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File: Rapelay.jpg (50 KB, 200x291)
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It's just a boring 3d orgy simulator.
The fact that it has a rape theme and the fact that it was 'mistakenly' attempted to be released to the west, which caused it to become the target of some 'moral' organizations and the resulting 'media attention' caused it's creator some trouble and caused some changes in the eroge industry as a domino effect.
Can this run on windows10?
no but you could upgrade to linux where it works
Name a not a boring 3d sex simulator?
I recall it was like a year after GTA san andreas hot coffee mod drama that caught others attention. Probably public attention would had been different if Illusion name it like most of their other lineups having "safe" titles.

Yes it can but you need to search for patch to fix the frame lag. Think it has something to do with resolution on modern pc
First of all that it's all, second of that normalfags found about it and had a panic. If only they saw the types of eroge topics today.
In what way? Graphics?
Also what makes for a good sex sim gameplay-wise?

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