just a pretense to them, they know what it means in reality, they will experience mind bending pleasure with big fat cocks, that they've wanted to experience in a nasty submissive way but couldn't.
I wonder how they will make it different this time. Orkis was a misandrist hellhole, will 3 will be like on a conservative rural village or something?
Lol, maybe they will go full on " burn the franchise and run" mode and have the protagonist defeat the Nishikis, get them arrested, and keep the slaves for himself because he is a greedy bastard.

It Just dawned on me maybe the smaller around of heroines is so they can have more one-on-one scenes with the protagonist só he can build trust.

Or maybe have multiple endings só they can either do a 4 later and Just in case Liquid goes down or sales are unsatisfactory the "end the franchise" ending becomes canon.

Like, the only eroge series that reached four are more plot focused like Kyonyuu or not very highquality like Kansen.SDG is neither.
honestly if they did a double path with "exclusive training" and "for sale training" it would be interesting and new.

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